God’s Sovereignty: Exodus 5-11. “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus...

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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God’s Sovereignty: Exodus 5-11

“in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”

Announcements• West Side is having a wedding basket shower for Jake and Jennifer

Houser. Jake is the son of Phyllis and brother to Madi. A basket is on the table, in the hallway, for gifts.

• Anyone interested in planting a garden at the church office is asked to meet with Mickey Evans this Sunday, after morning services, in the chapel.

• Joyce Owens has a twin hospital bed with mattress to loan out.• Please contact Robin Thomas if you want to buy luminaries for Relay for

Life.• Servant Group Brainstorming Session Wednesday night, April 7, at 8:00

PM. We need ideas on how to make them better, how to recruit leaders, share success stories and urge one another on in this godly endeavor. Your participation is invaluable.

• Girlfriends Unlimited is collecting baby wipes for Help Network this month. Please place them in the box under the Girlfriends bulletin board.

“in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”

Prayer List• Mildred Bailey – St. Mary’s Rehab #245.• Lucille Taylor – St. Mary’s #406 with pneumonia.• Norma McKenzie is cancer free! • Bobbye Osborn (Jerusalem) PET scan March 24, St.

Mary’s.• Robert Wallace (Bonnie Krantz’s friend) biopsy Monday,

March 29, at St. Vincent’s.• Sympathy to the family of Chris Adams, who passed away

March 20, in a car accident. He was a member of Silver City Church of Christ, in North Little Rock.

• John Callahan – Elder at Mulberry CoC – Heart Surgery• Kerry Stroud – Colon Cancer, undergoing chemo

ExodusWeek Date Topic

1 10 Mar 10 Exodus – Transitions: An Introduction

2 17 Mar 10 God’s Preparation of Israel: Exodus 1-4

3 24 Mar 10 God’s Sovereignty: Exodus 5-11

4 31 Mar 10 God’s Redemption: Exodus 12:1-13:16

5 07 Apr10 God’s Completion: Exodus 13:17-15:21

6 14 Apr 10 God’s Instructions to Israel: Exodus 15:22-18:27

7 21 Apr 10 Mosaic Covenant: Exodus 19:1-24:11

8 28 Apr 10 Dwelling Among His People: Exodus 24:12-31:18

9 05 May 10 Breaking/Renewing the Covenant: Exodus 32-34

10 12 May 10 Senior Blessing Night – No classes

11 19 May 10 Israel’s Worship: Exodus 35-40

12 26 May 10 New Testament Implications

13 02 Jun 10 Exodus – Transitions: A Summary

Today’s Objectives• Review last week’s lesson

• Learn about the historical timeline of Exodus 5-11

• Learn about Pharaoh’s response to Moses’ request to free the Israelites

• Learn about Moses’ and Aaron’s mission from God to Pharaoh

• Learn about the 10 plagues that impact upon Egypt and how God uses them to punish Pharaoh

• See how the plagues align with mythological gods worshipped by the Egyptians

Last week• Reviewed key points of Exodus

• Reviewed the timeline of Exodus

• Reviewed a map of Moses’ birth and travels

• Learned about the Pharaoh’s of Moses’ time

• Learned about the Israelite’s bondage in Egypt

• Learned the circumstances of Moses' birth and family life

• Learned that Moses flees to Midian after Pharaoh learned he had killed an Egyptian

• Moses marries while in Midian and receives his commission to free the Israelites from bondage

Key Points of Exodus

• God’s grace towards His people• Delivery from the bonds of slavery • Deliverance to the freedom of a covenant

relationship and fellowship with him• No other biblical book surfaces elsewhere in

the OT as frequently as the Book of Exodus does; in the NT only the Books of Psalms and Isaiah are cited more

• Acts 7 is a key companion to Exodus and a quick read

Timeline• Moses lived from approximately 1525-1405 BC

– Completed writing of Exodus after 1445 BC– Exodus covers approximately 431 years of history– Arrival of Jacob and his family in Egypt to the

construction of the Tabernacle in Sinai in 1445 BC

• Israelites lived in Egypt for 430 years (Gen 12:40)– Time of oppression was 400 years (Gen 15:13)– Transition time in Egypt– Egyptians had expelled the Hyskos rulers of the time– Egyptians formed a world power of which there was no


Rulers of Egypt in Exodus• Ahmose I (1570-1548 BC)

– Founder of the New Kingdom after the expulsion of the Hyksos rulers, consolidated borders

– Initiated temple building projects

• Amenhotep (1548-~1528)

• Thutmose I (~1528-1518 BC)– Meaning “Born of Thoth” – Thoth the Egyptian god of wisdom– Moses’ early childhood– Therefore Moses would be Egyptian “Born of” and Mu

meaning water

Rulers of Egypt in Exodus• Thutmose II (1518-1504)

– Moses from about age 8 until 21

• Thutmose III (1504-1450)– Queen Hatshepsut (1498-1483, co-regency)– He is called the Napoleon of Ancient Egypt– He created the largest empire Egypt had ever seen– Moses kills Egyptian; identifies with his brethren (Heb.

11:24-26) then leaves Egypt (1486 BC, Ex 2:11-15)– Moses dwells in Midian 40 years (Acts 7:30)

King of Upper & Lower Egypt Menkheper Ra Son of Ra Thetmess

Thutmose III

Rulers of Egypt in Exodus• Amenhotep II (1450-1425)

– Seventh pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty– Son of Thutmose III– Successful military campaigns– Considered to be the Pharaoh of the Exodus– Firstborn slain in the last plague (Ex 12:29) – His eldest son did not follow him to throne.– over, after “Dream Inscription of Thutmose IV”

• Notes– Archaeologists give us great detail on the Pharaohs of

Moses’ time– Mummies have been found for each of the Pharaohs

Amenhotep II

Chapter 5-11 Outline• Pharaoh's response to Moses (5:1— 6:1)• Moses and Aaron’s equipment as God's messengers

(6:2—7:7)• The confirmation of Moses and Aaron's divine

mission (7:8-13)• The first three plagues (7:14—8:19)• The fourth, fifth, and sixth plagues (8:20—9:12)• The seventh, eight, and ninth plagues (9:13—10:29)• The proclamation of the tenth plague (11:1-32)

Conflict Between Pharaoh

• God permitted the conflict between Moses and Pharaoh for at least three reasons– God displays His superior power and sovereignty over

Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt– God strengthened the faith of His people – God also used these events to heighten anticipation of

and appreciation for the redemption

Pharaoh's Response to Moses (5:1— 6:1)• Moses and Aaron present God’s commands to

Pharaoh Amenhotep II (5:1)– To go worship the God of Israel– Did not perform miracles but merely asked him to allow

the Israelites to leave Egypt

• Pharaoh Amenhotep II’s response (5:2-21)– Pharaoh’s were considered god-like– Would not let them go– Responded by making the working conditions of the

Israelites even more harsh (5:6-21)

• God promises deliverance (5:22-6:1)– Ultimately Amenhotep II will let the Israelites leave

Moses and Aaron’s Equipment as God's Messengers (6:2—7:7)

• God explains to Moses that he will deliver Israel out of Egypt (6:2-9)– Reminded Moses of the promise/covenant

• God promises to do three things– Deliver Israel from bondage (6:2)– He would adopt Israel as His nation (6:7)– He would bring Israel into the promised land (6:8)

• God directs Moses to repeat the request to the Pharaoh (6:10-13)– Moses fears he cannot speak convincingly

Moses and Aaron’s Equipment as God's Messengers (6:2—7:7)

• Genealogical review of Moses and Aaron (6:14-30)– God’s appointed messengers to the Israelites

• Moses was “as God” to Pharaoh (7:1-7)– God’s will revealed to Moses– Aaron would be Moses’ prophet and would communicate

Moses’ and God’s will to Pharaoh– God refers to the miracles Moses would do as signs and

wonders– Ultimate purpose of God’s actions was His own glory– Moses was 80 and Aaron was 83 at this time

Moses’ Family Tree (6:14-27)

The Confirmation of Moses and Aaron's Divine Mission (7:8-13)

• Pharaoh requests that Moses and Aaron perform a miracle to prove their divine (7:9-10)– Aaron’s staff turned to a snake– Pharaoh performs a similar thing, perhaps promulgated

by God– Aaron’s consumed Pharaoh’s snake

• Pharaoh’s heart had become hardened and could not see (7:13)

Plagues• Psalm 78:43 locates the plagues in northern Egypt

near Zoan

• God sends the plagues to punish Pharaoh for his refusal to obey God

• Nature of the plagues– Natural occurrences rather than unknown events– Some affected only the Egyptians– Severity increased– Carried a moral purpose

Egyptian pantheon = 80 gods

• The ancient Egyptians believed in many different gods and goddesses. Each one with their own role to play in maintaining peace and harmony across the land.

• The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to recognize and worship these gods and goddesses so that life continued smoothly.

• When they won battles, it was proof their gods were with them and were more powerful than their enemies.

10 PlaguesPlague Scripture Egyptian gods Represents

River of blood 7:14-25 Hapi/Nilus Sacred river god

Frogs 8:1-15 Heka, Osiris Reproduction god

Gnats 8:16-19 Seb Earth god

Flies 8:20-32 Beelzebub God of flies

Livestock 9:1-7 Apis, Hathor Sacred bull/cow

Boils 9:8-12 Neit

Hail 9:13-10:29 Apis

Locusts 10:1-20 Serapis Protects land from locusts

Darkness 10:21-29 Ra Supreme sun god

Death of first born 11 Pharaoh, Piah God of life

Archaeological Evidence

• Hieratic papyrus in Leiden (1909)– Plague is throughout the land– Blood is everywhere– The river is blood– No fruit or herbs are found– All is ruin, trees are destroyed– The land is not light [dark]

• Some speculate that the rest of the plagues are a result of the Nile flooding

• The tenth biblical plague against Egypt fits with what is known about the death of Amenhotep II’s firstborn son

Plague #1 – Nile into Blood Hapi—Spirit of the Nile

• Hapi was in male form well-developed, almost female, breasts. He was a personification of the waters of the Nile.

Plague #1 Osiris – God of the Underworld; Giver of Life.

• Osiris Appearance: A mummified man wearing a white cone-like headdress with feathers

• The Nile was his bloodstream.

Plague #2 – FrogsHeqt – goddess of birth

• The Egyptians believed the frog was the symbol of the life-giving power-goddess, Heka. She was the goddess who oversaw the women, the mid-wives, who helped women have babies. She was thought to blow the breath of life into the nostrils.

• Egyptians often had little statutes of frogs on their night-stands.

• The killing of a frog = punishable by death!

Plague #3 Lice“Sand/ flies.”Geb was the earth god

• Appearance: Man lying down below the arch of the sky goddess Nut.

• This plague would have been an embarrassment to Geb,. Egyptians gave offerings to Geb for the bounty of the soil -- yet it was from "the dust of the soil" that this plague originated.

• Priests shave hair, impure with lice unable to perform sacred tasks or beseech their gods for help!

Sekhmet was the goddess of war.

• Sekhmet 'The Powerful One' Appearance:

• Woman with the head of a lioness

• Not much help in the Red Sea crossing!

Plague #1 & #2Sobek was a Nile god.

• Sobek Appearance: Man with the head of a crocodile and a headdress of feathers and a sun-disk. . Live crocodiles were kept in pools at temples built to honour Sobek.

Plague #1 Khnum – the Guardian of Nile

• Appearance: Man with the head of a curly-horned ram Khnum was a creator god.

Plague #3 SwarmsAmon-Ra – King of the Gods

• As a scarab beetle pushes a round ball of dung in front of it, the Egyptians pictured Ra as a scarab pushing the sun across the sky.”

• Swarms of Scarabs, with teeth that were more destructive than termites!

Plague #5 Hathor – Goddess of love

“Sacred Cow.”• Perhaps Hathor's most

famous manifestation is as a cow. . Even when appearing as a woman, she often sports a cow's head or at least a pair of cow ears,, the nourishing, generosity of the cow is always readily available under the surface

Plague #5- CattleHathor – Mother Goddess

• Appearance: Woman with the ears of a cow. Had a headdress of horns and a sun disk Hathor was a protective goddess. She was also the goddess of love and joy.

Plague #5 –CattleSacred Cows

• Priests of the bull cults identified a sacred bull by its very specific markings (described below). Once the bull was proclaimed to be a god incarnate, it was taken to the temple compound where it was purified, stabled in majestic quarters, fed the best foods, and given a herd of the finest cows.

Plague #5 –CattleThe Apis Bull Cult

Plague #5 AnimalsBast – The Cat Goddess of Love

• Also would kill cats which were worshipped.

All Plagues she did not help!Bastet –Protective goddess

Appearance: Woman with the head of a cat

• The cat was a symbol of Bastet. The ancient Egyptians made many statues of cats like this one to honour Bastet.

Plague #6 – BoilsImhotep – the god of medicine

• He was also associated with Thoth and became a patron of wisdom and medicine. “Miraculous” cures were often attributed to him.

Plague #7 Hail came from the sky

• Where was Nut the Sky Goddess?

• Appearance: Woman whose body arches across the sky, wearing a dress decorated with stars.

#7 Plague of HailSeth – protector of crops

• Appearance: Man with the head of an animal'

Plague #7-8 Hail and LocustSeth –protector of Crops

• God of thunder and storm.

• Why allow Hail and Locusts?

Plague #7-8 Hail & Locusts Shu – God of the wind

• • Solar deity; son of Ra and Hathor.

• God of air and the atmosphere.

Plague #8 – LocustsWhere was Isis?

• Goddess of life and nature.

Plague #9- DarknessAten – Form of Sun God


• A sun disk with rays which end in hands

Plague #10 Nekhebet –Protector of Royal children

• Nekhebet (Nekhbet)• A guardian goddess who

looked after children and mothers.She protected and suckled the royal children.

• She is shown hovering over the Pharaoh in vulture-form, holding a fly-whisk and a seal

#10: Osiris – God of the Underworld; Giver of Life.

• Why was Osiris unable to save all the first born children?

Plague #10Bes – Protector of the family

• Bes Appearance: Dwarf with lion and human features, wearing the skin of a lion

• Bes was the protector of pregnant women, newborn babies and the family.

Preparing for the Tenth Plague (11:1-10)

• God informs Moses of one final plague on Pharaoh Amenhotep II and upon Egypt (11:1-3)– After this, Pharaoh will let the Israelites go– Will be driven out of Egypt completely – Directs the people to prepare

• Moses delivers the message to the Pharaoh (11:4-10)– Every first born son in Egypt is to die, including that of

the Pharaoh and even the cattle– Israel will be spared– Still Pharaoh Amenhotep would not listen

Review• Reviewed last week’s lesson• Learned about the historical timeline of Exodus 5-

11• Learned about Pharaoh’s response to Moses’

request to free the Israelites• Learned about Moses’ and Aaron’s mission from

God to Pharaoh• Learned about the 10 plagues that impact upon

Egypt and how God uses them to punish Pharaoh• Saw how the plagues align with mythological

gods worshipped by the Egyptians• Next week: God’s Redemption- Exodus 12:1-
