Goals & roles

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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  • 1. Module #4 Goals and Roles in Small Groups

2. Three types of goals 1. task, 2. maintenance 3. Personal Ideally a group member will combine all three 3. Group-type Goals: Task Maintenance 4. A goal is a endpoint toward which an individual or group of people value and are working toward. Specific goals establish and maintain motivation Challenging goals heighten performance as they are used to evaluate performance 5. They need to be realistic but challenging Commitment to goals is increased when They are made public They are set by the group Goals need to be short and long term 6. Short term goals are the stepping stones to the long term goals 7. Remember: Start small and work your way up!!! 8. 1. Describe how each goal will be completed break it down? 2. Who will complete each task? 3. When will it be completed? 4. How will it be evaluated? How will you recognize it when it is achieved? 9. 1. Task/Achievement Goals Major outcomes or products Obvious achievements or learning Behaviours that help you reach task goals Clearly define and report in on progress Summarize important points Outline a plan 10. 2. Maintenance Goals Relate to the climate of the group & relationships that exist between members Maintain satisfactory cooperation levels Behaviours that help you reach them: Provide encouragement and support Limit critical comments and personally directed criticism Arbitrate disputes all own a piece Increase group cohesiveness we ness 11. When maintenance goals are achieved task goals are more effectively accomplished! Either goal can be a priority at any time The relationship between the two fluctuates constantly 12. We all bring them to a group but they may be different for all of us They are the things we hope to benefit from or gain from personally in a group 13. For some personal goals will be more important than group goals Two dilemmas may emerge: 1. Mixed Motives 2. Hidden Agendas 14. Member must decide between their own goals and the divergent goals of the group Can make group work hard Can demand compromise You must work within the limits or work to change them 15. A goal held by a member but unknown to other group members, which interferes with the groups efforts Annoying Destructive When destructive; must be confronted within the group 16. Have an open discussion of the issue Avoid blaming, or criticizing Use I statements not you statements Try it statements it seems the group is not prepared You can meet both personal and group goals in a group but you must be transparent and will to discuss issues as they emerge 17. The manner in which each group member interacts with other group members A set of behaviours A tendency for members to specialize in a role 18. The manner in which each group member interacts with other group members; behaviors 1. Task Roles related to the accomplishment of tasks/achievements 2. Maintenance - strengthen social emotional bonds 3. Self Centered satisfy personal needs not group needs 19. The group can make a person with high status feel important & influential They are given prestige & privelege Beebe & Masterson,2009 20. Power is defined as the resources you can use to control or influence others Beebe & Masterson, 2009 21. 1. Legitimate being elected, appointed or selected to exert control Beebe & Masterson, 2009 22. 2. Referent Power the power in interpersonal attraction Beebe & Masterson, 2009 23. 3. Expert Power is based on knowledge and information that a person knows. Beebe & Masterson, 2009 24. 4. Reward Power based on the ability to reward behaviours e.g. money, status, power, acceptance, etc 25. 5. Coercive Power the negative side power. Someone who can punish the group for acting or not acting in a certain way. Beebe & Masterson, 2009 26. POSITIVE NEGATIVE Struggle for power = poor decisions Can be aggressors, blockers, attention seekers, etc Talk too much & for the longest Use for personal gain More privileges Increasing your activity in group can increase your power Equal distribution = better communication good teams depend on all group members