Glossary - Stage 6 PDHPE ·...

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abrasion superficial skin damage

acclimatisation preparing the body for a particular climatic condition

acute sudden injury

adaptation the human body’s physiological response to training. By applying a greater load, the body will adapt in order to cope with the increased load.

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) high-energy compound that is the basic source of energy for the functions of cells, such as a muscular contraction

advocacy an action aimed at gaining support for a particular cause

aerobic capacity the capacity to maintain work in the aerobic energy system

aerobic pathways chemical pathways that function in the presence of oxygen

aerobic power the capacity to do the most work in the aerobic energy system

agonist the muscle responsible for causing a specific movement

amateur someone who participates in sport without being paid

anabolic steroids the illegal performance-enhancing drugs most closely linked with the development of explosive strength, speed and power

anaerobic pathways chemical pathways that function in the absence of oxygen

ancillary cover private health insurance cover for extras such as physiotherapy, dental and optical services

antagonist a muscle that works in opposition to the movement generated by the agonist

asylum seeker the name given to a person who is seeking protection as a refugee and is still waiting to have a claim assessed

atherosclerosis a condition where plaque forms on the inside of arteries

atrophy decrease in muscle size due to a lack of training stimulus

autonomy independence and freedom to be able to make one’s own decisions

benign a tumour that is not considered harmful

bulk-billing the patient does not pay for the medical service; instead, the medical practitioner directly bills Medicare

cardiac output the volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle of the heart per minute, generally measured in millilitres per minute


chronic prolonged injury

commodification the process by which something that is of no commercial value is turned into something that can be bought or sold

commodity something of value that can be bought or sold

competition act of contesting a game, race or challenge

concentration focusing one’s mental attention on a particular thought process, while ignoring other irrelevant thoughts or events being perceived

conduction transfer of heat to and from the skin via direct contact with an object

connectedness the number and quality of social connections or relationships with family, friends and acquaintances

continuous training an extended, predominately steady-state training session that lasts no less than 15 to 20 minutes

contusion damage to the muscle, resulting in internal bleeding/bruising

convection air moving across the skin’s surface

cultural identity a person’s affiliation with a particular cultural group

determinants factors that determine the health of an individual

direct sustained through external force

dislocation disruption of the alignment of bones within a joint

diuretic used to mask other drugs by rapidly removing excess urine from the body, which assists in the rapid excretion of the illegal drug from the system

empower to equip with an ability

enabling an individual’s control over factors that affect their health

environmental relating to a person’s surroundings

epidemiology the branch of medicine that studies the causes, distribution and determinants of disease in a population

EPO a protein hormone produced in the kidneys, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) within the bone marrow, where it is released into the bloodstream

evaporation loss of heat via sweating

extrinsic motivation any motivational factor that is derived from an external source

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press

348 Glossary

fartlek training involving varying the pace or speed of your run, alternating between fast segments and slow jogs

fast-twitch muscle fibres a muscle fibre type better suited to short bursts of explosive activity that require maximal force production; also known as type II muscle fibre

fracture disruption to the continuity of the outer surface of a bone

glycogen the stored form of glucose, found in the muscles and the liver

glycolysis the breakdown of glucose for fuel

goal-setting the process of establishing achievable and realistic goals, to increase motivation and provide direction to an athlete’s behaviour

haemoglobin an iron-containing protein pigment of red-blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the working cells of the body to assist in aerobic respiration

hard tissue bones and teeth

health literacy the ability to access, read and interpret health-based information, and to then make an informed and relevant decision that supports and promotes good personal health

health status the general pattern of health in a population over a period of time

healthy ageing behaviours that reduce the risk of illness and disease in older people

hypertension high blood pressure

imagery the internal and visual creation or recollection of images and scenarios

incidence the number of new cases of a disease in a population over a period of time

indirect sustained through internal force

inequality difference in outcomes

inequity lack of fairness

infant mortality the number of deaths in the first year of life per 1000 live births

inflammatory response natural response immediately following tissue damage

inter-sectoral working with one or more sectors of society

intrinsic motivation a motivational factor that is derived from within the athlete’s own thought patterns

isometric training movements where neither the joint angle nor muscle length changes during the muscular contraction

kilojoule (kJ) a measurement of energy (sometimes called a calorie, which is equal to 4.2 kJ)

laceration irregular cut into tissue

lactate a substance that is formed when pyruvate picks up hydrogen atoms, to help decrease muscle acidity; metabolised in the liver

lactate threshold (also known as the anaerobic threshold) the level at which the exercise intensity rises to a point where lactate (lactic acid) starts to accumulate in the bloodstream. It is at this point that the exercise is no longer fuelled aerobically, but anaerobically.

legislation laws and rules set by a government or governing authority

lethargy persistent fatigue

life expectancy a measure of how long, on average, a person is expected to live

lung capacity the volume of air capable of being drawn into the lungs as an athlete inhales

lysis the breakdown or decomposition of a cell or substance

macro-cycle the long-term annual plan for the entire season

malignant a tumour that has spread, or has the ability to spread, throughout the body

manliness the qualities ascribed to men, such as strength or bravery

mechanical energy energy involving movement or motion

mediation working to bring about agreement

Medicare government health service that provides equitable health care

Medicare levy tax collected to fund Medicare

Medicare levy surcharge extra tax taken from higher income earners

Medicare safety net a threshold that caps medical expenses annually

metastasis a secondary malignant growth

micro-cycle the smallest block of training, typically comprising a week of training

morbidity the incidence of illness, injury and diseases that do not result in death in a specific population

mortality the number of deaths from a specific cause or in a specific population over a period of time (usually one year)

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press


muscle fibres the functional components of muscles, with a unique ability to shorten and contract, leading to body movement

muscle hypertrophy increase in size and growth of muscle cells, leading to an increase in overall muscle size, strength and power

muscular Christianity nineteenth-century concept of a healthy body combined with fine morals of sportsmanship and leading an actively Christian life

negative motivation any motivational factor that is perceived as undesirable and as something to be avoided

over-training the physical, psychological and emotional state that occurs when the training comprises loads and intensities that exceed the recovery capacity of the athlete, resulting in a decline in fitness and performance

over-use sustained due to repetitive tasks

oxygen uptake the amount of oxygen being taken into the working muscles per minute

patriotism national loyalty, love and support for and defence of one’s country

peaking achieved when the athlete has reached a state of optimal physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual health and well-being

periodisation the manipulating of training loads over time in order to bring about optimal gains in performance

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) a government scheme that subsidises the cost of certain medicines

physical activity any movement by the body that requires expenditure of the skeletal muscles

plyometrics jumps training or ‘plyos’; an example of ballistic training

positive motivation any motivational factor that is perceived as desirable and as something worthy of personal investment to achieve

prevalence the total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific point in time

professional players who receive payments for playing a sport, or make it their livelihood

public policy guidelines, plans and proposed courses of action, that will influence decisions, actions and other matters that affect the wider community

pyruvate the substance resulting from glycolysis

radiation transfer of heat to and from the atmosphere

relaxation the use of specific techniques to help calm an over-emotive athlete, suffering from high levels of stress, anxiety or arousal

repetition maximum the number of repetitions you can perform with a given weight before muscular failure

resilience the ability to ‘bounce back’, recover and respond positively to challenging, stressful and traumatic situations

resting heart rate the number of times a person’s heart beats per minute while at complete rest

resynthesis to recombine broken and separated components back together in their original form

RICER method for treating soft-tissue injuries

self-concept the belief a person has in their own strengths, abilities, personality and status; a sense of the kind of person you are

self-esteem the level of respect and satisfaction people feel about themselves

self-identity recognition, awareness and acceptance of the qualities and characteristics that make an individual feel unique

self-sufficiency ability to survive and provide for your own needs without the help of others

self-worth a person’s inner belief in their own value and place in the world, and that they are worthy of esteem and respect from others

sexism attitudes that stereotype people according to their gender, rather than judging them on individual worth

sexploitation forms of marketing, promotion or attempts to gain media coverage that focus attention on the sexual attributes of female athletes

slow-twitch muscle fibres a type of muscle fibre better suited to endurance activities that require a low force production over a longer duration; also known as type I muscle fibre

social justice justice based on human rights – equity, diversity and supportive environments

soft tissue muscles, tendons, ligaments and skin

sport an activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and is often undertaken competitively

sprain tear that occurs in the ligaments

state anxiety feelings of anxiety related to a specific game or event

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press

350 Glossary

strain tear that occurs in the muscles or tendons

stress a psychological and physiological reaction to a perceived threat

stroke volume the volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle of the heart during each systemic contraction, measured in millilitres per beat

subluxation a dislocation that immediately realigns

tapering a period of reduced training load in the days and weeks leading up to the main competition in an attempt to promote ‘peak’ performance at the most vital time

thermoregulation ability of the body to maintain its temperature within normal limits

TOTAPS method for assessing injuries

trait anxiety the genetic predisposition and proclivity an athlete has towards increased anxiousness and nervousness

visualisation creating and focusing on a range of positive mental images and experiences, to achieve specific psychological benefits

VO2 max the maximum amount of oxygen a person’s body can absorb during exercise, measured in millilitres of oxygen per kilogram per minute absorbed into the muscles

Multiple-choice answersChapter 1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 C

Chapter 2 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 D 7 A 8 D 9 C 10 B

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press


Indexability 147–8

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guide to healthy eating 18–19

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

addressing health inequities 18

campaigns targeting health 18

cancer rates 331–2

cardiovascular disease 331

causes of death 15–16

Close the Gap campaign 9, 18

dementia 332

dental health 332

diabetes 332

educational attainment 17

family structure 17

famous sportspeople 222

government interventions 333

health conditions 16–17

health inequities 14–15

home ownership rates 17

impact of health determinants 333

income level 17

Indigenous versions of national health-promotion campaigns 18–19

infant mortality rate 331

injury deaths 332

kidney disease 332

life expectancy 331

meaning of physical activity and sport 220–3

mortality rates 331

socio-cultural, socio-economic and environmental determinants 17–18, 333

sport, community and identity 222–5

traditional activities and sports 220–2

unemployment rates 17

young people’s health 172

abrasions 243, 244

acclimatistion 258, 261

acupuncture 59

acute injuries 242

adaptation 273

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 76, 77–8

advocacy 62, 343

aerobic energy system 81–5

aerobic pathways 78

aerobic performance, drug use to enhance 317

aerobic training 86–9, 283–7

Aged Care Assessment Team 336

aged people

health inequities 335

impact of health determinants 335

ageing population

availability of carers and volunteers 44

causes 42

challenges of 41–2

and chronic disease and disability 43

demand for health services 43–4

healthy ageing 42–3

workforce shortages 43–4

agonists 274

alactacid system (ATP/PC) 78–9

alcohol consumption

to mask other drug use 318–19

young people 183–4

amateur sport 205–6

anabolic steroids 315–16

anaerobic pathways 78

anaerobic power 288

anaerobic speed 289–90

anaerobic training 89–90, 287–94

ancillary cover 57

angina 24

anorexia 189

antagonists 274

anticipation ability 153


management strategies 118–21

and performance 114–17

stress 116–17

trait and state anxiety 114–16

aromatheraphy 59

arousal, and performance 117–18

associative stage of skill acquisition 146


management 249

prevalence 10, 35

asylum seekers 22

atherosclerosis 25

athletes, dietary requirements 129–30

athletes’ well-being

enhancing through preventative action 255–62

environmental considerations 258–61

physical preparation 255–6

sports policy and sports environment 256–8

taping and bandaging 261–2

attention skills 119–20

attitudes and behaviours, and young people’s health 168

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating 125

Australian sporting identity 215–16

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASDA) 319

autonomous stage (skill acquisition) 146–7

autonomy 163, 176–7

avoidable deaths, Indigenous and non-Indigenous 16

Ayurvedic medicine 59

ballistic stretching 90–1, 296

bandaging 252

barbells 276, 278

behavioural boundaries, determining 179–80

benign tumours 28

Better Life Index 2

The Big Issue 333

binge eating disorder 190

biomechanical analysis 322

blisters 244

the body, ways of thinking about 225

body image, and young people’s health 188–90

body-weight exercises 279–80

bone density 253, 254

bowel cancer 29

Bowen therapy 59

breast cancer 28, 29, 30–1, 31

breast screening program 30

breathing exercises 143

bulimia 189–90

caffeine 132–5

cancer 10

at risk groups 31–2

Indigenous peoples 331–2

nature of 27–8

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press

352 Index

prevalence 28–30

risk factors and protective factors 30–1

socio-cultural, socio-economic and environmental determinants 31

carbohydrate loading 127–8

carbohydrate snacks 140

carbohydrates 82

carcinomas 28

cardiac output 99, 100–3

cardiovascular disease (CVD)

at risk groups 27

extent of and trends in 25–6

Indigenous peoples 331

nature of 24–5

prevalence 10

related conditions 26

risk factors and protective factors 26

socio-cultural, socio-economic and environmental determinants 26–7

cardiovascular health statistics 24

child abuse 171

children, physical needs and capabilities 249–52

chiropractic 59

chronic disease

and ageing population 43

prevalence of 23–4

chronic injuries 242

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 34, 35

circuit training 88–9

climatic conditions 259–60

Close the Gap campaign 9, 18

closed skills 148

cognitive stage of skill acquisition 146

cold compression 263

cold-water immersion 142

Commonwealth government

funding of sport 216–19

health-related responsibilities 49–50

health promotion 61

communication skills 194

community action, strengthening 64

community health services 48–9

community participation, and young people’s health 171

community service 196–7

competition (sport) 206, 224

complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)

making informed consumer choices 60

range of products and services 59–60

reasons for growth of 58–9

complicated fractures 247

compound fractures 247

compression garments 144

concentration/attention skills 119–20

concurrent feedback 152

conditioning 311–12

conduction 259

confidence 147

connectedness 171, 191–2

consistency (ability) 153

continuous skills 149

continuous training 86, 87, 283–4

contusions 243

convection 258

cool-downs 98, 139, 256, 311

coping skills 192–3

coronary heart disease 24

creatine products 135–6

cryogenic chamber therapy 142

cultural identity, and sport and physical activity 224–5

cultural and linguistic diversity, and health inequities 336–7

daily living conditions, and health inequities 328

death, leading causes 4, 5

delayed feedback 152

dementia 332

dental health 332

determinants of health 61


at risk groups 34

and CVD 26

gestational diabetes 32

Indigenous peoples 332

management in children and young people 249–50

nature and types 32

prevalence 10, 33

risk factors and protective factors 33

socio-cultural, socio-economic and environmental determinants 33–4

type 1 32

type 2 32

dietary requirements, of athletes 129–30

direct costs, of ill-health 12


and ageing population 43

health inequities 23, 338–9

disability adjusted life years (DALYs) 11, 12

disadvantaged communities, empowering 343

discrete skills 149

discrimination, and health inequities 330

dislocations 247

distributed practice 151

diuretics 318

diversity, and health inequities 336–7

drill practice 299–300

drug testing, benefits and limitations 319–20

drug use

dangers of performance-enhancing drugs 315

to mask other drugs 316–17

dumbbells 276

Durack, Fanny 207

dynamic flexibility 296

dynamic stretching 92, 296

eating disorders 189–90, 253

education, and young people’s health 172–3

education pathways 177–8

elastic resistance training 274

elderly people, health inequities 22–3

employment, and young people’s health 172

employment pathways 177–8

empowerment 343

enablement 342

endurance training 100

energy systems

aerobic energy system 81–5

alactacid system (ATP/PC) 78–9

lactic acid system 79–81

overview 76–8

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press



aged people 336

definition 2


incarcerated people 335

Indigenous peoples 331–3

measures of 4–8

people from diverse backgrounds 336–7

role of 2–4

young people’s health 164–6

epilepsy 250–1

erythropoietin (EPO) 317

ethical issues

benefits and limitations of drug testing 319–20

and improving performance 315–25

performance-enhancing drug use 315–19

use of technology 320–5

ethnicity, and young people’s health 171–2

evaluation 312

evaporation 259

experience, and skill acquisition 147

external feedback 152

externally-paced skills 150

extreme sports, as entertainment 230–2

extrinsic motivation 114

family influence, on young people 163

fartlek training 86, 87, 284, 285

fast swimsuits 322–3

fast-twitch muscle fibres 100, 108–9, 110–12

fast/slow-twitch muscle fibres 100, 108–12

fats 82–3


and skill acquisition 151–2

types 152

femininity, and sport 234–5, 237

fine motor skills 148–9

flexibility 253

flexibility training 90–2, 294–7

flotation 144

fluid intake see hydration

foam rollers 142

focusing 119–20

fractures 247, 253

free weights 94

Freeman, Cathy 215

future, sense of 197–8


modified or small-sided 300–1

for specific outcomes 301


and sport 234–8

and young people’s health 168

general practitioners (GPs) 48

geographic location, and young people’s health 173

global event, influence on young people 163–4

Global Positioning System (GPS) 320

glycolysis 78

glyocogen 79

goal-setting 122–4

golf balls 323, 325

graduated exercise 263

gross motor skills 148

haemoglobin levels 100, 106–7

hard-tissue injuries 242, 247

health care

actions that improve health 342–3

in Australia 45–58

facilities and services 46–9

government accountabilities 45, 49–51

impact of emerging technologies and treatments 54–6

pathways through health system 46

responsibility for facilities and services 49–51

health-care expenditure 13

and early intervention and prevention 52–3

funding 49–51

health determinants

encouraging economic and cultural change 343–4

impact on aged people 335

impact on homeless people 334

impact on incarcerated people 335

impact on Indigenous peoples 333

impact on people with disabilities 339

impact on people from diverse backgrounds 336

impact on people with HIV/AIDS 334

impact on remote populations 338

impact on unemployed people 337

Health Direct Australia 21

health funding

limited resources 342

sources of 340–1

for specific populations 341–2

to improve health 340

health inequities

and access to services and transport 329–30

aged people 336

bridging the gap 340–5

and daily living conditions 328

disadvantaged groups 331–9

factors creating 328–30

geographically remote populations 338

government policies and priorities 330

groups experiencing 14–23

homeless people 333–4

incarcerated people 335

Indigenous peoples 14–15, 331–3

people with disabilities 23, 338–9

people from diverse backgrounds 336–7

people living with HIV/AIDS 334–5

and quality of early years of life 329

social attributes 330

social justice framework for addressing 343–4

socio-economic factors 330

unemployed people 337

health insurance 56–8

health literacy 62, 193

health priorities in Australia

actions needed to address 61–70

costs to individual and community 12–13

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press

354 Index

identification of 2–13

and potential for prevention and early intervention 10–12

and prevalence of condition 10

priority population groups 9–10

social justice principles 9

health promotion

based on Ottawa Charter 61–70

benefits of partnerships 62–3

characteristics of effective strategies 344–5

initiative targeting young people 199–200

levels of responsibility 61–2

and social justice 63–4

health service accessibility

and equity 51–2, 329–30

improving 343

for young people 194–6

health services

categories 47

reorienting 64

responsibility for 49–51

health status

definition 7

measuring 2–8

self-assessed 14

snapshot of Australia 2

health surveys and reports 7

healthy ageing 42–3

heart attacks 24

heart conditions, management in adults and aged athletes 252–3

heat, use in rehabilitation 263–4

hematopoietic cancers 28

herbalism 59


and athletic ability 147

and young people’s health 166


health inequities 334–5

impact of health determinants 334

Home and Community Care program 44, 336

homeless people 333–4

homelessness 171

homeopathy 59–60

hospitalisation data 7

hospitals 47–8

human growth hormone 315, 317


during performance 128–9

following training or performance 139

guidelines 260–1

hydraulic machines 95–6, 274–5

hydrotherapy 141

hypertension 26

hyponatraemia 129

ice pack therapy 142

imagery 120–1

in-season phase, planning for 305

incarcerated people, health inequities 335

incidence of disease 9

indirect costs, of ill-health 12–13

infant mortality 6, 331

inflammatory response 243, 244–6


at risk groups 39

children 37

Indigenous peoples 332

nature of injuries 35–6

prevalence of 10, 36–7

risk factors and protective factors 38–9

socio-cultural, socio-economic and environmental determinants 39

suicide 39

transport-related 37

see also sports injuries

injury rehabilitation

managing 263–5

procedures 263–4

returning to play 264–5

internal feedback 152

intersectoral collaboration 53, 344

interval training 86

intrinsic motivation 114

iron deficiency 254

isokinetic contractions 93–4

isometric contractions 93

isometric training 280

isotonic contractions 93

joint mobility 253

judging criteria, performance measurement 154–5

Kellerman, Annette 207, 208

kettlebells 279

kidney disease 26, 332

kilojoules (kJ) 77

kinaesthetic sense 153

lacerations 243, 244

lactate 81

lactate threshold testing 321–2

lactic acid system 79–81

learners, characteristics of 147–8

legislation, affecting young people’s health 199

lethargy 313

life expectancy 2, 7–8, 331

life pathways, establishing 177–8

lifting speed (strength training) 272–3

local governments

health promotion 62

health-care services 51

long-interval training 285–7

lung cancer 29, 31

lung capacity 100, 103–5

macro-cycles 306

malignant tumours 29

manliness 205

masculinity, and sport 234–5, 237

mass media, and sport 226–33

massage 141

massed practice 151

mechanical energy 77

media coverage of sport

and changes to sporting rules 226–7

differences across sports and media 229–30

economic considerations 227–9

extreme sports as entertainment 230–2

gender bias 236

media representations

of aged people 335, 336

of culturally diverse people 337

of incarcerated people 335

of Indigenous communities 333

influence on social attitudes and public policy 333

and masculinity and femininity in sport 237

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press


of people with disabilities 338–9

of people living with HIV/AIDS 335

representations, of unemployed people 337

of rural and remote living 338

of sport 226–7

mediation 342

Medicare 47, 51, 56–7, 340

Medicare levy 56

Medicare levy surcharge 56

Medicare Locals 51

Medicare safety net 56

Medicare statistics 7

meditation 143

mental approach 153–4

mental health problems and illnesses

among young people 181–3

nature of 40

prevalence 10, 41

socio-cultural, socio-economic and environmental determinants 41

Mental Health Services in Rural and Remote Areas program 21

mental imagery 143

mental rehearsal 120–1

meso-cycles 306

metastasis 28

micro-cycles 306

MindMatters 192

minerals 131

Mobile Dental Service 21

modified games 300–1


measuring 6–7

young people 165–6


from cancer 29

Indigenous peoples 331

measuring 4–6

of young people 164–5


and performance 113–14

strategies to enhance 118–21

muscle atrophy 108

muscle contractions, types 92

muscle fibres 100, 109

muscle hypertrophy 100, 107–8

muscular Christianity 205

music, as recovery method 144

national identity, and sport 215–25

National Immunisation Program 49

National Strategy for an Ageing Australia 43–4

naturopathy 60

negative motivation 113

neural recovery strategies 140

NSW Tobacco Strategy 2012–17 64–6

nursing homes 48

nutrients, energy values, forms and locations 76


carbohydrate loading 127–8

during performance 128–9

effects on performance 125–30

post-performance 129–30

pre-event meals 126–7

pre-performance 125–8

and recovery 139–40

and young people’s health 169–70


and CVD 26

and young people’s health 169

off-season phase, planning for 305

Olympic Games

economic impact of 2012 Games 212–13

sport and national identity 215

open skills 148

optimum arousal 117–18

order of exercise (strength training) 271–2

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Better Life Index 2

osteopathy 60

Ottawa Charter, as basis for health promotion 61–70

over-hydration, during performance 128–9

over-training 137–8, 303, 312–14

over-use injuries 242–3, 251

overseas-born people, health inequities 21–2

overweight, and young people’s health 169

oxygen uptake 96, 103–5

part practice 151

Patient-Assisted Travel Schemes 21

patriotism 205

peaking 306–7

peer influence, on young people 163

peptide hormones 316–17


assessment 152–3

and dietary supplementation 131–6

effects of training 76–112

impact of psychology 113–24

impact of skills acquisition 146–55

nutritional considerations 125–30

objective and subjective measures 154–5

recovery strategies 136–45

performance improvement

aerobic training 283–7

anaerobic training 287–94

ethical considerations 315–25

flexibility training 294–7

planning considerations 302–14

resistance training 273–5

skills training 298–301

strength training 270–3

training for 270–301

weight training 276–82

performance-enhancing drugs 315–18


and strength training 273

for training year 304

peripheral vascular disease 24

Perkins, Kieran 215

personal skills, developing 63–4

personal support structures 178–9

personality 147

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 51

physical activity

changing meanings 204–14

and cultural identity 224–5

definition 204

meaning to Indigenous Australians 220–3

relationship to health 225

ways of thinking about the body 225

and young people’s health 170

physical fitness 255–6

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press

356 Index

planning for improved performance

avoiding over-training 312–14

climate and season 304

conditioning 311–12

designing training sessions 308–11

evaluation 312

in-season phase 305

initial considerations 302–8

macro- and micro-cycles 306

off-season phase 305

peaking 306–7

performance and fitness needs 302

periodisation 304

pre-season phase 304–5

schedule of events/competitions 303

skill and instruction practice 311

sport-specific sub-phases 308

tapering 307–8

plyometrics 290–1, 293

PNF stretching 91

politics, and sport 219–20

population, population pyramid of Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations 15

positive motivation 113

power development 290


guidelines for effectiveness 311

and skill acquisition 151

pre-screening, of athletes 255

pre-season planning 304–5

pregnancy, and exercise 254

prevalence of condition 10

prevalence of disease 7

preventative taping 251

private health insurance 57–8, 340

private hospitals 48

private sector, health services 51

professional sport

development 108–9

vs amateur sport 205–6

progressive mobilisation 263

progressive muscle relaxation 143

progressive overload 96, 108

prostate cancer 28, 29

protective sports equipment 257

protein 83, 132

protein snacks 140

psychiatric hospitals 48

puberty, physical changes 162

public health 49

public hospitals 47–8

public policy

building healthy policy 64

and health inequities 330

and young people’s health 199

pyruvate 80

quality of life, in early years 329

radiation 258

rate of perceived exertion (RPE) 313

recovery strategies

following performance 136–45

long-term recovery 138–9

NRL recovery protocol 145

over-training and under-recovering 137–8

physiological strategies 139–43

psychological strategies 143–4

relationships, revising roles 174–6

relaxation 90

relaxation techniques 121–2

reliability (performance measures) 154

remote populations, health inequities 320, 338

repetition maximum (weight training) 276

repetitions (strength training) 270

resilience 178, 192–3

resistance bands 94–5

resistance training 271

for children or young athletes 251–2

developing power 290, 292

for improved performance 273–5

respiratory diseases

at risk groups 35

nature of 34–5

prevalence 35

resting heart rate 99, 100

resynthesis 78

reversibility (training) 97, 108

RICER method 244, 245

road safety, and young people’s health 185, 186

rules, sports and activities 256–7

rural and remote populations

addressing health inequities 21

health inequities 19–20, 338

socio-cultural, socio-economic and environmental determinants 20–1

sarcomas 28

school relationships, and health 171

self-concept, building 191

self-esteem 163

self-identity 176

self-paced skills 149–50

self-sufficiency, developing 176–7

self-worth 176

serial skills 149

sets (strength training) 270–1

sexism 207

sexual and reproductive health, young people 170–1, 186–8

Shape Up Australia 2013–14 66–70

short-interval training 291, 294, 295

simple fractures 247

skill acquisition

characteristics of learners 147–8

feedback 151–2

impact on performance 146–55

learning environment 148–52

and nature of skill 148–50

performance elements 150–1

practice method 151

stages 146–7

skill assessment 152–3

skill instruction 311

skilled performers, characteristics of 153–4

skills, types 148–50

skills training 298–301

skin cancer 29, 30, 32

sleep, and young people’s health 171

slow-twitch muscle fibres 100, 108, 109–10

small-sided games 300–1

SMARTER goal-setting 123

smoking see tobacco smoking

social action, targeting young people’s health 198–9

social capital 171

social justice

framework for addressing health inequities 343–4

and health promotion 63–4

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press


social justice principles, and health priorities 9

socio-economic factors, and health inequities 330

socio-economic status, and young people’s health 172

socio-economically disadvantaged people, health inequities 19

soft-tissue injuries 242, 243–6

specificity (training) 96–7, 108

speed develompent 289–90

spirometry breathing test 102

sponsorship, of sport 209–10, 236


advertising 209–10

amateur vs professional 205–6

beginnings of modern sport 204–8

as big business 209

challenges to male domain 237–8

changing meanings 204–14

as a commodity 208–11

consequences of commodification for spectators and participants 211–14

and construction of masculinity and femininity 234–5

and cultural identity 224–5

definition 204

dissemination of values and beliefs about 226–33

economic considerations of media coverage 227–9

economic impact of 2012 London Olymics 212–13

and gender 234–8

government funding 216–19

links with manliness, patriotism and character 205

links to national and cultural identity 215–25

and mass media 226–33

meaning to Indigenous Australians 220–3

and politics 219–20

relationship to health 225

representation in media 226–7

rules 256–7

rural and regional rivalries 216

sponsorship 209–10, 236

as traditionally male domain 234–6

women’s participation 206–8, 235–6, 236–7

see also media coverage of sport

sporting equipment

and safety 257

technological advances 322–5

sporting events, economics of hosting 210–11

sports environment 256–8

sports grounds, and safety 257–8

sports injuries

assessment 247–8

classification 242–3

direct 242

hard-tissue injuries 242, 247

indirect 242

over-use injuries 242–3

soft-tissue injuries 242, 243–6

sports injury management

rehabilitation procedures 263–4

returning to play 264–5

sports massage techniques 141

sports medicine

adults and aged athletes 252–3

assessing demands of specific athletes 249–54

children and young athletes 249–52

female athletes 253–5

sports policy 256–8

sports technology innovations

equipment advances 322–3, 325

examples 324

use in training 320–2

sprains 243

state anxiety 115–16

state/territory governments

health promotion 61–2

health-care services 50

static stretching 90, 295

strains 242

strength, drug use to enhance 315–17

strength training 92–6, 270–3

strength/conditioning 263


and exercise 86

and performance 116–17

stretches 297

stretching 90–2, 256, 263

stroke 24

stroke volume (blood) 99, 100–3

subluxations 247

substance abuse, and young people’s health 169

suicide 39

sun protection, and young people’s health 170

supplementation, and performance 131–6

support networks, developing 191–2

Switzer, Kathrine 206

tapering 307–8

technique 153


advancements in sport 324

influence on young people 164

see also sports technology

temperature regulation 258–9

testosterone 315–16

thermoregulation 251

tissue-damage strategies 142

tobacco smoking

and CVD 26

NSW Tobacco Strategy 64–6

Tomkins, James 215

Tomorrow People campaign 19

total body fitness 263

TOTAPS method 247, 248


aerobic training 86–9

anaerobic training 89–90

common motivations 99

during rehabilitation 263

flexibility training 90–2

for improved performance 270–301

monitoring training loads 313

over-training 137–8

physiological adaptations in response to 99–112

principles 96–8

relationship between strength, speed and endurance 86

sports technology innovations 320–2

strength training 92–6

types and methods 85–96

under-recovering 137

warm-up and cool-down 98

training loads, intensity 313

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press

358 Index

training pathways 177–8

training sessions

designing 308–11

health and safety considerations 308–9

overview of session for athletes 309

warm-up and cool-down 309–11

training thresholds 97–8

trait anxiety 115, 116

trends, influence on young people 163–4

under-recovering 137

unemployed people, health inequities 337

uniform training 283–4

validity (performance measures) 154

variety (training) 97, 108

violence, young people’s exposure to 184–5

visualisation 120–1, 143

vitamin/mineral supplementation 131–2

vitamins 131

VO2 max 88, 98, 105

waist-to-hip ratio 26

warm-ups 98, 108, 256, 309–11

weight machines 94

weight training

developing power 290

exercises used by Rugby League players 282

for improved performance 276–80

safety considerations 281

weight-stack resistance-training machines 276–7

weight-training equipment 276–9

weight-training plates 278

wellness monitoring 144

whole practice 151

women, participation in sport 206–8, 235–6, 236–7

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 319

Wylie, Wilhelmina 207

young athletes, physical needs and capabilities 249–52

young people’s health

actions targeting relevant issues 198–200

alcohol consumption 183–4

and attitudes and behaviours 168

and body image 188–90

compared to other age groups 166, 168

developmental aspects 174–80

effects of determinants 166–73

environmental factors 173

epidemiology 164–6

and gender 168

health status 167

and heredity 166

individual factors 166–71

major health issues 181–90

mental health problems and illesses 181–3

and nature of young people’s lives 162–4

and nutrition 169–70

and obesity and overweight 169

and physical activity 170

physical changes during puberty 162

and road safety 185, 186

sexual and reproductive health 170–1, 186–8

skills in attaining better health 191–8

and sleep 171

socio-cultural factors 171–2

socio-economic factors 172–3

and substance abuse 169

and sun protection 170

and violence 184–6

youth culture, influence on young people 163

ISBN 978-1-107-43512-4 © Hawgood, James, Clark, McCudden, Osborn, Ponsen 2014 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

Cambridge University Press