Global medialiteracy p4

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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William Blake - Auguries of Innocence

To see a world in a grain of sand,

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

And eternity in an hour.



Developing Global Competence

Global competence is the capacity and disposition to understand, and act on, issues of global significance.

(Boix-Mansilla & Jackson, 2010 Draft: Educating for Global Competence)

WHAT IS GLOBAL COMPETENCY?“A global-ready graduate [is] a person with a grasp of global systems,

global issues, the dynamics of how things are interrelated and interconnected in the world, and how society can best address global issues.”- Ron Moffatt, Director of the San Diego State University International Student Center

“The skills to listen, observe and evaluate, analyze, interpret, and relate.”- Darla K. Deardorff, Director of Duke University’s International Education Administrators Assc.

“The ability to be fluent in at least one other language, such as Spanish or Mandarin; fluency with e-commerce and the Internet; a well-versed knowledge of geography; and, maybe most important, some knowledge of the political and cultural history of one or two countries or regions outside of Western Europe.”- Carol Conway, Director of the Southern Global Strategies Council

Global Competence (Ed Steps Project ,


Global Education

•"One World - One Web" by PSD, Creative Commons License on Flickr.com

•Global Awareness? Global Competency?•Curriculum? Who? Where? How? When? What?