Google plus profit system

Post on 10-May-2015

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© 2013 MMSpark GPlus Profit System

© 2013 MMSpark GPlus Profit System

GPlus Profit System

How to find new clients using Google+ in only 15 minutes a day

Hello! Congratulations on your decision to make Google+ work for you.

This is a special step-by-step system revealing how to use Google+ to find

new clients, grow your business and increase your profits in only 15 minutes

a day.

You will discover how you can:

Use the power of Google+ viral marketing to find new clients

Effectively use Google+ for promotion

Increase your influence and make people want to work with YOU

Find and warm-up targeted Google+ prospects for your business

ENJOY using Google plus and use it like a Pro and stand out to the

clients that matter

And much more...

Consistency is the key here so commit right now to spending 15 minutes a

day building your business on Gplus. Then you can be confident of your


Here’s to your success!


p.s. If you need help, get in touch with me, “Cassie Hicks Kerr”, on


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Google+ is the hottest thing in social media. In

less than two years the site has gathered almost

500 million users. With such explosive growth,

it is poised to become a major player very


Obviously, anyone who is serious about promoting their brand should take

advantage of emerging technology, and Google+ is at the forefront of

new developments in social networking. This is the perfect time to join the


If you’re not being found on Google and Google+ your competitors might

be. So, let’s jump straight in….

An integral part of the sales process is getting to know your prospects and

establishing relationships—and you can accomplish this quickly and easily

with Google+.

Follow these steps to make sales using the power of Google +.

Step 1: Create a keyword rich and compelling profile

One of the biggest mistakes people make in social marketing is to treat it

like a marketing tool and nothing more. Don’t do this!

You see, the thing that makes social marketing effective isn’t the

“marketing” aspect. It’s the “social” aspect. You have to treat it just like

you would if you had

nothing to market.

Set up your profile

completely. Add a

unique photo that

represents who you

are, fill out your

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“About” page completely, including an introduction that includes

keywords that will make it easy for people to find you.

Don’t forget to add links to your websites

and blogs in the “links” and

“contributors” section!

The more thorough your profile, the more

“real” you become in the eyes of your

contacts. This level of personality is what

makes social marketing so incredibly

powerful, so don’t forget to make use of it.

Top Tip: If you link to your Google plus profile from your blog and

websites, you’ll start to build your google authorship, which over time, will

get you higher in the search rankings and more likely to be noticed by your

potential clients when they’re searching for the service you offer.

Determine the best way to connect with prospects

Google + is a great arena to connect with like-minded prospects and

generate leads. Unlike other social media platforms where every post goes

to everyone in your contacts, with Google plus you can share and receive

information based on topics, communities or interests.

You can really dig down with the search facility and find prospects having

relevant conversations.

Top Tip: Find out where your market is having conversations, and then go

there. How?

Step 2: Join a community (or three)



got your


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set up start spending time familiarising yourself with Google+.

1. Click on the “Communities” tab on the menu bar (as shown)

2. Search for communities in your field

using keywords. You’ll also notice

when you first log-in to your home

page that relevant communities are

sometimes suggested too.

3. Use the site to find top

trending communities

Build up a personal account, have

conversations, and become acquainted

with the norms and expectations of the


Use the search facility to find communities in

your niche. Search by interest and using the

keywords you used in your profile. Think

about how communities come together. So,

rather than searching for “Woking

networking” you might try “Surrey


Step 3: Connect

With your ideal client in mind, find people with profiles that match your

ideal client. Find people who are talking about your industry or using

related keywords. Then share their content, comment on their posts, +1

their updates, +mention them, add them to your circles, follow or connect

with them.

By contributing to their conversation you add value to their network. Then it

becomes natural for you to follow them and for them to follow you back.

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You’re looking to connect with three types of people:

1. Like-minded people in your niche. So, say for example, you’re

marketing to coaches and consultants you’ll want to join communities

for small business


entrepreneurs, and

online marketers.

2. Your existing

contacts! Who better

to promote and support what you’re doing than your existing

readers, customers and partners. Google+ makes it easy to import

your contacts from your email, as well as from the other social media


3. Find key influencers in your field. Take time to find the community

leaders, authors, speakers, bloggers and other key figures in your

industry. You probably already follow them on Twitter or subscribe to

their blog or RSS feeds. Connect with them on Google+ and start to

get yourself noticed. Share their information, leave insightful

comments and be as helpful as you can (without being smarmy!).

The key here is to develop WARM REFERRALS by participating in online

communities, guest posting, and receiving endorsements from other

bloggers that your target audience trusts.

After that, you need to deliver value, engage with emails, and build

those all-important relationships. The real challenge is to focus on

generating warm traffic rather than getting traffic by any means

possible. Cold traffic just doesn't convert into the engagement that

you're aiming for.

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Step 4: Making New Google+ Friends

Using Google plus to connect with your current contacts is only part of the

equation. The other huge opportunity is the ability to reach out to new

leads who’ve never heard of you. With a few simple search queries and

fifteen minutes of maintenance a day, you’ll have access to an unlimited

source of potential leads for your business.

Getting contacts is paramount but remember that quality is more important

than quantity. The more friends you have, the better, but they must also be

targeted. It won’t do you a lot of good to have a million contacts if they

aren’t interested in whatever you’re offering!

1. Contact lists on Google+ are known as “Circles” (under “people” on

the menu bar, as shown below). You can have as many circles as

you like, and you can divide people into various circles. Your

contacts will not see which circle you’ve added them to, so you don’t

have to worry about offending anyone. You can easily keep your

family and friends separate from your business contacts if you want

to use the same account for business and personal contacts.

2. Make sure to check out various Google+ directories to find people

who are interested in your niche. You will probably also want to add

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yourself to the directories, as well. Below you will find a few

directories to try.




Step 5: Listen to the experts so you can become one

Before you engage yourself and your business in Google plus observe

what others are doing. Preferably, observe what the “experts” or

influencers in your chosen communities are doing to get the best idea of

how to get involved.

Here are some useful ways to find the “experts” or those talking about

topics and stories most relevant to your business and client base:

Google Blog Search


Google plus communities

Websites and blogs for key players in your niche

Step 6: Position yourself as an expert

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Google+ makes positioning yourself as an expert easy. And you have as

much leverage as the big brands. So what are you waiting for?

Action: Follow these tips to establish yourself quickly on Google+

Create compelling content that people will share

Whilst this is easier said than done, once you get the hang of it you will

reap the rewards. Even if your content isn’t great to start with you will be

creating more unique content than most businesses and your content will

get better with practice.

Share tips, help guides and cheat sheets

Create a landing page offering a cheat sheet or help guide in return for an

email, name and telephone number at a push. If someone responds to a

great tip then ask if they need more help. (As an example, the MMSpark

Quick Start Modern Marketing Makeover Guide has been well

received. See how I used my cover photo to promote the guide and the


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Or share


quotes, thought-


pictures or little

pearls of wisdom

as in this this post

(don’t forget to

+mention the

person who’s

shared the

original material.

It’s polite and will

help you make

new G+ friends!):

Post regularly, including weekends

I recommend you post at least once a

day on Google+. If you’re not

posting you’re less likely to receive

any leads. Use a tool like HootSuite,

Sprout Social or Buffer (or the

DoShare app on Google Chrome) to

schedule your messages at different

times throughout the day and week.

Come up with a clever promotion for

your brand that your followers will be

interested in. Within no time, you’ll be

capturing leads and truly reaping the

rewards from the time and effort

you’re putting in.

Your customers can't stay informed

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about your business if you never let them know what's going on, so regular

activity is critical in turning your followers into customers.

Contribute Quality Content To really receive the true benefits from social marketing, you MUST

contribute and distribute content. There is no easy way around it. Content

can exist as any of the following things:

Blog posts




Status updates

Articles and guest posts

Share content that will demonstrate your expertise in your field and offer

real value to your readers.

Need a quick way to create content?

Use Google Alerts to keep up with new information around your

major keywords

Subscribe to blogs and pages in your niche

Industry updates from news sites, mashable, StumbleUpon and

industry-specific portals

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You can also repurpose blog posts and articles you’ve written by chopping

them into smaller segments you can post as updates. Ultra-specific

snippets and tips always go down well on social media.

Top Tip: Create a brand for yourself or your business which is likeable

within the community. Show your network that you're an amiable,

trustworthy resource. Be very clear on the value you bring and why

someone should want to connect and engage with you. Inject your

personality into your posts so you present a friendly, human persona, not a

seo robot spouting keywords. Be someone you would want to connect


Engage Contacts Who are Seeking Your Solution

Another great use of Google + search is to keep track of mentions of your

competitors. There will also be opportunities to engage people who are

still at the top of the funnel and doing research for different solutions or

customers who are unhappy with the solutions of your competitors.

Don’t act like a poacher ready to steal customers away from your

competition. Instead, be a resource for those who are asking. Position

yourself as an expert and earn their trust.

Step 7: Build a relationship by listening

The most important thing business owners need to keep in mind is that they

need to develop relationships more than they need to generate leads,

because good relationships will turn into leads.

People share a lot of information, and if you monitor and listen to what they

say, you will eventually be able to engage in a meaningful conversation

with them. Once you develop a relationship, you can tell the prospect how

your product or service might be something they want or need.

Quick Tip! Create an action plan to expand your reach within your niche.

Form a list of key people in your niche. Each week reach out to 4-5 of

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these people. Support them, share their posts, comment and take good

care of them without asking anything in return.

Step 8: The Big Secret….

Doing more, carefully monitoring your time, pushing more into each hour-

none of these bring success like doing things consistently does.

CONSISTENCY is the secret here.

In addition, by focusing on your customers rather than your business, you'll

create a connection that is deeper and the results will go farther.

Focus on getting a stream of ideal clients to your website. As you put your

customers first you aren't chasing big numbers, you're chasing quality

service and excellent results for those who come to you. THIS is how you’ll

generate leads and build your business!

Remember to follow up and maximize on-going efforts on Google plus to

keep your audience engaged, leading to the end result, a loyal customer

Step 9: Engage in a conversation

Pay attention to your streams! A stream (see image below) is a newsfeed

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that includes your own posts and updates, as well as those of the contacts

in your circles. Think of it like Google+’s own RSS feed.

You can view your stream simply by logging into your account and visiting

the main page. Don’t neglect to do this, because you can make great use

of it.

Watch your stream carefully. Whenever someone posts something related

to your niche, especially if it’s a question, be sure to add to their

discussion. This will help boost your reputation within your niche, because

people will see that you are knowledgeable, and they’ll also see how

helpful and friendly you are.

Rather than posting updates which are no more than a message with a

pitch and a link to your website try a more solution-focussed approach. If

you say, ‘Here are some solutions to your problem, maybe my product or

service can help,’ they will know you care about them. If you really listen to

what they are saying on social media, you can open doors and start a

conversation without having to make a cold call.

Pay attention to the updates of your circles and you’ll get a lot of great

promotional and branding opportunities out of it.

ACTION: Identify one specific customer need and write a blog post that

solves the problem.

When you +1 them, comment on their posts, share their updates, answer

questions or engage in conversations, you move your relationship a little bit

closer. View it as one of many touch points with each contact, building a

stronger relationship and getting yourself known to leads.

Another benefit is being able to listen in on and research your prospects.

For example, if a prospect talks about a problem they’re experiencing, it

gives you insight into their needs and puts you in a better position to talk

about their problems and your solutions.

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Talking your customers’ language will draw them to you and make them

feel understood. This will soon translate into more leads and more


Google Plus for Lead Generation

Businesses can benefit from using Google + as a lead generating source.

However, it is important to remember that interacting with followers is one

way to create a stronger community that will make leads easier to find.

Targeted content is also a crucial part of keeping your audience


You want a client base that follows you and also one that you can send a

newsletter or regular email out to. You want to build up a list of regular

clients that you send updates and news to. And send information on your

products and services. Build a list so your clients can get a result!

One of the best ways to build a following on Google plus is to follow

highly targeted clients (which is easy now that you’ve joined relevant

communities and started adding targeted contacts to your circles).

Find those who already have shown they have an interest in what you offer

using keyword searches in the updates, newsfeeds and communities.

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Step 10: Schedule the Content You Publish

Use the Do Share Chrome extension to schedule posts. Try to post every

day including weekends.

Top Tip: Use the “Sparks” search engine within Google+ to find out

“What’s Hot” and is based on recommendations. You can use it to share

interesting content, including your own, and to seek the content shared by

others within your circles.

You can share

pictures, videos,

and links to

websites, blog

posts, and more

with everyone in

your circles, as

well as those

who add you to

their contact list.

This makes it

easy to get your

information in

front of people

quickly, to keep

them updated in

one central

location, and to

find breaking news and information in your niche that you can share with


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Step 11: Google+ Viral Marketing

One of the most powerful aspects of

Google+ is the +1 function. This function

allows individuals to share things they like

by using the +1 button. This has the

potential to allow your marketing to go

viral through Google+ users.

You can add a +1 button to your own blogs and websites, and you can

even customize your plus one button. Just visit the following URL to

customize your +1 button.

The +1 button is essentially very much like the “Like” feature of Facebook. It

will promote the links to your Google+ friends, and the more of your friends

who vote for the link with a +1, the more your link will be promoted.

Step 12: Hangouts

Google hangouts offer a free,

online video conferencing option

so you can offer master classes,

web clinics, webinars or live

chats with others in your niche.

This is a great way to share

valuable information in an

interactive forum.

The best bit? Every hangout is

automatically recorded and

archived onto YouTube so you’re

also building your video channel.

And, you can hangout with

celebrities , and your favourite

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clients, business partners or whomever you choose!

Google has updated its hangout facilities recently making hangouts easy

to use and offering a range of quite sophisticated video conferencing tools.

Well worth checking out.

Top Tip: If you haven’t been on a Google hangout before, join someone

else’s before you host your own. Visit your communities and keep an eye

on your streams for hangout invitations in your industry. You’ll learn a lot,

see how the whole thing works, and meet others in your field (and maybe

even some potential clients!).

The FINAL (But Most Important) Step: Be Consistent

If you’re familiar with Jeff Olsen’s The Slight Edge you’ll understand the

concept of getting massive success and amazing results, with the “little and

often” approach. This is the underlying premise of this guide.

ACTION: Spend 15 minutes a day, every day, working through the steps in

this guide and YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. I’ve given you the steps, the

rest is down to you! Good luck!

Connect with me on Google+, and share your success stories!

Cassie Hicks Kerr, Modern Marketing Spark

p.s. Need help? Get the step-by-step video training course at and you can watch as I show you how to

put this amazing system into action.