God and Science As originally presented by Dr. John Oakes.

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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God and Science

As originally presented by Dr. John Oakes

“We are as much the product of blind forces as is the falling of a stone to the earth, or the ebb and flow of the tides. We have just happened, and man was made flesh by a series of singularly beneficial accidents”. -Thomas Huxley

Is creation “accident” or designed?

Just right or not at all!

Water-essential for life-perfect balance of solvency-uniquely high boiling point due to its bent structure.-solid freezes on top of the liquid (uncommon in liquids)-absorbs heat better than any molecule, which regulates the heat in earth’s atmosphere.-bent nature of the molecule makes it sticky, without which we could not exist.

The Periodic Table


Contains all genetic info, each of us is filled with billions of these, they create a code orCombination…interestingly they cannot have appeared separate form protein molecules.


Simplest life form: Breakdown

• E-Coli is the simplest form of life, a single celled organism (in contrast to people who have many billions of cells)

• ONE e-coli 3000-4000 contains proteins.• The DNA needed to make these proteins• Dozens of lipids (for the membrane)• Saccharides• Other organic molecules

The UNlikelihood of: “Singularly beneficial accidents”

The amount of information in a single cell is equivalent to a 2,000 page book. Imagine Putting all of the letters from your Bible in a basket, shaking it up, and dumping it out…And having it line up in coherent readable text. UNLIKELY!

The “Big Bang” Theory

• For years it was posed that this theory was evidence to God’s non-existence.

• Particles collided, produced heat, got stuck together, became unstable, exploded…BANG!

• 1929 Hubble discovers the “Red Shift” the idea of an expanding universe.

• 1963 Penzias and Wilson find background microwave radiation

Physicists now agree the universe had a definite starting point, therefore was created.

Before the 1950’s most physicists was not “created”, but had always existed.

“Fat Chance”


This number is 10 to the negative 16th power. According to physicists if the amount of energy produced in the original “bang” were off by just this tiny amount the universe would not have formed.

Order vs. Chaos1 Corinthians 14:33—For God is not a God of disorder.

Leviticus—look at the precision and detail of God’s laws. Details matter.

1 Kings—notice the precision and detail given in the instructions on how to build the temple and how to offer sacrifice?

Strong Conviction

• God exists (it is not reasonable to think otherwise).

• God has a right to set a specific standard for living.

• Upon examination and study consider that the Christian Bible contains those standards.

• HOLD TO those teachings…be set free (John 8)

Conclusion:Romans 1:20 “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has made, so that men are without excuse.