GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008

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  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008



    Union Takes Its LegislativeAgenda to AI ba ny

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    C.\ I'l.\I:'\S ' QU.\lrl ERI.\'

    Art Orric.1 Pubhr.. 11On ofCORRECTIONCAPIl lNS ~

    Of"parl1'ltlll of Corte-cuonCity 01!low

    233SIood"''''J. Su, l 1701' .,. Yo,k,NY10279Ph (212] 227-1090F, [212}962\BI9

    H H n p I m e r ~ l I C 1 c s Only):laaB! 7073'213EMa ,1 < C " f ! l l l rom

    l t www ~ t c t C l Ol\!.RONALDW WHITFIELD




    FRANKYSOlDF h N O I J . S E C R E ~ R






    WORKfRS ( J w . P H I ~ T I O I coor.'SEl~ O O L O . KOaRl SCHLlPl'p.e

    ACCOUNT,\NTSJOSPH P. l'lII'INurt I N S t J R A ~ C E


    CllNSUl.TM I

    [ :lpt:lins' uartt.1ly '5 pmduceuby'he C o t r l ~ 1 1 0 1 I C . a p ' ] l n sAsso

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    1st Vie e Presidel l tPATRICK FERRAIUOLOTwent y year ret irement , w ha t ex actl y docs it mean ? Ca n youreally re ti re from the Dep ar tmen t a fte r 20 years w ithout go ingback to wo rk ? Did you sa ve eno ugh in your defe rred co mpensa tion ? Arc yo u ren ting o r do yo u ow n you r home ? What abou tyo ur child ren; how ol d arc they ? What abo ut thei r co llege cd ucatio n ?T he reality is tha t many of us w ill need to co n t inu e to wo rk a fte r we retire from rhcDepa rtment . My question to an y one tha t is a bo ut to retire o nly to turn around und go backto wo rk somewhere d. c wo uld be , did yo u really think it th ro ugh ? Retirement should 1110 arela xing an d enjoyable rime o f your life. Yo u shou ld nut ha ve to wo rry about making .ndsmee t af te r you re tired .If anyo ne retires bec au se o f the wor k iu u condi tion s o r they're simply no t ha p! y. t hey nee I

    to rethink the ir decision . Do yo u think ir' s a picnic in t he private sec to r ? Dol'S rhc pr ivat e secto r offer mo re jo b secur ity ? At the end of the day, it ', yo ur ch o ice nn whethe r o r not you leavethe De partment a fte r 20 yea rs.T he re ar e a few good rea son s why yo u might wa nt to xra y past you r 20th yea r, Besides thefact that your pension w ill inc rease due to co n rracruul raises, did you know tha t eac h addi-t ional yea r you sta y wi ll increas e your pension by 1.67 % annually (up to 30 years u f service) .pro vided yo u arc in th e 20 -yea r pla n ? In add it ion , w he n yo u ha ve o rn plcrc I your 20rh ycor.yo u no lo nge r ha ve to co ntri bu te in to your pen . io n. T his be nefi t is not available for an yonetha t i in the 2S -yea r pension p lan . If you ' re curious o n wha t e ffect the . percent cOlild ha veO il increasing rhe am oun t of money in you r pe nsio n, yo u can log on to the NYCERS we b . irea t www.nycers.o rg . I . tro ng ly recommend yOll ' hec k it o ut; it 's a benefit th a t sh o u ld ta keadvantage o f.An o ther reason fo r 'w ying wo uld be you r Deferred -o l11pens,n ion Plan . Simply sa id , thelo nge r you sta y, the longer yo u gcr to sa ve for the fu tu re. If yo u sho uld stay yUlI I ligh t wa ntto ons ider [he money yo u ha ve sa ved by no t co ntribut ing to yo ur pension to increase yourDcfcrrc J C npensarion sav ing' account . Remember the who le idea is th a t wh en yo u dodecide to leave city service tha t yo u h. v accumula ted th e la rgest poss ible pension and sa vinesfor when yo u are 110 longe r able to wo rk . 'IX/e all ho pe rha r we ' re ahlc to co llec t our pensionfor a long time '

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008



    TELL USIn an effort (0 make this newslettermore about the membership,we want to include more about youand your families. If you have :iIIeven! or good news you'd like 10

    share with other members.please let us know.

    Send in information about your familyevents (births, an niversaries, birthdays,graduations, special trips, retirements ,etc .) ... And be SUI'C to include photos.

    Capt. Michael Walton 's (Academy) sonMichacl ./r, i. serving in Iraq . Per threquest' o f Capr. Walron, Officer Ra lpSmith gave the Depa rtment fJag to him fohis son, !vl ichacl j r., to havc his son ly thflag in Iraq. It will he cer tified as beinf own the re . Mike \'(/al ron J r. is in the middle of the front row, on the righr. This is hisecond rour of duty.

    The COBA honored th ree o f our Capra insTanya Littles , Alexis Parrilla and MichaeWalton, fo r their outstanding achievementon and off duty during their \Vidow &Chi Id r cn 's ;\ \V :I rds Dinnc r Dance oOctober 2S, 2007, at Maest ro's . arcrcrs ithe Bron x. \I/e thank the OBA for rccognizmg our aprains and we congraru larour recipients.

    Congrntulat ions to ou r th ree former Cap-ra i Il S who were promoted ro AssisranrDeputy Wardell o n November 0 , 200 7.

    OaniellsaacVinc ent Perillo

    Abdur Rahman Muhammad


    011 December 7, 2007, the Exec ut iveBoard and other members o f ser vicear tcndc I the Eagle S out Court of Hono rDinner fo r Capt. Stephen Cumber] arch 's'on, jami l Bri e. T he dinner was ru re og-nizc j am il for receiving the highest awardgiven, that of Eag le SCOUL Capt . umbe r-ha tch' son be longs ro Troo p #6 of th eBoy SCOIitS of America. of which apr.Curnbcrb a rch is an assistan t Scour Masn: r.He has been a mem ber of the Boy SC() II tSsin c 19%. Cumberbat ch r 'aches th e. .our how to fi h, navigarionaI rech-niqucs, map compass sk ills. wildernesssurvival, an d how ro respect ot hers andthe mselves . .apr . Cumberbatch , theDelega te for QDe since 2003, is ve ryproud of his son's achieveme nt and th eothe r scours for the awards they received.He is truly an asset ro the Department ofCor recrion an d the Boy S "o urs o fAmerica. Th e un ion ackn owledged Capt,Cumberbatch fo r the excellent perform-ance and diligence of his duties on and offthe iob ; he is a true role model for ouryoung men .

    September 2007ANGEL CAMACHO








    October 2007CYNTHIA BARRETT




    Novembe r 2007CALYIN ARTHUR








    VCBCContInuedon page 5


  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    WeWantto KnowSend yourinformat ion,

    including name awork location.alowith any pert inenphotos. to :Captains' OuarterCorrection Captain

    Association233 BroadwaySuite 1701

    New York , NY 102

    December 2007JAMES BOWDEN










    Congrurular io ns toM arcus j ova n Ra-mos, so n of Capt.Marl o Dougla(GMDC ) wa bornOcto ber 15, 2007,weighing 8 Ills. 2oz. an d was 20"long.


    Co ng ruru la t ion s ro De bbie ln rc rn ico la(Rcp rc scnt a rivc o f Amalga rnarcd LifeInsu rance) a nd hus band , O fficer jam esInrc rnico la , o n the bi rt h o f their da ugh ter.Angelina Marie was ho rn Fch rua ry 7 ,2008 , weighing 6 ll . J4 ( 17. .

    Congrarulari ous to Re tired Cap t. JohnMonaco and wife Ka ren, o n the birt h oftheir tw ins Vivian an d Jo hn J r. M onaco ,wh o we re bo rn on July 13, 2007 weigh ing6 Ib5., (Vivia n ) a nd 5 Ib ., 8 Il Z. , (john .J r.).Mom rep o rts bo th now weig h in a t 17 Ibs .

    Congratulation s to Retir ed Cap t. DeborahO'Connor and Cap t. Richard O 'Connor(R DC) on rhc birt h o f th eir grandda ug h -ter O livia Jea n Calla nan, who wa bor n onJuly I, 200 7 . . he is p ic tu re d a t he rCh ri ton ing on October 13,2007 .


    Congra rularions to Capt . Hartel Hobbs(MNCTS) an d Sa ndra Lewis on [he bi r thof t he ir tw in boys on Novem ber 6 , 2006 .j adcn (o n the righ t) weighed .3 lbs ., 15 oz.and je rem y weighed ,) lbs, 9 oz.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    Meet thCCA'sNewestBoardMember

    Capt. KathqannFERGUSSecretaryOur new Secretary is Capt, Karhyunu Fcrgu . K;1(h )'

    became :1 rn cm hcr o f the Department 011 August 3,1989, where he was assigned to rhe Ado lescenceReception Detent ion Center, now named RNDC. As ano fficer, she worked all the hou sing area s unt il she wasassigned to Inner Development uf Programs (IID).During her te nure as an officer, he r abil ity CO handlecere bral taoks was high lighted when she worked in theOpera tion Division for , hief Taylor. Capr. Fergus then worked :H Gang Inrclligcncc t rol l l1998 until her promotion to Captai n O il j anuary 26 , 2.00 I.As a Ca pta in, . he was ass igned to RNDC wh e re she wo rked va r io us POStS until she was

    assigned Admini trarion Captai n. In October 200 2. , she was tra nsferred to PS in 0 11CCunt il Novem be r 2003 . She then retu rned to RND . where she was a. sig ned as Mcd i a lServices Capta in. She ran fo r Altern ate Delegate in 2003 , and after winn ing the position, shequickly became the Dclcunrc an d made subs tant ial changes to the trea tment an d working conditions o f a ll Captains in the comma nd. She wrote grievances and subm itted LaborMana gcmc nr agendas tha t a re t ill p re va len t tod ay.Kathy's previou s a signrncn rs were I\ND _, RMSC, \V EST f ACILITY, JAT _, and on islandHeadquarters. Although Capt. Fergus has been newly appoint ed [() the hoard , she is no

    stra nger to raking charge . Her abiliry ro lead is evident hy being selected twic e in all electionat her facility.

    Capt. JosephFERRAMOSCASergeant-At-ArmsOur new Scrgcanr-a t- Arrns is Capt. Joseph

    Fcrr.uuosca . j oe is a 27-y('ar veteran of the Departmentan d br ings a wea lrh o f know ledge an d exp er ience to theExecutive Board. During his ca reer, J oe has beenassigned to a variety (If Commands and Units - HDMan d Support Serv ices as an oHiccr and in his 20-plllyea rs as a ( :;1prnin , he was ass igncd to 0 [) ' C for 12 1!!years and Headquarters for three l I ' ! , ' jllce 2003 , he

    has been assigned to the Special Opera t ion Division and is urrcntly the Personnel Captain.j oe was assigned to the Dcpa rrrncnr's Support .onr ingcur sent to Louisiana in the afrcrmar h

    of Hurricane Katrinu. He spent more rhan a month there , one of a . mall group of Capta in.sup crvi ing a team o f SO correc tion officers working ill four Lou isia na Stare Prison facil itiesan I in New Orleans. j oe also W :1S award ed the Department's Merito rious Our)' Mcda] forac t ions taken on 'cp temher J 1,20 0 1.

    Joe has a lways I ecn an act ive suppo rter o f our Union . He has worked on the Annua l GoliOuting, wh ich ra i. cs scho larship money for our college-hound children . He was a Delega te inOB ..C and in SOD prio r to hi: appoin rrncnr to the Executi ve Board.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    pccialAssignment: Upon rat ifica t ion, a specia l as. ignmcnr ~ will be esta blished for 4.92% of omembership .After six months o f sari sfacrory scrvi c in the I crforrnuncc of specassignmcnr d ut ies, rhc Commissioner ma y designate a -pecia l Assignm

    ap rain who will receive 3 ult) of his/her sa lary the first yea r, 6% the . ccond ye9% th e third yea r an d 12 'X. the fourt h year,

    Range Day: , . , . Effectivc 12/ 16/0';) Eliminat e go ing ro runge on yourow n tu nc

    Health & Welfa re: Effective 1/1 / 11 + $50 per )'C :1I'(ucrivc s: reti ree Effective 5/ 1/12 + $ ,0 pe r yea rco nr rihurion incrcusc)

    Annuity Fund: Effect ive 12/1 6/01) Lump S UIll $ 1,000Effective 6/1/I I $26 1 $ 1 per da y ) aununl increase Increases: Effect ive 12/ 1(,107 4 'XEffectivL 12/ 16IOH, 4%,Effect ive 5/1 /I O 4 'Y"Effcctivl' 5/1 /11 4%TOTAL L ~ R E A S E , , . . 17%


    Longevity Increase: Effect ive 1/16/09 . , $3 94(a r a ll Srcp S, 10 Effective 12/16/09 $ 1451.5 & 20 year s) Effective 3/16/ 10 $100Effective 6/l /l I , . . , . . 2 -0Effeeti\'e 5/1/12 2 -0TOTAL lNCREASE . . . . 1,139

    For the first time in more than 25 years, the Correction CaptainAssociation has a contract in place prior to the expiration of the previoone. On Novem ber 16 o f last yea r, the membership ratified the co llec tive ba rga ining agrrncnt that sta rted December 16, 2007 and runs thro ugh Ju ne 30, 201 2. Th is co ntract pr ov idsubsranrial pa y increases, longevity increases, Ann uit y Fund increases an d Hea lth & WelfFund increases during the co nt ract per iod . In addit io n to t ho se mo neta ry inc rea ses. the cotraer also reco ups man y of th e givebacks from rhe pr evious round of barga in ing. Th e increes in pay an d longevity by rhc end of rhc co nt rac t will bring t he salar y of a to p pay Ca ptwith 20 years on th e joh to ' 102,346.

    "T h is i. an accompl ishment rhe entir e Exec utive Board i so pr ou I o f," sa id C JA Prcsi kRon \X1hitficld . " Far roo ma ny unions go y CJ r S without having :I co ntract in p lace , The mebers arc left in limb o as detail s and terms ar c worked ou t. T hat's unsettling to the membersand their families . We ar e one of th e few un ion th a t was a b] ' to resolve a new onrra -r aget it in place before ou r o ld one expi red ."T he following is a synopsis o f the te rms of rh ' agreement.

    Term: Decem ber 16. 20 07 - Ju ne 30, 201 2

    CCA Ratifies ContractAhead ofSchedu le

    - Ron WhitfieldPresident

    firsttime in morethan 25years, theCorrectionCaptains'


    has acontract rnplace prior

    to theexpiration ofthe prvious


  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    Salary Schedule fo r Correction Captains Promoted Before

    1'I STEP $66,115 $68,760 $71,510 $74,370 $77,3452nd STEP $66,249 $68,899 $71,655 $74,521 $77,5023,d STEP $66,383 $69,038 $71,800 $74,672 $77,6594th STEP $68,130 $70,855 $73,689 $76,637 $79,70251h STEP $69,677 $72,464 $75,363 $78,378 $81,5136th STEP $81,174 $84,421 $87,798 $91,310 $94,962

    CAPTAINS PRO j,,\OT ED O N OR AFT ER 6/ 1/06\,(Iage Efi et ivc 11 16/09 -l- 5 1,SO/) increase a t a ll steps helow to p basic ma x im um p:ly.(T his i. ill addit ion to the above 4 '1., W:lgc increases)

    Effective ' / [() / I O Eliminate the pay step befo re the basic maxirnum top I ny,(T his ge ts t hese Capta in s to ro p pay one year ea rlier]Night Shifr Eifecrive 6/1 /1 1 Rcgill receiving 100'1., night shift d ffcrcnria l a fter the

    Diffcrentia1 complction S years. (\ncrcasc NSD from 55% ro 100 "" fo r rhc6th and 7th years as ;1 Capta in)

    Va a rion Effective 6/1 /1 1 Sta r t accru ing a r th e ra te o f 27 days a nn ua lly, Afte r thecomp let ion o f S years :I S :1 Capta in . (T his is all add it ional7 aca rion days one :o'e a r ea rlier )Add itiona l Tours. Effective c; / l l1 l Eliminate one add itiona l tour dur ing firsr five years andeliminate the six additional tours dur ing rhc 6rh year, tora tota l reduc tion of I [ add irion nl tours

    Salary Schedule for Correction Captains

    Entry $64,836 $67,429 $70,126 $71,626 $71,626 $74,491 $77,47After 1 Yr $65,340 $67,954 $70,672 $72,172 $72,172 $75,059 $78,06

    After 2 Yrs $65,872 $68,507 $71,247 $72,747 $72,747 $75,657 $78,6After 3 Yrs $66,403 $69,059 $71,821 $73,321 $73,321 $76,254 $79,3After 4 Yrs $66,934 $69,611 $72,395 $73,895 $73,895 $76,851 $79,9After 5 Yrs $67,465 $70,164 $72,971 $74,471 $87,798 $91,310 $94,9After 6 Yrs $81,174 $84,421 $87,798 $87,798

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    our rate run ning b y in an d day OU I. " It is oobligat ion. the Governor's and rhc Leglar u rc's, to ensure that our public employar c pr operly trai ned, fairly compensated , adiligentl y safeguarded on and off du ty," sSpea ker Silver. "W e must cicmonsrrarc orespect fo r th is state'. publi c workforce andthe dangerous an d di fficul t conditions you rularly en dure, beca use yo u are - cnch aevery one of you here a t this brca kfa: r - aeach and ('vcry pu blic employee tha t you rresent, the face o f this government, rhc heand soul, rhc muscle an d the know-how of tgovernmen r.Sell:1te Ma joriry Leader Bruno con tinued t

    scurimenr, by saying, "You add to the qualo f life of all New Yorkers . \Xitho tlt the woyou do across the hoard. cutting acr osswa lks of life, how could we ill N l: W Yor kan d New York rare enj oy :lny qu al iry o f liWhen the G overno r puts our a budge t.want t o be sure we priorit ize what 's rea

    important fo r the peoplethis stare. T ha t's taking cof the public employewho prov ide a qun lirylife for New Yorkers."ella lo r Golden sa id r

    rhc sta te has faced uphbatt les befo re, bur rhar tyea I' there ;) rc new chlcngcs. ,. \VIe must masu re that the final hudag reement suppor ts thowho ar c on rhc from liin providing the serviNew Yor k Stare is famofo r, ou r ra re and Cwor kers."

    Th e Co rrection Capruins' Associat ion jo inedwith dozens of ot her union members o i theNew York . tate Public Emp loye> Co nference(PEC) on Ja n ua ry 23 in Albany fo r the group 's3 1Sf Annual Legislative Breakfast. CA l sr VPPatr ick Fcrriauo lo sai d that the Union louiefo rward t o this annua l event ;15 i1 means ofki king ofi th e Albany lobby s .cne for the scssio n.More than half uf the Stare's 21 2 Sena tor s

    and Assembly members attend the breakfast .This year 's spea kers included Sen a te M a jo ri tyLeader Joe Bru no , Assembly Speaker SheldonSilver, Sta re Co mptroller Thomas DrNapoli,Senato r Mart in G o lden , Sena te Mi no rityLeader Ma lco lm Sm it h ; As cmblyman PeterAb ha rc, Assembly M ino r iry Lea der j arneTed i co. a nd Assemblyman j oseph Saladino,While each broughr a slightly different Illes

    .age , there was one cOl11mon theme - the sta rebudget deficit can no t hc balanced on the back.of the hardworking men and women who kee l

    ADay inAlbany

    Pictured on front page:Ferramosca, Senate

    Majority Leader JosephBruno, Ferriauolo,

    and Inman.

    Top photo from left:Joseph Ferramosca,

    Will iam Inman, Senato rMart in Golden, andPatrick Ferriauolo.Bott om left photofrom left: Inman,

    Assemblyman PeterAbbate, Ferriauolo andFerramosca. Bottomright photo, Ferriauolo

    with Assembly SpeakerSheldon Silver.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    On January 1I, OBCC hosted a 10- 1J Basketball gamefor the benefit of Capt . Ha ro ld Erskine, C O . jo hnHarden, and C O. Joanne Torres, There were [WO gamesplayed - OBCC sta ff \' 5 . OBCC Brass and OBCC lIS.GIv IDe. The audience was glad to see Harold in artcndance with his family, a long with famil y members ofO fficers Hnrdcn and Tor res,In the first game, the Brass played rough aga inst astronger, younger n ::1111 of ..0. $. The fina l sco re indicatedjust how much the Bras appreciat e their sta ff. As all goodsupe rvisor s do, they li frcd up the mora le of rhc staff, lcrring them win 17- 1' .The game against GMDC was also well played and exciting. There were fa . t breaks, 3-poinrcrs galore and cri. p play on both side . In the end, however, eMDC prevailed, 32 to 20.The games were exciting, hut perhaps more exciting wa: the ha lftime cnr crta inmcn r. Th e crowdwas thr illed to hea r a performance by recording artist Tiffany Mynon, who WIlW 'd the audiencewith two song. . Next came isrcrs in Motio n, led hr our own Ca pt. Tanya Dean. istcrs inMot ion are a unique dance group - 12 agi le ladies da ncing Oi l ro ller skates. The whole crowdwas amazed a , their pcrforman e. T he 'f(lUpe dan ce I a. nne, not missing a bear Of a rum. lr wasa sight ro behold. Tanya and her dance part ners were rhc hir of the event.Borh games were har I foughr and well played. Bur most importantl y, rhc event . uccecdcd I IIwhar it was intended ( ( l do. Th rou gh the fforrs of the) BC : Program staff. e pccially Correction O fficer.hcry! Smirh, more than $6, 500 was ra to help ou row n. lt was grea t to sec Harol d there and to ta lk tohim. We all hop e and pr:1Y that he .onrinues on hi.roa d to recovery and rha[ 0 fficers Ha rden and Torresdo also. Keep them all in your prayers,

    Ed. N ote: WlJilc preparing this quurtetl y. we were IInforlll'nately lI1 (cJI'/m:d tha t O/Ticer 10Jm Harden passed ' Iway. 0 urdeepest sY Il1{lt7tby goes out to the Harden Fall/ily.

    UNITYCALL08ce V5.GMDCBasketbaGameByJoseph FerramosSergeant-at-Anu

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    In LovingMemoryCapt.


    Tuesda y, Oc tober 30 , 2007, was rhc da y we losr Ca pr. Renee Chong due to a rrugic houfirc. It W ::IS a sud J ay fo r the CCA and the members of the Queens Detent ion Complex. RobN. Davoren Center and ro a ll wh o knew Ca pt. Chong. She gave the ulrirnarc sa rif ice whtrying to sa ve her children, Elliot an d Noah, as they all perished together.You see. Capt. hong didu'r [usr ta lk the rulk. she walkc I the walk. She always said her chdren came first. th en her family. and then her or rc crion family who she loved and al so wa

    ed ro protect. She had words of wisdom on any given to p ic, v, . hcrhcr it was world event srhings rhar were happen ing in rhe [ cparrrncnr. Renee loved her chil dre n, her family and hlife. he loved t o dr ess li p and show her prett y smile and da nce rhe night awa y.November 7, 20 07, was th e da y of the Ho mecom ing Service for C1Pr. Chong, Ellior aNoah - a day to remember and to be proud to be in the 1\.1Y . Departmen t of Correctio n. Ttumour was trem endous, with mem bers from rhe Dcpnrrrnenr both active and retired andth e friends who attended the funeral service. Renee had a grea t impact OJ l the man y lives sencountered and her friend s wanted [() P i1)! rhci . respe .rs to her. T hL Chong family con veyhow wonder ful it W ;1. to sec so many peo ple at th e fune ral crvicc , It was an 0 crwhclrnievent to sec with the New York ' rate Hono r Guard and nul' Honor Guard lining up withfl ag , the Q ueens Co urt O fficers contingent . NYP[) 105 th Precinct O fficers, Public . choSafety Officer . and the support not only from the Departmen t, bur rhos ' who wanted to sgoodbye an d give a final salu te on the ir own perso na l rime in uniform to pay respect.I want ro than k all memb ers of ser vice from all rank. and civilians for their financia l aspiritual sup por t for the Chong Family du r ing their rime oi sorrow. I know 'apt. Chong, Ell

    and Noah wen: all loo king down sm iling at rhc love rhar was shown for them hy all who rothe time to ay r. Chong brought us :111 rogc rhc r and she loved her Co r rect ion family. Renee had .o rrcc rio n was gooJ to her; it rook care of her and the child ren and enabled her to gerthing, she wa nrc I. To travel and do anyrhing she set her mind to do tha t would ma ke he r ch

    dren and herself happy. She reminded LIS to save our money, invest it hy buying that dreho use and ave for ou r pension so when you have yo ur rime in you can leave andCo rr ec tion W 3S ver y good ro me, Her words of cucourngcmcnr and insp ira t io n will alwaysremembered by a ll of LIS.

    CCA To Hold First RetirementSeminar For Active MembersOn Apri l 16, rhc Executive Board will no t he having its regularly . chcdulcd ,(,lle

    Membership meeting. In lieu of the meeti ng, we will be hosting our First Retirement SeminT he inrcnr o f the sem inar is to give ou r acti ve members who are in Tier ' and nearing retimc nt a better understand ing of how the retiremen t pro .css works an d what you sh o ul Idoing ro prepa re for retirement .It will be held :H our reg ular mee t in g place. Anr un 's, 96 -43 Springfield Blvd ., Queens VillaNY 11429. The s ta r ring rim ' of the semin ar is 4:00 p.m. Space limitations require that We opth is seminar for active Capta ins only. No one else will he admitted (no guests or children)is rcq ucs ted rhar if you plan to urrcnd , rhar you ca ll the 'e A of fice at (2 12) 227-4090 an d leayour name .Th e follow ing guests will be participating in rhc event : Kri tel Sinunonds-Cohb - Correc tion Department Diane Atkins - Correction Depa rtment Sharif Solomon - New York Employee Retirement 'ystem (NYCERS) And rew Fcncck - New York City Employees Retirement System (NY ERS) j oseph Lizzie - Morgan Stanley Ma ria Keeler - Morgan _ranley Josep h Irw in - C Insurance Represen tat iveIt is our hope tha r this is just the first of many ret irement seminars.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    Legislative Update fl-omPETER MERINGOLOCCA LobbyistCCA Brings Four Billsto Albany for ActionLast year was nor one of rhc most p roduc t ive legislative year fur rhc labor movcmcnc in

    either Albany or ar City Ha ll, With a new Governo r in o ffice, and a City ouncil Speaker whochanged rhe rules, labor found itself fighting whar was an uphill battle. Thi s year, we arc hope-ful that the ban k s of last year will remain the past.Wirh char in mind, [he CCA is hringing four imporanr pieces o f lcgi lurion ro Albany rhat will

    benefit ou r Captain s tremendously. The fir. r I:> a Termin al Leave Bill tha t would give Captainsrhc ability no t to have to give back their ea rned termina l leave t ime when sever ing employmentwith rhc City. Cu rr IItly, mcrnhers either have to usc their terminal leave rime or rile)' lose it.Th i bill would give members the option of cashing ou t their accumulated terminal leave rimeur staying 0 11 rhc payr oll un ri] rhc time wa used up.Altho ugh both Fire ,1I1d Police a re seeking this same lcgislarion, Ron, Bill)' :1 IH..I [ decided rhnr

    the CC.A is no longer going to wa it unt il the bigger un ions make the tirsr move. They have theirhill and we have ours. This is line ni om top prior itic. and a bill we arc to be lobbyingfor diligently.The second i called the 'u rviving Spouses Health In. uruncc .overage Bill. Currentl y, when

    a Captain dies in the line of duty, the surviving 'pou:>e can carry their hea lth insurance cove r-,1ge for a limited time frame under COBRA. When that time limit is over, so is rhe health insur-ance coverage. This bill would allow the surviv ing spouse to purchase rhe same health insur-ance coverage from the City.Our third hill is ca lled Fina l Average Salary. N{1w when a member retires, their pens ion isbased on their best three consecut ive yCHS of salary. T his bill would give members the opt ionof using JUSt their last year of sala ry to ca lculnrc pension. Members wo uld have to choosewhich method they want to usc fo r pension ralculutions. For those tha t still want to usc theirthree bcsr years, they can. Th is hill just gives member a choi 'e.11)(' last hill we a rc working on would allow members to continue to ea rn service reclir for

    yea rs in service beyond 25 YI.::JrS. Right now, members in Tiers III and IV don r get service crcd-ir for ;11'1, thing beyond 25 ycnrs. Serv ice .rcdit helps boos t pension : and helps ra i c fina l aver-:lgc sa la rv

    cvera l of the holdups on our legislation 115r yea r invo lved iry Council Speaker Christ ineQuinn refusing to provide Home Rule Messages befor e knowing whether the Stare Legislaturewas going to pass a hill. The Legislatu re, however, refused ro a r on bills without having aHome Rule Message first. I }11l1 trying ro a rrange a meeting with Speaker Quinn in hopes ofexplaini ng the situa tion and getti ng ri l l: City Council to change its artitudc.Since three of uur bills will need fi scal notes from the City, it 's vitnl tha t W I.: impress upon the

    Speaker the need for her to change the Council's position. In the meantime, Ron, Billy and Iarc conrinuing to make our presence know n in Alhany and at City Ha ll hy attending impor-rant events and meeting with Legislato rs involved with rhc Labor .ommirrccs.

    illyand I arecontinumgto make oupresenceknown in

    Albany andat Citv Haby attendinimportantevents and

    meeting witLegislatorsinvolvedwith theLabor

    Comrni ce- Pefer Mering

    eCA Lobb

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    Gladney Center forAdoption

    If you are interested inhosting or sponsoring achild for summer camp.

    please call(631) 265-2485 ext.

    143 or send an e-mailto info@sgtadoption

    To WllOm It May Concern:I retired as a Captain back ill 2000. I am writing 0 ask if th e CCA would be willing to

    post ill th e Captain's Quarterly about participating ill the Bright Futures Camp. Thiscamp is for children from Ethiopia, who live in orphanages. They come to th e U.s. fortwo weeks during tile slimmer and stay with their host family. These children areolder, between th e ages of seven to 14 yenrs 01rL The idea is tho cmaybe this could leadto the child being adopted

    This is how we met our daughter Genet. We sponsored her in August 2006. Shestayed with us and of course we fell in love and adopted her. In February 2007 wewent to Ethiopia to bring her home. While in Ethiopia we saw poverty that we asAmericans cannot relate to . There are so mOllY children in orphanages there. Thiscamp was set. up fo r older children as most people want to adopt babies. /11 anEthiopian orphanage wilen you become 18 years old you are basically kicked ou t andnow have to fend fo r yourselfIfit is alright and the CCA would be willing to put somethinq in tile Quarterly, / will

    Bet all of th e information together and send it along. This is preliminary and I amhopeful it wi ll work out. Thank you for your assistance .VelY truly yours,Thomas R. Kavonaqt:P.S. We are now il l th e process ofadoptinq Genet's older sister.

    Members ofthe Class of December 14, 2007























  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    HispanicHeritageDayOnMonda!J,Januar2008, the ManhattaDetention Complexcelebrated HispanicHeritage Day. Theevent was a hugesuccess featuringgreat food and excelent entertainment.Latin musician OrlaMarin was there toentertain the staff.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    Dep artment Agrees to ReturnMedal's Day to CCAT hree year s a fte r the Depar tment ro o k aW:IY Medal's Da y a s a mea ns o f spit ing rhc ee

    t hey ha v agreed to retu rn t he even t tha t o ur Cap ta ins rightfully de crvc ."We a rc ex t remel y pleas ed w ith the decisio n," sa id l st VI' Pa tr ick Fcrriauolo . "Ou r "a p ra

    ha ve wa ited to o lo ng to be recogni zed for th e ha rd wo rk rha r th ey per fo rm . M ed al's Da y iday w hen o u r fam ilies can com e ou t an d sec t heir loved on es he rewarded for a jo b wel l donT he C ,A w ill ho nor fo ur .ap ra ins invo lved in an inc ident at GRV . in Dcccrn hcr 20

    where inmates in a housing area were assaul ting st aff an d a. a resu lt o f t he a rrack, one of oCap tai n was forced into re tirement , At th e rim e of th e inciden t , fo ur Captains ca rne to th eo f staff : Ca pt. G rcgory Angrum , Cap t . 1\1len M iller. Ca pt. M iguc] M elendez. an d Capt. JoseRusso. : hn rtly a fter the inc ident . rh Depa rtmen t filed charges again st a ll four, At t he trial ,Depa rt ment cla imed rhe Cap t a ins used excessive forc e an d should Ill ' term inate d . Afte r a loand stressfu l tr ial . a ll of th e charges wer e d ismissed .T he Administ ra t ive Law J udge o n rhe case even hailed the four as he ro es. Since th e inc idea pr. Aug rurn has re tir ed an d Cup r. M elend ez wa s pro moted to As. i. ra n t Deput y \'\!ard

    Capr. Ru . 0 an d Ca pt. M ille r ar c both active Capta ins ." We a rc lo oking fo rwa rd tu b ringing our heroes toge ther along w ith their families , an d

    finall y giv ing them their day in th e su n," Fcrra iuol o said .

    The C "/\ a nd a ll Ca pta ins . rc pr oud of o ne o f ou r OW Il -:1 tr ue hcro - a pr. Leon BrimCCA Delega te for Tra nspo rrnrio n . H i comma nd honors an d emb races him before his de pru rc. Leo n, a n IS-yea f vetera n o f t he Department, has been a mem ber o f th e Unit ed Sta tes AFo rce servi ng 011 ac tive duty a nd reserves since 19X3 a nd has a rrnincd the ran k o f M asSergea nt ,

    I \ Jmiln er wha t your pe rso nal op i nio n is of the war in Iraq, one th ing all of us ca n agreeis t hat a ll o f our ser vice men and service women arc :111 heroes , T he} arc figh ting a ba taga in st rog ues w ho wanr no th i ng bur to destroy ou r way of life , to destro y a ll of th e freedo\\1 (' as Ameri a ils en joy. Go u bless al l our American troops .Leon has been act iva ted for a second to ur o f lury. Hi firsr tou r lasted two years . T his timLeo n is . chcd ulc d to be hac k a fter four rno nrhs . Please remem ber Leon :1I1 d his fam i ly in yOtho ugh ts a nd pra yer s . Anyon e w ish ing t o co ntact him w hile he is on ac tive du ty ca n reach hvia e-mail a t LEO NBR IT r O N@lJS.I\ EM IL or a t th e fo llow ing ad dress :

    Master Ser geant Leon Britton , J r.U S i \ l 3 - ELR. IAPFf\PO AE0931 --9997

    O ur tho ug hts a nd pr a y -rs ar c also w ith .ap ts . , hcila lrby and Eugenio Ramos J uring thd eplo yment s.

    - Joseph FerramoscoSergeant-at-Arms


    Leon and hisfamily inyour

    thoughtsand aye s.


  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    Congratulations to Capt.Richard Pasko (BKDC) onhis retirement. On Friday,December 21, 200 ?, thefacil it y held a celebrationin his honor. He's picturedabove with his family andat left receiving a reti rement certificate from Is tVP Patr ick Ferraiuolo andLegislative ChairmanWill iam Inman.

    Congratulations to Capt. Keith E. Miller (Adjudicat ion ) [above left ]an cJ Capt. Edward Vinogrosk i(Adjudication) [a bove right ] on their ret irements. A party was held in their honor on Tuesday,Januar y 22, 2008 at The Pines in the Holiday Inn Hotel in Queens. In top right photo, bothCaptains receive retirement certificates (rom CCA President Ron Whit field.

    RetireeNotesRetired Capt. PaulBorkowski andwifeNancy are nowresiding in Rincon,Puerto Rco.Thel,j havopened a tourand vation rental business.Correction personnelreceive discounts.Anyone who isinterested cancontact their websitewww.casanancqrincopr.corn or .You can also reachthem by calling eithe787-599-5494 or78?-251-8?39.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    Congratu lations to Capt. Patricia Durante(VCSC)on her ret irement. On Friday, Februarq8, 2008, a par ty was held in her honor at theLobs te r House on City Island. CCA PresidentRon Whi tfie ld, i st VP Pat rick Ferriauolo andLegis lat ive Director Willi am Inman joined in hercelebrat ion.

    Congratu lat ions to Capt. Amada Carmona -Mart(HQ1on her retirement . On Friday , November 16200 7, the facilit lJ held a celebrat ion in her honorFinancial Secretary Frank lJSoto presents herwith a ret irement cert if icate while her daughterholds a plaque received by the Iacilin].


    Congratu lat ions to Capt. Sharon Wright[Adadernq] on her ret irement . On November16. 20 07, the facili ty held a celebration in herhonor. CCA Pres ident Ron Wh it field presentedCapt . Wright w ith a retirement certificate.

    ,..-,-. , ' t,

    Congratulations to Capt. Michael Sakellaridis(OSCCDelegate) on hi s retirement. OnThu rsday , November 15. 2007, the facil ityheld a celebrat ion in his honor. Pres iden t RonWhit field and VP Patric k Ferriauolo pos e w it hCapt. Sakellaridis holdi ng his facil it !:! retirement plaque (above). In pho to below,Sakellaridis receives a spec ial gi ft t hat willhel p him enjolJ his reti rement.


    DOCRetireesBe FriendsCruise

    The NYCDepartment ofCorrection Retirees andFriends will be hosti ng

    a seven-dag cruiseaboard Carnival's

    "Destiny".The sailingdate is Aug. 31 -

    Sept. 7, 2008. leavingfrom San Juan, PuertoRico, to Saint Thomas,Dominica. Barbados.Saint l ucia. Antiguaand Saint Kitts. The

    first payment of $125is due immediately. Foradditional informationand payment schedule.

    contact Re t. AJON"Joseph Rogers at

    JROGERS80@nc.rr.comor [919]957-8884. orRet.Warden SandraHudson at

    Hudsonssan@ao l.comor (803) 535-3329.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    2007 Retirees LifetimeMembersDenise Alston James Grillo Rau Philli p Since LasZoila Aponte-Reyes Paulette Harper Robert Quinones NewsletteJoseph Archibald George Haqden Jerome RambertLarry Arono fsky Allona Hendricks Hafsah Rhodes MaryAcquavivaNelson Arroyo Christ ine Holloway Lena Robertson Kenneth AndersoFreddie Barfield Derrick Hutch inso Raul Rodriguez William AtchueCedr ic Beckford Christopher Jeffre y Robert Rolling Compton Bumbur

    Stacey Bell Gerald Johnson Shaun Ryan JamesBundridgeLeslie Brice James Kearney Yolanda Selt JohnCaroccio

    John Brunson Anthony Kennedy Ahmad Shaheed MichaelCaseyRoger Chappelle Ross Kessler Adrienne Scot t Daniel CaudianoVerna Crews Joseph Klusko John Signe r Hugh Macisaac

    Jeffrey Dagress Joyce Krebs Steven Smalls Nikolas MakrinikolWilliam Daly Orvelle Lawson Catherine Spann Maurice MayerDawn Oarnrn Kyle Long Georgia Stoutt Dominick MinervRobert Dancy Denise Manuel Daphne Tisdale Herbert Moultrie

    Gwendo lyn Doz. ier Will iam Menge Richard Vickers Stephen RicciRonald RizzottiRaymond Eck Pete r Meringol o Walter WinterEric Geisler Yolanda Miller Minnie Wright PhyllisRossNoel RubioAlicia Gordon Salvatore Mogavero George Zbravos JamesSebberSylves er Griff in Stephen Mucci Richard Zim ring HenrySpakoffArthur Pet ry John Suchodolsk

    JamesWatkinsLeroy Williams

  • 8/14/2019 GM-13 - CCA Newsletter, Winter 2008


    AMeetingof theMinds

    O [ I I I ! W J ' l AN 'nueQI't

    Ol\'da:lelsod snI ! sselJ l SJ I;j

    1st VP Patrick Ferriauolo led a contingent of CCA Board Members to Albany for the NYork State Public Employee Conference Legislative Breakfast, After the meeting. CCA mebers met with Lobbyist Peter Meringolo and members of the Sanitation Officers' Associatto discuss possible bills that the two unions could submit together. "Hopefully Legislatorstake us more seriously since there will be two powerful unions supporting the bilFerriauolo said. Pictured from far left are SOA Lobbyist Bing Markee . SOA RecordSecretary Arthur Cateuacci, SOA President Joe Mannion, Ferriauolo, and CCA LobbPeter Meringok Facing backward are CCA Sergeant-at-Arms Joseph Ferramosca aLegislative Director William Inman.

    6 ~ 2 0 1 AN '}llOA MaN1 0 ~ 1 a ~ ! n s 'neMpeOJ8 2

    }llOA MaN )0 fh!Juo!paJJoJ )0 iuaunredarj