Gorgeous Geek Xxx Viii

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  • 7/30/2019 Gorgeous Geek Xxx Viii


    Gorgeous GeekChapter XXXVIII: Abortion and Adoption

    Chapter XXXVIII: Abortion and Adoption

    There was something calm and peaceful about the beach. Tiffany wassitting under a large parasol with her notebook and pen in hand. She wasscribbling down data like she was supposed to do. Even though she heardrumors about how Jin ditched Jordan at the beach, she didn't believe it. It washer job to spread the rumors whether or not she liked it. As much as Tiffanywanted to not spread more rumors about Jordan and Jin, she couldn't playfavorites. This was one of the reasons she hated her job.

    While she watched Jennifer and Eunice play tag nearby, she thoughtabout how nice it would be if they were to have boyfriends and leave hergroup. She wanted more than anything for Jennifer to be with Faith and Euniceto be with a sweet boy and then joined their groups. Then, Tiffany would

    continue her position by herself until her graduation day. After that, therewould be no more Asian Gossip Girls to spread rumors, collect histories oneverybody, and sell them for a fee. After all, she had the power to destroy orhelp someone's reputation with this notebook.

    In truth, Tiffany loved gossip. She liked to spread them too but now sherealized that everything was okay as long as it didn't happen to her or peopleshe cared for. People in the Asian Gossip Girls received the blessings of theircrushes or dirty secrets kept hidden. As for everyone else, this wasn't the case.Before this year, Jin didn't really have any rumors spread about him. Sure, forsophomore year, people heard about how he rushed out of history class becausehe accidentally spilled water on his PSP, but that was it. Besides, it was typical

    Jin stuff so no one paid it much attention.Why her senior year though? Why must Jin do so many things to stir such

    controversy? Didn't he know it hurt her every time she had to spread rumorsabout him? She even tried not to, only to have either Eunice or Jennifer do itout of duty for their jobs. Grim did it in a positive light and she liked it verymuch but she regretted the blog entry and the upcoming news articles verymuch.

    Chief Editor.Tiffany lifted her eyes up at Grim who was back to report to her if

    anything was out of the ordinary. Hello Grim. You're here too.I promised Sid and Eugene I would go with them to ambush David, said

    Grim, observing her black notebook closely. She seemed to be holding it tighterthan usual. I'm here to let you know before I leave.

    Thanks, said Tiffany, returning her eyes to her notebook.According to my observations, said Grim suddenly, placing a hand on

    Tiffany's shoulder. You are exhausted, upset, and lost in thought aboutsomething no?

    Upset and lost yes, said Tiffany, wiping the sweat from her forehead.Exhausted? No. Sleepy? Slightly.

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    I was off then, said Grim, removing his hand from her and showing hisback to her. I'll e-mail you later then Tiffany. You... take care of yourself.

    What was your real reason for coming here? asked Tiffany after Grimtook a few steps away from her.

    I wanted to know whether Roselle went home with Jordan.

    Tiffany shook her head at how obvious his intentions were. She did orso I heard.You should know this feeling very well by now, said Grim, staring at

    the sand. How should you cope with someone else dating the person you like?Tiffany was silent for a while before she said, I'm still trying to figure

    out how.She dated the same day I confessed my feelings for her, said Grim,

    chuckling under his breath. Tiffany felt sorry for Grim so she turned her head tostare at his back. She didn't take it seriously. She even screamed at me for it.All that planning... for nothing.

    I told you before, said Tiffany, shaking her head. You can't plan these

    things.I even planned for her to date Jordan and after he leaves her, I can

    move in for the right moment, said Grim, continuing on his walk. But this isnot as rewarding as I imagined it to be. It's quite painful actually. I reap what Isow I suppose.

    Have fun with the ambushing, said Tiffany over her shoulder.Yeah. Have fun... gossiping.After Grim left, Tiffany silently stared into the everlasting ocean. She

    could hear Eunice trying to cheer Jennifer up nearby by pretending to be arabbit. They tried to ignore Cerina sitting close to Faith in the front whilereading scripts together. Jennifer didn't even want to think about how Cerina

    had her arms around Faith's arm. The look on Jennifer's face said it all inTiffany's opinion.

    Suddenly, Jennifer did something Tiffany did not expect her to do. Sheskipped with her ponytail bouncing like always to Faith and Cerina. Eunice triedto call her to come back but she didn't listen. Judging by the look on Faith'sface, he was surprised to see her again. Jennifer smiled at him.

    I like you a lot! said Jennifer proudly, creating a heart with her hands.Cerina lifted a brow. Is this some kind of joke?Not you, said Jennifer, beaming. Faith.Er... said Faith, speechless at Jennifer's declaration.I like you too much to give up, said Jennifer, placing her hands on her

    heart now. Give me some time! I'll accept you for who you are! That's all.Thank you for listening to me! Jennifer bowed once before she ran off.

    Weird child, said Cerina, scoffing it off.Faith smiled after her though. I think she's cute and interesting.Seriously? asked Cerina in disbelief.Mind your business, said Faith, tapping her head. You have enough

    boys to spare without showing interest in me. Let's read the script.You're not actually thinking of dating her... said Cerina, still distracted

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    Er... Rin-chan was there too?Jordan shook his head. Never mind. You should hurry or else you'll mess

    up your laid out schedule.Is there something wrong? asked Jin, frowning.Nothing at all. I'll keep working on the project.

    Okay, said Jin in a weak voice, hurrying to the door. If you need me,call me.Yeah. Okay.Once Jin left the room, Jordan sat back down on Jin's bed. He picked up

    the book but looked around Jin's room instead. Jordan wasn't surprised at Jin'sbookcases of video games, all stacked in order from the oldest game systems tothe newest ones in alphabetical order. He noticed that all of Jin's game systemswere placed neatly in the shelves next to the television like regular DVDplayers and VHS players.

    On the wall, there were lists of release dates for upcoming video games.Earlier, Jordan took the time to look those over. Jin managed to color-code

    them from what he really wanted, what he could wait another month for, andwhat he didn't really want to buy. Then, next to the lists, Jin made calculationsabout how he was going to spend money toward his video games and how muchhe was going to save. Jordan was impressed at how precise Jin was about allthis because Jin wasn't very good at math.

    Lately though, Jordan saw that Jin marked all this month's releases aseither wait for another month or not buying at all. He seemed to also be low onmoney this month for some reason. Curious as to where Jin's expenses weregoing to, Jordan decided it was best to talk to Jin for a little bit before hereturned to his project. He passed by the mountains of shoe boxes stacked tothe side, wondering whether Jin had a shoe fetish of some sort.

    Passing by Jezebelle's room, Jordan heard a noise so he stopped andlooked in. No one was inside. He was about to go on his way when he heardnoise again. This time, he was certain someone or something was inside.Shaking slightly, Jordan went in and saw a girl peeking her head out from thecloset.

    You're his cousin, said Jordan, amazed.Shuijin held her pillow closer to her face. Please.Yes?Please don't say anything, said Shuijin, stretching the last word as long

    as possible.Oh... said Jordan, leaving the room. However, he dashed down the

    stairs and shook Jin's shoulders. Jin almost chopped off his own finger, but hewasn't mad at Jordan at all. Jin, your cousin! She's hiding in Jezebelle'scloset!

    I know, said Jin, not surprised at all.Why is she living in Jezebelle's closet?Jin laughed. There's no need to worry about her Jordan. Back at home,

    when her parents moved to a new house, she got this big room to live in.However, she liked the closet so much that she slept and played on her laptop

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    in there instead. I never knew how much space you'll gain simply by removing abed...

    How bizarre, said Jordan, frowning. Anyways, Jin...Er... yes?Jordan frowned. May I talk about you something? I feel lonely.

    Of course, said Jin, indicating at one of the chairs. Please do. I'llhave to make the food while you talk though. Is that fine?That's fine, said Jordan, sitting down at the chair and fumbling with

    his hands. It's about the basketball team...Oh, I heard you're team captain! Congrats!I quit the team.Er...Jordan laughed at Jin's face. Today, I quitted the team today.Why? asked Jin in disbelief.Those boys on the team bully me today, said Jordan, frowning and

    looking down. They do that often. I don't really mind but today, I did. I

    couldn't take it anymore so I quit the team. Coach will be after my ass onMonday for sure.

    I'm sorry to hear that Jordan, said Jin sadly.I feel relieved, said Jordan, forcing a smile. I really do.I see...But, said Jordan, sighing. I feel so bad about it. You probably don't

    know this but I often do lots of stupid things and regret it afterwards. Like thewhole Wendy thing. I didn't do anything to defend her and then I feel guiltyabout it. I tried to apologize and everything but that failed. Jin nodded inunderstanding. It's the same with this basketball deal. I quit the team andnow, we have zero chance of winning league this year. I completely screwed my

    entire team over. Is that messed up or what?Now, you feel guilty about what you did even though those boys

    pressured you into it, said Jin quietly, inwardly thinking over the situation.Yeah...Jin stopped chopping for now. What are you going to do now Jordan?I don't know, said Jordan, defeated. I was hoping you can help me

    decide what to do Jin. You're always good at this stuff.If it's all right with you, said Jin slowly. I'll like to hear the details

    leading up to you quitting the team...Listening to Jin, Jordan told him how they were going to make him

    either dump Roselle or drop his team captain position under the basis of him

    not practicing hard enough thanks to his girlfriend. Jordan decided to leave thewhole Jin and Victoria part out in order not to trouble Jin further.

    The solution is simple Jordan, said Jin suddenly, returning to hiscooking.

    It is?It is, said Jin, smiling back at his friend for a second. You have to

    prove them wrong. Jordan's eyes widened. They are mad because you're notpracticing hard enough. Even if it's just an excuse to drop your captain

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    position, it doesn't matter because once you do the exact opposite of whatthey're accusing, they'll have to be quiet about it. If they come up withsomething new, we'll find a new solution together.

    Jordan blinked. Do you really think it'll work if I practice harder?I don't know if it'll work until your first official basketball game but at

    least they can't use that excuse anymore right?Jin... said Jordan, amazed by Jin's words.You don't have to run away, Jordan, said Jin with a charming smile. I

    know you love basketball and I know you want the team to win league. You cando both and not have them bully you anymore like this.

    Knowing them though, said Jordan, returning to his depressed self.They'll still think I haven't worked hard enough to make up for my pastmistakes. I'm also afraid of returning to the team after announcing my leave.

    Kristian once told me, said Jin, remembering something. If you havenothing to hide, you should be more open about it. If you have nothing to beashamed of, you shouldn't have to fear what others think!

    Kristian of all people said that? asked Jordan, surprised.That's right, said Jin, nodding. Isn't talking back to the teachers and

    cracking jokes in front of people a big gamble?It is?I mean, said Jin, pausing and thinking. What if you made a bad joke

    you can't take back? What if you talk back to the teacher so often thateveryone finds you annoying?

    I never thought of it that way, said Jordan admittedly.To some, Kristian might be a tool, said Jin. But I know him well

    enough to know that he's not doing this to impress others. He's doing thisbecause that's who he is. He likes to make people laugh and he hates

    teachers.Yeah, that's true, said Jordan, relaxing in his chair. But that's easier

    said than done. I don't know how to face the other boys and I don't have thesame courage as Kristian... that's like comparing an actor to a timid child...

    What's that saying... said Jin, checking the boiling pot and thinkingout loud. The Caramel saying about how as long as you feel confident, you canbe attractive...

    What? asked Jordan, surprised at Jin's words.Shuijin and Fi are Caramel fans so I've been listening to a lot of his

    stuff, said Jin, snapping his fingers at an idea. You should listen to him. It'llprobably help you face a lot of life's problems with confidence.

    I know him only from the news and magazines, said Jordan, blinking.You think it might help me in facing the basketball team once it's time?

    Yes, said Jin excitedly. You're Jordan Greene. You're the person whocould talk to the Beast and stop him from beating up Bo that one time in thelocker room. I'm sure this is a piece of cake in comparison!

    Yeah! said Jordan, happy now. He stood up. I'll do that. Thanks Jin.You're welcome, said Jin, opening the cabinets to take out more

    ingredients. Practice hard, prove that you deserve to be captain, and win

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    league this year. Jordan nodded firmly, inspired. You need to be firm in yourresolute, like Yvette.

    Yvette, said Jordan, repeating the name. Yeah. That girl ismerciless.

    She is and even though I don't like her sometimes, said Jin, scratching

    his head at admitting this. I know that there's no captain better than Yvette inthis entire school. She is someone who would sacrifice anything for her team.I'll do that too, said Jordan, heading to the stairs. I'll be a captain

    alongside Eddie to take our team for our first league win in years. Afterclimbing the stairs, Jordan sighed. How am I supposed to say no when that boybelieves in me so much?

    Meanwhile back in the kitchen, Jin held up a bag of bowties. Once I getthere, I'll make sure no one bullies you again...

    *******************************************************************Adjusting her tennis racket strings, Jezebelle hummed a song to herself.

    For the most part, Kirk ignored her petty actions because he was too busy

    watching the road and thinking to himself. Suddenly, he felt her poking hisshoulder so he tossed her a glance.

    Yes? asked Kirk, trying hard not to sound irritated.Did you get dumped by someone? asked Jezebelle, switching her

    question once she heard the tone of his voice.No one dares to dump the Kirk, said Kirk, smirking. Jezebelle lifted a

    brow. No, I was just thinking of my shitty parents back at home.You actually care for them? asked Jezebelle, surprised.I got my permit and yet they wouldn't get me a fucking car, said Kirk,

    grumpy.I wouldn't trust you with a car either, said Jezebelle, chiding. But I

    wouldn't have kids in the first place so what the hell? Screw your parentsthen.

    My boss had to pull some strings to get me this crappy car, said Kirk,tapping his right hand against the wheel. It was indeed old. It's only temporarybut if I get caught driving you, I'll be in some deep shit. Not that I care.

    It's only this once I promise, said Jezebelle with a playful wink. Kirkshrugged and returned his full attention to driving. Because I need to talk toyou in private about the food chain.

    Who told you that term? asked Kirk, lifting a brow.Jordan Greene, said Jezebelle, pouting.Careless.

    Since you know it too, you must be pretty popular Kirky? askedJezebelle cutely.

    Got it out of one of my former, slutty cheerleader girlfriends, saidKirk, amused. They'll tell you anything once they're drunk. They're good forsomething at least other than fucking purposes.

    Your information should be reliable then, said Jezebelle, glad to hearthis now.

    I thought you're a feminist, said Kirk, elevating a lofty brow at

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    Jezebelle again. What happen?I hate you on the inside, said Jezebelle, pointing at her chest and

    smiling beautifully. Seriously, I want to tear you limb from limb but let'spretend you didn't hear that and tell me what you know so that we can rely oneach other as allies? People in the middle of the food chain should stick

    together right Kirky?You're a scary woman, Jez, said Kirk but he laughed at her wordsinstead. There's something special about you though. Jezebelle flung her hairas if it was the obvious thing in the world. I'm placing all my bets on you sodon't fucking let me down. In the meantime, I'll let you know anything youdesire about the food chain.

    I need to know who's at the top, said Jezebelle in a straightforwardmanner.

    There's the Populars with Jordan as their leader obviously, said Kirk,amused by Jezebelle's ambition. The Pimp Juice boys main branch are also atthe top. It's so fucking stupid because the basketball team made up of those

    white boys isn't even that great. The basketball team sucks balls compared tolike the other sports team.

    It was the case at my old school, said Jezebelle quietly. The baseballteam was outstanding so those boys were at the top. I wonder what the fuckhappened here.

    Granted, said Kirk in reminder. That bully Tristan is fucking footballcaptain.

    Is that all? asked Jezebelle, rolling her eyes.Fuck no, said Kirk, outraged. He got into Monika's pants so he's now

    on top and shit. Everyone knows they're only dating to maintain the top of thefood chain, not out of love or some bull like that, but who can say shit about

    that?Isn't there anyone who Tristan and Monika are afraid of? asked

    Jezebelle to herself.The Beast but everyone is unanimously afraid of that mother fucker.He's not in a group is he? asked Jezebelle, pondering this thought.I like the Beast, I do, said Kirk, smirking. He's fun as hell. He likes to

    wander like me. No, fuck that. He doesn't even like to wander. He just does hisown thing whenever he wants. He doesn't need a group to prove that he's theshit. Though whoever can get Beast in their group will jump the food chain inno time.

    Sounds impossible, said Jezebelle, acting bored.

    One to give up so easily, Jez? asked Kirk, but received a weak shruginstead. So yeah, there's the Populars, the Pimp Juice main branch, and theBeast at the top.

    What about the jocks and cheerleaders? asked Jezebelle hastily.Getting there, babe, said Kirk, winking. Right under them, the

    football jocks, the cheerleaders, the Pimp Juice second branch, the polo teampeople, the swim team people, and the baseball team. You can like fuckingignore the polo team and swim team since they're exclusive and shit. They

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    don't even care to talk to most people, those douche bags.Varsity people only right? asked Jezebelle, making sure.Who gives a fuck about the rest?The truest words, said Jezebelle, snickering. Go on.Next is pretty boring with the rest of the sports team groups, said

    Kirk, yawning. You know the ones who are in sports and are anal about non-sports people so they have to be together like touchy lesbians and homos?Soccer girls are known for that shit. Jezebelle nodded. Yeah. Those people.

    Jezebelle grew impatient. How many levels are there?A lot, said Kirk vaguely. From seniors to freshman mostly.I'm really only interested in the ones that matter?'At her remark, Kirk smirked and checked the time, Ah fuck. No time

    left. I'll go faster then, Jez. No interrupting me sweet heart.Just go.The Elites are in the next level with-Jezebelle interrupted again, Who?

    I said no interruptions, said Kirk, annoyed. He quickly smiled though.The Elites are the top six students at our school.

    Oh nerds, said Jezebelle, losing interest now.No, said Kirk in correction. Super nerds.Super nerds?Heard of Penny Cinnamon? asked Kirk, only to receive an apathetic

    shrug from Jezebelle. She's Number One and she's Council President. She's onecrazy bitch who does nothing but do useless shit to get into Ivy Leagues. In hergroup, there's Rank Number Two Leonard Levine aka Jewish Boy, Rank NumberThree George Clemmens aka Penny's boyfriend, Rank Number Four Arav Kandulaaka Science Geek, and Rank Number Five and Six tied between the hate-you-

    but-not duo of Heather Collins and Michael Ellis.Why are nerds powerful at this school? asked Jezebelle curiously.They're major suck-ups to teachers. They influence teachers of

    different departments of the school. Also, they work together as a powerfulteam to control every important, influential team or club possible betweenthemselves. You can't escape those arrogant jackasses.

    I'll keep that in mind, said Jezebelle, checking her nails.I hate those dipshit, said Kirk quickly. They refuse to talk to you if

    you have a GPA under 3.8 or some stupid number like that because you're notgood enough for them.

    How would they know?

    One of them took over the college office.Jezebelle rolled her eyes. This is why I hate smart people.They share that level with the music group and the drama group,

    continued Kirk. The drama group got Faith Santana, who is the only non-douche bag from the swimming team and is using his popularity to add to thatof Cerina Celestine's. Those two are enough to let the drama group jumpseveral levels last year. As for the music group, they have Adrian Tsai, who isactually the seventh Elite member and Rank Seven of the Wilson High. There

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    are several popular people in the music group so they're doing well.This school is a lot easier than I imagine it to be, said Jezebelle at

    last, satisfied with the information. My old school is exactly like this. Form abunch of alliances through members and gain popularity by making use of thosewho already climb to the top.

    You sound like you've had plenty of experience, Jez.Jezebelle clicked her tongue. You can say that I suppose.It's a community with a fucking gate, said Kirk, pulling down his

    window. The car was moving closer to the gate. What now?Just call David's house and force them to let us in, said Jezebelle

    without thinking about it. She had her thoughts elsewhere. Sports teams,Pimp Juice boys, jocks, Elites, music people, and drama people. Jezebellesmirked. Sounds simple enough.

    You can say that, said Kirk, throwing her a sideway glance.I wonder how the Asian Gossip Girls spread rumors so quickly though,

    said Jezebelle, lost in thought. They're even faster than you Kirky.

    Grim and his blog is one major reason, said Kirk, answering Jezebelle'sthought out loud. However, Kirk didn't say anymore when he heard Davidanswering the phone, Let us in please David my pal!

    Meanwhile, Yvette was growing impatient with her fellow teammates. Asalways, Venus was there early to practice serves with Yvette. May and Mai livenearby so they came early as well. They were sitting next to each other on abench, chatting in Chinese. Besides them, no one else was here yet. Yvettetapped a pen against her cheek as she glared at Venus, who jumped, thinkingshe did wrong.

    Where is everybody? asked Yvette loudly, obviously mad.You know how they are, said Venus, smiling. Always coming right on

    time or a couple minutes late.Or not at all in the case of Roselle, said Yvette through gritted teeth.Is she coming today? asked Venus, shocked.I told her, said Yvette. I bet you anything she won't show up.Bribe her with yam candy!It's no use, said Yvette, shaking her head. She got an endless supply

    from her new, hot boyfriend it seems.Right when Venus was about to suggest something, David came running

    towards them. Yvette gave David a deadly look. He backed away a few stepsbefore he announced more people came. In a matter of seconds, Yvette's moodlifted. The four girls who were already here went to the front door to see who

    came five minutes before the designated practice time.Good afternoon, said the charming Sophronia in her all-white tennis

    outfit.Hi! chirped Tasha, excited. She was wearing her pink and white tennis

    outfit with frills and her name spelled out on the back. We made it just intime!

    I'm so glad to see you two, said Yvette, sighing. She felt worn outalready. Sophronia is always so dependable and Tasha is always so energetic.

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    Come in. We're already practicing on our serves.Oh boy! said Tasha, walking inside with her tennis racket swinging

    back and forth.Good bye Geoff and thank you, said Sophronia, waving behind her.

    Yvette noticed Geoff waving back from inside his Lexus. Sophronia noticed

    Yvette staring. Geoff, Javen, Tasha, and I went to the beach today. Javenalready went home.Is there something going on between you and Geoff? asked Venus,

    hitting her hip against Sophronia's.Sophronia smiled gently and shook her head. Nothing at all. He's my

    friend.Right, said Venus, fluttering her eyelashes.Can't a boy and a girl be friends without something going on? asked

    Sophronia pleasantly, as if daring Venus to answer otherwise.Yes, it happens, said Yvette, clapping her hand over Venus's big mouth.

    Your doubles partner is not here yet but I am sure she'll be coming late.

    I saw her at the beach, said Sophronia in awe. She said she wascoming.

    Good, said Yvette, relieved.Sophronia went inside the house now with her arms around a package.

    You don't mind if I put a couple of water bottles I brought for everyone in therefrigerator do you?

    You didn't have to! cried David to the side. My mother is Costco crazyso I have more than enough water bottles for everybody!

    Just in case though, said Sophronia calmly, closing the door behind herwith her elbow. David immediately went up to Sophronia to help her carry. Isit okay David?

    Oh, it's fine, said David, laughing. Here, I'll show you the way.Watching the two leave, Yvette calculated the rest of the members in

    her head. Knowing Roselle, she wouldn't show up for practice at all. Joyce wasthe same unless someone went to her house and dragged her here. Lexi andJezebelle were most likely late but Yvette was sure they would show up atleast. If two of them didn't show up, at least Yvette had even numbers of girlsto work with.

    While everyone waited for the leftover girls, they each did their ownthing. Venus and Yvette were back to practicing their serves. The two Chinesegirls were still discussing things in their language on the bench. Tasha wasshowing off pictures of her poodle on her cell phone to Sophronia, who simply

    nodded and smiled at Tasha's love for her pet. Eventually, the girls perked upwhen David came running.

    I can prove I'm not late, said Jezebelle the minute they opened thedoor. She showed them her cell phone. My cell phone is two minutes late.

    It doesn't matter, said Venus, sneaking up from behind Jezebelle andwrapping her arms under Jezebelle's breasts. As long as you're here.

    You can feel them if you like, said Jezebelle deviously.Really? asked Venus, happy.

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    Stop it, said Yvette immediately, spoiling the two touchy girls' fun.We have practice. You two go on court and stretch please.

    Someone is as bossy as ever, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes andheading further inside. Venus skipped after Jezebelle. So why David's house?

    He has a tennis court, said Yvette in a serious manner.

    Nice excuse, said Jezebelle, smirking.Like Yvette said, Lexi came a few minutes later but much to hersurprise, so did Roselle. While everyone else practiced their serves, Yvetteopened the door to see Roselle grumbling and entering without looking Yvettein the eye. David blinked to see Roselle here too. Of course, he knew Roselle'shabit of not showing up for practice because she was too lazy too.

    Don't say anything, said Roselle, pulling up her hair into a ponytail.Why did you decide to come? asked Yvette, taking advantage of

    Roselle's honesty.Mom made me, said Roselle, joining the other girls with her racket

    out. She said that if I don't come to practice and make her happy, I don't get

    to go on dates or be with Jordan anymore.So cute, said Lexi, purring.Roselle glared at Lexi. It's not cute at all! I just need him to read my

    stories!Sure, said Venus, joining in with Lexi.Forget you people, said Roselle, stomping her foot. I hate this team. I

    don't even know why I have to be here to suffer and- Roselle stopped whenshe noticed Jezebelle tying up her hair nearby. Hey Jezebelle! Long time nosee!

    Jezebelle smirked. You actually came.Mom forced me too, said Roselle, pouting.

    I needed a partner anyway, said Jezebelle, indicating at Yvette. Shesaid to partner up but I refuse to partner up with some people. Tasha beamedat Jezebelle, who glanced away immediately. I'm glad you're here.

    Cool, said Roselle, running over to Jezebelle. Partners then!There's an odd number of us though, said Venus, counting the girls

    around her.No problem, said Yvette, heading back inside. I'll make David join

    us.The problem was that David didn't know he was going to be ambushed by

    his friends today so when Yvette came over to tell him that he was now goingto join them for training, he had to decline because his friends just forced

    themselves in his house. Staring at Sidney, Grim, and Eugene, Yvette mentallywished for them to leave.

    Sup David, said Eugene, clapping a hand on David's shoulder beforeheading upstairs. I'm stealing your PS3 for the day!

    Hey, come back here! screamed David after Eugene.Yo David, said Grim, smirking and running after Eugene up the stairs.

    I'll be stealing your computer.You! cried David after Grim. Before Sidney could say anything, David

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    turned on him and gazed at him intently. What are you going to steal nowSid?

    I wasn't going to steal, said Sidney innocently, rocking back and forth.I was going to ask to have some water...

    Go steal it already! shouted David, watching Sidney scurry off to the

    kitchen. Why does everyone freeload off me?That's because you're too soft, said Yvette sternly. David dropped hishead. Help us with training, Mr. Nice Guy.

    I know what kind of training you put them through, said David, palingimmensely and pointing his finger at her. I am not suffering out there! I'm noteven on the team!

    You're a man, said Yvette, leaning toward him and poking his chest.Act like one!

    How about... said David, looking around for an excuse. Suddenly, henoticed his cell phone left on top of the kitchen counter. How about I forceJoyce to come and make it even? Yeah?

    What are you waiting for? screamed Yvette, losing her patience. Do italready!

    Okay! said David, running to the kitchen and picking up his cell phoneimmediately.

    Men are so useless, said Yvette, leaving the house to tell the girls offfor slacking off the minute she was gone.

    Inside the kitchen, Sidney helped himself to some ice cream and fruitsfrom inside David's refrigerator. He watched as David tried to search for Joyce'snumber. Sidney started chewing very loudly which bugged David enough to tellthe Korean stud to shut up.

    What are you looking for? asked Sidney at last, starting on a banana

    now.Joyce's number. I thought I had it.Why don't you call Bo? asked Sidney, shrugging and taking a bite of his

    banana. He probably knows where she is and he probably has her numbertoo.

    David closed his phone and turned his head to Sidney gratefully. Whycan't you be this helpful all the time?

    What are you talking about? I'm helpful all the time.How about you go upstairs and join the others? asked David, lifting a

    brow at Sidney. The other boy just finished the entire banana. You probablywant to challenge Eugene on that one game.

    Why would I be with boys when there are girls here? asked Sidneyincredulously, stretching. He got up and stared outside David's house at thetennis courts. David had glass doors that led to the backyard where the tenniscourts were. Any recommendations?

    Jezebelle, said David automatically, calling Bo's number now.Any cute not hot recommendations? asked Sidney, rephrasing.David rolled his eyes. Go see Sherry or something.Violin practice.

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    Well, that sucks for you then, said David, apathetic. Then, Bo pickedup. Bo? Shrugging, Sidney went up to the glass doors to watch the girls runlaps around the courts. Yeah. Do you know where Joyce is? If you don't, canyou at least give me her number?

    Who's she? asked Sidney, pointing.

    Sid, I'm on the phone, said David grumpily. Sidney nodded andreturned his attention outside. Yeah Bo. Sid's here with me. Eugene and Grimtoo. You should come over too and steal stuff. They already took my PS3,computer, and bananas though. You'll probably have to call dips on the rest.

    Soon enough, David hung up and went over to where Sidney wasstanding. David smiled. Sidney knew exactly where to stand to have the bestview of the tennis courts. The muscular Korean boy glanced at David who wassmiling to himself.

    So, who were you talking about? asked David curiously. Tasha?I know Tasha, said Sidney immediately. One of the freshman girls.Oh, that's Lexi, said David, knowing exactly who Sidney was talking

    about. May and Mai were too busy picking up tennis balls to show their face toSidney. I heard she went to your science team meeting.

    No wonder, said Sidney in awe. I knew I met her somewhere before.If Eugene were here, he'll kill you, you know that?Sidney blinked at David. Why? I'm only admiring. Girls are to be

    admired right?Come on Sid, said David, forcing the boy to walk with him toward the

    stairs. Let's go see if the other two made a mess out of my room yet.So what's up with Bo and Joyce? asked Sidney on the way up the stairs.Bo said he'll take care of it, said David, frowning. I guess it's best to

    leave it to him. He was her ex-boyfriend once upon a time.

    Sidney sighed. Yeah...***************************************************

    Why?Kristian groaned that word out loud for the millionth time as he found

    himself reading off yet another vocabulary card for Rin to study for her SAT.She somehow made a backpack full of SAT vocabulary words that she mustknow for the upcoming SAT and brought it with her to his house. Not only that,she brought all her folders and binders. She really did plan to have an all-outstudy succession at home. Now, Kristian wished he did take her outside.

    What's with that face? asked Rin, hitting Kristian with her pen.This is the first time my girlfriend has made me her study buddy on a

    Saturday of all days, said Kristian bluntly. Rin glared, ready to hit again.Should I be happy or something at the treatment?

    We made a deal, said Rin in a deadpanned tone. She dropped anotherstack of vocabulary cards in front of him to read off. Remember Kristian?

    That deal's totally off now, said Kristian, wrapping his arm in front ofhis chest.

    How? When? Why?Kristian picked up the next card. Because back then, I didn't know you

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    have a crush on me. Rin turned red and started saying her usual line of'definitely not' which Kristian ignored. Now that I do, the deal is off. We'redating for real now. I don't need to help you study anymore, Rin-chan.

    Well, said Rin, huffing. I swear if I don't beat your SAT score, I won'tbe able to look at your face again. Kristian lifted a brow at this. That's why

    you better help me get a better score than you or else we'll never see eachother again.Faulty logic, said Kristian in a sing-sang voice.Shut up! cried Rin, kicking his foot. Next word please!Fine, said Kristian, looking at the card. Impetuous.Impulsive, said Rin automatically without having to think about it.Obstinacy, said Kristian, picking up another card.Stubborn to opinion, said Rin, gazing hard at Kristian's white card.

    Desire to have one's way all the time.Acrimony.Sharpness of speech or temper, said Rin with a satisfied smile when

    she suddenly realized something. Rin shrieked, Kristian!What? asked Kristian, dropping the card accidentally.You were making fun of me weren't you? asked Rin angrily, ready to

    use her pen.Kristian held his hands up. What are you talking about? It's a total

    coincidence that those words happen to describe you...Those stacks, said Rin through gritted teeth. I organized them

    alphabetically.This is boring, said Kristian, knocking the stack of cards down. Rin

    found herself pinned to the bed now. A relationship must be equal yes? I'vebeen helping you study for the past hour so now it's my groping time.

    You grope, said Rin, fuming. You die.I'll take that chance, thanks.Right then, Rin's cell phone started ringing nearby. Rin took this chance

    and knocked Kristian over to pick up her cell phone. It was Jin's number. Happyat the number at first, Rin quickly reminded herself that they technicallyweren't friends anymore so she had to act mad at him. Also, since Kristian washere, she had better take this somewhere else.

    Be right back, said Rin with a sweet smile before she left the room.She's talking to her secret boyfriend again, said Kristian in a joking

    manner. His eyes widened when he noticed Crystal sneaking back in his roomand closing the door behind her. Crystal? Kristian grabbed a hold of Rin's pen.

    If you try to kill me again, I'll poke your eyes out.Kristian... said Crystal with a down look on her face.What's wrong? asked Kristian, worried now.Crystal went over to his and sat down. Why was I adopted into this

    family?Why do you ask that now? It's been years.I need to know, said Crystal, looking down. I need to know why I have

    to be related to the person I like...

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    Kristian understood now. I'll tell you.Happy now, Crystal beamed at him, Thank you! I guess... Crystal

    smiled weakly. Seeing you and Rin Hamada together reminds me of what I'mmissing out on...

    You're too young to think about it anyways, said Kristian, glancing

    away. Age isn't the problem, said Crystal, bitter. You already know why... Itell you everything even if you don't want to listen.

    Kristian grimaced. I'll tell you what happen and then, you'll understandwhy your little crush should be set aside.

    Shaking slightly at the serious tone in Kristian's voice, Crystal accepted itat last and nodded her head, ready for the consequences of her request.

    Meanwhile, Rin was not as prepared for what she was about to hear.Why is it you?

    Well I'm sorry I'm not your precious best friend Jin, Nerd!You're not allowed to call me that anymore remember? cried Rin,

    angry. Why must all the boys around her be so irritating? Remember,Brainless?

    Jordan calmed down. Rin Hamada.Jordan Greene, said Rin in a more respectable voice. Now tell me,

    why did you steal Jin's cell phone to call me?Sighing, Jordan said, Because I don't have your number and I need your

    help.Jordan Greene needs my help? asked Rin in disbelief. What a laugh!Hey, shut up Nerd, said Jordan but a few seconds after he said it, he

    recognized his mistake. I mean... Rin Hamada. Sorry. This two-year habit ishard to break.

    Annoyed, Rin said, What do you want?You see... said Jordan, hesitating now. Jin's been so nice to me. Well,

    he's been nice to everyone but me as well. I want to show him my appreciationsomehow but I don't know how. He's been such a great friend these past fewdays but I haven't done anything worthy of his friendship. Isn't there anything Ican do for him? Isn't there anything he likes?

    There's-Besides video games, said Jordan quickly.Rin was amused. I don't know Jordan...Please tell me Rin Hamada. You're his real best friend after all. You of

    all people should know what he likes. I'm being sincere here.

    You being sincere? asked Rin in amazement.As hard as it is to believe, said Jordan, trying hard not to show the

    irritation in his voice. Yes, sincerity is in my character even if I don't show itto you as often as I would like, Rin Hamada.

    Oh really...Are you going to answer my question or not? I'll do anything.At that word, Rin perked up. Anything you say?Yes. Now hurry up and tell me before Jin comes.

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    Distracted by her strand of hair, Rin picked it up and said, There issomething you can do for Jin that will make him veryhappy but, Rin sighed.It's too embarrassing to say so I shouldn't tell you.

    How embarrassing can it be?I'll only tell you if you say you'll do it, said Rin, playing with her hair

    now. Hopefully, Jordan Greene is not afraid of a little embarrassment for thesake of his friend who has helped him out so much the past couple of days.In truth, Jordan was afraid but he couldn't show Rin that. No. I'm not.

    What is it?Well...After Rin told Jordan what to do, she hung up and was proud of herself.

    She snickered and went back to Kristian's room with a huge smile on her face.Even though she knew she shouldn't have told Jordan to do that, it was tootempting to pass up. Besides, this was her form of revenge for him calling herNerd for the past two years. Hopefully, Jordan was going to survive Jin'sattacks after this. Actually, Rin shrugged, she didn't mind if he didn't survive.

    She never liked the guy and even if he weren't as bad as he seemed to be, hewas still the mastermind behind making her nickname well-known throughoutthe school. It didn't help that she used to think he was good-looking, like thosebishonens in her manga, only to have him treat her badly.

    Too bad, said Rin to herself. She was going to go back inside when sheheard Kristian talking to someone. Rin peeked in to see Kristian explaining toCrystal about something. Soulmates but not huh?

    Unfortunately for Jordan, he did not suspect Rin at all. He was firm inwhat he was about to do. He had finished writing down important quotes fromthe book and he was done organizing the order in which they were going tomake their book reflecting Invisible Man. Jordan left the room and went

    downstairs. From the back, he could see Jin was busy washing his hands at thesink and taking off his apron.

    Hey Jin, said Jordan, coming in.I was about to go up and help you, said Jin, smiling. I'm almost done

    here. I need to wait a couple of more hours.Jin, said Jordan loudly, resolved in what he was about to say.Er... said Jin, coming up to Jordan with a blank face.Jin, will you be my... said Jordan, feeling his courage going away little

    by little. Jordan had a red face. Jin kept staring, waiting for Jordan's words.Will you be my... Jin blinked. Jordan sighed. He had to do it. Will you be myOnii-chan for today?

    The effect was immediate. Jordan didn't see it coming from a mile away.I love role-playing! cried Jin, excited. Suddenly, Jin tackled Jordan

    into a hug. I've always wanted to pretend to be an older brother to a youngerbrother!

    As if by reflex, Jordan screamed once, ran, and hid inside Jin's room. Jinwas about to chase after Jordan when his mother came out, asking what he didto his guest this time. Jin said that it was nothing before his mother went backto bed. Tiptoeing to his room, Jin tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. His

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    room didn't have a lock.Jordan? I'm sorry, said Jin in a pleading voice. Did I say something

    wrong?I can't stand hugs, said Jordan under his breath.Er... Oh...

    Jordan shook his head even though Jin couldn't see it. It's not yourfault. Can you let me cool down for a few seconds Jin?Understanding, Jin agreed to Jordan's request and left. Jordan continued

    to shake on the other side of the door. He had his back to the door so Jincouldn't come in. Jordan released a sigh of relief and panted at his nerves. Helied to Jin. It wasn't that he couldn't stand hugs. Specifically, he couldn't standhugsfrom Jin. It made him uncomfortable, anxious, and scared. Plus, Jin did itso unexpectedly that Jordan was not mentally ready for it. Jordan tried hisbest to cool himself by breathing in and out and ignore how fast his heart wasbeating. At last, he decided he would just act cool and calm about it.

    Jin? asked Jordan in complete surprise when he noticed Jin sitting in

    front of the door. Were you waiting for me?Jin frowned. You didn't sound okay so I didn't want to leave you by

    yourself.I'm fine now, said Jordan, glancing away. And... thanks.You... thank me? asked Jin, shocked.You waited for me... why shouldn't I thank you?Suddenly, Jordan was surprised to see Jin's face fell to the ground, as if

    depressed. Did he say something wrong to Jin? Jordan was about to ask whenJin went forward and smiled at Jordan as if nothing happened.

    Fi never thanks me, said Jin, walking in his room without a glanceback. Jordan frowned and followed Jin. Let's work on our project together!

    Jin noticed the look on Jordan's face. You don't have to worry about the food.I put an alarm on my cell phone- Jin gasped when he tried to take it out of hispocket. Where did I put my cell phone?

    It's right here, said Jordan, holding up Jin's cell phone.Oh, said Jin, relieved. So I left it in this room...Do you love Jezebelle, Jin? asked Jordan suddenly, ignoring how

    nervous and scared he was on the inside at his own question.Jin blinked. Love...Let me rephrase that. Are you even attracted to girls Jin?I am, said Jin immediately, sitting down in front of the table. I love

    many girls! Like Sophitia from the Soul Calibur series and Orihime from Bleach!

    They're both amazing! Oh, let's not forget Yuna from Final Fantasy!Never mind, said Jordan, picking up the book. Forget I asked.How about you Jordan? asked Jin, picking up a pen. Jordan nearly fell

    out of his chair. Have you ever loved anyone before? I know you and Roselleare not in love or anything but-

    No, said Jordan without thinking about it. His face turned red. Ihaven't.

    It's okay Jordan. We're too young to think about that anyways, said

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    Jin, laughing. He handed Jordan a pen. Let's concentrate on our projectbefore dinner instead. I'll need to leave early to go pick Fi up so let's make useof this time together.

    Jordan noticed his hand shaking when he accepted the pen. Yes, let'sdo that.

    *********************************************I hate you Uncle!In the practice room, the guitarist was attacked by a child from behind.

    The other band members ran over to pull the child off the man's back. Thedark-haired boy was stubborn though as he knocked some of the members downwithout breaking a sweat. At last, the security guards went in and pulled thechild up from the ground.

    He's my nephew, said the guitarist, sighing. Please handle him withcare.

    How the hell did a child get in here? screamed the drummer. Whatare we paying you people for?

    It's not their fault, said the leader of the group as well as the bassguitarist. He was an extremely pale man with black mascara around his eyes.This kid is smart. He manages to follow KT all the way to the practice room,trick the security guards in letting him in, and attack KT from behind withoutany of us knowing.

    You give him too much credit, said KT, the uncle of the child. He wentup to Kristian, the nephew, calmly. Kristian, what are you doing here? Aren'tyou supposed to stay home and take care of Jinx?

    Forget her, screamed Kristian, kicking. Jamie won't speak to meanymore! It's your fault! It's always your fault!

    KT paled. What happened to Jamie?

    Are you deaf? asked Kristian loudly, angry. She won't speak toanyone!

    No, said KT, understanding what this meant. Not this...What's the matter KT? asked the leader, worried.Spencer, said KT, taking off his equipment. I need to go home to my

    wife. The last time she refused to speak, she was traumatized.Shit, said the overreacting drummer with the goatee. You serious?Unfortunately, said KT, picking up Kristian and throwing him over his

    shoulder. Let's go home Kristian.Uncle, said Kristian, calming down. Is... Is Jamie okay?KT could hear the hurt in his voice. She should be fine. She's mentally

    the strongest woman I know. There's nothing to worry about.Okay... said Kristian weakly.After KT went inside the bedroom to speak to Jamie, Kristian waited

    outside with a frown on his face. If anything was wrong with Jamie, he sworehe would never forgive his Uncle. It was all his Uncle's fault that Jamie had tosuffer. Kristian glanced behind to find Jinx perfectly normal, playing with adeck of cards. Stupid girl, Kristian thought. At last, KT came out of thebedroom and noticed Kristian waiting outside.

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    Tell me what's wrong with Jamie! shouted Kristian fiercely.KT sighed. Kristian, I guess you're old enough for me to explain some

    things to you.Soon enough KT sat Kristian down next to him. Jinx noticed them and

    crawled over to watch with huge, curious eyes. Kristian was bitter. He didn't

    want to talk to his Uncle but he knew his Uncle was the only person who couldtalk to Jamie when she was like this. He had a feeling this was the case so hetracked down where his Uncle practiced at. If he were older, he would takecare of Jamie himself.

    Kristian, Jinx, said KT, sighing again. Remember how I said you mighthave a new cousin to play with?

    Jinx nodded. Yes...It better be a boy, said Kristian, wrapping his arms in front of his

    chest.Well... said KT, looking down. That's probably not going to happen


    Why? asked Kristian immediately, dropping his jaw. What happen tohim?

    Did the baby go see Mommy? asked Jinx sadly, dropping her eyes.Feeling for Jinx, KT picked the girl up and hugged her close to him. When willMommy come back?

    Stupid Jinx, said Kristian, growling. Your Mommy's never comingback!

    Kristian! said KT, barking at Kristian.It's true, said Kristian in retort. She should grow up!Maybe you're not mature enough to understand after all, said KT,

    placing Jinx on his other side, away from Kristian. Kristian glared at his Uncle.

    One day, when you're mature enough, I'll explain to you what happen to yourcousin...

    A few years later, KT brought a young girl home to Kristian and Jinx.They stared in awe at the girl with such a cold expression on her face. She wasincredibly white and beautiful. She had long, straight black hair. Actually, shelooked so similar to Jamie that Kristian had to blink several times to make surehe wasn't seeing things.

    This is Crystal, said KT proudly. Crystal, this is Kristian and Jinx.Hello Crystal, said Jinx before she went back to her books.Kristian stared at Crystal for a long time before he asked, Uncle, is this

    the cousin that you said was gone? Did she come back?

    KT chuckled at Kristian. Yes, that's it.It's not a boy though, said Kristian, disappointed. However, he

    brightened up soon enough and grabbed Crystal's hand. It's okay. Crystal, I'llshow you my boat collection! I'm going to be a Naval officer one day!

    Not long after Crystal stayed with them, KT managed to have that talkwith Kristian. They were sitting at the kitchen table while the two girls werealready asleep in their beds. KT decided earlier that Crystal would share aroom with Jinx from now on. Eating some late porridge, Kristian eyed his Uncle

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    suspiciously. He probably did something wrong and his Uncle was going to scoldhim again. This wasn't fair. Today, he onlypainted all of Jinx's white shirts red!It wasn't that big of a deal...

    Kristian, remember how I said that once you're mature enough, I'llexplain the situation with your cousin? asked KT softly.

    Kristian nodded. Yeah. But she's here isn't it?No, I adopted her.Then... said Kristian, glancing at the halls leading to the bedrooms.

    What happened to the original cousin...How old are you now? asked KT suddenly.I'm eleven... said Kristian as if uncertain.You probably know things other kids don't know, said KT, amused.

    Kristian reddened and shook his head in denial. There's no need to lie aboutit. I know you know. You watch rated R movies when I'm not home. Jinx toldme.

    I hate her, said Kristian under his breath.

    It's fine though, said KT in his most understanding tone. Kristianblinked, surprised. He wasn't being scolded? You know how babies are bornright? Kristian looked down ashamed but at last he nodded. Well, Jamienever had hers.

    But Jamie was pregnant... I saw her!She had an abortion.Kristian's eyes widened. What's an... 'abortion'?Now, KT regretted his decision to talk to Kristian about this issue.

    Kristian was old and mature enough now but he was still a child. However, KTknew soon enough, Kristian and Jinx were going to live on their own. Thedecision was made by his Grandpa since the very beginning. Jinx and Kristian

    were not allowed to be part of the Shiratori family after what their mothersdid. They were to be separated from the entire family. KT did not agree withthis decision but there was no way he could go against it. It was now or never.He had to tell Kristian to truth. After all, Kristian was the closest to Jamie.

    Jamie had a younger brother... said KT, trying hard to explain this toKristian. He was mentally retarded and he couldn't speak. He had listeningproblems and he was prone to sickness. Kristian listened closely with wideeyes. He passed away a long time ago. Jamie never smiled again after hisdeath. She knew how much her brother suffered and yet, she couldn't doanything to stop his death. It was painful for her.

    Jamie never cries though, said Kristian weakly.

    She doesn't, said KT, agreeing with his nephew. If she had cried, itwould probably be easier than her. Anyways... KT clasped his hands togetherand looked down. After a few months of pregnancy, you're allowed to takethese tests you see to see if the baby is perfectly normal.

    Tests? asked Kristian, confused.Yes, you'll understand once you're older, said KT quickly. Jamie and I

    talked about it. She was absolutely certain she wanted to take that test. Ididn't know why she wanted to take this test so badly until later. It turned out

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    that... KT hesitated. He was mentally exhausted from talking about this. Hedidn't want to say anything, but Kristian's eyes were gazing at him intently. Hehad to finish. It turned out that the baby was going to be like her brother.

    Oh... said Kristian, speechless.Jamie didn't know what to do. She couldn't make the decision whether

    to have an abortion or not. She spent hours thinking about it. This was theexact reason why I didn't want her to take that test in the first place. Thestrongest women become very weak and vulnerable once they have to face thedecision after finding out the test results.

    Jamie... said Kristian, looking down.I didn't care whether the baby was normal or not, said KT bitterly.

    That was why I was against the test. But she wanted to know. She wanted toknow whether the baby would be like her brother or not. Once she found outthe truth, she had to make the hardest decision in her life.

    The baby's gone? asked Kristian with as much bravery as he couldmanage.

    Yes, said KT, almost glad Kristian asked for him to answer. It waseasier that way. After what happened with her brother, I don't blame her.She's human too. I don't think she can take seeing her brother in her child. It'stoo hard for her.

    Kristian began to cry. I want to see Jamie!One day, said KT slowly. If one day Crystal asks about why she's

    adopted in the family, you can tell her what happen with Jamie. You mustpromise me that you'll tell her only when you think she's mentally ready.

    Okay... said Kristian, sniffing back tears.Even though you're a brat and you always cause problems for

    everyone, said KT, rubbing Kristian on the head. You're more mature than all

    your cousins. You are also a pretty smart kid. I can trust you with this. I don'tthink I can repeat this to Jinx.

    I still hate you... said Kristian, removing KT's hand from his head. Ireally hate you. I can't wait until I stop seeing you every day. I want to be withmy parents instead. They're a lot cooler than you.

    That's fine with me, said KT, getting up. I never liked you either. Ijust trust you.

    Kristian frowned after his Uncle. Jamie...********************************************************

    So out of everyone in this family, said Crystal right after Kristian wasdone telling her the story. Only Father, you, and I know about this?

    That's correct, said Kristian with a firm nod.Father must really trusts you then, said Crystal with a teasing smile.Kristian scowled. He just wants me to hold onto the burden of knowing

    that's all!If you say so Kristian, said Crystal deviously, getting up from the bed

    and heading toward the door. I'm glad that I was adopted into the family toallow Mother a few years of happiness. I am happy to be part of this familywith the rest of you. I don't regret that at all. Now, I will go home and wish I

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    didn't have a stupid crush on Rex.When Crystal opened the door, she was surprised that the door hit Rin in

    the back and knocked her down. Crystal hurried and fixed Rin's skirt beforeKristian checked what that loud noise was all about. Judging by Kristian's face,he was as surprised as Crystal to find Rin standing outside the door.

    Rin-chan, said Kristian, helping her up. What are you doing here?I... said Rin, thinking of an excuse. She didn't mean to eavesdrop. Iwas waiting for you two to finish talking so I can go in there and study for mySATs!

    Crystal, a moment please, said Kristian with a smirk to his cousin.Crystal understood and left in a hurry. Who was that person calling you earlierRin-chan? Hm?

    Rin laughed nervously. Bo.If it were Bo, you didn't have to leave the room, said Kristian, edging

    closer to her dangerously. Rin backed away. Tell me the truth or suffer theconsequences! I know your weak spot!

    With that, Kristian chased Rin down the stairs and into the living room.Crystal watched nearby but she didn't say anything. She frowned at the storyKristian told her. Basically, she was a substitute for the aborted baby. She didn'tmind since she suffered so much at the orphanage but she was still not happythat she was only here now because another living being was let go. Comparedto her parents' situation, she felt selfish for always asking herself why she mustbe in this family in the first place. Now that she knew the truth, it was abouttime she put an end to her crush.

    ****************************************************At the end of training, everyone was panting except for Yvette. Thanks

    to the odd number of people, she had to sit out the entire time while the rest

    of the team did various exercises in pairs. May and Mai paired up automatically.Lexi and Sophronia paired up for the sake of being Doubles partners. As forVenus, she had to pair up with Tasha since her partner was out and Jezebellerefused to pair up with Tasha. Of course, Jezebelle already made arrangementsto pair up with Roselle so everything was good.

    Now and again, David would come with drinks and junk food, only to bescreamed at by Yvette for tempting the girls to ditch training. Of course, Davidleft with his head down while Yvette used his drinks and food to motivate thegirls to work harder. The worst pair of any round was not allowed a drink by theend of it. Most of the time, it was either Lexi and Sophronia or Venus and Tashawho got last place. May and Mai were perfectly in sync with one another.

    Roselle and Jezebelle were competitive by nature so at the motivation ofdrinks, they did better than the rest.

    Time out, said Yvette, whistling. The girls groaned as they allcollapsed around Yvette. Now that we have enough training, all of you havefifteen minutes of break before we head out to the community tennis courts toplay actual tennis.

    We should have done that from the start! cried Roselle, outraged.It's always you isn't it? asked Yvette, annoyed. Quit complaining so

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    much Roselle!It's because you make us do some stupid training exercises while you sit

    out!Yvette glared at Roselle. If your tennis skills are as great as your verbal

    skills, you can sit out too. Roselle was ready to tackle Yvette but Venus held

    her back. Of course, that's the very reason why I sit out because I'm just thatgreat. All of you have weaknesses you have to work on though. You're not all asperfect as me.

    Oh? asked Jezebelle, lifting a brow. She was more amused than angryat Yvette's words. And what weaknesses are you talking about, Captain?

    Satisfied at being asked that question, Yvette pulled out a notepad.Jezebelle snuck a peek at its contents to find that she wrote everything in aglittery green pen. There were neatly down out tennis courts and namesscattered all over the place. In Jezebelle's head, Jezebelle knew that this teamcaptain was not to be underestimated. She kept this in mind while Yvetteflipped through the pages to find the exact one.

    May and Mai, you first, said Yvette, pointing at the two with herracket. The two girls turned their attention toward Yvette. You two are aneffective Doubles' Team. You manage to change strategies without needing tosay it out loud to each other most of the time. When you do though, you speakin Chinese, confusing the other team on what you're saying. You two manage tobe a formidable duo despite being only freshmen.

    That's our May, Mai, said Venus proudly.However, from watching all your matches, I notice one obvious flaw,

    said Yvette, interrupting Venus's praise. Jezebelle smirked when she heard this.Of course, Jezebelle noticed too. She wanted to see if this captain saw it.Whenever Sophronia hits the ball down the line, neither of you are willing to

    go after the ball! Down the line shots are not that hard to counter, but it is ifyou guys can't decide who should tackle them.

    What's down the line shots? asked Lexi, clueless.You know how in Doubles, each member take half of the court? asked

    Sophronia sweetly with a gentle smile. Lexi nodded. Sometimes, it is best tohit the ball straight in the middle. Either both of them will go after the ball orneither of them. There are times when Doubles' partners are standing so farapart that they leave enough room in the middle to make a clear winningshot.

    Oh, said Lexi, amazed. That's why you always hit it there!Yes, said Sophronia with a soft nod.

    Sophronia has the advantage of having lots of tennis experience, saidYvette, shifting her attention to Doubles Two. She might not be the besttennis player on the team but she has a lot of experience, making her a worthypartner to you Lexi.

    Pouting, Lexi blurted, I am not that inexperienced!You didn't even know what down the line means, said Roselle, rolling

    her eyes.Just because you're dating Jordan Greene doesn't make you the best!

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    Roselle glared. What does my love life have to do with my tennisabilities?

    Girls, said Venus, feeling Roselle's arm up. Let's get along shall we?Does this mean that Doubles Two is invincible? asked Jezebelle,

    interested in Yvette's analyzing skills rather than the bickering among the other

    members.Far from it, said Yvette, rolling her eyes. Doubles Two is actually veryweak.

    Take that back, said Lexi, sticking out her bottom lip.It is, said Yvette, checking her notebook. Especially you Lexi. You

    actually make the most careless mistakes in the entire team and you also missvery easy shots. Sophronia is a competent player but she loses thecompetitiveness to go after shots you missed.

    I'm sorry, said Sophronia, tilting her head to the side.It's so like you Sophronia, said Tasha, beaming. Always so mellow!No worries, said Yvette, scribbling a note in her notebook. I'll

    especially train Lexi to make sure Doubles Two become a better team. Let'ssee. Next on the list. Yvette scanned the sheet. Of course Doubles One isperfect. Right Venus?

    Yup! said Venus, placing her hands on her hips.Not exactly, said Jezebelle suddenly, receiving a gasp from Tasha.

    Jezebelle turned her lips into a twisted smile. You two are not as perfect asyou think you are.

    We haven't lost a match in years, said Yvette, glaring.In a couple of weeks, said Jezebelle, licking her lips. I'm sure that

    Spring and I can beat you and Venus in a Doubles match easily.Seriously? asked Roselle in awe.

    Yes, said Jezebelle confidently, receiving a murderous look fromYvette. They have a flaw. It's so unnoticeable that most Doubles' teamsprobably can't see it in the time span of the match but I'm a pro atobservation. Jezebelle flung her hair back. Besides, I'm a better tennis playerthan the rest of you so.

    Everyone's arrogant on this team, said Roselle before she metSophronia's eyes. Except you Sophronia. You're all right!

    Speaking of flaws, Ms. Jezebelle Tilly here has one too, said Yvette,irritated.

    And what might that be? asked Jezebelle curiously.You're too competitive and too ambitious, said Yvette angrily.

    Jezebelle rolled her eyes. You don't have to try for the hardest shots justbecause you can! What if you miss the line? You lose points for stupid reasons.

    It's no fun hitting easy shots, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. What ifthey slam it? I'll be fucked. I love taking risks. Playing safe is not my thing.

    You almost lost to Jin, said Yvette in reminder.That was because he caught me off guard, said Jezebelle stubbornly.

    That dumpling was not his normal self. He was better than usual and I wenttoo easy on him in the beginning. I should have known better.

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    I don't care, said Yvette coldly. You need to learn to not take so manyrisks when games are official. That's why you always lose points for no reason!

    Like I care, said Jezebelle, glancing away.Roselle, said Yvette, turning to the half-Native American girl.What? asked Roselle, pouting.

    You're a pretty good tennis player but you're so inconsistent, saidYvette, chiding. When you feel like it, you play extremely well. When youdon't feel like it, you play horribly. You have to learn to leave your mood andproblems off the court.

    I don't even know why I'm on the team... said Roselle, sighing.Tasha, said Yvette, moving up the list now. You should take playing

    tennis more seriously. Stop trying to befriend every tennis player you meet!More than that, you keep on giving up games to your opponent because youfeel bad for them for losing so much. I don't care whether they're your friend ornot, on the court, you crush them you hear me?

    But I feel so bad if I'm winning too much, said Tasha, frowning.

    Too bad! That is the reason why a lot of your opponents make acomeback!

    Sad now, Tasha dropped her head and grumbled something about her dogunder her breath. Since Joyce wasn't here, Yvette didn't get to spell out all ofJoyce's weaknesses in front of everyone like she did with the others. While thegirls spent time sitting around and eating the junk food David left them,Roselle went inside to go to the restroom. On her way there, she met Grim whowas heading toward the kitchen.

    Club President! said Roselle happily. Hey there!Grim smiled weakly at Roselle. Hello.Even though Jordan is my main reader, said Roselle, wrapping her

    arms behind her back and rocking back and forth. You'll still read them right,Club President?

    Of course, said Grim, acting as normal as possible.You're the best Club President! said Roselle, clapping his arm quickly.

    I'm glad we're best friends! Oh! I have to go! Restroom here I come!After Roselle left, Grim sighed and went to the kitchen. He sat down and

    thought about what he was going to do now. While he did this, he noticed thatDavid and Yvette were talking about something outside together. For once inhis life, Grim was jealous of David but he didn't say that.

    Hey, said Jezebelle, walking in and opening the refrigerator to get anew water bottle for himself. Grim didn't say anything in response. It sucks

    doesn't it?What does? asked Grim, lifting his eyes at her.Jezebelle smirked. That you lost your girl to the most popular boy in

    school.I didn't make my move in time, said Grim, chuckling and lowering his

    eyes again. My timing was off. My lost.If only there was a way to make Jordan less popular, you might stand a


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    Hearing Jezebelle's suggestion, Grim immediately elevated his eyes ather once more. Jezebelle was drinking the water bottle normally as if shedidn't say anything. Grim wondered if he heard her correctly. Feeling his eyeson her, Jezebelle returned her attention to him before she twisted the cap onher water bottle.

    Just a thought, said Jezebelle quickly, acting innocence. Jezebellelaughed at the serious expression on Grim's face. I was joking! Why would yourprecious Roselle of all people go out with Jordan because he's popular? It makesno sense.

    Yes... said Grim, rethinking.If anything, Roselle is going to get dumped soon because Jordan is so

    popular.Grim frowned. Yes, the chances of that happening is very high.I know, said Jezebelle, nodding. She placed the water bottle down on

    the table in front of Grim. Sucks for her though. I mean look at my preciousWendy. She can't stop thinking of Jordan even now. She talks about him

    constantly! I wonder if Jordan has the same side effects on girls as Shiratori...According to my data, said Grim, tapping his glasses. It has happened

    less frequently than Kristian Shiratori but a lot more than other regular boys.Oh, said Jezebelle, gasping. I didn't know that!Of course not, said Grim, managing a smile.There's still nothing to worry about though, said Jezebelle, beaming.

    I mean what are the chances that Roselle has feelings for Jordan right? It's notlike she invited him over to her house or anything like that.

    Why do you say that? asked Grim, suspicious. I went over to herhouse many times before. Her parents seem fine with that.

    You're right, said Jezebelle, shaking her head and sitting down across

    from him. I'm saying too much then. I guess it's just my parents.Your parents?Jezebelle waved it off. My dad is really strict. Boys can come over any

    time they want but once I told him that I had a boyfriend, he would not let mebe alone with him anywhere, especially not my own house. Asian parents arequite strict aren't they?

    They are, agreed Grim.Maybe Roselle's parents are Americanized? asked Jezebelle, shrugging.

    Grim started to think when Jezebelle said this. Standing up now, Jezebellecontinued, Who knows? Anyways, I'm really sorry I couldn't help you andRoselle get together. You know how my boyfriend is friends with Jordan and

    everything.Yes, that's understandable, said Grim, nodding.I know it's too late to say this now but, said Jezebelle, heading over to

    the glass door. Maybe if you became more ambitious and confident, you wouldhave stand a chance. Oh well. I guess you can work on that after Jordan leavesRoselle since it's bound to happen anyways. I'll talk to you later.

    Your water bottle, said Grim automatically, holding it up.Jezebelle went back and accepted it. Thanks.

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    You said your boyfriend is friends with Jordan right? asked Grimsuddenly.

    Yes, said Jezebelle, smiling beautifully. They're best friends.Does... Jordan treat Roselle all right? asked Grim, concerned. Does

    Jin tell you anything about that?

    I don't know, said Jezebelle, frowning now and pretending to think.How should I know? Jordan spent most of today with Wendy and I until heheaded to the beach. I wasn't there so I don't know what went on with him andRoselle there. Weren't you there?

    I was, said Grim quickly. Thanks for the info though.No problem, said Jezebelle with a wink before she left the house to

    join the other girls outside next to the tennis courts.Grim thought about everything Jezebelle told him. What should I do


    Author's Note

    Because I am bored of writing random author notes in this spot, I'll write somebasic info here on random characters because a manga I'm currently reading isdoing so. XD I'm so random. I guess I just need to find a way to fill out thisbottom portion of the chapter somehow...

    Jordan Greene

    Why do I have to give my info first? Shouldnt it be Jin?Height: 511 (Im still growing!)Weight: - (I refuse to give my weight away...)B-Day: January 30 (Vic always makes a big deal out of it, though I pay for thepresent...)Blood type: AB- (Outgoing and shy I hear...)Closest Friend: Jin or Victoria (Jin or Vic? I can't decide!)

    Number of Relationships: 61 (Don't ask... I have emotional issues...)Favorite type of music: American Pop (It's not girly and cheesy!)Favorite subject: English (I always ace those vocabulary exams in my head butof course I can't actually ace them on paper...)Favorite Word: Antidisestablishmentarianism (I have a fetish for long words!Leave me alone...)Career Choice: Counselor or Psychologist (I've always had an interest inpsychology.)