Goodwood School News September 14th Week 8 · September 14th Week 8 ... greener thumb!!! Our...

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September 14th Week 8

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Goodwood School News








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A Message from Deb …

Staff valued our student free day and the training with James Anderson. The day involved exploring how misunderstandings about intelligence and abilities lead to the creation of a “Greatness Gap” - a belief that successful people are somehow fundamentally different. We explored these beliefs and challenged ourselves to think differently. Believing successful people are different is the root of the fixed mindset.

Based on 40 years of research, in the area of cognitive psychology, it has been found that intelligence is learnable and should be what guides our pedagogy around the Growth Mindset. Working cooperatively with parents is key to our students success. James talked about how parents and teachers alike often won’t challenge or stretch the learning of children who are already high achievers. Research shows that often these children have difficulty when they

are faced with challenges in their future lives. So the key is to acknowledge success and ensure we set the next challenge. For example if a child is always getting 10/10 for a maths assessment are they being challenged? Here is a resource: Open Night


to our students on a fabulous open night. It was great to see all the smiling faces

and hearing the students confidently sharing their learning. Thanks to all the parents, family and friends who took the time to attend. Term 4 events and ways you can get involved … Please refer to the Goody Patch Open Day advert in this newsletter. Spring has started and

it’s a good time to brush up on how to get a greener thumb!!! Our Goodwood Art House Market has a reputation for being a highly successful community event. Come along and soak up the atmosphere and purchase those great unique Christmas presents. On the day we will need some volunteers to help sell things. If you can offer half an hour or more during the day please email Nicole on School and Preschool End of Year Concerts

We look forward to seeing you at these events, when your children will shine. The Reception to Years 2 concert (including Ria’s 2/3’s) is Monday November 28th. The

Primary concert is Monday December 5th . These concerts will be held at the Capri Cinema. The Preschool concerts are Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th of November in the PAC. Christmas Raffles .. The fundraising team will be creating raffle baskets this year to be drawn at

the Early Years and Primary Years Concerts. We are asking families to donate items to go into the raffle (for example toys, food etc) by Friday 18th November.

The ‘Celebrating Diversity Breakfast’, in honour of our Intensive English Language Program

As you know our Intensive E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e Program will move to other schools at the end of this year.

To celebrate Goodwood Primary having this wonderful program for the past 8 years we will be having a shared breakfast on Tuesday December 13th at 8am. People who have contributed to this program over the years will be invited to also attend. Acknowledgement of our great staff and the collaborative work they have done over the years, to provide a well sort after program, will be important to us all. While it is important to celebrate events like these, it is also important to experience the grief associated with

transitions such as these in a supportive way. We have already started to put in place strategies to support families who will be spending terms 1 and 2, in 2017, at a different school completing their IEL program. The transition to these schools will occur in term 4 and a clear plan for their transition back to Goodwood Primary in term 3 2017 is being created. This will include inviting the families to significant events during terms 1 and 2 next year.

Carmen is currently finding out contact details of families who have enrolled in other IELP schools this term so as we can include them in our transition plans for 2017.

Student Free Day

Yes, we have another day on the first day of term 4. This day will be to review all our achievement data from across the year to modify and create purposeful plans of action for 2017 and beyond. Please make sure you book your child into OSHC if you need child care for Monday 17th October. OSHC will be available. Remember if you are booked in for the morning or afternoon on this day and you do not want your child to attend OSHC you will need to CANCEL your child/ren’s booking(s). Your child will remain enrolled if you

do not notify OSHC 83735302.

Staffing Our teacher vacancy has been filled by Marella Hannaford. She has been working at Goodwood Primary School since 2013. This year she has

been working as our intervention and support teacher for students who have English as an Additional Language or Dialect and acting as Deputy Principal. We look forward to her joining our team on a permanent basis in 2017.

Thanks to Marellla for her work as Deputy over the past two weeks. Her leadership and attention to detail has been greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Deborah Brassington, Principal


The OSHC October program is on the school website. Book now for the holidays.

Do you need child care for the Student Free Day Monday 17th October????? If you do and you are booked in for the day that is fine. If you have a regular morning / afternoon booking on a

Monday and do not need the booking for the 17th please notify the OSHC and your name will be removed.

Lost Mobile Phone….. A message from a member of our local neighbourhood Did you find a White Samsung J1 It was lost in the Goodwood Library Carpark on Thursday 25th August at approximately 8.55am. If anybody knows the whereabouts of this phone please return to the Goodwood Library and collect a $100.00 REWARD. The phone contains treasured photographs. Your help in returning the phone is greatly


Sport Training time/day/location

Game times/day/location Coach required?

Coordinator contact

Basketball Tuesday mornings before school (School basketball court and gym)

Yrs 2/3/4 mixed Thursday after school Yr 4/5 boys Monday after school Yr 6/7 boys Tuesday after school (will only happen if we get enough numbers) Yr 4/5 & 6/7 girls Wednesday after school (will only happen if we get enough numbers) Game times 3.50/4.30/5.10 All games at Wayville Basketball stadium

No No Yes


Tim Fitzgerald 0405 468 721

Cricket Yr 2/3 - N/A Yr 4/5 - Tues 3:30pm. Yr 6/7 – Wed 3:30pm. (Goodwood Oval Nets)

Yr 2 Friday 5-6pm at Glandore oval Yr 3 Friday 6-7pm at Glandore oval Yr 4/5 Friday 5-7pm at various locations Yr 6/7 Saturday 8:30-11:30am at various locations

Yes Yes No No

Chas Thomas 0413 002 656

Softball After school – day TBA (School oval)

Yr 4/5 & 6/7 Saturdays Game times between 8.30-11.30am Games played at various locations

No Lynn Fox 0421 289 982

Volleyball After school – day TBA (School gym)

Yr 4/5 Fridays after school Yr 6/7 Fridays after school All games played at Westbourne Park Rec Centre

Yes No

Rachel Randel 0413 320 096

Touch Football

Expressions of interest – please contact Michael Farquarson

Term 4 Out of School Hours Sports - Register now! Goodwood Primary School offers an extensive out of school hours sports program for girls and boys in Years 2-7. The aim of the program is to provide all students with the opportunity to be involved in learning skills, improving their fitness and health, being part of a team or group, and most of all have lots of fun and enjoyment! We are now calling for registrations for term 4 summer sports. See the table below for a summary of each sport on offer.

How to register your child for Term 4 Has your child played this sport for GPS in Terms 1, 2 or 3 - 2016?

If yes, you will be contacted by the Sports Coordinator shortly asking for commitment to Term 4.

If no, please click here or go to the Sports/ Out of school Hours Sports

page of our website and click onto the link to ‘register for term 4 sport’ by no later than Tuesday 20/09/16.

Please note this form is a commitment to play based on the information provided above.

**Parent Volunteer Coaches and helpers needed! The only way we can enter teams is with the certainty that every team has a volunteer parent coach/es with the addition of helpers throughout the term for things such as umpiring, scoring, setting up etc. We appreciate the help of as many people as possible, however if a coach for each team cannot be secured, the team

will not be able to be entered into the appropriate sporting group.

Tiqbiz – School App Please note that the sporting groups use Tiqbiz to notify of game times/locations each week, as well as other updates

such as changes/cancellations of training. Please make sure you download the app and tick the appropriate sporting

group box to ensure you don’t miss any information.

Remember – we need all new registrations no later than Tuesday 20/09/16

Great Achievements at Goodwood!

Open Night What a fabulous turn out for Open Night. It was great to see the children sharing their achievements with family members. Thanks for coming along and encouraging your child.

Metropolitan Fire Service

On Thursday the 1st of September 2016, 13N and IELC 1 had a visit from the Metropolitan Fire Service. They showed us what to do in the event of a fire and told us all about the fire trucks. They showed us all of the tools

that they use and Ria was lucky enough to dress up in the REALLY HEAVY protective uni-form. We even got to squirt cones with the fire hose.

Great Achievements at Goodwood!

13N—Ria’s Year 2/3 class—giving back to the Community Last week we gave back to the community by planting plants in the Goody Patch with our buddies (Mr Hunt's class).

Bee Bots Bee Bots are small robots that students can program to do a range of creative and innovative things. Here is 6M experimenting with this resource.

IELC trip to the show Last Thursday IELC 2 and 3 had the opportunity to attend the Royal Show. It was a busy day and gave our

students an interesting insight into life in Australia.

Community Notices

Goody Patch Open Day Saturday 29th October 12.00-2.30pm

The Theme this year is: “Be Wise with Water.” Harry Harrison will be our guest speaker! Fun for all ages, an event not to be missed. Bring the whole family and enjoy food, entertainment and take advantage of some lovely plants available for sale.

Goodwood Art House Marketplace Sunday 6th November 10.00am—4.00pm The Goodwood Art House Marketplace is a vibrant showcase of local designers and makers from the Adelaide and South Australian community. The Facebook page has a following of 3500+ people.

Featuring wares from handpicked local artisans within an all-inclusive atmosphere, Goodwood Art House Marketplace offers visitors a taste and experience of home grown Adelaide design and arts talent, within the unique and eclectic Goodwood community precinct.

The boutique selection of stalls includes high quality home wares, fashion, jewellery, artwork and limited vintage items, as well as a selection of local produce and preserves.

If you are interested in helping out on the day please ring the office and leave your name and number with Elizabeth, who will pass it onto the Fundraising committee. Otherwise we look forward to seeing you on the day, a great opportunity to get those Christmas gifts organised.

Notification Update Civil Works DPTI Lighting Poles Goodwood Road As part of the Goodwood Road Streetscape Upgrade Project being jointly conducted with Unley Council, SA Power Network’s contractors are completing footings in preparation for new lighting poles. Works have commenced this week on the eastern side of Goodwood Road close to Railway Terrace and will continue on both sides of the road. Businesses within the vicinity of the pole positions are being notified. How will construction be managed? Work will involve excavation and then back fill until later when the lighting poles are installed. The footings will take from 1 to 2 days at each site. One traffic lane near the curb will be closed for the civil works and there will be an area cordoned off around the footing and on the footpath. Pedestrian access will be maintained and footpath traffic management will assist as required. Day works will generally commence at 9am. There are no planned outages. Where do I get further information? If you have any general inquiries about the works, please call SA Power Networks on 13 12 61 during business hours or email us at Interpreter Service is available by calling: 13 14 50 Website Postal address GPO Box 77, Adelaide SA 5001

Community Notices

Traffic Monitors Students have now had training to be crossing monitors. This is a very responsible job and we

thank them for their commitment to this role.


› Be at school before 8:30 AM and head out to

the crossing as a group at 8:30 AM. The reserve should

also be at school before 8:30 AM.

› Wear your hats if it is a hat wearing day. Do not take

your bags.

› Stay focussed on your job.

Head Monitor Reserve

Week 8 Josh Zara Patrick

Week 9 James Owen Jamie

Week 10 Gracie Olivia Yashika

Important Dates

Wednesday 14th September Preschool Transition 9-11am Thursday 15th September Preschool Transition 9-11am

Thursday 22nd of September IELC concert and shared dinner Friday 23rd September Parent Tour 9am

Wednesday 28th September Ann Baker Parent Workshop Friday 30th September last day term 3—school concludes at 2.15pm

Monday 17th October—STUDENT FREE DAY Tuesday 18th October Term 4 commences

Wednesday 19th October Assembly Andrea 1M 2.30pm Wednesday 26th—Friday 28th October 3M Camp

Saturday 29th October Goody Patch Open Day 12-2.30pm October 31st—November 2nd 11C Camp

Wednesday 2nd November Assembly Maria 17N 2.30pm Sunday 6th November Goodwood Art House Market 10-4pm

November 14th to 18th Physical Education Week … join in with activities throughout the week and encourage healthy life styles!!!!!

SAPSASA Mountain Biking GPS has given approval for students to participate in the SAPSASA mountain biking competition. The competition is Thursday 27 October at Craigburn Farm Trails. Students must be in Yr 6 or 7 to enter and compete based on age. There is a small fee of $8 for the individual event plus $10 for each team. Attendance at the event will be co-ordinated by parent volunteers, total numbers will therefore depend on capacity to transport the kids/bikes. First in first served, but please register your kids interest by 1 October 2016 to Wendy Bevan 0403 882 004, including if you can help out. For full info go to:

2017 Class Placement We will be organising class placements for 2017 early next term. If you have any requests with regards

friendships and your child’s placement please email:, unfortunately we cannot accommodate teacher or class year level combination requests eg 1/2 or 2/3.

Alternatively you may like to write your request and deliver it to the front office, in an envelope, marked confidential.

Should you know you are transferring out to another school please inform the front office as soon as possible as this will impact on our staffing.

English Language Classes Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia Inc is now offering English language classes for students who wish to improve in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary. If English is not your first language, this friendly and relaxed class will help to improve your confidence when using English through language activities. On Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, 3:30-5:30pm, a registered teacher with a Bachelor Degree in English literature will provide assistance with: one on one conversation practice correct pronunciation writing letters, journals or other work guidance on study techniques. If you are interested and would like to find out more, please write to