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Post on 05-Sep-2014

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I’m Kimberly Snyder…

I’m a nutritionist that specializes in helping A-List Celebrities lose weight and look amazing for their movie roles

and Red Carpet Appearances…

And in this free presentation, I’m going to show you the secret tricks celebrities use when they

have to look good fast…

And how they trim their waistline for sexy washboard abs even when they don’t have time to

work out…

If you’ve looked at one of those beautiful stars and thought “It’s not fair they look like that!”…

you’re right!

It’s not fair because… they have a secret to stunning beauty that has been kept from the public

until now…

And it’s not following some crazy expensive diet or hiring world-

class personal trainers…

At first, you might think…

“These celebrities already look good… Why do they need Kim’s


Well, I have a BIG SECRET to tell you about the Hollywood


You may imagine that being a movie star, pop singer, or model

is fun and easy…

But it can be rough… and the pressure can be crushing!

In the celebrity world, there are always people conspiring to tear

you down for the slightest mistake in how you look…

The moment one of Hollywood’s ‘darlings’ goes out to buy

groceries, the paparazzi starts snapping photos…

Looking for a bad hair day… a bulge in the tummy… a hint of


Then the tabloids start writing about how their beauty is


Fans start Tweeting about how they saw a pop star looking

haggard at the local Starbucks……

Even a simple pimple can damage careers…

So if you are an A-List star, you literally cannot afford to be even

2 pounds overweight…

You also can’t afford to be in only “decent” shape, since the bar is

raised so high…

You can’t even afford to age at a normal rate… because you’re expected to always look 5-10 years younger than you really


Every wrinkle is judged 5 times harder…

And having a great make-up artist or wardrobe is not

enough… because there’s always that paparazzi outside

catching you off guard…

In fact… Tabloids will intentionally try to snap unflattering photos of them stepping outside at 6am to get their newspaper… and then

put it in an article titled:

“EXPOSED: Celebrities Without Makeup!”

And if there’s even a slight dip in their reputation at the wrong

time… it can cost literally millions of dollars in movie

deals and modeling contracts…

It’s more pressure than anyone should bear…

To make things harder… they are very busy people who don’t

always have the time to work out…

Plus, they sometimes only have a couple weeks to prepare their

bodies for an audition or interview…

So when they need insanely fast results… that won’t compromise

their health…

That’s when they pick up the phone and call me…

Because I have the fastest working natural beauty plan that

needs no exercise…

And I can tell them how to improve their beauty in every

area of their body… not just the waistline…

See… just about every diet out there is limited to losing weight…

Remember that celebrities are expected to look beautiful in

every way…

So being skinny will never be enough…

The diet programs available to the public don’t make your skin

smooth or add shine to your hair…

Even the most amazing workout can’t give you a sexier smile, or slow down your aging, or make your eyes seem to sparkle……

They’re just not designed to do that…

But my clients report getting more compliments on every part of their body since following this

natural beauty plan…

So why am I sharing these secrets with you?

Well, originally when I started working with Hollywood stars…

My goal was to have celebrities set an example by eating healthy natural foods… so the rest of the world would catch on and have

the same results…

But it backfired!… Much to my shock and horror…the opposite

started happening…

More models and actors started using my health & beauty


But it was being kept as a secret… for only people working

in Hollywood…

Now, celebrities were getting even more beautiful…

While the rest of the world was staying the same… or getting worse from diet and exercise plans that just don’t work…

I was horrified that there was now a bigger barrier between the

“have’s” and the “have not’s”….

And that I was part of the problem!

I saw little girls going on starvation diets so they could look like their favorite movie


And I’d see women needlessly injecting Botox into their faces…

They were permanently ruining their faces with a ‘plastic’ look just so they could look a little


I watched as scummy marketers sold fake Acai supplements to health-conscious people who were really trying to heal their

bodies and look good…

These scams promised people they would look like beauty

queens, and then robbed them of their hard-earned money…

I couldn’t help but feel nauseatingly guilty that I could be partly responsible for this…

Because my work with celebrities was raising the bar for what

“beautiful” looks like… without giving the rest of the world the

tools to do the same…

My plan was to make beauty and health to look easier to get… not


So today I am going to take a stand and reverse this trend…

I’m going to make sure that people like you have the same beauty resources that movie stars and models quietly talk

about backstage…

And that way… you and I can help show the world how much

slimmer and prettier they can be with the right knowledge…

Without needing to take pills… or go to the gym… or even be


I’m going to reveal everything right now… no matter what

happens in my career…

I just hope that you’ll use this information I share today…

Because it’s the only safe way I know to get startlingly fast

changes in your skin, face, hips, and entire body…

And believe me… in case you think I was always fit… You should know I learned these

natural beauty secrets the hard way…

It’s true… I went through a very dark period before I discovered


Back when I used to live in Australia, I was 30 pounds

overweight and… I hate to say it… unattractive in every way…

I felt way too old to have

zits… but here I was at age 24 with acne all

over my face…

With my flabby stomach, sagging hips, and oily complexion, I just

felt ugly…

Forget wearing a swimsuit… I didn’t even want to go to a party

where people would see me close up…

And I found myself avoiding dating… because I was scared of

what a man would think if he caught me without my heavy

make-up on…

Sometimes people would assume I was 10 years older…

I couldn’t blame them, because my hair was so brittle I would probably look old to anyone…

It was humiliating and heartbreaking… and I wanted to cry every time I was rejected over

my looks…

And that only scratches the surface of how awful I felt in


My energy was so low… and I was fatigued all the time… no

matter how much coffee I had in the morning…

This made it harder for me to work and build my career…

because I was too tired to do a good job…

Between that and how embarrassed I was about my

appearance, I was miserable and hating life…

Especially since I was trying so hard to lose weight with no


First I tried eating “health food” like soy burgers… fat free milk… yogurt… veggie sandwiches…

And nothing changed…

I tried working out too... even though I was so fatigued that I could barely drag myself to the


That didn’t work either...

Sometime I would lose some weight… and I would get

excited… but then be heartbroken when it all came


But I’d keep trying… diet after diet…

I tried meal plans where you count calories… or count carbs…

or count “points”…

I tried tough workout plans… running… aerobics…

And no matter what I did, I couldn’t get any permanent


Every diet plan brought me failure and disappointment… and I became more depressed each time I’d look down at my tummy

and see all that ugly flab…

I was about ready to just give up and accept that I would always

be overweight… always be acne-ridden… and never be one of

those pretty girls I hoped I could be…

But then everything changed…

At the gym, I spotted a flyer for a Nutritional Detox Center in

Sydney, Australia.

I figured I might as well give it a shot and drove over…

When I walked in, I was greeted by a gorgeous… absolutely stunning forty-five year old

woman with lovely captivating eyes…

I knew instantly that if I could look half as good as she did, I would

follow whatever she said…

Just looking at my face and body, she instantly knew that my

problem was trapped toxins… and that’s why nothing seemed to

be working…

She also could tell right away that I was bloated and gassy… which I didn’t even think was related to my weight and skin problems.

Once I started following her instructions, incredible changes happened almost overnight…

My acne just vanished… my skin got irresistibly smooth and soft… I didn’t even need to put lotion on


My brittle hair turned wonderfully soft and my hair started to have a sexy “bounce” when I turned my head… and I found that I didn’t

really need conditioner anymore…

And to my amazement…my waistline shrunk so fast I had to

rush to buy new clothes (because nothing would fit!)

I never imagined I would see inches and pounds disappearing

at this rate… all while I wasn’t exercising and was never


As an added bonus… I stopped needing coffee… I could still

enjoy a cup of java if I wanted too… but it wasn’t something I

needed to stay awake anymore…

My energy… and my happiness… were just bubbling

through the roof!

Needless to say, I was sold that this “detox” thing worked… and I

wanted to find out everything about how our bodies really


And most of all… I wanted to help people like you do the same


So for the next five years… I traveled the world… including

Laos, China, Nepal, India, Zimbabwe, and Botswana…

I traveled to over 50 countries to learn how natural beauty works and how to achieve it the fastest without harsh diets or exercise…

Once I got back to the United States, I started a health &

beauty company and quickly got the attention of the media and

Hollywood world…

And that’s why I ended up working with A-List celebrities…

because if you need to look good for a movie… you need the

fastest and most effective method possible…

And these actors and models want to be successful long term, so “quick fixes” just won’t work…

They need to keep the fat off for good… and keep their face and

skin as breathtaking as possible…

So how’s my life now?

I feel like I’ve become a new

woman and feel amazing… inside

and out.

I think you can see the difference

My skin is constantly soft

and smooth without lotion…

I get compliments on how I look everywhere I go… even when

wearing no makeup…

And I don’t even have think about

my weight… ever.

As a nice side benefit… I have a wonderful relationship with my


Looks aren’t everything, of course, but it’s great to know my

partner truly thinks I’m beautiful…

And it’s all from following the Glowing Lean habits that I am

going to share with you…

And I’m not the only “non-celebrity” that Glowing Lean has

worked for…

There’s my friend Cindy Collage… who also had a remarkable facial


And Leticia… who lost over 60 pounds…

And Kaila Olive… who lost 44 pounds…

So now that you’ve heard my story, I think it’s time I shared with

you how natural beauty & weight loss actually works…

I’m going to now share with you the first 3 things I would teach any client that came into my


This is what I would tell someone whether they were auditioning for

a James Bond movie or just wanted to look good for their

High School reunion…

1) You have to burn the old fat… not just the new fat.

I have some bad news for you…

No matter how healthy you eat now… whether you’re counting

calories, eating organic… or controlling your portion size…

You’re still stuck with all the nasty toxins and fatty chemicals that you’ve

accumulated in your body over decades of your life…

You can keep burning new fat on the treadmill all day long…

But the junk is still there…

Even a Big Mac from 5 years ago still has an impact today…

This is the big reason why you keep yoyo-ing every time you diet

or exercise… even if you were doing everything right…

So what you need to do is detoxify your body of all the

gritty-gooey artificial chemicals…

Until you do that, you will never have any lasting results…

Which brings us to the second problem…

2) You have to detoxify your body… but not all at once…

The biggest myth I’ve seen in the so-called health & wellness industry is that you’re supposed to go through a big ‘cleanse’ to

get rid of your toxins…

This one makes me especially upset because it’s partly TRUE. And the more true a myth is, the more likely people are to adopt


The fact is that even if an intense cleanse works, the effects will be

reversed almost overnight.

You may lose some weight and toxins…

But then old habits kick in and the toxins come right back and flab up your belly and thighs…

And then you need … you guessed it… another cleanse…

which costs more money…

I honestly don’t know these cleanse marketers are

intentionally trying to jerk you around.

But it sure looks like it


The real truth is that cleanses are important and essential… but they have to be ongoing.. even


And they have to be comfortable and feel good…

The idea that a cleanse has to feel bad to work is a nasty


Marketers discovered that a lot of people will only believe a workout

or diet is working if it hurts…

So they started making it harder on purpose…

Want to know one of my secrets for having a beautifying cleanse

every morning?

When you wake up… have fresh warm water with lemon… and then don’t eat until a few hours

later when you’re hungry…

That’s not so hard is it?

A lot of what works is super-simple… and none of it requires

you to buy a special juice or powder…

You also cleanse daily by eating special natural foods you can find in just about any grocery store…

On my types of cleanses… you don’t get agitated… you’re never hungry… and you actually feel good the entire way through…

And you’re not having to sweat a ton on the exercise floor… which

brings me to the next and last point…

3) Exercise is overrated…

A lot of people are going to want to kill me for this one, but I have

to say it…

The time you spend at the gym… whether it’s a few hours a month or a few hours a day… is mostly


You’re sweating… working hard… paying for gym


Taking time out of your day… plus driving and doing more


When almost all of your body and beauty needs are taken care of

by what you eat alone…

Want to know my workout regimen?

I do yoga and jog from time to time. That’s it.

And I don’t mean daily yoga… I mean when I feel inspired to do


Now don’t get me wrong… if you love exercise and it makes you

feel good, you have my blessing…

Exercise is great for making you feel good and flushing you with


It’s just not necessary for having a slimmer waist and hips… or

relieving stress… or even feeling great…

In fact, I’d say if you’re dependent on exercise to feel

good or lose weight then there is something very off in your


Now… do you want to know how you can start your path to looking

and feeling incredible today?

I want to share with you the full method of how you can have that trim waist, soft skin, and

beautiful hair… all without using skin and hair products…

Once you know this method, you can drop an incredible amount of

body fat quickly and safely…

No matter how old you are… you can drop your flab naturally and

look the best you have in years…

You can lose any babyweight, or cellulite… or dark circles under

your eyes…

Like I said… this plan targets all areas of beauty…

You can look good in the mirror and feel more confident in

yourself than you ever have before…

So I want to introduce you to the the Glowing Lean System

online program…

Which is the only natural food system that first quickly melts

away your body fat…

And then raises your beauty in every dimension, bringing

glamour to your hair, eyes, lips, face, skin, and muscle tone…

In the Glowing Lean System… I take you through videos and

readings that tell you everything you need to get the same results I’ve given A-List Celebrities…

You’ll learn why your body packs on pounds of ugly flab and why

it’s more reversible than you ever thought possible…

You’ll learn how to multiply your metabolism power so your body

becomes an automatic fat-burning machine…

This is how you can get results like Selene… who dropped several dress

sizes using this method…

Selene says:

“Now I feel great! I've lost 34 pounds!! Went from weighing 139 pounds to 105 pounds. My skin is

glowing, nails are growing like crazy, hair doesn't shed, and is

super shiny…

Selene continues with:

“My energy level is at its highest it has ever been. Most

importantly, I have my digestive track functioning properly. I

haven't felt this happy in a very long time.”

You may have noticed Selene mentioned her digestion

improved while using Glowing Lean System…

Well a big part of GLS is unclogging your digestive

system. Clearing your digestive organs not only gets rid of gas

and bloating…

But also frees up a ton of energy… All the energy your

body spent digesting can now go to your work… or having fun with

your friends and family…

This is a big reason why GLS owners don’t find they need coffee so much anymore…

They’re booming with energy from the time they wake up…

Now you may be wondering…

“Is this diet restrictive?”

“Can I still eat out in restaurants?”

Well, I’m happy to say you won’t have to change anything about

your social life…

Listen… I know that you want to have fun with friends, go to family events… go to picnics with your

boyfriend or husband…

So the Glowing Lean System gives you a *Free Pass*

whenever you’re at a social or family function…

I don’t want you to be the only one eating salad while everyone else is eating cheeseburgers...

And you don’t have to wait for a weekly “cheat meal” to do so.

I know what it’s like to try to plan “cheat meals” around the rest of

your week, and it’s no fun!

And in case you were wondering, this is a carb-friendly plan…

I believe carbs are important for giving your body incredible

energy… so there’s no reason to be scared of them…

And if you’re the kind that skips breakfast on the way to work…

You’ll learn why it’s actually a good idea to not eat in the

morning if you’re not hungry…

And why it’s totally fine to pig out at night with heavier meals if your body is telling you that’s what it


I know it’s surprising but your body might actually know what’s good for it sometimes. Shocking


Glowing Lean System has helped so many people achieve their health and beauty goals…

Like Cindy:

“After adopting the Beauty Detox lifestyle, I have seen my acne

disappear and my skin becoming smoother and my hair shinier.”

And Leti:

“I feel a million times better; I finally found a long term solution

that helps me lose weight and feel/look better! I don’t break out

anymore, I don’t even need lotion, my skin is just perfect, not

dry and not oily.”

Leti also mentioned that this was especially helpful for her dealing with post-pregnancy issues… so

if you’ve had kids recently, this can work wonders for you…

I can’t wait to hear about how much Glowing Lean System is

changing your life…

Imagine what it will be like to fit into the dresses you want…

several sizes smaller…

You’ll be the leanest you’ve ever been… without looking scrawny

or bony either…

And you’ll have that wonderful excuse to go clothes shopping because you’re too skinny for

your current wardrobe…

(Trust me… husbands love it when you buy new clothes after

losing weight)

Imagine saving tons of money on make-up… because your

natural look is so beautiful and head-turning that you just don’t

need that much makeup anymore…

Your face just has that beautiful glow on its own…

And imagine feeling stupendous every day… full of energy and

enthusiasm when you wake up…

No more groaning as the alarm clock sounds…

You’ll wake up with a smile… somehow all the stress you used

to have every day is gone…

And imagine having your friends give you endless compliments… asking you what your secret is

that makes your skin and eyes so beautiful…

Imagine having your boyfriend or husband see you as more

gorgeous and sexy than he ever did before…

Telling you you’re beautiful… seeing you as the woman of his

dreams once again… and reviving any romance that may

have simmered down over time…

(Small warning: he may get jealous when he sees so many other guys checking you out)…

And everything you do with Glowing Lean is natural and

completely safe… No ridiculous calorie restrictions that can cause

damage to your body…

If you want this in your life… and wanted a one-on-one

consultation with me…

It’s $2,399 for a private coaching package for the Glowing Lean


But a private consultation is most likely more than you can afford…

So I want to give you access to my Glowing Lean System online


Which is valued at $197…

But I am going to slice it in half so you get it at $97….

And then cut it in half again so it only costs one payment of…


And then cut it in half again so it only costs one payment of…


But you have to order TODAY

All you have to do is click Add to Cart to get started…

And just to make it even easier for you to jump on this


I am going to gift to you

3 Beautifying Bonuses…

You get…

Bonus 1: Never Plateau Again… Valued at $27

This is my solution for every time you’ve made amazing progress

and just stopped…

I know that losing momentum is terribly frustrating… especially if you have 5 or 10 pounds to go

before you’re at your goal…

So this video presentation tells exactly how to keep the pounds dropping so you get to be your

beautiful slim self…

Next, we have…

Bonus 2: How to fight Cravings Valued at $27

We all have those times when we’re dying for something

naughty like a huge plate of bacon cheese fries at midnight…

(And if anyone tells you that’s a healthy dish… they’re just lying!)

These cravings cause more damage than just getting you to

cheat on your meal plan…

They make you feel guilty and ashamed of yourself…

And you get discouraged from making further progress…

So that’s why I created this special bonus product for you…

This bonus presentations shows you where these cravings come from… what your body is really

trying to tell you…

So you’ll know how to keep those irresistible food fantasies at bay… and stop them in their


And I’ll show you how to not just resist but FULFILL and satisfy

those cravings…

There are things you can give your body that will satisfy it’s

urges… whether it’s for bowls of ice cream, pounds of chocolate cake, or a bucket of deep fried

chicken nuggets…

And Bonus #3…. My Food Demo Workshop at

Glow Bio…

Valued at $24

This was a special invite only event… where I share several

fan favorite recipes… and demonstrate how to cook in a way that’s healthier… tastier…

and easy to clean up…

Let’s face it… changing how you eat can sometimes be a little challenging and I want you to

know how to prepare food fast… especially if you have guests


And ONE more unannounced bonus…

You get access to my Q&A Community…

This is a live group where other Glowing Lean owners share success stories, recipes, and


This will be the community that keeps you on track and makes

sure that you’re always supported as you go toward your

health and beauty goals… It’s really a beautiful family…

If you add this up…

Glowing Lean System



Glowing Lean System

Bonus #1: Never Plateau Again




Glowing Lean System

Bonus #1: Never Plateau Again

Bonus #2: How to Fight Cravings





Glowing Lean System

Bonus #1: Never Plateau Again

Bonus #2: How to Fight Cravings

Bonus $3: Food Demo Workshop






Glowing Lean System

Bonus #1: Never Plateau Again

Bonus #2: How to Fight Cravings

Bonus $3: Food Demo Workshop








That’s a total value of $347…

That’s a total value of $347…

And you get ALL of this for one payment of…


You get all of this for one payment of $47…

So click Add to Cart now to get started…

I want to stress that this is a one payment program… you will

never be charged again…

It’s not a membership site where you pay each month…

To be honest, there isn’t a monthly program because you

don’t need me once you learn the Glowing Lean System…

Once I get you started, you can do this yourself and be beautiful,

fit, and healthy for life…

It’s not that complicated…

But none of that starts until you click Add to Cart and get


When you click Add to Cart, you’ll be taken to my secure

checkout page…

And then you can access all the Glowing Lean content on a

password-protected web page you can return to at any time…

Right now, you’re minutes away from having that glowing skin,

head-turning body, and gorgeous face…

You’ll be looking fabulous and feeling fantastic.

And just in case you’re wondering “What if it doesn’t

work for me?”…

I want you to know you’re protected by my 60 Day 100%

Money Back Guarantee…

Over the next two months… I want you to see how much the Glowing Lean System can do for your health and beauty…

You’ll be at no financial risk because the next 60-days are on

me.. you can get a complete refund for any reason, or no


And just to show you how serious I am about this…

Here is my Triple Guarantee Challenge…

There are probably a few areas of your body you’d like to make

more beautiful…

For most women… it’s one of the areas above…

• Face• Hair • Skin• Legs

• Eyes• Nails• Waist• Hips

So take a look at those body areas…

• Face• Hair • Skin• Legs

• Eyes• Nails• Waist• Hips

Pick THREE of them…

• Face• Hair • Skin• Legs

• Eyes• Nails• Waist• Hips

And if you don’t see noticeable results in all three areas by the end of the 60


• Face• Hair • Skin• Legs

• Eyes• Nails• Waist• Hips

(“Noticeable” meaning you’re getting compliments left and


• Face• Hair • Skin• Legs

• Eyes• Nails• Waist• Hips

Then send me and email and I’ll give you a 100% refund…

no questions asked…

• Face• Hair • Skin• Legs

• Eyes• Nails• Waist• Hips

I know this is a bigger claim than you’re used to… But that’s how much I believe in the Glowing

Lean System…

Take the 60 days… and see the results for yourself...

If you don’t feel dramatically more attractive and trim... then I

want you to write me for a refund…

This is an unconditional guarantee so even if you don’t go

through the program at all, you can have your money back…

If you think the program is too hard… or if you don’t think you

can stick with it…

Then you can have a full refund… no questions asked…

Some people will take advantage of this… but I am not worried…

It’s more important to me that you get your chance to experience Glowing Lean and know how

good it feels to eat and live healthy…

So go ahead and click “Add to Cart” to start experiencing these

miracles in your life…

The only other option is for you to keep stumbling around with what

you’ve been doing…

Doing uncomfortable workouts… starving yourself… doing “fad”

diets… it’s no fun…

Haven’t you had enough of that?

Haven’t you had enough of watching your weight go up and down… and wondering if your extra flab will ever come off?

I remember how painful that was for me… so I want you to get out

of that situation ASAP!

Right now you could have so much more out of life… you could be more beautiful than you ever

thought was possible…

All you have to do is click Add to Cart and take a fully-guaranteed test drive of the Glowing Lean


Your life will never be the same… You’ll be more gorgeous than you

ever imagined… and since there’s a 100% money-back

guarantee, what do you have to lose?

The money you save on makeup and skin care products alone will more than pay for the Glowing

Lean System…

(And don’t get me wrong, you can still use all of that fun stuff… you just will discover your skin is

naturally smooth and soft and that your face radiates a natural

beauty no one can resist)

You just need to click Add to Cart now to get started…

I’m Kimberly Snyder and I’ll see you in the Content Area

Click Add to Cart Now

<Remaining slides are silent>

“It really is just amazing! It gives me so much energy and makes me feel better

about myself and my skin. I can really feel the difference.

I also love her food and recipes and feel my best when I am eating it as it energizes me so much.”


“I don’t like to diet, I like to eat right and that’s

what Kim’s philosophy is all about. Her food

program has had such an impact not only on

my body but my health in general. She’s


-Drew Barrymore

"Kimberly is a game changer! I always start

my day with her Glowing Green Smoothie and my

energy has increased and I feel great.”

-Channing Tatum

"Kimberly has changed the way my whole body works. She has helped

my overall health.”

-LeAnn Rimes

Click Add to Cart Now

“Experiencing Kimberly’s food on set is what made me changed the way I viewed living

foods. Her food program will appeal to everyone.

-Olivia Wilde

"When I am following her plan there is a dramatic difference in

the way I feel. She is just a genius in the kitchen as she is able to create great tasting, healthy

recipes so you never feel like your missing out, which is why her plan

has been so effective for me."

-Vince Vaughn

"To say that Kim Snyder changed my life is a total

understatement. I went from tired skin to glowing skin, I

keep weight off effortlessly.

I generally enjoy my life at least 50% more. Meeting Kim and working with her is one of the

best things that ever happened to me.”

-Laura Benanti

“I have sustained energy throughout the day, no more

cravings, and know that I can enjoy everything I'm eating without feeling any guilt. It's the end of calorie counting and the beginning of looking and feeling the

best you've ever felt."

-Christine Taylor

Click Add to Cart Now

“I have never felt better since I’ve been on her


-Hillary Duff

“Kimberly is a real expert and her nutritional

concepts are easy to follow, make sense, and will increase your energy

and vitality.”

-Owen Wilson

"Through Kim’s help my skin has become so much clearer and brighter. I have kicked the fatigue and just have much more vitality.

The changes I have made in following Kimberly’s

program have me feeling the best I have in years.

-Teresa Palmer

“Kimberly is beyond beautiful. I was able to

lose all of my baby weight following her

program and drinking her Glowing Green


-Jillian Barbarie

"Kimberly's knowledge of nutrition is excellent and

her natural foods program produces


-Kevin James

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"When I began Kimberly Snyder’s program I began to see results immediately. I lost the unwanted pounds

and felt much more mentally focused. Kimberly gives you the knowledge and tools to look and feel

your best the natural way.”

-Jeff Lewis

“I love Kimberly's Glowing Green

smoothie! It has gotten rid of the dark circles underneath my eyes!”

-Haylie Duff

"I have learned so much about nutrition from

Kimberly and her food recipes taste so great that

it’s hard to believe you can eat this healthy and yet feel so satisfied and


-Ben Stiller

“My stomach is flatter, I have more energy and I

find it much easier to maintain my ideal weight.

I never, ever miss a morning without her

Glowing Green Smoothie.”

-Dita Von Teese

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"Making Kim's green smoothies in the morning give me

enough energy to fly through the rest of the

day. I couldn't imagine a better way to start it off!”

-Malin Akerman

“Kimberly has changed my view on "healthy"

eating. The impact she has made in my energy level and overall health

has been amazing.”

-Eddie Cibrian

Kimberly has elevated my diet,

and my skin is now glowing and my hair looks great! I drink her Glowing Green

Smoothie every day.”

-Jenna Dewan

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