God and the Devil Were His Bosses

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God And The Devil Were His Bosses (This is only a temporarytitle!)

This could be a series of short stories or one long story or just a single short story! I haven't yet

decided how I would approach it fully. Nonetheless, the rough sketch of the story is forming nicely!Just for your information, please keep this in mind when you read this story – this is only a draft and awork in progress, and it still needs to be proofread.

Certain events and names and places within this story are intending to be fictional. You should not takethis story personal when certain things within this story are coincided with real events or names or 


Written in March 30th, 2011

Copyright © by Vinh Nguyen

(The story is still a work in progress, needing further proofreading)

Chapter One

“Papa, please read it to me again,” Emily begged.

Brian shook his head and sighed. His daughter refused to go to sleep even though he finished the short

story. The short story he'd written it himself so he could read it to his daughter at bedtime. He wasflattered to know that his daughter loved to hear the story he wrote over and over again, but it had

created a problem for his daughter. Every time she listened to the story, she refused to go to sleep

unless he could read it to her the whole story. Even though it was a short story as he'd intended, it was

still twenty five pages long. He told the same story to her for so many nights already, and even he'dgotten tired of his own story. Once, he remembered she resisted his plead in listening to another 

children story that was written by a real author named Melisa Anderson. He'd read that story to her 

once, but before he could even finish the first chapter, his daughter became agitated and demanded himto read his own story. Tonight wasn't any different, and his daughter refused to surrender to the night as

he tried his best to keep himself awake. He'd gotten tired of listening to his own tale to the point of 

dozing off.

“Emily, how about close your eyes and I will finish the rest of the story,” Brian suggested.

“OK papa,” Emily's eyes shut tight.

“Great, and she stared at the man with her jaw opened wide...,” before Brian finished the sentence, he

 blew a foggy breath into Emily's face so she could begin her deep sleep journey.

Brian trotted over to the electronic light switch, and he completely dimmed the light till light was no

more. Closing the door behind him quietly, Brian was safely out of his daughter's bedroom. The lightin the hallway was very bright. The stairway was stylishly curved from the top to the bottom. It was

decorated with strange angelic and demonic figures. The figures were painted in brownish red to

complement dark shimmering brown stairway. Brian had his many fingers lightly skirted across themany strange figures till he reached the bottom of the stairway.

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The familiar view of the living room came into view. Brian saw his wife knitted an almost finished

sweater. The sweater was skillfully knitted with colorful stripes in red and white. It was for his

daughter that his wife toiled over the sweater with a motherly love.

“Babe, I've to go to work early tomorrow. It's special day, and so let go to bed early,” Brian urged his

wife to end the night.

Rose turned around and gave her husband the biggest smile ever. She shook her head and compliment

it with a pity face, but the expression on her face was of a loving wife to a dear husband.

“If this goes on, I've to wish Emily somehow skips her childhood completely,” Brian said jokingly.

“Brian, let me clean up the mess here real quick, why don't you wait for me in bed. I promise to be

quick about here,” Rose insisted.


Brian got back onto the stairway so he could make his way toward his bedroom. He left the light on in

the hallway as he knew his wife would follow soon.

The master bedroom was grand. Unlike the stairway, all the bedrooms' doors had painted in white, but

all the doors were beautifully and intricately designed with mismatched squares and triangles. Beyond

the master bedroom's door, the ceiling could be seen as an overly ambitious design as it hung rather abnormally high above. The ceiling had a slight touch of renaissance arts. One could imagine he'd

visited the Sistine Chapel by staring up. At a closer look, the arts of the master bedroom's ceiling

wasn't the same as the famous Sistine Chapel at all. In fact, it was mixed with arts from the modern

day artists that Brian had paid handsomely to depict the way he'd imagined.

Brian dimmed the light and got into bed. Brian turned on the huge 64 inches 3D plasma TV made in

China with a Japanese brand stood majestically on equally adorable modernistic glass structure made tohold assortments of entertainment systems. In this case, it was a simplistic setup where the huge flat

screen TV laid comfortably on the topmost glass panel, a Japanese gaming console laid along with

assortments of electronic players at the middle glass panel which extended wider than the top one, andabandoned CDs and DVDs laid at the bottommost glass panel which extended even wider than the

middle one. The whole thing resembled a pyramid structure, but it was held together by modernistic

shiny metallic and angled beams. Instead of having various small speakers hid among the corners of 

the room, Brian had two huge speakers that could rock a concert to compliment the wholeentertainment setup. Each large speaker stood mighty tall on its slender black pole. The whole

entertainment setup was squeezed between the two giant speakers.

Late night news was on, and Brian lowered the volume a bit. He could hear his wife made her way up

the stairway. The stairway was thirteen rooms away from the master bedroom, and yet his ears had

tuned into the sound of her footsteps. Each step she took, he could sense and vividly picture her footstep at the same time. The sense his ears picked was just as visual as the way he stared at

something. It was all in his mind. He could also sense her unique body odor from the stairway. As

always, her body odor was a little different at night. It was softer but pleasant. It was sweet but loose.It was very colorful even though he sensed her body odor from his nose. Knowing his wife made her 

way to him, he turned on the volume of the TV a bit louder as if he intended to listen to the news.

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His wife allowed her silky red night dress to slide down, revealing her curvacious naked body. She

 bended forward, picked her dress up, and threw it inside the dirty clothing bin which laid half full. She

got into the bed and laid next to him in nude. With her rosy red lips, she kissed his hand as she held it

inside her own luscious ones with slender fingers and beautifully colored red nails. He knew rightaway she wanted to arouse him. He turned around to face her, and he held her head closer to his. They

 both drowned in a deep kiss. Eventually, he got himself out of his own pajama, and the night was

 passionate as always.

“Why tomorrow is so special?” Rose asked as she breathed a little faster than usual.

“A big day tomorrow, a very big business is going to become our next biggest client yet,” Brian spoke

of a foreign automaker which decided to switch to his advertising company for a change. His

advertising company had been in business for a little over a decade, but none of the clients were as big

as this automaker.

“So, tomorrow they will sign a contract with your company?” Rose asked.

“Definitely, why don't we celebrate the good news tonight with a family night out at Ivan's steak 

house?” Brian suggested the whole family to dine at his best friend's restaurant.

“Sure, I'm so looking forward to see you all giddy tomorrow night,” Rose patted Brian's bare chest with

her soft hand.

Eventually, the two hung onto each other, surrendering to the night and let it whisked them away in

each own dream.

The morning was barely begun, but Brian woke himself up early without the need of his alarm clock togo crazy. Nonetheless, the alarm clock was sure to go crazy at the usual time, and his wife would

snooze it as usual. Brian knew his wife was never a good morning riser, but she was sure an active one

when she eventually got her morning coffee.

Brian leaved the bed knowing his wife was still in her sleepy world. He got into the shower. Minutes

later, he dressed himself in the usual suit and tie. All his suits and ties looked pretty much the same.Every suit was black and every tie was red, and he wouldn't have them in any other colors.

Executing his morning routine down to the last detail. He drank his morning black coffee without

sugar, ate a toasted sandwich with a soft layer of peanut butter, and completed his morning routine withchecking on his daughter.

Brian saw Emily hung on tightly to her little alligator pillow. It was a good sign for him that she wasstill safe and sound in her bed.

Entering the garage, Brian got into his moderately new seven series BMW. Off and off away, he droveit out of the garage, lowered the garage door down, and whisked away to work.

The traffic was bad as always as Brian drove to work early. Angry drivers often cut each other off eventhough their cars moved at snail pace. Brian seemed not to care about the slow morning drive, because

he often used the lonely moment inside his car during the morning traffic jam to contemplate and self-

reflect about his life and whatever else that would be potentially bothered him in the now.

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Brian had a wonderful life, he knew of that. He and his wife was a match made in heaven, because she

would care to his every need and he would do the same. His friends often joked about how they would

love to be him for he'd everything worked out in life. His daughter made him a proud father, and thefeeling of being a father was never old. Instead, Brian loved the challenge of becoming a great father 

for his daughter. His business was up and up, and he never felt better about his business. His mind

 pictured how he would shake hand with the CEOs of the automaker, give a little pat on the back of theshoulder of one of the CEOs, and show off his well practiced faint smile that he often made sure he got

it right in front of the mirror during his shower routine at home. The picture was sweet, and sweeter it

would be for him tonight as he would celebrate it with Rose and Emily at Ivan's restaurant. Brianimagined he would tell his best friend to pop open one of the best red wine bottles there was in the

restaurant. Morning traffic was slower than usual, and Brian was glad he went off to work early. He

could imagine a disaster in his mind for coming in late on a morning meeting with the CEOs who

would sign a really big contract to boost his advertising agency to the next level.

Suddenly, Brian felt panic, but he had no idea why or where the feeling was manifested. He didn't care

about the slow moving traffic, and so it had to be something else that would bother him. Brian oftencompared himself to the fictional character Spider Man from the comic, because he had his very own

unique way of sensing dangers. He often joked to his wife that he certainly felt he had a spider sense.

He knew his wife would scoff it off as if he was crazy. He told her anyway. Rose often said, so you

can sense when a company refuse to renew their contract with you. Big deal Brian – here she would 

laugh mockingly – it's not spider sense but it's the experience you've had built for so long over the years that you'd with being in the advertising business, babe. She never knew what he'd referred to, because he could not tell her that sometimes his ears would be able to capture the sound of every beat

that her heart drummed during sex. He often wanted to blurt out that he was more than having spider 

sense, because sometimes his sense, however illusive it was, had him not predicted but knew rather 

well about a person state of mind. He remembered quite well one time he walked inside a localclothing department store with his daughter, and as he turned around he saw a middle aged man was

laughing and joking with the other stranger who had roughly the same age as the middle aged man, but

out of nowhere his sense told him that the middle aged man would go berserk at the other man thatseemed to be pleasant enough during the two's conversation. These secrets he would love to tell his

loved ones, but he'd kept his family in the dark for as long as he'd any memory of discovering these

creepy abilities.

Usually, his creepy abilities would get him out of troubles either in the nick of time or way before

anything worse could be done to him, but not this time. A big plane out of nowhere crashed toward the

traffic jam. The plane was so close that Brian couldn't see the entire plane. The sky suddenly turneddark. Hell broke lose, and Brian felt an explosion. Everything turned dark in way which wasn't any

different from a person who had turned off a flash light in the darkest cave ever. Brian felt he had lost

consciousness, but he wasn't completely slipped into the oblivion. Instead, Brian regained hisconsciousness just to have his consciousness slipped away every time he had the will to regain it. His

senses were no longer super human. He could not hear anything, see anything, sense anything, but all

he could feel was his consciousness was about to be forever lost.

A bright light struck his tunnel vision. So bright that the light hurts him more than help. A short

duration of battling against white tunnel vision, suddenly his vision turned reddish, not unlike the color of blood. He felt his body's climate changed from unbearable cold to extreme hot. He thought his

 body was about to be burned inside out.

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When all hopes had lost, Brian's consciousness flooded back fully. It was a surprise, and he could not

wrap his mind around what he'd realized. The first thing he saw right after he'd regained his

consciousness was that he'd been laying on the dirty, dry highway. The smell of burned metals

overpowered his nose had him stopped breathing for few seconds. Parts of the beautiful blue skyshrouded by clouds of black smokes. Brian could not hear any explosion, but he heard humans with

their talks clearly. Somehow he could discern people's gossips from the loud noises made by the police

cars. Brian pushed himself sideway slowly for he expected pain from his broken body could exceed his pain tolerance level. To his astonishment, he felt fine. No longer he'd the sky in his view, instead Brian

now witnessed a scene that baffled him. He stood upright and slowly allowed his body to move on its

own in three hundred sixty degree fashion as his eyes scanned everything there was. It broughteverything back from that moment, the moment he saw a plane right over him.

Brian observed the mess with awe. Cars piled onto each other. Some vehicles were disfigured badly.

A very large truck had flipped to its side. Half of the wing from the crashed plane remained intact, butBrian could not see the rest of it. The rest of the plane was pretty much gone, and everything was left

had deduced into piles of metal rubbles. Brian could not figure out where was his car, but he somewhat

deducted that his car probably was mixed among the metal rubbles.

Brian started to feel his body for broken ribs or bones or anything, but he found not a single scratch on

his body. In fact, his clothes weren't torn at all.  How could this be?

“Sir, this area is off limit for now, hasn't anyone tell you not to go here? Please get away from this

vicinity now, go stand way way over there with those bystanders please,”

“Sure,” Brian trotted toward groups of bystanders that huddled behind the mixture of police cars and

civilian cars. As everyone else, Brian stood among the bystanders and continued to veer at the chaos

scene. Brian could not make sense of his situation. The last thing he remembered was the planecrashed onto him. Yet he found himself to be perfectly find after he regained his consciousness.

Chapter Two

“Thanks,” the taxi cab driver thanked Brian right after he received the fare.

His house stood there majestically as ever, but Brian felt something had changed. He went inside the

house just to be greeted by his over energetic daughter.

“Papa, papa,” Emily ran up to her father.

Brian swooped Emily into his arm, picked her up, and carried her over to the living room.

“Where's mommy?” Brian asked his daughter.

“Mom is upstairs, want me to get her?” Emily offered to fetch her mom.

“No, stay here with papa. Here, let me put your favorite movie in,” Brian walked over to the living

room's entertainment setup.

Emily turned up the TV with a remote control which had laid unadorned on the vanilla leather sofa.

Brian heard a news reporter reported about a military plane crashed on the highway. He procrastinated

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his search for Emily's favorite movie and stared at the TV, blanked out.

“Papa, the movie.”

“Yes, give me a moment sweetie,” Brian asked himself the same question again, how am I still alive?

“Babe, aren't you supposed to be at the meeting?” Rose popped into the living room and was surprisedto see her husband was already back from his big day. She looked at the beautiful wooden clock which

had an imitation of antiquity hung highly above the TV and clinched to the wall. The clock had the

time at fifteen past ten.

Brian ignored his wife and his daughter's commotion while he blanked out at the TV. He was all in his

own little world.

“Babe, are you alright?” Rose parted the blond bang behind her right ear.

Brian wanted to say something, but he turned around with a face that gave off a baffled facialexpression.

“Yes, I think it's terrible babe. A military plane crashed right onto the busy highway. Isn't this the samehigh way you have to take every morning?” Rose asked suspiciously.

“Yes. In fact, I was there this morning,” Brian answered.

“Thank God you aren't hurt Brian,” Rose came over to Brian and grasped his right hand with both of 

her own. They stood inch apart, staring at the TV while the news reporter ranted on incessantly about

the whole incident.

“What about your big day babe?” Rose asked.

“Daniel will be able to take care of the situation. I lost my cell, had he called here?” Brian asked.

“No, the phone is rather quiet the whole morning,” Rose replied.

“Let me go upstairs and find your cell, I think you probably forgot to bring it with you this morning,”

Rose offered to fetch Brian's cell.

“You won't be able to find it upstairs, I lost the cell on the highway,” Brian said nonchalantly.

“Huh? How babe?”

Brian was about to let it all out, but then he held it back as he bit his lips together. Eventually, Brian

made up a lie and told his wife that he had lost the cell when he gave it to a bystander who wanted tocall home to his wife and say that he's fine just in case his wife has tuned into the news early. The truth

was that he had to borrow someone else's cell phone so he could call a taxi; of which he had and made

his way home.

“I guess we have to disconnect that cell phone then.”

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“Sure, I'll do it in a moment with the home phone. Speaking of the devil, it rings,” Brian said weakly.

Brian went over to the shimmering marble kitchen counter-top which glistened in intricate pattern of 

tiny black dots and streaks of short brown lines. The kitchen counter-top itself glowed in whitish. A black cordless phone rested easily in its station. Brian picked up the phone and called Daniel's cell


“Daniel, is everything OK?”

“Yes Brian. Everyone was freaked out about your AWOL, but I got the situation under control. Can Iget back to you fast, because they are going to sign the contract in a bit. I just have to tell them a few

more things to nail the whole thing down. Don't worry, I got this, but you have to be in soon so we can

celebrate,” Daniel hung up the phone.

“Daniel says he got it. The contract is going to be signed.” Brian assured Rose.

“Awesome, so celebration at Ivan's restaurant is still on right?”

“Definitely,” Brian smiled sheepishly.

“I've to freshen up a bit before I get back to the office.”

“The highway is blocked, I don't think you can do that babe.”

“I'll take the roads,” Brian assured his wife.

Brian locked himself inside the bathroom. He stared at the huge mirror that lined against the wholewall. Sometimes, his bathroom mirror reminded him of those one direction see through glass walls

from those detective movies where the bad guys would not know they were being watched. His

 bathroom mirror was just a normal one, but it was huge enough that he thought it was one of thosethings.

Washed his face in meticulous fashion. Brian felt exhausted within. His mind raced about constantlyas he questioned himself how could I still be alive. A few wrinkles appeared on his forehead as he

meticulously examined it right after he'd wiped his face with a dry towel. Brian sucked all the air into

his lungs and breathed it out loudly through his mouth.

“OK, don't beat yourself too much over this morning Brian, you still have a company to take care of,”

Brian boosted himself with a little self pep talk. Unfortunately, deep down it wasn't the same any

longer. Brian felt as if he was a different man. The company felt utterly unimportant somehow, but atleast he could still feel the familiar warmth when his wife and kid surrounded him.

Taking the roads allowed Brian avoided the mess on the highway, and he was able to get to his office intwenty five minutes. Brian could imagine he would be stuck for hours on the highway for it wasn't a

normal accident. God knows how long it's going to take for them to clean that up!

Brian pulled into the parking lot. Everyone could park here, but they had to pay by hours or one flat

fee for the whole day. Brian and other employees of his enrolled in a membership program where his

company at the end of every year would toss out a nice sum of money to pay for the parking spaces.

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Whenever Brian hired a new employee, he would enroll a new employee into the program, and the

owner of the parking lot would give Brian a discount membership plan for the new employee.

Crowded as ever, Brian drove around and around before he could find an empty spot.

 Beep... the car made its peculiar sound to announce that the doors were locked.

The parking space where Brian parked was a level below, and so he had to walk all the way back up sohe could get out the darn place. It took a little more than thirteen minutes for Brian to make to his

office. The downtown was dirty as ever. His grandfather's wristwatch had the time at ten minutes

 passed noon.

The skyscraper glistened in the sun, reflected some of the sunshine off its glass windows. Brian's office

would be on the eighth floor. In fact, the whole eighth floor was his company, but the other floors

would belong to various companies.

Brian caught the opened elevator just in time. A woman with dark auburn hair held onto the elevator 

door so it wouldn't close as he entered the elevator.

“Thanks,” Brian said.

“You're welcome. What level?” She said.

“Eighth please,” he said.

“Eighth it is then,” she said.

“Thanks,” he said.

“You're welcome again,” she said with a little giggle in her voice.

Brian had no idea why the woman had giggled, but he could care less. While waiting for the elevator 

to reach the eighth floor, Brian saw the roof's level button was glowed in bright orange. Most

skyscrapers had enclosed rooftop access, but this one had unenclosed rooftop access. It made himwondered why this woman wanted to go all the way to the rooftop. He was only occupied with that

thought for a brief second before he discarded the thought altogether. What was her to him anyway.Stranger and stranger! Then he noticed she wore bright red high heel shoes. He noticed the heels of 

the shoes were abnormally tall. He glanced at her and noticed she was as tall as him with those shoeson. Brian knew her exact height with those heels on, because he'd the height of six feet three inches.

Although he wasn't the tallest man in town, but his height wasn't common either. He wondered to

himself what made a woman wanted to be in those heels. A certain intense scent from her body madeits way to his super sensitive nose. The aroma was strangely pleasant, and it was overwhelming him

for his nose was super sensitive to various scents.

 Ding! The elevator stopped on the eighth floor and snapped Brian backed into reality. Brian got out

the elevator, but he stopped short as he heard the woman said faintly behind him: “Have a good day

Brian!” Brian stopped dead in his track for couple seconds. Finally, he turned turn around, wanting toask the woman how did she knew him. It was too late, the elevator had moved beyond the eighth floor.

Brian discarded the idea of confronting the woman, because it could be one of those people he had

associated in the past who wasn't that important to him or his business.

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Daniel gave Brian a modern handshake and a pat on the arm when both greeted near the cubicle area.

Several employees were typing away behind their cubicles. Brian had wanted to get rid of the cubicles

so his employees could improve relations among themselves. The idea was to have the employeesworked in an environment where there was no physical barrier to encourage creativity, but Brian also

knew several employees preferred to have the physical barrier of cubicles for privacy.

“I sealed the deal Brian! Rarely I have an opportunity to fly solo. I think I can get use to this,” Daniel


Daniel was one of Brian's best friends and the only best friend who started the advertising company

with him. There was nobody else Brian could trust more than Daniel when it came down to business.

Brian knew Daniel always had his back, but even with that bonding Brian could not tell the truth why

he wasn't able to make the meeting this morning. Brian stuck to the same story he had told his wifeand repeated it to Daniel. They will think I'm nut!

Moment later, Brian came into his office. He closed the office door behind him, tighten up the blinds,and stood facing the wall made of glass windows. Beyond the glass windows, Brian saw a near perfect

day. A beautiful blue sky expanded endlessly. Carefree clouds drew funny shapes across the bluest

sky. Brian thought, it would be a perfect day if my morning was normal.

Suddenly, a body fell off the sky. Feet first, then the rest. It was a woman in red dress. He went into a

shocking realization right after he remembered the peculiar bright red high heel shoes the free-fall bodywore. She must be that gorgeous lady in the elevator.

Brian ran out of the office fast so he could make to the elevator. The employees were baffled at Brian's

strange dash. His secretary, Claire, ran after him by instinct. Then he heard: “Boss, what's going on?”

“A woman jumped off the rooftop. Call 911 now! I'm going down to check her body,” Brian yelled

without looking back.

“I'm going down with you boss,” Claire insisted.

Claire punched for 911 on her smart phone while the elevator sped downward, aiming for the first floor.

Outside, the dead woman in a black dress lay motionless on the filthy ground. The dead woman's face

was spotless, staring up at the beautiful blue sky. Remarkably, Brian couldn't see any splash of bloodor a pool of blood behind the dead woman's head and body. He thought when people dropped from

thirty seventh floor, blood supposed to be everywhere. At the very least, a pool of blood would be

visible somewhere on the ground nearby the dead body. Instead Brian confronted with a still body layon her back with her two legs laid flat on the ground, the bright red heels of her shoes visibly

contradicted her black dress. Brian could not do anything besides stood and stared at the dead body

from the distance. Somewhere in the background, his secretary's panic voice ranted over the phone,trying to communicate with a 911 operator.

“Boss, they're coming right now,” Claire assured Brian.

More people stopped dead in their tracks just to witness an irony right in front of them. Some people

grouped up and gossiped and stared at the dead body.  How could such a gorgeous woman killed 

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Minutes had passed, the cops and firetrucks came upon the sad and unfortunate scene. They cleared

everybody from the area where the corpse of the woman lay perfectly still.

Brian was questioned by a female cop as he was one of the few people who had arrived upon the scene

 before everyone else. He gave her his statement on the spot. He told her that he saw the woman fellfrom the sky from his vantage point which was inside his office. He figured that the cops and the

investigators at the scene wanted to determine the reality of the dead woman. Suddenly, he realized the

woman could be killed by someone who she went up to meet on the rooftop. He noticed she wasglowed with beauty and graciousness when he met her in the elevator. Nothing about her that signaled

to him she was a troubled woman, because he would probably figure out easily through the unnatural

super human senses he possessed. My spider senses!

The female cop got his statement, and he did not told her his opinion. Instead, he just stated the fact

that he saw the woman fell from the sky from his vantage point. He also told the female cop that the

dead woman had met him briefly in the elevator. Eventually, the body was removed from the scene bythe authority for autopsy, and he was told by the female cop that he could be questioned again if the

need for such opportunity would arise. He told her he would cooperate wholeheartedly. His secretary

was also questioned, but she was questioned by a male cop.

Evening sacked the day by graying the sky, and Brian welcomed it with enthusiasm. The day was

 bizarre to say the least. The morning should have had killed him, the midday had him questioned bythe police for he'd witnessed a sorrowful event, and yet he still had to hold himself together for his

family attentively awaited him to take them to Ivan's restaurant. Brian organized his desk, locked the

desk drawers, and turned off the computer. With the red tie in his pant's left pocket and the black suit

 jacket hung by his left forearm, Brian closed the office door behind him. His secretary bid him goodevening which he'd hoped for. He could use a good evening to balance out the bad things he had

experienced and witnessed earlier in the day. Should I be happy that the company is now working withone of those biggest foreign automaker? Perhaps, I should!

Chapter Three

Rose dressed in a long black dress that revealed her curvacious body. Emily had a red short skirt on

which revealed her pale skin. They both prepared and patiently waited for Brian to get downstairs so

they could head out to Ivan's restaurant. Brian washed his face, took a quick shower, and dressed

himself in a white cotton shirt and blue jean. Sprayed an expensive brand name men cologne ontohimself before he made his way downstairs. Rose made a painful face as she noticed Brian dressed too

casual, and yet she had on an elegant dress.

“You had no fashion babe,” Rose scolded Brian.

“I'm tired of looking good all day,” Brian retorted with sarcasm.

Emily jumped up and down signaled her parents that she was so ready.

The family got inside the BMW before it sped away. Their mansion disappeared behind them, and the

sky had gotten darker than before.

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Brian and his family arrived at Ivan's restaurant. The huge neon sign with the texts Ivan Steakhouse

hung just below the roof of the restaurant. They were greeted with a very friendly hostess. She was a

new employee, and so she did not recognized Brian and his family. Nonetheless, they got seated in a

cozy table. A waitress came over and took order, but she recognized Brian and Rose right away.

“How are you Mr. Brian and Mrs. Rose?”

“We're doing very well,” Brian answered.

“Mind I say this? Mrs. Rose, you look gorgeous in this dress of your.”

“Thank you so much! So how are you Susan?” Rose asked.

“I'm great! So, what you guys like to have today?”

“Lots of steaks and salads. For Emily, get her a small spaghetti with meatballs cut into small chunks

and a small coke. Oh, tell your boss I want the best red bottle of red wine he got in the house. ThanksSusan,” Brian finished his demands with a soft smile.

“OK, so Mr. Brian and Mrs. Rose, both of you have the usual steaks and salads. Just to let you know,we also provide amazing breads and butters along with the salads. Emily has a small spaghetti with

meatballs cut into small chunks and a small coke. Lastly, a best red wine bottle in the house. The

salads and the breads will come right up. See you in a bit Mr. Brian and Mrs. Rose,” Susan left thetable energetically.

“Diligent as always isn't she,” Rose said to her husband.

“Yes, she is something,” Brian agreed.

Few minutes later, the salads and the breads brought out to Brian's table. Brian took an empty plate andfilled it with some salads for Emily. Rose got some for Brian and herself. Susan wasn't kidding about

the amazing breads. The breads were hot and soft and chewy. It felt as if the breads were freshly

made. The butters melt perfectly with the breads gave Brian the thought of eating more breads andsalads together, but he knew he had to slow down for the main course. His wife and daughter seemed

to like the breads and the salads too.

Minutes more, Brian and his wife had the best steaks in town. Emily enjoyed her spaghetti as always.Ivan came out to greet Brian and brought a red wine bottle with him.

“You guys enjoy?” Ivan asked.

“It's delicious Ivan,” Rose praised the foods.

“She spoke of the truth,” Brian chimed in.

“I like it!” Emily said with a hearty, kiddish laugh.

Ivan popped the exquisite red wine bottle and poured some of the wine into the wineglasses for Brian

and Rose and himself. They raised their wineglasses to the night as they chatted about the day.

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A hostess walked a woman over to the table that resided couple tables away from Brian. She wore a

long red dress, but her arms were bared. She held a long glance at Brian right after she had orders

something from the hostess.

Brian felt someone was staring at him. He glanced sideways, and caught the woman in his view. Brian

dropped his jaws. His hands gripped tightly onto the wineglass. The woman in his view was the samewoman who had fallen to death from the rooftop of the skyscraper earlier.

“What's wrong babe?” Rose asked.

“Oh, it's nothing,” Brian lied and cleared his throat.

He couldn't concentrate enough to fully converse with Ivan and his wife for Brian stole more glancesfrom the woman. Emily played with her leftover spaghetti. Rose often reached over to wipe Emily's

mouth. Brian pretended that he was fully listened in to the conversation between Ivan and his wife.

Suddenly, Brain felt panic as he saw the woman stared back at him. The strange woman smiledcreepily at Brian.

“Ivan, thank you so much for the dinner,” Rose said.

“Well, the dinner is on me guys. Brian, congratulate to you again about getting into bed with a giant

foreign automaker,” Ivan drank the last drop of the red wine from his wineglass.

“Thanks Ivan,” Brian said.

Brian tried to stole one last glance over to the strange woman's table, but she was gone. He missed her walkout completely. Questions, strange questions and curious questions flooded Brian's mind. Wasn't 

that the same woman? How could she be alive? She was dead this morning. What on earth? Was sheeven real? Maybe I'm hallucinating...

Brian and his family bid goodbye to Ivan. The dinner was wonderful, but Brian's mind was fully

occupied with unanswered questions about the strange woman.

The garage door made a familiar creaky sound. Brian drove his BMW inside the garage. His wife and

daughter went inside the house. Brian smoke a cigarette outside the garage. Instead of enjoying the

night sky that filled with countless twinkled stars, Brian could not get the strange woman out of hismind. He feared he probably could not sleep the night away.

Saturday morning came fast. Brian refused to wake himself up. Rose made breakfast downstairs.Emily was still asleep. The alarm was turned off by Rose earlier. Suddenly, Brian's cell phone rang.

“Hello,” Brian sleepily answered his cell phone.

“Mr. Brian, can we meet and have a chat?” A female voice resonated with confidence over the other 


“Who's this?”

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“The woman who fell from the sky,” the woman said unabashedly.

Shock set in made Brian dropped his cell phone onto his bed. The woman woke him up fully with her 

answer, the woman who fell from the sky.

“Miss, are you,” but Brian held back the rest.

“Mr. Brian, it will be a great benefit to you if we can meet up in half an hour at Sherley Vining hotel.”

“I can do better than half an hour. I see you then,” Brian complied

“Very well, I see you in a bit then Mr. Brian,” the woman giggled strangely over the other end.

Brian felt the hair on his neck stand on end. The dead woman had just called him. He didn't evenknow how on earth she got his cell phone number.  Alright, let see what she wants from me. This iscrazy, a dead woman wants something from me. Brian sighed and off he went to wash his face inside

the bathroom.

Brian quickly changed into a blue t-shirt and blue jean. He got out of the house quick without telling


Through the kitchen's window, Rose saw Brian inside his BMW, pulling out from the driveway. She

 picked up the cordless phone from the kitchen counter-top and dialed Brian's cell phone.

“Babe, where are you going so early?”

“Meeting a friend to discuss an urgent matter,” Brian replied.

“Can you buy milk on the way back?”

“OK, anything else besides milk?”

“No, just milk. Oh, there is one thing. More water bottles too.”

“OK, I'll be back in a bit. Kiss Emily good morning for me,” Brian hung up his cell phone.

Sherley Vining was one of the five star hotels in Atlanta. It stood mighty tall, shadowing everythingaround it. Brian got through a huge revolving glass door before he saw the receptionists. The woman

was nowhere to be found. He got over to the reception area and told a receptionist his name, hoping

there was a message for him.

“Mr. Brian, you're right. There is a message for you sir,” the boy handed him a piece of paper.

Meet me in room 66.

“Excuse me, room 66 is which way?”

“To your right, up the elevator, and right again.”

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“Thank you.”

Brian knocked at the door twice, loudly. He paused and wait. The woman appeared right after she

swung the door opened.

“Welcome Mr. Brian, please come inside.”

Brian nervously got inside the room 66.

“Miss, I still don't know why you want to see me. First, I don't really know you. Second, aren't yousupposed to be dead?” Brian blurted out the word dead before he realized he had said it.

“This is exactly why I want to see you Mr. Brian,” the woman gestured for Brian to take a seat

anywhere inside the room.

Brian noticed the strange woman had on a red dressing gown. A huge blood red ruby dangled on a

 beautiful gold necklace which hung loosely on the strange woman's elongate neck. A familiar aromaintensely permeated throughout the room, and he recognized it was her who wore this particular aroma.

The aroma overwhelmed his super sensitive nose.

“A drink?” The strange woman offered.

“I'm alright,” Brian refused.

The roomy hotel room got quite a space. The room had split itself into two compartments. One

compartment held the bed which faced a huge flat screen TV. The other compartment held the smart

refrigerator and the long shiny wooden table where several ornate wooden chairs stuck neatly under it.Brian positioned the wooden chair to face the bedroom and sat on it. Flood of light penetrated the huge

glass windows and struck Brian's back. The strange woman sat herself on the bed. Facing toward

Brian, the strange woman crossed her legs; the first dangled over the second, and the second groundeditself onto the carpet.

“Mr. Brian, you saw me jumped the building yesterday right?”

“You bet,” Brian wholeheartedly agreed.

“Very well, but I'm not dead. I know you have a lot of questions for me. Anyhow, none of your questions are that important in my opinion. I'm seeking you out, because someone very important

wants you to work for her.”

The strange woman pushed her arms against the bed, angled her body as she leaned back. Her legs still

crossed. The dressing gown she had on completely covered her legs. She seemed to relax, but she was

observant at the same time. Brian somehow got a feeling that she was anticipated his every move.

“OK, who's this someone?”

“Don't be shocked if I let you know,” the woman giggled.

“Unless you are going to say that the devil wants me, I don't think I'll be shocked of whoever you're

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going to tell me about,” Brian replied with a weak smile.

“How do you know Mr. Brian? Can I just call you Brian?”

“Sure, but what you mean how do I know? I don't know anything, please tell me.”

“How do you know about the devil wants you?”

“It was a figure of speech. No, it was more of a sarcasm, but a failed one I supposed,” Brian explained.

The woman went silent, and she stared at him as if she had said it all.

“You can't be serious! You mean the one who wants you to seek me out is the devil?”

“Yes Brian. How do you think I'm still alive? Only the devil has the power to keep me around after 

what I had foolishly done,” the strange woman giggled again.

“I don't get it. The devil could speak to me without the need of your killing yourself,” Brian argued.

“The devil told me that you're not part of the plan.”

“I don't understand.”

“Well, the devil told me that she has had an agreement with god for all eternity. God kept his promise,

allowing the devil to rule the underworld, but with one exception. That is the devil can never interfere

with God's will. Brian, you're God's will. How do you think you have super sensitive senses? Don't

you sometimes can guess what other people think? How about the feeling of anxiety when somethingreally bad is going to happen to you or the people you love? Oh, and you have the ability to dream of 

stuffs that are going to come true, as if you have the ability to peek into the future, haven't you?”

“Yes, all you've said is true. Let me get this right, so the devil cannot interfere with God's will, so why

are you seeking me out?”

“The devil is devilish, after all she is a devil. She can't directly interfere with God's will, but she can

allow her minions to do so. Still, the devil knows her limit. She told me to keep things low profile

when come to God's will. In a sense, as long the devil won't upset God too much, God probably looks

the other way and allow the devil to do things her way. When come to God, even the devil cannot break her promise blatantly, and so she uses minions like me to do her devilish bid.”

“OK, I think I know what you mean. Why seeking me out anyway?” Brian crossed his arms across hischest as if he felt uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the strange woman stood up. She trotted over to Brian and went behind him. She placed her hands on his shoulders. Slowly, the strange woman massaged Brian's shoulders.

Instead of feeling relax, Brian felt tenser. He was about to say, thanks but my shoulders are OK ,  but thestrange woman said, “Don't say anything Brian, and listen to me carefully.” She went on massaged his

shoulders with pleasure.

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“Brian, the devil has one problem. She has gotten tired of cleaning up God's mess. Every year, the

devil has to make sure who will be punished and who will be punished less than usual. If it's only earth

she has to worry about, then she wouldn't need you Brian. Instead of only earth, the devil has to

content with all known populated planets within this universe and other universes. For ages, the devilhas put up with God's mess. Lately though, she has come up with a better plan. She wants your kind in

each planet of each known universe to help ease her workloads,” the strange woman took one of 

Brian's hand and guided him over to the glass window.

“How am I going to do that? Also, if I'm God's will, a creature belong to God, why should I work for 

the devil?”

“Technically you're God's will. Technically, technically you're not. The devil needs to formally pass

you onto God before you can become God's creature.”

“I've no idea that everyone of us has to be judged by the devil and not by God,” Brian confessed.

“I was surprised too when the devil told me of the same thing! She also told me that everyone of us isGod's creature, but not God's will. This is why everyone of us has to pass through hell first before we

can see God, that's if we can see God. God is the devil's boss, and he doesn't like to get his hands

messy. Actually, God used to judge everyone of us himself, but he had delegated that work to the devila long time ago. So Brian, the devil told me that you supposed to die yesterday, but you didn't. It was

the work of the devil, because she needs you to be alive so she can use you.”

“What if I don't want to work for the devil,” Brian asked in a low tone as if he feared the devil could

hear him.

“Then you have to die, but you'll go to heaven. It's your destiny to be God's creature since you're God'swill in the first place. The devil told me that there were rare instances when few God's creatures who

were God's wills and who had decided to go against their pure innocent nature by committing nasty

deeds during their lives as humans, the devil had the pleasure to keep them in hell for all eternity,” thestrange woman giggled.

“Wow, only took you a day to work for the devil and you know so much,” Brian teased.

“The devil knows everything Brian. She is only below God but above all beings within known

universes. She has the power to make you learn things you don't even want to know.”

The strange woman gazed down toward the busy highway which could be seen miles away from the

arrogantly tall hotel's vantage point.

“Before my foolish action yesterday, I met you inside the elevator. I knew you Brian, but you didn't

remembered me. You knew my husband though. His name is Jim Clove,” a little mist appeared below

her eyes.

Brian didn't know this woman could look sad, but pretty and exotic at the same time. She was the work of the devil after all!

“Yes, Jim Clove, I remember him. My company used to run advertising campaigns for his

 pharmaceutical company. Last I heard, he died from a heart attack years ago.”

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“Yes, and I met you at my husband's funeral years ago. It was a brief meeting, and so in that elevator I

knew you probably had forgotten about me. After my husband's death, I spent up all of his savings.

The irony was that he had worked all his life in a drug company and could not cure our baby boy fromautism. Without having to work for a day in my life, I applied a job in an export company couple

floors above your office. I worked for them diligently. I felt I had a chance, you know! My baby boy

grew up, and it was a lot harder for me to work and took care of him at the same time. I hired a womanto take care of my baby boy when I was at work. Six months before I killed myself, I was fired from

the company for a stupid reason that they had to downsize to save cost. I knew my baby boy could not

survive if I couldn't find another job. I went everywhere, but as if the devil prevented me from gettinga job, all job interviews were led to false hopes of getting hire. Before I realized my desperation, I'd

killed my baby boy a week before my successful suicidal attempt. That was my story, and that was

how the devil got me. Brian, I'm not one of God's creature. Luckily, the devil offered me a job,” the

strange woman sighed and smiled weakly at Brian.

“What you have to do for the devil exactly?”

“To become your assistant, that's my job,” the strange woman extended her hand.

Brian shook her hand by instinct.

“So what's my job exactly? I don't want to die yet. I still want to see my daughter grows old. I want to

see my wife in her golden years. I guess I can wait to see God and his heaven a little later,” Brianconfessed.

“The devil cannot meet you, because you're God's will. Therefore, I'll be the mediator between the

devil and you. Just a warning, if the devil decides to meet you, it's the day you know you have to go toheaven. The devil told me specifically to tell you that whenever the devil has a job for you, don't

disappoint her by not completing it. One mistake and the devil will send you to heaven right away.

Your first mission is...”

Chapter Four

Spitting his spit, a billionaire senator, Harry, eyed at the golfball beneath him. With a fluid swung

motion with a 3 fairway wood golf club, he had a golfball flew off the course further, avoided the

manmade pond intended to embarrass bad golfers. A beautiful female caddy jumped up and down with

her hands clapped together. She giggled as she praised the senator for a good shot. The senator turnedtoward the female caddy and gave her a hug. His left hand skirted lightly on the backside of her right

shimmering thigh. The female caddy ignored the old senator's touch, and she gave him a light kiss on

his lips. The senator's left hand stopped at her short which fashioned with loosely hung shreddedthreads. Few more claps came from the whole group which consisted of an oil businessman named

Cole, and a golf instructor named Fred.

“You're a fast learner Harry,” Cole praised.

“Thanks to Fred here,” senator Harry smiled deviously.

“No, you're an excellent golfer by nature senator, I'm just showing you the game, and you play it well,”

Fred slyly used his words, intentionally making the senator felt even more flatter.

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“You know, I used to think that the damn game was boring, but since I somewhat know how to swing a

golfball around the course, I think golf isn't that bad,” senator Harry choked while he laughed loudly,

 but he managed to smooth his breathing out.

“Harry, tonight is still on?” Cole asked with a dubious tone.

“Sure, come by my yacht tonight,” Harry insisted.

“I'll be there with them then. You're going to love them,” Cole touched his nose lightly.

“The first thing we will do tonight is to get our business right, and then we party with them,” Harry

 patted Cole's right shoulder.

“Very well then, let get something to drink, I'm thirsty,” Cole suggested.

Harry threw the golf club onto the ground few feet away from him. The sexy female caddy picked itup and placed it inside the luxurious leather golf bag. She dragged the golf bag on its wheel, following

the men inside the rest area for golfers. Within walking distance, one could see a classy restaurant, and

the men intends to head there for something to eat.

“I got to go around four, but let grab a bite at the restaurant here. They got delicious menu,” senator 

Harry suggested.

“This golf course has a restaurant?” Cole pretended to be surprise.

“You bet,” senator Harry replied.

“Fred, you come too,” senator Harry invited.

Fred nodded.

“Thanks for letting me be your caddy today senator,” the sexy female caddy lightly kissed senator Harry's wrinkled lips.

“You'll always be my caddy here babe,” senator Harry kissed the backside of the sexy female caddy's

left hand.

The men waved her goodbye on the way out of the rest area. They made their way on foot toward the


“You come here often Harry?” Cole asked.

“Sometimes. How do you like it here Cole?” Senator Harry asked.

“It's great. I think I'm going to sign up to be a member here the next time I'm here,” Cole suggested.

“Great! Fred, talk to someone in charge here and hook up our friend with a discount,” senator Harry

commanded Fred.

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“Don't worry senator, I got Mr. Cole's back,” Fred assured the senator.

“Here we are. Boy, isn't the aroma of good foods making you all hungry?” senator Harry teased.

A hostess got one of the best tables in the house for the men. Senator Harry sat down, but he breathed

hard as the walk was quite an exercise for him. He reminded himself to walk more often, but he oftenfound himself mobilized around by a limousine. His huge belly suggested he would rather sit more

than to have a good walk.

The foods were sizzling as they came up. The men ate heartily. They cared less about eating etiquette,

 because they interjected topic after topic between the noisy grinding of foods. None of the business

talk had came up during the meal.

Cole insisted to pay for the tab, and the old senator was happy to let Cole took the bill. The two men

shook hand before they parted. Eventually, Fred shook hand with the senator as the last two parted to

end a perfect late afternoon.

The sun was still out to boil whoever cared not for it. Senator Harry looked at his watch and got inside

his limousine.

“Four already, let go Bob,” senator Harry barked in a friendly tone through the limousine's intercom to

his middle-aged male chauffeur.

“Yes sir,” Bob answered.

Chapter Five

Everyone knew who Harry the senator was, but rarely anyone knew his dark side. Brian had never met

the man, but from hearing his devilish assistant, Laura Clove, he was sure the man was pure evil. Herecalled the conversation,

“'Brian, your first mission is to screw senator Harry.' Brian looked at the strange woman indisbelief. 'What you mean by screwing him?' The strange woman laughed hysterically. 'OK, that 

came out wrong. Pardon me boss. Brian, I've to call you boss, because the devil wanted me to do so.

She thought you would prefer to feel like you're in charge of everything.' 'OK, you don't have to call me boss. Anyway, how bad you want me to screw this Harry,' Brian smiled deviously. 'Very bad. Boss,

the devil instructed me to tell you that this Harry had to own up to his dirty deeds in many past years.

 Putting it in another way, the devil wants you to make this Harry feels so sorry that he will correct all of his mistakes in the past years and become a saint for all humankind in the coming years.' 'You joking 

right? He's a senator, how am I going to make a senator owns up to his mistakes and so on?' 'And he

needs to do many good deeds in coming years. Boss, you don't have to worry. The devil instructed me

to tell you that when the time comes, you know. I think you can use your super abilities to mess withthis senator's head, boss,' giggled again as the strange woman had done so much already. 'OK, how

about you? You have any special ability that can be more useful than mine? I mean, you have

 something unnatural so you can help me convince this senator to become a good man?' Brian frustrated. 'Not really boss, because I don't know how to do mind control. I can do this though,” the

 strange woman suddenly dressed herself in the most glamourous dress that he had ever saw with a

 snap of her fingers. 'OK, that is amazing. Then again, you won't be able to convince a senator to do good with a different dress. How you do that anyway?' Brian asked. 'I can do more than that, but you

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have to wait when the time comes. It's a demon thing. All demons have the same potential to do stuffs

that humans think as magics, but each demon could extend their abilities and magics to rival the devil through practices. Nonetheless, it will take them ages to even be as half powerful as the devil herself.

The devil, she told me all that, and even showed me how a demon like me should improve my abilities.

You like the dress?' 'You know you don't have to call me boss right? How do I call you?' Brian asked.

'Sexy demon,' the strange woman giggled. 'No, that don't sound right. I can't recall your real name

even though we met at your husband funeral. My apology,” Brian apologized. 'It's OK, call me Laura.'”

Brian sat in his car, stared at the passerby in the park. He had some thinking to do. He had a companyto take care of which was stressful enough, but it wasn't enough. The devil now had him punishing a

senator.  How would I convince such a bad man to become a saint? How miserable the devil wants this Harry to be?

“Brian, Emily wants you to throw frisbee with her,” Rose hovered her head near the driver seat, and

spoke to Brian through the car's opened window.

Emily stood right next to Rose. One hand hung tightly onto her mother's wrist and the other held a


Brian jolted himself back into reality. He'd spaced out pretty bad.

“OK,” Brian said.

Emily was so happy to see her father threw frisbee with her. Brian temporarily put away his devil

 business. For now, he could use some fun time with his beautiful wife and adorable daughter in a

 beautiful park. Tonight, he would meet up with Laura to hear what she had to say about her plan for him to approach this Harry. Once again, he would have to tell his wife another lie this evening. She

would believe him that he had to finish up some forgotten, urgent paper-works in his office. He

wouldn't mind lying to his wife. It was not like as if he had an affair. Then again, it could get moredifficult if he had to sneak out to see Laura every time. He had to introduce them somehow sometimes

through the upcoming days. He couldn't introduce Laura as his secretary, because his wife already

knew Claire was his secretary. Perhaps, I could say that Laura is a new sale person for the company.

Chapter Six

The 560 feet long yacht sailed not too far from the coast of Highland Beach. This particular yacht wasone of the most expensive yachts that had ever been constructed. Senator Harry spent 1.4 billion

dollars to have his Golden Harry yacht constructed from scratch. Golden Harry yacht was so luxurious

that it got two helicopter pads, 28 guest cabins, 5,525 square feet apartment for owner, seven hot tubs, adisco hall, small library, private restaurant, 11 decks, three launch boats, a mini submarine, best money

could buy high tech intruder detection systems, a missile defense system, bullet proof glasses and

armor plated through-out the yacht, and it has 90 crew members. So huge, yet Golden Harry yachtcould max out at 32 knots.

Secretly boarding the Golden Harry yacht in total privacy through a mini submarine, an oil businessman Cole had brought 13 women and 2 lawyers on board to see senator Harry. The women

were so intrigued by the size of the yacht and the luxurious comforts it got. They had the fun of their 

lifetime. Some women poured their own white wine and red wine while they enjoyed the hot tubs, but

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others were served with delicious foods and wines by the crew members. A very handsome middle-

aged captain, Barry, chatted up with a hot young woman, Sherry, that was brought on board by Cole.

Regardless his charming look and gentleman like behavior, but underneath those masquerades was a

ruthless man who would do anything for senator Harry. Barry was not only capable of navigating theyacht, but he was also the one who trained bodyguards to protect senator Harry. Sherry was hypnotized

 by the ruthless handsome captain, but she had no idea that Barry had killed so many men before.

At the topmost deck, senator Harry and Cole and 2 lawyers sat under the starry sky, surrounded by four 

crew members who often made sure the wineglasses were full for their masters. With a single wave of 

senator Harry's hand, the crew members disappeared inside the topmost deck.

“Cole, you have got your act together. Yes, I'm a senior senator, but I can't just fucking go on to

convince my colleagues to forever side with me while these fucking Mozamborans are rampaging in

courts. These colleagues of mine are concerning about my baggage. I'm losing power here dammit,”senator Harry sighed and grumbled.

“You've nothing to worry about senator Harry. I haven't yet forgot about my promise to you. Your sonJacob won't have to worry about anything as long I'm here to help him runs your oil empire smoothly. I

won't let your son to have to go through the same mess that those fools at BWO went through. BWO

underestimated the indigenous people, so they got pummeled in courts. Trust me, I won't let Jacob tocontend with the 23 billion dollars fine,” Cole assured senator Harry.

“Fuck Cole, I think these fuckers want us to pay double of that. 23 billion dollars fine is what BWOhas to pay up. Our Harry International Oil has done worse things than our competitor Best World Oil

had ever done to those fucking indigenous Mozamborans. Don't you see, the judge is going to fine us

double of that BWO fine,” senator Harry's face turned red.

The two lawyers switched nervously in their chairs. One of them started to drink a lot more from the


“Kevin and Doug, why don't you both tell our senator your strategy,” Cole demanded.

“Senator, Kevin and I think the best thing we can do now is to have the U.S. Courts to reject the caseon the basis of not enough evidences. We can argue that we've followed their nation's regulations down

to the last details. They only have begun to investigate us, and so they can't really know our past

actions. We just have to clean up the mess with the cheapest ways we know how before they can find

anything useful to use against us. In court, we can delay the case for as long as we can. The longer wecan delay our case, the costlier it will be for our opposition. I also notice that our opposition has less

resources than before, because they fought against BWO,” Doug drank some more red wine from his


“Senator, BWO is going to pay the fine, but it will take years before that even happens. It means our 

opposition is financially strained. In the mean time, we can bribe the Mozamborans, you know the judge and the indigenous folks to stay quiet. Oh, I also hear that BWO is working on to have their 

case's verdict repeals. If BWO is going be successful in having the verdict reverse, I doubt that our 

opposition can do much against us,” Kevin finished Doug's thought.

Senator Harry's face was no longer red after hearing the two lawyers' strategy.

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“Three more years and I'm up for reelection. I can't have this mess sticks to my name then. Cole, you

and Jacob need to polish the company's image from now on. I think you need to hire outside experts

that can project HIO better,” senator Harry commanded.

“Yes sir, I'll look into that tomorrow. Since we got our business down, let show our two lawyer friends

here how to have the best time of their lives. How's that?” Cole laughed.

“Where you find those gorgeous girls? Besides of being a very good businessman, you are such a pimp

too,” senator Harry laughed even louder than Cole.

“When come to you senator Harry, I've got to get the most beautiful girls in the country to party with

you,” Cole said arrogantly.

“Don't forget, they have to be young too,” senator Harry pointed out.

“Definitely my senator,” Cole laughed.

The men got inside the topmost deck. Wineglasses in their hands as they headed down to lower decks.

Captain Barry had anticipated his master and the other three men to enjoy the girls soon, and so he had

the girls gathered at deck number eight. Thirteen young women, none of which was older than twentyone had awaited for the men to join the fun.

Chapter Seven

“OK, this is new,” Brian mumbled.

“Boss, what are you mumbling about? We're here,” Laura whispered.

“Why are we whispering?” Brian replied with a question in whisper.

“We're in his mansion.”

“Get me out of here.”

“Can't do, I don't think the devil has patience to see you slacking boss. I like you boss. So, I really

want to work with you for a long time to come. Let not get the devil angry, and give this jerk his

 punishment already,” Laura whispered.

The dark room suddenly went bright. A man in his 50s wore a black tuxedo stood at the door, and he

was surprised to see the room was occupied.

“I'm so sorry to bother you two, please excuse me,” the man said.

Brian and Laura stood watching the man left the room, but the light stayed on.

 No longer whispering, they spoke.

“Who's that?” Brian asked.

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Laura threw her hands up, making a gesture that she had no idea.

Both of them moved toward the ajar door. Brian stuck half of his body outside the door. A long

hallway came into view. At the end of the hallway, Brian could see more people moved about.

“Laura, don't you ever try this again,” Brian commanded.

“I'm helping you boss,” Laura retorted.

“Not helping,” Brian argued.

“You say you want me to figure out the best way to approach this senator. Well, I figure you like it

quick, and so here we are.”

Brian sighed as he looked into the sexy demon eyes without knowing what to do about her. The more

he asked for her help, the worse it got. Brian thought she would advise him how to approach the

senator in humanly way. Instead, she snapped her finger, and transported him to this super hugemansion.

“I prefer to approach the senator more tactfully,” Brian pointed it out.

“For an example?” Laura asked.

“Instead of teleporting me here, you should come up ways for me to get in touch with this senator.

Maybe he loves to hang out at a gym or something. We can pretend to meet him there by chance, and

then I can start a conversation with him, etcetera, and etcetera,” Brian pointed it out.

“Oh, but aren't you supposed to punish him? Why are you being nice and try to approach him as if you

want to become his friend?” Laura asked.

“I'm not trying to figure out how to befriend the guy Laura. He's evil, and as the devil has assigned, I

should punish him of course. First though, I've to know what kind of punishments or how many

 punishments should the guy deserve. To do that, I've to know the guy on personal level. Second, thedevil wants me to punish him in a way that he will change his behavior to benefit the future. If I don't

know him well and the guy won't take me seriously, nothing will happen. Third...”

“Stop! You're not making any sense boss. I've told you everything I heard from the devil about thissenator. Why are you still hesitating to unleash your judgements on this person?” Laura asked.

“I'm new at this job. Cut me some slack. I'm not a fast learner like you who had learned a neat trick such as teleportation within couple weeks of being a demon. OK, let say if I want to punish him, how

on earth am I going to do that?”

“It's your job boss! Don't ask me, because I can't help you punish the bastard. You have to do your job,

or I'm telling the devil,” Laura insisted.

“You're such a snitch!” Brian scolded.

“Sorry, but I can't help myself,” Laura giggled.

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Suddenly, marvelous sounds of music echoed from the other end of the hallway.  Perhaps, it's a party,

Brian thought to himself.

“Where are you going? Come back,” Brian found himself begging for Laura to come back, but she

kept on heading for the other end of the hallway. Brian had no choice, and so he followed her.

The room came into view with people in formal attires. Women dressed in their most glamorous

dresses. A live band played music at the far end of the room. Young men and women ran around

serving older folks wines and foods.

Brian had no idea this senator was this outrageous. He figured the guy's mansion was huge, but he had

no idea that it was huge enough to hold its own humongous ballroom for dancing. It seemed for this

very occasion, the senator had turned a ballroom into a lively party. People drowned in amazingsounds of music while they socialized and drank their wines. Brian looked around, hoping to find the

senator. He had seen senator Harry on TV before, but he wasn't sure how the man would look like in


“Where could we find our senator among all these people,” Brian asked.

“He's not here boss,” Laura said.

“How you know?”

“Demon power,” Laura said.

“OK, so where is this senator?”

“Let go back to the other end of the hallway,” Laura suggested.

Both of them headed back toward where they had came from. They passed the room that they had

arrived there in the first place. Another huge open room came into view. The double door was wide

opened, and as they entered, they saw a huge table that used in conference was at the center of theroom. This room was designed to be perpendicular to the hallway. At the other end of the room, a

double door was also wide opened. Without hesitation, they too got themselves through that double


“I hear something,” Brian said.

Both of them slowly paced their way forward, and suddenly Brian stopped. He pointed into the roomto their left. The door to the room was shut tight.

“I think it's locked,” Brian said.

“What have you heard?” Laura asked.

“Someone is on the phone inside that room,” Brian replied.

Without even asking Brian should they be inside that room, Laura snapped her finger and teleported

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them both inside the room.

Two guards quickly removed their pistols from their holsters and pointed at Brian and Laura. Senator 

dropped his cordless land-line phone out of being spooked by the strangers.

“What the,” senator Harry remarked.

“Both of you, get down on your knees now,” one of the guard screamed at Brian and Laura.

Brian was about to get down on his knees, but Laura snapped her fingers again. Before the two guardscould react, both of them hit the floor hard as if someone had turned off their brains and muscles


Senator Harry kept his cool by picking up the cordless phone and hung it up onto its base station. Hestared into Brian's eyes and didn't say a single word. The motionless senator was silent as a lamb.

“Senator Harry, don't be disturbed, my boss wants a few words with you,” Laura spoke with arrogant.

Senator Harry nodded at Laura to signify he'd understood.

Laura observed Brian and hoped that her boss would know what to do. To her astonishment, Brian

acted bossy. He sat himself in one of the two leather office chairs that faced the office desk where

senator Harry shielded himself behind it. Brian leaned back onto the leather chair and closed his eyes.One could say he seemed to smell the air.

Brian slowly opened his eyes and stared at senator Harry with a serious demeanor.

“Senator Harry, how do you sleep at night?”

“What you mean Mr.,” senator Harry hesitated to complete his sentence.

“Called me Brian, and please answer me,” Brian said.

“Mr. Brian, if you want to have a talk with me, you don't really have to drug my men,” senator Harry


Laura giggled when she heard what senator Harry mentioned the word drug.

“Senator, once again, how do you sleep at night?” Brian insisted.

“Very well Mr. Brian,” senator Harry replied.

“Very well then, I'll make sure from now on you won't have a goodnight sleep until you become asaint,” Brian said with a weak smile.

“What are you talking about Mr. Brian. Do you know you're trespassing a private property, andholding a senator hostage?” Senator Harry asked.

“Of course I am Harry,” Brian replied.

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“Oh, and more of my men will come check on me soon. I suggest Mr. Brian, you should leave before

it's too late,” senator Harry made his threat.

“Harry, this is a friendly visit. I really don't want to have a long chat with you yet. Let say, I just want

to meet you briefly so to let you know that from now on, I'll be in your life. Whether you like it or not,

you've to deal with me from now on. Harry, it's really nice to meet you. Let not be so unpleasant to methe next time we meet. Again, I totally understand why you need men with guns, and I doubt you have

many goodnight sleeps,” Brian laughed mockingly and he used both of his palms to slam onto the

leather chair's armrests, making loud bangs.

Senator Harry had a small electronic button under his office desk which he had pushed it minutes ago

when Brian asked him strange questions. He expected his men to rush in at any moment. As expected,

men with heavy weapons dressed in swat gears had the door busted out with a ram. Two men rushed infirst and fired their weapons fast. A bullet went straight for the back of the leather chair where Brian

rested his back, and another went straight for Laura. Two more men rushed in to make sure the first

two men were OK. All had their weapons at the eye level.

Laura reacted by snapping her fingers again, and as before all men went down fast. They hit the floor 

without knowing why, unconsciously having their brains and bodies to shut down on them.

Brian made a quick get away before things could get worse. He leaped across bodies on the floor.

Before he was trying to find the exit of the mansion through the long hallway, Brian smiledapprovingly at Laura and gave senator Harry a final stare.

“Just for your information, your men weren't drugged. Have a good day senator,” Laura got herself 

quickly out of senator Harry's office to catch up to Brian.

“Boss, where are you going?” Laura screamed after Brian.

“I'm trying to find the exist. This is one ridiculous huge mansion,” Brian replied with agitation.

“Boss, wait up,” Laura called.

“OK,” Brian stopped himself from walking farther.

“Watch me boss,” Laura snapped her fingers and both of them disappeared in the thin air.