Good Morning, Tax Agents! should you choose to accept it, Your mission, should you choose to accept...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Good Morning, Tax Agents!Good Morning, Tax Agents!

Your mission, should you choose to accept itshould you choose to accept it,, is to have fun, work hard, reap rich rewards and help us save a piece of our country that is rapidly disappearing.

For years now, special agent Ethan HuntEthan Hunt, operating under deep cover in Florida and the southern U.S., has reported massive infiltration from outside operatives intent on enjoying the lifestyles of our area.

But in so doing, they have threatened, and in fact, eliminated a part of the countryside they seek to enjoy.

You have been recruited to be our front line of information and defense, providing an opportunity for these outsiders to join our ranks and become part of our team.

Through purchasing and displaying our tag, they will become a visible element in our communities “taking the message to the streets.” It will not be uncommon, however, to find willing participants from “locals” who are sympathetic to our cause.

After you enlist in our agent database you will be assigned points for each agent you “convert” to our side. As your “Tag Tally”“Tag Tally” escalates, you will be asked to select a gift of your choice from headquarters.

Surely, there will be something there you Surely, there will be something there you wouldn’t normally buy for yourself!wouldn’t normally buy for yourself!

This message will NOTNOT self-destruct, as this communicator may be the tool to announce such “Special Ops” in the months to come.

In the coming months of your “Mission: Is “Mission: Is Possible”Possible” campaign, look for sightings of success on the highways and updates that may increase your rewards with special opportunities.

Good luck and good bye for now from your Mission Is Mission Is PossiblePossible headquarters.

So train a keen eye on the counter and watch for opportunities to “Tag” a convert and help ensure our message gets out on the streets.

Sportsmen’s National Land Sportsmen’s National Land
