Golden age chapter 5

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE ONE (1 panel) Panel 1. A young SHADOW agent (Chemistry without his signature skin color) sitting in an interrogation room, there's a table in front of him, he looks nervous. There's only one light shining above the table. In the foreground is a hand holding files. The agent with the files is wearing a black suit. SUB: April 7, 1969 AGENT: Good evening, Agent Volkenburg.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWO (5 panels) Panel 1. The Agent now sitting across from the young SHADOW agent. Medium shot of the Agent staring at Volkenburg AGENT: I heard you've done a bad thing. Panel 2. Medium shot of a sweaty and nervous Volkenberg MR. CHEMISTRY: I...I'm sorry I was just curious. I wanted to see what S.H.A.D.O.W was doing with those people. AGENT: There's a reason we don't allow agents lower than a Level 7 clearance to see what we do. Panel 3. An extreme close-up of the Agent, intrigued and anxious to know what the agent has seen. AGENT: Now, tell me. What did you see? Panel 4. Side shot of the agent and Chemistry still talking MR. CHEMISTRY: I saw...I'm sorry I just wanted to know. AGENT: It's alright, what did you see? Panel 5. A medium shot of a worried Chemistry almost bawling. His head faces down, he's ashamed of himself. CHEMISTRY: I saw Project Alpha. AGENT: Before it went missing?

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


CHEMISTRY: Yes. I didn’t do anything…I just talked to him for a bit. He looked so afraid. You have to believe me, I didn’t do anything.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE THREE (5 panels) Panel 1. A shot of the agent leaving, packing his files and walking away. A doctor with a lab coat walks in. AGENT: I see. Well I'll talk to my superiors but I don't think you'll be punished too badly. Project Alpha was put under many dangerous chemicals, so the doctor here is gonna check if you were infected in any way. I hope you don't mind. CHEMISTRY: Oh…no…no it’s fine. Panel 2. The Agent enters another room. A much older agent (Around 65) (Agent #2) is watching Chemistry talking to the doctor through a double sided mirror (in this new room). AGENT #2: Smart kid. It would've taken years for me to figure out Section 8's security system. AGENT: Should we keep him? Panel 3. Medium close-up of Agent #2 AGENT #2: He's smart, but insubordinate. Use the serum. That should wipe out all his memory and put him under our control. Then give him level 8 clearance. S.H.A.D.O.W could use him. Panel 4. The Agent pleading with Agent #2 AGENT: You do know that the serum we're using is untested? Only Project Alpha has survived the memory wipe, it hasn't been tested on normal humans. There's no guarantee he'll forget everything or that he'll be sane. AGENT #2: Do it.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


Panel 5. Agent pressing a button to communicate with the doctor. AGENT: Doc, give him the serum, DOCTOR: Understood.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE FOUR (4 panels) Panel 1. The 2 agents in a hallway another Agent who wears a lot of badges and is clearly their superior walks beside them. He hands the first agent another file. AGENT #3: Project Alpha has been spotted. Panel 2. Close-up of the file, in it we see the April 6 photo. The one of Marty and Alpha meeting for the first time. AGENT: Dammit. AGENT #2: What do we do now? Panel 3. The agents passing through a medical facility (make it obvious by having many doctors and nurses in the hall). They pass by a door that reads V. Volkenburg AGENT: We pretend it never happened. If the government ever knew we were involved, they could track us down. Panel 4. Close-up on the sign that reads V. Volkenburg Panel 5. In a medical room, we find Chemistry half dead. He's plugged to all sorts of appliances. His signature blue skin isn't fully actualized. His veins pop out showing that the blue serum is coursing through his veins. This is when the readers fully know this is the Mr. Chemistry that we all know.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE FIVE (1 panel) Panel 1. The Living Light flying across the sky enjoying himself CAP: Today Marty comes home… LIVING LIGHT: Woohoo! CREDITS: Golden Age Chapter 5: Harness Bells

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SIX (5 panels) Panel 1. Alpha about to fly. Denise throws her hand out and shouts out to Alpha, she has something to tell him. LIVING LIGHT (via communicator): What's taking you so long Alph? DENISE: Wait! Panel 2. Medium close-up of Alph turning around to hear what Denise has to say. ALPHA: Yes? Panel 3. Denise gives Alph the biggest kiss you've ever seen Panel 4. Long shot of the military prepping for the disaster. Alph and Denise are small but are in the center. (Panel should fill bottom half of the page). ALPHA: What was that for? DENISE: Good luck ALPHA: I think I'll need more than luck. DENISE: Just come back, okay? ALPHA: I'll try.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SEVEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Close-up of a red light flashing. It's an alarm. SUB: Hedgerose Psychiatric Ward, San Francisco Panel 2. Mr. Chemistry, his garb soaked in blood, cleaning the broken glass he's just used to kill a security guard. The guard lies on the floor looking like a rag doll. In the distance someone is crying. YOUNG GIRL: "Sob" MR. CHEMISTRY: My my, what is that lovely sound? Panel 3. Chemistry peering through an asylum door. There's a small window that he peers through. MR. CHEMISTRY: Oooh. Panel 4. A shot of a girl (around 16) in a padded asylum room. She lies in a crouching position, crying. Chemistry's shadow blocks some of the light in the room. Make it seem obvious that Chemistry is in the room and has left the door open. MR. CHEMISTRY (off panel): Oh you poor thing, what's wrong child? YOUNG GIRL: The alarm, it's too loud. Are people getting hurt? MR. CHEMISTRY: Not yet, little girl-- Panel 5. Medium shot of Chemistry with that creepy look on his face as he stares at the girl. He licks his lips and unbuckles his pants. His hand still holding the broken glass. He isn't wearing any gloves so his hand is bloody.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


MR. CHEMISTRY: --Not yet.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE EIGHT (6 panels) Panel 1. Alpha flying in the air. His face looking determined. Panel 2. A giant rock hits him as he flies Panel 3. Alpha falling mid air Panel 4. Alpha creating a huge hole in the street where he lands. Beside him is Siliniez carrying a car full of people. SILINIEZ: Glad you dropped in. ALPHA What was that? SILINIEZ: It appears the sky is falling. ALPHA: Funny. Panel 5. A shot of a tall building in the middle of an earthquake. There is military everywhere, it is mayhem. We see Alpha's back, he's facing the building and staring at it. ALPHA: Mystery, what's the scoop? MADAME MYSTERY: Nothing too bad Alph, I'm in the jet. The earthquake seems to center in downtown San Francisco. But besides that no other activi-- Panel 6. Close-up of Alph on the communicator looking worried ALPHA: What's the problem?

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE NINE (6 panels) Panel 1. From the Pilot's pit we see Madame mystery looking at a giant Tsunami hitting Fisherman's Wharf. She looks startled MADAME MYSTERY: There's a giant wave coming your way! Panel 2. The jet flying really fast trying to cross the waves path. Panel 3. Close-up of Alpha, now turning the other way staring at the giant tsunami. ALPHA: Damn! Panel 4. Alpha flying to the giant wave on the verge of touching the city Panel 5. Madame Mystery on top of a building. The jet is “parked” on top of the building as well. You only see her back as she faces the giant tsunami MADAME MYSTERY: Here goes nothing. Panel 6. Astral force field come out of her hands. Her face is full of pain as she's lifting a really large object.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Large panoramic view of mystery creating a see through wall preventing the tsunami from reaching the city. Panel 2. Close-up of Mystery struggling to hold on. She sweats protrusively. She's in pain MADAME MYSTERY: I can't hold this any longer! Panel 3. Theres a crack in the forcefield. People are panicking all around as the tsunami continues to break onto the city. There are military vehicles and units everywhere. Panel 4. Alpha flying in the air raising towards the wave. ALPHA This better work! Panel 5. A medium shot of Alpha using his very powerful lungs and blowing the wave the opposite direction.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE ELEVEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Siliniez watching Alpha from a distance. He's still beside the tall building cheering on Alpha. SILINIEZ: Well done! Panel 2. 3 children are on top of this building. They look worried and scared. CHILD #1: Help! Panel 3. There's a crack at the bottom of the building, the bottom snaps SFX: "Crink!!!" Panel 4. Siliniez grabs the bottom of the building but he isn't strong enough. SILINIEZ: I am too weak! Panel 5. Alpha seeing the building rushes to help Siliniez ALPHA: Sil! I'm coming!

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWELVE (3 panels) Panel 1. Alpha taking the top half. He isn't strong enough as well. Panel 2. The children on the top of the building holding on to their dear lives by a satellite. Panel 3. Alpha's communicator in his ear turns on as he still tries to keep the building collapsing ACKART (via communicator): Alpha, we've located the source, an abandoned bomb shelter on the outskirts of Edwards. I'm sending the coordinates to your jet.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE THIRTEEN (1 panel) Panel 1. Denise and General Ackhart at Section Y full of screens that show every natural disaster around the world. Make each screen show details of odd occurrences that are happening around the world. Ackhart is wearing a headset ordering Alpha angrily GENERAL ACKART: Stop whatever you're doing and get your ass to that shelter!

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE FOURTEEN (6 panels) Panel 1. Long shot of Alpha holding the building pushing it but he's too weak. ALPHA I... Panel 2. A closer shot but now only of Alpha and only showing the part of the building that Alpha is touching ALPHA I... Panel 3. Close-up of his face. A single sweat drop flow down his face. ALPHA: CAN'T!!!!!!! Panel 4. Close-up of the drop of sweat as it falls. Panel 5. A shot of blood dropping down in an asylum room. It should like the the drop of sweat has transformed into the blood Panel 6. The blood hits the ground of the asylum

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE FIFTEEN (4 panels) Panel 1. Mr. Chemistry has strapped the young woman onto an asylum bed. He still holds the broken glass in his hand. She looks frightened, her mouth gagged. MR. CHEMISTRY: Don't you just love the sound of lunatics running amuck? It kinda turns me on. Panel 2. A smile runs through his face. Chemistry caresses and smells the young girl's hair. MR. CHEMISTRY: Which is very fortunate for you. I think I'll keep you alive when I go inside you. I want to hear you scream. Panel 3. A close-up of the young woman's face. She's terrified MR. CHEMISTRY: Would you do that for me, honey? Panel 4. Chemistry unbuckling his pants. MR. CHEMISTRY: Scream for daddy.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SIXTEEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Galahad beside the corpse that Chemistry just recently killed. He's kneeling down and looking for clues SFX (Off panel): ghrmph. Panel 2. Same as 4.1 except Galahad looks towards the direction of where the sound is coming from. Panel 3. Mr Chemistry unbuckling his pants. The girl is still on the bed. MR. CHEMISTRY: You'll have to pardon me. I'm an old man, it takes a little time to get me in the right mood. Panel 4. A shadow of Galahad grabbing Chemistry from the back and throwing him to the end of the room. Panel 5. Shot of Chemistry on the floor still holding the glass.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SEVENTEEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Chemistry lunges and stabs Galahad with the broken glass. GALAHAD: Aaaaaghhh! Panel 2. Galahad still has the resilience to evade a second punch but the glass is still protruding from his left shoulder. Panel 3. Galahad breaks Chemistry's leg. MR. CHEMISTRY: Aaaaaaah! Panel 4. Galahad releasing the young girl. GALAHAD: Get out of here! Now! Panel 5. The young girl runs quickly but says something as she runs. Mr. Chemistry is still on the floor laughing hysterically. YOUNG GIRL: Thank you. MR. CHEMISTRY: Hahahahahahahaha!

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE EIGHTEEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Galahad limping and looking at the glass still on his shoulder. Chemistry is on the floor laughing hysterically MR. CHEMISTRY: What was the point of saving her. I heard the reports, we're all gonna die anyway. Can't I have a little fun before I kick the bucket? GALAHAD: I'm sick and tired of you and your sadistic little games. This is it, I won't let you harm another innocent person! You're an animal...a dog... Panel 2. Medium close-up of Chemistry smiling, blood gushing from his mouth. MR. CHEMISTRY: And what? Dogs get put down? God, I haven't heard that one before. Is there a manual with generic superhero phrases? Besides, you could've killed me years ago but you didn't. Why do it now? Panel 3. Galahad slowly pulling out the glass from his shoulder. GALAHAD: You're right. I'm not gonna kill you. But most dogs don't get put down-- Panel 4. Medium close-up of Galahad for the first time smiling. He has the maniacal look just like Chemistry. He holds up the bloody piece of glass just like Chemistry. GALAHAD: --they get neutered.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE NINETEEN (3 panels) Panel 1. A view from the door. We only see Galahad and Chemistry's shadows. Galahad is holding the knife and is walking closer to Chemistry. MR. CHEMISTRY You''re kidding right? Panel 2. The shadow of Galahad appears to be kneeling now in front of Chemistry pulling out stringy things (veins and his nut sack). MR. CHEMISTRY: I'm sorry...I won't do it again. Just don't do that ok?.....Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Panel 3. Galahad's shadow disappears. Blood flows from the bottom of the door.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWENTY (6 panels) Panel 1. Shot of General Ackhart screaming at Alpha through his head set. GENERAL ACKART: Dammit Alpha! The longer we wait, the worst our situation gets! Drop the building and get to the source! Panel 2. Alpha holding onto the building as the kids slowly lose grip. ALPHA: Not this time. I'm not letting them go! They're kids for Christ sake! Panel 3. Medium shot of the satellite breaking Panel 4. The kids falling in midair Panel 5. A beam of light grabs them Panel 6. Close-up of the Living Light carrying the 3 kids. Enjoying himself while doing it. LIVING LIGHT Sorry for being late, you know I always like to make an entrance! The kids are safe with me, drop the building and let's get to this bomb shelter!

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWENTY-ONE (4 panels) Panel 1. A shot of the building crashing on the floor. In the background, Living Light and Major Alpha fly out. The Alpha Jet follows behind them. They're heading out to the Base. Panel 2. Galahad walking out of the asylum door. He leaves a blood trail. Panel 3. Galahad in the room where the shuttle is, entering the shuttle Panel 4. The shuttle flying away from the asylum

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWENTY-TWO (5 panels) Panel 1. Establishing shot of an old bomb shelter. It's night time. The Alpha jet and shuttle are behind it. ALPHA (From within the shelter): We're here General. Panel 2. A shot of the Alpha League inside the shelter. Galahad has mended his arm. Make the area look shaky as if the Earthquakes are getting worse. A blue door is distinctly visible in the background. Alpha has his finger on his ear talking to General Ackhart. GENERAL ACKART: Good. Keep in contact. God speed. LIVING LIGHT: Kinda small for a secret terrorist hideout dontcha think? SILINIEZ: Big things come in small packages my friend. MADAME MYSTERY: Will you boys stop talking. Panel 3. Alpha punching the blue door open. Panel 4. A white light immerses the room Panel 5. The Alpha League are in a pure white room. Just like the white room Neo is in when he gets weapons in the Matrix. In front of them is a 40 year old man crouching in an almost fetal position. Everyone looks in different directions except for Alpha. ALPHA: This can't're dead. Panel 6. Medium close-up it's as if we're in the subjective view of Alpha. His hand placed on the shoulder of the man who reveals his face. It's Marty.

Golden  Age,  Issue  5  �  Michael  Nevada    


ALPHA: Marty?