Going Loopy

Post on 30-May-2018

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8/9/2019 Going Loopy

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Eight sims and a blank plot of land...is it the DD homeless challenge? Nope, I decided to try a sims 3

asylum! Just for fun, so no story and expect rubbish pictures. I can’t take good pictures in sims 3anyway. It’s very random. I grabbed myself and seven random sims off my friends page on the

exchange and a few off DD.

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I then built this random asylum. I clicked randomize on all the beds and things. I can’t fully

remember the rules so I did it roughly how I had my sims 2 asylum, but only put in four beds.

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Going from right to left are the inmates. Sorry I hardly have any cc, I left most of you as you

came over to my CAS. I mostly grabbed simselves who I thought would like to be in myasylum who I haven’t placed in one before.

Karima: Artistic/Green Thumb/Hopeless Romantic/Neat/Perfectionist

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Pixx: Genius, Excitable, Hopeless Romantic, Heavy Sleeper, and Green Thumb. I changed

your top as you came over in the same as karima.

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Jilly: Artistic, Flirty, Good sense of humor, Green Thumb, Bookworm.

Yes Jilly was in my other asylum, but I only thought of that after I placed you all. So Jilly you

get to be in two.

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Sim Jo: Absent-minded, friendly, green thumb, artistic, good sense of humour. My LTW is to

be at the top of the journalism career track.

Jilly is wondering if my sim being the controllable is a good idea I’m sure. 

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Tina: good sense of humour, perfectionist, great kisser, and natural cook. I’m glad at least

one of us may be able to cook...


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Fuzzy: Artistic, Bookworm, Good Sense of Humour, Flirty, Neat. I’m amazed how alike your sims 3

version is to the sims 2 version.

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Ashley: Who is already puling great faces lol. Childish, flirty, good sense of humour, great

kisser, and insane. Yah an actual insane, insane asylum patient!

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Val: Hopeless Romantic, Hot-Headed, Unknown, Bookworm, Light Sleeper. Somehow you came over with the

same hair style as Pixx, so I will change that.

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Who will be first to move?

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“I’m first! I’m first!” 

Tina is off first with simJo coming second. Who will win the lucky door prize?

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But Tina is way-laid by the flamingo and Fuzzy is moving into second place!

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Woot and I win the lucky door prize! I haven’t told myself to do that so yes I did win! Mitts


Fuzzy “Did you win a wall light?” 

Jill ”Maybe a window?” 

Jo ”I get to put the TV on first! Mwhaha!” 

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Tina “But the window is more exciting! And this one too! Eeee!” 

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“Ashley: “Who cares about windows we got a toilet!”

That randomly generated toilet already looks gross and this is before it’s even been used. 

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Tina and Fuzzy are the first to chat.

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And pull funny faces.


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Val *I think I’ll talk to the flamingo* 

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While I get to listen to Ashley’s insaneness. 

“I think we were all dropped here from outer space!” 

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“Maybe we came on a shooting star!” 

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“Don’t be silly you can’t ride on shooting stars Jo! It must have been a sling shot, from


*Oh Ashley you’re insane, how could the green men on Saturn build a slingshot when they

have no rubber bands*

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Tina hasn’t even been inside yet- so much for moving first! Instead she now corners the

paper boy.

“Purple is the best!” 

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He’s fascinated... 

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“I can’t believe we have this- this thing!” 

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“Arrhh! It’s chess set!!” 

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Val :”Guess what?” 

Jilly: “What?” 

Val “I’m in an insane asylum” 

Jilly “No way!” >snort< 

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And what intellectual fodder has everyone gathered to watch?

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Days of our Lives of course.

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All these flirty sims decide some study of kissing will be very helpful when the male visitors

coming walking past.

I decided it was about time I told my simself what to do so I went and got a job in

Journalism and took a writing class.