Global warming ppt

Post on 07-May-2015

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Roger E. JonesRoger E. Jones

English Teacher, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

B.A., Northwestern University M.A., University of Missouri TESOL, Univ. of California, Los Angeles

Fields of Study: Public Speaking, Writing, International Relations, Art History


• definitions

• issues

• pro / con

• an inconvenient truth

• practice debate

• conclusion

global warming


an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and oceans, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change.


Global Warming Greenhouse Gas The Greenhouse Effect Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change (IPCC) Tradable Pollution Quotas Kyoto Protocol


Temperatures are rising because we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil, and by clearing forests.

• Greenhouse Gas:  A gas which traps the sun's heat:

• Greenhouse Gas:  A gas which traps the sun's heat:

• Water vapor (H2O)

• Carbon dioxide (CO2) - exhaust from cars and power plants.

• Methane (CH4) - from decomposing organic matter.

Carbon dioxide and methane levels are at their highest levels in the past 420,000 years.

The Greenhouse Effect

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

• A scientific body formed in 1988 to evaluate the risk of climate change caused by human activity.

Tradable Pollution Quotas

• A country that wants to exceed its quota of greenhouse emissions can buy part of another country’s quota of polluting gases.

Kyoto Protocol

• A 1997 international treaty designed to limit global greenhouse gas emissions during the years 2008 - 2012.

• Goal: to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions 5% below 1990 levels.

Kyoto Protocol

• The United States and Australia have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol.

• The U.S. is responsible for about a quarter of the emissions that have been blamed for global warming.


Who is responsible?

Most scientists blame industrialization:

Automotive Industry (low fuel economy)

Oil companies (fossil fuels)

Power plants (coal) Agri-business (biofuels,

deforestation, cattle producing methane)

Logging Industry (deforestation)

Consequences of global warming

Catastrophic weather such as

hurricanes will increase.

Melting polar icecaps will raise ocean levels; the Arctic Ocean could be ice free in summer by 2050.

Heat waves, droughts, and wildfires will be more frequent.

Up to 300,000 people a year will die – partly from the spread of tropical diseases.

More than a million species worldwide could be extinct by 2050.


Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet, devastating

coastal areas worldwide.

The future of our coastal cities?

Between 1970 and 2004 global greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 70 %

• From 1971 to 2005 CO2 vehicle emissions rose from 1.8 billion tons per year to 4.6 billion tons per year.

• The average global air temperature rose between 0.5 and 0.74 degrees C during the past century.

• An average 2 degrees C warming is predicted by 2100.

• Sea level has risen between 10 to 25 cm in the last 100 years.

The Earth is getting warmer.

What causes the warming is hotly debated.

The Argument:

Human causes

(Anthropogenic):Carbon dioxide (CO2)

exhaust from cars and power plants.

Methane gas from waste


The Argument:

Natural causes: Some claim the sun is getting hotter. Also, the earth goes through natural cycles of climate change.

Evidence that CO2 is Cause

carbon dioxide vs. global temperature graph

Is Global Warming for Real?


Is it already too late?

an inconvenient truth

• Al Gore

• 2007 Nobel Peace Prize

• Former Vice President of the United States

pro / con

The big debate is political:

Global warming's harmful potential has been proved; now we must prevent it from getting worse.


The evidence is inconclusive; trying to prevent global warming could destroy the economy.

Who is responsible for slowing global warming, and at what cost?

Industrialization is the primary cause of global warming.

Are alternative sources of energy the answer?

The Kyoto Protocol – effective or not?

Industries shouldcut greenhouse gas emissions now.

What are the costs of slowing global warming?

Can you have economic growth and protect the earth at the same time?

Emissionsquota trading

Will it work?

Is unlimited economic growth really desirable?

practice debate

Industrial growth

should be slowed or

limited in order to

curb global warming.   

Topic 1:

Topic 2:

Do newly-developed economies, like India and China, have a right to increase their industrial emissions?

Something to think about:

• Climate change may just be too big

and too vague a problem for

people to want to invest in trying to

solve. People like to fund things

they know will work.

• It will be the political process and

fear of the unknown that will

generate the needed response by

developed countries to mitigate

carbon emissions worldwide, if

this response is generated at all.

Thank you