Good Poke'mon VS Dark Poke'mon

Post on 16-Mar-2016

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Written and Illustrated by Vishan


Once there were two pok’emon named Mew and Mew Two. Their powers were strong. There was also a pok’emon named Dark Mew and his brother Dark Mew Two, but that was just a legend. Ash was a boy who had Pok’emon. He was thinking about the legend.

Ash and his friend were on their way to get Ash’s last gym badge. They were entering a thick fog. It was so thick that they couldn’t even see their hands. Then they came across a town. Ash ran to the town. When they came to the town it looked spooky, like a pok’emon destroyed the town. All the buildings were destroyed.

Then a pok’emon came out of hiding and used flamewheel. This is an attack . Then Ash’s pok’emon used thundershock. Another kind of attack. The pok’emon was fire type. Then Ash saw a pok’emon in the sky. It was Mew but it looked like Dark Mew. It turned out it was Dark Mew but it was battling Mew. Next to them were Mew Two and Dark Mew Two. “Their power was going to destroy this town.” Ash said.

Then Dark Mew hit Ash but before it could hit Ash, Mew hit Dark Mew.

Then Ash jumped on Mew. The battle raged on. Ash dropped to the gound. Then Mew and Mew Two destroyed Dark Mew and Dark Mew Two. Ash and his friend said to each other, good bye and thanks for your help.

by Vishan