Google Analytics Video Event Tracking

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Viddler offers a turnkey solution for clients that easily integrates their Viddler video library with their Google Analytics account. Viddler's video player sends video events that are captured and reported by Google Analytics. Viddler's new HTML5 player, Arpeggio, can even capture information about where the visitor came from which is usually difficult with a traditional iframe embed.


Google Analytics Integration

Gain powerful insights about your viewers10/22/2014 •


•  Over 10 years of IT and marketing experience

•  Presented KISSmetrics webinar “The Black hole of Video Analytics”

•  Been at Viddler 2 years

•  Learned Google Analytics by being curiousEric McClatchy

Web Marketing Manager

Viddler Inc.

Purpose of Video Analytics

Video Analytics should help you understand...

•  Who are your viewers?

•  What videos are they watching?

•  Why are they watching?

•  Where are they watching?

•  When are they watching?

•  How long are they watching?

Continuous Improvement

Continuous feedback helps you get better, faster and deliver an experience your audience loves

Did you know…

Most videos are like a black hole to your website analytics.

Why videos are like Black holes

An iframe is like a window to another website but a black hole to your website analytics.

Website and video analytics are typically sent to two different services that don’t communicate.

The Solution

Integrate your website and video analytics into a

Single Powerful Reporting Tool using Events.

Event Tracking

1.  Event Listener (Catcher)

•  Google Analytics Tracking code

2.  Event Trigger (Pitcher)

•  Video Player Event

“Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. ”—

Accessing Video Events

Video Player Technology

Legacy Player•  Flash with HTML5 fallback

•  Embedded with iframe

Arpeggio Player•  HTML5 with Flash fallback

•  Mobile-first responsive design

•  Embedded with div tag and javascript  


Arpeggio / Legacy Comparison

Features Currently Supported Legacy Arpeggio

Responsive Player Requires additional javascript Video and controls auto-resize

Player Branding þ þ

In-Timeline Player Commenting þ þ

Domain Whitelisting / Secret URL þ þ

Advertising LiveRail Integration Vast Tag support in development

Player CSS Customization þ

Variable Playback Speed Available for Premium Accounts

Advanced Playback Controls Available for Premium Accounts

Contact if you have any questions about switching to Arpeggio.

Which Player do you use?

Please tell us what player you currently use and why using the chat feature

Legacy Player- Event Actions

Arpeggio Player- Event Actions

Ready for some Example reports?

Viewer Engagement

Browsers Videos Played On

Day of Week Videos Played

Time of Day Videos Played

Mobile Devices Videos Played On

OS Videos Played On

Screen Size Video Played On

Traffic Type that Generates Plays

Visitor Type that hits Play

Country Video Played From

Learn what sites are generating plays

Like These Reports?

•  Active Viddler users with GA activated get these turnkey reports for Free

•  Simply send send an email to ( with the type of video player you are using (Legacy, Arpeggio, or Both)

•  You will receive an email where you can import the reports

in a few simple steps

Important Metrics

Ways to use Video Analytics

•  Improve video production by monitoring

viewer attention span

•  Use goals to optimize conversions for

marketing, sales, and customer service

•  Segment viewers by video actions to learn

behaviors and demographics

Professional Services

•  Setup custom and ongoing reporting

•  Individual / Team Training

• Mass update old embed codes with Arpeggio

• Additional Analytics Integrations►  SiteCatalyst

►  ComScore

►  Others available upon request •
