Good Morning/Afternoon Have out your USB, Science Fair Folder & journal Agenda Review Problem,...

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Good Morning/Afternoon

• Have out your USB, Science Fair Folder & journal

• Agenda

• Review Problem, Hypothesis & Variables

• Chromebook rules

• Research, begin typing

An example of a Science Fair Project

• Scientific Method

• Variables-independent, dependent, control, constant

1. 0bservation

Juan watches his grandmother baking bread. He asks her what makes the bread rise.

She explains that one ingredient, yeast, releases a gas as it feeds on sugar.

2. Problem/Question

Juan wonders if… the amount of sugar used in the recipe would affect the size of the bread loaf.

Research: Review of Literature

Juan researches about baking and fermentation and tries to come up with a way to test his question.

He keeps all of his information on this topic in a journal.

Hypothesis-an educated guess

Juan comes up with a the following hypothesis.

“If more sugar is added to the recipe, then the bread will rise higher.”

Independent Variable(cause)-

It is the condition intentionally changed by the reseacher.

In this case: the amount of sugar.

Juan is going to use 50 g, 60 g and 70 g of sugar in his experiment.

Dependent Variable(effect) It is the factor that may change

as a result of changes in the independent variable. In this case: the size of the loaf of bread.

Control It is the condition that serves to compare, the normal condition.

(compara el condicion de lo demas materiales o objetos del experimento)

Because Juan’s grandmother always uses 50g. of sugar in her recipe, Juan decided to use the bread made with that amount of sugar as his control group.


The constants in an experiment are all the factors that the experimenter tries to keep the same. (cosas en el experimento que dejas igual, no cambia)

Can you think of some Can you think of some constants for this constants for this experiment?experiment?

ConstantsThey might include:• other ingredients to the

bread recipe• oven used• rise time• brand of ingredients• cooking time• type of pan used• oven temperature• age of the yeast…

Size of Baked Bread (LxWxH) cm3

Amt. of Sugar (g.)

1 2 3 AverageAverage

Size Size (cm(cm33))

50 1296 1440 1296 1344

60 1404 1296 1440 1380

70 1638 1638 1560 1612

Size of Bread Loaf (cmSize of Bread Loaf (cm33))


Control group

Conclusion-explain results, use data

Explicar resultados y informacion que usasteJuan finds that 70g. of sugar produces the largest loaf.His hypothesis was supported by the experiment!

Science Fair Project

• 1.Problem/Question-write the question about your project

• 2.Hypothesis- what do you predict will happen in your experiment based on your question

• 3.Variables

• Independent-

• Dependent-

• Control-

• Constant-

Science Fair Due by 9/28

• Problem/Question

• Hypothesis- what is your prediction? what will happen in your experiment? ( research first)

• Variables- Independent, Dependent, Control, Constant


• Research information regarding your problem/question in order to create a correct hypothesis

• Use science buddies

• Cps science fair. Org

• Google- search engine

• NO WIKIPEDIA- not a reliable source

Chrome book Rules

• 1. Each student will have their own # chrome book, that # will be the same all year.

• 2. Each class you use the chrome books you use the same #

• 3. If there is a problem with the chrome book or something happens to it, please let the Teacher know IMMEDIATELY.


• 4. Use the chrome book for your assignment only

• 5. Don’t go on other websites your not advised to follow

• 6. Don’t check your grades• 7. Don’t email other classmates• If you chose to not use the technology

properly, your privilege will be taken away for the remainder of the year.