God foretold the birth of John and fulfilled His promises concerning John. Lesson 29.

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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God foretold the birth of John and

fulfilled His promises concerning John.

Lesson 29

1. Introduction

2. Malachi was one of God’s prophets.

3.God promised that Zacharias and Elizabeth would have a son.

Luke 1:5-7

Luke 1:8-14

4.God appointed John to prepare the way for the Deliverer.

Luke 1:15-17

5. John was born.Luke 1:24-25

Luke 1:57

… for the Lord.

6.Zacharias prophesied concerning the Deliverer and John.

Luke 1:67-79

Luke 1:67-71

Luke 1:68, 72-75

...go before the face of the Lord. Luke 1:76

6.Zacharias prophesied concerning the Deliverer and John.

I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no savior. Isaiah 43:11

Look to Me, and be saved ... for I am God, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:22

Luke 1:76-77

Luke 1:78-79

Luke 1:68, 77

7. Conclusion