Goal: To provide you with the knowledge and skills to manage fatigue-related risk 1.The causes and...

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TLIF2010AApply Fatigue Management Strategies

Traffic Control Room Operators

Training Outline

Goal: To provide you with the knowledge and skills to manage fatigue-related risk

1. The causes and consequences of fatigue2. Fatigue management. How to manage operator and individual

obligations3. Personal fatigue management strategies


Causes and Consequences of Fatigue


Module One

A state of physical or mental weariness that results in reduced alertness

The result of lack of adequate sleep

A sleep debt that accumulates until paid off with adequate sleep

What is Fatigue ?

What are some conditions that make you feel particularly tired or fatigued at



Potential Causes of Fatigue


Fatigue can be caused by work-related factors, factors outside work and/or a combination of both, and may

accumulate over time.

Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue can be the result of variety of factors:

The body’s natural rhythmsWork scheduleType of taskWork environmentNon work-related issues

What are some potential work-related factors that can cause

Fatigue? Roster Patterns Length of shifts

Poor work scheduling and planning Length of time worked

Timing of shifts (e.g night shift) Insufficient recovery time between shifts

Long periods of time awake Harsh environments/conditions

Type of work being undertaken (i.e continual monitoring)

Mentally or physically demanding work

Inadequate rest breaks

The Body Clock Known as circadian rhythms

Operates on a 24-hour cycle

Makes you sleepy when it’s dark and awake when it’s light

Controls a variety of body functions:



Hormone production

Body temperature

Circadian Rhythms


p o C

0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100 0000 0300 0600




Core body temperature across a

24-hour period

SleepHave you ever fallen asleep while you were at work?

If you answered YES you are among the 33% of shift workers who have done the same according to a recent National Sleep Foundation Study

Most people need between 7 and 9 hours per day

It’s not true that you need less sleep as you get older

When you sleep makes a difference in how much you get

Sleep is best obtained in a single block

Sleep Cycles

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 1

REM sleep

Stage 4Stage 3

90 to 120 min.

Stage 2

When you sleep, you cycle through five different sleep stages

What do you believe are some of the effects of fatigue?


A Serious Safety HazardThe effects of fatigue on health and work performance can

be short term and long term. Short-term effects on an individual include impaired work performance, such as the

reduced ability to:

Concentrate and avoid distraction

Think laterally and analytically

Remember and recall events and their


Make decisions

Maintain vigilance

Control emotions

Appreciate complex situations

Recognise risks

Coordinate hand-eye


Communicate effectively

Slow reaction

timeIncrease the likelihood of

accidents and injuries


As Dangerous as Alcohol

After 17 hours awake, you may be as impaired as if you were legally drunk to drive (0.05).

Fatigue has an impact outside of work.Studies have found that shift workers are more likely to suffer from: Irritability, stress, anxiety, and depression gastrointestinal problems cardiovascular illnesses reproductive problems

Consequences for Health

Working shifts can make you feel socially isolated , your working while others have fun It can take heavy toll on family:

- less involved in daily life- harder to organise domestic chores

- difficulty arranging childcare- higher risk of divorce

You may be tempted to choose social or family activities over sleep.

Family & Social Life

One of the most dangerous things you can do while fatigued is drive

You may be driving during the very times that your body most wants to sleep

Nightshift workers are 4 to 7 times as likely to have an accident driving home


Fatigue Management


Module Two

Fatigue Management involves:


Risk assessment

Hazard controls/action plans

Training and education

Ongoing review and improvement

Fatigue Management

Joint Responsibility for Fatigue

Organisational Responsibilities Employee Responsibilities


Hours of work

Workload & environment

Non work-related


Situation & lifestyle

Medical disorders

Employer ResponsibilitiesEmployers have the primary duty under the WHS ACT to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking.

Preventing & managing fatigue – A step by step process

STEP 1 Identify hazards that can contribute to fatigue

STEP 2 Assess the risks of these hazards

STEP 3 Implement and maintain risk control measures

STEP 4 Review the effectiveness of the control measures

Employee ResponsibilitiesYou have a duty to take reasonable care for your own safety and health and fellow workers. Workers must comply with reasonable instruction and cooperate with workplace policy and procedures relating to fatigue at the workplace

To reduce the risk of being involved in a work incident caused by fatigue, you should:

comply with your organisation’s policies and procedures relating to fatigue understand your sleep, rest and recovery needs and obtain adequate rest and sleep away from work

seek medical advice and assistance if you have or are concerned about a health condition that affects your sleep and/or causes fatigue

assess your own fitness for work before commencing workmonitor your level of alertness and concentration while you are at work look out for signs of fatigue in the people you work with

Employee ResponsibilitiesIn consultation with your supervisor, take steps to manage fatigue, for example: take a break or short nap (night shift), maintain hydration (drink water), do some stretching or physical exercise, adjust the work environment (lighting, temperature)

Talk to your supervisor or manager if you foresee or experience being impaired by fatigue likely to create a health and safety risk

Example: Because of a health condition, excessive work demands or personal circumstances

Assess your fatigue levels after work and take suitable commuting and accommodation options (e.g. avoiding driving if fatigued).

Hazard Control Measures

Level 1 Controls

Sleep Opportunity

Level 1 controls are proposed to make sure you get enough sleep off between shifts to get enough sleep

Work schedules are evaluated according to: length and timing of shiftsLength and timing of breaks Number of shifts worked in a rowNumber of days off between shiftsOvertime shifts

Level 1 Controls

Sleep Opportunity

Fatigue Likelihood Scoring Matrix for Work Schedules

0 points 1 point 2 points 4 points 8 points

a) Total hours per 7 days ≤ 36 hours 36.1 – 43.9 44 – 47.9 48 – 54.9 55+

b) Maximum shift duration ≤ 8 hours 8.1 – 9.9 10 – 11.9 12 – 13.9 ≥ 14

c) Minimum short break duration

≥ 16 hours 15.9 – 13 12.9 – 10 9.9 – 8 ≤ 8

d) Maximum night work per 7 days

0 hours 0.1 – 8 8.1 – 16 16.1 – 24 ≥ 24

e) Long break frequency ≥ 1 in 7 days ≤ 1 in 7 days ≤ 1 in 14 days ≤ 1 in 21 days ≤ 1 in 28 days

Level 1 Controls

Fatigue Likelihood Scores

0 20105 30

Monday – Friday / 38 hours

12 hour shifts / 4 days on, 4 off

12 hour shifts, 7 nights


Level 2 Controls

Sleep Obtained

Level 2 controls are intended to determine whether employees actually got the sleep they needed

Identifies employees who fail to get sufficient sleep

Provides a procedure to report fatigue to a supervisor or


Outlines clear steps to take when an employee makes a

fatigue report

Level 2 Controls

Fatigue Likelihood Score

Prior sleep factor Threshold Value Score

X (sleep in prior 24 hours) 5 hours

Add 4 points for each hour below threshold

Y (Sleep in prior 48 hours) 13 hours

Add 2 points for each hour below threshold

Z (time awake since last sleep) Y

Add 1 point for each hour of wakefulness greater than Y

Level 2 Controls

Sample Decision Tree

Score Action

0 No Action

1-4Talk to supervisor and undertake approved individual countermeasures (i.e. self monitoring for symptoms,

team monitoring by colleagues, task rotation)

5-8File fatigue report with supervisor. Organize

supervisory checks, Complete symptom checklist, task re-assignment

9+File fatigue report with manager. Do not engage in risky

behaviour. Do not start shift until fit for work.

What are some of the common symptoms of fatigue?


Level 3 Controls

Fatigue Symptoms

Level 3 controls are intended to identify employees who show signs of fatigue:

Symptoms of fatigue indicate an increased risk of fatigue-related error

employees should watch for symptoms in themselves and others

a system of reporting allows the company to take measures when the risk is considered high

Level 4 Controls

Fatigue Proofing Strategies

Increased supervisor/co-worker monitoring Working in pairsDouble-check systemsChecklistsTask rotationAdditional breaksNappingMoving critical/monotonous tasks to daytime

Level 5 Controls

Errors and Incidents

Level 5 control consist of: fatigue error or incident reporting system investigation procedures to determine whether

fatigue was cause of an incident review of fatigue management controls

Personal Fatigue Countermeasures


Module Three

What strategies do you use to stay alert when you’re working?


Set up your bedroom for sleeping

Make it as dark as possible Make sure the temperature is right 18°C

to 24°CMove distractions to another room Make sure you won’t be disturbed

Get the Sleep You Need

Keep to a regular bedtime routineWind down before trying to sleep

Be careful what you eat or drink before bedDon’t toss and turn waiting to fall asleepAdjust your bedtime gradually if your shift


Good Sleeping Habits

Naps can supplement sleep, not replace it

Naps 10 minutes or longer can improve alertness, communication and mood

The value of a nap doesn’t depend on the time of day

Allow 5 to 20 minutes for sleep inertia to pass

Take a Nap

Dehydration slows you down and increases feelings of sluggishness

Working in heat, air conditioning, or at night can be dehydrating

Drinking coffee, tea, soft drinks, or alcohol, and eating salty foods can make your feel thirstier

Adults should drink at least 2 litres of fluid a day

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Has stimulant effects that can improve alertness and performance

Best used strategically – only when you really need help staying awake

Takes 15-30 minutes to take effect and the effects can last up to 5 hours

You can develop both a dependence and a tolerance

Make smart use of Caffeine

Drugs and AlcoholAlcohol can help you relax before bed, but it can also

disrupt your sleepSleeping pills are best used occasionally or for only a

few days at a time

Cold and flu medication can keep you from sleeping

Eating RightMaintaining blood sugar levels is key to controlling ups and

downs in energy levels

Eating low-fat, high-protein foods can actually increase


High-fat foods can slow you down High-sugar foods can cause your blood sugar to rise and fall

quicklyHigh Glycemic Index (GI) Foods Low GI Foods

French fries, doughnuts, muffins, bread (white or whole grain),

cornflakes, rice (white or quick brown), cakes

Fish (canned in water), low-fat dairy (cottage cheese, yoghurt), lean meat (steak, chicken, breast, lamb) pasta, All-bran, porridge, hard boiled eggs,

peanuts, lentils, fresh fruit

Physical Exercise

Good for your overall health

Can help you sleep better and feel more rested Helps relieve stress, boost your health, strengthen

your immune function, and improve muscle tone and strength

Any activity that keeps your heart rate elevated for at least 20 minutes is goods

A Healthy, Balanced Life

Get enough sleep

Spend time with friends and family

Enjoy time for yourself

Stay fit and healthy

QUESTIONSThis document has been developed by Transqual Logistics Training as a Training and Assessment resource.

© Transqual Logistics Training Unit 4 / 24 Portside Crescent Wickham 2292Newcastle NSW

Authorised by Quality and Compliance Transqual Pty Ltd.Version: V5. November 2014

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