GOING WEST. GOING WEST Pioneers made the 2,000 mile trip from Independence Missouri to the Oregon...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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GOING WEST Pioneers made the 2,000 mile trip from Independence Missouri to the Oregon Territory.
Many died along the way from disease, The Oregon Trail Mormon Trail Brigham Young Between 1846 and 1869, more than 70,000 Mormon's traveled west to escape religious persecution. Most of them walked the nearly 1,500 miles to the Salt Lake Valley of what is now Utah. The Mormon Trail California Gold Rush Gold was discovered at Sutters Mill California in 1848. Over 250,000 settlers .49ersrushed into California Mining for gold was difficult and dangerous work. San Francisco grew from 400 people in 1845 to 35,000 in 1850 Thousands of Chinese Immigrants arrived in California Only a few 49ers would every strike it rich! The Gold Rush Cause and effect of US Expansion 1846-1853
Oregon Territory acquired by the United States. Texas Revolution War with Mexico United States expands sea to sea. Gadsden Purchase California becomes a state. CAUSE Westward trails move thousands to new territories. Austin and others colonize Texas. United States annexes Texas. Mexican Cession acquired by the United States. Transcontinental railroad route needed. Thousands of gold seekers rush to California.