Government and National Governing Body Initiatives.

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Government and National Governing Body Initiatives. Contemporary Sporting Issues Socio-cultural Issues Mr. P. Leighton. Today’s Session…. Hand in “Fact-Sheet” for pack to be distributed tomorrow. Look at the different Government initiatives to involve people in sport such as… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Government and National Governing Body


Contemporary Sporting Issues Socio-cultural Issues

Mr. P. Leighton

Today’s Session…

Hand in “Fact-Sheet” for pack to be distributed tomorrow.

Look at the different Government initiatives to involve people in sport such as… The National Curriculum PESSCL Strategy- Different Strands in detail.

Understand some of the specific NGB initiatives to keep you in a sport!

Government Initiatives…

“Watching sport is a national pastime.

Talking about sport is a national obsession, But now we need to make taking part in sport a national characteristic”

PM Gordon Brown, 2007

Government Initiatives…

The Government is primarily interested in people like you… Young, interested in sport and have come through the STATE SCHOOL SYSTEM.

The departments that are involved in implementing these initiatives are…


The National Curriculum…

This has been compulsory since 1988 and you have all followed through the different KEY STAGES… Key stage 1 (5-7 Years) Key stage 2 (7-11 Years) Key stage 3 (11-14 Years) Key stage 4 (14-16 Years) Key stage 5 (16+Education)

REMEMBER…To show progression through

Key stages children need to show (with high quality teaching) Competence (Body and

mind skilfulness) Performance (Applying

competence) Creativity (Problem solving,

tactics) Healthy active lifestyles

(Physical activity for health)

PESSCL: (PE, School Sport and Club Links)

This was launched by the PM in 2002, aimed to increase participation in all age groups from 5-16 years.

More x3 principle (My way of remembering) “More high quality activity for more

children, more often”

The initial aim was to get 2 HOURS of high quality PE and school sport both in and outside the curriculum- is this a reality?

PESSCL: What is the aim?

The equivalent of 1 hour of “Sport” every school day for every school child. 2 Hours within PE Curriculum 3 Hours extra-curricular (where possible)

A fitter Britain (2020 study) A greater sporting nation- 2012 build up and


PESSCL: What are the Plans?

More competition both inter and intra school- school sport and inter form sport at school.

More coaches in schools and community . Network of COMPETITION MANAGERS across

the country to work in primary and secondary schools to increase competitiveness in the young- are we competitive?

National School Sports Week: sports days and inter-school tournaments.

Task: 5mins…

Copy down the different strands of the PESSCL document pg 271 (right hand side)

Highlight what you think are the key strands to you now, as young adults.

Specialist Sports Colleges…

Where are our local “Sports Colleges”?

Lowton Sports College. Abraham Guest Sports


This gives state run (or maintained) schools a chance to specialise in sport (as well as other things)

Sports colleges are seen as beacon schools- providing high quality teaching, facilities and community stability for all.

This is also helped by the SCHOOL SPORT PARTNERSHIP (SSP).

School Sport Partnerships (SSP’s)

Typically the partnership looks like this… (Look over this again on page 272-273)

The role of the SSCo…

Miss Jackson is our Schools SSCoShe will come and discuss this briefly with

us on Thursday 4th February to further compound your understanding.

Think about preparing some questions for her on this subject, could be about… Primary school kids Funding Career options etc

Gifted and Talented…

The main aim of the G+T strand of the PESSCL is to improve the identification of, and the support of the provision for G+T pupils.

10% of pupils in primary and secondary schools should be supported by this initiative.

Are any of you highlighted as G+T?

G+T’s 4 Themes…

Identify the excellence standard and help schools to achieve them by providing professional development for teachers.

Talent Identification by PE teachers in schools Provision of a network of Multi-skill academies to

develop the core skills Support for talented athletes via the Junior

athlete education programme (JAE) which gives lifestyle management and performance planning to young people and their teachers… how else can they be supported?

NGB Initiatives…

As you know, each sport is governed by a NGB.

A NGB is affiliated to their international sporting federation i.e.


Whole Sport Plans (WSP’s)

WSP’s are to increase the number of participants, clubs, active members of clubs, qualified coaches and volunteers.

The should work from grass roots to elite level.

Increase international success.They need to be effective for the running

of the organisation.

WSP’s and Funding…

NGB’s receive funding from their HOME COUNTRY COUNCILS as a result of their WSP.

The council will then check the success to failure rate of that governing body i.e. British cycling… Continue funding?

UKA… Cut funding?

Work for you… Look over pages 275-276-277 Kitemarking /activemark /sportsmark /sports

partnership mark) “Other government initiatives” “What do NGB’s Do?” Diagram… This is to compound your understanding of this

area. Prepare your questions for Miss Jackson for

next Thursday (4th Feb) Prepare yourself for a test last Thursday before

half term (11th)