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First/Second SemesterDiploma


CURRICULAUM contact Hours -5Hrs/week Unit No Name of the chapter No of Hr

01 Units, Dimensions & Measurements 06 Hrs

02 Basics of Dynamics 06 Hrs

03 Basics of Statics 06 Hrs

04 Properties of solids & liquids 10 Hrs

05 Heat & Properties of gases 05Hrs

06 Wave Motion 12 Hrs

07 Physical Optics 12 Hrs

08 Modern Physics 09 Hrs

09 Engg. Chemistry 08 Hrs

Test & Assignments 06 Hrs

TOTAL 80 Hrs

Note: For setting of question paper,

Unit No. 01, 02 and 03 ------------- Section A

Unit No.04, 05 and 06 --------------- Section B

Unit No.07, 08 and 09 ---------------- Section C

Also refer table of specification



Units, Dimensions & Measurements : ( 6 Hrs)

Physical quantity, Fundamental & derived Physical quantities, Unit of physical quantity, systems

of units, fundamental & derived units, S.I units, Basic quantities , their S.I units, & symbols,

supplementary quantities, their S.I units & symbols, Prefixes for multiples & sub multiples with

their symbols, Advantages of S.I units.

Dimensions of a physical quantity examples:- Steps to write dimensions, Dimensional formula

Dimensional equation, Applications of dimensional equation, Limitations

( Disadvantages) of dimensional equations ( analysis).

Measurement:- Principle of vernier, Neat diagram of slide calipers & its parts, Zero error & its

correction, Least count, Reading MSR & VSR (CVD), use of vernier calipers for measurements,

problems on vernier calipers.

Principle of screw & nut ( Micrometer principle ), Neat diagram of screw gauge & its parts,

Zero error, zero correction, Pitch, least count, reading PSR & HSR, use of screw gauge for

measurements, problems on screw gauge.

Unit No 02

Basics of Dynamics ( 6 Hrs)

Recapitulation of equations of motion, Newton’s Ist law of motion, Force, basic forces in motion,

gravitational force, electrostatic force, electromagnetic force, nuclear force, Difference between

strong interaction & weak interaction, Inertia, types of inertia ( inertia of rest, inertia of motion,

inertial of direction ), Momentum, Newton’s IInd

law of motion, measurement of force using

second law, simple problems on F = ma and equations of motion, Impulse of force, Impulse as the

product of force and time, also impulse as the difference of momentum, examples of impulse,

simple problems on impulse, Newtons IIIrd

law of motion and its examples. Law of conservation

of momentum, Statement, proof of this law using Newton’s laws, simple problems

Friction:- Cause of friction, types of friction, static friction, limiting friction, kinetic friction,

rolling friction, sliding friction,, laws of limiting friction ,coefficient of friction advantages and

disadvantages of friction, preventive methods of friction,

Unit No 03

Basics of Statics ( 6 Hrs):-

Scalar & Vector quantities with examples, geometrical representation of a vector, concurrent &

parallel vectors, Resultant, equilibrium & equilibrant of vectors,

Law of parallelogram of vectors:- Statement, explanation, expressions for magnitude & direction

of the resultant of two concurrent vectors, simple problems, resolution of vectors, explanation,

simple problems, Law of triangle of vectors, explanation, converse of law of triangle of vectors,

law of polygon of vectors, explanation.

Lami,s theorem -Explanation, Experiments to verify law of parallelogram of forces, converse of

law of triangle of forces, & Lami’s theorem. Problems on above laws.

Moment of a force, positive & negative moments, parallel forces, Like & unlike parallel

forces, couple, moment of a couple, practical examples of couple, work done by a couple

( equation only), Resultant of two like & unlike parallel forces, condition of equilibrium of

coplanar parallel forces, Experiment to verify the conditions of equilibrium of co-planar parallel

forces. Problems

Unit No 04

Properties of Solids and Liquids ( 10 Hrs):-

Plasticity and Elasticity, examples, Deformation in bodies by the action of external forces,

Stress, Types of stress, Tensile stress, example, Compressive stress, example, Shear stress,

example, Strain, Types of strain, Tensile strain-examples, Volume strain-examples, Shear strain-

examples, Hooke’s Law, Stress-strain graph with explanation.., Elastic co-efficient Modulus of

elasticity, Young’s modulus of elasticity-formula, Bulk modulus of elasticity-Formula, Rigidity

modulus of elasticity-formula, Explanation of factor of safety Compressibility, Poisson’s ratio

,Experiment to determine Young’s modulus of elasticity by Searle’s method, problems.

Properties of Liquids: Liquid thrust, Pressure, Expression for pressure at a point inside a liquid,

simple problems, Cohesion, Adhesion, nature of meniscus and angle of contact – examples,.

Surface Tension-Explanation, formula unit and dimension, practical examples of surface tension,

applications of surface tension,

Factors affecting surface tension, capillarity and its applications, expression for surface tension in

case of capillary rise, Determination of surface tension by capillary rise method, simple problems.

Viscosity- Explanation with example, viscous force, factors affecting viscosity of gasses and

liquids, co-efficient of viscosity , SI unit and dimensions, Experiment to determine co-efficient of

viscosity by Poisulle’s method, Applications of viscosity, simple problems.

Unit No 05

Heat and properties of gases (5 Hrs):-

Heat, temperature, S.I units, difference between heat and temperature, calorie.

Modes of transform of heat:- Conduction, Convection, Radiation examples, good conductors of

heat & insulators, examples, Applications of conduction, convection & radiation.

Specific heat of a substance S.I unit, Heat capacity ( thermal capacity or specific heat capacity

of body)

Boyle’s law, statement & mathematical form, Gay-Lussac’s law Statement and expression,

Charles law, Statement and expression, Absolute (Kelvin) scale of temperature, conversion

formula to Celsius scale from absolute scale,

Perfect gas equation (combined gas equation), Specific heat of gas at constant volume

(Cv ) Specific heat of gas at constant pressure (Cp ), relation between Cp & Cv

[ (i) ratio of specific heat (ii) Meyer’s relation ( no derivation) ]

Thermodynamics Isothermal process, Adiabatic process. Laws of thermodynamics. Problems on

gas laws.

Unit No 06

Wave motion (12 Hrs)

Vibratory motion, periodic motion, definitions of period, frequency, and amplitude for a vibrating

particle, Simple Harmonic Motion, Explanation of SHM(motion of the foot of the

perpendicular),Obtaining expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a body

executing SHM,

Wave Motion- Explanation of a wave and wave motion with examples, definitions of wave

velocity, wave period, wave frequency, and wave length, derivation of V = nλ problems. Types of

waves transverse and longitudinal waves with examples, mechanical and non mechanical waves

with examples. Mode of transfer of longitudinal waves

( sound wave) in air. Velocity sound in a gas, Newton’s assumptions and formula Laplace’s

assumptions and corrected formula. Effect of temperature, pressure and humidity on the velocity of

sound, problems. Stationary waves with examples, characteristics of stationary waves.

Resonance. Explanation of free, forced vibrations with examples. Explanation of resonance,

practical examples of resonance. Experiment to determine velocity of sound in air by resonance air

column method. Problems.

Beats, Beat frequency, applications of beats, problems.

Laws of transverse vibrations of stretched strings statements of the laws with relevant formula.

Experiments to determine frequency of the tuning fork using sonometer by

(i)Absolute method and (ii) Comparison method. Problems

Musical note and Noise:- examples , characteristics of musical note.

Acoustics of buildings Echo, Reverberation, Interference, resonance. Reverberation time.

Sabine’s formula and explanation, absorption coefficient of materials. Remedies for defects.

Unit No 07

Physical Optics (12 Hrs)

Introduction to theories of light, Newton’s corpuscular theory, Huygens wave theory,

Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, Planck’s quantum theory, Dual nature of radiation.

Interference, theory of interference, Amplitude of resultant wave, condition for constructive

interference, condition for destructive interference, condition for sustained interference, Young’s

double slit experiment, expressions for path difference and fringe width, intensity distribution in

interference fringe, simple problem on fringe width & path difference.

Diffraction, classification diffraction, Fresenel’s diffraction, Fraunhoffer diffraction, difference

between them, Huygen’s principal, wave front, diffraction with white light, difference between

Interference and Diffraction, Concept of resolving power of an optical instrument, Rayleigh

criteria, Resolving power of a microscope, and its expressions in terms of wave length, resolving

power of telescope, expression for resolving power of in terms of wave length, simple problems.

Polarisation:-Introduction, experiment to demonstrate the transverse nature of light.

Representation of polarized and un-polarized light. Plane of vibration and plane of polarization.

Methods of producing plane polarized light. Polarization by reflection, Brewster’s law, Brewster’s

angle, formula for refractive index in terms of Brewster’s angle. Polarization by refraction.

Polaroids, uses of polaroids .

Unit No 08

Modern physics (9Hrs)

Methods of electronic emission

Thermo ionic emission, photoelectric emission, field emission, and secondary emission.

Experiment to study photoelectric effect, Experimental results ( four results). Four laws of

photoelectric emission, Einstein’s photoelectric equation.

Photoelectric cells, Photo emissive cells, Photo voltaic cells, Photo conductive cells. Applications

of photo electric cells. Electron microscope Principal of electron microscope, focusing by

magnetic lens, construction and working, uses of electron microscope, Atomic forced microscope

simple working of atomic forced microscope, advantages of atomic forced microscope over

electron microscope

Scattering of light:- Coherent scattering and incoherent scattering. Explanation of scattering.

Blue color of the sky. Blue color of water. Red color of sun during sun rise and sun set. White

color of clouds. Raman effect. Applications of Raman effect .

Lasers:- Induced absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission. Principal of laser,

population inversion, optical pumping. Properties of lasers. Applications of lasers.

Radio activity:- Introduction, experiment to demonstrate three types of radiations. Properties

of three types of radiations. Applications of radio activity in the field of agriculture, medicine,

biology and geology.

Unit No 09

Engineering chemistry (8 Hrs)

Pollution:- Air pollution, air pollutants ( SO2 , H2S,HF,NO2, CO, dust), harmful effects. Acid

rain and its effects ( basic ideas). Other effects of air pollution, Green house effect, global

warming, effects of global warming, basic ideas, ozone layer, importance , causes of depletion of

ozone layers (no equation). Effects of ozone layer depletion control of air pollution

Water pollution, causes ( sewage, effluents, algae, micro organisms), their harmful effects. Their

control. Sewage problem and disposals

Corrosion, electrochemical theory of corrosion, formation of galvanic cells, concentration cells.

Methods of prevention of corrosion-Alloying, surfaced coating, galvanizing , electroplating,

anodizing, cathodic protection.


of a solution, water as weak electrolyte, Hydrogen ions, hydroxyl ions. Acidic solution, basic

solution and neutral solution, concentration of H+ ions. Ionic product of pure of water, ionic

product of acidic, basic and neutral solution. PH

scale. PH

for neutral acidic and basic solution, PH

values of some important solutions. Applications of PH

First/Second Semister


code no:

Contact Hours:05Hrs/week Contact Hrs/Semister:80



1.1 To understand the concept of Physical Quantities and their units.

1.2 To understand the characteristics of different physical quantities.

1.3 To use appropriate measuring instruments


1.1.1 Define a physical quantity

1.1.2 Distinguish between fundamental and derived physical quantity.

1.1.3 Define unit of a physical quantity.

1.1.4 List different system of units.

1.1.5 List the fundamental units .

1.1.6 List the derived units.

1.1.7 Define S.I units.

1.1.8 List the basic quantities.

1.1.9 Write the basic units and symbols for them.

1.1.10 List the supplementary units and symbols for them.

1.1.11 Write the supplementary units and symbols for them.

1.1.12 Write the prefix for multiples and submultiples in S.I system.

1.1.13 State the advantages of S.I units.

1.2.1 Define dimensions of physical quantity.

1.2.2 Write the examples of dimensions of physical quantities.

1.2.3 State the steps used for writing the dimension of a physical quantity.

1.2.4 Define dimensional equation (dimensional formula) for a physical quantity.

1.2.5 State the advantages of dimensional equation.

1.2.6 State the disadvantages (limitations) of dimensional equation.

1.3.1 Define measurement

1.3.2 List the instruments used to measure accurately.

1.3.3 Define the Least Count of measuring instruments.

1.3.4 Define principle of vernier.

1.3.5 Identify the parts of a slide calipers.

1.3.6 Explain about zero error and its correction in the case of slide calipers.

1.3.7 Define least count of vernier calipers.

1.3.8 Describe the measurement of MSR and VSR (CVD).

1.3.9 State the uses of vernier calipers

1.3.10 Solve measurement problems on vernier calipers.

1.3.11 Define principle of screw and nut (micrometer principle). .

1.3.12 Identify the parts of screw gauge and label its parts.

1.3.13 Explain for writing zero error and zero correction

1.3.14 Define pitch of a screw

1.3.15 Define least count of a screw gauge

1.3.16 Explain measurement of PSR and HSR for screw gauge.

1.3.17 Solve measurement problems on screw gauge..



2.1 To revise equation of motion learnt in high school classes and to apply them to

Solve problems.

2.2 To comprehend Newton’s laws of motion.

2.3 To understand friction.


2.1.1 Review four equations of motion

2.1.2 State the meaning of the quantities involved in equations

2.1.3 Solve problems on equations of motion

2.2.1 State Newton’s First law

2.2.2 Define force

2.2.3 Define gravitational force.

2.2.4 Define electrostatic force.

2.2.5 Define electromagnetic force.

2.2.6 Define nuclear force.

2.2.7 Differentiate between strong and weak interaction.

2.2.8 Define inertia.

2.2.9 Define intertia of rest.

2.2.10 Give examples for inertia of rest.

2.2.11 Define inertia of motion.

2.2.12 Give examples of inertia of motion.

2.2.13 Define inertia of direction.

2.2.14 Give examples of inertia of direction.

2.2.15 Define momentum.

2.2.16 State Newton’s Second law of motion.

2.2.17 Review F= ma

2.2.18 Solve problems on F= ma

2.2.19 Define impulse as a product of force and time.

2.2.20 Write S.I unit and dimensions of impulse.

2.2.21 Obtain impulse as a difference of momentum.

2.2.22 Write examples for impulse.

2.2.23 Solve problems on impulse.

2.2.24 State Newton’s Third law

2.2.25 Give examples for Third law.

2.2.26 State law of conservation of momentum.

2.2.27 Prove the law of conservation of momentum using Newton’s laws.

2.2.28 Solve simple problems.

2.3.1 Define friction.

2.3.2 Point out the causes of friction.

2.3.3 List the types of friction.

2.3.4 Define static friction.

2.3.5 Define limiting friction.

2.3.6 Define kinetic friction.

2.3.7 Define rolling friction.

2.3.8 Define sliding friction.

2.3.9 State four laws of limiting friction.

2.3.10 Define coefficient of friction.

2.3.11 Write the advantages of friction.

2.3.12 Write the disadvantages of friction.

2.3.13 Discuss the preventive method of friction.

Unit No. 03 BASICS OF STATICS 06 Hrs


3.1 To understand the composition, resolution and equilibrium of vectors.

3.2 To understand moment of a force , couple and parallel coplanar forces.


3.1.1 Define a scalar quantity with examples.

3.1.2 Define a vector quantity with examples.

3.1.3 Represent a vector quantity geometrically.

3.1.4 Define concurrent and nonconcurrent vectors.

3.1.5 Define resultant of a two or more concurrent vectors (forces).

3.1.6 Define equilibrium of vectors.

3.1.7 Define equilibrant.

3.1.8 Write the relation between resultant and equilibrant .

3.1.9 State and explain the law of parallelogram of vectors.

3.1.10 Obtain expressions for the magnitude and direction of the resultant of two vectors acting at

a point.

3.1.11 Explain resolution of vectors.

3.1.12 Solve problems on parallelogram law and resolution of vectors.

3.1.13 State and explain the converse of the law of triangle of vectors.

3.1.14 State and explain the law of polygon of vectors.

3.1.15 State and explain Lami’s theorem .

3.1.16 Describe experiments to verify the law of parallelogram of vectors and the converse of the

law of triangle of vectors and Lami’s theorem.

3.1.17 Solve problems on law of triangle of vectors,Lami’s theorem.

3.2.1 Define moment of force.

3.2.2 Write S I unit and dimensions of it.

3.2.3 Define positive and negative moment of force.

3.2.4 Define couple and moment of a couple.

3.2.5 Write practical applications of couple.

3.2.6 Define like and unlike parallel forces.

3.2.7 Explain the resultant of like parallel forces.

3.2.8 Explain the resultant of unlike parallel forces.

3.2.9 Explain the condition of equilibrium of number of coplanar parallel forces.

3.2.10 Describe an experiment to verify the conditions of equilibrium of parallel coplanar forces.

3.2.11 Solve problems on parallel forces.



4.1 To understand the properties of solids.

4.2 To understand the properties of liquids.


4.1.1 Explain solid as a state of matter.

4.1.2 Explain meaning of “deformation “ with examples.

4.1.3 Define elasticity with examples.

4.1.4 Explain the meaning of elastic limit.

4.1.5 Define plasticity with examples.

4.1.6 Define stress.

4.1.7 Write S.I unit and dimensions of stress.

4.1.8 Define Tensile stress with examples.

4.1.9 Define Volume stress with examples.

4.1.10 Define Shear stress with examples.

4.1.11 Define strain.

4.1.12 Define Tensile strain with examples.

4.1.13 Define Volume strain with examples.

4.1.14 Define Shear strain with examples.

4.1.15 State Hooke’s law.

4.1.16 Explain limitations of Hooke’s law.

4.1.17 Draw stress versus strain graph.

4.1.18 Explain the features of the graph.

4.1.19 Define coefficient of elasticity,(Modulus of elasticity)

4.1.20 Write formula of modulus of elasticity.

4.1.21 Define Young’s modulus and write its formula.

4.1.22 Write its S.I unit and dimensions.

4.1.23 Define Bulk modulus and write its formula .Write its SI unit and dimensions.

4.1.24 Define Rigidity modulus and write its formula.

4.1.25 Write its SI unit and dimensions.

4.1.26 Define factor of safety.

4.1.27 Write its formula.

4.1.28 Describe an experiment to determine Young’s modulus of a material using Searle’s


4.1.29 Solve problems.

4.2.1 Explain liquid as a state of matter.

4.2.2 Define Thrust and write its SI unit.

4.2.3 Define pressure and write its SI unit.

4.2.4 Derive an expression for the pressure at a point inside a liquid at rest.

4.2.5 Solve problems.

4.2.6 Define adhesive forces with example.

4.2.7 Define cohesive forces with an example.

4.2.8 Explain the nature of meniscus with examples.

4.2.9 Define angle of contact with examples.

4.2.10 Explain surface tension on the basis of molecular theory.

4.2.11 Define surface tension.

4.2.12 Write the formula,SI unit and dimensions of it.

4.2.13 Give examples for the existence of surface tension.

4.2.14 Explain the factors affecting the surface tension.

4.2.15 Write the applications of surface tension.

4.2.16 Define capillary rise and capillarity.

4.2.17 Obtain an equation for surface tension in case of capillary rise.

4.2.18 Describe an experiment to determine surface tension of water by capillary rise method.

4.2.19 Solve problems.

4.2.20 Explain the concept of friction in a liquid flow

4.2.21 Explain viscous force.

4.2.22 Define viscosity.

4.2.23 Explain the factors affecting viscous force.

4.2.24 Define coefficient of viscosity.

4.2.25 Write SI unit and dimensions of coefficient of viscosity.

4.2.26 Discuss the effect of temperature on viscosity of liquids and gases.

4.2.27 List the applications of viscosity.

4.2.28 Describe an experiment to determine viscosity of water by poissulle’s method.



5.1 To understand Heat and Temperature.

5.2 To study modes and Transmission of heat and their applications.

5.3 To study the specific heat of a substances.

5.4 To study gas laws and specific heat of gas.

5.5 To understand laws of Thermodynamics.


5.1.1 Define heat.

5.1.2 List the sources of heat.

5.1.3 Define temperature.

5.1.4 Explain different scales of temperature.

5.1.5 Write the differences between heat and temperature.

5.1.6 Define calorie.

5.1.7 Define SI unit of heat - joule.

5.2.1 List the different modes of transmission of heat.

5.2.2 Define conduction.

5.2.3 List the applications of conduction.

5.2.4 Define good conductors of heat and insulators.

5.2.5 List the uses of good conductors and insulators,

5.2.6 Define convection.

5.2.7 Explain two types of convection.

5.2.8 List the applications of convection.

5.2.9 Define radiation.

5.2.10 List the applications of radiation.

5.3.1 Define and explain specific heat of substance.

5.3.2 Obtain the equation for specific heat of substance and write its SI unit.

5.3.3 List the values for specific heats of few materials commonly used.

5.3.4 Solve simple numerical problems on equation for specific heat.

5.4.1 State Boyle’s law.

5.4.2 Write the expressions of Boyle’s law.

5.4.3 State Charle’s law and write its mathematical expression.

5.4.4 State Gay-Lussac’s law and write its mathematical expression.

5.4.5 Explain the Absolute scale of temperature on the basis of Charle’s law ,give its graphical


5.4.6 Obtain combined gas equation and perfect gas equation.

5.4.7 Solve problems

5.4.8 Define specific heat of a gas at constant volume( Cv).

5.4.9 Define specific heat of a gas at constant pressure (Cp).

5.4.10 Write the relation between Cp and Cv ( i)ratio of specific heat. (ii) Meyer’s relation ( no


5.5.1 Define Isothermal process and Adiabatic process with reference to gas.

5.5.2 State First law of thermodynamics.

5.5.3 Write the mathematical expression of First law of thermodynamics.

5.5.4 State the Second law of thermodynamics.

5.5.5 List the application of Second law of thermodynamics.

Unit No.06 WAVE MOTION 12 Hrs


6.1 To understand Simple Hormonic Motion.

6.2 To understand wave motion.

6.3 To understand stationary waves ,resonance and beats.

6.4 To study transverse vibrations of stretched strings.

6.5 To know musical note and noise.

6.6 To study acoustics of buildings.


6.1.1 Define vibratory motion with examples.

6.1.2 Define periodic motion with examples.

6.1.3 Explain and define Simple Hormonic Motion.

6.1.4 Obtain an expression for displacement,velocity and acceleration or a particle executing


6.1.5 Define period,frequency,amplitude in the case of vibrating particle.

6.2.1 Explain wave and wave motion with example.

6.2.2 Explain mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves with examples.

6.2.3 Define transverse waves with example.

6.2.4 Define longitudinal waves with example.

6.2.5 List the differences between transverse waves and longitudinal waves.

6.2.6 Define wave frequency,wave period,wave length,wave velocity,wave amplitude for a


6.2.7 Derive the relation V=nλ

6.2.8 Solve problems on the relation.

6.2.9 Explain propagation of sound in air.

6.2.10 Explain Newton’s assumptions for the velocity of sound in air (gas) and write formula.

6.2.11 Explain Laplace’s assumption for velocity of sound in air.

6.2.12 Write Newton - Laplace formula for the velocity of sound in a gas.

6.2.13 Discuss the effect of pressure ,temperature, humidity on the velocity of sound.

6.2.14 Solve problems on Newton - Laplace formula.

6.3.1 Define stationary waves.

6.3.2 List the characteristics of stationary waves.

6.3.3 Define free vibrations with examples.

6.3.4 Define forced vibrations with examples.

6.3.5 Define resonance with examples.

6.3.6 Describe an experiment to determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature and

zero degree celsius by resonance air column method.

6.3.7 Solve problems.

6.3.8 Define beats,beat frequency.

6.3.9 State applications of beats. Solve problems.

6.4.1 Explain the transverse vibrations of stretched strings.

6.4.2 State the three laws of transverse vibration of stretched strings with relevant formula.

6.4.3 Describe an experiment to determine the frequency of tuning fork by comparison method

using sonometer.

6.4.4 Describe an experiment to determine the frequency of tuning fork by absolute method

using sonometer.

6.4.5 Solve problems.

6.5.1 Define musical note,noise.

6.5.2 List the differences between musical note and noise.

6.5.3 List the characteristics of musical note.

6.6.1 Explain acoustics with regards to buildings.

6.6,2 List the different types of defects of acoustics in buildings.

6.6.3 Define Echo,Reverberation,Intereference,Resonance.

6.6.4 Define Reverberation time.

6.6.5 Define absorptive coefficients of materials.

6.6.6 Write Sabine’s formula and explain the notations.

6.6.7 List the different remedies for defects.

6.6.8 Solve problems on Sabine’s formula.



7.1 To understand various theories of light.

7.2 To understand the concept of Interference.

7.3 To understand the concept of Diffraction .

7.4 To understand the concept of Polarisation.


7.1.1 Explain Newton’s corpuscular theory.

7.1.2 Explain Huygen’s wave theory.

7.1.3 Explain Maxwell’s Electromagnetic theory.

7.1.4 Explain Planck’s quantum theory.

7.1.5 Explain dual nature of radiation (light).

7.2.1 Define interference.

7.2.2 Obtain the equation for resultant displacement.

7.2.3 Derive the equation for amplitude of the resultant wave.

7.2.4 Discuss the conditions for constructive interference.

7.2.5 Discuss the conditions for destructive interference.

7.2.6 List the conditions of sustained interference.

7.2.7 Explain Young’s double slit experiment.

7.2.8 Obtain expression for path difference.

7.2.9 Obtain expression for fringe width.

7.2.10 Explain the intensity distribution in interference fringe.

7.2.11 Solve simple problems on fringewidth and path difference.

7.3.1 Define diffraction.

7.3.2 Define Fresenel diffraction and Fraunhoffer diffraction.

7.3.3 Differentiate Fresenel diffraction and Fraunhoffer diffraction.

7.3.4 Explain Huygen’s principle related to wavefront.

7.3.5 Explain diffraction with white light.

7.3.6 Differentiate between interference and diffraction.

7.3.7 Explain the concept of resolving power of an optical instrument.

7.3.8 Explain Rayleigh’s criteria on resolving power.

7.3.9 Define limit of resolution and resolving power of a microscope.

in terms of wave length.

7.3.10 Define resolving power of a Telescope.

7.3.11 Write the formula for resolving power of Telescope interms of wavelength.

7.3.12 Solve simple problems.

7.4.1 Define Polarisation.

7.4.2 Describe an experiment to demonstrate the transverse nature of light.

7.4.3 Represent unpolarised and polarized light geometrically.

7.4.4 Define plane of vibration.

7.4.5 Define plane of polarization,..

7.4.6 Explain the method of polarization by reflection.

7.4.7 State Brewster’s law. Define Brewster’s angle.

7.4.8 Obtain equation for refractive index interms of Brewster’s angle.

7.4.9 Explain the method of polarization by refraction.

7.4.10 Explain the method of polarization by double refraction.

7.4.11 Explain polaroids.

7.4.12 List the use of polaroids.

Unit No.08 MODERN PHYSICS 09 Hrs


8.1 To understand the emission of electrons.

8.2 To know the scattering of light.

8.3 To understand Lasers.

8.4 To understand radio-activity.


8.1.1 Explain thermionic emission.

8.1.2 Explain photoelectric emission.

8.1.3 Explain Field emission.

8.1.4 Explain secondary emission.

8.1.5 Define photoelectric effect.

8.1.6 Describe an experiment to study photoelectric effect. Explain experimental results.

8.1.7 State four laws of photoelectric emission.

8.1.8 Write photoelectric equation.

8.1.9 Explain the quantities involved in it.

8.1.10 Explain photoemissive cell.

8.1.11 Explain photovoltaic cell.

8.1.12 Explain photoconductive cell.

8.1.13 List the applications of photoelectric cells.

8.1.14 Explain the principle of electrons microscope.

8.1.15 Explain the method of focusing by magnetic lens.

8.1.16 Explain the construction and working.

8.1.17 List the uses of electron microscope.

8.1.18 Explain the working of Atomic Focus Microscope.

8.1.19 Write the advantages of Atomic Focus Microscope.

8.2.1 Explain coherent scattering.

8.2.2 Explain incoherent scattering.

8.2.3 Explain the blue colour of the sky and blue colour of water.

8.2.4 Explain the red colour of sun during sunrise and sunset.

8.2.5 Explain the white colour of cloud.

8.2.6 Explain Raman Effect.

8.2.7 Write the applications of Raman Effect

8.3.1 Define laser .

8.3.2 Explain Induced absorption.

8.3.3 Explain spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.

8.3.4 State the principle of Laser.

8.3.5 Explain population inversion and optical pumping.

8.3.6 List the properties of laser.

8.3.7 Write the applications of laser.

8.4.1 Explain radioactivity with examples.

8.4.2 Describe an experiment to demonstrate three types of radiations.

8.4.3 Write the properties of alpha,beta and gamma rays.

8.4.4 List the agricultural ,medical,biological and geological applications of lasers.



9.1 To understand pollution, its harm full effects and preventive measures.

9.2 To comprehend water pollution, its harm full effects and preventive measures.

9.3 To understand different types of corrosion and preventive measures.

9.4 To comprehend pH of solution , pH scale and applications of pH.



9.1.1 Define pollution.

9.1.2 List air pollutants.

9.1.3 Write the harmfull effects of air pollution.

9.1.4 Explain acid rain and its effects.

9.1.5 Explain green house effect.

9.1.6 Explain global warming.

9.1.7 List the effects of global warming.

9.1.8 Explain ozone layer and its importance.

9.1.9 List the cause of depletion of ozone layer(without any equation).

9.1.10 List the effects of ozone layer.

9.1.11 Discuss the control of air pollution.

9.2.1 Explain water pollution,

9.2.2 Discuss the causes of water pollution.(seweage,effluents,algai,micro-organisms).

9.2.3 Explain methods of control of sewage problems and disposals.

9.3.1 Define corrosion.

9.3.2 Explain the causes of corrosion.

9.3.3 Describe different types of corrosion.(i)electrochemical theory of corrosion.

(ii) Formation of galvanic cells.(iii)concentration cells

9.3.4 Explain the preventive measures of corrosion. alloying surface coating galvanizing electroplating anodizing cathodic protection.

9.4.1 Explain water as a weak electrolyte.

9.4.2 Explain nature of solution on the basis of (H+) ion and (OH¯) ion concentrations.

9.4.3 Explain ionic product of pure water.

9.4.4 Define neutral,basic and acidic solutions.

9.4.5 Define pH of a solution.

9.4.6 Define neutral basic and acidic solution by using pH.

9.4.7 Give the pH values some solutions

9.4.8 Write the applications of pH solution.


1. Applied Science –By W.R. Neelakanta , Sapna Publications

2. Applied Science –By N N Banavasi, S Chand Publications

3. First PUC and Second PUC Physics Text Books – by different authors..

4. Text book of physical chemistry by P.L.Soni publisher S.Chand and Co.

5. Essentials of physical chemistry by B.S.Bhal and G.B.Tuli,

6. Text bookof physical chemistry by K.K.Sharma and L.K.Sharma, Vikas publication house.

7. Applied Science for polytechnics- by different authors.


Unit No No Hrs in


No of


of 5 marks

each to be



marks to



No of


of 5 marks

to be set



to be set



01 06

05 25 07 35 02 06

03 06



04 10

07 35 11 55 05 05

06 12



07 12

08 40 12 60 08 09

09 08

Total 20 100 30 150



APPLIED SCIENCE Time:3Hrs Max Marks:100

Note: 1) Answer any 05 subdivisions from Section A, any 07 sub divisions

from Section B and any 08 subdivisions from Section C

2) Each subdivision carries 5 marks.

Section A (Answer any 05 subdivisions)

1. a) What is meant by Least count of a measuring instrument

Write dimensions of density

Write the S.I. unit of a acceleration 2 + 2 + 1

b) State and prove the law of conservation of momentum 2 + 3

c) State Newton’s Second law of motion.

A body of mass 2kg is moving with a velocity of 2m/s. If its velocity changes to

5m/s in 10 seconds on application of a constant force, calculate the acceleration of

the body & Impulse on it. 2 + 3

2. a) Write a neat diagram of screw gauge & name its parts 3 + 2

b) State the law of parallelogram of vectors.

Obtain an expression for the magnitude of the resultant of two

Vectors acting at a point. 2 + 3

3. a) Describe an experiment to verify Lami’s theorem 5

b) Define Moment of a force.

Three forces 3kgwt, 7kgwt & 15kgwt, acting at a point are in equilibrium.

Calculate the angle between first two forces. 2 + 3

Section B (Answer any 07 subdivisions)

4. a) Define stress.

Differentiate between plasticity and elasticity with examples. 2 + 3

b) Define Young’s Modulus

Write 3 applications of capillarity 2 + 3

c) Describe an experiment to determine surface tension of water by

capillary rise method 5

5. a) Distinguish between specific heat of a substance & heat capacity of a body.

Write two applications of convection. 2 + 3

b) Define surface tension and angle of contact.

Write 3 applications of viscosity. 2 + 3

c) Derive PV = mRT with usual notations 5

6. a) Define SHM

Obtain an expression for the velocity of a vibrating body executing SHM 2 + 3

b) Describe an experiment to determine velocity of sound in air at room temperature,

using Resonance Air Column apparatus. 5

c) What is resonance?

Write 3 practical examples of resonance. 2 + 3

7. a) Describe an experiment to determine the frequency of the tuning fork

using sonometer by comparison method. 5

b) The frequency of a sonometer wire is doubled when the tension is increased

by 12 kgwt. Calculate the original tension of the wire. 5

Section C (Answer any 08 subdivisions)

8. a) What is interference of light?

Write three differences between Interference & diffraction. 2 + 3

b) Obtain an expression for the path difference in Young’s double slit experiment.


c) In a double slit experiment light of wave length 5500 Å is used. Find the

path difference & phase difference for the fourth dark fringe from the

centre of the pattern. 5

9. a) State Brewster’s law.

Obtain an expression for the refractive index of a material in terms of

Brewster’s angle. 2 + 3

b) What is polarization?

Explain the method of polarization by refraction 2 + 3

c) What is photoelectric emission?

Write any three experimental results on the study of photoelectric effect.

2 + 3

10. a) Explain the focusing the magnetic lens in an Electron microscope

Write 3 uses of Electron microscope. 2 + 3

b) What is Raman effect.

Explain stimulated emission in Laser. 2 + 3

c) What is radio activity?

Describe an experiment to demonstrate 3 types of radiations. 2 + 3

11. a) What is an acid rain? Write 3 harmful effects of it. 2 + 3

b) What are the causes of water pollution?

Explain any one method of controlling sewage problem. 2 + 3

c) How does a “ Concentration cell” work?

Write three applications of PH. 2 + 3





Group A

Experiment No Aim of the experiment

01 To determine the volume of the given solid cylinder using Slide calipers

02 To determine the volume of the given Hollow cylinder using Slide calipers

03 To determine the thickness of the glass and metal plate using Screw gauge

04 To determine the volume of thin wire using Screw gauge & sample wire

05 To determine the volume of small rigid ball using Screw gauge

06 To verify the law of Parallelogram of vectors

07 To verify the converse of law of triangle of vectors

08 To verify the Lami’s theorem

09 To verify two conditions of equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces

Group B

10 To determine Young’s Modulus of the material of the wire using Searle’s App

11 To determine Surface Tension of water by capillary rise method

12 To determine the frequency of the given tuning fork using sonometer by

comparison method

13 To determine the frequency of the given tuning fork using sonometer by

absolute method

14 To determine velocity of sound in air at room temperature & at 0°C a by

Resonance Air Column method

15 To determine coefficient of Viscosity of water by Poisulle’s method

Most Important instructions to examiners

i) While setting two experiments in the examination for each candidate, one experiment

should be chosen from group A and another must be from group B

ii) While setting two experiments, large number of combinations to be made covering

most of the experiments

iii) The scheme of valuation given below must be strictly followed.

Scheme of valuation

Record 05 Marks

Oral 15 Marks

Planning ( Includes observation, Tabular column, Formula) 20 Marks ( 10 marks x 2 expt)

Conducting ( Includes skill in arrangement, handling of app,

& readings)

40 Marks ( 20 marks x 2 expt)

Calculation and result 20 Marks ( 10 marks x 2 expt)

Total 100 Marks

Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education




No.of contact hrs/week : 4 Hrs Total No of Contact Hrs:96

SNo CONTENTS1 Identification & use of automobile tools & equipments

2 Identification of major components of two, three & four wheeler.

3 Dismantling & assembling of single cylinder Two-stroke petrol engine.

4 Dismantling & assembling of single cylinder Four-stroke petrol engine.

5 Calculate the swept volume ,compression ratio and check compression pressure of a given engine.

6 Changing of engine oil, oil filters, fuel filters in Four stroke engine.

7 Adjusting of belt tension of cooling / charging system.

8 Setting valve clearence.

9 Cleaning and adjustment of spark plug gap.

10 Use of Torque wrench

11 Removal of Wheels & tyres of any given vehicle

12 Washing of different vehicles using High pressure washing system.

13 Lubrication of different vehicles using High pressure grease gun.

14 Test & revision.

Total contact hours

General Objectives1 Understand the use of different tools and equipments used in Automobile workshop

2 Know the layout of chassis of vehicles

3 Understand the procedure of dismantling and assembling of engines.

4 Understand the procedure of replacing oil and fuel filters.

5 Understand the procedure of adjusting belt tension and setting valve clearance.

6 Understand the use of torque wrench.

7 Understand the procedure of removal and refitting of wheels.

8 Practice on high pressure washing and greasing of vehicles.

Specific Instructional Objectives

1 Identification of tools, gauges used in Automobile workshop with appropriate sketches

2 Practice on use of tools and gauges

3 Identification of major components in Two-wheeler layout.

4 Identification of major components in Three-wheeler layout.

5 Identification of major components in Four-wheeler layout.

6 Practice on Dismantling of Two-stroke single cylinder petrol engine.

7 Calculate the swept volume & compression ratio of a single cylinder engine assuming the clearence

volume.8 Check the compression pressure of a given petrol engine using Compression gauge.

9 Identification & Cleaning of different components of Two-stroke single cylinder petrol engine.

10 Practice on Assembling of Two-stroke single cylinder petrol engine

11 Practice on Dismantling of Four-stroke single cylinder petrol engine.

12 Identification & Cleaning of different components of Four-stroke single cylinder petrol engine.

13 Practice on Assembling of Four-stroke single cylinder petrol engine

14 Practice on Changing of engine oil & oil filters in Four stroke engine

15 Practice on Changing of fuel filters in Four stroke engine

16 Practice on adjusting of belt tension of cooling / charging system.

17 Practice on setting valve clearence.

18 Practice on Cleaning and adjustment of spark plug gap.

19 Practice on use of Torque wrench.

20 Practice on removal of Wheels & tyres of any given vehicle

21 Practice on High pressure washing of different vehicles.

22 Practice on High pressure lubrication of different vehicles.

23 Test & revision.


1 Identification of different tools, gauges, instruments used in Automobile labs & their applications.

2 Identification of major components in Two, Three & Four wheeler chassis.

3 Understand, dismantle & assemble of single cylinder Two stroke petrol engine.

4 Understand, dismantle & assemble of single cylinder Four stroke petrol engine.

5 Calculate the swept volume & compression ratio of a single cylinder engine assuming the clearence

volume.6 Check the compression pressure of a given petrol engine using Compression gauge.

7 Changing of engine oil and oil filter in four stroke engine.

8 Changing of fuel filter in four stroke engine.

9 Adjusting of belt tension of cooling / charging system.

10 Setting of valve clearence

11 Cleaning and adjustment of spark plug gap.

12 Use of Torque wrench

13 Removal of Wheels & tyres of any given vehicle

14 Washing of different vehicles using High pressure washing system.

15 Lubrication of different vehicles using High pressure grease gun.

16 Test & revision.

Total Contact hours

































Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education




No.of contact hrs/week : 4 Hrs Total No of Contact Hrs:96


1 Servicing of SI engine fuel supply system 36

2 Servicing of CI engine fuel feed system 33

3 Servicing of Cooling system 9

4 Servicing of Lubrication system 9

5 Test & revision 9

Total contact hours 96

General Educational objectives

1 Understand the servicing of all components of SI engine fuel supply system.

2 Understand the servicing of all components of CI engine fuel suplly system.

3 Undrestand the servicing of all components of Cooling system.

4 Undrestand the servicing of all components of Lubrication system.

Specific Instructional Objectives.

1.1 Practice on Inspection and cleaning of fuel tank & fuel lines.

1.2 Practice on servicing & testing of AC mechanical fuel pump.

1.3 Practice on servicing & testing of Electrical fuel pump and testing.

1.4 Practice on servicing of Two wheeler carburettor and Identify its different circuits

1.5 Practice on servicing of Solex carburettor and Identify its different circuits

1.6 Practice on servicing of SU carburettor & Identify its different circuits

2.1 Practice on Servicing of Air cleaners.

2.2 Practice on replacing of diesel Fuel filters

2.3 Practice on Servicing of Plunger type Fuel feed pump.

2.4 Practice on Servicing of diesel Fuel injection pump.

2.5 Practice on Servicing of diesel Fuel injectors & testing.

2.6 Practice on bleeding of diesel fuel feed system.

3.1 Practice on servicing of Radiator.

3.2 Practice on cleaning of water jackets by reverse flushing method.

3.3 Practice on servicing of water pump.

4.1 Practice on servicing of Gear type, Rotor type & vane type oil pump.


1 Identification of Layout of Fuel supply system in Petrol engines 3

2 Inspection and cleaning of fuel tank & fuel lines. 3

3 Servicing of AC mechanical fuel pump . 3

4 Servicing of Eletrical fuel pump . 3

5 Testing of Mechanical / Electrical fuel pump. 3

6 Servicing of Two wheeler carburettor and Identify its different circuits 6

7 Servicing of Solex carburettor and Identify its different circuits 9

8 Servicing of SU carburettor and identify its different circuits 6

9 Identification of Layout of Fuel supply system in Diesel engines 3

10 Servicing of Air cleaners. 3

11 Replacing of diesel Fuel filters 3

12 Servicing of Plunger type Fuel feed pump. 3

13 Servicing of diesel Fuel injection pump. 9

14 Servicing of diesel Fuel injectors. 6

15 Testing of Fuel injectors. 3

16 Bleeding of diesel fuel feed system. 3

17 Servicing of Radiator. 3

18 Cleaning of water jackets by reverse flushing method. 3

19 Servicing of water pump. 3

20 Servicing of Gear type oil pump. 3

21 Servicing of Rotor type oil pump. 3

22 Servicing of vane type oil pump. 3

23 Test & revision 9

Total contact hours 96

Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education




No.of contact hrs/week : 4 Hrs Total No of Contact Hrs:64



Fuel feed system in SI engines

1 Introduction 6

2 Carburettors & Petrol injection 14


Fuel feed system in CI engines

3 Introduction 7

4 Inline fuel injection system 11

5 Governor 4


6 Cooling System 8

7 Lubrication System 12

8 Test & Revision 4

Total No of Contact Hrs 66



Fuel feed system in SI engines

1 Introduction : 6

Function - Types of fuel feed system - Fuel tank - Fuel filters - Fuel pumps - Air

filters - Air Fuel ratios.

2 Carburettor & petrol injection 14

Functions - Simple carburettor - Limitations of simple carburettor - classification

of carburettors - Solex - SU & 2-Wheeler Carburettors,need of petrol

injection,types of petrol injection.


Fuel feed system in CI engines

3 Introduction 7

Layout of diesel fuel feed system- components - requirments - Types of fuel

injection systems - Air, solid, Individual pump ,Distributor pump system,

Common rail system & unit injector system

4 Individual Fuel Pump System : 11

Components of fuel system - Fuel tank, water separator, feed pump, primary &

secondary fuel filters, Fuel injection pump & injectors.

5 Governors 4

Necessity of Governors - classification of governors - mechanical, pneumatic


PART - C6 Cooling system 8

Necessicity of cooling - types of cooling system - Air cooling - water cooling

system - relative merits & demerits - Components of Forced feed water cooling

system, water pump, radiator, radiator pressure cap, Thermostat, cooling fan -


7 Lubrication system 12

Types of lubricants - Properties of lubricants - function of lubrication system -

Types of lubrication system - Petroil system, splash system, Force feed system.

Components of pressure feed system - oil pump, oil filter & filtering systems - Dry

sump lubrication system, crankcase ventilation

8 Test and Revision 4

Reference Books:

1 Automotive Engines S Srinivasan

2 Automotive Engines Crouse & Anglin

3 Automobile Engg Volume II Kirpal Singh

4 Automobile Engg Banga & Nathu singh

5 A Course in IC Engines Mathur & Sharma

6 Automotive Engine Mechanics N K Mangal

7 Automotive Engines Vol I Anil Chiakkara

General Educational Objectives

1 Know the different types of fuel feed systems in SI engine with their layouts

2 Know the components of SI engine fuel feed system.

3 Understand the construction & working of different carburettors: Solex, SU, Two

wheeler carburettor.

4 Know the different types of fuel injection system in CI engines.

5 Understand the different components of in-line fuel injection system.

6 Understand the necessity and types of Governors.


Understand the necessity of cooling system, different types of cooling system

and their construction.

8Know the types of lubricants & their properties.

Understand the different types of lubricating system and their components.

Specific Instructional objectives

Part AFuel feed system in SI engines


1.1 State the function of fuel feed system

1.2 List the different types of fuel feed system

1.3 Explain the Gravity fuel feed system with line diagram.

1.4 Explain the Pump fuel feed system with line diagram.

1.5 Identify the different components of Pump feed system.

1.6 Explain the constructional details of Fuel tank.

1.7 Explain the constructional details of fuel filter.

1.8 Explain the need of Air filter.

1.9 List types of air filters-dry,wet,paper element type, wire mess type,axial flow and

radial flow type

1.1 Explain the constructional details of A.C mechanical fuel pump.

1.1 Explain the constructional details of Electrical fuel pump.


2.1 Define carburetion, Automization, Vapourization.

2.2 Mention the requirements of the carburettor

2.3 Explain the working of simple carburettor.

2.4 List the limitations of simple carburettor.

2.5 State the Air- Fuel ratio requirments for different operating conditions.

2.6 Classify the carburettor in detail.

2.7 Explain the working of various circuits in two wheeler carburettor.

2.8 Explain the working of various circuits in Solex carburettor.

2.9 Explain the working of various circuits in SU carburettor.

2.1 Explain the need of Petrol injection.

2.1 Types of petrol injection-continues,timed,single point,multi point.

Part B Fuel feed system in CI engines


3.1 Draw the layout of diesel fuel feed system

3.2 Identify the different components of fuel feed system

3.3 List the requirements of good fuel feed system

3.4 List the different types of fuel injection system.

3.5 Explain Air injection system with a line diagram.

3.6 Explain Solid injection system with a line diagram.

3.7 Explain Individual pump / jerk pump injection system with a line diagram.

3.8 Explain Distributor injection system with a line diagram.

3.9 Explain Common-rail injection system with a line diagram.

### Explain Unit-injector injection system with a line diagram.

Individual Fuel Pump System :

4.1 Explain the constructional details of water separator

4.2 Explain the constructional details & working of fuel feed pump.

4.3 Explain the constructional details primary & secondary filters.

4.4 Explain the construction & working of Jerk type fuel injection pump. (only one


4.5 Explain the construction & working of fuel injector.

4.6 List the different types of fuel nozzles


5.1 State the purpose of Governors.

5.2 Classify the governors.

5.3 Explain the construction & working of Pneumatic governor.

5.4 Explain the construction & working of Mechanical governor.

Part CCooling system

6.1 State the purpose of cooling system

6.2 Mention the different types of cooling system.

6.3 Explain Air cooling system.

6.4 Explain Thermo-syphon water cooling system.

6.5 Explain Pump circulation water cooling system.

6.6 List the merits & demerits of Air cooling system

6.7 List the merits & demerits of water cooling system

6.8 Explain the construction & working of water pump

6.9 Explain the construction & working of Radiator.

### Explain the construction & working of Radiator pressure cap.

### Mention the necessity of Thermostat valve

### Explain the construction & working of Bellow & Wax type thermostat valve.

### State the necessity of dearation system.

### Explain the working of dearation system.

### Mention the purpose of Anti-freeze & Anti-rust solutions.

### List the different types of Anti-freeze & Anti-rust solutions.

Lubrication system

7.1 Mention the different types of Lubricants with examples.

7.2 State properties of lubricants.

7.3 Explain clearly viscocity,flash point, firepoint and their importance.

7.4 Explain SAE ratings of lubricants with examples.

7.5 List out the grade of lubricants used in different components of a vehicle.

7.6 Mention the functions of Lubrication system.

7.7 Explain the need of bearings.

7.8 List out different types of bearings-shell type,ball bearings,roller bearings,taper

roller bearings,needle bearings,thrust bearings.

7.9 Explain the construction & working of shell bearing with a neat sketch.

7.1 Explain the construction & working of ball bearing with a neat sketch.

7.1 State the comparison between shell and ball bearings.

7.1 Explain the need of thrust bearing with its applications in Automobiles.

7.1 Explain application areas of different bearings in Automobiles.

7.1 Explain the maintenance precautions of all types bearings.

7.2 List the types of Lubrication system

7.2 Explain Petroil Lubrication system

7.2 Explain the working of splash & forced feed Lubrication system

### Explain the construction & working of Gear, Rotor & Vane type oil pumps.

### Mention the different types of oil filters.

### Explain the Full-flow & Bypass-flow oil filtering systems

### Explain Dry-sump Lubrication system

### List the difference between the dry sump & wet sump Lubrication systems

### Mention the purpose of Crankcase ventilation.

### Explain Positive Crankcase ventilation system.


Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education




No.of contact hrs/week : 4 Hrs Total No of Contact Hrs:64



1 History of Automobiles

2 General Structure of Motor Vehicle

3 Heat Engines


4 Engine Constructional Details-I

a) Cylinder block,Cylinder liners & Cylinder head

b) Piston, Piston rings & Connecting rod


5 Engine Constructional Details-II

a)Crank shaft & Cam shaft

b) Valves & Valve operating mechanisms

c)Manifolds & Mufflers

6 Test & Revision

Total Contact Hours



1 History of Automobiles

History of automobiles - Development of automobiles industry in India and

abroad.Manufacturing concerns in India and abroad.( Two Wheeler, Three

Wheeler, LMV, HTV )

2 General Structure of Motor vehicle

Different components of automobile - Classification of automobiles.

Chassis - Defination - Chassis layout of Two, Three and Four Wheelers - Merits &

Demerits of different chassis.

3 Heat Engines

Defination - types - comparision - Merits & Demerits of EC & IC engines. Engine

Terminology - Classification of IC Engines. Construction & Working of 2 stroke

and 4 stroke SI and CI engine - Comparsion between SI and CI engines -

Comparsion between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine - Merits and demerits of 2

stroke and 4 stroke engine. Applications of IC Engines.

Page 1 of 14



4 Engine Constructional Details-I

a) Cylinder block,Cylinder liners & Cylinder head

Cylinder block, Crank case, Cylinder liners - wet & dry liners, Cylinder head, Oil

pan, Gasket and its types.

b) Piston, Piston rings & Connecting rod

Functions of pistons - Piston clearance - Expansion controlling methods in piston.

Piston rings - types & functions. Piston pin, Connecting rod, Methods of

connecting piston & connecting rod.


5 Engine Constructional Details-II

a) Crank shaft & Cam shaftFunctions of Crank shaft - arrangements of cranks, Firing order and its

importance, Cam shaft - functions - Cam shaft drives, Engine bearings, Flywheel,

Vibration damper.

b) Valves & Valve operating mechanisms

Engine Valves - Types - Construction of different types of valves, Valve seats,

Valve guides, Valve operating mechanisms - types, Valve clearance, Valve timing

c) Manifolds & Mufflers

Inlet & Exhaust Manifolds, Mufflers - types.

6 Test & Revision

Reference books:

1 Automotive Engines S Srinivasan

2 Automotive Engines Crouse & Anglin

3 Automobile Engg Volume II Kirpal Singh

4 Automobile Engg Banga & Nathu singh

5 A Course in IC Engines Mathur & Sharma

Page 2 of 14


6 Automotive Engine Mechanics N K Mangal

7 Automotive Engines Vol I Anil Chiakkara

General Educational Objectives

1 Understand the history and development of the Automobile Industry.

2 Know the different manufacturing concerns.

3 Understand the classification of automobiles

4 Know the major components of chassis

5 Understand the different chassis layouts

6 Know the IC Engine terminology.

7 Understand the classification of IC Engines

8 Understand the construction and working of different types of IC Engines.

9 Understand the Merits & Demerits of different types of IC Engines.

10 Study the detailed construction of IC Engine.

11 Understand the different valve operating mechanism.

12 Know the different type of manifolds & mufflers

Specific Instructional Objectives

History of Automobiles

1.1 Define the term Automobile.

1.2 Study the history & Development of Automobiles

1.3 Study the history & Development of Automobile Industry in India before & after


1.4 List the different Indian Automobile manufacturing concerns of 2-wheeler, 3-

wheeler,LMV & HTV with their products and location of plants.

1.5 List the different Automobile manufacturing concerns in abroad.

1.6 Explain the need and objectives of ARAI.

General Structure of Motor Vehicle

2.1 Study the major systems of an Automobile with their functions - Power plant -

Transmission system - Braking system – Suspension system - Steering system -

Electrical system

2.2 Understand the classification of Automobiles

2.3 Define chassis

2.4 Draw the chassis layout of 2-wheeler, identify the major components & know their


2.5 Draw the chassis layout of 3-wheeler, identify the major components & know their


2.6 Draw the chassis layout of 4-wheeler, identify the major components & know their


2.7 Explain the front engine rear wheel drive chassis layout with line diagram.

Page 3 of 14


2.8 Explain the front engine front wheel drive chassis layout with line diagram.

2.9 Explain the rear engine rear wheel drive chassis layout with line diagram.

2.10 Explain the four wheel drive chassis layout with line diagram.

2.11 List the merits & demerits of each layout.

2.12 Explain the need of engine mounts, different types of engine mounting and types

of mounts.

2.13 Define terms - wheel base, wheel track, ground clearance, overall length gross

weight, kerb weight.

Heat Engines

3.1 Define heat engine

3.2 Mention the types of heat engines.

3.3 Compare IC & EC engines.

3.4 List the merits & demerits of IC engines & EC engines.

3.5 Understand engine Terminology - Bore - TDC - BDC - Stroke - Clearance volume -

Swept volume - Total volume ( Engine Capacity ) - Compression ratio - Mean

effective pressure - Indicated power - Brake power - Friction power - Torque -

Engine RPM.

3.6 Classify IC engines based on - Cycle of operation - No of strokes - Fuel used -

Type of ignition - Type of cooling - No of cylinders - Arrangement of cylinders -

arrangement of valves

3.7 Explain the construction & working of 4-stroke SI engine.

3.8 Explain the construction & working of 4-stroke CI engine.

3.9 Explain the construction & working of 2-stroke SI engine.

3.10 Explain the construction & working of 2-stroke CI engine.

3.11 Compare SI engine with CI engine

3.12 Compare 2-stroke engine with 4-stroke engine

3.13 State the merits and demerits of 2-stroke engines & 4-stroke engines

3.14 List the applications of IC engines.

Engine Constructional Details-I

a) Cylinder block,Cylinder liners & Cylinder head

4.1 Explain the constructional details and material used for :- cylinder block,

crankcase, cylinder head, Oil pan, Liners.

4.2 List the merits and demerits of wet and dry liners.

4.3 State the purpose of gaskets.

4.4 Mention different types of gaskets based on their materials

b) Piston, Piston rings & Connecting rod

4.5 List functions of pistons.

4.6 Mention the requirements of a good piston.

4.7 Explain the constructional details and materials used for pistons.

4.8 Define piston clearance

4.9 State the importance of piston clearance

4.10 Explain expansion controlling methods in pistons - by providing heat dam - slots -

by using bi metal - campground - special alloy.

4.11 Mention the functions of piston rings

4.12 List the types of piston rings

4.13 Explain the constructional details and material used for compression ring.

Page 4 of 14


4.14 Explain the constructional details and material used for oil ring.

4.15 Explain the constructional details and material used for piston pin.

4.16 Explain the constructional details and material used for connecting rod.

4.17 Explain the different methods of connecting piston with connecting rod.

Engine Constructional Details-II

a) Crank shaft & Cam shaft

5.1 State the functions of crankshaft.

5.2 Explain the constructional details and material used for crankshaft.

5.3 Study the arrangements of cranks in 2,3,4,6 cylinder engines.

5.4 State the meaning of firing order & its requirement.

5.5 Mention the firing order of 3,4,6,8 cylinder engines.

5.6 List the different types of bearings used in engine.

5.7 Mention the functions of flywheel.

5.8 Explain the constructional details and material used for flywheel.

5.9 State the necessity of vibration damper.

5.10 Explain the constructional details and material used for vibration damper

5.11 Mention the functions of camshaft.

5.12 Explain the constructional details and material used for camshaft.

5.13 Explain the different types of camshaft drives:-gear drive, chain drive and belt


b) Valves & Valve operating mechanisms

5.14 Mention the different types of engine valves.

5.15 Explain the constructional details and materials used for poppet valve

5.16 Explain the constructional details and materials used for rotary valve

5.17 Explain the constructional details and materials used for sleeve valve

5.18 Explain the constructional details and materials used for valve seat

5.19 Explain the constructional details and materials used for valve guide

5.20 Explain overhead valve operating mechanism with sketch

5.21 Explain side valve operating mechanism with sketch

5.22 Explain the valve arrangement in L-type, I-type, F-type & T-type engine with line


5.23 Explain overhead camshaft ( OHC ) valve operating mechanism

5.24 Understand the meaning of valve clearance.

5.25 Explain importance of valve clearance

5.26 Explain theoretical valve timing diagram for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines.

5.27 Explain actual valve timing diagram for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines.

c) Manifolds & Mufflers

5.28 Explain construction of Inlet and Exhaust manifold.

5.29 Mention purpose of mufflers.

5.30 Explain the constructional details of :- Absorber type, Baffle plate type, Wave

cancellation type & Resonance type mufflers.

No.of contact hrs/week : 4 Hrs Total No of Contact Hrs:64

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1 History of Automobiles

2 General Structure of Motor Vehicle

3 Heat Engines


4 Engine Constructional Details-I

a) Cylinder block,Cylinder liners & Cylinder head

b) Piston, Piston rings & Connecting rod


5 Engine Constructional Details-II

a)Crank shaft & Cam shaft

b) Valves & Valve operating mechanisms

c)Manifolds & Mufflers

6 Test & Revision

Total Contact Hours



1 History of Automobiles

History of automobiles - Development of automobiles industry in India and

abroad.Manufacturing concerns in India and abroad.( Two Wheeler, Three

Wheeler, LMV, HTV )

2 General Structure of Motor vehicle

Different components of automobile - Classification of automobiles.

Chassis - Defination - Chassis layout of Two, Three and Four Wheelers - Merits &

Demerits of different chassis.

3 Heat Engines

Defination - types - comparision - Merits & Demerits of EC & IC engines. Engine

Terminology - Classification of IC Engines. Construction & Working of 2 stroke

and 4 stroke SI and CI engine - Comparsion between SI and CI engines -

Comparsion between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine - Merits and demerits of 2

stroke and 4 stroke engine. Applications of IC Engines.


4 Engine Constructional Details-I

a) Cylinder block,Cylinder liners & Cylinder head

Cylinder block, Crank case, Cylinder liners - wet & dry liners, Cylinder head, Oil

pan, Gasket and its types.

Page 6 of 14


b) Piston, Piston rings & Connecting rod

Functions of pistons - Piston clearance - Expansion controlling methods in piston.

Piston rings - types & functions. Piston pin, Connecting rod, Methods of

connecting piston & connecting rod.


5 Engine Constructional Details-II

a) Crank shaft & Cam shaft

Functions of Crank shaft - arrangements of cranks, Firing order and its

importance, Cam shaft - functions - Cam shaft drives, Engine bearings, Flywheel,

Vibration damper.

b) Valves & Valve operating mechanisms

Engine Valves - Types - Construction of different types of valves, Valve seats,

Valve guides, Valve operating mechanisms - types, Valve clearance, Valve timing


c) Manifolds & Mufflers

Inlet & Exhaust Manifolds, Mufflers - types.

6 Test & Revision

Reference books:

1 Automotive Engines S Srinivasan

2 Automotive Engines Crouse & Anglin

3 Automobile Engg Volume II Kirpal Singh

4 Automobile Engg Banga & Nathu singh

5 A Course in IC Engines Mathur & Sharma

6 Automotive Engine Mechanics N K Mangal

7 Automotive Engines Vol I Anil Chiakkara

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Basic Elec Engg (Common)

Contact Hrs / Week: 4 Contact hrs / Semester: 64


1.0 Concept of Electrical energy 02 hrs

2.0 Electric current,Voltage and circuits 09hrs

3.0 Work, power and energy 04 hrs

4.0 Magnetic fields and circuits 03 hrs

5.0 Electromagnetic induction 04 hrs

6.0 Alternating current and circuits 06 hrs

7.0 Electrical Machines 09hrs

8.0 Electric cables 02hr

9.0 Protective devices 02hrs

10.0 Battery and maintenance 03hrs

11.0 Lighting 02hrs

12.0 Electronic components and their applications 10hrs

13.0 Integrated Circuits 04hrs

Revision and Tests 04hrs

Total 64hrs

Curriculum Content

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Courses in Auto, Mech, MTT, Chem,textiles, mining, mechatronics,printing,metallurgy


Sub : Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Second Semester

Contact hrs

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Basic Elec Engg (Common)

1.0 Concept of Electrical energy 02 hrs

1.0 Application of electrical energy

1.1 Advantages of Electrical energy

1.2 Sorces of electrical energy

1.3 Effects of electric current and practical applications of these effects

2.0 Electric current,Voltage and circuits 09hrs

2.1 Electric current and its unit.

2.2 Instrument used for measurement of current,

2.3 emf, potential difference and its unit

2.4 Instrument used for measurement of voltage

2.6 Concept of conductors, insulators and semiconductors

2.7 Resistance, its unit

2.8 Instrument used for measurement of resistance,

2.9 Ohm's law, its applications

2.10 Simple problems of Ohm's law

2.11 Series and Parallel Circuits.

2.12 Simple problems of series parallel circuits.

3.0 Work, power and energy 04 hrs

3.1 Electrical power, energy, work and their units

3.2 Measurement of power and energy

3.3 Conversion of mechanical units into electrical units and viceversa

3.4 Simple problems on work ,power ,and energy

4.0 Magnetic fields and circuits 03 hrs

4.1 Definition of terms magnetic field, magnetic flux, mmf reluctance and flux


4.2 Units of magnetic field, magnetic flux, mmf reluctance and flux density

5.0 Electromagnetic induction 04 hrs

5.1 Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction

5.2 Statically induced emf

5.3 Dynamically induced emf

5.4 self induced emf

5.5 mutually induced emf

6.0 Alternating current and circuits 06 hrs

6.1 Concept of alternating current

6.2 Definition of terms- amplitude, instantaneous value, time period,

cycle, frequency, rms value, average value, form factor and their units.

6.3 Inductance, capacitance, reactance, impedance and their units

6.4 Power and power factor

6.5 Difference between single phase and three phase circuits

6.6 Simple problems on power and power factor

7.0 Electrical Machines 9hrs


7.1 Function of a transformer

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Basic Elec Engg (Common)

7.2 Types of transformer.

7.3 Applications of different types of transformers

7.4 Electrical characteristics of welding transformer

DC Generators

7.5 Function of a DC Generator.

7.6 Types of DC Generators.

7.7 Applications of different types of dc generators

DC Motors

7.8 Function of a DC Motor.

7.9 Types of DC Motors

7.10 Applications of different types of dc motors

AC Generators

7.11 Function of a AC Generator.

7.12 Applications of AC generators

AC Motors

7.13 Function of a AC Motor

7.14 Types of AC motors

7.15 Difference between single and three phase motors

7.16 Applications of single and three phase motors

7.17 Types of mechanical enclosures and their importance,and application.

7.18 types of FHP motors and their application.

7.19 Necessity of starters

7.2 Types of starters

7.21 Name plate details of motors.

8 Electric cables 02hrs

8.1 Introduction to under ground Electric cables

8.2 Types with advantages & Limitations of cables.

8.3 Applications of Cables.

9.0 Protective devices 2hrs

9.1 Necessity of Protective devices

9.2 fuses - Rewirable & HRC, Breakers - MCB & ELCB.

9.3 flame proof enclosures used in swithgear.

9.4 Necessity of electrical earthing .

9.5 General electrical safety precautions.

10.0 Battery and maintenance 3hrs

10.1 Function of Batteries

10.2 types of batteries

10.3 conditions of fully charged battery

10.4 types of charging of batteries

10.5 maintenance free battery


10.7 Applications of Batteries.

11.0 Lighting 2hrs

11.1 List electrical sources of light

11.2 Function and applications of

Advantages of SMF (Sealed Maintenance Free) Batteries over Conventional

Page 3 of 8

Basic Elec Engg (Common)

a) Incandescent lamp


c)mercury vapour lamp

d)sodium vapour lamp

11.3 Salient features of Industrial lighting.

12.0 Electronic components and their applications 10hrs

12.1 Semiconductor materials, P type and N type

12.2 Intrinsic and extrinsic Semiconductor.

12.3 Semiconductor diodes and their application

12.4 Half and full wave rectifiers circuits

12.5 Filter circuits

12.6 Zener diode and their applications

12.7 Zener diode as voltage regulator.

12.8 Light Emitting Diodes and their applicaton

12.9 Transistors and their application.

12.10 Transistor as a Amplifier

12.11 Silicon Controlled Rectifier and their application.

12.12 Electronic timers

12.13 Relays

13.0 Integrated Circuits 4hrs

13.1 Logic functions

13.2 Logic gates-NOT,AND,OR,NAND, NOR

13.3 Fundamentals of IC

13.4 Application of IC's


1.0 Concept of Electrical energy 02 hrs

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Basic Elec Engg (Common)

1.1 Know the use of electrical energy

1.2 Understand the benefits of Electrical Energy

1.3 List the Sources of Electrical energy

1.4 Know the effects of electrical current and their applications.

2.0 Electric current,Voltage and circuits 09hrs

2.1 Understand the concept of Electric current, emf, potential difference

2.2 Know the units of current, emf, potential difference

2.3 Know the types in instruments used to measure current, emf, potenctial difference

2.4 Definition of conductors, insulators and semiconductors

2.5 Interpret resistance and know its unit

2.6 Recognize the instruments used to measure resistance

2.7 State and explain Ohm's law

2.8 Analyze series and parallel circuits

3.0 Work, power and energy 04 hrs

3.1 Understand the concept of Electrical power, energy, work and their units

3.2 Know the measurement of power and energy

3.3 Perform the conversion of mechanical units into electrical units and viceversa

4.0 Magnetic fields and circuits 03 hrs

4.1 Define magnetic field, magnetic flux, mmf, reluctance and flux


4.2 Know the units of magnetic field, magnetic flux, mmf, reluctance and flux density

5.0 Electromagnetic induction 04 hrs

5.1 Understand Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction

5.2 Explain Statically induced emf

5.3 Explain Dynamically induced emf

5.4 Explain Self induced emf

5.5 Explain mutually induced emf

6.0 Alternating current and circuits 06 hrs

6.1 Understand the concept of alternating current


6.3 Explain inductance, capacitance, reactance, impedance and their units

6.4 Define power and power factor

6.5 list the differences between single phase and three phase supply

7.0 Electrical Machines 09hrs


7.1 Know the function of a transformer

7.2 List the types of transformers

7.3 Write the applications of different types of transformers

7.4 List the characteristics of a welding transformer.

Define the terms amplitude, time period, instantaneous value, cycle, frequency, rms

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Basic Elec Engg (Common)

DC Generators

7.4 Know the Function of DC generators.

7.5 List the types of DC generators

7.6 List the applications of different types of dc generators

DC Motors

7.6 Know the function of a DC Motor.

7.7 List the types of DC motors

7.8 List the applications of different types of dc motors

AC Generators

7.9 Know the function of a AC Generator.

7.10 List the applications of ac generators

AC Motors

7.11 Know the Function of a AC Motor.

7.12 List the types of AC motors

7.13 List the applications of single and three phase motors 05 hrs

7.14 List the differences between single and three phase motors

7.15 List the differences between single and three phase motors

7.16 List the different types of Mechanical Enclosures of Motors

7.17 Identify the working place of where the different enclosures are used.

7.18 List the importance of different types of Mechanical Enclosures of Motors

7.19 List the types of FHP motors

7.20 List the applications of FHP motors

7.21 Understand the necessity for starters

7.22 List the types of starters used in starting Induction Motors

7.23 Understand the meaning of overload Starters

7.24 Understand the meaning single phase protection in Starters

7.25 List the general name plate details of A C motors.

8 Electric cables 02hr

8.1 Understand the underground cable

8.2 List the types of underground cable

8.3 List the advantages and limitations of underground cables over overhead cables.

8.4 List the applications of underground cables

9.0 Protective devices 02hrs

9.1 Understand the necessity of protective devices

9.2 List the different protective devices

9.3 Explain fuse- HRC, rewireabel fuse

9.4 Explain the need of MCB ,ELCB

9.5 Understand the importance of flame proof enclsoure used in protective devices.

9.6 State the necessessity of electrical earthing

9.7 Mention the general electrical safety precaution

10.0 Battery and maintenance 03hrs

10.1 Explain battery

10.2 Name type of batteries as lead acid, nickel iron and nickel cadmium

10.3 State variations in specific gravity during charging and discharging

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Basic Elec Engg (Common)

10.4 State applications of batteries.

10.5 Explain charging of batteries by a) Constant current method

b)Constant voltage method

10.6 Explain trickle charging

10.7 Explain the indications of a fully charged battery

10.8 Explain sealed maintenance free(SMF) batteries.

10.9 State advantages of maintenence free batteries over conventional batteries.

11.0 Lighting 02hrs

11.1 List the elctric sources of light

11.2 Function and applications of

a)incandescent lamp.

b)fluorescent lamp

c)sodium vapour lamp

d)mercury vapour lamp

11.3 List the salient features of good industrial lighting .

12.0 Electronic components and their applications 10 hrs

12.1 Understand semiconductor material

12.2 Differentiate between intrinsic and extrensic semiconductors.

12.3 Understand Semiconductor diodes

12.4 Briefly explain V- I characteristics of a semiconductor diode.

12.5 List the applications of semiconductor diode

12.6 Explain with circuit the working of Half wave rectifier

12.7 Explain with circuit the working of centertapped full wave rectifier

12.8 Explain with circuit the working of bridge full wave rectifier

12.9 Know Zener diodes

12.10 Explain V- I characteristics of a zenor diode.

12.11 Briefly explain the use of Zener diode as a voltage regulator.

12.12 List the applications of zenor diode

12.13 Understand Light Emitting Diodes

12.14 Understand with circuit working of a transistor

12.15 List the applications of transistor

12.16 Sketch and explain Silicon Controlled Rectifier

12.17 List the applications of Silicon Controlled Rectifier

12.18 State the necessity for timers

12.19 List the different types of times (electronic, mechanical, thermal etc)

12.20 State the working principle of a relay

12.21 Name the different types of contacts in relays(NC and NO)

12.22 List the applications of relays

13.0 Integrated Circuits 04hrs

13.1 Explain logic high and low ( 1 and 0 )

13.2 Explain NOT , AND ,OR logic functions

13.3 Understand Logic gates-AND, OR,NOT,NAND,NOR

13.4 Draw the logic symbols and truth table of AND,OR,NOT,NAND,NOR

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Basic Elec Engg (Common)

13.5 Explain the meaning of IC

13.6 List the advantages of IC

Text Books: 1. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engg. by K S Shashidhar


1) Electrical Technology- by B.L.Theraja

2) Basics Electrical and Electronics Engg. by K.V.N Gowda

3) Principles of Electrical Engineering by Deltoro

4) Principles of Electrical& Electronics Engineering by V.K.Mehta

5) Electric power by Uppal

6) Swithch gear and protection by Sunil . S.Rao

7) Digital Principles and applicatio by Malvino and Leech

8) Digital Principles and applicatio by Flyod

9) Electronics Devices and application -Motorshed

10) Electronics devices by Floyd

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Contact hrs/Week: 04 Total Contact Hrs / Sem.: 64

General Educational Objectives :

After the completion of the study of this subject students should be able to

1. Recognize the various models of computer system

2. Recognize the various parts, physical components of a computer

3. Understand the cable connections and booting steps

4. Know the various I/O devices

5. Understand the need of Operating System

6. Use the various DOS commands

7. Understand the use of mouse buttons

8. Appreciate working under windows environment

9. Appreciate the use of Windows Explorer

10. Create any document

11. Know to format the document and take a printout

12. Create a worksheet in

13. Use functions and formulas

14. Know to format the worksheet and take a printout

15. Create a database

16. Create view,form,table,query and report

17. Know to take the printout of the report

18. Create a presentation using Powerpoint

19. Know to Insert Slides into the presentation

20. Understand various slide transitions

21. Demonstrate the slide show

22. Know to print the handouts

23. Understand the basics of Internet

24. Create an e-mail account

25. Know to send and receive mails

26. Use search engine while browsing

27. Use any Kannada Software package

Specific Instructional Objectives:

1 Concepts of Hardware and Software

1.1 Identify the models of computers - Tower, Desktop, Laptop, Palmtop

1.2 Identify and understand front panel switches and back panel connectors of

a computer system.

1.3 Identify and Understand the physical components of computer :

1.3.1 Motherboard (System Board)

1.3.2 Processor chip

1.3.3 Memory

1.3.4 HDD

1.3.5 FDD

1.3.6 CDD(R/W)

1.3.7 SMPS

1.3.8 Ports (Serial,Parallel & USB)


1.3.10 Sound card

I Semester

Subject: Basic Computer Skills

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

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1.3.11 Network Card

1.3.12 MODEM Card (internal and External)

1.3.13 Input devices - Keyboard,Mouse,Scanner,Joystick,Floppy,Compact Disk,etc

1.3.14 Output devices - Monitor, Printer, Plotter, etc.

1.4 Understand the need of an Operating system

1.5 Differences between command line and graphical user interface

1.6 Understand the meaning of the following terms :

1.6.1 Single user single tasking

1.6.2 Single user multi tasking

1.6.3 Multi user multi tasking

1.6.4 Batch processing

1.6.5 Real time Processing

1.6.6 Distributed processing

1.7 Do the connections of the system, switch on and understand the booting steps

1.8 Understand the concept of file and directory, naming rules for files / directories,

types of files

1.9 Basic DOS commands - CLS,DIR, Date, Time, Version, MD,CD,RD,Del,

Copy,Ren,Volume; Use of wild characters,Format,Path, Type

1.10 Getting started with

1.10.1 Windows

1.10.2 Desktop

1.10.3 Icons

1.10.4 Mouse operations - single click, double click, click & drag

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1.10.5 Shortcuts

1.10.6 Popup Menus

1.10.7 Start button

1.10.8 Keyboard operations in window

1.10.9 Task Bar

1.10.10 Customizing the desktop

1.11 Exposure to Windows Operating System

1.11.1 Logging on to Windows

1.11.2 Starting and closing a program

1.11.3 Switching between programs,documents

1.11.4 Re-sizing windows - Maximize, Minimize and restore

1.11.5 Find - file, folders, etc.

1.11.6 Run - starting a program using run command

1.11.7 Shutdown - shutdown / restart computer

1.12 Practice Windows Explorer - through My computer, Icon and shortcut entry

1.13 Creating/opening a document

1.14 Understand clipboard concept for copy,cut and paste

1.15 Editing and saving the document in Floppy/ Hard disk

1.16 Study and understand Windows utilities -notepad, wordpad, paint, calculator,etc


2 Utilities



2.1.2 Create a new document - edit, save, close

2.1.3 Page setup (Layout)


2.1.5 Creating documents with Multiple columns

2.1.6 Inserting symbols,file, hyperlink,cliparts and pictures into the document



2.1.9 Creating drawings and charts using drawing toolbar

2.1.10 Creating tables and borders

2.1.11 Creating templates, envelopes & labels

2.1.12 Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)

2.1.13 Taking printout of the document

2.1.14 Mail-merging

2.1.15 Creating Macros and customizing Word

2.1.16 Exiting Word



2.2.2 Creating an excel book


2.2.4 Entering data - numeric, text and formula


Study and understand Windows system tools - scandisk,backup,system info, winzip,

Formatting a cell - number, date,time,text, alignment, border, font,pattern, protection,

Invoking Excel application and understand the different parts - titlebar, Menubar,

Invoking word application and understand the different parts -

Text formatting - Selection of Fonts, fontsize, alignments, line spacing, paragraph

Page formatting - Inserting page numbers, date,time, fields,header and

Practicing the utilities like find, replace, goto, spell check, grammer check, thesaurus,

Understanding the excel sheet,cell,rows&columns, sheet size, navigating the

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2.2.6 Formatting rows and columns

2.2.7 Understand Filling series

2.2.8 Selecting cells, rows or columns

2.2.9 Clearing contents and formats of the cells selected

2.2.10 Creating different types of graphs for given data

2.2.11 Formatting charts

2.2.12 Dealing with formulas, functions related with text, logical, mathematical, etc

2.2.13 Manipulating Data - Sorting, filtering, validation, importing & exporting data

2.2.14 Working with windows - Splitting, freezing and setting the print area

2.2.15 Creating an excel report

2.2.16 Printing an excel sheet/part of an excel sheet

2.2.17 Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)

2.2.18 Creating Macros and customizing Excel

2.2.19 Exiting Excel



2.3.2 Creating a database,tables,view,forms,query,report,index,etc

2.3.3 Use of wizards to create tables

2.3.4 Create a report and take the printout

2.3.5 Creating Macros and customizing Access

2.3.6 Exiting Access




2.4.3 Opening, saving,closing a presentation


2.4.5 Slide show - manual, auto

2.4.6 Printing handouts

2.4.7 Creating Macros and customizing Powerpoint

2.4.8 Exiting Powerpoint


3.1 Understand the meaning of :



3.4 Chatting

4 Practice on any Kannada Software Package


1. Create a business or personal letter

2. Create a company letterhead

3. Create a simple newsletter

4. Create a memo

5. Create a resume

6. Create an Invitation/Greeting Card

7. Create the cover page of a project report

8. Create a mailmerged letter/Invitation

9. Create a Macro which inserts a picture and formats the text



Creating an E-Mail ID, Sending and Receiving E-Mails, voicemail,video mail, video

Creating a presentation using auto context wizard, Design Templates and Blank

Working with slides - Inserting pictures, tables,sound files, outline,slide transitions

Network,Internet,intranet,internet server, internet browser,Webpage, Website,URL's,

Logging on to internet, browsing the net, using search engines, Downloading a file

Starting Access and understanding the concept of data,field, record, table and

Invoking Powerpoint application and understand -

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1. Create a worksheet with 4 columns. Enter 10 records and find the sum

of all columns

2. Create a report containing the pay details of the employees

3. Create a results sheet containing Candidate's Register No., Name, Marks

for all subjects, Total and result.

Total and result must be calculated as below:

Total is sum of marks in all subjects

Result is Distinction if Total >= 70 %

First Class if Total > = 60 % and < 70 %

Second Class if Total >= 50 % and < 60 %

Pass if Total >= 35 % and < 50 %

provided the candidate has secured atleast 35 marks in each

subject. Fail otherwise.

4. Create a simple Bar chart to highlight the sales of a company for

3 different periods

5. Create a pie-chart - give legends

6. Create a worksheet importing data from a database and calculate sum of

all the columns

7. Create a Macro which creates a line chart using the data in the worksheet


1.Create a simple table for result processing

2.Design a query table for the same table

3.Design a form to update/modify the table contents

4.Design a report to print the result sheet and marks card for the above table.


1.Create a simple presentation to list simple DOS commands,Hardwares,

Softwares etc.


1.Practice browsing of different sites using search engine

2.Practice Understanding different e-mail services-Outlook, Yahoomail, rediffmail


3.Practice creating e-mail account, Sending Receiving & Storing of mails

Duration: 3 Hrs Max Marks 100

1 Record 5

2 Viva 20

3 One question each on any two of the following 30 x2 =60

3.1 M S Word

3.2 M S Excel

3.2 M S Access

3.4 M S Power Point

4 Internet Basics 15

Total 40

Scheme of Examination

Scheme of Evaluation

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1 Record 5

2 Viva 10

3 One question to be set from any 2 of the 4 combination

3.1 Writing 10

3.2 Execution 15

3.3 Printout 5 30x 2=60

4 Two or Three Questions to be asked on Internet Basics 15

Total 100

Reference Books

Page 6 of 6

Contact hrs/week : 2hrs Theory+4hrs Sketching & Practice Contact hrs. / Sem:96

Sl. No. Topics hrs alloted

1 Introduction to CAD 15

2 Section of Solids 12

3 Section of Machine Parts 12

4 Development of surfaces 18

5 Projection of orthographic views to Isometric Projection 15

6 Fasteners 12

7 Limits, Fits, Tolerances and Surface Finish 6

8 Tests 6

Total 96

Subject Contents

1 Introduciton to CAD

Introduciton to software interface

Standard toolbar/menus

Understanding the co-ordinate systems-2D and 3D


Setting the Paper sizes and inserting the title blocks

Drawing tools/commands

lne, arc, circle, rectangle, polygons, ellipse, polyline, splines, text,

duplicating commands

copy, mirror, offset, arrays

Modifying commands

move, extend, break, trim, lengthen, chamfer, fillet..etc.,

changing the properties of graphic entities

creation of blocks and groups


horizontal, vertical, parallel, concentric, perpendicular, symmetric

equal, collinear

printing and plotting

2 Section of Solids

Sectional views of cube ,prisms and pyramids like square ,pentagonal

hexagonal. Cone and cylinders resting with base on HP with axis parallel or perpendicular

to HP only

3 Section of Machine Parts

Need for sectioning

Sectional veiws,Cutting plane , Type of Sections ,Full section,Half section , Top half in section

Bottom Half in section, Right Half in section ,Left half in section, Revolved section, Offset section

Local section,Thin section and hatching section.

Practice on sectioning.

4 Development of surfaces

Importance of development of surfaces in sheet metal works

Developments of surfaces of following solids - cube ,prism,pyramid,cylinder

cone, truncated cylinders and cones

Development drawings of the following :

3.1 Tray

3.2 Funnel

3.3 Elbow of 90 degree

3.4 Rectangular duct

Practice on developments

Diploma Course in AutomobileEngineering

Second Semester

Subject Title: Computer Aided Engineering Graphics

5 Projection of orthographic views to Isometric Projection

Isometric axis,Isometric lines, Isometric planes , Non Isometric lines, Isometric scale

To distinguish between Isometric view and Isometric projection .

Isometric views of rectangles ,circles and objects like cube ,prism,pyramid

cone,frustum of cone,cylinder,sphere and built up solids

Isometric viewsof machine parts like bearing block,step block, V-block

fork lines,shaft brackets when orthographic views are given

6 Fasteners

Temporay fastenings - screw threads,bolts and nuts

Screw threads - coventional symbols for representation of internal and

External threads- metric threads - left hand and right hand - multi starts tghreads

Drawing the three view of Hexagonal nut and square nut

Draw the two views of a hexagonal headed bolt with hexagonal nut and washer

Draw the two views of a squre headed bolt with squre nut

Draw the veiws of various locking nuts

Sketch the rivet and rivetting joints- single rivitted lap joint , double rivetted joint

(chain and zig-zag), single cover plate ,single and double rivetted butt joint,Double

cover plate butt rivetted joints.

7 Limits, Fits, Tolerances and Surface Finish

Limits, Fits, Tolerances, different types of fits hole based system, shaft based system

selection of fits and applications,Types of tolerence,indication of tolerences,surface

quality symbols.

Reference books

1 Elementary engineering drawing : N.D.Bhatt

2 Engineering Drawing : K.R. Gopal krishna

3 Fundamentals of engineeing drawing : R.K. Dhawan

4 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing - S. Trymbaka Murthy


6 Engineering Drawing : I.S. Morries

7 Step by step engineering drawing : Vee Ess

8 Engineering graphics : Verges

Scheme of Examination

1 Chapter 1 & Chapter 7 is only for practice and internal assessment and not for examination

2 Internal Assessment may be calculated as follows - 10 marks for Worksheets(Lab Record), 10 marks for Test

(Best of Two Tests) & 05 marks for Attendance (as per BTE Norms)

3 Three questions must be set by the practical examiner as per the following pattern

Q. No. From Chapters

1 Chapter 2 or Chapter 3

2 Chapter 4 or Chapter 5

3 Chapter 6

Scheme of Evaluation

Q. No. Solutions & Sketching on Answer Book

Execution of

Drawing on


Printout Total Marks

1 10 Marks 15 Marks 5 Marks 30

2 20 Marks 15 Marks 5 Marks 40

3 10 Marks 15 Marks 5 Marks 30

Total 40 Marks 45 Marks 15 Marks 100

Note: 1This Syllabus is common to Mechanical , Automobile, HPT, MTT, WSM, IT (Mech), Chemical, Metallurgy,

Aeronautical & Polymer Technology and this subject is to be taught by respective department faculties.

Total 100

Fundamentals of engineering drawing with an introduction to interactive computer graphics for design

Marks Alloted




2 The practical may be taught using any suitable softwares like Autocad, Solidedge, Unigraphics, Catia etc.,

3 This information is available in the DTE official Website

Internal Assessment may be calculated as follows - 10 marks for Worksheets(Lab Record), 10 marks for Test

This Syllabus is common to Mechanical , Automobile, HPT, MTT, WSM, IT (Mech), Chemical, Metallurgy,

The practical may be taught using any suitable softwares like Autocad, Solidedge, Unigraphics, Catia etc.,

Contact hrs/week : Contact hrs. / Sem:96

(2 Slots of 3Hrs each/Week)

Sl. No. Topics hrs alloted

1 Introduction to Engineering Graphics

2 Dimensiong

3 Projection of Points 8

4 Projection of Lines 12

5 Projection of Planes 14

6 Projection of solids 18

7 Conversion of Isometric View to orthographic views 22

Tests 6

Total 80

Subject Contents

1 Introduction to Engineering Graphics

Definition of the drawing-technical drawing

Engineering Instruments

Drawing Board, sheet - their standards sizes

Title Block, layout, Symbols,

types of lines, conventions, standards

applications of different types of lines

2 Dimensioning

Definiton and importance

Dimensioning components:

Dimension line, extension line, arrow head, leader, dimensional figure, symbol,scale and units

Systems of dimensioning

aligned system

unidirectional system

Arrangement of dimensioning

chain, parallel, progressive, combined, co-ordinate, equal and equi-distant…

Dimensioning common features

Circular, fillets, chamfers, rounds, curved surface, spherical, angles, tapers, threads, and knurls

3 Projection of Points

Four quadrants ,principal planes ,profile planes

Projection of points in all the four quadrants

Projection of points- front view,top view and side views

4 Projection of lines

Projection of line when parallel to both the planes

Projection of line parallel to one plane and perpendicular to other plane

Projection of line inclined to one plane and parallel to other plane

(Side views for above cases)

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

First Semester

Subject Title: Engineering Graphics

Projection of line inclined to the both the planes

5 Projection of planes

Meaning of the planes like square, rectangular,pentagonal,hexagonal,and


Solving the problems using change of position method only

6 Projection of solids

(All problems should be taught considering solids should be resting on HP)

Projection of cube, triangular prism, square prism, rectangular prism

pentagonal prism, hexagonal prism, pyramids like square, rectangular, pentagonal and

hexagonal, Cone and cylinder in different positions using first angle projection method

7 Projection of Isometric View to orthographic views

Projection of orthographic views of solids like prism, pyramid, cube, cylinder, cone,

Sphere, machine components etc



Scheme of Examination

1 Chapter 1 is only for practice and internal assessment and not for examination

2 Three questions must be set as per the following pattern

Q. No. From Chapters

1 introduction

2 Dimensiong

3 Points

4 Lines

5 Planes

6 Solids

7 Iso to Ortho

Reference books

1 Elementary engineering drawing : N.D.Bhatt

2 Engineering Drawing : K.R. Gopal krishna

3 Fundamentals of engineeing drawing : R.K. Dhawan

6 Engineering Drawing : I.S. Morries

7 Step by step engineering drawing : Vee Ess

8 Engineering graphics : Verges

9 Engineering drawing by Venugopal

Question paper can be set as per reqular M08 standards

Total 140







Marks Alloted


Drawing the three views of the planes in different positon using first angle projection




Dimension line, extension line, arrow head, leader, dimensional figure, symbol,scale and units

Circular, fillets, chamfers, rounds, curved surface, spherical, angles, tapers, threads, and knurls
















Analysis Total

1 Lessons 5 25 10 40

2 Parts of speech 2 02

3 Countable & Uncountable nouns 2 2

4 Use of some, any etc. 6 6

5 Main & Aux. verbs 2 2

6 Uses of Tenses 8 8

7 Voice 4 4

8 Interrogatives 2 2

9 Negatives 2 2

10 Prepositions 4 4

11 Question tags 2 2

12 Use of adverb too 2 2

13 Use of idioms & phrases 4 4

14 Story from outlines 5 5

15 Developing notes into a paragraph 5 5

16 Comprehension of unseen passage 5 5

17 Summarising 5 5

Total 13 32 40 15 100

Department of Technical Education

All Diploma Courses in Engineering and Technology Streams

First or Second Semester


Contact Hrs./Week: 4 Contact Hrs. / Semester: 64





The student is able to :

1.1 Understand the difficult words and phrases in the lesson

1.2 Use the words and phrases correctly in his own sentences

1.3 Read the lesson properly without mistakes

1.4 Read the given passage correctly.


The student is able to

2.1 Write the answers correctly to the questions on the lessons

2.2 Write personal letters in the proper format without mistakes

2.3 Use words and phrases in his own sentences

2.4 write grammatically correct sentences.


The student is able to

3.1 Use verbs correctly

3.2 Use various phrases appropriately

3.3 Use interrogatives and negatives

3.4 Convert active voice into passive and vice versa

3.5 Frame questions, question tags and give short form answers correctly

3.6 Use prepositions appropriately


4.1 The student is able to read and understand the seen & unseen passages

and answer the questions given


5.1 The student becomes aware of current environmental issues and

about his responsibilities toward environment factors.

5.2 Awareness about Right to Information Act



“ENGLISH COMMUNICATION FOR POLYTECHNICS” By NITTTR, Chennai and Published by Orient BlackSwan Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad.



























For I- semester


Contact hour per week: 04 Contact hour per Semester: 64
































REFFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Applied Mathematics -I By W.R Neelakanta Sapna Publications.

2. Applied Mathematics -I By Dr. D S Prakash S Chand Publications

3. Text book of mathematics for P U C









to be set

(2 Marks)



to be set

(5 Marks)



to be set

(5 Marks)



to be set

(5 Marks)


1 2 1 1 - -

2 4 1 2 - -

3 3 1 1 - -

4 2 - 1 - -

5 6 2 3 - -

6 3 - - 1 - 7 6 1 - 2 -

8 4 1 - 2 -

9 2 - - 1 -

10 4 1 - 1 -

11 2 1 - 1 -

12 4 1 - 1 -

13 4 1 - 2 -

14 2 1 - 1 -

15 6 1 - - 2

16 6 2 - - 2



64 15 8 12 04

Questions to

be answered

10 5 8 3


Marks No. of Questions No. of Questions

to be set to be Answered

Part A 2 X 10 = 20 15 10

Part B 5 X 05 = 25 08 05

Part C 5 X 08 = 40 12 08

Part D 5 X 03 = 15 04 03

Total = 100




Definition, Order, Expansion of 2nd

& 3rd

order Determinants by means of

examples. Problems on finding unknown quantity in a 2nd

& 3rd

determinant using using

expansion. Solving simultaneous linear equations by determinant method ( Cramer’s

rule). Problems.


Determinant value of a square matrix. Singular and non singular matrices with

examples. Minor and co factor of an element of a matrix. Adjoint of a matrix. Problems.

Characteristics equations of a square matrix and its roots. Problems. Cayley – Hamilton’s

theorem (statement only). Problems. Find inverse of a matrix using the theorem.


Meaning of nCr and its value. Binomial theorem for (x + a)

n, where n ia a positive

integer. Expansion. Finding constant term, co-efficient of xn , particular term and middle

term(s). Problems.


Defination of common and natural logarithems. Laws of logarithems. Problems

on laws.


Defination of vector. Representation of a vector as a directed line segment.

Magnitude of a vector. Types of vectors. Position vector. Vector can be expressed in

terms of end points of position vector. Addition and subtraction of vector in terms of line

segment. Vector in a plane and vector in a space in terms of unit vector i, j and k

respectively. Product of vectors. Scalar and vector product. Geometrical meaning of

scalar and vector product. Applications of dot(scalar) and cross(vector) product:

Projection of a vector on another vector. Area of parallelogram and area of triangle. Work

done by a force and moment of force



Defination of an angle. Systems of unit of an angle. Defination of radian. Radian

is a constant angle. Relation between degree & radian and problems. Derivation of l = rθ

& A = ½ r2θ. Problems.


Defination of Trigonometric ratios in terms of sides of a triangle for an acute

angle. Proof of Trigonometric identities. Trigonometric ratios of standard angles: The

numerical value of trigonometric ratios of standard angles like 00, 30

0, 45

0, 60

0 and 90




Angle of any magnitude, sign of the trigonometric ratios. Meaning of allied

angles. Trigonometric ratios of allied angles in terms of θ. Problems. Complimentary

angles and relation between trigonometric ratios of complimentary angles. Problems.


Defination of angle of elevation and depression. Problems.


Geometrical proof of Sin( A + B) and Cos(A + B). Find Tan( A + B) using

Sin( A + B) and Cos(A + B). Write the formulae for Sin( A - B), Cos(A - B) and tan( A -

B). Problems.


Derive ratios of multiple angles of 2A and 3A. Problems. Obtain sub multiple

angle formulae. Problems.


Express sum or difference of Sine and Cosine of an angles in to product form.

Express product of Sine and Cosine of angles in to sum or difference form. Problems.


The relation between sides of a triangle and Sines, Cosines and Tangents of any

angle(Sine rule, Cosine rule and Tangent rule), Projection rule. Half angle formulae in

terms of sides of a triangle. Problems. Problems on solution of triangles (four types).


Defination. Principle values of inverse trigonometric functions. Derivation of

results like sin-1

x + cos-1

x =Л/2 =tan-1

x + cot-1

x = cosec-1

x + sec-1

x, tan-1

x + tan-1

y = tan-1




Defination of a point in a plane, Specification of a point using co-ordinate system.

Points on X-axis and Y-axis. Derivation of distance formula. Problems. Section formulae.

Derivation of co-ordinate of a point which divide the line internally in the given ratio( No

derivation for external division). Mid point formula. Problems. Centroid, area of a

triangle and collinear points. Problems. Locus of a point with respect to a fixed point and

with respect to two fixed points and its equations. Problems.


Inclination of a line with horizontal line and its slope. Intercept of a straight line.

Slope of a line parallel to X-axis and Y-axis. Derivation of conditions for two lines to be

parallel and perpendicular. Problems. Derivations equations of straight lines y = mx + c,

y – y1 = m (x – x1 ), y – y1 = (y2 – y1 / x2 – x1 ) (x – x1 ), (x / a ) + (y / b) = 1 and

x cosα + y sinα = P. General equation of a line ax +by + c = 0 and problems. Equation of

lines through a point and parallel or perpendicular to a given line. Problems. Angle

between two lines. Problems. Point of intersection of lines. Equation of a line through the

point of intersection which is parallel or perpendicular to the given line. Problems.






1.1 To understand meaning of determinants and evaluation of 2nd

& 3rd



1.2 To understand the solution of linear equations by Cramer’s rule.


1.1.1 Definition of Determinant by means of Algebraic Expression and order in terms of

Rows and Columns.

1.1.2 Evaluate Determinants of 2nd

& 3rd

order --- Problems.

1.1.3 Solve the problems to find unknown quantity in a determinant.

1.2.1 Solve the linear equations of 2 nd

or 3 rd

unknowns using determinants. Problems



2.1 To understand Minors and co-cofactors, adjoint and inverse of a matrix.

2.2 To know the characteristic equation for 2 x 2 matrix.


2.1.1 Define singular and non singular square matrix.

2.1.2 Find the minors and cofactors of each elements of matrix

2.1.3 Define adjoint of a square matrix.--- Problems.

2.1.4 Define inverse of a square matrix --- Problems.

2.2.1 Explain characteristic equation of a 2 x 2 matrix and its roots --- Problems.

2.2.2 State Cayley – Hamilton’s theorem for 2nd

order (Statement only) --- Problems.

2.2.3 Apply it to find inverse of the matrix --- Problems.



3.1 To recognise the meaning of nCr & to compute the values






3.2 To prove nCr =

nCn-r by demonstration.

3.3 To know the statement of (x+a)n for positive integral Index n.


3.1.1 Meaning of nC r and value of

nCr .

3.2.1 Use of nCr in the expansion (x + a)

n , where n is positive integer.

3.3.1 Expansion of (x + a)n

, where n is positive integer. (only statement).

3.3.2 Solve the problems of the following types

(a) expansion of type (2x +y)6 , (√3 +2)

4, (x

2 – 1/√x )


(b) To simplify (√2 +1)

5 + (√2 -1)


(c) To find middle term(s)

(d). To find the coefficient of xn and constant terms in (x+a)




4.1 To understand logarithm, common logarithm and natural logarithm.

4.2 To comprehend laws of logarithem.


4.1.1 Define logarithm,common logarithm and natural logarithm.

4.2.1 Derive the laws of logarithm

(a) loga mn = loga m + loga n

(b) loga m/n = loga m - loga n

(c) loga xk

= k loga x

(d) loga b = logc b / logc a (CHANGE OF BASE)

4.2.2 Solve problems on laws of logarithms



5.1 To understand vectors.

5.2 To understand vector operations.


5.1.1 Define a vector and represent a vector geometrically.

5.1.2 Name a directed line segment as a vector.

5.1.3 Write different types of vectors.

5.1.4 Write addition and subtraction of vectors in terms of the segment.

5.1.5 Explain the position vector of a point with reference to a point.

5.1.6 Write the conclusion of difference of two vectors with same initial point as position

vector of a point.

5.1.7 Define vector in a plane and vector in a space in terms of unit vectors

i, j and k respectively.

5.2.1 Write types of vector product (a)Scalar product (b)Vector product

5.2.2 Define scalar product and vector product.

5.2.3 Interpret product of vectors geometrically.

5.2.4 Design the product of vectors to find angle between them and unit vector

5.2.5 Apply product of vectors to find ( i.) projection of a vector on another vector

(ii) Area of triangle and parallelogram (iii) work done by a Force (application of

scalar product) (iv) moment of a force (application of vector product)




6.1 To understand the concept of angle, unit and its measurement.


6.1.1 Define an angle.

6.1.2 Define a right angle in different systems.

6.1.3 Define radian.

6.1.4 Obtain relations between radian and degree.

6.1.5 Solve problems.

6.1.6 Prove the radian as a constant angle.

6.1.7 Derive l = rө

6.1.8 Derive area of sector = (r2ө ) /2.

6.1.9 Solve related problems.



7.1 To understand trigonometric ratios.

7.2 To comprehend trigonometric ratios of standard angles.


7.1.1 Define trigonometric ratios for an acute angle.

7.1.2 Derive important formulae (identities)

7.1.3 Solve problems using identities.

7.1.4 Obtain trigonometric ratios of standard angles 0°, 30° , 45° , 60°,90°

7.1.5 Solve problems using standard values.



8.1 To understand allied angles of the type ( nπ/2 ± ө).


8.1.1 Define positive and negative angles.

8.1.2 Give examples to differentiate positive and negative angles.

8.1.3 Explain trigonometric ratios in different quadrants and assign signs.

8.1.4 Define allied angles in different quadrants.

8.1.5 Write formulae of 90± Ө, 180± Ө, 270± Ө, 360± Ө and (-Ө)

8.1.6 Solve problems on allied angles.



9.1 To understand the measurement of Heights and Distances using



9.1.1 Define angle of elevation and angle of depression.

9.1.2 Define the “Height” and “Distance”

9.1.3 Solve problems on height and distance.



10.1 To understand compound angles.


10.1.1 Define a compound angle.

10.1.2 Give examples for compound angles.

10.1.3 Derive the formula of sin(A+B) and cos(A+B) geometrically.

10.1.4 Obtain tan(A+B) interms of tanA and tanB using sin(A+B) and


10.1.5 Obtain formula for sin(A-B) ,cos(A-B) and tan(A-B).

10.1.6 Solve the problems on compound angles.



11.1 To understand multiple and sub multiple angles.


11.1.1 Define multiple and submultiple angle with example.

11.1.2 Derive the formulae for trigonometric ratios of 2A and 3A

using compound angle formulae.

11.1.3 Deduce half angle formulae from the ratio of 2A formulae.

11.1.4 Solve problems.



12.1 To understand transformation formulae.


12.1.1 Obtain expressions for sinC ± sinD and cosC ± cosD interms of Product of

trigonometric ratios.

12.1.2 Derive expressions for sinAcosB, cosAsinB, cosAcosB and

sinAsinB interms of the sum and difference of trigonometric ratios.

12.1.3 Solve problems.



13.1 To understand the properties of triangles in order to solve them.


13.1.1 Obtain sine rule ,cosine rule and tangent rule for any angle of a triangle.

13.1.2 Write half angle formulae interms of sides of a triangle (no proof).

13.1.3 Solve simple problems on above rules.

13.1.4 Find the solution of a a triangle in the following cases when (i) all sides are given

(ii)two sides and included angle is given (iii) two angles and one side is

given.(iv)two sides and non included angle is given.



14.1 To understand inverse trigonometric functions.


14.1.1 Define inverse trigonometric function.

14.1.2 Write principal values of trigonometric functions.

14.1.3 Prove standard results like

1. sinˉ1 x + cos

– 1 x

= tan


+ cot


= cosec


+ sec


= π/2,




x tan=y tanx ± tan2. 1-1-1-

14.1.4 Solve the problems on inverse functions.




15.1 To understand the basic concepts of point and locus.


15.1.1 Define coordinates in two dimensional space.

15.1.2 Define a point in terms of coordinates.

15.1.3 Obtain equation for the distance between two points in terms of co ordinates.

15.1.4 Solve problems on above formula.

15.1.5 Explain the section of a straight line.

15.1.6 Derive section formula for internal division.

15.1.7 Write section formula for external division.

15.1.8 Write formula for mid point of a line.

15.1.9 Solve problems on internal and external division.

15.1.10 Define locus of a point.

15.1.11 Solve problems on locus of a point.



16.1 To understand straight lines.


16.1.1 Define angle of inclination.

16.1.2 Define slope of a straight line.

16.1.3 Define x and y intercepts for straight line.

16.1.4 Write






16.1.5 Write angle between two straight lines in terms of






16.1.6 Write the conditions for two lines to be parallel and to be perpendicular to each


16.1.7 Solve problems.

16.1.8 Derive the slope-intercept form of an equation of a straight line y = mx + c

16.1.9 Obtain the point – slope form equation to the straight line )( 11 xxmyy

16.1.10 Obtain two point form of the equation to a straight line )( 1


121 xx



16.1.11 Obtain intercepts form of the equation to a straight line, 1b




16.1.12 Derive the normal form of equation to a straight line,xcos α + ysin α = p

16.1.13 Write the general form of equation to a straight line, ax +by+c=0

16.1.14 Solve problems on different forms of equation.

16.1.15 Solve problems to find an equation of a straight line passing through the given

point and parallel to the given line.

16.1.16 Solve problems to find an equation of a straight line passing through the given

point and perpendicular to the given line.

16.1.17 Solve problems to find an equation of straight line passing through the

intersection of given lines.

16.1.18 Obtain the condition for the intersection of three lines express in general in the

determinant form.

16.1.19 Solve the problems on the above condition.


1. First and Second PUC mathematics Text Books of different authors.

2. Text Book of mathematics –I for polytechnic-by different authors

3. Text Book of mathematics-II for polytechnic- by different authors





Time: 3 Hrs Max.m marks:100

NOTE: i) Answer any 10 questions in section A, 5 questions in section B

8 questions in section C, & 3 questions in D

ii) Each question carries 2 marks in section A

ii) Each question carries 5 marks in remaining section


1. Find x if

1 2 3

4 5 0

7 8 9


2. If A = 1 2

3 5

, Find A. adj(A)

3. Find the 5th

term in 83


4. If a

= 2i + 3 j – 2 k and b

= i + 2k, find .a


5. If p

= i + J -2k, Find unit vector in the direction of p

6. If sinθ + cosecθ = ½ , find sin2θ + cosec

7. If sec θ = cosec3θ, find θ.

8. Find the value of tan15° without using table or calculator.

9. Show that tan2



1 cos

10. Show that cos17 sin17

tan 28cos17 sin17

11. Show that ( ) ( )

tan2 ( )

A s b s c

s s a

12. Show that 1 1cos ( ) cosx x

13. Find the locus of a point which moves at a equal distances from the axis

14. Find the inclination and Y-intercept of the line √3x + y = 3

15. Find the angle between the lines who’s slopes are √3 and 1/√3


1. Solve the following equations by cramer’s rule

2x + y = 1, y + 2z = 7 and 3z – 2x =11

2. Find the inverse of the matrix A =

1 2 5

0 1 3

3 1 2

3. Verify Caylay-Hamilton Theorem for the matrix A = 2 1

1 5

4. Find the co-efficient of x18



2 3ax


5. If loga (bc) = x , logb (ac) = y and logc(a b) = z. Show that 1 1 1

11 1 1x y z

6. Find the sin of the angle between the vectors ( 3,2,-1) and ( 2,-1,4)

7. If the position vectors of A, B,C are respectively i + 2j + 3k, 2i + 5j – k and –i + j +2k,

find the area of triangle ABC

8. Find the projection of vector 2i + 3j + 2k on 4i + 5j + 3k


1. Circular wheel is rotating at the rate of 450 r.p.m. If the radius of the wheel 70cm, find

the distance covered by a point on the rim in 1 second.

2 Prove that tan sec 1 1 sin

tan sec 1 cos

3. Show that sin 1 cos

2cos1 cos


4. Show that sin420°cos390° + cos(- 300°) sin(- 330°) = 1

5. Simplify cos( )sec( ) tan( )


sec(2 )sin( )cot( )2

6. The angles of elevation of the top of a tower from the base and top of building are

60° and 45°. The building is 20m high. Find the height of the tower.

7. Prove that sin( )

sin sin



= 0

8. Prove that cos3 sin3

cos sin



= 1 + sin2A

9.Prove that sin sin3 sin5 sin 7

cos cos3 cos5 cos7



= tan4A

10.In a triangle ABC show that 2 2 2 2

cos 2 cos 2 1 1A B

a b a b

11. Solve the triangle ABC if a = 2 , C = √3 – 1 , B = 120°

12. Prove that 1 1 11 1 12 tan tan 2 tan

8 7 5 4


1. Find the point on the x-axis which is equidistant form the points (7,6) and (–3,4)

2. Find the co-ordinates of the point of trisection of the median AB of the triangle ABC

whose vertices are A(– 2, 2 ) ,B (– 1, –3 ) and C (5,7)

3. Find the equation of the line passing through (– 2, 6 ) and the sum of intercepts on the

co-ordinate axes is 5.

4. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to 3x – 2y + 1 = 0 and passes through(1,–2).


Applied Mathematics – II Page 1 of 11




For II - Semester


Contact hour per week: 04 Contact hour per Semester: 64













REFFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Applied Mathematics –II By W.R Neelakanta. Sapna Publications.

2. Applied Mathematics –II By Dr. D S Prakash S Chand Publications

3. Text Books of PUC-2 mathematics.

4. Applied Mathematics –II for Polytechnics- By different Authors.

5. Engineering Mathematics.

Applied Mathematics – II Page 2 of 11









to be set (2




to be set (5




to be set (5




to be set (5



1 6 2 2 - -

2 16 4 6 - -

3 6 2 2 - -

4 14 4 - 6 -

5 4 3 - 1 -

6 2 - - 1 - 7 12 - - - 6



64 15 10 08 06

Questions to

be answered 10 07 05 04


Marks No. of Questions No. of Questions

to be set to be Answered

Part A 2 X 10 = 20 15 10

Part B 5 X 07 = 35 10 07

Part C 5 X 05 = 25 08 05

Part D 5 X 04 = 20 06 04

Total = 100

Applied Mathematics – II Page 3 of 11

Diploma Courses of All Engineering Branches

II Semester

Sub: Applied Mathematics II


UNIT – 1: LIMITS. 6 Hr.

Variables and Constants. Definition of function. Types of function: Direct and

Inverse functions, Explicit and implicit function, Odd and even functions (Definition

with examples). Concept of x tends to ‘a’. Definition of limit of a function. Problems

on limit of a function by factorization, rationalization when x tend to ‘0’, when x tend

to ‘∞’ and x tend to ‘a’. Derivations of algebraic and trigonometric limits. Problems.

Standard limit (only statement)













0001lim 4.

11lim3. 1

1lim.2 log


Simple problems on standard limits.


Definition of increment and increment ratio. Definition of derivative of a

function. Derivatives of functions of xn, sinx, cosx and tanx with respect to ‘x’ from

first principle method. List of standard derivatives. Rules of differentiation: Sum,

product and quotient of functions. Problems on rules. Derivatives of function of a

function (Chain rule). Derivatives of inverse Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic

functions and inverse of hyperbolic functions, Implicit functions, Parametric

functions. Problems. Logarithmic differentiation. Problems. Successive differentiation

up to second order. Problems.


Geometrical meaning of derivative. Equation of tangent and normal to the

curve y = f(x) at a given point. Derivative as a rate measure. Definition of increasing

and decreasing function. Maxima and minima of a function.


Definition of Integration. List of standard integrals. Rules of integration (only


problems. Integration by substitution method. Problems. Integrals of functions

involving a2 + x

2 , a

2 – x

2 and their radicals. Some important integrals of the type

proof. with sin 2. tan1

.1 1












g(x)dxf(x)dxdxg(x)f(x) 2. .)()(.1 dxxfkdxxkf

Applied Mathematics – II Page 4 of 11

proof) no 7 to3 ( sec1


cosh 6. .0 a if log2

1 5.

.0 x if log2

1 4. sinh.3




























Integrals of the forms:

Problems. dx. ,dx , ,









Integration by parts. Rule of integration by parts. Problems.

Integration of the forms: Problems. dx)(ff(x) 1x



Definition of Definite integral. Theorems on definite integrals. Problems.

Definite integrals of the type Problems. tan1

1 ,









Find area, volume and r m s value of a function. Problems.


Definition, example, order and degree of differential equation with examples.

Formation of differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants up to second

order. Solution of D E of first degree and first order by variable separable method.

Solution of differential equations reducible to variable separable form. Linear

equations and its solution. Solution of differential equations reducible to linear form-

Bernoulli’s form. Homogeneous form and its solution. Solution of differential

equations reducible to homogeneous form. Exact differential equation and its solution.

Solutions of differential equation of a type

problems. Simple constants. are c b, a, where,02






Applied Mathematics – II Page 5 of 11


UNIT – 1: LIMITS. 6 Hr.


1.1 To understand variables, constants and functions.

1.2 To know the indeterminant form and evaluation of limit of a given function.


1.1.1 Explain calculus as calculation of Infinitesimal values.

1.1.2 Define Independent, dependent variable and constants with examples.

1.1.3 Define a function.

1.1.4 List types of functions.

1.1.5 Define 1. Direct and inverse functions 2. Explicit and Implicit function

3.Odd and even function with examples.

1.2.1 Explain the concept of x tends ‘a’.

1.2.2 Define limit of a function.

1.2.3 Solve problems on limit of a function by factorization.

1.2.4 Solve problems on limit of a function by rationalization.

1.2.5 Solve problems on limit of a function when x tends INFINITY.

1.2.6 Deduce

radiansin is where1sin


number. rationalany for lim







1.2.7 Solve problems on above results.

1.2.8. Write formula for standard limits(statement only).








a 1


11lim 3. 1

1lim 2. log


1.2.9 Solve simple problems on above results.



2.1 To understand the differentiation of a function in terms of limit of a function.

2.2 To know different methods of differentiation.

2.3 To know the derivatives of higher order up to second order.


2.1.1 Define increment and increment ratio.

2.1.2 Define differentiation.

2.1.3 Derive the differential co-efficient (dy/dx).

Applied Mathematics – II Page 6 of 11

2.1.4 Derive differentiation of a functions from first principle method xn , Sinx, Cosx

and Tanx with respect to ‘x’.

2.1.5 State derivative of ex and log x.

2.2.1 State rules of differentiation: Derivatives of Sum, Product and quotient of


2.2.2 Solve problems on rules of differentiation.

2.2.3 Obtain the derivatives of function of a function (Chain Rule), Inverse T-

functions, Implicit functions & Parametric functions

2.2.4 Solve problems on above types.

2.2.5 Carry out logarithmic Differentiation

2.2.6 Solve problem of the type xx , a

x , x

Sin x, x

1/x etc.,

2.3.1 Obtain the second derivative of a function.

2.3.2 Solve problems on Successive differentiation.



3.1 To understand dy/dx as slope of a tangent.

3.2 To illustrate dy / dx as a rate measure.

3.3 To understand maxima and minima of a function.


3.1.1 Explain geometrical meaning dy / dx as a slope of tangent.

3.1.2 Find equation of tangent and normal to a curve y = f(x) at a given point.

3.1.3 Solve problems on tangent and normals.

3.2.1 Explain derivative as a rate measure.

3.2.2 Obtain velocity and acceleration for a moving body whose equation of motion

is given.

3.2.3 Solve problems on rate measure including variation of area, volume etc.,

3.3.1 Define increasing and decreasing function.

3.3.2 State the condition for maxima and minima of a function, no proof.

3.3.3 Find maximum and minimum values of a function.



4.1 To know integration as converse process of differentiation.

4.2 To understand indefinite integral.


4.1.1 Define integration as anti derivative.

4.1.2 List of standard integrals.

4.1.3 State rules of Integration.

4.1.4 Solve the problems on rules of integration.

4.2.1 Explain integration by substitution method.

4.2.2 Solve problems on substitution method.

Applied Mathematics – II Page 7 of 11

4.2.3 Derive . sin 2. tan1

.1 1












4.2.4 Write

proof) no 7 to3 ( sec1


cosh 6. .0 a if log2

1 5.

.0 x if log2

1 4. sinh.3




























4.2.4 Solve problems on above results.

4.2.5 Write

dx. ,dx , ,









4.2.5 Solve problems on above results.

4.2.6 Explain the rule integration by parts.

4.2.7 Solve problems of the type x sinx, x2 Cos x, (ax + b) e

x, x sin

2x, log x, e

x sinx,

x log x etc.,

4.2.8 Solve problems of the type dx)(ff(x) 1x




5.1 To understand the concept of definite integral to eliminate constant of



5.1.1 State, a b f(x) dx as a definite integral.

5.1.2 State theorems on definite integrals.

5.1.3 Solve the problems of the same type as in indefinite integral using limits of


5.1.4 Solve definite integrals of the type tan1

1 ,










6.1 To understand definite integral as a tool to find area under the curve, volume

of solid of revolution and r m s value of a function.

Applied Mathematics – II Page 8 of 11


6.1.1 Explain definite integral as a limit of sum (statement).

6.1.2 Write the formulae for finding area, volume and r m s value of a function.

6.1.3 Solve problems on above applications.



7.1 To understand the concept of differential equation.

7.2 To solve differential equation for unknown functions.


7.1.1 Define differential equation with examples.

7.1.2 Define Order and Degree of D E with examples.

7.1.3 Formation of D E by eliminating arbitrary constants.

7.2.1 Obtain the solution of D E by variable separable method.

7.2.2 Solve problems on variable separable method.

7.2.3 Obtain the solution of D E by Reducible to variable separable method – Solve


7.2.4 Obtain the solution of linear D E of the type QPydx

dy --solve problems.

7.2.5 Obtain the solution of D E by Reducible to linear form (Bernoulli’s form) –solve


7.2.6 Obtain the solution of D E by Homogeneous form – solve problems.

7.2.7 Obtain the solution of D E by Reducible to homogeneous form – solve problems

7.2.8 Obtain the solution of Exact D E --- solve problems.

7.2.9 Obtain the solution of D E of the type ,02





yda -- Solve simple

problems only.


Applied Mathematics – II Page 9 of 11





Time: 3 Hrs

Maximum marks:100

NOTE: i) Answer any 10 questions in section A, 7 questions in section B

5 questions in section C, & 4 questions in D

ii) Each question carries 2 marks in section A

iii) Each question carries 5 marks in remaining section


1. Evaluate 2


sin 3lim

tan 4x









3. Find dy

dx if y = 1 –cos4x

4. Find dy

dx if x

2 + y

2 = a


5. Find dy

dx if x = a sinθ and y = a cosθ

6. Find the slope of a tangent to the curve y = x2+6x – 7 at point ( 1, –2)

7. If s = 4t2 – 4t + 6 then find velocity when t = 2second

8. Evaluate tanx xe e dx

9. Evaluate 2sin xdx

10 Evaluate cos (1 4 )ec x dx

11. Evaluate





12. Evaluate2


sin x dx

13. Evaluate 2



tan x dx

Applied Mathematics – II Page 10 of 11

14. Evaluate2





15. Show that( )xd a

dx = a

x loge a


1. Prove geometrically 0


2. Evaluate0

3sin 2 5lim

4 tanx

x x

x x

1 xdy


3. Find the derivative of tanx x form the first principle

4. If y = ex ( sinx – cosx ), find dy/dx.

5. If y = 2 3sinh

3 2cosh



, find dy/dx

6. If xcoy + ysin(x/y) = k find dy/dx.

7. Find dy/dx if x = a(cosθ + θ ) and y = a ( 1 – sinθ )

8. If y = sinx cosx

, find dy/dx.

9. Find the equations of tangent and normal to the curve y2 = 9x at ( 1, - 3 )

10. Find the maximum and minimum value of the fuction 2x3 - 12 x

2 + 18x + 5.


1. Evaluate 3sin xdx

2. Evaluate 2 6 13


x x

3. Evaluate 2 sinx xdx

4. Evaluate 2

2 3

8 2


x x

5. Evaluate 2



cos x dx

6. Evaluate .logx xdx

7. Evaluate 4

2 1



Applied Mathematics – II Page 11 of 11

8. find the area bounded by the curve y = 4x – x2 – 3 and x-axis.


Solve the following equations;

1.sec2x tany dx + sec

2y tanx dy= 0

2. y (1 + x) dx + x (1 + y) dy = 0

3. (y3 – 3x

2y ) dx – (x

3 – 3xy

2 ) dy = 0

4. ( 3y – 7x + 7 ) dx + ( 7y – 3x + 3 ) dy = 0

5. ( 2x + y + 1 ) dx + ( x + 2y + 1 ) dy = 0

6. ey 1 xdy



Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Fourth Semester

Subject: Automobile Electrical & Electronics Lab

Contact Hrs / Week : 6 Hrs Contact Hrs / Semester : 96 Hrs




Contents No of












Testing of electronics components

Battery Testing: Servicing, Charging and troubleshooting.

Dynamo: Testing, Servicing and troubleshooting

Alternator: Testing, Servicing and troubleshooting

Starter Motor: Testing, Servicing and troubleshooting

Ignition System: Components Testing, Servicing and troubleshooting

Accessories: Inspection and servicing.

Preparation of individual wiring circuits of different systems.

Local workshop visits

Test and revision











Total Hrs 96


1. Understand testing of electronic components.

2. Understand servicing, testing, charging & maintenance of battery.

3. Understand servicing& testing of Dynamo.

4. Understand servicing& testing of alternator.

5. Understand servicing& testing of starting motor.

6. Understand servicing, testing fault finding of ignition system.

7. Understand servicing, testing fault finding of ignition system.

8. Understand servicing, testing of accessories

9. Construct wiring circuits for different systems

10. Learn about different types of bulbs, switches and fuses.


1. a) Find the Voltage drop in series and parallel circuits

b) Check the value of unknown resistance by using Wheatstone bridge

2. a) Check the Zener diode used to regulate the cut-off voltage

b)Test Transistor for amplification and switch off

3. a) Test the battery charge condition using hydrometer, Voltmeter.

b) Test the cell capacity using high rate discharge cell tester.

4. a) Practice on preparation of electrolyte and charging of lead acid battery by constant

current method, constant voltage method, charging multiple batteries and trickle charging.

b) Maintenance and servicing of batteries.

5. Servicing of the dynamo.

6. Test field windings, brush holders armature for continuity, short and open circuit using

growler/ Multifunction Tester.

7. Servicing of the Alternator.

8. Test field windings, brush holders armature for continuity, short and open circuit using

Multifunction Tester / Multimeter / Test lamp.

9. Servicing of the Starter motor.

10. Test field windings, brush holders armature for continuity, short and open circuit using

growler/ Multifunction Tester.

11. Study ignition system circuits (Battery coil & Magneto).

12. Servicing of the distributor, setting CB points gap and checking dwell angle.

13. Servicing of the sparkplug cleaning, testing and adjusting gap.

14. Checking and setting ignition timing and starting the engine.

15. Servicing and tuning of horns and electrical fuel pump

16. Servicing of the Wiper motor.

17. Practice on aiming of head lights.

18. Practice on testing of fuel gauge, Temperature gauge and Oil pressure gauge.

19. Practice on replacement of bulbs, fuses and relays.

20. Construction of different circuits like:

i) Ignition Circuit

ii) Charging Circuit.

iii) Starting circuit.

iv) Wind screen wiper circuit

v) Horn circuit

vi) Fuel, Oil pressure, Temperature gauges circuits

vii) Head lights, parking lights, direction indicators circuits.

IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. Servicing includes Dismantling, Cleaning, Inspection, Repair / Replacement of worn

parts, reassembling with necessary adjustments.

2. For every Exercise mention the detailed Trouble shooting chart in the Lab records.

3. The lab-record must have the following contents for each exercise :

1. Aim. 2. Tools & Equipments required

3. Procedure 4. Precautions if any

5. Results / Reports 6. Troubling shooting



Serial no Description



Writing procedure

a) One exercise from list of exercises 01-02

b) One exercise from list of exercises 03-20

(10+10) = 20


Conducting & Performance

a) One exercise from list of exercises 01-02

b) One exercise from list of exercises 03-20

(20+35) = 55




4 Lab-record


Total 100


1. Mechanic tool kit

2. Arbor press

3. Volt meter, Ammeter, Multimeter, Tong tester, feeler gauges,

4. Air compressor

5. Tripod stands

6. Three jaw bearing pullers

7. Growler

8. Multifunction tester

9. Battery Charger

10. Spark plug cleaning & testing machine

11. Neon timing light

12. Tach-dwell tester

13. Hydrometer

14. Cell tester

15. Test lamps

16. Auto electrical test bench


1. Lead Acid Batteries.

2. Dynamos

3. Alternators

4. Starting motors of different starting drives (Bendix, Axially sliding armature, Over

running clutch type).

5. Spark plugs

6. Distributor assemblies

7. Ignition coils

8. Magneto assembly

9. Fuel, Oil, Temperature gauges.

10. wiper motors

11. Horns different types

12. All types of bulbs, fuses, relays.

13. Diodes 15V-30A, 15V-5A

14. Zener diodes 15V – 30A

15. Resistors of different values

16. Transistors PNP, NPN

17. Capacitors 1000 μF -15V.

18. Recent Make 4 Wheeler.

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Fourth Semester

Subject: Auto Electrical and Electronic System

Contact Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs Contact Hrs / Semester: 64 Hrs.



No. Contents

No. of



of marks


1 Introduction : 2 5

2 Basics of Electronics : 5 12

3 Battery 8 20

4 Charging system 7 18


5 Starting system 9 23

6 Ignition system 12 30


7 Lighting system 5 12

8 Electrical accessories 6 15

9 Miscellaneous electrical equipments 4 10

10 Test and Revision 6

Total 64 145


1 Understand the electrical system

2 Understand the basics of Electronics

3 Know the construction and working of battery 4 Know the battery charging system and recharging 5 Know the starting system 6 Know the ignition system

7 Know the lighting system in the vehicle 8 Know the various electrical accessories and gauges


1 Introduction : Different electrical systems in Automobile & their requirements. Earth and

Insulated return system, Merits & Demerits of positive & negative earth system. Electrical &

Electronics symbols

2 Basics of Electronics : Semiconductors-properties, N-type,P-type ,PN-junction, as a Diode,

Crystal diode Rectifier- half wave, full wave,center tap,as a Bridge type .filters circuits zener

diode, zener diode as voltage regulators of diodes

Transistors:- NPN, PNP transistor, working. Transistor as an amplifier, Transistor as an switch

3 Battery : Purpose, types, construction & working of lead acid and alkaline batteries. Comparison

between lead acid and alkaline batteries- Cell voltage- Battery capacity- Battery efficiency –

battery ratings- battery charging- types of charging- battery testing – battery defects-

Maintenance of batteries- maintenance free batteries

4 Charging system : DC Generators: Purpose-Construction & working –Circuit diagram, various

components- their functions – Regulators

AC Generators : Purpose types, Construction & working –Circuit diagram, various components-

their functions – Regulators

Comparison between DC generators & AC Generators

5 Starting system : Necessity- circuit diagram- various components & their functions - special

features of series motors, construction & working of series & series shunt wound motors-

necessity of drive arrangements- types- bendix, overrunning clutch, axial sliding armature type,

Solenoid switches used in starting system-

6 Ignition system : Purpose, Types

Coil ignition system : Construction and working of ignition system , construction & working of

Ignition coil, distributor, CB point, condenser.. Cam angle, Ignition timing, Ignition advance

mechanism-centrifugal and vacuum types.

Magneto ignition system : Construction and working of ignition system , types

Electronic ignition system : Construction & Working of electronic ignition system and

their types.- CDI ignition system- Distributor less Ignition system- Merits & demerit of

electronic ignition system over conventional type

Spark plug- constructional details and classification, heat range- reach.-Spark plug gap

& its importance - Specification of spark plug

7 Lighting system:

Various lighting circuits : Head light, parking light, turn-indicators , brake light, reverse light , top

or doom light.

Head lamp-types and constructional details,

Bulbs classification- fuses- HT and LT cables , cable color code, wiring

harness, cable connector, head light alignment.

8 Electrical accessories

fuel gauges-bimetallic and balancing coil type, Coolant temperature gauge, Oil pressure guage,

speedometer- Odometer , wind screen wipers & circuits, Electric horns, horn switches & relays.

9 Miscellaneous electrical and electronic equipment.:

tachometer, heaters, remote door locks, window actuators, seat adjuster, anti-theft lock, central

locking system.

9 Know the special electrical devices.


1 Introduction

1.1 State the various electrical systems in Automobile & purpose of each system.

1.2 Explain the Earth & Insulated return system with circuit diagram

1.3 State the merits & demerits of positive & negative earth return system.

1.4 List the Electrical & Electronics symbols w.r.t Auto electrical system

2 Basics of Electronics

2.1 Sketch & Explain the semiconductor with examples.(Germanium & silicon )

2.2 State the properties of semiconductors.

2.3 Sketch &Explain P-type,N-type semiconductor.

2.4 Sketch &Explain PN-junction

2.5 Sketch &Explain semiconductor Diode(crystal diode)

2.6 Sketch &Explain Diode as a rectifier.

2.7 Sketch &Explain Diode as a half wave, full wave & bridge rectifier

2.8 Sketch &Explain the full wave rectifier with capacitor filter circuit.

2.9 Explain zener diode.

2.10 Sketch &Explain the working of zener diode as a voltage regulator.

2.11 Explain LED & photo diode.

2.12 Define Transistor.

2.13 Sketch &Explain NPN & PNP Transistor.

2.14 Sketch &Explain Transistor as an amplifier

2.15 Sketch &Explain Transistor as a switch.

3 Battery system in Automobile

3.1 Know the purpose of Batteries in Automobiles

3.2 List the different types of batteries

3.3 Explain the construction and working of lead acid battery

3.4 Explain the construction and working of Alkaline battery

3.5 List the difference between lead acid & Alkaline battery.

3.6 Explain the terms Battery cell voltage, Battery capacity, Battery efficiency, Battery ratings.

3.7 Explain the different types of Battery ratings.

3.8 Explain the different methods of charging

1 Normal Charging

2 Quick charging

3 Trickle charging

3.9 Explain the following tests on lead acid battery

1. Specific gravity test

2. High rate discharge test

3. Cadmium test

3.10 Explain the defects in batteries like Sulphation, Plates decay, Cracking, corrosion,

sedimentation & loss of electrolyte.

3.11 Explain the maintenance procedure of a lead acid batteries.

3.12 Explain Maintenance-free batteries used in Automobiles.

4 Charging system and regulation

4.1 Know the purpose of D.C Generator.

4.2 Explain the circuit diagram of charging system using D.C Generator & functions of each


4.3 Explain the construction & working of D,C Generator

4.4 Explain the construction and working of voltage regulator

4.5 Explain the construction and working of current regulator

4.6 Explain the construction and working of Cut-out relay.

4.7 Mention the purpose of Alternator.

4.8 Explain the circuit diagram of charging system using Alternator & functions of each


4.9 Explain the construction & working of Alternator.

4.10 Explain the construction and working of Electronic voltage regulator.

4.11 List the difference between D.C generator & Alternator.

4.12 List the advantages of Alternator over D.C generator.

5 Starting System

5.1 Know the necessity of starting system in Automobile.

5.2 Explain a circuit diagram of starting system and functions of each components.

5.3 Explain briefly, Why the series motors are used in Starting system.

5.4 Explain the construction & working of Series wound motor

5.5 Explain the construction & working of Series shunt wound motors

5.6 Explain the necessity of Drive mechanism in starter.

5.7 List the different types of Drive mechanisms.

5.8 Explain the construction and working of bendix drive .

5.9 Explain the construction and working of Over running clutch drive

5.10 Explain the construction and working of Axial sliding armature drive

5.11 Explain the construction and working of solenoid switch used in starting system.

6 Ignition System 6.1 Explain the necessity of Ignition system

6.2 List the types of Ignition system.

6.3 Explain the working of Coil ignition system and functions of each components.

6.4 Explain the construction and working of ignition coil

6.5 Explain the construction and working of distributor.

6.6 Explain the construction and working C.B point & Condenser.

6.7 Explain Cam angle & Ignition timing.

6.8 List the different types of advance mechanisms in distributor

6.9 Explain the construction and working of Centrifugal spark advance mechanism.

6.10 Explain the construction and working of vacuum spark advance mechanism.

6.11 List the types of Magneto Ignition system

6.12 Explain the working of Magneto ignition system. (Rotating magnet type)

6.13 Explain the construction & working of Transistor assisted Ignition system.

6.14 Explain the construction & working of CDI Ignition system.

6.15 Explain the construction & working of Distributor less Ignition system.

6.16 List the merits & demerits of Electronic ignition system over Conventional Ignition system

6.17 Mention the classification of spark plug.

6.18 Explain the construction & working of a spark plug.

6.19 Explain the terms : Heat range, Reach, Cold plug, hot plug

6.20 Explain Spark plug gap & its importance.

6.21 Explain the specification of spark plug.

7 Lighting System

7.1 Explain with circuit diagram the following circuits :

a) Head light

b) Parking

c) Side indicator

d) Brake light

e) Reverse gear light

f) Top or doom light circuit

7.2 Explain the construction of Head light assembly

7.3 Classify the bulbs used in Automobile.

7.4 Explain the following

a) Dim & Dip switch

b) HT & LT cables

c) Fuses

d) Cable colour codes

e) Wiring harness

f) Cable connectors

7.5 Explain the Alignment of Head light with necessary sketch

8 Electrical Accessories 8.1 Explain with circuit diagram the following circuits :

a) Fuel gauge

b) Coolant temperature gauge

c) Oil Pressure gauge

d) Wind screen Wiper

e) Horn

8.2 Explain the construction & working of the following

a) Speedometer – Odometer

b) Wind screen Wiper

c) Electric Horn

d) Relay

9 Miscellaneous Electrical & Electronic Equipment 9.1 Explain the construction & working of the following

a) Engine Tachometer

b) Heaters

c) Remote Door locks

d) Power window

e) Anti-theft lock

f) Central locking system

Reference Books

1. Diesel Engineering Electricity & Electronics JOSEPH BELL

Principals of Electrical Engineering & Electronics – V. K MEHTA & ROHIT MEHTA

A system approach to Automotive Technology - JACK ERJAVEC

The Automobile Engineering – HARBAN SINGH REYATH

Automobile Electrical Equipment - W. H. CROUSE

Automobile Electrical Equipment – KOHLI

Automobile Electrical Engg. - N. R. KATAWATE

Automobile Engineering Vol-2 KIRPAL SINGH

The Automobile Engineering K.M GUPTHA

Department of Technical Education Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering Fourth Semester Subject: Auto Electrical and Electronics systems.

Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100

Model Question Paper

Note: a) Answer question No.1 which is compulsory.

b) Answer any two full questions from each part A,B and C respectively.

1 a Fill in the blanks : ( 1x5) 5

1. The capacity of the battery is measured in ________

2 Series wound starter motor produces high torque at ______ speed.

3. ________ diode is used as a voltage regulator in alternator charging system.

4. To make & brake the circuit, _________ is used in Electronic ignition system.

5. The individual cell voltage in Alkaline batteries is ______ volts

b. Explain Maintenance-free batteries used in Automobiles 5


2 a. Define Transistor 2

b.. Sketch &Explain P-type semiconductor 5

c. Sketch &Explain Transistor as an amplifier 8

3. a Sketch &Explain Diode as a half wave rectifier 5

b. Write the chemical reaction of battery during charging and discharging. 5

c. List the difference between lead acid & Alkaline battery 5

4 a. Mention the purpose of Alternator 2

b. Explain the circuit diagram of charging system using D.C Generator & functions

of each component 8

c Explain the construction and working of Cut-out relay


5 a. Explain briefly, Why the series motors are used in Starting system 5

b. Explain the construction and working of Over running clutch drive 10

6 a. Explain the construction and working of solenoid switch used in starting system 6

b. Explain the working of Coil ignition system and functions of each components 9

7 a. Explain the construction and working of Centrifugal spark advance mechanism 6

b. Explain the construction & working of CDI Ignition system. 9


8. a. Explain the Head light circuit diagram 5

b Explain Dim & Dip switch. 5

c List the different types of bulbs used in Automobile 5

9 a. Explain with circuit diagram the Fuel gauge 5

b Explain with a neat sketch the construction & working of a Wind screen wiper 10

10 Write short notes on the following ( 3x5) 15

a Power window

b Anti-theft lock

c. Central locking system

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester

Subject: CAD Practice

Contact Hrs / Week : 6 Hrs Contact Hrs / Semester : 96 Hrs



No. Topic


















Getting started

Drawing objects

Object selection and drawing aids

Controlling drawings and display

Creating Text

Editing object / entities




Printing/plotting of drawing

2D Drawing

Introduction to 3D modeling

Creating objects in 3D

















Total Hrs. 96


1. Understanding the role of Computers in Machine Drawing

2. Interacting with CAD

3. Learning to draw Entities

4. Using the means of Drawing Enhancement

5. Focusing the viewing techniques

6. Dealing with text

7. Minding about Modifying

8. Demystifying the Dimensioning

9. Deciding to Hatch

10. Building the Blocks

11. Realizing the Paper space for printing

12. Stepping in to 3D world


1. Introduction

1.1. System requirements for AutoCAD

2. Getting Started

2.1. Starting AutoCAD

2.2. Starting New Drawing

2.3. Co-ordinate system

2.4. Set-up for a drawing

3. Drawing Objects

3.1 Lines

3.2 Arcs

3.3. Circles

3.4. Regular Polygons

3.5. Rectangles

3.6. Polylines

3.7. Dough nuts

4. Object Selection and Drawing Aids

4.1. Units

4.2. Limits

4.3. Grid

4.4. Snap

4.5. O snap

4.6. Functional Keys

4.7. Layers

5. Controlling Drawing Display

5.1. Redraw

5.2. Regeneration

5.3. Zoom

5.4. Pan

5.5. View

6. Creating Text

6.1. Text

6.2. D text

6.3. M text

6.4. Style

7. Editing Objects/Entities

All type of Modify commands

8. Dimensioning

8.2. Linear dimensioning

8.3. Aligned dimensioning

8.4. Rotated dimensioning

8.5. Baseline dimensioning

8.7. Leader

9. Hatching

9.1. Drawing Hatch

9.2. Editing Hatch

10. Blocks

10.1. Concept

10.2. Creation

10.3. Insertion

10.4. Editing

10.5. Renaming

10.6. Deleting

11. Printing/Plotting of a Drawing

12. 3D-Modeling

12.1. Types

12.2. Techniques

12.3. Co-ordinate System

12.4. Wire frame

12.5. Surface

12.6.. Solid

12.7. V point

12.8. D view

13. Creating Pre-defined 3D-Objects

1. Box

2. Cylinder

3. Cone

4. Sphere

5. Torus


2D Drawings

1. Hexagonal bolt and nut

2. Knuckle joint

3. Flanged coupling

4. I C engine piston

5. Connecting rod

6. Single plate clutch assembly

7. Synchro mesh unit

8. Master cylinder assembly

9. Wheel cylinder assembly

10. Injector

11. SU carburetor

12. Balanced crank shaft


Serial no Description



Demonstration of commands



1) 2D Drawing - 50

2) Dimensioning - 10

3) Print out - 05





4 Lab-record


Total 100


1. Personnel computer with 17” colour monitor, core 2duo processor, 2 gb ram, graphics card,-30


2. Laser jet Printer-02.

3. UPS 5KV.

4. Genuine CAD software.

5. LCD Projector.

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester


Contact Hrs / Week:04 Contact hours / week : 64



1. Know the details of the automobile chassis frame.

2. Know the construction and operation of different types of clutches.

3. Know the construction and working of different types of gear box.

4. Know the details of propeller shaft, differential and rear axles.

5. Know the front axle constructional details.

6. Understand the steering linkages, mechanism and gear boxes.

7. Know the suspension system and its operational functions

8. Know the braking system and its operations

9. Understand the construction of wheels and tyres



Major Topics No of



of marks


01 Chassis Frames 03 06

02 Clutches 06 15

03 Gear Box 08 20


04 Propeller Shaft, Differential &Rear axle 10 25

05 Front axle 03 08

06 Steering system 08 20


07 Suspension System 06 20

08 Braking System 08 23

09 Wheels & Tyres 04 08

10 Seminars & Industrial visits 04 --

11 Test & Revision 04 ---

Total 64 145


1. Chassis Frames. 03

Introduction. Functions. Loads acting on frames. Types of frames- conventional (ladder and

x-member type), semi integral and integral types. Frame sections-channel, box and tubular

sections. Materials for frames. Sub frames.

2. Clutches. 06

Purpose. Requirements. Principal of working. Classifications-friction & fluid clutches, single

plate (coil& Diaphragm), multi plate, centrifugal, fluid flywheel). Construction & working of

each type. Advantages and disadvantages of each type. Constructional details of single plate

clutch plate. Clutch lining materials.

Clutch operating mechanisms-mechanical, hydraulic, vacuum.

3. Gear box. 08

Purpose, classifications – progressive, selective, sliding mesh, constant mesh, &

synchromesh, continuously variable transmission (Variator). Gear selector mechanism with

gear lever on top of gear box. Transfer gear box. Torque converter.

4. Propeller shaft, differential & rear axles. 10

Propeller shaft.

Purpose, constructional details of propeller shaft. Functions of universal joint and slip joint.

Types of universal joints-flexible ring type, Rzeppa joint, tripod joint. Construction

&working of each of these types.

Final drive

Purpose, types of final drives- straight bevel gear, spiral gear, hypoid gear type.


Necessity, principle of working and construction and working of differential.

Rear axle

Loads on rear axle, types of rear axle drives-hotch kiss drive, torque tube drive.

Types of rear axle supporting- semi floating, ¾ floating and full floating type.

Rear axle casing- split and banjo type, double reduction axles.

5. Front axle 03

Constructional details of live and dead axles. Stub axle types.

6. Steering system 08

Purpose, requirements, steering gear ratio, steering mechanisms-Ackermans steering

mechanism, steering gear boxes-rack and pinion, worm and wheel type, recirculating ball and

nut type. Steering geometry-camber, caster, king pin inclination, combined angle, toe-in and

toe-out. Wheel alignment and wheel balancing.

7. Suspension system. 08

Necessity , types of springs-leaf spring, coil spring, torsion bar, types-rigid axle and

independent suspension. Types of front independent suspension- Mcpherson type, double

wishbone type. Types of rear independent suspension-trailing link type.

Sprung and un sprung weight. Shock absorber –necessity, double acting telescopic shock


8. Braking system 08

Purpose, requirements, classification of brake systems. Drum brakes. Layout of mechanical

braking system and hydraulic brakes, principle of hydraulic system. Components of

hydraulic system-master cylinder, tandem master cylinder, wheel cylinder. Advantages of

hydraulic system. Brake bleeding. Disc brake-construction and working of fixed, sliding and

swinging caliper type. Comparison of disc & drum brakes. Hand or parking brakes. Brake

lining materials.

9. Wheels and tyres 04

Wheels- functions, types of wheels-wire, disc and alloy wheels.

Tyres-function, types- tubed and tube less tyres. Tyre plies-function, types-radial, belted bias

type. Specification of tyres. Aspect ratio. Types of tread patterns.


1 Chassis Frames

1.1 State the purpose of chassis frames.

1.2 State the different loads acting on the frames.

1.3 List different types of frames-conventional (Ladder and X-member

type),Semi integral type, integral type.

1.4 List types of sections used in frames- Channel, Box, Tubular.

1.5 List types of materials used for frames.

1.6 Explain the need of sub frames.

2 Clutch

2.1 State the purpose and requirement of clutch.

2.2 Classification of clutches- friction, fluid, single plate ( spring &diaphragm), multi

plate, centrifugal.

2.2 Explain the principle and operation of clutch.

2.3 Explain the construction and working of single plate, multi plate, centrifugal

type, fluid coupling .

2.4 List the advantages and disadvantages of single plate, multi plate, centrifugal,

fluid clutch.

2.5 Explain the constructional details of a single plate clutch friction plate.

2.6 Clutch Lining materials

2.7 Clutch operating mechanisms- mechanical, hydraulic, vacuum

3 Gear box

3.1 State the necessity of gear box in vehicle.

3.2 Classification of transmission, progressive and selective, sliding mesh,

constant mesh, synchromesh, continuously variable transmission.

3.3 Explain the construction and operation of sliding mesh, constant mesh,

synchromesh gear box , Continuously variable transmission &torque converter.

3.4 Calculate the gear ratio for different gear ratios.

4 Propeller shaft, Differential & Rear axle.

Propeller shaft 4.1 State the functions of propeller shaft.

4.2 Explain the constructional details of propeller shaft.

4.3 State the functions of universal joints & slip joints.

4.4 List different types of universal joints .

4.5 Explain the construction & working of cross or spider type, flexible ring type,

Rzeppa joint, Tripod joint.

Final drive.

4.7 State the Purpose of final drive.

4.8 Explain types of final drives.


4.9 State the necessity of differential.

4.10 Explain the working principle of differential.

4.11 Explain the construction & working of differential.

Rear axle.

4.12 Explain the different loads acting on rear axles.

4.13 List types of rear axles- hotch kiss drive and torque tube drive.

4.14 Explain the construction and operation of hotch kiss and torque tube drive.

4.15 Explain the construction of semi-floating ,3/4 floating and fully floating rear

axle drives.

4.16 State different types of rear axle casings.

4.17 Explain the split and banjo type rear axle casings.

4.18 State the necessity of double reduction axles.

4.19 Explain different types of double reduction type rear axles.

4.20 calculate the rear axle ratio.

5 Front Axle

5.1 Explain the construction of live(drive shafts) and dead axle(conventional)

5.2 Explain the construction of stub axles- Elliot, reverse-elliot, Lemoine and reverse

lemoine types.

6 Steering and steering gear

6.1 State the purpose of steering system.

6.2 List the requirements of steering system.

6.3 State the need of steering gear box.

6.4 Understand Ackerman steering mechanism.

6.5 Draw the layout of steering linkage layout of rigid axle and independent

suspension system.

6.6 List different types of steering gear boxes.

6.7 Explain the construction and working of Rack & Pinion, worm and wheel,

recirculating ball and nut type steering gear boxes.

6.8 Explain the terms steering geometry, camber caster, king pin inclination,

Combined angle, toe in and toe out.

6.9 Know the importance of wheel alignment and wheel balancing.

7 Suspension System

7.1 Explain the necessity of Suspension system.

7.2 List types of springs used in suspension system.

7.2 Know the different types of suspension system.

7.3 Explain the construction & working of rigid axle suspension system with leaf


7.4 Explain the construction & working of McPherson strut type, double wishbone

type, Trailing link type.

7.5 State the term sprung and un sprung weight.

7.6 Explain the necessity of shock absorber.

7.7 Explain the construction and working of double acting hydraulic shock


8 Braking system

8.1 State the purpose of braking system.

8.2 State the requirements of good braking system.

8.3 State the different types of brake system.

8.4 Explain the construction and working of internal expanding drum brake.

8.5 Draw the layout of mechanical braking system.

8.6 Explain the principle of hydraulic braking system.

8.7 Draw the layout of hydraulic braking system.

8.8 Explain the construction and working of master cylinder.

8.9 Explain the construction and working of wheel cylinder.

8.10 Explain the construction and working of tandem master cylinder.

8.11 State the advantages & limitations of hydraulic systems.

8.12 Explain the necessity of bleeding.

8.13 Explain the construction & working of fixed type, sliding type & swinging type

Disc brakes.

8.14 State the advantages of Disc brakes over drum brakes.

8.15 Explain the purpose of hand or parking brakes.

8.16 Name the different brake lining materials.

9 Wheels and tyres

9.1 State the functions of wheels.

9.2 State the different types of wheels

9.3 State the functions of tyres.

9.4 State the different types of tyres

9.5 Explain the construction and materials used in pneumatic tyres.

9.6 Explain the specification of tyres.

9.7 Define the term Aspect ratio.

9.8 List different types of tread patterns.

10 Seminars and Industrial visits.

11. Test and revisions


1. Automotive Mechanics - W. H. CROUSE & ANGLIN

2. Diesel Engineering - Sean Bennett Published by CENGAGE Learning

3. Automotive Technology - Jack Erjavec Published by CENGAGE Learning

4. Automobile Engg - K.M GUPTA

5. Automotive Mechanics - JOSEPH HEITHNER

6. Automobile Engg Vol I - KIRPAL SINGH

7. Automobile Engg. - R. B. GUPTHA

8. Automobile Engg. - HARBAN SINGH RAYATH

9. Automotive Mechanics - S. SRINIVASAN

10. Automobile Engg - K .K. RAMALINGAIAH

11. Charts and cut section models

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester

Subject: Chassis & Transmission System

Time :3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Model Question Paper

Note : Q.1 is compulsory and Answer any two full questions from the remaining

parts A, B and C.

Q.1 a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/words 1x5=5

I. In top gear the gear ratio is-------.

ii. Hydraulic braking system works on-------principle.

iii. The weight supported on spring is-----.

iv. For high torque transmission----- clutch is used.

v. Aspect ratio is the ratio of-------- to -----.

b) What is the purpose of slip joint in propeller shaft? 5


2 a. Draw a layout of ladder chassis frame and name the par 8

b. What are the functions of frame 7

3.a. What is the purpose of friction disc clutch? 7

b. With the help of sketch explain the construction and operation of constant mesh gear box 8

4. Explain the construction and working of single plate coil spring clutch. 15


5 a. Explain the construction of rigid front axle 8

b. Explain Hotch kiss type rear axle drive 7

6. a. What are the functions of steering system? 5

b. Sketch and explain Ackerman steering mechanism 10

7. Explain the construction and working of differential with a sketch 15


8 a. What are the advantages of tandem master cylinder? 5

b. Explain briefly the semi elliptical leaf spring with a sketch 10

9 a. Explain radial ply and bias ply tyres 10

b. Specify tyres with examples 5

10. With neat sketch explain fixed caliper type disc brake. 15

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester


Contact Hrs / Week:04 Contact hours / week : 64



No Major Topics



Weightage of



1 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics 01 02

2 Force Analysis 08 18

3 Centre of Gravity & Moment of Inertia 10 30


4 Simple stresses & Strains 08 20

5 Bending moment & Shear forces 10 30


6 Strain energy & Impact loading 02 05

7 Theory of simple bending & Theory of


08 20

8 Thick & Thin cylinders 08 20

9 Industry Institute Interaction 05 -

10 Tests & Revisions 04

Total 64 145


1. Understand the Basics of Engineering Mechanics.

2. Understand the force analysis.

3. Understand the concept of center of gravity & moment of inertia.

4. Understand the concept of simple stresses & strains.

5. Understand the concept of bending moment & shear force diagrams.

6. Understand strain energy & impact loading.

7. Understand the concept of bending & torsion.

8. Understand the concept of thick & thin cylinders.



1.1 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics.

1.2 Statics, Dynamics, Kinetics & Kinematics.

1.3 Scalar & Vector quantities.


2.1 Composition & Resolution of forces – Force, effect, characteristics of a force, system of forces,

resultant force, methods for the resultant force and simple problems.

2.2 Parallelogram law of forces and simple problems.

2.3 Triangle law of forces

2.4 Polygon law of forces

2.5 Moments & their applications – Moments of a force, types of moments, law of moments,

applications of moments - levers, types of levers.

2.6 Parallel force & couples – Classification of parallel forces, analytical method for the resultant of

parallel forces and simple problems.

2.7 Couple – Moment of a couple and classification of couples.

2.8 Equilibrium of forces – Introduction, principles of equilibrium, lami’s theorem, types of



3.1 Centre of gravity, methods of finding centre of gravity and axis of reference.

3.2 Centre of gravity of symmetrical & unsymmetrical plane figures.

3.3 Simple problems.

3.4 Moment of inertia, units of moment of inertia.

3.5 Moment of inertia of a plane area.

3.6 Methods for moment of inertia.

3.7 Moment of inertia of triangular, rectangular, circular & hollow circular sections.

3.8 Simple problems.

3.8 Theorem of parallel axis and Theorem of perpendicular axis.

3.9 Moment of inertia of L, I, T sections.

3.10 Simple problems.


4.1 Elasticity, stress, types of stress, strain.

4.2 Elastic limit, Hooke’s law & modulus of elasticity.

4.3 Deformation of a body due to force acting on it.

4.4 Simple problems.

4.5 Temperature stresses in simple bars.

4.6 Elastic constants, linear strain, lateral strain, volumetric strain & Poisson’s ratio.

4.7 Bulk modulus, relation between bulk modulus & young’s modulus (without proof).

4.8 Shear stress, shear strain & modulus of rigidity.

4.9 Relation between modulus of elasticity & modulus of rigidity (without proof).

4.10 Simple problems.


5.1 Introduction, types of loading.

5.2 Shear force and bending moment.

5.3 Sign conventions.

5.4 Shear force and bending moment diagrams.

5.5 Shear force and bending moment diagrams for cantilever, simply supported beams subjected to

point load & uniformly distributed load.


6.1 Introduction, resilience, proof resilience and modulus of resilience.

6.2 Types of loading.

6.3 Equation for strain energy stored in a body when the load is gradually applied.

6.4 Simple problems.

6.5 Equation for strain energy stored in a body when the load is suddenly applied.

6.6 Simple problems.


7.1 Introduction, assumptions in theory of simple bending.

7.2 Bending stress, relation between bending stress & radius of curvature (without proof).

7.3 Position of neutral axis, moment of resistance.

7.4 Bending equation (without proof).

7.5 Modulus of section for rectangular, hollow rectangular and hollow circular sections.

7.6 Simple problems.

7.7 Theory of torsion, assumptions and polar moment of inertia.

7.8 Power transmitted by a shaft.

7.9 Torsional rigidity equation (without proof).

7.10 Simple problems.


8.1 Introduction to thin cylinders, stresses in thin cylindrical shells.

8.2 Expression for circumferential stress & longitudinal stresses (without proof).

8.3 Simple problems.

8.4 Design of thin cylinders with simple problems.

8.5 Thick cylinders, assumptions Lame’s theory.

8.6 Equation of Lame’s theory (without proof).

8.7 Simple problems.


1.0 Introduction to engineering mechanics

1.1 Explain the importance of engineering mechanics.

1.2 Define the various branches of engineering mechanics.

1.3 Define statics, dynamics, kinetics and kinematics.

1.4 Explain scalar and vector quantities with examples.

2.0 Force analysis

2.1 Define force

2.2 List effects of a force

2.3 List characteristics of a force.

2.4 Explain the system of forces

2.5 Define resultant force.

2.6 State the methods for the resultant force.

2.7 State parallelogram law of forces and solve simple problems.

2.8 State the principle of resolution

2.9 Explain the method of resolution for the resultant force and solve simple problems.

2.10 State triangle law of forces and polygon law of forces.

2.11 Define moment of a force.

2.12 State types of moments – clockwise and anticlockwise moments.

2.13 State law of moments

2.14 Define a lever.

2.15 List the types of levers.

2.16 Explain the concept of parallel forces and give classification of parallel forces – like and unlike

parallel forces.

2.17 Analytical method for the resultant of parallel forces and simple problems.

2.18 Define a couple, Explain moment of a couple, and classify couple – clockwise and anticlockwise


2.19 Explain equilibrium of forces.

2.20 State principles of equilibrium.

2.21 State Lami’s theorem (without proof).

2.22 Explain types of equilibrium – stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium.

3.0 Centre of gravity & moment of inertia

3.1 Define centroid and list methods for finding centroid.

3.2 Explain axis of reference.

3.3 Explain centre of gravity of plane figures and solve simple problems on finding centre of gravity of

symmetrical & unsymmetrical sections.

3.4 Define moment of inertia and mention the units of moment of inertia.

3.5 Explain the moment of inertia of a plane area.

3.6 State methods for moment of inertia – Routh’s rule & Integration method.

3.7 Explain the moment of inertia by Integration method.

3.8 Mention the equation of moment of inertia of triangular, rectangular, circular and hollow circular

sections and solve simple problems.

3.9 State theorem of parallel axes and theorem of perpendicular axes (without proof).

3.10 Solve simple problems on finding moment of inertia of L, I & T sections.

4.0 Simple stresses & strains

4.1 Define elasticity, stress, and strain.

4.2 Explain types of stresses – tensile, compressive stress.

4.3 Define elastic limit, state Hooke’s law and explain modulus of elasticity.

4.4 State the equation for deformation of a body due to force acting on it.

4.5 Solve simple problems on finding deformation, modulus of elasticity and diameter of a given


4.6 Explain temperature stresses in simple bars.

4.7 Explain elastic constants – linear strain, lateral strain, volumetric strain and Poisson’s ratio.

4.8 simple problems.

4.9 Define bulk modulus and state the relation between bulk modulus and young’s modulus (without


4.10 Simple problems.

4.11 Explain shear stress, shear strain and modulus of rigidity.

4.12 State relation between modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity (without proof)

4.13 Simple problems.

5.0 Bending moment & shear forces

5.1 Explain types of loading – point load, uniformly distributed load and uniformly varying load.

5.2 Define shear force and bending moment.

5.3 Explain sign conventions for shear force and bending moment.

5.4 Explain shear force and bending moment diagrams.

5.5 Solve simple problems on calculating shear force and bending moment for cantilever, simply

supported beams subjected to point load and uniformly distributed load with shear force and

bending moment diagrams.

6.0 Strain energy & impact loading

6.1 Explain strain energy.

6.2 Define resilience, proof resilience and modulus of resilience.

6.3 Explain types of loading – gradually applied load and suddenly applied load.

6.4 State the equation for strain energy stored in body when the load is gradually applied. and solve

simple problems.

6.5 State the equation for strain energy stored in a body when the load is suddenly applied.

7.0 Theory of simple bending & Theory of torsion

7.1 Explain bending stress and list the assumptions in theory of simple bending.

7.2 State relation between bending stress and radius of curvature (without proof).

7.3 Explain position of neutral axis and moment of resistance.

7.4 State bending equation (without proof).

7.5 Explain modulus of section.

7.6 State equation for modulus of section of rectangular, hollow rectangular, circular and hollow

circular sections.

7.7 Solve simple problems on above sections only using bending equation.

7.8 Explain torsion and state assumptions for shear stress in a circular shaft subjected to torsion.

7.9 Explain polar moment of inertia.

7.10 State torsion equation (without proof).

7.11 State the equation for power transmitted by a shaft.

7.12 State the equation for torque transmitted by solid shaft and hollow shaft.

7.13 Solve simple problems on solid and hollow circular shafts considering above equations only.

8.0 Thick and Thin cylinders

8.1 Explain the concept of thin cylindrical shells.

8.2 State the stresses in thin cylindrical shell – circumferential and longitudinal stress.

8.3 State the equation for circumferential and longitudinal stress.

8.4 Solve simple problems on above.

8.5 State the equation for thickness of thin cylindrical shells and solve simple problems.

8.6 Explain the concept of thick cylindrical shells

8.7 State assumptions of lame’s theory.

8.8 State equation of lame’s theory (without proof).

8.9 Solve simple problems.

Text Books: 1. Engineering mechanics and Strength of materials by I.S.Hiremath


1. Engineering mechanics - R.S.Khurmi.

2. Strength of materials - R.S.Khurmi.

3. Applied Mechanics - S.S.Bhavikatti.

4. Strength of Materials - K K Rajaputh.

5. Applied Mechanics & Strength of Materials - S.Ramamrutham.

6. Applied Mechanics & Strength of Materials - I.B.Prasad.

7. Introduction to strength of materials by Prakash Rao-Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd.

8. Engineering mechanics by Sheshagiri Rao- Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd.





Time: 3Hrs Max marks: 100

Note: 1 Section-I is compulsory

2 Answer any six full questions from Section-II, Section-III, and Section-IV, Choosing at least two from

each section.


1 a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words 1X5= 5

i) The ratio of volumetric stress to volumetric strain is called ______________.

ii) A set of forces whose resultant is zero are called _____________.

iii) The point through which the whole weight of the body acts irrespective of its position

is known as ___

iv) A pair of two equal & unlike parallel forces with lines of action parallel to each other

& acting in opposite directions is known as ______________.

v) The layer which is neither compressed nor stretched when the section is subjected to

bending is known as ___

b) State the assumptions in theory of simple bending? 5


2 a) Define resultant force. 2

b) What are the effects of a force? 3

c) A triangle ABC has its sides AB=40mm along X-axis and side BC=30mm along positive Y-axis,

three forces 40N,50N & 30N along the sides AB,BC & CA respectively. Determine the magnitude

of resultant of such a system of forces. 10

3 a) Define centroid . 2

b) State methods for determining centre of gravity. 3

c) Find the centroid of an unequal angle section shown in figure below 10

4 a) Define moment of inertia 2

b) State theorem of parallel axis. 3

c) Find the moment of inertia of T-section shown in the figure below 10


5 a) Define modulus of elasticity. 2

b) Explain the temperature stresses in simple bars. 3

c) In an experiment a bar of 30 mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 60 KN.The measured

extension on gauge length of 200mm is 0.09 mm and the change in diameter is 0.0039mm.

Calculate the Poisson’s ratio and values of young’s modulus, rigidity modulus and bulk modulus. 10

6 a) Define shear force . 2

b) State the types of loading . 3

c) Draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for a cantilever beam of span 1.5m carrying

point loads as shown in figure. 10

7 a) Define bending moment. 2

b) Explain sign conventions for shear force and bending moment. 3

c) A simply supported beam AB of span 2.5m is carrying two point loads as shown in figure.

Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. 10


8 a) Define strain energy 2

b) Define i) proof resilience ii) modulus of resilience 3

c) A rectangular beam60mm wide and 150 mm deep is simply supported over a span of 6m.

If the beam is subjected to a central point load of 12KN find the maximum bending stress

induced in the beam section. 10

9 a) Define polar moment of inertia . 2

b) State the assumptions for shear stress in a circular shaft subjected to torsion. 3

c) A hollow shaft is to transmit 200 KW at 80 rpm.If the shear stress is not to exceed 60 MPa and internal

diameter is 0.6 of external diameter. Find the diameters of the shaft 10

10 a) what is a thin cylindrical shell? 2

b) State equations for circumferential stress and longitudinal stress in a thin cylindrical shell. 3

c) A cylindrical shell of 1.3 m diameter is made up of 18mm thick plates. Find the circumferential &

longitudinal stress in the [plates if the boiler is subjected to an internal pressure of 2.4 MPa.Take

efficiency of the joints as 20%. 10

Govt of karnataka

Department of technical education

Automobile engineering

Fourth semester

Fuels and Pollution Control

Hours/week: 4 Total Hours - 64 Hrs


Slno Contents No of





1 Fuels 18 45


2 Alternative Fuels 18 45


3 Combustion chambers and stratification 06 15

4 Automobile pollution & control 12 35

5 Emission standards 02 05

6 Seminars 04 --

7 Test & Revisions 04 --

Total 64 145


1.0 Understand types of fuel and their uses

2.0 Understand the Alternate fuels

3.0 Understand various calorimeters

4.0 Understand the stratified engines

5.0 Understand the pollution their effects and control methods

6.0 Understand BHARAT and EURO Emission standards


1.0 Fuels

Introduction, Types of fuel, structure of petroleum, Petroleum refining, products of,

refining process, Heat values of fuels, Types of calorimeter, simple problems on calorific , value,

requirements of fuels for S.I & C.I. Engine, Knock rating of S.I engine, Rating of .I C Engine fuels,

LPG as S.I Engine fuels Additives of fuel.

2.0 Alternative fuels


Need of alternative fuels, classifications, barriers in implementing alternative fuels.

Gaseous alternative fuels.

Introduction, properties, fuels kits, combustion, emissions and advantages and disadvantages of

LPG, CNG and Hydrogen.

Bio fuels.

Introduction, properties, fuels kits, combustion, emissions and advantages and disadvantages of

methanol, ethanol and bio diesel.

3.0 Combustion chambers and Stratified Engines Combustion chambers in SI & CI engines, definition of stratification and its types, types of stratified

engines, advantages and disadvantages of stratified engines.

4.0 Pollution and its control

Introduction, Types of pollution, pollutants from gasoline engine, control of gasoline engine emission,

Diesel emission, control of diesel engine emission.

5.0 Emission standards

Emission standards, Euro norms & Bharat norms.


1.0 Fuels 1.1 Know about basic requirements of fuels for I.C Engines

1.2 Know the different types of fuels, advantages and disadvantages of each fuel 1.3 Explain

the structure of petroleum

1.4 Explain the process of refining crude oil

1.5 Know the important products of refining process

1.6 Define Heat value, Higher calorific value, lower calorific value

1.7 Know the different types of calorimeter

1.8 Explain the Bomb Calorimeter and Junkers gas calorimeter

1.9 Solve problems on calorific value.

1.10 Know the basic requirement of S.I Engine fuel

1.11 Know the rating of S.I. Engine fuels

1.12 Define Octane number

1.13 Know the basic requirements of C.I. Engine

1.14 Know the rating of C.I. Engine fuels

1.15 Define Cetane number

1.16 Know the types of additives used to improve combustion performance of fuels

2.0 Alternative fuels

Introduction 2.1 Explain the need of alternative fuels.

2.2 Classify alternative fuels.

2.3 Explain the barriers in implanting alternative fuels.

Gaseous alternative fuels

2.4 Give introduction to LPG.

2.5 Mention properties of LPG.

2.6 List different methods of storing of LPG.

2.7 Explain engine LPG fuel kit.

2.8 Explain the process of LPG combustion

2.9 Explain the LPG emissions.

2.10 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of LPG.

2.11 Give introduction to CNG.

2.12Mention properties of CNG.

2.13 List different methods of storing of CNG.

2.14 Explain the process of CNG combustion

2.15 Explain the CNG emissions.

2.16 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of CNG.

2.17 Give introduction to hydrogen.

2.18 Mention properties of hydrogen.

2.19 List different methods of production of hydrogen.

2.20 Explain electrolysis method of hydrogen production.

2.21 List different methods of storing hydrogen

2.22 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen.


2.23 Give introduction to Bio fuels.

2.24 Mention different Bio fuels.

2.25 List the properties of methanol.

2.26 Explain the emissions of methanol.

2.27 Mention advantages and disadvantages of methanol.

2.28 List the properties of ethanol.

2.29 Explain the emissions of ethanol.

2.30 Mention advantages and disadvantages of ethanol.

2.31 List the raw matireals for bio diesel.

2.32 Explain the methods of bio diesel production.

2.33 List the properties of bio diesel.

2.34 Explain bio diesel emissions.

2.35 Mention advantages and disadvantages of bio diesel.

3.0 Combustion Chambers and stratification 3.1 Explain constructional details of SI engine combustion chambers

3.2 Explain the constructional of CI engine Combustion chambers

3.3 Definition of stratification

3.4 Types of stratification

3.5 Explain the different types of stratified engine

3.6 Advantages and disadvantages of stratified engines

4.0 Pollution 4.1 Define Air pollution

4.2 Know the effects of pollutants on living system such as human, plants, animals

and building.

4.3 Explain the main sources of pollutants from S.I Engine

4.4 Explain the different methods of controlling the pollution from S.I Engine in


a) Engine design modification

b) Treatment of exhaust gas (With neat sketches)

c) Fuel modification

4.5 Explain the main sources of pollutants from C.I Engine

4.6 Explain the causes of diesel smoke

4.7 Explain the necessity of controlling diesel smoke

4.8 Mention the different methods of measurement of smoke intensity.

Explain each one of them (smoke meters)

4.9 Understand the mechanism of diesel odour and mention how it can be control.

5.0 Emission standards

5.1 Know the meaning of emission standards.

5.2 Overview of emission standards in India.

5.3 Overview of emission standards Abroad.

5.4 Bharat & Euro Emission standards in 2, 3, 4 wheeler petrol & diesel vehicles.


1. A course in I.C Engine - M.L. Mathur and R.P. Sharma

2. I.C Engines - H.B. KESHWANI

3. Automobile Engineering - K.M. Gupta

4. Automobile Engineering - Ganeshan

5. I.C Engines - R.C. Patel and Karamchandani

6. Automobile Engg (V-I, engines) - Anil Chikara

7. Thermal Engineering - R S Kurmi & J K Gupta

8. Alternative fuels - S S Thipse. Jaico publications

9. Alternative fuel Technology - Erjavec and Arias CENAGE Learning

Department of technical education

Diploma course in automobile engineering

Fourth semester



Max Time : 3Hrs Max. Marks : 100

Note : a) Question number 1 is compulsory

b) Answer any two full questions from Part A, B and C

No. 1 (a) Fill up the blanks with appropriate word/words 1 x 5 = 5

i) Heat value of diesel may be in the range of ______________

ii) Calorific value of Methanol is _______________

iii) Thermal efficiency of S.I Engine is usually in the range of __________

iv) Bosch smoke meter is used to check ______________

v) Bomb calorimeter is used to check calorific value of ______________

(b) What are the safe limits of different pollutants stipulated by law? 5


Q.No. 2 (a) Mention the different types of fuel and state the advantages of liquid fuel

and gaseous fuel. 5

(b) Explain the process of refining crude oil. 10

Q.No. 3 (a) Define Octane number. 5

(b) Explain with neat sketch construction and working of Junker's gas calorimeter. 10

Q.No. 4 (a) What are the requirements of fuel for compression ignition engine? 5

(b) Solve one problem on calorific value. 10


Q.No. 5 (a) Classify different alternatives fuels 5

(b) Explain the need of alternative fuels 10

Q.No. 6 (a) List the properties of CNG 05

(b) Explain CNG fuel kit 10

Q.No. 7 (a) What are advantages and disadvantages of Ethanol? 5

(b) Explain Biodiesel emissions 10


Q.No. 8 (a) Explain different Bharat emission standards 5

(b) What is meant by crank case blow-by? What are the methods of controlling it? 10

Q.No. 9 (a) Mention the causes of diesel smoke? What are the ways of controlling diesel smoke? 10

(b) Name the different types of instrument used for smoke measurements. 5

Q.No. 10 (a) What is the cause and mechanism of diesel odor? 5

(b) Explain with neat sketch the working of Bosch smoke meter. 10

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Fourth Semester


Contact Hrs / Week:04 Contact hours / week : 64



No Major Topics




of Marks


1 Introduction to Fluid Power Engineering 02 05

2 Fluid Power Fundamentals 03 05

3 Pumps 04 10

4 Valves 04 10

5 Actuators & accessories 06 15


6 Pipes, Hoses and Fittings 04 10

7 Hydraulic Symbols and Design of circuits 08 25

8 Fundamentals of Pneumatics 02 03

9 Pneumatic Components 04 10

10 Pneumatic Symbols as per ISO1219 01 02


11 Design of Pneumatic circuits 10 30

12 Combination circuits 04 15

13 Maintenance 02 05

14 Industry Institution Interaction 06 -

15 Tests 04 -

Total 64 145


1. Know what is fluid power

2. Know the importance of fluid power in automation

3. Understand the concepts behind hydraulic and pneumatic systems

4. Learn transmission of fluid power

5. Recognize and use components of hydraulic and pneumatic systems

6. Explain the construction and working of fluid system components

7. Build a circuit for hydraulic or pneumatic system

8. Apply the designed circuit to a real world scenario

9. Know the importance of fluid sensors and logic behind these circuits

10. Understand the schedule maintenance for fluid system.


1. Introduction to Fluid Power Engineering

1.1 Fluid Power Engineering

1.2 general aspects

1.3 Role of Fluid Power Engineering in today’s Industrial Automation

1.4 Elements of Automation and types

2. Fluid Power Fundamentals

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Methods of Transmission of power

2.4 Fluid Systems

3. Pumps

3.1 Pumps

3.2 Classification of Pumps

3.2.1 Hydrodynamic

- Centrifugal pumps, External Gear Pump, Lobe, Vane pumps

- Axial pumps-piston-axial ,piston-inline, piston-radial

4. Valves

4.1 pressure control valves-relief valve, balance valve

4.2 pressure reducing valves

4.3 directional control valve

-poppet valve, spool valve, construction of 2,3 and 4 way dcv.

4.4 Flow control valve

- non-return/check valves

-pilot operated sequence valve

5. Actuators

5.1 actuators

5.2 Linear actuators

- Cylinders

- single acting and double acting

5.3 Rotary actuators

- Hydraulic Motor

- Unidirectional

- Bidirectional

-Gear, vane, piston actuators

6. Accessory Components

6.1 Reservoirs

6.2 Accumulators

– weight loaded, spring loaded, gas loaded.

6.3 Intensifier

6.4 conductors/pipes; pipe fittings

7. Design of Hydraulic circuits

- components

- symbols

- Hydraulic circuits

- Basic hydraulic circuits

- Meter in circuits

- Meter out circuits

- Bleed off circuits

- Accumulator circuits

- sequencing circuits

- Regenerative circuits

-pressure reducing circuits

E.g.: Hydraulic circuit for brake, hoist, crane and jack circuits

8. Fundamentals of Pneumatics

8.1 Pneumatics

8.2 Applications of Pneumatics

8.3 Gas Laws, Pascal Law

9. Pneumatic Components

9.1 Air compressors

9.2 Types of air compressors

- reciprocating piston compressor

- Diaphragm compressor

- Vane compressor

9.3 reservoirs/air receiver

9.4 FRL – unit

9.5 valves

- direction control valves 2/2, 3/2, 4/2 , 5/2 and 5/3

valve controls

- manual

- mechanical

- pneumatic

- electro pneumatic

- combination of any 2

9.6 actuators

9.6.1 cylinders- single acting and double acting

9.6.2 air motors- piston motor, gear motor, sliding vane motor

10 Pneumatic Symbols

10.1 Port markings

10.2 ports and positions

10.3 symbols as per ISO1219/ ANSI

11 Pneumatic circuits

Hydraulic circuits and pneumatic circuits

11.1 Basic pneumatic circuit

11.2 control of double acting cylinder using 4/2 DCV

11.3 pilot controlled double acting cylinder 4/2 DCV

11.4 speed control circuit for a double acting cylinder

11.5 semi-automatic material handling circuit

11.6 time delay circuit

12 combination circuits

12.1 advantages of combination

12.2 hydro pneumatic / pneumo hydraulic circuits

12.3 air over oil circuit

12.4 air over oil intensifier circuit

12.5 mechanical hydraulic servo system

12.6 electro hydraulic system

12.7 comparison of hydraulic, pneumatic and hydro pneumatic systems

13 Fluidics/ Fluid Logics

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Advantage, disadvantage and application of fluidics

13.3 fluidic elements

13.4 classification of fluidic devices

13.5 fluid logic devices and types

13.6 Fluid Sensors and types of sensors

14 Maintenance

14.1 maintenance of hydraulic system

- common faults in hydraulic system

- simple visual checks of oil

- causes of contamination

- preventive measures

14.2 common problems in pneumatic systems

-maintenance schedule of pneumatic systems


1. Introduction to Fluid Power Engineering

1.1 Define Fluid Power Engineering

1.2 Brief about Historical perspective and general aspects

1.3 Explain Role of Fluid Power Engineering in today’s Industrial Automation

1.4 Indicate the Elements of Automation and types

1.5 Clarify the Aims of automation

2. Fluid Power Fundamentals

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Discus Fluid Power

2.3 Explain Basic Methods of Transmission of power

2.4 Briefly describe Fluid Systems

3. Pumps

3.1 Define Pumps

3.2 Classify Pumps

3.2.1 Hydrodynamic

- Centrifugal pumps, External Gear Pump, Lobe, Vane pumps

- Axial pumps-




4. Valves

4.1 Sketch and explain pressure control valves-relief valve, balance valve

4.2 explain pressure reducing valves

4.3 Discuss the importance of directional control valve

- what is control?

- explain the construction of poppet valve, spool valve, construction of 2,3

and 4 way direction control valve.

4.4 Flow control valve

- Understand the significance of non-return/check valves

- know the construction and working of Non return valve

- sketch and explain pilot operated sequence valve

5. Actuators

5.1 Define actuators

5.2 Understand the linear actuators

- Cylinders

- Construction and working of cylinders

- Construction and working of single acting and double acting

5.2 Know the importance of Rotary actuators

- Hydraulic Motor

- Unidirectional

- Bi directional

- explain the construction of

- Gear, vane, piston actuators

6. Accessory Components

6.1 What are reservoirs?

6.2 Know the construction, working and uses of different accumulators

Like – weight loaded, spring loaded, gas loaded.

6.3 What is role played by Intensifier?

- explain the construction, working and uses of an intensifier.

6.4 conductors/pipes; pipe fittings

7. Design of Hydraulic circuits

- List of components

- understand and use symbols

- Introduction to design of hydraulic circuits

- Create basic hydraulic circuits

- Meter in circuits

- Meter out circuits

- bleed off circuits

- Accumulator circuits

- sequencing circuits

- Regenerative circuits

-pressure reducing circuits

E.g.: Hydraulic circuit for a Robot ARM

8. Fundamentals of Pneumatics

8.1 Define Pneumatics

8.2 Applications of Pneumatics

8.3 Gas Laws, Pascal Law

9. Pneumatic Components

9.1 Air compressors

9.2 Types of air compressors-

- reciprocating piston compressor

- Diaphragm compressor

- Vane compressor

9.3 reservoirs/air receiver

9.4 FRL – unit- construction and working

9.5 valves

- direction control valves 2/2, 3/2, 4/2 , 5/2 and 5/3 valve controls

- manual

- mechanical

- pneumatic

- electro pneumatic

- combination of any 2

9.6 actuators

9.6.1 cylinders- single acting and double acting

9.6.2 air motors- piston motor, gear motor, sliding vane motor

10 Pneumatic Symbols

10.1 Port markings

10.2 ports and positions

10.3 symbols as per ISO1219/ ANSI

11 Pneumatic circuits

Difference between Hydraulic circuits and pneumatic circuits

11.1 Basic pneumatic circuit

11.2 control of double acting cylinder using 4/2 DCV

11.3 pilot controlled double acting cylinder 4/2 DCV

11.4 speed control circuit for a double acting cylinder

11.5 semi-automatic material handling circuit

11.6 Time delay circuits e.g: Sorting of objects, punching operations, etc

12 Combination circuits

12.1 advantages of combination

12.2 hydropneumatic / pneumohydraulic circuits

12.3 air over oil circuit

12.4 air over oil intensifier circuit

12.5 mechanical hydraulic servo system

12.6 electro hydraulic system

12.7 comparison of hydraulic, pneumatic and hydro pneumatic systems

13 Maintenance

13.1 maintenance of hydraulic system

- common faults in hydraulic system

- simple visual checks of oil

- causes of contamination

- preventive measures

13.2 common problems in pneumatic systems

-maintenance schedule of pneumatic systems


1. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controls-

Author: K.Shanmuga.Sundaram,

Publisher: S. Chand

2. Oil Hydraulic and System

Author: S.R.Majumdar

Publisher: McGraw Hill

3. Pneumatic Systems

Author: S.R.Majumdar

Publisher: McGraw Hill

4. Pneumatic Controls

Author: Joji P

Publisher: Wiley India Ltd

5. Pneumatic Systems

Author: Sirohi

6. Fluid Power with Applications

Author: Anthony Esposito

Publisher: McGraw Hill

7. Hydraulics & Pneumatics

Author: Andrew Parr

Publisher: Jaico Publishing house

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Fourth Semester


Model Question Paper

Time :3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1.Section I is compulsory

2. Answer any six full questions from Section II, Section III, and Section IV

Choosing at least two from each section


1 A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:- 1X5

I) The gear pump is ______________type of pump

ii) A 4/3 valve consists of ____positions ____ports

iii) According to Pascal law the pressure enclosed fluid is ____through out the practical


iv) The _______ valves are used to restrict the flow in one direction.

v) In spool valve, the spools are moving _____within the valve body.

B) Explain the basic logics used in fluid logics. 5


2 a) State the importance of Fluid Power in Industrial Automation 5

b) List the elements of automation 5

c) State the Basic Methods of Transmission of power. 5

3 a) Give the classification of pumps . 5

b) Sketch and explain external gear pump 5

c) Explain briefly 4/3 direction control valve. 5

4 a) Define actuators 2

b) Explain with a neat sketch Construction and working of a double acting cylinder 8

c) Explain the working of unidirectional hydraulic motor 5


5 a) What are Reservoirs? 2

b) Explain the function of hydraulic accumulator-spring loaded with a neat sketch. 7

c) Explain the working of an intensifier with a neat sketch . 6

6 a) Define pneumatics and mention applications of pneumatics. . 5

b) Sketch and explain reciprocating piston compressor 6

c) Explain briefly sliding vane motor 4

7 a) Write brief note on ports and positions 4

b) Explain the control of double acting cylinder using 4/2 DCV 6

c) Sketch and explain Basic pneumatic circuit 5


8 a) State the advantages of combination of circuits 5

b) Compare Hydraulic and pneumatic systems 5

c) Briefly explain electro hydraulic system 5

9 a) State any 3 advantages and 3 disadvantage of Fluid Logic/Fluidics . 6

b) with an example, the implementation of AND logic 5

c) Briefly explain-Reflex Sensors 4

10. Write short note on any three of the following 5x3=15

a. common faults in hydraulic system

b. causes of contamination

c. Preventive measures.

d. Maintenance schedule

e. Common faults in pneumatic system


Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Fourth Semester

Subject: Machine Shop

Contact Hrs / Week : 6 Hrs Contact Hrs / Semester : 96 Hrs

Topic Analysis



Contents No of











Identify the parts of Lathe machine and different tools used on lathe.

Know various measuring instruments used in machine shop

Practice on grinding of tool

Facing, centring and plane-turning operations.

Perform other turning operations on a lathe.

Different taper turning methods on a lathe

Practice on internal and external thread cutting

Practice on drilling operation- tapping, counter sinking and reaming

Servicing of lathe

Test & revisions











Total Hrs 96


1.0 Know the working of Lathe and be in a position to operate the same.

1.1 Perform a plain turning operation on a lathe machine.

1.2 Select proper tool to perform the job.

1.3 Make use of various measuring instruments for taking dimensions.

1.4 Perform various lathe operations on a lathe.

1.5 Calculate the taper angle.

1.6 Know the different taper turning methods on a lathe

1.7 Turn the required tapers by swivelling the compound rest and tail stock set over


1.8 Produce articles of industrial application such as ring gauges, plug gauges, handle


2.0 Graded Exercises


2.1 Use of marking and measuring tools used in machine shop such as Surface

plate, Angle plate, Scribing block, Try square, Combination set, Odd leg Caliper,

Divider, dot punch, Center punch, Calipers, Vernier Calipers, Digital Calipers,

Vernier height gauge, Outside and inside micrometers and Digital micrometers.

2.2 Study of Lathe and Drilling machine.

2.3 Study of Grinding of Lathe tools to the required angle


Turning practice on mild steel specimen to an accuracy of ± 0.25 mm.

Preparing at least FIVE models involving the following operations.

Machine Shop (Turning)

2.4 Plain Turning

2.5 Step Turning

2.6 Taper Turning.

2.7 Turning Collars

2.8 Knurling

2.9 Facing 2.10 Chamfering,

2.11 Parting

2.12 Thread cutting (Cutting of External and Internal Threads - Right hand

and Left hand threads)

2.13 Drilling, tapping, reaming, boring, countersinking.


2.13 The dismantling some of the components of lathe and then assemble

the same

2.14 List the faults associated with lathe and its remedies

2.15 The routine and preventive maintenance procedure for lathe


One model should be turned comprising of all the operations practiced in the shop practice and

the same may be evaluated as per scheme shown below

Serial no Description Marks

1 Listing of tools & operations required for performing 05


2 Marking of job 05

3 Operation performed 20

4 Dimensional accuracy of job 15

5 Finishing of job 20

6 One question on servicing aspects of lathe 15

7 Viva 20

Total 100

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester


Contact Hrs / Week:04 Contact hours / week : 64


SL.No Major Topics Hours


Weightage of



1 Materials for manufacturing 07 20

2 Metal casting process 09 20

3 Forging 08 20


4 Welding 08 20

5 Press work 06 20


6 Lathe 09 25

7 Drilling 06 15

8 Introduction to CNC Machines 03 05

9 Industry visits 04 -

10 Tests & Revision 04 -

Total 64 145


1. Understand the various materials used in manufacturing of the products.

2. Understand the metal casting techniques used in manufacturing

3. Understand the concepts of forging, its types & importance in manufacturing

4. Understand the various advanced welding methods & applications

5. Understand the basic press work practices, machines & applications

6. Understand the basic working of lathe, its operations & applications

7. Understand the basic working of drilling machines, its operations & applications

8. Understand the basics of CNC Machines.


1.0 Materials for manufacturing

1.1 Manufacturing

1.2 Ferrous and non-ferrous materials.

1.3 Heat treatment

1.4 Carbon Equilibrium diagram

1.5 Review of heat treatment processes

1.6 Advanced materials used in manufacturing

1.7 Ceramics

1.8 Polymers

1.9 Plastics

1.10 Composite materials

2.0 Metal casting process

2.1 Introduction to metal casting

2.2 Casting: steps involved in casting

2.3 Pattern for casting

2.4 Pattern making materials

2.5 Pattern Types & allowances

2.6 Moulding- Moulding sands-Moulding process, green sand moulding

2.7 Special casting processes - Die casting, Centrifugal casting & Investment casting.

2.8 Defects in casting and their remedies

3.0 Forging

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Presses & Hammers

3.3 Forging Processes

3.4 Forging operations

3.5 Defects in forging and their remedies

4.0 Welding

4.1 Introduction.

4.2 Classification of welding process

4.3 Resistance welding - Spot, Seam and Projection welding.

4.4 Arc welding process-Electrodes, arc welding equipments

4.4 Advanced Arc welding types-Shielded metal arc welding, TIG & MIG welding,

4.5 Gas welding process-types of flames, equipments for gas welding.

4.5 Defects in welding and their remedies.

4.6 Soldering and brazing.

5.0 Press work

5.1 Introduction.

5.2 Presses-Types-Power press

5.3 Press operations: Cutting, bending, drawing, punching, blanking & notching,

5.4 Die sets-Types-Accessories

6.0 Lathe

6.1 Introduction to lathe.

6.2 Classification of lathes -specification of lathe

6.3 Constructional features of Engine lathe

6.4 Lathe attachments, accessories & work holding devices

6.5 Lathe operations

6.6 Taper turning and thread cutting.

6.7 Machining parameters-cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time

7.0 Drilling machine

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Classification of drilling machines

7.3 Radial drilling machine-working-drilling operations

7.4 Twist drill nomenclature

7.5 Machining parameters-cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time


8.1 Introduction to NC and CNC machines.

8.2 Classification of CNC machines.

8.3 Advantages and disadvantages of CNC machines.

8.4 Working principle of CNC machine.



1.1 Define Manufacturing

1.2 List the different ferrous & non ferrous materials used in manufacturing & Applications.

1.3 State the purpose of heat treatment

1.4 Explain Iron carbon equilibrium diagram

1.5 Review the heat treatment process

1.6 List the advanced materials used in manufacturing.

1.7 Explain Thermo plastic and Thermo setting plastics

1.8 State the general properties and applications of composite materials


2.1 Explain Casting

2.2 Explain the basic steps involved in casting process

2.3 Define pattern and explain its importance in metal casting

2.4 List the different pattern making materials

2.5 Describe briefly different types of patterns

2.6 Explain green sand molding

2.7 List the different types of sands involved in molding process

2.8 Explain the Special casting processes - die casting, centrifugal casting & Investment casting.

2.9 State the defects in casting


3.1 Explain the importance of forging.

3.2 List the different types of Presses and hammers in forging

3.3 Explain forging process - Drop forging, Upset forging, Die forging & press forging.

3.4 Explain Forging operations- Closed die Forging operation, Fullering, Edging, Bending,

Blocking & Finishing.

3.5 List the Forging defects and its remedies


4.1 Classification of welding process

4.2 Explain Resistance welding - Spot, Seam and Projection welding

4.3 Explain shielded metal arc welding

4.4 Explain TIG & MIG welding

4.5 Explain submerged arc welding

4.6 Explain the Plasma arc welding

4.7 Explain the Laser beam welding

4.8 List the welding defects and remedies


5.1 Introduction

5.2 List the different types of presses

5.3 Explain the working of power press

5.4 Explain the press operations: Cutting, bending, drawing, punching, blanking, notching,

5.5 Identify different types of die sets

5.6 Describe various die accessories


6.1 Explain about lathe

6.2 List the different types of lathe with classification

6.3 Specify the size of a lathe

6.4 Draw the line diagram of the lathe, label its parts & brief working of lathe

6.5 List the lathe attachments, accessories & work holding devices

6.6 Explain various operations performed in lathe-turning, taper turning, knurling & thread cutting

6.7 Explain thread cutting procedure.

6.8 Define cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time


7.1 Introduction

7.2 List out different types of drilling machines.

7.3 Explain different parts of radial drilling machine with sketch

7.4 Explain different operations performed in a drilling machine- drilling, reaming, tapping,

counter boring & counter sinking.

7.5 Draw a twist drill & label its parts

7.6 Define cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time.

7.7 Simple problems.


8.1 Introduction to NC and CNC machines.

8.2 Classification of CNC machines.

8.3 Advantages and disadvantages of CNC machines.

8.4 Working principle of CNC machine.


1. Workshop Technology - R. S. Khurmi & J.K Gupta

2. Manufacturing Technology-1 - Dr.P.C.Sharma., S Chand & Co

3. Workshop technology - B.S.Raghuvamshi

4. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes - P N Rao, Vol I & Vol II

5. Production Technology - R.K.Jain.

6. Manufacturing Technology I & II , - Dr P C Sharma , S Chand & Co

7. Workshop Technology - Hazara choudary VOL - I & VOL – II.

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester

Subject: Manufacturing Technology

Time :3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Model Question Paper

Note : 1) Section – I is compulsory .



Q – I ) a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words 5X1= 5

i) _________ gas is used in Metal Inert gas welding.

ii) Draft allowance is allowed in ___________ making.

iii) ___________ invented the engine lathe.

iv) ____________ attachment is used for taper turning in lathe.

v) With the help of _________ treatment metals acquire desired properties.

b) State any five manufacturing processes with applications 05


Q – II ) a) State the importance of metal casting . 03

b) Indicate five casting defects & give remedies for each 05

c) Explain with neat sketch the Centrifugal Casting process 07

Q – III ) a) Mention the differences between Open Die & Closed Die forging 05

b) List at least five forging defects & their remedies 05

c) Explain with neat sketch DIE FORGING 05

Q- I V ) a) State five general properties & applications of Composite materials 05

b) Explain five pattern making allowances 05

c) Explain FULLERING with a suitable sketch 05


Q – V ) a) Explain with neat sketch TIG welding process 06

b) Sketch the POWER PRESS& label its parts 05

c) List the defects in welding 04

Q- VI ) a) Describe the process of arc welding with neat sketch 08

b) Explain different types of flames used in gas welding 07

Q- VII ) a) Explain with neat sketch spot welding 05

b) Define any five press operations 05

c) Mention the advantages & limitations of hot working 05


Q – VIII ) a ) How do you specify the lathe 05

b) Draw a twist drill & label its parts clearly 05

c) Explain briefly the thread cutting procedure on the lathe 05

Q- IX ) a) With a neat sketch explain taper turning by taper turning attachment . 06

b) Sketch & label all the parts of Radial Drilling Machine 05

c) Explain the knurling operation 04

Q- X ) a) With suitable notations define :

i) Cutting Speed ii) Feed iii ) Depth of Cut 06

b) With simple sketches briefly explain :

i) Reaming ii ) Tapping 06

c) Define machining time & mention its units 03

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Fourth Semester

Subject: Material Testing & Measurement Laboratory

Contact Hrs / Week : 6 Hrs Contact Hrs / Semester : 96 Hrs


SL. No. Name of Experiment No of periods

Material Testing

1 Hardness tests 06

2 Impact Test 06

3 Viscosity of oil 06

4 Test on Lubricants 06

5 Calorific values of different fuels 06

5 Co-efficient of friction by Thurston oil tester 06


Tests on Universal testing machine



7 Linear measurements 06

8 Angular measurements 06

9 Testing to detect cracks 06

10 Dye penetration test 03

11 Industry Institute interaction 05

12 Tests and revision 04

Total 96


1.0 Material testing Laboratory – Understand the various material testing methods.

1.1 Define the various properties of materials such as: yield stress, Ultimate stress,

percentage elongation, Young’s Modulus.

1.2 Appreciate the importance of various mechanical properties such as hardness,

impact strength. Perform tests to determine the above.

1.3 Conduct experiments on finding flash and fire points and co- efficient of viscosity

of lubricants.

1.4 Conduct experiments to find calorific value of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

1.5 Conduct experiments on finding Co-efficient of friction of oil.

1.6 Conduct tensile,compression,bending and shear tests on material by Universal

testing machine

1.7 Study of various measuring instruments used in quality control area

1.8 Measurement of linear dimensions of objects

1.9 Measurement of angular dimensions of objects

1.10 Know how to determine the surface and sub surface flaws in a product such

as casting etc using ultrasonic unit and magnetic method.

1.11 Know to determine the surface flaws by Dye penetration. test


1. Determination of impact strength of the material using Izod and Charpy’s tests.

2. Determination of hardness of metal using Brinnel, Rockwell, and Vicker hardness

testing machines .

3. Determine co efficient of viscosity of oil by redwood viscometer.

4. Determine flash and fire point of lubricants.

5. Determine co efficient of friction of oil by using Thurston oil tester.

6. Determination of yield stress, ultimate stress, percentage reduction in area,

percentage elongation, Young’s modulus by conducting tension test on Universal

testing machine.

7. Conducting bending test on wood specimen by UTM

8. Study of measuring instruments such as dial gauge, micrometer, vernier height

gauge, Vernier depth gauge, Gear tooth Vernier calliper, depth micrometer, inside

micrometer, external micrometer, bore gauge, telescopic gauge.

9. Measurement of dimension by using dial gauge, micrometer, vernier height gauge,

Vernier depth gauge, Gear tooth Vernier calliper, depth micrometer, inside

micrometer, external micrometer, bore gauge, telescopic gauge.

10. Determination of Angular dimensions by using combination set, sine bar, slip

gauges and universal bevel protractor.

11. Detection surface and sub- surface cracks by ultrasonic portable equipment and

magnetic bed method.

12. Detection of surface defects by Dye penetration test.



Serial no Description Marks


Writing procedure

a) One experiment on Mechanical testing

b) One experiment on measurement



Conducting of Experiment

a) One exercise on Mechanical testing

(Group of five)

b) One exercise on measurement tools



3 Calculation, results(Both experiments) (a+b)=20

4 Viva 20

4 Lab Record 05

Total 100


1. Hardness Testing Machine

2. Impact Testing Machine

3. Red wood Viscometer

4. Thurston Oil Tester

5. Pensky Martin Flash & Fire point Equipment

6. Calorimeter ( Bomb, Junker’s, Boy’s)

7. Universal Testing Machine – ( 20 ton – 40 ton range)

8. Digital Vernier Calliper

9. Digital Vernier Height gauge

10. Dial gauge.

11. Bore gauge.

12. Telescopic gauge.

13. Internal & External micrometer.

14. Gear Tooth Vernier

15. Universal Bevel Protractor

16. Digital Micrometer

17. Digital Screwgauge

18. Sine Bar & Slip Gauges

19. Portable Ultrasonic Equipment Tester

20. Spirit Level

21. Surface Plate ( Granite )

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Fourth Semester


Contact Hrs / Week:04 Contact hours / week : 64



No Major Topics




of Marks


1 Introduction 01 02

2 Basic kinematics of machines 10 30

3 Friction 06 17


4 Transmission of power 13 24

5 Cams 09 24


6 Governors 06 15

7 Mechanical vibrations 03 10

8 Balancing 08 23

9 Seminars 04 -

10 Tests and Revisions 04

Total 64 145


1. Know the definitions of Theory of Machines

2. Understand the Kinematics of Machines, their Mechanisms & Inversions

3. Understand the friction involved in bearings

4. Know different methods of transmission of power

5. Understand different types of cams and their motions and also to draw cam profiles

for various motions

6. Know different types of vibration and to understand critical speed of shaft

7. Understand balancing of masses in the same plane

8. Know different types of governors


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Definition of TOM

1.2 Sub – divisions of TOM

2.0 Basic kinematics of Machines

2.1 Kinematic link or element

2.2 Types of links

2.3 Kinematic pair –types

2.4 Types of constrained Motions

2.5 Kinematic chain

2.6 Machine, Structure and Mechanism

2.7 Difference between Machine and Structure

2.8 Difference between Machine and Mechanism

2.9 Inversions

2.10 Types of Kinematic Chains

2.11 Four Bar Chain

2.11.1 Beam Engine

2.11.2 Coupling Rod of Locomotive

2.11.3 Watt’s Indicator Mechanism

2.12 Single Slider Crank Chain

2.12.1 Pendulum Pump

2.12.2 Oscillating cylinder engine

2.12.3 Rotary I.C Engine

2.12.4 Crank and Slotted Lever Quick Return Motion Mechanism

2.12.5 Whitworth Quick Return Motion Mechanism.

2.13 Double Slider Crank Chain

2.13.1 Elliptical trammel

2.13.2 Scotch yoke mechanism

2.13.3 Oldham’s coupling

3.0 Friction

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Friction in Journal Bearing

3.3 Power Transmission in the above bearing

3.4 Friction in Thrust Bearing

3.4.1 Pivot Bearing – Flat and Conical bearing

3.4.2 Collar Bearing – Single and Multiple

3.5 Problems on bearings – assuming uniform pressure theory

4.0 Transmission of Power

4.1 Types of Drives

4.2 Length of belt –open and cross belt drives

4.3 Velocity Ratio, Ratio of driving Tensions, Centrifugal Tension and Initial


4.4 Power Transmitted by belts( flat and V) and ropes

4.5 Maximum power transmitted by belt (without proof)

4.6 Problems on belt drives

4.7 Introduction to Gears

4.8 Classification of Gears

4.9 Spur Gear Terminology

4.10 Problems on gears

4.11 Introduction to Gear Trains

4.12 Types of Gear trains –Simple, Compound, Reverted and Epicyclic gear


4.13 Problems on Gear Trains

5.0 Cams

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Classification of cams

5.3 Classification of followers

5.4 Terminology of Radial disc cam

5.5 Displacement diagram for the following Motion of follower

5.5.1 Uniform velocity

5.5.2 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

5.5.3 Uniform Acceleration and Retardation Motion (UARM)

5.6 Velocity and acceleration during Out stroke and Return stroke of follower

during SHM and UARM

5.7 Cam profile construction for

5.7.1 Knife edge follower

5.7.2 Roller follower

6.0 Mechanical Vibrations

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Terms used in Vibrations

6.3 Types of Vibrations

6.3.1 Free Vibrations

6.3.2 Forced Vibrations

6.3.3 Damped Vibrations

6.4 Types of Free Vibrations- Longitudinal ,Transverse and Torsional

6.5 Critical or Whirling speed of a shaft

7.0 Balancing

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Static and Dynamic balancing

7.3 Balancing of single rotating mass in the same plane of projection

7.4 Balancing of several masses rotating in the same plane of projection

7.5 Problems on above (Analytical and Graphical methods)

8.0 Governors

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Types of Governors

8.3 Centrifugal Governor

8.4 Terms used in governors

8.5 Watt Governor

8.6 Porter Governor



1.0 Introduction

1.1 Define the term Theory of Machines

1.2 Define and explain briefly Kinematics, Dynamics, Kinetics and Statics

2.0 Basic kinematics of Machines

2.1 Define kinematic link and list its characteristics

2.2 Explain rigid, flexible and fluid link with examples

2.3 Define kinematic pair and explain in detail its classifications based on type

of relative motion, type of contact and type of closure

2.4 Explain 3 types of Constrained Motion with examples

2.5 Define and explain kinematic chain. Give the relation between link, joint and

kinematic pairs

2.6 Define and Explain with examples machine, structure and mechanism

2.7 List the difference between Machine and Structure

2.8 List the difference between Machine and Mechanism

2.9 Explain Inversion with an example

2.10List types of Kinematic chains

2.11Explain with sketches, four bar chain and its inversions

2.12Explain with sketches, single slider Crank Chain and its inversions

2.13Explain with sketches, double slider Crank Chain and its inversions

3.0 Friction

3.1 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Friction

3.2 With sketch explain friction in Journal Bearing

3.3 Solve a simple problem on Torque and Power transmission in Journal Bearing

3.4 Explain friction in thrust bearing

3.4.1 Explain with sketch types of Pivot Bearings

3.4.2 Explain with sketch types of collar Bearings

3.5 Simple problems on the above bearings involving calculation of Intensity of

pressure, Friction torque and power lost in friction (Number of collars in

Multiple collar bearings)

4.0 Transmission of Power

4.1 List different types of drives

4.2 List different types of belts and materials

4.3 Explain different types of flat belt drives

4.4 Explain slip and creep in belts

4.5 Explain the equation to determine the length of belt in open and cross belt

drives (Derivation of equation not required)

4.6 Explain the terms Velocity ratio, ratio of driving tensions, centrifugal tension

and initial tension with related expressions

4.7 List the expressions to determine power transmitted by flat belt, v belt and

rope drives

4.8 Explain the condition for Maximum power transmission

4.9 Solve simple problems involving length of belt, width of belt, power

transmitted by belts and ropes ,number of v-belts/ropes

4.10 Explain V- belt drives

4.11 Mention merits and demerits of V-belt drives over flat belt drives

4.12 Mention expression for ratio of driving tension for V-belt drive

4.13 Explain chain drive

4.14 Define the terms in chain drives ( pitch and PCD)

4.15 Mention merits and demerits of chain drive

4.16 Mention the relation between pitch and PCD

4.17 List and explain different types of chains

4.18 Briefly explain toothed wheel concept with advantages and disadvantages

of Gear drives

4.19 List classification of Gears

4.20 Define and explain terms used in gears

4.21 Solve simple problems on gears involving exact center distance, number of

teeth on meshing gears, velocity ratio and power transmitted

4.22 Briefly give introduction to gear trains

4.23 With sketches explain different types of gear trains

4.24 Solve simple problems on simple and compound gear trains involving

number of teeth on meshing gears, speed of Driver or Follower

5.0 Cams

5.1 Briefly give introduction about cams

5.2 List and explain with sketches, classification of cams

5.3 List and explain with sketches, classification of followers

5.4 Define and explain terms used in radial disc cams

5.5 Draw and explain displacement diagram for the follower with Uniform

velocity, simple harmonic motion and uniform acceleration and retardation


5.6 Calculate velocity and acceleration during out stroke and return stroke of

follower during SHM and UARM

5.6 Draw the profile of the cam considering radial and offset for knife edge

follower and roller follower during UV, SHM and UARM

6.0 Mechanical Vibrations

6.1 Briefly explain the vibration phenomenon

6.2 Define the terms used in vibrations

6.3 Explain different types of vibrations

6.4 With sketches explain different types of free vibrations

6.5 Explain in detail critical or whirling speed of a shaft discuss the equation to

determine critical or whirling speed (derivation not required)

7.0 Balancing

7.1 Discuss the conditions for unbalance and the necessity of balancing

7.2 Define and explain the static and dynamic balancing

7.3 Explain in detail balancing of single rotating mass in the same plane of


7.4 Explain in detail balancing of several masses rotating in the same plane of


7.5 Solve simple problem on above conditions both by analytical and graphical


7.6 Explain different methods of balancing of crankshaft

8.0 Governors

8.1 Explain the function of a governor

8.2 List the types of governors

8.3 Explain with sketch working principle of centrifugal governor

8.4 Explain various terms used in governors

8.5 With sketch explain working of watt governor

8.6 With sketch explain working of porter governor

Reference Books :

1. Theory of machines-------- R.S. Khurmi & J.K.Gupta , S.Chand publication

2 . Theory of machines------- P.L.Ballaney , Khanna publication

3. Theory of machines------- Thomas Bevan ,CBS publication

4. Theory of machines---------Malhothra & Gupta

5 Theory of machines---------S.S .Rattan ,Tata McGraw-Hill publication

6 Theory of machines---------R.K.Bansal ,Laxmi publication

7. Kinematics of Machines---J B K Das, Sapna Publication

8. Dynamics of Machines----J B K Das, Sapna Publication

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester

Subject: Mechanics of Machines

Model Question Paper

Time :3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Question No.1 is compulsory

2. Answer any two full questions from each of the remaining sections

3. Any missing data may be suitably assumed

1. a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word /words 5x1=5

i) Hydraulic press is a __________ link.

ii) Type writer constitutes a __________

iii) The size of the cam depends on ______________ circle.

iv) The product of diametrical pitch and circular pitch is equal to________

v) The brakes are commonly used in cars___________

b) Describe with a neat sketch single plate clutch . 5


2. a) Define Theory of machines . 2

b) Explain three types of constrained motions. 6

c) Describe with a neat sketch , the crank and slotted lever quick return motion

mechanism. 7

3. a) Explain with a neat sketch ,Scotch yoke mechanism . 6

b) What is pivot bearing ? Give its applications. 4

c) A conical pivot bearing supports a vertical shaft of 200 mm diameter. It is

subjected to a load of 30 KN. The angle of the cone is 120 degree and the

co-efficient of friction is 0.025 .Find the power lost in friction, when the speed

is 140 rpm, assuming uniform pressure condition. 5

4. a) What is the function of clutch ? 2

b) Differentiate between brake and clutch . 5

c) A multiple disc clutch has five plates having four pairs of active friction

surfaces . If the intensity of pressure is not to exceed 0.127 N / sq. mm ,find the

Power transmitted at 500 rpm .The outer and inner radii of friction surfaces

Are 125 mm and 75 mm respectively. Assume uniform wear. 8


5. a) List the types of belt drives . 3

b) Explain what do you understand by “Initial Tension in a belt” . 2

c) An open belt running over two pulleys 240 mm and 600 mm diameters connects

two parallel shafts 3 m apart and transmit 4 kw from the smaller pulley that

rotatates at 300rpm .The co-efficient of friction between the belt and pulley is 0.3

and the safe working. Tension is 10 N /mm width. Determine the

i) minimum width of the belt ,

ii) initial tension and

iii) length of belt required . 10


6 a) List the classification of toothed wheels. 2

b) Explain with a neat sketch ,the compound gear train . 7

c) Draw the nature of displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams ,when the

follower moves with SHM . 6

7 a) Define the following terms related to radial disc cam .

i) Base circle ii) Prime circle & iii) Pitch circle


b) Why the Roller follower is preferred over the knife edge follower. 2

c) Draw the profile of the cam with knife edged follower is raised through a distance

of 30 mm in 1 / 3 rd of revolution of the cam and is lowered in 1 / 3 rd revolution

with equal intervals between these movements .The follower must move with the

following data

Out stroke-----SHM

Return stroke---Constant acceleration. 80 o & constant retardation. 40

o . 10


8. a) What is the function of a Governor ? 2

b) Define the following terms used in Governors

i) Height of the governor

ii) Mean equilibrium speed

iii) Sleeve lift 5

c) Explain with a neat sketch ,the working of Centrifugal governor. 8

9 a) Explain the different types of Free vibrations with sketches . 10

b) What do you mean by balancing ?


c) Explain the balancing of single rotating mass by a single mass in the same plane 3

10 a) Briefly explain static balancing . 3

b) A shat carries two rotating masses 5 kg and 2 kg attached at radii 300 mm and

600 mm respectively from axis of rotation .The included angle between two radii

is 60 degree ,find the angular position and radius of rotation of balance mass if its

mass is 3 kg . If no balance mass is used ,what is the out of balance force on shaft

bearing at 400 rpm. 4

c) Four masses m1,m2 ,m3 & m4 are 200 kg ,300 kg ,240 kg &260 kg respectively.

The corresponding radii of rotation are 200 mm , 150 mm ,250 mm ,& 300 mm

respectively and the angles between successive masses are 45 degree ,75 degree

& 135 degree .Find the position and magnitude of the balance mass required by

graphical method , if its radius of rotation is 200 mm . 8

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester

Subject: Automobile Repair and Maintenance Lab

Contact Hrs / Week : 6 Hrs Contact Hrs / Semester : 96 Hrs

Sl.No. Topic Hrs. Allotted.

1 Safety precautions 3

2 Over hauling of clutch 9

3 Over hauling of gearbox and transfer case 12

4 Over hauling of universal joint and propeller shaft 3

5 Over hauling of rear wheel and differential 9

6 Over hauling of front axle 6

7 Understand the over hauling of steering system 9

8 Over hauling independent suspension 6

9 Over hauling of leaf springs 6

10 Over hauling of brake system 9

11 Wheel alignment 3

12 Checking alignment of frame 3

13 Revision and test 6

14 Visit to Local workshops, show-rooms , Industries 12

Total Hrs. 96

General Educational Objectives: 1 Understand the safety precautions to be observed in the workshop 2 Understand the overhauling of different types of clutches and its adjustments

3 Understand overhauling of different types of gear boxes & transfer case.

4 Understand the overhauling of universal joints and propeller shaft.

5 Understand the overhauling of finial drive assembly

6 Understand the overhauling of front axle

7 Understand the overhauling of steering system

8 Understand the overhauling of front independent suspension system

9 Understand the overhauling of leaf springs

10 Understand the breaking system in the vehicle

11 Know the importance of wheel alignment

12 Know the alignment of frames

List of Exercise : 1. Overhauling of a Single plate clutch. (coil spring type)

2. Overhauling of a Single plate clutch. (Diaphragm spring type)

3. Overhauling of a multi-plate clutch.

4. Overhauling of a sliding mesh Gear-box, & calculation of gear-ratio’s w.r.t number of teeth.

5. Overhauling of a constant-mesh Gear-box & calculation of gear-ratio’s w.r.t number of teeth.

6. Overhauling of a synchro-mesh Gear-box & calculation of gear-ratio’s w.r.t number of teeth.

7. Overhauling of a Transfer case.

8. Overhauling of a Propeller shaft & universal joint

9. Overhauling of a Final drive & Differential with backlash adjustment, & calculation of Final drive gear


10 Overhauling of a front axle & hub greasing.

11 Overhauling of a Steering gear box with Backlash , End-play adjustment & calculation of steering gear

ratio. ( minimum any three different types of steering gear box)

12 Overhauling of an Independent suspension system.

13 Overhauling of a Leaf spring & re-chambering.

14 Overhauling of a Steering gear box

15 Overhauling of a mechanical brake with free-play & brake shoe adjustments .

16 Overhauling of a disc brake

17 Overhauling of a Master cylinder & wheel cylinder.

18 Bleeding of hydraulic brake system , free-play & brake shoe adjustments.

19 Measurement of Wheel base, wheel track, Toe-in, Toe-out, over length, over all height, front over-hang,

rear over-hang, ground clearance.

20 Checking the alignment of chassis frame.

Important Note :

1. Overhauling includes Dismantling, Cleaning, Inspection, Repair / Replacement of worn parts,

Reassembling with necessary adjustments.

2. For every Exercises mention the detailed Trouble shooting chart in the Lab records.

3. The lab-record must have the following contents for each exercise :

a. Aim .

b. Tools & Equipments required

c. Procedure

d. Precautions if any

e. Results / Reports

f. Troubling shooting chart.


Serial no Description



Writing procedure

a) One exercise from list of exercises 1-9

b) One exercise from list of exercises 10-20

(10+10) = 20


Conducting & Performance

a) One exercise from list of exercises 1-9

b) One exercise from list of exercises 10-20

(30+25) = 55




4 Lab-record


Total 100


1. Mechanic tool kit

2. Torque wrench ( 0-200 Nm)

3. Arbar press

4. Hydraulic press (20 Tons )

5. Hydraulic trolley jack

6. Hydrullic/ Mechanical jacks

7. Dial gauges with magnetic stand, feeler gauges,

8. Air compressor

9. Electronic Tyre inflators

10. Two post hoist

11. Tripod stands

12. Three jaw bearing pullers


1. Single plate clutches ( Coil & Diaphragm spring type )

2. Multi plate clutch

3. Gear boxes ( sliding, constant & synchromesh mesh )

4. Transfer case

5. Propeller shaft assembly

6. Rear axle assembly with wheels

7. Front axle assembly with wheels

8. Steering gearbox assemblies ( different types )

9. Chassis frame with Independent & leaf spring suspension system

10. Mechanical brake assemblies

11. Hydraulic brake system

12. Disc brake assemblies.

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester


Contact Hrs / Week:04 Contact hours / week : 64


SL.No Major Topics Hours


Weightage of



1 Fundamental of thermodynamics 09 20

2 Laws of perfect gases 05 10

3 Thermodynamic processes in gases 10 25


4 Air standard Cycles 10 25

5 Combustion 06 15


7 Combustion in SI engines 09 25

8 Combustion in CI engines 08 25

9 Industry innovations 03 -

10 Tests 04 -

Total 64 145


1. Apply fundamental concepts of thermodynamics to thermodynamic systems and

understand various laws of thermodynamics.

2. Understand the laws of perfect gases

3. Understand the various thermodynamic processes

4. Know the different air standard cycles and their practical significance

5. Understand the process of combustion.

6. Understand about the combustion in SI engines.

7. Understand about the combustion in CI engines.


1.0 Fundamentals and laws of Thermodynamics.

1.1 Definitions for system - boundary, surrounding, working fluid and state of a


1.2 Types of thermodynamic systems – closed, open and isolated systems with


1.3 Properties of system- Intensive and Extensive properties with examples.

1.4 Definitions for properties like pressure (p), Volume (v), Temperature (T),

Enthalpy (H), Internal energy (U) Specific heat at constant pressure(cp), specific

heat at constant volume(CV) for a gas. and their units.

1.5 Definitions for quasi-static work, flow- work, specific heat.

1.6 Zeroth, first, second laws of thermodynamics, simple problems on conversion of

Heat into Work and vice versa.

1.7 Steady flow energy equation (without proof),

2.0 Laws of perfect gases.

2.1 Brief explanation of perfect Gas Laws – Boyle‟s law, Charle‟s Law – -Gay-

Lussac law-Avogadro‟s -Joule‟s law .

2.2 Derive characteristic gas equation - universal gas equation, universal gas constant

and their relationship with molecular weight of gas.

2.3 Derivation for an expression showing the relationship between the two specific

heats and characteristic gas constant.

2.4 Simple problems on gas equation.

3.0 Thermodynamic processes on gases.

3.1 Types of thermodynamic processes, Constant pressure, Constant volume,

Isothermal, Free expansion, Isentropic, Polytrophic and throttling processes &

equations representing the processes.

3.2 Concept of Entropy.

3.3 Derivation for work done, change in internal energy and Entropy for the above


3.4 Calculation of heat supplied or rejected during the above processes.

3.5 Simple problems on the above processes.

4.0 Air standard cycles.

4.1 Meaning of air standard cycle-its use-Reversible and irreversible process –

reversible and irreversible cycles conditions for reversibility of a cycle.

4.2 Brief description of Carnot cycle with P.V. and T-S diagrams, Air standard

Efficiency - Problems on Carnot cycle.

4.3 Brief explanation of Otto cycle with P.V. and T-S diagrams, Air standard

Efficiency - Simple problems on Otto cycle.

4.4 Brief description of Diesel cycle with P.V. and T-S diagrams, Air standard

Efficiency - Simple problems on Diesel cycle.

4.5 Brief description of Dual cycle with P.V. and T-S diagrams, Air standard

Efficiency - Simple problems on dual cycle.

4.6 Reasons for the highest efficiency of Carnot cycle over other cycles working

between same temperature limits.

5.0 Combustion.

5.1 Definition of combustion.

5.2 Combustible elements in fuel

5.3 Calculation of weight and volume of combustible elements.

5.4 Weight of excess air.

5.5 Simple problems on above.

5.6 Orsat apparatus.

6.0 Combustion in SI engine.

6.1 Introduction.

6.2 Stages of combustion.

6.3 Detonation.

6.4 Effects of detonation and its control.

6.5 Pre ignition.

7.0 Combustion in CI engines.

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Stages of combustion.

7.3 Diesel knock and its control.


1.0 Fundamentals and laws of Thermodynamics.

1.1 Define the various terms associated with the Thermodynamic System.

1.2 Define the „State and System‟.

1.3 Name the types of thermodynamic Systems.

1.4 Explain the closed system with Examples.

1.5 Explain the open system with examples

1.6 Explain the isolated system with Examples.

1.7 List the thermodynamic Properties of System.

1.8 Define the various thermodynamic properties.

1.9 Write examples for each type of property and its units of measurement.

1.10 State the number of properties required to define the state of a system.

2.10 Define “Specific heat at constant pressure” (Cp)

2.11 Define “Specific heat at constant volume (Cv)

1.11 Define the modes of energy transfers to and from a system.

1.12 Represent the state of a system on a Graph.

1.13 State the Zeroth law of thermodynamics.

1.14 State the first law of thermodynamics.

1.17 Write steady flow energy equation.

1.18 Write non-flow energy equation.

1.15 State the second laws of thermodynamics.

1.16 Solve problems dealing with conversion of heat into work and vice–versa

2.0 Laws of perfect gases.

2.1 Define the term „Perfect Gas‟.

2.2 State “Boyle‟s Law”

2.3 State “Charle‟s Law”

2.3 State Gay-Lussac law

2.4 State “Avogadro‟s Law”

2.5 State “Joule‟s Law”

2.6 Derive Characteristic gas equation

2.7 Write the Universal Gas Equation

2.8 State relationship between characteristic gas constant (R), Universal gas constant

(G) and molecular weight (M)

2.9 Derive the relationship connecting the two specific heats and Characteristic gas

constant (R)

2.10 Solve simple problems using gas laws.

3 Thermodynamic Processes.

3.1 List out the different thermodynamic processes on gases.

3.2 Derive expression for work done in Constant pressure process

3.3 Derive expression for work done in Constant volume process.

3.4 derive expression for work done in isothermal process.

3.5 Derive expression for work done in a polytrophic process.

3.6 Derive expression for work done in an isentropic process.

3.7 Explain free expansion process

3.8 Explain throttling process.

3.9 Compute the change in internal energy of gas during above process.

3.10 Write the relationship between heat supplied, internal energy and work done

during above process

3.11 Derive the expression for change of Entropy for the above processes

3.12 Sketch pressure- volume and temperature - Entropy diagram for the above


3.13 Solve simple problems on the above processes.

4.0 Air standard cycles

4.1 Define the term „Air Standard cycle‟

4.2 Define the term „Reversible Cycle‟.

4.3 State the assumptions made in Air standard cycle

4.4 Explain with a line diagram the Working of Carnot cycle.

4.5 Derive the formula for the air standard efficiency of a Carnot cycle.

4.6 Solve simple problems on Carnot Cycle.

4.7 Explain the working of Otto Cycle with help of a line diagram.

4.8 Derive the formula for air standard Efficiency of Otto Cycle.

4.9 Solve simple problems on Otto Cycle.

4.10 Explain the working of a Diesel cycle with line diagrams.

4.11 Derive the formula for Air Standard Efficiency of Diesel Cycle.

4.12 Solve the simple problems on Diesel Cycles.

4.13 Derive the formula for Air Standard Efficiency of Dual cycle

4.14 Solve the simple problems on dual Cycles.

4.15 State the reasons for Carnot cycle being highly efficient than any other cycle

working between the same temperature limits.

5.0 Combustion

5.1 Define combustion

5.2 Mention chief combustible elements in fuel

5.3 Calculate the weight of air required for complete combustion of liquid fuels.

5.4 Calculate the volume from analysis by weight.

5.5 Calculate the weight from analysis by volume.

5.6 Calculate the weight of exhaust gas per kg of fuel burnt.

5.7 Calculate the weight of excess air.

5.8 Solve simple problems on above.

5.9 Explain the concept of Orsat apparatus.

5.10 Explain the fuel gas analysis by using Orsat apparatus.

6.0 Combustion in SI engine.

6.1 Explain the stages of combustion in SI engine.

6.2 Define ignition lag.

6.3 Mention the variables affecting ignition lag.

6.4 Study the process of detonation.

6.5 Explain the effects of detonation.

6.6 Explain the methods of controlling detonation.

6.7 Define pre ignition, post ignition, run-on, run-away, wide ping and rumble.

7.0 Combustion in CI engines.

7.1 Explain stages of combustion in CI engine.

7.2 Define delay period.

7.3 Mention the variables affecting delay periods.

7.4 Explain the process diesel knock.

7.5 Explain the methods of controlling of diesel knock.


1. “ I C Engines” by Mathur & Sharma

2. “ Basic and applied thermodynamics” by P.K.Nag ,Tata McGraw hill New delhi 2009

3. “Heat engines(Vol-I & Vol-II)”by Patel and Karmachandani

4. “I.C.Engine Fundamentals” by Hey wood

5. “Thermal Engineering “by R.S.Khurmi

6. “Thermal Engineering” by P.L.Balaney

7. “Thermodynamics applied to heat engines” by Lewitt.

8. “ Heat engines” by Pandya and shah

9. “ Thermodynamics “ Robert Ballmer , Jaico Publishing House.

10. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics-Venkatesh A- Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd.


Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester

Subject: Thermal Engineering

Time :3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Model Question Paper

Note: 1. Section-I is compulsory

2. Answer any two full questions from sections II, III and IV.


1 A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:- 1X5

i) The Second law of thermodynamics defines_____________.

ii) The work done in constant volume process is _____________

iii) In CI engine the knocking occurs at --------- of combustion.

iv) The Value of gas constant(R) is ______________.

v) The mass of excess air supplied is equal to -----------

B) Write a note on Orsat apparatus 5


2 a) Define the following properties

i) Specific weight ii) Enthalpy iii) Density 6

b) Explain with Example open and close system. 5

c) State the Zeorth law of thermodynamics 4

3 a) Name the variables which controls the physical properties of perfect gas 5

b) Derive the relation between two specific heats 5

c) A cylinder contain 3 kg of air at pressure of 300 bar and temperature of 27°C.Find

the volume of air occupied by gas Assume R of air 287 J/Kg°K. 5

4 a) How polytrophic process differ from adiabatic process 3

b) Derive an expression for work done during adiabatic process. 5

c) An ideal gas at 30°C and 1 bar is compressed adiabatically from 5m3 to 1m3.

Find the temperature, Pressure and the work done. Take γ-1.4 7


5 a) Define combustion, mention combustible elements of fuel 5

b) A fuel has the fallowing composition by mass Carbon-86%, Hydrogen-11.75%,

Oxygen-2.25%. Calculate the theoretical air supply per Kg of fuel and the mass of

products of combustion per kg of fuel. 10

6 a) State the assumption made in air standard cycles . 4

b) Derive the air standard efficiency of diesel cycle 6

c) A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 14 and cutoff takes place at6 %.find

the air standard efficiency 5

7 a) State the equation for minimum mass of air required for complete combustion. 5

b) A fuel oil has fallowing analysis by mass- C-85%, H2-12.5%, O2-2%,and the

residue 0.5%. The dry flue has the fallowing composition by volume-CO2-9%,

CO-1%, O2-7.77%, and N2-82.23%. Determine the Air-fuel ratio. 10


8 a) Explain the various stages of combustion in SI engines. 10

b) Mention the parameters affecting the ignition lag. 5

9 a) Explain the process of Diesel knock 7

b) Explain the various methods of controlling Diesel knock 8

10 Write short note on any three of the following 5x3=15

i) Pre ignition

ii) Constant pressure process

iii) Extensive and Intensive properties

iv) Run-on and run-away

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Course in Automobile Engineering

Third Semester


(Fitting, Welding, Foundry and Sheet metal)

Contact Hrs / Week:06 Contact hours / week :96


Sl.No. TOPIC Hrs Allotted


1 Study of tools and equipments used in fitting shop. 03

2 Practice on layout marking, cutting and filing 03

3 Preparation of models 18


4 Study of Foundry Tools 03

5 Sand Mixing, Study of cope and drag 03

6 Practice in a single box and double box 03

7 Preparation of molds and castings 15


8 Study of Electric Arc welding tools & equipment 03

9 Study of Gas welding tools & equipment 03

10 Study of MIG and TIG welding equipment 03

11 Preparation of weld joints 12


12 Study of Sheet Metal Tools & their uses 03

13 Preparation of lap joints 06

14 Preparation of utility articles 12

15 Tests an Revision 06

Total 96


1. Understand the concepts of fitting.

2. Practice on use of fitting tools

3. Prepare the selected fitting models

4. Know the sand moulding procedures in a foundry.

5. Identify various foundry shops hand tools.

6. Prepare simple aluminium castings

7. Understand the operation of weld ding transformer and generator

8. Perform various welding joint operations

9. Handle the Sheet metal tools and their uses

10. Preparation of lap single and double grooved joints.

11. Practice on Soldering of joints.


1 Fitting

1.1 Study of tools and equipments used in fitting shop.

1.2 Practice on marking, cutting, filing and finishing.

1.3 Preparation of joints with models.

2 Foundry

2.1 Study of Foundry Tools and Equipment

2.2 Sand Mixing, Study of cope and drag

2.3 Practice in a single box

2.4 Cutting Practice by double box

2.5 Preparation of moulds-a)Solid bearing) Flange coupling)Split bearing e)Connecting

rod) V – Pulley) Gear pulley

2.6 Preparation of simple aluminium castings

2. Welding

2.1Study of arc welding tool and equipment

2.2Arc welding practice

2.3Study of gas welding tools and equipment

2.4Weld joint preparation

2.5 Gas welding-Lap joints, butt joints-joints

2.6 Preparation weld joints by using MIG welding

2.7 Preparation of weld joints by TIG welding

3. Sheet metal

3.1Study Sheet Metal Tools & their uses

3.2Preparation of lap joints

3.3Soldering of the joints

3.4Riveting practice

3.5Preparation of utility articles such as a) Funnel b) Tray c) Water jug

d) Boxes e) Can


Two models may be prepared in combination of any two of the four shop practices and

evaluation of the model should be done as per scheme mention below

Serial no Description Marks

1 Listing of tools & operations required for performing job 10

2 Marking of job 10

3 Operation performed 20

4 Dimensional accuracy of job 20

5 Finishing of job 20

6 Viva 20

Total 100



Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 04

Hours Per Semester : 64


SL.No Major Topics Hours


Weightage of


1 Performance of IC engines 10 25

2 Gear box 06 15

3 Steering system 04 10

4 Brake system 14 35

5 Springs 06 15

6 Performance of vehicle 15 35

7 Propeller shaft 05 10

8 Tests & Revisions 04 -

Total 64 145


1.0 Understand the performance parameters of IC engine along with their efficiencies.

2.0 Know the procedure for calculating the different speed and gear ratio’s.

3.0 Know the different types of steering gear mechanism and to calculate different

Parameters of steering.

4.0 Understand the different parameters of the braking phenomena like braking distance,

Breaking torque, mean lining pressure etc.

5.0 Learn calculating different parameters of the braking phenomenon.

6.0 Know the nomenclature of coil spring and leaf spring.

7.0 Learn calculating different parameters of the coil spring and leaf spring.

8.0 Know different types of forces acting on the vehicle.

9.0 Learn to find different performance parameters of vehicle.

10.0 Know the need of hallow propeller shaft.

11.0 Learn to calculate the torque and power transmitted by the propeller shaft.


1.0 Performance of IC engines

Definition of IP, BP, FP, MEP, IMEP, BMEP, engine torque, piston speed along with

mathematical expression – mechanical, thermal, indicated thermal, brake thermal, volumetric,

air standard, relative efficiencies – SFC, BSFC, ISFC, A/F, heat balance sheet along with

mathematical expression and problems – Morse test with problems – William line method –

performance curves.

2.0 Gear box

Procedure for calculating speed ratio & gear ratio for 3 speed & 4 speed gear box – problems.

3.0 Steering system

Definition of wheel base, wheel track, overall length, front over hung, rear over hung, turning

circle radius – difference between Ackerman & Davis steering gear mechanism – equation for

correct steering – expression for turning circle radii – Ackerman steering gear mechanism

expression – problems.

4.0 Brakes

Definition of stopping distance, braking efficiency. Braking torque, leading shoe, trailing shoe –

expression for stopping distance – equation for braking torque on leading and trailing shoe –

expression for deceleration and load distribution during braking of vehicle – mean lining

pressure and heat generated – weight transfer – problems.

5.0 Springs

Nomenclature of coil springs – stresses in helical coil spring – problems – stresses in semi

elliptical leaf spring – definition of over length, effective length, ineffective length, and camber

– problems.

6.0 Performance of vehicle

Mention different types of resistances – state the equations of wind resistance, rolling resistance

& gradient resistance – power required for propulsion with mathematical expression –

mathematical expression of traction & tractive effort – concept of surplus power –acceleration,

gradiability and drawbar pull with mathematical expression – definition of equivalent weight

with mathematical expression – expression of maximum acceleration & reactions when vehicle

is driven on front wheel, rear wheel and four wheel – problems.

7.0 Propeller shaft

Advantages of hollow propeller shaft – equation for calculating torque transmitted by hollow

propeller shaft - equation for calculating power transmitted by hollow propeller shaft –



1.0 Performance of IC engines

1.1 Define IP, BP, FP, MEP, IMEP, BMEP, engine torque, piston speed.

1.2 Know the mathematical expressions for above.

1.3 Define dynamometer.

1.4 Mention different types of dynamometer.

1.5 Explain prony brake dynamometer, rope brake dynamometer, hydraulic

Dynamometer and eddy current dynamometer with sketches.

1.6 Define mechanical efficiency, thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, brake

Thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, air standard efficiency, relative

Efficiency, Specific fuel consumption, brake specific fuel consumption, indicated

Specific fuel, Consumption, air fuel ratio, heat balance sheet.

1.7 Know the mathematical expressions for the above.

1.8 Explain heat balance sheet.

1.9 Solve problems to calculate the parameters mentioned above.

1.10 Explain Morse test procedure

1.11 Solve problems on Morse test.

1.12 Explain William line method to find friction power.

1.13 Study engine performance curves.

2.0 Gear box

2.1 Explain the procedure of calculating speed ratio and Gear ratio for three speed &

Four speed gear box with sketches.

2.2 Solve the problems on gear box to find gear ratio, no of teeth, distance between

Shafts and exact gear ratios.

3.0 Steering system

3.1 Define the terms, wheel base, track width, overall length, front over hung,

rear over hung, turning circle radius,

3.2 State differences between Ackerman and Davis steering gear mechanism.

3.3 Derive an equation for correct steering.

3.4 Derive an expression to find turning circle radius of all the four wheels.

3.5 Derive an equation to find angle of inside lock and out side lock by Ackerman

Steering gear mechanism by analytical method.

3.6 Solve problems on Ackerman steering gear mechanism.

4.0 Brakes

4.1 Define the terms

4.1.1 Stopping distance and braking efficiency.

4.1.2 Braking torque, leading shoe, trailing shoe.

4.2 Derive an equation for stopping distance.

4.3 Derive the equations for braking torque on leading shoe and trailing shoe of

Internal expanding shoe brake.

4.4 Derive the expressions for deceleration and load distribution on front and rear axle

in case of braking of vehicle, for the following cases.

4.4.1 Rear wheel braking.

4.4.2 Front wheel braking.

4.4.3 All wheel braking.

4.5 Derive an expression to calculate mean lining pressure and heat generated during

braking operation.

4.6 Explain the phenomena of weight transfer during braking.

4.7 Solve simple problems on above.

5.0 Springs

5.1 Nomenclature of coil spring with equations - solid length, free length, spring index,


5.2 State the equations of stresses & deflection in helical coil spring (circular cross


5.3 Solve simple problems on coil spring.

5.4 Introduction to design of leaf springs.

5.5 State the equation for bending stress and maximum deflection of semi elliptical leaf


5.6 Define overall length & effective length, ineffective length, camber.

5.7 Simple problems on leaf springs.

6.0 Performance of vehicle

6.1 Mention different types of resistances.

6.2 State the equation for, wind resistance, rolling resistance and grade resistance.

6.3 Explain power required for propulsion with mathematical expression.

6.4 Explain with mathematical expression of traction and tractive effort.

6.5 Know the concept of surplus power.

6.6 Explain acceleration, gradiability and drawbar pull with mathematical expressions.

6.7 Define equivalent weight with mathematical expression.

6.8 State the expression for maximum acceleration & reactions when vehicle is driven

On front wheel, rear wheel and four wheels.

6.9 Solve simple problems.

7.0 Propeller shaft

7.1 List the advantages of hollow propeller shaft.

7.2 State an equation for calculating torque transmitted by hollow propeller shaft.

7.3 State an equation for calculating the power transmitted by hollow propeller shaft.

7.4 Solve simple problems.


1. Automotive Mechanics - N.K. Giri (Khanna Publishers)

2. Automobile design Problem - R.S. Agarwal

3. Machine design - R.S. Khurmi & J.K. Gupta (S.Chand Publications)

4. Machine Design - Sharma & Agarwal


Note; 1. Question no 1 is compulsory.

2. Answer any two full questions from remaining sections A, B & C.

Qno: 1. a. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 1x5=5

1. The inlet valve is made bigger to increase--------------efficiency of the


2. To find the FP by Morse test the speed of the engine is kept---------.

3. The formula to find the distance between two shafts in gearbox is-----.

4. The distance between two front wheels is called as------.

5. The length of the spring, when there is no load on the spring is called as -----.

b. Derive an expression to find the front right wheel turning circle radius. 05


Qno: 2. a. Define the following terms 05

1. Mechanical efficiency.

2. Volumetric efficiency.

b. A petrol engine working on Otto cycle has a clearance volume of 20% of the stroke

volume. This engine consumes 8.1 liters of petrol/ hour, when developing 23.5KW

IP. The sp.grvity of petrol is 0.76 and its heating value is 43900KJ/Kg. determine

the indicated thermal efficiency of the engine. 10

Qno: 3. a. Define the term gear ratio. 02

b. In a gearbox the clutch shaft pinion has 14 teeth and low gear main shaft pinion has

32 teeth. The corresponding lay shaft pinions have 36 and 18 teeth. The rear axle

ratio is 3.7:1 and the effective radius of the rear tyre is 0.355 m. Calculate the

vehicle speed in the above arrangement at an engine speed of 2500 rpm.


Qn: 4. a. State the difference between the Ackerman steering and Davis steering

Mechanisms. 05

b. A truck has pivot pins 1.37 m apart, the length of each track arm is 0.18m and the

Track rod is behind front axle and is 1.27m long. Determine the wheel base which

will give true rolling for all wheels, when the car is turning so that inner wheel stub

axle is 60 degrees to the center line of the car. 10


Qno: 5. a. Derive an expression for stopping distance. 05

b. Prove that when a passenger car with wheel base equal to five time the height of

Center of gravity above the ground is braked to utilize all the road friction available

(µ=0.6), the weight transferred from rear to front wheels is approximately 12% of

the weight of the car. 10

Qno: 6 a. Derive an expression for deceleration when brakes are applied to rear wheels, when

Vehicle is moving on a gradient. 10

b. Define the fallowing terms. 05

1. Pitch of the coil.

2. Free length.

Qno: 7 a. A motor car weighs 13341.5N and has wheel base of 2.65m. The cg is 1.27 m

Behind the front axle and 0.76m above the ground. Maximum braking on all four

wheels on level ground will bring the vehicle uniformly to rest from a speed of 64

km/hour in a distance of 25.9 m. Calculate the value of the adhesion between the

tyre and the road.

b. Under the same road conditions the vehicle descends a hill of gradient 1 in 20 and is

braked on front wheels only. Determine the load distribution between front and rear

wheels and the distance required to bring the car to rest. 15


Qno: 8 a. What are the advantages of hallow shaft? 05

b. A car with wheel base 2.75m with a cg of 0.85m above the ground and 1.15m

behind the front axle has a coefficient of adhesion 0.6 between the tyre and the

ground. Calculate the maximum possible acceleration when vehicle is

1. Driven on front wheels.

2. Driven on rear wheels.

3. Driven on all wheels. 10

Qno: 9.a. Explain traction and tractive effort 05

b. An automobile engine develops 28 KW at 1500rpm and its bottom gear ratio is

3.06. If a propeller shaft of 40mm out side diameter is to be used, determine the

Inside diameter of mild steel tube to be used, assuming a safe shear stress of


KPascal. 10

Qno: 10. A motor car weighs 17795 N including the four road wheels each of which has an

Effective dia of 0.66m, a radius of gyration of 0.28m and a weight of 294N has an

engine developing 66 kW at 2400 rpm. The parts which rotate at engine speed weigh

1069N, with a radius of gyration of 0.115m. The transmission efficiency is 90% and

the total road and air resistance at this engine in top gear of 3.84:1 is 873N on level.

Calculate the acceleration in m/s2, under those conditions and assuming the

Acceleration to be uniform the time required to increase the speed by 32km/hr. 15


Subject Title : AUTOTRONICS Sem : VI

Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 04

Hours Per Semester : 64



No Major Topics



Weightage of


1 Autotronics 12 30

2 Sensors & Actuators 12 30

3 Electronically controlled fuel supply system 12 30

4 Electronic steering 04 09

5 Antilock Brakes 04 10

6 Electronic Suspension system 04 09

7 Safety system 04 09

8 Automotive Instrumentation 08 18

7 Tests & Revisions 04 -

Total 64 145


1.0 Understand the basics of Autotronics.

2.0 Know the working of sensors and actuators used in vehicle control.

3.0 Understand the working of electronic fuel supply system.

4.0 Understand the working electronic steering system.

5.0 Describe the details of anti-lock braking system.

6.0 Understand the working of electronic suspension system.

7.0 Describe the details of air bag system.

8.0 Understand the computer based automotive instrumentation system.


1.0 Autotronics

Importance of Autotronics-definition of mechatronics- architecture of mechatranics –

system-measurement, open loop and closed loop control system. - signal conditioning-

interfacing-analog and digital signals- conversion of analog to digital conversion.-difference

between conventional and mechatronics system.

2.0 Sensors and Actuators

Sensors –variable resistance sensor, pickup coil type sensor, Hall Effect switch,

piezoelectric knock sensor, throttle position sensor, MAP sensor, MAF sensor and


3.0 Electronically controlled fuel supply system

Electronic fuel injection system-classification-electronic fuel injectors-electronic diesel

injection system, electronic unit injector, electro hydraulic diesel injector.

4.0 Electronic steering.

Electronic power steering –electronic rack and pinion power steering, electronic four wheel


5.0 Anti-lock brakes.

Antilock brakes –classification and advantages.

6.0 Electronic suspension

Electronic suspension and its advantages.

7.0 Safety system

Air bags, collision avoidance system and low pressure warning system.

8.0 Automotive instrumentation

Different automobile measurement systems, trip computer, Global position navigation



1.0 Autotronics

1.1 Introduction to autotronics. 1

1.2 Define Mechatronics. 1

1.3 Introduction to signal conditioning. 1

1.4 Explain Interfacing with a microprocessor. 1

1.5 List steps involved in signal processing. 1

1.6 Introduction to analog and digital signals. 1

1.7 Understand the process of converting decimal number system to binary number system

conversion using two bit, three bit and four bits. 1

1.8 Explain the process of analog to digital conversion. 1

1.9 Explain with block diagram the general architecture of mechatronics system. 1

1.10 Define system related to autotronics. 1

1.11 With the help of block diagram explain measurement system. 1

1.12 Explain with the block diagram open loop control system. 1

1.13 Explain with the block diagram closed loop control system. 1

1.14 Advantages & disadvantages of open loop control system & closed loop control system. 1

1.15 Difference or comparison of conventional & mechatronic system. 1

2.0 Sensors and Actuators

2.1 Define sensor. 2

2.2 Explain the basic working principle of variable resistance type sensor with a sketch. 2

2.3 Explain with a sketch the working of crankshaft position sensor (electromagnetic

Type). 2

2.4 Explain with a sketch the working of ABS sensor (electromagnetic type). 2

2.5 Explain the working principle of Hall – effect sensor with neat sketch. 2

2.6 Explain the working of optical sensor with neat sketch. 2

2.7 Explain the piezoelectric combustion knock sensor with a neat sketch. 2

2.8 Explain the working of variable resistance type throttle position sensor. 2

2.9 Describe with a neat sketch the working of temperature sensor. 2/3

2.10 Describe with a neat sketch the working of ride height control sensor. 2/3

2.11 Explain with a neat sketch the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor (variable

resistance type). 2/3

2.12 Explain with a neat sketch the working of exhaust gas oxygen sensor. 2/3

2.13 List types of mass air flow (MAF) sensors. 2/3

2.14 Explain hot wire type and hot film type MAF sensors with sketches. 2/3

2.15 Introduction to Actuators. 2/3

3.0 Electronically controlled fuel supply system

3.1 Explain the draw backs of carbureted fuel feed system. 4

3.2 Introduction to electronic fuel injection system. 4

3.3 Classify electronic fuel injection system in petrol engines based on position of Injectors. 4/5

3.4 Mention the classification of injection system in petrol engines based on duration and

timing of fuel injection. 4/5

3.5 Mention the classification of injection system in petrol engines based on number of fuel

injection. 4/5

3.6 Mention the classification of injection system in petrol engines based on control method.4/5

3.7 Explain single point injection. 4/5

3.8 Explain multi point injection with a complete layout. 4/5

3.9 Explain construction & working of petrol injectors. 4/5

3.10 State advantages of electronic fuel injection system over carburetor system. 4/5

3.11 Introduction to electronic diesel injection system. 4/5

3.12 List the methods of electronic diesel injection control. 6/2

3.13 Explain electronically controlled injection pump ( inline & distributor pump). 6/2

3.14 Explain electronically controlled unit injector. 6/2

3.15 Explain common rail fuel injection system with layout diagram. 6/2

3.16 Explain construction & working of electro hydraulic injector used in CRDI system. 6/2

4.0 Electronic steering

4.1 Explain the draw backs of conventional type steering. 7

4.2 Introduction to electronically controlled power steering. 7

4.3 Explain working of electronic rack & pinion power steering. 7

4.4 Explain working of electronically controlled four wheel steering with block diagram. 7

4.5 State the Advantages of electronic power steering. 7

5.0 Antilock Brakes

5.1 Introduction to Antilock braking system. 7

5.2 State classification of antilock braking system. 7

5.3 Explain working of four chamber antilock braking system with block diagram 7

5.4 Advantages of Antilock Braking System. 7

6.0 Electronic Suspension system

6.1 Introduction to electronically controlled suspension system. 7

6.2 Explain electronically controlled suspension system with a block diagram. 7

6.3 Advantages of electronic suspension system. 7

7.0 Safety system

7.1 State the purpose of airbags. 2

7.2 Explain airbag system with block diagram. 2

7.3 Explain collision avoidance warning system with block diagram. 2

7.4 Explain low tyre pressure warning system with block diagram. 2

8.0 Automotive Instrumentation

8.1 Introduction to computer based automotive instruments. 2

8.2 Explain computer based instrumentation system with block diagram. 2

8.3 Explain electronically operated vehicle speed measuring system. 2

8.4 Explain engine coolant temperature measuring system with block diagram. 2

8.5 Explain fuel quantity measuring system with block diagram. 2

8.6 Explain trip information computer. 2

8.7 List types of navigation system used in automobiles. 2

8.8 Explain GPS navigation system used in automobiles. 2


1 Mechatronics - Prof C R Venkataramana

- Sapna publications

2 Understanding Automotive electronics - William Ribbens.

3 Automotive computer control - Allan.W.Bonnick.

4 Automobile Engineering vol 2 - Kripal Singh

5 Automobile enginnering Vol I - Anil chikara

6 I C engines - V Ganesan

7 Automotive mechanics 10th

Edi - W H Crouse and Anglin

8 Automobile electrical and electronic systems - Tom Denton.

9. Truck engines Fuel& computerized management - Sean Bennett

systems CENGAGE Learning.

NOTE: The numbers against specific instructional objectives indicate the serial

number of book in the reference book list.


NOTE: 1. Section I is compulsory.

2. Answer any two questions from SECTION II, III, IV


Qno:1 a. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 1x5=5

1. In the elements with negative temperature co-efficient the resistance--------

as temperature increases.

2. A computer understands -------------type of electrical signals.

3. The sensor used to measure the mass of air passing through manifold is-------


4. By using a four wheel steering -----------can be reduced.

5. Electro hydraulic diesel injectors are used in ----------system.

b. Explain the necessity of signal processing. 05


Qno:2 a. Explain Interfacing with a microprocessor with a block diagram 05

b. Explain the process of analog to digital conversion. 07

c. State the advantages of digital signals. 03

Qno:3. a. Explain with block diagram the general architecture of mechatronics system. 05

b. Explain with the block diagram open loop control system. 05

c. State the advantages of mechatronics system over conventional system 05

Qno:4 a. Explain with a sketch the working of electromagnetic type crankshaft position

sensor. 05

b. Explain the working principle of Hall – effect sensor with neat sketch. 05

c. Explain with a neat sketch the working of exhaust gas oxygen sensor 05


Qno:5 a. Explain the piezoelectric combustion knock sensor with a neat sketch. 05

b. Explain the working principle of Hall – effect sensor with neat sketch. 05

c. Explain hot wire type MAF Sensor. 05

Qno:6 a. State the draw backs of carbureted fuel feed system 05

b. Explain multi point injection with a complete layout 05

c. State advantages of multi point fuel injection system over single point injection

system. 05

Qno:7 a. Explain construction & working of electro hydraulic injector used in CRDI system


b. Explain construction & working of petrol injectors 05


Qno:8 a. Explain working of four chamber antilock braking system with block diagram. 10

b. State the Advantages of electronic power steering 05

Qno:9 a. Explain working of electronic rack & pinion power steering with a sketch. 10

b. Explain airbag system with block diagram. 05

Qno:10 a. Explain collision avoidance warning system with block diagram 10

b. Explain computer based instrumentation system with block diagram 05



Subject Title : Basic Management Skills &

Indian constitution

Q P Code :

Hours Per Week : 04

Hours Per Semester : 64



SL.No Major Topics Hours


Weightage of



1 Management Skills 09 15

2 Operations Management 12 35


3 Total Preventive Maintenance 04 10

4 Total Quality Management 06 20 5 Safety and Environmental issues 06 20


6 Indian Constitution 08 20 7 Parliamentary System and procedures 05 10 8 Empowerment of Women 08 15 9 Environmental Awareness and Industry


03 -

Tests 03 -

Total 64 145




1.11 Know Thyself/ self –Discovery.

1.12 Know others and understand the perspective of others.

1.13 Intergroup communications.

1.14 Art Of Communications


1.21 Aspects of team building.

1.22 Team v/s Group.

1.23 Inter group collaboration.


2.1 Production & Productivity

2.1.1 Stages involved in Product Design

2.1.2 Factors considered while designing a Product

2.1.3 Types of Production

2.1.4 Factors to improve Productivity

2.2 Production, Planning & Control

2.3 Make or Buy Decision

2.3.1 Criteria considered for make or buy decision

2.3.2 Analysis for make or buy decision

2.4 Purchasing

2.4.1 Methods of Purchasing Material or Component

2.4.2 Steps involved in purchasing of material or component

2.5 Stores Management

2.5.1 Methods of Storing

2.5.2 Tools required for Stores Management

2.5.3 Codification System

2.6 Logistics Management

2.6.1 Different means of Transportation

2.6.2 Routing & Delays, Tracing, Packaging & Material Handling,

Damage Claims, Demurrage Charges and Insurance Buying

2.7 Inventory & Inventory Control

2.7.1 Functions of Inventory Control

2.7.2 Inventory Control Techniques

2.7.3 Inventory Management Software

2.8 Introduction to MRP and ERP


3.1 Maintenance and concept of TPM

3.2 Economics involved in preventive maintenance

3.3 Techniques of TPM

3.4 Benefits of TPM

3.5 Planned Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance


4.1 Quality and Inspection

4.1.1 Factors affecting Quality

4.1.2 Relation between Quality & Cost

4.1.3 Quality Control

4.2 Concept of TQM

4.2.1 Tools and Techniques of TQM

4.3 Quality Management System

4.3.1 I.S.O 9000:2000 Quality Standards

4.3.2 Procedures and Documentation of ISO 9000 certification


5.1 Accident and Safety

5.2 Accident Prevention, Accident Reporting and Crisis Management

5.3 Safety provisions under Indian Factories Act

5.4 Safety Management System-OSHAS 18001

5.5 Environmental issues addressed by organization


6.1 Indian Constitution-Formation of Constituent Assembly-Framing of the

Constitution-Drafting Committee-Contributions of Dr. B R Ambedkar,

Chairman of Drafting Committee and the members in drafting a

constitution for India.

6.2 Preamble-objectives-Directive principles

6.3 Features of Constitution

6.4 Fundamental Rights

6.5 Fundamental duties

6.6 Amendments for Indian Constitution

6.7 Human Rights


7.1 Government-Meaning-organs-functions.

7.2 Parliament-meaning-Two houses-Lok Sabha-Composition-election-

Presiding officer-term-RajyaSabha- Composition-election-Presiding


7.3 Powers of parliament

7.4 Executive Role - President-Vice President-Prime Minister-Council of


7.5 Indian Judiciary system-Supreme Court-High Court-subordinate courts

7.6 Constitutional bodies-Election Commission-Public Service Commission-

Finance Commission

7.7 Structure of State government- State Legislature-Governor-Chief

Minister-Council of Ministers

7.8 Local self government-meaning-Three tier system-Village panchayath-

taluk panchayath-Zilla panchayath

7.9 Local bodies-Municipalities and Corporations


8.1 Concept, Definition and need for Women's Empowerment

8.2 Strategies, approaches, process, levels, principles and indicators for

women’s empowerment.

8.3 Gender statistics in India – Glaring inequalities

8.4 Women and Development:

8.4.1 Goals and Objectives of National Policy for Women's


8.4.2 Advancement of Women through Five-Year Plans

8.4.3 Special Programs for Women's Development.

8.5 Constitutional Provisions towards Women's Rights and Special

Legislations for Women.

8.6 Case Studies.




1.11.1 Importance of knowing yourself-Process of knowing yourself.

1.11.2 SWOT analysis-Benefits of SWOT analysis

1.11.3 SWOT analysis grid and questions to complete the grid.

1.12.1 Importance of knowing others-Process of knowing others.

1.13.1 Resolving Win/Lose Situations into win/win through inter group


1.14.1 Defining communication- Special features of communication.

1.14.2 Communication process- Channels of communication.

1.14.3 Formal and informal communication network.

1.14.4 Barriers to communication- Tips of effective communication.

1.14.5 Tips of powerful presentation- Art of public speaking- Importance of

public speaking- Benefits of public speaking- Public speaking tips.


1.21.1 Meaning and aspects of team building- Skills needed for teamwork-

A model of team building.

1.22.1 Team v/s Group- Characteristics of a effective team- Role of a team

leader- Role of a team members- A successful team of nine persons.

1.23.1 Inter group collaboration- Advantages of inter group collaboration.

1.23.2 Difficulties faced in inter-group collaboration.

1.23.3 Factors shaping inter group collaboration.


2.1 Define Production & Productivity

2.1.1 Explain various stages involved in product design

2.1.2 List factors considered while designing a product

2.1.3 Explain Job, Batch & Mass production with their advantages and


2.1.4 List factors to improve/increase productivity

2.2 State the functions of PPC- planning, routing, scheduling, dispatching and


2.3 State the importance of make or buy decision

2.3.1 List the criteria considered for make or buy decision

2.3.2 Briefly explain methods of analysis for make or buy decision-

Simple cost analysis, Break even analysis & Economic analysis

2.4 Define purchasing

2.4.1 Explain briefly different methods of purchasing the material or


2.4.2 Explain the steps involved in purchasing of Material or Component

2.5 Explain Stores Management

2.5.1 Explain different methods of storing

2.5.2 Explain briefly Bin Card, Material Issue Requisition, Material

Returned Note and Store Ledger

2.5.3 Explain advantages and systems of Codification

2.6 Explain Logistics Management

2.6.1 Explain different means of transportation

2.6.2 Explain Routing & Delays, Tracing, Packaging & Material

Handling, Damage Claims, Demurrage Charges and Insurance


2.7 Define Inventory and Inventory Control

2.7.1 List important functions of Inventory Control

2.7.2 Explain briefly Inventory Control Techniques – ABC, VED, SDE,

MNG Analysis

2.7.3 List few Inventory Management Softwares

2.8 Describe about MRP & ERP. List the software’s used


3.1 Explain Maintenance and explain the concept of TPM

3.2 Explain the economics involved in preventive maintenance

3.3 Describe the techniques of TPM

3.4 List the benefits of TPM

3.5 Explain planned maintenance and predictive maintenance


4.1 Define Quality, Inspection & explain its importance

4.1.1 List factors affecting quality

4.1.2 Explain the relation between cost & quality

4.1.3 Define and Explain quality control

4.2 Explain concept of TQM

4.2.1 Explain briefly tools & techniques of TQM – Flow charts, Control

charts, Histograms, Pareto charts, Check sheets, Scatter diagram,

Cause and effect diagram, 5-S, Poka-yoke, Kaizen, Re-engineering

and Six-sigma

4.3 Define QMS

4.3.1 Explain briefly I.S.O 9000:2000 Quality Standards – ISO 9000, ISO

9001 & ISO 9004

4.3.2 Explain procedures and documentation involved in ISO 9000 series



5.1 Define accident and safety

5.2 Explain accident prevention, accident reporting and crisis management

5.3 List the safety provisions under Indian Factories Act

5.4 Explain Safety Management System-OSHAS 18001

5.5 Give a brief summary of ISO 14000 series and IS16949 & IS16959



6.1 Introduction to Indian Constitution

6.2 Discuss the Formation of Constituent Assembly

6.3 Discuss the Contributions of Dr. B R Ambedkar as a Chairman of Drafting

Committee and the members in drafting a constitution for India.

6.4 Discuss Preamble and its main objectives

6.5 State the Directive principles

6.6 Discuss the Features of Constitution

6.7 Mention the number of parts, articles, schedules and discuss the article -1

6.8 Discuss Fundamental Rights

6.9 Discuss Fundamental duties

6.10 Explain the Amendment and its procedure

6.11 Discuss Human Rights and its significance


7.1 Discuss the Parliamentary system of Government.

7.2 Discuss the about:

7.2.1 Loka Sabha: Composition, election, Presiding officer and term

7.2.2 RajyaSabha: Composition, election, Presiding officer and term

7.3 Powers of parliament

7.3.1How law is made, three readings

7.3.2Diffrence between Bill and act

7.3.3Administrative control- Explain importance of questioning- concept

of Question hour- concept of zero hour

7.3.4 Briefly explain about Confidence motion and Censure motion

7.4 Explain the meaning of the budget

7.5 President-Vice President-Prime Minister-Council of Ministers their

appointments and functions

7.6 Discuss the formation and functions of supreme court-High court-

Subordinate court.

7.7 Discuss the importance of Constitutional bodies-Election Commission-

Public Service Commission-Finance Commission

7.8 Discuss the about state legislature:

7.8.1 Legislative assembly: Composition, election, Presiding officer and


7.8.2 Legislative council: Composition, election, Presiding officer and


7.9 Governor-Chief Minister-Council of Ministers their appointments and


7.10 Local self government-meaning-Three tier system

7.11 Discuss the formation and functions of Village panchayath-taluk

panchayath-Zilla panchayath and urban local bodies such as

Municipalities and Corporations

8. Empowerment of Women

8.1 Explain the Concept and Definition of Women's Empowerment.

8.2 Discuss the different strategies, approaches, process, levels, principles and

indicators for women's empowerment.

8.3 Discuss the Gender statistics in India – Glaring inequalities.

8.4 Explain Women and Development

8.4.1 List the Goals and Objectives of National Policy-2001 for

Women's Empowerment.

8.4.2 Discuss the emphasis given on the Advancement of Women

through Five-Year Plans.

8.4.3 List the Various Special Programs for Women's

Development from government.

8.5 State Constitutional Provisions towards Women's Rights -Fundamental

Rights Article 14, 15, 15(3), 16-Directive of State Policy Article 39,42-

Fundamental Duties 51(A)(e) and Reservation of seats Article 243(D)(3),

Article 243(T)(3) - explain the following Special Legislation for Women-

Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, Domestic Violence Act 2005,Sexual

Harassment at Workplace Bill 2006, Equal Remuneration Act 1976,Hindu

succession Act,1956, Prenatal diagnostic techniques (regulation and

prevention of misuse) act,1994.

8.6 Case Studies.


Reference Books:

1. Soft Skills- by Dr. K. Alex, S Chand & Company Ltd.

1 Total Quality Management- Prof. Dr. H D Ramachandra

2 Industrial Organization and Engineering Economics- T.R.Banga

& S C Sharma

2 Total Quality Management- S Raja Ram, M Shivashankar.

3 Industrial management and organizational behavior- K.K.Ahuja

4 Industrial management and engineering economics- O.P.khanna

5 Production and operations management-Dr .K.Aswathappa and

Dr.Sreedhar Bhatt- Himalaya publishers

6 Introduction to the Constitution of India- Dr. Durga Das Basu

7 The constitution of India - P.M.Bhakshi- Universal law


8 Our constitution-National Book Trust of India

9 Our Parliament-National Book Trust of India

10 Our Judiciary-National Book Trust of India

11 Empowerment of rural women in India-Hemalatha H.M and

Rameshwari Varma,Hema Prakashana.

12 The right to development-centre for development and human

rights-Sage Publications.

13 Industrial Engg. &Mgmt Science By- T R Banga & SC Sharma.




Time: 3Hrs Max marks: 100

Part-I is compulsory and Answer any two full questions from Part-II, Part-III, and



1. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:- 5X1=5

I) The Constitution of India came into effect on ______________.

ii) The term of the chairperson of Rajyasabha is_________ years

iii) ______________ is an unforeseen event

iv) The ISO ______________ is related with Environmental management systems

v) Increased ________ leads to the benefits for both employer and employee

B) State the qualities of a good leader 5


2 a) Explain SWOT analysis-Mention benefits of SWOT analysis 5

b) Explain special features of communication. 5

c) Explain Formal and informal communication network. 5

3 a) Explain the motivating factors 5

b) State the qualities of a good leader 5

c) Explain the process of team building 5

4 a) State the characteristics of entrepreneur 5

b) Lists the steps involved for setting up small scale/Medium scale industries

c) Define outsourcing and mention its features 5


5 a) State the functions of Production planning and Production control 5

b) Define inventory and inventory control 5

c) State the importance of material management 5

6 a) Explain the total productive maintenance . 5

b) List the various types of preventive measures to avoid an accident 5

c) List the factors affecting quality 5

7 a) Explain the concept of Total quality management 5

b) List the various types SQC tools 5

c) State the importance of material management 5


8 a) What is a constitution? 5

b) Why Dr. B R Ambedkar is known as architect of Indian Constitution? 5

c) What is sovereignty? 5

9 a) Why is there a need to Economic, social and political justice in India? 5

b) Explain three tier panchayath system 5

c) Mention the salient features of Indian constitution. 5

10 a) what are the approaches to empowerment of women? 5

b) List the goals and objectives of national policy for women's empowerment.5

c) Write a note on dowry prohibition act. 5

Question Bank on Indian Constitution

1. What is a government?

2. What is a constitution?

3. Why constitution is called the rule of the State?

4. Write the importance of the constitution.

5. To draft a constitution to India was the most challenging task. Why?

6. What are the contributions of Dr. B R Ambedkar in drafting a constitution for


7. What is the importance of republic day?

8. What is the importance of preamble?

9. Why is preamble said to be the soul of the constitution?

10. What is sovereignty?

11. What is the objective of Socialism?

12. The principle of Secularism is suitable to India. How?

13. Why is India called republic?

14. Why is there a need to Economic, social and political justice in India?

15. Mention the aspects which strengthen the bond of fraternity in India?

16. In the present context unity and integrity are most essential in India. Why?

17. Though Directive principles are not enforceable by law they are important in the

constitution. How?

18. Mention the salient features of Indian constitution.

19. How is written constitution, advantageous than unwritten constitution?

20. Indian constitution is one of the lengthiest constitution. Mention the factors to

substantiate the statement.

21. State the notable features borrowed from the following constitutions: a) U. S. A.

b) England c) Ireland d) Canada.

22. Why is Indian constitution termed as flexible constitution?

23. What is universal Adult Franchise?

24. Write the advantages of single citizenship.

25. Why is Indian judiciary said to be an independent judiciary?

25. What is the importance of Fundamental rights?

27. How can it be said that Fundamental rights are not absolute?

28. Mention the Fundamental rights.

29. Give reasons as to why certain sections of the society are provided concessions

and privileges in spite of right to equality.

30. How does cultural and educational right protect the interests of the minorities?

31. Mention the right introduced in 2010 under right to equality what is the

importance of it?

32. Name the right that bans child labour and provides protection to women against


33. The right to Constitutional remedies is said to be the heart and soul of our

constitution. Why is it said so?

34. Rights and Duties are like the two sides of the same coin - Substantiate the


35. Mention a few fundamental duties that you have to follow as a citizen of this


36. When and in which the fundamental duties part of the constitution was


37. Name the body that has powers to amend the provisions of the constitution in


38. What is the procedure followed in parliament to amend the provisions of

Fundamental rights and Directive principles?

39. Write the procedures to be followed to amend the constitutional provisions.



Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 04

Hours Per Semester : 64



No Major Topics



Weightage of


1 Tractors 12 30

2 Agricultural implements for tractors 08 18

3 Constructional equipments 10 25

4 Air conditioning 07 16

5 Vehicle body engineering 11 26

6 Vehicle body painting 12 30

7 Tests & Revisions 04 -

Total 64 145


1. To understand the working of tractors and its different mechanisms.

2. To understand different agricultural implements with their functions.

3. Understand different construction equipments with their applications.

4. Understand the necessity working and types of air conditioning.

5. Understand the types of body styles, construction process, materials used etc of the vehicle


6. Understand the objectives of painting, components of paint.

7. Understand the general procedure of painting, types of painting.



Types of tractors, application, PTO shaft, types of steering of crawler tractors, depth and

Draft control.

2.0 Agricultural implements for tractors

Types of implements and their applications.

3.0 construction equipments

Types, working and applications of construction equipments.

4.0 Air conditioning

Need of air-conditioning, working, types.

5.0 Vehicle body engineering

Body styles, types of body construction, stream lining, glass and window actuating


6.0 Vehicle body painting

Objectives of painting, components of paint and types of painting methods.


.0 Tractors

.1 Mention different types of tractors. 1

.2 Explain various types of tractors with their application. 1

.3 Mention the purpose of power takeoff shaft. 1

.4 Explain different types of power takeoff shaft with sketch. 1

.5 Mention methods of adjusting track width & wheel base. 1

.6 Explain the steering mechanism used in crawler tractor. 1

.7 Explain the clutch/brake steering in tractors. 1

.8 Explain the differential steering in tractors. 1

.9 Explain the planetary gear steering with neat sketch. 1

.10 Explain the necessity of hydraulic system in tractors. 1

.11 Mention the types of hydraulic controls used in tractors. 1

.12 Explain depth & draft control in tractors. 1

Agricultural implements for tractors

2.1 Explain integral & mounted implement carriers. 1

2.2 Explain the following farming operations using following implements 1

2.2.1 plough (cultivator)

2.2.2 Disc plough

2.2.3 Mould board plough

2.2.4 Harrow plough

2.2.5 Rotary plough

2.2.6 Thresher

2.2.7 Winnowing

2.2.8 Pulvoriser

2.2.9 Sprayer

3.0 Construction equipment

3.1 Classification of construction equipments. 2

3.2 Understand the working of the following with the diagrams. 2

3.2.1 Dumpers

3.2.2 Scrapers

3.2.3 Shovels

3.2.4 Motor graders

3.2.5 Dozers

3.2.6 Rollers

3.2.7 Rippers

3.3 Applications of rollers. 2

3.4 Applications of dozers. 2

4.0 Air conditioning

4.1 Introduction to air conditioning. 3, 4

4.2 Definition of air conditioning. 3, 4

4.3 Define humidity. 3, 4

4.4 Explain the working of Automobile air conditioner with a layout with functions of

Each component. 3, 4

4.5 List the types of refrigerant metering devices used in air conditioner. 3, 4

4.6 Explain the working of expansion valve. 3, 4

4.7 Explain the working of fixed orifice tube. 3, 4

4.8 Define refrigerant. 3, 4

4.9 List the Properties of refrigerant. 3, 4

4.10 Mention Common types of refrigerants used in Automobile. 3, 4

5.0 Vehicle body engineering

5.1 Introduction to vehicle body. 5, 6

5.2 Classification of vehicle body styles. 5, 6

5.3 Types of vehicle body construction. 5, 6

5.4 State the factors to be considered, while designing vehicle body. 5, 6

5.5 Explain the different vehicle body panels/parts. 5, 6

5.6 Explain the general procedure of unitary body construction. 5, 6

5.7 List different materials used in vehicle body construction. 5, 6

5.8 Explain the need of stream lining of vehicle body. 5, 6

5.9 Mention types glasses used in automobile. 5, 6

5.10 Explain the construction of laminated glass. 5, 6

5.11 List types of doors used in automobile. 5, 6

5.12 List types of window actuating mechanisms. 5, 6

5.13 Explain scissor type of window actuating mechanism. 5, 6

6.0 Vehicle body painting

6.1 Define painting. 8

6.2 State the objectives painting. 8

6.3 State the elements of painting. 8

6.4 Explain the functions of resins. 8

6.5 Explain the functions of pigment. 8

6.6 Explain the functions of solvent. 8

6.7 State the types of solvent. 8

6.8 Explain the process of paint drying. 8

6.9 List Types of paint drying. 8

6.10 State the comparisons between the different types of paint drying. 8

6.11 Explain the composition and functions of primer paint, putty paint, surfacer, sealer

And top coat. 8

6.12 List types spray painting. 8

6.13 Explain the procedure of air spray painting. 8

6.14 Explain the procedure of air less spray painting. 8

6.15 Explain the procedure of electrostatic painting. 8

6.16 Explain the procedure of new vehicle painting with a block diagram. 8


1. Farm tractors - C.P. Nakara

2. Construction equipments & Management - S.C. Sharma

3. Automotive Engineering

(Heating & Air conditioning) class room manual - Mark Schnubel

Cengage Learning.

4. Automobile Engineering vol VI - Anil Chhikara

(Air Conditioning System)

5. Automobile Engineering - K.K. Ramlingam

6. Automobile Engineering vol IV - Anil Chhikara

(Body Repair Technology)

7. Vehicle Body Repair - James Duffy

Cengage Learning

8. Automobile Engineering vol V - Anil Chhikara

(Paint Technology)

NOTE: The numbers against specific instructional objectives indicate the serial

number of book in the reference book list.


Max.Marks:100 Time: 3Hrs

Note 1.Section-I is compulsory

2 Answer any two full questions from remaining sections.


Qno: 1.a. Fill in the blanks with their appropriate words. 1x5=5

1. To drive the external implements by tractor---------shaft used.

2. To separate the husk from the grains--------implement is used.

3. To level the road ----------construction equipment is used.

4. Expansion valve is used to ----------the temperature of refrigerant.

5. The body paint quality depends on --------of the paint component.

b. Explain the clutch/brake steering in tractors. 05


Qno: 2 a. Explain various types of tractors with their application. 10

b. Explain the necessity of hydraulic system in tractors 05

Qno: 3.a. Explain depth & draft control in tractors with neat sketch 10

b. Explain the purpose of power takeoff shaft 05

Qno: 4.a Explain the following farming operations using following implements 10

a. Mould board plough

b. Sprayer.

b. Explain winnower with a neat sketch. 05


Qno: 5 a. State the Classification of construction equipments. 05

b. Explain the working of motor grader with a neat sketch. 10

Qno: 6 a. Write short notes on 10

1. Scraper

2. Power shovel.

b. Write a short note on automobile air conditioning. 05

Qno: 7 a. Explain the working of Automobile air conditioner with a layout with functions of

each components. 10

b. Define refrigerant and mention types of refrigerants 05


Qno: 8 a. State the Classification of vehicle body styles. 05

b. Explain scissor type of window actuating mechanism with a sketch 10

Qno: 9 a. State the different panel parts of vehicle body. 05

b. Explain the procedure of new vehicle painting with a block diagram. 10

Qno: 10 a. Explain the process of paint drying. 05

b. Explain the procedure of electrostatic painting. 10


Fifth Semester





I. To present orally any topic of the student’s interest to the rest of the class without the

assistance of media or any other aid (only talk) for at least 10 minutes creating interest in

the listeners and sustaining the interest with a meaningful conclusion.

II. To prepare a study report on any product/service in comparison with another one that is

comparable from technical specification to customer satisfaction.

III. To present with the aid of slides (6 to 10) about the study conducted above to the rest of

the class in about 10 minutes with the use of print for information and slides for graphs,

pictures, images, video and animations etc.

Note to teachers:

A teacher may guide only 6 to a maximum of ten students per year. This is to ensure active participation of each learner.

All 96 hours need NOT be contact hours by the teacher. Students may be encouraged to do activities on their own with peer group to ensure higher level of participation.

There are ten different tasks to be completed in the course of 96 hours. On completion

of each task, record the result and the marks along with the initials of the learner for

future reference, inspection and evaluation.

A few activities are suggested under each task. Teachers can improvise on the list and add more activities as they progress from one batch to another.

Students should not be compared with each other; instead they must be compared to the standards given against each task.

The standard suggested is minimum requirement, learners may excel. The services of

those who excel may be utilised to guide other learners to reach the suggested minimum.

The tasks 8, 9 and 10 may be evaluated in the presence of the total group so that learners get the benefit of knowing the inferences made by others and even their presentation



(One group consists of maximum 6 nos.)

Task 1 – Communication skills: - One to one personal communication. 6 hrs. 5 marks.

Practice in pairs through role play


1. Telephonic conversation of a customer and supplier.

2. Company sales manager and a customer.

3. Negotiation between supplier and buyer.

4. Conversation between quality inspector from the bulk buyer to the supervisor

regarding maintenance of quality of products.

Standards to be met:

Given a telephone number, a student must be able to call and gather information from the person, sustaining the conversation for about 3 min using proper

etiquettes and report on the enquiry made about the product or service. [e.g., call

a toll free number to ask details about a product or service]

Given a situation, a student must be able to talk to a person face to face in

simulation, gather information about a product, discuss about it and also

negotiate with him in the specified time (here, time can be specified by the

teacher as per the need).

Task 2 – Communication exercise between one to many in simulation: 6 hrs. 5 marks.


1. A very short talk highlighting the features of a hybrid vehicle assembled in India.

2. A creative advertisement sequence for a product being green and eco friendly.

3. A debate on Good maintenance of motor vehicle to minimise air pollution.

4. A panel discussion among students on issues related to Latest Trends in Automobiles

Standards to be met:

Given a brochure, one must be able to study about the product and understand it

in 15 min and talk about it to his group highlighting its features and explain it in

about 3 min.

A student must be able to identify a topic of interest for debate, initiate the debate and carry it on, dividing the group into two based on different

perspectives(e.g., For and against the topic)

Task 3 – Listening Skills: 6 hrs. 5 marks.


1. View an advertisement on ‘liquid engineering’ and write down the message behind.

2. Listen to the audio in a promotional CD/advertisement video from the net for about 15

minutes of any chosen product /service. Note down points and discuss among friends.

3. View a CD of an innovative practice in Testing of an IC Engine servicing or gear box

servicing of clutch for a length of 15 minutes and write down the summary in a

paragraph of 20 lines.

4. Listen to a lecture on HCCI engine from you-tube/NPTEL and write a summary in 200


Standards to be met:

Given an audio clip or a visual of an advertisement, one must be able to listen carefully and understand it enabling him to write the message behind it in the

specified time (say in about 5 min.).

A student must be able to listen to a lecture or watch a CD for 15 min, noting

down the key points and write a summary in 200 words in the next 15 min.

Note: Hints taken and the summary must be hand written by the student and

documented for evaluation.

Task 4 – Reading skills: 6 hrs. 5 marks.


1. Read an article from a magazine on the use of ‘Composite Material in body building’

and talk to the rest of the group in about 5 minutes.

2. Read an advertisement of an Auto Spare Parts supplier and elaborate its qualities after

collecting information from a different source like the company web site and a few


3. Read an article on designing using CAD from the internet and discuss the merits.

4. Read a note on usage of Hydra-Pneumatic, Electro-Pneumatic controls in industry from

any technical journal/Text Book/Internet and narrate in the class.

Standards to be met:

Given an article from a journal or an advertisement from a magazine, one must be able to comprehend it in 15 to 20 min. Later on read it out to

an audience, with proper intonation and elaborate it in the next 10 min.

Given an article from the internet, a student must be able to gather more

information from the net about it, understand it and read it out for an

audience and narrate it.

Task 5- Writing Skills: 12 hrs. 10 marks.


1. Write a resume and a covering letter for three different jobs

1) Wanted Technician for an MPFI/CRDI Engine

2) Wanted technician who is proficient in CAD-CAM for a MNC.

3) Wanted Works Manager for Authorised dealer servicing point/workshop

2. Write a synopsis for given topics related to Automobile Field in 100 words.

3. Write a summary on latest style & trends in sproillers.

4. Write an essay on any topic related to Automobile engineering for 150 words.

Standards to be met:

Given a job advertisement, a student must be able to write a suitable

resume and a covering letter in 30 min [Advertisements can be tailor-

made by the teacher deliberately to train their students- e.g., two

different jobs like a marketing person and an assistant in a Research &

Development section and train students to prepare two resume for these

jobs highlighting different achievements of the student in co-curricular

activities to suit each job]

Given a topic, a student must be able to write a synopsis or summary or

an essay in about 150 words in the stipulated time.

Note: All these have to be hand written by the learner and documented for


Task 6- Knowledge of using Internet: 6 hrs. 5 marks.


1. Create an e-mail id and mail to 6 others

1) Sending simple messages

2) Forwarding messages with their comments.

2. Sending message with attachments

1) Adding files as attachments

2) Adding scanned attachments.

3. Collecting data from net

1) Latest designs in Automotive Head Lights

2) Brand list of accessories for an Automotive

4. Forwarding resumes to different jobs.

Standards to be met:

Given an access to internet, one must be able to create an email ID, send mails,

forward simple mails and also mails with attachments including scanned

attachments and URL (web addresses for direct link). Also, they must be able to

collect data from different websites using internet search engines and forward

resumes to different job offering companies.

Note: Printouts of the mails, replies received and also the attachments with date

and time have to be documented.

Task 7- Oral communication: 12 hrs. 5 marks.


1. Debate on current topics like Global warming, Air Pollution etc.

2. Group discussion on latest developments in Power transmission

3. Discussion on qualities required for good entrepreneur.

4. Debate on role of women in Mechanical/Automobile industry.

Standards to be met:

Given a topic of relevance, they must be able to form groups and discuss/debate

on it. Also one must take cue and participate actively in a group discussion .

Encourage students to note down the points of discussion and file the points in

the portfolio for evaluation.

Task 8- Collecting market data and analysing for meaningful inference. 18 hrs. 10 marks.

1. Collect data for any two products (Automotive component) vehicles of two different

producers which includes technical details, specifications, cost and customer satisfaction.

2. Use appropriate tools and collect data from authentic sources. Compare the collected

data and present it.

3. Analyse the data with a view to compare these two products/Automobile/machines &

present it.

4. Interpret the analysis for meaningful conclusions.

5. Record the whole process for any other person to verify.

Standards to be met:

Given two products/equipments/service, one must collect adequate information

from an authentic source for each, like the company website or the printed

brochure and record the specifications.

The maintenance of quality of the product/service needs to be studied from

personnel working at different levels in the company (3 -5 in number) for each

product/service. A set of questions needs to be prepared for collecting data. The

same questionnaire has to be used for collecting data from the personnel

mentioned above.

One must compare the two products for all the parameters based on the

specifications. Also, a market survey has to be done preparing a printed

questionnaire of around 5 questions and collecting responses from 20 customers.

Then, analyse the data, compare them and interpret the analysis for meaningful


Note: This being a comprehensive task may require few weeks to finish. The

data collected and the analysis carried out need to be documented.

Task 9-Presentation Skills: 12 hrs. 10 marks.

Student should present the report of activities undertaken in Task 8 for about 10 minutes

supported by few slides (6 to 10) of pictures, graphs, images. The text material if any may

be printed and given to the audience. Discourage students from using text material in


Standards to be met:

One must present the analysis done in task 8 using slides with pictures, graphs,

images etc in 10 min. The first slide may contain text only as per need but other

slides should preferably have pictures and images. Usage of graphs for

comparison and analysis is preferred. Text materials have to be given as

handouts to the audience.

Task-10- Pick & Speak 12 hrs. 5 marks.

Pick a topic from a lot and student should be allowed to speak for the duration of

2 to 3 minutes without the aid of any media.

Standards to be met:

One must be able to talk extempore for 2 min on any topic picked randomly

from the lot, given a time of two minutes for organising his/her thoughts. The

topics can be kept simple and general (current events of interest like cricket or

tsunami). It must be totally an oral activity without the aid of any other media



Alternative fuels for IC Engine

Solar vehicles

Hydrogen as alternative fuel

Global warming

Driverless car

Alternative road materials

Flying cars

Special vehicles

Aqua cars

Latest construction equipments

Hybrid vehicles



CFRP connecting rods

Applications of composite materials in motor vehicle

ABS with ESP


Motor vehicle act

Electronic Power steering

Computer controlled Engine management system

Alternative power plant for an Automotive

Duel Fuel Engines

Multi – Fuel Engines

Auxiliary Brakes

Any subject related to latest trends in Automobile engineering

Emission standards

CNG Vehicles

Fuel Cell

All Wheel Drive vehicles.

Four Wheel steering system

Analysis of vehicle sales on quarterly, half yearly & yearly basis

Air bags system

Safety systems in modern vehicles

Air suspension system

Cruise control

Collision avoidance system

Power Windows

Central locking

Road safety awareness

LPG Vehicles



CNC Machines

Gas Turbines

Water as a fuel


Sl.No. Date Task Progress of


Initials of staff in charge and

the student


(as suggested in each


Signature of Guide Signature of HOD

All documented work as described in each task need to be filed in a portfolio

with task no.1 at the bottom and task 10 on top.

The log sheet may be filed on top.

Learners need to have only one portfolio which contains all original documents.

Duplicate copies need not be maintained. This is to ensure the authenticity of

data collected and the analysis conducted on the data.


(Total no. of students in one batch for end examination should not exceed 20)

1. Maintenance of portfolio & log book. 10

2. Evaluation of prepared report on all ten tasks 65

3. End examination:

A portfolio evaluation is recommended for the end examination evaluating the

record of all ten activities of each individual learner for consistency and in case of

any discrepancy the learner may be assessed on the criteria given against each task.

Marks awarded for evaluating the portfolio - 50

Total= 125.

Note to End examination evaluators:

Check the genuineness and authenticity of all recorded activities in the portfolio.

The learner may be asked to do one activity of the choice of the examiner which

involves listening to instructions, writing a small paragraph of 50 words, reading it and talking for a few minutes.

The learner may be asked about his satisfaction of the marks awarded and in case of any

mismatch the examiner may assess his performance and alter the portfolio assessment

(here the benefit of doubt may be in favour of the learner i.e., an improvement may be

recorded but in case the examiner feels that the marks awarded is more the same may

be retained).

Do not compare the performance of one student with that of another.

Always compare the performance of a learner to the given standard.

Total time taken for the evaluation of a portfolio need not exceed 15 minutes.

Recommended text book for the prescribed syllabus:

Ashan Academy (2011), Communication and Analysis skills, Orient

Blackswan, Hyderabad.


1. Chakravarthi K. T. & Chakravarthi L. T. (2011), Soft Skills for Managers,

biztantra, New Delhi.

2. Alex K., (2009), Soft Skills: S. Chand & company Ltd, New Delhi.

3. Pink M. A. & S. E. Thomas. : Communication Skills, S. Chand & company

Ltd, New Delhi.

4. Siddons S. (2008), Presentation Skills, Universities Press, Hyderabad.

5. Adler.: Communication : Goals and Approaches, Cengage Learning.





In case during the implementation of CASP any teacher has a suggestion to improve the

learners competence concerning any one of the ten tasks or any other additional one please feel

free to mail to the following addresses: 1) or 2)



Sem : V & VI

Subject Code :

Hours Per Week : 02 hrs / week in V sem and 06 hrs/ week in VI sem

Hours Per Semester : 32 hrs in V sem & 96 hrs in VI sem

As part of curriculum all students have to undergo driving practice of light motor

vehicles. (LMV) in V & VI Semesters.


1. Informative, mandatory, and cautionary traffic signs are to be taught.

2. Ninth,Tenth and eleventh schedules of motor vehicle act are to be taught.

3. Knowledge on road markings and traffic signals are to be taught.

4. The student should procure the LLR for LMV from the competent authority.

5. Preliminary checks like oil level, coolant level, tyre air pressure, battery

electrolyte level etc before starting the engine are to be taught.

6. Driving practice should be given to the students only after producing valid


7. The basic operations like clutch operation, gear changing, braking, steering

control etc has to be practiced.

8. Driving classes are to be conducted under the supervision of the Foreman/



1. Every student must be given Three Kms per class.

2. Driving classes are to be conducted under the supervision of the Foreman/


3. After the completion of driving training practice, each student has to be given 50

Kms day and night long driving practice.

4. Prior to the long driving practice, permission should be obtained from the

Directorate of technical education, Bangalore.

5. After completion of all driving training practices the respective Institutions have to

make necessary arrangements for obtaining the driving license to the students.

6. In case the students fail in first attempt of obtaining the driving license the

respective Institutions have to make necessary arrangements for obtaining the

driving license in the next attempt.

7. In case of non availability of Institute vehicles/ driver, the Head of Institutions may

make alternate arrangements for providing driving training to the students, after

obtaining permission from The Directorate of technical education, Bangalore.



Sem : V & VI

Subject Code :

Hours Per Week : 02 hrs / week in V sem and 06 hrs/ week in VI sem

Hours Per Semester : 32 hrs in V sem & 96 hrs in VI sem

As part of curriculum all students have to undergo driving practice of light motor

vehicles. (LMV) in V & VI Semesters.


1. Informative, mandatory, and cautionary traffic signs are to be taught.

2. Ninth,Tenth and eleventh schedules of motor vehicle act are to be taught.

3. Knowledge on road markings and traffic signals are to be taught.

4. The student should procure the LLR for LMV from the competent authority.

5. Preliminary checks like oil level, coolant level, tyre air pressure, battery

electrolyte level etc before starting the engine are to be taught.

6. Driving practice should be given to the students only after producing valid


7. The basic operations like clutch operation, gear changing, braking, steering

control etc has to be practiced.

8. Driving classes are to be conducted under the supervision of the Foreman/



1. Every student must be given Three Kms per class.

2. Driving classes are to be conducted under the supervision of the Foreman/


3. After the completion of driving training practice, each student has to be given 50

Kms day and night long driving practice.

4. Prior to the long driving practice, permission should be obtained from the

Directorate of technical education, Bangalore.

5. After completion of all driving training practices the respective Institutions have to

make necessary arrangements for obtaining the driving license to the students.

6. In case the students fail in first attempt of obtaining the driving license the

respective Institutions have to make necessary arrangements for obtaining the

driving license in the next attempt.

7. In case of non availability of Institute vehicles/ driver, the Head of Institutions may

make alternate arrangements for providing driving training to the students, after

obtaining permission from The Directorate of technical education, Bangalore.



Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 06

Hours Per Semester : 96



1 Engine dismantling 12

2 Cylinder Re boring 18

3 Valve reconditioning 15

4 Bearing setting 09

5 Engine Assembling 24

6 Timing settings 09

8 Test & revision 09

Total 96


Understand dismantling and cleaning of engine parts.

Know inspection of different engine components.

Know the procedure of cylinder re boring.

Understand the procedure of valve reconditioning.

Understand the procedure engine reassembly.

Know different engine timing settings.




1.0 Dismantling of engine.

1.1 Practice on dismantling of petrol /diesel multi cylinder engine.

1.2 Practice on dismantling of cylinder head & its components.

1.3 Practice on dismantling of piston, piston pin & piston rings.

1.4 Practice on cleaning & inspection of each component.

1.5 Practice on crack detection of engine components.

2.0 Cylinder Re boring.

2.1 Practice on measuring ovality and taperness of each cylinders of a multi cylinder


2.2 Practice on setting of re boring machine and re boring.

2.3 Practice on de sleeving & sleeving.

2.4 Practice on honing cylinder bore.

3.0 Valve reconditioning

3.1 Practice on measuring valve angle.

3.2 Practice on valve seat cutting operation.

3.3 Practice on valve re facing machine & valve re facing operation.

3.4 Practice on valve lapping operation.

4.0 Bearing setting

4.1 Practice on checking twist and bend of connecting rod.

4.2 Practice on setting of main bearings & crank pin bearings.

4.3 Practice on crankshaft grinding.

5.0 Engine Assembling

5.1 Practice on assembling cylinder head components.

5.2 Practice on assembling piston rings, piston pin & piston assembly.

5.3 Practice on assembling of crank shaft & cam shaft.

5.4 Practice on assembling of Engine.

6.0 Timing settings

6.1 Practice on setting of valve timings.

6.2 Practice on setting of ignition timing.

6.3 Practice on setting of injection tim

7.0 Test & Revision.

List of tools, equipments and practicing equipments required.

1.0 Working multi cylinder petrol engines 02

2.0 Working multi cylinder diesel engines 02

3.0 Engine swivel stands 04

4.0 Bearing pullers 02

5.0 Piston ring expander 04

6.0 Piston ring compressor 04

7.0 Piston ring groove cleaner 04

8.0 Piston ring filing jig 04

9.0 Valve spring compressor 04

10.0 Combination set 02

11.0 Neon timing lamp 02

12.0 Cylinder bore gauge 02

13.0 Valve seat re conditioning kit 02

14.0 Dial gauge with magnetic stand 02

15.0 Torque wrench 02

16.0 Ridge reamer 01

17.0 Hydraulic press 05 T 01

18.0 Air compressor 01

19.0 Re boring machine 01

20.0 Crankshaft grinding machine 01

21.0 Connecting rod alignment jig 01

22.0 Cylinder honing machine 01

23.0 Pillar type drilling machine 01

24.0 Arbor press 01

Important Note :

1. Overhauling includes Dismantling, Cleaning, Inspection, Repair / Replacement of worn parts,

Reassembling with necessary adjustments.

2. For every Exercises mention the detailed Trouble shooting chart in the Lab records

3. In an exercise, if there are any specific measurements & tightening torque values,mention the

values of measurements & tightening torques in the form of tables.

4. The lab-record must have the following contents for each exercise :

a. Aim .

b.Tools & Equipments required

c. Procedure

d.Precautions if any

e. Results / Reports

f. Troubling shooting chart.


1.0 Writing procedures for two experiments 5 + 5 = 10

2.0 Execution / Conduction of two experiment = 60

3.0 Conclusion / output / result = 05

4.0 Viva voice = 20

5.0 Lab record = 05

Total = 100


Subject Title : ENGINE TESTING LAB Sem : VI

Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 06

Hours Per Semester : 96



1 Engine Performance Testing 42

2 Valve/ Port timings 06

3 Fuel Injector Servicing & Testing 12

4 Fuel Injection Pump Servicing,Phasing &

Calibration 15

5 Emission Testing 06

6 Engine Scanners 06

7 Test & Revision 09

Total 96


Know about different types of engine dynamometers.

Perform engine performance tests using different engine dynamometers

Study Valve and Port timing diagrams.

Understand servicing and testing of Fuel Injectors

Understand servicing, phasing and calibration of Fuel Injection pump.

Understand the use of Emission Testing equipments.

Analyse the condition of Engine using Engine Scanners.



1.0 Engine Performance Tests:

1.1 Conduct the performance test and find BP, IP, FP, Sfc, mech, the ,

vol and draw

performance curves for the following single cylinder engines.

i) Single Cylinder 2-Stroke Petrol Engine.

ii) Single Cylinder 2-Stroke Diesel Engine

iii) Single Cylinder 4-Stroke Petrol Engine.

iv) Single Cylinder 4-Stroke Diesel Engine

1.2 Conduct the performance test and find BP, IP, FP, Sfc, mech, the,

vol and draw

performance curves for the following multi cylinder engines.

i. Petrol engine

ii. Diesel engine

1.3 Conduct Morse test on a multi cylinder petrol / diesel engine.

1.4 Prepare heat balance sheet for all above experiments.

2.0 Valve and port timings.

2.1 Practice on drawing valve timing diagram.

2.2 Practice on drawing port timing diagram.

3.0 Fuel Injector

3.1 Practice on servicing of diesel fuel injectors.

3.2 Practice on testing of diesel fuel injectors.

3.3 Practice on cleaning and testing of petrol fuel injectors.

4.0 Fuel Injection Pump

4.1 Practice on servicing of diesel fuel injection pump.( Inline & Distributor pumps)

4.2 Practice on phasing and calibration of diesel fuel injection pump.

5.0 Emission Testing

5.1 Practice on testing of exhaust gases using

5.1.1 Exhaust gas analyzer (petrol engine)

5.1.2 Smoke tester (Diesel engine).

6.0 Engine Scanners

6.1 Practice on use of engine scanners/ engine analyzer.

6.2 Practice on engine tuning procedures (petrol / diesel).

6.3 Practice on use of engine vacuum tester.

6.4 Practice on use of engine compression tester.


Q. NO. 1 Compulsory from chapter no 1

1.1 Writing procedures = 10

1.2 Tabular columns & formulae = 10

1.3 Conduction = 15

1.4 Calculation & Graphs = 15

Total = 50

Q. NO. 2 From remaining chapters

2.1 Writing procedures = 05

2.2 Conduction = 20

Total = 25

Viva voice = 20

Lab record = 05

Total = 100

List of tools, equipments and practicing equipments required.

1.0 Single cylinder 2 – stroke petrol engine test rig.

2.0 Single cylinder 2 – stroke diesel engine test rig.

3.0 Single cylinder 4 – stroke petrol engine test rig.

4.0 Single cylinder 4 – stroke diesel engine test rig.

5.0 Multi cylinder 4 – stroke petrol engine test rig with Morse test arrangement.

6.0 Multi cylinder 4 – stroke diesel engine test rig with Morse test arrangement

7.0 Petrol engine exhaust gas analyzer.

8.0 Diesel engine smoke meter.

9.0 Computerized engine analyzer / engine scanner for trouble shooting and tuning of MPFI


10.0 Digital tachometer.

11.0 Thermistors to measure exhaust gas and engine coolant temperatures.

12.0 Digital stop watch.

13.0 Compression gauge for petrol & diesel engines..

14.0 Vacuum gauge.

15.0 Injector tester.

16.0 FIP calibrating equipment.

17.0 Ultrasonic petrol injector cleaning unit.

18.0 FIP servicing kit.

19.0 Nozzle cleaning kit.

20.0 Inline & Distributor Type pumps.

21.0 Diesel Injectors.

22.0 Petrol Injectors

23.0 Multi meters.


Subject Title : MACHINE DESIGN


Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 04

Hours Per Semester : 64


SL.No Major Topics Hours

Allotted Weightage of Marks

1 Introduction to Machine Design 04 10

2 Design of Bolts and Nuts 08 20

3 Design of Keys and Shafts 10 20

4 Design of Couplings 10 25

5 Design of Clutches 10 25

6 Design of Knuckle joint 09 20

7 Design of Engine Parts. 10 25

8 Tests 03 -

Total 64 145

NOTE: Empirical formulae should be given by the question paper setter in the question

paper only for Flange coupling and Knuckle joint.


1. Understand the concepts of design.

2. Understand the use and design of Bolt and nut.

3. Understand the function and design of key

4. Understand the design of shaft under different loading conditions.

5. Know the design of muff and flange coupling.

6. Understand the design of Single & Multi plate clutches.

7. Understand the design of Knuckle joint for tensile load.

8. Understand the design of Engine cylinder, Piston, Piston pin & Piston rings.



1.0 Introduction to Machine Design.

Definition of Machine design- Classification of design- Design considerations in design-

General procedure of design.

2.0 Design of Bolts and Nuts

Screw thread terminology-Common types of screw fastenings-forms of screw threads-

locking devices – Designation of screw thread-Stresses due to external forces-problems.

3.0 Design of Shafts and Keys

Types of shafts- material of shaft-standard sizes of shaft-Design of shafts subjected to

bending Moment & combined bending and twisting moment-problems- Types of keys-Function of

key-Forces acting on key- Design of key based on shearing and crushing stresses.

4.0 Design of Couplings

Classification of coupling-Purpose of coupling-Design of muff and flange coupling-


5.0 Design of Clutches

Types of friction clutches- Equation for torque transmitted through clutch-problems on

Single and multi plate clutch.

6.0 Design of knuckle Joint.

Methods of failures of knuckle joint-Design procedure of knuckle joint for tensile load

-problems. .

7.0 Design of Engine parts.

Design procedure of cylinder – Design of piston, piston pin & piston rings- problems


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Define Machine design.

1.2 Classify Machine design.

1.3 State the considerations in machine design.

1.4 Explain general procedure in Machine design.

2.0 Design of Bolts, and Nuts

2.1 Define terms concerned to screw thread terminology

2.2 List the common types of screw fastenings and their applications.

2.3 Explain different forms of screw threads.

2.4 Explain different locking devices.

2.5 explain the specification of screw threads.

2.6 Explain the stresses in screw fastening due to external loading.

2.6.1 Tensile stress.

2.6.2 Shear stress.

2.6.3 Combined shear and tensile stress.

2.7 solve simple problems on above.

3.0 Design of shaft and keys.

3.1 mention types of shaft

3.2 List types of material for shaft

3.3 Describe standard sizes of shaft.

3.4 Design of shaft subjected to twisting moment considering strength

3.5 Design of shaft subjected to twisting moment considering rigidity.

3.6 Design of shaft subjected to bending moment

3.7. Solve simple problems on above.

3.8 State the purpose of key.

3.9 Explain the types of keys with sketches.

3.10 Explain the forces acting on sunk key

3.11Solve simple problems on Design of sunk key based on shear and crushing

4.0 Design of Coupling.

4.1 State the purpose of Coupling.

4.2 List the different types of shaft couplings

4.3 Explain the requirement of good couplings

4.5 Design of muff coupling

4.6 Design of unprotected flanged couplings

4.7 Solve simple problems on muff coupling

4.8 Solve simple problems on unprotected flanged coupling.

5.0 Design of clutches

5.1 Mention types of friction clutches.

5.2 Derive Equation for torque transmitted through clutch considering uniform pressure.

5.3 Derive Equation for torque transmitted through clutch considering uniform wear

5.4 Solve simple problems on single plate clutch.

5.5 Solve simple problems on multi plate clutch

6.0 Design of knuckle Joint

6.1 State the purpose of Knuckle joint.

6.2 Explain different methods of failures of knuckle joints

6.3 Design of knuckle joints for tensile load

6.4 Solve simple problems.

7.0 Design of Engine parts

7.1 Design of Engine Cylinder (Cylinder wall Thickness, Head thickness, Bore & length)

7.2 Design of Piston, Piston pin & piston rings.

7.3 Solve simple problems on Cylinder

7.4 Solve simple problems on Piston, Piston pin & piston rings.

Reference Books:

1. A Text book of Machine Design - R.S. Khurmi & J.K.Gupta, S.Chand publication

2. Design of Machine Elements Vol I, Vol II - J.B.K. Das, P.L. Srinivas Murthy, Sapna


3. Introduction to Machine design - V B Bhandari, Tata- McGraw Hill Publications.


Max.Marks:100 Time: 3Hrs

Note 1.Section-I is compulsory

2 Answer any two full questions from remaining sections.

3 Any missing data may be suitably assumed.


1. a) Fill in the blank with appropriate word/words 1x5=5

1.The pitch diameter is the--------------diameter of an external or internal screw thread.

2.In a steam engine, the valve rod is connected to an eccentric by means of a------- joint.

3.The usual proportion for width of key is ------------.

4.The maximum normal stress theory is used for ------------ materials.

5. The coefficient of friction of clutch lining is ---------.

b) What is a Key? State its function. 05


2. a) Explain Design procedure. 05

b) An eye bolt is to be used for lifting a load of 60KN. Find the nominal diameter of the bolt if

the tensile stress is not to exceed 100 MPa. Assume coarse thread. 10

3 a) Classify Design 05

b) To shafts are connected by means of a flange coupling to transmit torque of 25 N-M. the

flanges of the coupling are fastened by four 4 bolts of the same material at a radius of

30mm. find the size of the bolt if the allowable shear stress for the bolt material is 30 MPa.


4. a.) Sketch and explain sunk and saddle key. 05

b).A line shaft rotating at 500 rpm is to transmit 600 kW. The allowable shear stress for the shaft

material is 42N/mm2 .If the shaft carries a central load of 900 N and is simply supported

between bearings 3 m apart. Determine the diameter of the shaft. The maximum tensile

stress is not to exceed 50 MPa.- 10


5. Design a cast iron unprotected flange coupling for a mild steel shaft transmitting 90 kW at 250

rpm. The allowable shear stress in the shaft is 40 MPa and the angle of twist is not to exceed

1 degree in a length of 20 diameters. The allowable shear stress in the coupling is 30 MPa. 15

6. a) Derive an equation for torque transmitted through clutch considering uniform pressure

condition 07

b) A friction clutch is required to transmit 33.12KW at 2000 rpm.It is to be of single plate disc

type With both sides of the plate effective, the pressure being applied axially by means of

springs and limited to 68.7 kpa. If the outer diameter of the plate is to be 0.305m, find the

required inner diameter of the clutch ring and the total force exerted by the springs. Assume

the wear to be uniform and µ= 0.3 08

7. Design a muff coupling which is used to connect two steel shafts transmitting 40KW at 350 rpm.

The material for the shaft and key is plane carbon steel for which allowable shear and

crushing stresses may be taken as 40MPa & 80MPa respectively. The material for the muff

is cast iron for which allowable shear stress may be assumed as 15MPa. 15


9. Design a knuckle joint to connect two mild steel rods subjected to an axial pull of 100 kN. The

allowable stress for rods and pins are 100 MPa, 130 MPa, and 60 MPa in tension, crushing and

shear respectively 15

10. A four stroke diesel engine has the following specifications

BP= 5KW, Speed = 1200 rpm, IMEP = 0.35 N/ sq mm, Mechanical efficiency= 80%,

Determine 1. Bore and length of cylinder, 2. Thickness of cylinder head 15

11. Design a cast iron piston for a single acting four stroke engine for the following data.

Bore = 100mm, Stroke = 125mm, Max gas pressure = 5 N/ sq mm, IMEP= 0.75 N/ sq mm

Mechanical efficiency = 80%, Fuel consumption = 0.15 kg/b Kw hr, HCV = 42000 KJ / Kg

Speed = 2000 rpm. Any other data required for the design may be assumed. 15

List of the formulae used to solve problems on flange coupling and knuckle joint.

Flange coupling.

If d is dia of the shaft, Outside dia of the hub=D=2d, Length of hub, L=1.5d

Pitch circle dia of bolt, D1=3d, Outside dia of flange, D2=4d, Thickness of flange, tf=0.5d

Number of bolts= 3 for d up to 40mm

= 4 for d up to 100mm

= 6 for d up to 180mm

Knuckle joint

If d is dia of the shaft, Dia of the pin=d1=d, Outer dia of eye=d2=2d,

Dia of knuckle pin head and collar=d3=1.5d, Thickness of single eye or rod end=t=1.25d

Thickness of fork=t1=0.75d, Thickness of pin head=t2=0.5d.



Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 06

Hours Per Semester : 96



1 Steering system 15

2 Brakes 21

3 Turbochargers 12

4 Wheel alignment 18

5 Wheel balancing 09

6 Air conditioning 12

7 Test & revision 09

Total 96


Understand the power steering system.

Understand servo and power brake system.

Know the concept of turbo charger.

Understand the procedure of wheel balancing.

Understand the wheel geometry and wheel alignment

Demonstrate the working of Air Condition system.



1.0 Steering system

1.1 Practice on servicing of hydraulic power steering system.

1.2 Practice on servicing of hydraulic pump.

1.3 Practice on servicing of hydraulic actuator.

2.0 Brakes.

2.1 Practice on servicing of vacuum servo brake booster

2.2 Practice on servicing of air brake valve.

2.3 Practice on servicing of un loader valve.

2.4 Practice on servicing of brake chamber.

2.5 Practice on servicing of air brake air compressor.

2.6 Practice on measuring brake drum & brake disc run outs

2.7 Practice on skimming of brake drum.

2.8 Practice on facing brake disc.

2.9 Practice on de riveting, cleaning & riveting of brake linres.

2.10 Practice on measuring stopping distance.

3.0 Turbochargers

3.1 Demonstrate the working of turbo charger.

3.2 Practice on servicing of turbo chargers.

4.0 Wheel alignment

4.1 Practice on checking of wheel alignment and adjustment (computerized /


4.2 Practice on measuring minimum turning circle radius.

5.0 Wheel balancing

5.1 Practice on wheel balancing.

6.0 Air conditioning

6.1 Practice on servicing of automobile air conditioning system.

7.0 Test & Revision.

List of tools, equipments and practicing equipments required.

1.0 Hydraulic power steering unit 02

2.0 Vacuum servo brake system 02

3.0 Air brake system assembly 02

4.0 Air brake valve 05

5.0 Un loader valve 05

6.0 Brake chamber 05

7.0 Air brake compressor 03

8.0 Turbo charger 04

9.0 Wheel alignment equipment (computerized) 01

10.0 Wheel balancing equipment (computerized) 01

11.0 Complete air conditioning layout (demo kit) 01

12.0 Air condition repair equipment 01

13.0 Brake drum skimming lathe 01

14.0 Brake shoe riveting & de riveting machine 01

Important Note :

1. Overhauling includes Dismantling, Cleaning, Inspection, Repair / Replacement of worn

parts, Reassembling with necessary adjustments.

2. For every Exercises mention the detailed Trouble shooting chart in the Lab records.

3. The lab-record must have the following contents for each exercise :

a. Aim .

b. Tools & Equipments required

c. Procedure

d. Precautions if any

e. Results / Reports

f. Troubling shooting chart.


1.0 Writing procedures for two experiments 5 + 5 = 10

2.0 Execution / Conduction of two experiment = 60

3.0 Conclusion / output / result = 05

4.0 Viva voice = 20

5.0 Lab record = 05

Total = 100



Sem : V

Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 04

Hours Per Semester : 64


SL.No Major Topics Hours


Weightage of


1 Power plants 16 38

2 Transmission system 12 28

3 Final drive 07 18

4 Suspension system 07 18

5 Brakes 11 26

6 Steering system 07 17

7 Tests & Revisions 04 -

Total 64 145


1. Understand the working principle of wankel diesel & petrol engines.

2. Understand the working principle of gas turbines.

3. Understand the construction of gas turbine combustion chamber.

4. Understand the need of variable compression ratio engine.

5. Know about the working principles of different hybrid vehicle technology.

6. Know about the working of automatic transmission.

7. Understand the need & working of limited slip differential.

8. Understand the need of four wheel drive.

9. Understand the need & working of air suspension.

10. Understand the need & working of hydro elastic suspension.

11. Understand the need & working of servo brakes.

12. Understand the need & working of power brakes.

13. Understand the need & working of power steering.

14. Understand the need of collapsible steering.


1.0 Power plant

Working of rotary petrol and diesel Wankel engine. Classification and working of gas

turbines. Construction of typical gas turbine combustion chamber, types. Need of variable

compression engine, types. Variable compression ratio piston. Under stand the need and

working of supercharging and turbo charging. Types and working of hybrid propulsion


2.0 Transmission system

Working of automatic transmission, working of planetary gearbox. Need of lock up control

in torque converter. Need of viscous coupling. Working of four wheel drive system.

3.0 Final drive

Need and working of limited slip differential and differential lock.

4.0 Suspension system

Understand the working of air suspension and hydro elastic suspension.

5.0 Brakes

Need of servo brakes, types, working of servo brakes, power brakes, types and working of

power brakes. Fail safe parking brake and engine exhaust brakes.

6.0 Steering

Need of power steering, types and working of different types of power steering. Need of

collapsible steering, working of different types of collapsible steering column.


1.0 Power plant

1.1 Introduction to rotary engine (3,10)

1.2 Explain the construction and working of petrol Wankel engine. (3,10)

1.3 Explain the construction & working of diesel Wankel engine. (3,10)

1.4 State advantage & disadvantages of Wankel engine. (3,10)

1.5 Introduction to gas turbines. (3,10)

1.6 State the classification of gas turbines. (3,10)

1.7 Explain the working of open cycle gas turbine. (3,10)

1.8 State advantage & disadvantages of gas turbine. (3,10)

1.9 Explain the necessity of variable compression ratio in engine. (3,10)

1.10 List the methods of obtaining variable compression ratio in engine. (3,10)

1.11 Explain the construction & working of variable compression ratio piston. (3,10)

1.12 Introduction to supercharging. (3,10)

1.13 List of objectives of supercharging. (3,10)

1.14 List types of superchargers. (3,10)

1.15 Introduction to turbo charging. (3,10)

1.16 List the methods of turbo charging. (3,10)

1.17 Explain the construction and working of constant pressure turbo charging. (3,10)

1.18 Explain the construction and working of pulse pressure turbo charging. (3,10)

1.19 List advantages of turbo charging. (3,10)

1.20 Explain the need of fuel cells. (13)

1.21 Explain the working of fuel cell with a sketch. (13)

1.22 List advantages of fuel cell. (13)

1.23 List limitations of fuel cell. (13)

2.0 Hybrid and battery operated vehicles.

2.1 Introduction to hybrid propulsion system. (13)

2.2 Explain the working principle of series type hybrid system with a block diagram. (13)

2.3 Explain the working principle of parallel type hybrid system with a block diagram. (13)

2.4 State advantage & disadvantages of hybrid propulsion system. (13)

2.5 Explain the need of battery operated vehicles. (13)

2.6 Explain the working of the battery operated vehicle with a block diagram. (13)

2.7 List the advantages and disadvantages of battery operated vehicle. (13)

2.8 Explain the regenerative braking with a neat sketch. (13)

3.0 Transmission system

3.1 Introduction to automatic transmission. (1, 8)

3.2 Explain the construction & working of planetary gear train (1, 8)

3.3 State the advantages of planetary gear box. (1, 8)

3.4 Explain the need of lock up control in torque converter. (1, 4)

3.5 List types of lock up control mechanisms. (1, 4)

3.6 Explain the construction & working of centrifugal type lock up control. (1, 4)

3.7 Explain the construction & working of double clutch type lock up control. (1, 4)

3.8 Explain the process automatic shifting of gears in automatic transmission system.(1, 4)

3.9 Introduction to viscous coupling. (1, 4)

3.10 Introduction to four wheel drive system. (1, 4)

3.11 List the types of four wheel drive system. (1, 4)

3.12 Explain the working of permanent 4 wheel drive system with a block diagram. (1, 4)

3.13 Explain the application of viscous coupling in four wheel drive system. (1, 4)

3.14 State the advantages & disadvantages of four wheel drive. (1, 4)

3 Final drive

3.1 Introduction to limited slip differential. (4,12)

3.2 List types of limited slip differentials. (4,12)

3.3 Explain the construction and working of clutch type limited slip differential. (4,12)

3.4 Necessity of differential lock. (4,12)

3.5 Explain the construction and working of dog clutch type differential lock. (4,12)

4 Suspension system

3.5 List the types of air springs. (1,6)

3.6 Explain the working of bellows and piston type air spring. (1,6)

3.7 Explain the working of air suspension with a layout. (1,6)

3.8 Explain the construction & working hydro elastic spring. (1,6)

3.9 Explain the working of hydro elastic suspension with a layout. (1,6)

5 Brakes

3.10 Necessity of servo brakes. (1,6)

3.11 Explain the working of vaccum servo brakes with a layout. (1,6)

3.12 Explain the construction & working of vaccum servo booster. (1,6)

3.13 Necessity of power brakes. (1,6)

3.14 Explain the working of air brake system with a layout. (1,6)

3.15 Explain the construction & working of air brake valve. (1,6)

3.16 Explain the construction & working of single diaphragm brake chamber. (1,6)

3.17 Explain the necessity of unloader valve. (1,6)

3.18 Explain the working of air assisted hydraulic brake system with a layout. (1,6)

3.19 Explain fail safe parking brake system with a layout. (1,6)

3.20 Explain the need of engine exhaust brake system. (1,6)

3.21 Explain the working of engine exhaust brake system with a layout (1,6)

6 Steering

3.22 Explain the necessity of power steering. (1,7)

3.23 Mention types of power steering. (1,7)

3.24 Explain construction & working of integral power steering system. (1,7)

3.25 Explain construction & working of linkage type power steering system. (1,7)

3.26 Mention types of special steering columns. (1,7)

3.27 Explain the need of collapsible steering column. (1,4)

3.28 Explain the construction and working of the ball type collapsible steering column.(1,4)

3.29 Explain the construction and working of the mesh type steering column (1,4).

3.30 Explain the need of tilt & telescopic steering column. (1,4)

Reference books:

1 Automobile engineering vol -1 - Kripal Singh

2 Automobile engineering vol -11 - Kripal Singh

3 Internal combustion engines - Mathur & Sharma

4 Automotive Mechanics - Crouse & Anglin

5 Automobile engineering vol – I - K.M. Gupta

6 Automobile engineering vol -11 - K.M. Gupta

7 Automobile engineering - Banga & Nathu Singh

8 Automotive Mechanics - Joseph Hietner

9 Automobile engineering - R.B. Gupta

10 Internal combustion engines - V. Ganeshan

11 Automotive mechanics II edition - S Srinivasan

12 Automotive technology (manual transmission) - Jack Erjavec CENGAGE Learning.

13 Alternative fuel technology - Erjavic and Arias CENGAGE Learning

14 Automotive technology - Jack Erjavec CENGAGE Learning

NOTE: The numbers against specific instructional objectives indicate the serial

number of book in the reference book list.


NOTE: 1. Q.NO 1 Is Compulsory.

2. Answer Any Two Full Questions From Each Remaining Sections, B, C & D.


1. a. Fill in the blanks 5 X 1 = 5

a. ________ no of rotors are used in diesel Wankel engine.

b. _________ is used to increase the efficiency of torque converter.

c. _________ is used to prevent differential action completely.

d. _________ is used to provide braking feed back to driver in air brakes.

e. The power cylinder is not in the steering box in ________ type of power


b. With the neat sketch explain the construction & working of ball type collapsible

steering column. 05


2. a. Sketch & explain the construction & working of diesel Wankel engine. 10

b. State the relative advantages & disadvantages of Wankel engine. 05

3. a. Explain the construction & working of typical gas turbine combustion chamber. 07

b. Mention the types of gas turbine combustion chambers. 03

c. State advantages & disadvantages of gas turbine. 05

4. a. With line diagram explain the construction & working of planetary gear box. 07

b. Explain the necessity of lock up control in torque converter. 03

c. State the advantages & disadvantages of four wheel drive. 05


5. a. Explain the working principle of open cycle gas turbine. 07

b. Explain the working principle of automatic transmission system. 08

6. a. Explain the working of permanent four wheel drive system with a block diagram. 08

b. Explain the construction and working of clutch type limited slip differential. 07

7. a. Explain the construction and working of dog clutch type differential lock. 07

b. Explain the necessity of differential lock. 03

c. Explain the working of bellows type air spring with a neat sketch. 05


8. a. Explain the working of hydro elastic suspension with a layout. 07

b. With the neat sketch explain the construction & working hydro elastic spring. 05

c. Explain the necessity of servo brakes. 03

9. a. Explain the construction & working of vaccum servo booster with neat sketch. 07

b. Explain the working of air assisted hydraulic brake system with the layout. 08

10. a. Explain the construction & working of air brake valve with neat sketch. 07

b. Explain construction & working of integral power steering system with neat sketch.



Subject Title : Parametric Modeling Laboratory

Subject Code : A-

Hours Per Week : 06

Hours Per Semester : 96


At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Understand what is Machine drawing is all about?

Get hold on Modeling software environments

Start sketching and creating profiles

Know the meaning of constraints and constraining

Realize the nature of Parametric and feature based modeling concepts

Know the bi-directional associatively

Create part model, assemblies and the related drawing views

Be able to produce/create models/drawings as per industry standards

1. Introduction to Machine Drawing-Multi view drawing, Projection System, Drawing

Standards-ISO, ANSI, BIS, Introduction to Parametric Modeling software-

Understanding parametric modeling technique, knowing the software interface, co-

ordinate systems supported.

Define and understand the following terms:

Planes and their creation, reference axis, Sketch, Profile, constraints-geometrical and

dimensional, need for constraining, fully constrained, under constrained, over


2. Part Modeling:

Conversions of 2D profiles into 3D models-using extrude/protrude and revolve

commands. Cutouts/shell creation, placing holes, rounds/fillets, chamfers, creating

rectangular and circular array/patterns, array/patterns along a path/curve, mirroring

features, editing of a model, creating internal and external threads. Adding draft, ribs,

thin wall features, lip to models. Creating vents, boss. Creating swept and lofted


3 Using part modeling techniques create the following Part Models

and learn how to generate different Drawing views

Front View

Top View

and Side/Profile view/auxiliary view/section view with annotations.

4 Model the following machine parts using equations:

Hexagonal Nut and Bolt

Square bolt and nut

Solid Muff Coupling

Bevel pinion with straight and helical teeth

Coil spring


Connecting rod

Single cylinder crankshaft.

Create the above part models using equations.

5 Assembly Modeling:

Know the assembly environment, setting the assembly environment, types of

assembly design approach-bottom-up and top-down assembly.

Creating assembly and sub-assemblies

Editing and modifying assembly relationships

Creating exploded view of the assembly,

Inserting Bill of Materials,

Adding Balloons

Understand Detail drawing

Know the procedure for detail drawing

Creation of Production drawing.

Using assembly modeling techniques create the following:

Plummer Block

Piston connecting rod & crankshaft assembly for single cylinder engine

Universal joint


Wheel cylinder

Screw jack

Scheme of Examination

Sl no Questions Marks


Create the model and drawing views(any 3) along with dimensions

and annotations as per sketch given 30


Create the model and drawing views(any 3) along with dimensions

and annotations using equations 30


Create the assembly model and drawing with dimension, BOM,

Balloons- as per the given sketch 50

3 Viva 20

Total 100

This Lab can be performed using ANY ONE of the following softwares :

1) Solid Edge

2) UniGraphics

3) IronCAD


5) ProE

6) SolidWorks





































































Literature survey for project

Internet / library /

industry / Research


Finalisation of the Area in which

the project has to be done (

Example : Design / Manufacturing

/ Thermal Engineering )Internet / library /


Finding out Facility to do the


Laboratory /

Industry/ Project


Collecting Data / Doing

experiments / writing of code

Laboratory /

Industry/ Project


Analysis of Data Using relevent


Results and Fine tuning the

experiment using the Data


Laboratory /

Industry/ Project


Report writing

Submission of Project Report and

Viva voce


Department of Technical Education, Karnataka DIPLOMA IN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING


(Final end examination will be in Sixth Semester)


Contact Hrs/Week: 3 Hrs .in V semester Contact Hrs: 48 Hrs + 48Hrs

3Hrs .in VI semester

As far as possible students should be given application oriented project problems with a view to:

1. Develop an understanding regarding the size and scale of operations and nature of field work in

which students are going to play their role after completing the course of study in Automobile


2. Develop an understanding of subject based knowledge given in the classroom in the context of

its application at work places.

3. Provide first hand experience to develop confidence amongst the students to enable them to use

and apply acquired technical knowledge and skills to solve practical problems of the world of


4. Develop special skills and abilities like interpersonal skills, communication skills, attitudes and


5. Practical exposure to an industrial activity

For the fulfillment of above competencies, polytechnics may establish close linkage with

8-10 relevant organizations for providing such an experience. It is necessary that each organization is

visited well in advance by respective teachers and activities to be performed by students are well

defined. The chosen activities should be such which are of curricular interest to students and of

professional value to industrial/field organizations.

Each Project batch must have Maximum of SIX students.

Effort should be made to identify actual field problems to be given as project work to the

students. Project selected should not be too complex which is beyond the comprehension level of the

students. The placement of the students for such a practical cum project work should match with the

competency profile and interest of students.

Students may be assessed both by industry and polytechnic faculty.

The suggested performance criteria are given below:

a) Punctuality and regularity (Log book - mandatory and to be produced during IA verification)

b) Initiative in learning/Demonstration and fabrication of model

c) Level/proficiency of practical skills acquired

d) Originality

e) Scope for patentability

f) Sense of responsibility

g) Self expression/Communication skills

h) Interpersonal skills.

g) Report writing skills

h) Viva voce

Some of suggested projects are given below: These are only guidelines, teacher may take any project

related to Automobile/Mechanical and allied area depending upon the availability of projects.

Preference should be given to practical oriented projects.

1) Industrial Visit and Report

Students are required to undergo an industrial visit in V semester. After completion of their visit each

student should submit a hand written report independently in view of his own observation in industry

to their respective project guides..

The comprehensive report should focus on study of plant/ product /process/ along with intensive

in-depth study of the topics such as processes, methods, tooling, plant layout and equipment,

highlighting aspects of quality, productivity of the system.

The comprehensive report should be submitted to their respective guides for sessional marks

evaluation in Vsemister itself..

2) Project work

According to the local needs, the following projects are suggested:

Automobile related area

Cut sections models of different Automobile components

Working demonstration models of various Automobile systems.

Reconditioning of Automobile components

Application of Electronics in Automobile field

Fabrication of Automobile batteries

Repainting of vehicles

Modification on existing vehicles.

Design and fabrication of Test rigs

Performance study of IC engines for different fuels

Design and fabrication of battery operated, Hybrid vehicle

Working model of Power steering

Regenerative braking system

Steering controlled headlight

Engine/motor vibration checker

Seat belt automatic locking system

Hydraulic braking

Electro magnetic shock absorber

Digital auto speed limiter

Design and Fabrication of various types of lab equipments useful to polytechnic

Repair and overhauling of various machine tools and lab equipments available at


The Project Report should consist of following items.

1. Introduction

2. Review of Literature

3. Study Area

4. Methodology/Design/fabrication/Tests

5. Result and Discussion

6. Conclusion and scope for future study

7. References.


1. Project reports should be typed neatly in Times New Roman letters with font size 14 for titles and 12

for text on only one side of the paper with 1.5 line spacing on a A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm). The

margins should be: Left - 1.5", Right - 1", Top and Bottom - 0.75".

2. The total number of reports (Soft bound) to be prepared are

One copy to the department /library

One copy to the concerned guide(s)

One copy to the candidate.

3. Before taking the final printout, the approval of the concerned guide(s) is mandatory and suggested

corrections, if any, must be incorporated.

4. Every copy of the project report must contain

Inner title page (White)

Outer title page with a plastic cover

Candidate declaration and Certificate in the format enclosed both from the institution and the

organization where the project is carried out.

An abstract (synopsis) not exceeding 100 words, indicating salient features of the work.

6. The organization of the project report should be as follows

1. Inner title page

2. Abstract or Synopsis

3. Acknowledgments

4. Table of Contents

5. List of table & figures (optional)

Usually numbered in


Chapters (to be numbered in Arabic) containing Introduction-, which usually specifies the

scope of work and its importance and relation to previous work and the present developments, Main

body of the report divided appropriately into chapters, sections and subsections.

The chapters, sections and subsections may be numbered in the decimal form for e.g. Chapter

2, sections as 2.1, 2.2 etc., and subsections as 2.2.3, 2.5.1 etc.

The chapter must be left or right justified (font size 16). Followed by the title of chapter

centered (font size 18), section/subsection numbers along with their headings must be left justified with

section number and its heading in font size 16 and subsection and its heading in font size 14. The body

or the text of the report should have font size 12.

The figures and tables must be numbered chapter wise

The last chapter should contain the summary of the work carried, contributions if any, their

utility along with the scope for further work.

Reference or Bibliography: The references should be numbered serially in the order of their

occurrence in the text and their numbers should be indicated within square brackets for e.g. [3]. The

section on references should list them in serial order in the following format.

1. For textbooks – Dr.Paramar S, Welding process and technology, Khanna publishers, New

Delhi, 2 Edition, 2003.

2. For papers – Y.Javadi and I.sattari, Welding distortion in pipes, Journal of pressure vessels

and piping, Vol 85, Aug 2008, pp 337-343

Only SI units are to be used in the report. Important equations must be numbered in decimal form for

e.g. V = IZ .......... (3.2)

All equation numbers should be right justified.

Separator sheets, used if any, between chapters, should be of thin paper

PROJECT EVALUATION ( At the end of 6th


1. Project concept 10 marks

2. Project Report 20 marks

3. Fabrication of the model/Data collection/repair and Overhauling work 30 marks

4 Demonstration/calculation/result 20 marks

5. Project Viva-voice 20 marks

TOTAL 100 mark

I A Marks:

Scheme of Evaluation

1 Log record 05

2 Synopsis 10

3 Presentation 10

Total 25

The candidate declaration and certificate sample copy are enclosed here for incorporation in

final project report



I, ------------------------------------------ a student of Diploma in ------------------------------ Department

bearing Reg No---------------------------------------of ---------------------------------------------- hereby

declare that I own full responsibility for the information, results and conclusions provided in this

project work titled “----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “submitted

to State Board of Technical Examinations, Government of Karnataka for the award of Diploma in


To the best of my knowledge, this project work has not been submitted in part or full elsewhere in any

other institution/organization for the award of any certificate/diploma/degree. I have completely taken

care in acknowledging the contribution of others in this academic work. I further declare that in case of

any violation of intellectual property rights and particulars declared, found at any stage, I, as the

candidate will be solely responsible for the same.


Place: Signature of candidate

Name: --------------------

Reg No-------------------



Address with pin code

Department of ……………………………………………………..


Certified that this project report entitled --------------------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”which is being submitted by

Mr./Ms. ………………………….……………….., Reg. No…..……………, a bonafide student of

…………………………………….in partial fulfillment for the award of Diploma in -----------------

Engineering during the year ……………………... is record of students own work carried out under

my/our guidance. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for internal Assessment have

been incorporated in the Report and one copy of it being deposited in the polytechnic library.

The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project

work prescribed for the said diploma.

It is further understood that by this certificate the undersigned do not endorse or approve any

statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn there in but approve the project only for the

purpose for which it is submitted.


Name and signature




Head of Department

Dept. of ----------------


1. The project work is proposed to be carried out during the V and VI semesters so that learners

prepare during the V semester, do some field work based on the preparation during the mid

semester vacation and report the analysis and inferences during the VI semester.

2. The learners would reach a level of maturity by the time they reach V semester and so a

meaningful project lasting for a year can be executed by them.

3. To execute the project with involvement needs constant guidance and monitoring of the

progress of the learners by the guide.

4. This does not mean teacher has to advice learners.

5. Be confident about the ability of the learner and “intellectually provoke” them with challenging

questions. These questions should prompt the learners to search information and update

themselves (to be carried out during the first two weeks).

6. Do not feed information to learners. Instead crate a „cognitive dissonance‟ (a challenging

question or situation that the learner is not able to find an immediate answer but feels the need

to search for information to find a solution).

7. Defer judgement on learners and give them identified sources if required like a journal article,

book or a web site.

8. Even if the learners report their inability to solve do NOT give or prescribe a solution.

9. Be patient and give time for the learner to construct his knowledge.

10. Give corrective feedback to the learner by challenging his solutions so that his logic is

questioned and it develops further.

11. This leads to the first activity viz., literature survey and conceiving a project.

12. During this phase meet the project team in a group and create a healthy competition among the

learners to search different sources and synthesise their findings in the group.

13. Aim for bringing out a workable innovative project conceived within the first eight weeks as

given in the schedule attached.

14. During these two phases and the third phase the teacher should assess the strengths and

weakness of the members of the group and allocate differential work to team members on the

remaining tasks to be carried out during the next thirty weeks.

15. This is to ensure active participation of all the members of the team.

16. By the end of the twelfth week finalise the project and a schedule of further activities for each

member indicating the time frame in which his activities are to be executed may be made

ready. A soft copy of this schedule may be collected from each learner by the guide to follow


17. This schedule prepared by each learner need to be documented for checking further progress of

the project.

18. The next few phases of the project may require active guidance of the guide especially

regarding the sources of collecting data, if a sample data is to be collected the number of units

has to be decided, collating the data/fabricating, tryout/analysis and finally coming out with

meaningful conclusions or models or application.

19. Data like models, designs, technical specifications, source code, protocols and original records

need be collected from one authentic source as there will not be any variation. The teacher may

guide the learners to authentic source.

20. Data having limited variability like product/service quality, processes and standards,

procedures need to be collected from a sample as there is a variation. The number of units

from whom (source) the data is to be collected is called sample. The sample needs to be

representative of the expected variation. The decision on the size of the sample and the number

of units need guidance from the teacher. For example, data regarding the quality of a

product/service need be collected from 3 to 5 personnel at different levels of a service provider

or dealers of a product. The numbers given are suggestive but a guide based on his experience

has to make valid suggestions.

21. Data having a wide range of variation like customer satisfaction where the customers are

members of the public need a larger number of units to accommodate the diversity. A tool like

questionnaire with predetermined questions need to be prepared, tried out on a small sample

and finalise the questions. Data may be collected from at least 30 units. This number is

suggested to apply statistical analysis for meaningful conclusions. Guides may decide on the

sample size depending on the accessibility of data.

22. The intention of the above three points viz., 19, 20 and 21 is to ensure objectivity in data

collection i.e., to reduce the subjectivity of the human mind.

23. All the above activities need to be completed before three to four weeks before the end of V

semester (refer the spread sheet related to scheduling).

24. The learners may be instructed to collect data objectively with identified sample during the next

4 to six weeks which includes the mid semester holidays. This would enable the learners to

visit the field and collect data without the constraint of reporting to institution and attending

classes on a regular basis.

25. The collected data need to be organised and entered to spread sheets or similar formats for

analysis. Qualitative data may be converted to quantitative using a rating scale or similar data

organisation procedures.

26. The result of most analysis on spreadsheet could be obtained in tables or graphs as per the


27. Activities mentioned in points 24, 25 and 26 may be carried out by learners during 4 to 8 weeks

after commencement of VI semester.

28. Interpretation of the analysed tables and graphs to arrive at meaningful inference. The guide at

this stage may defer his ideas on interpretation allowing the learners to do this. In case the

learners err in the process they may be given corrective feedback.

29. A report of the whole process of doing the project may be written, word processed and

submitted in triplicate.

30. Guides may contact industries and try to solve their problems so that the learners get a field

experience and they get ready for the industry.

31. Innovations and innovative practices may be encouraged among the learners to be pursued as a

project. Developing prototypes, (in simulation or real) trying out feasibility of new ideas,

changing existing systems by adding modules, combining, assembling new modules and

developing new systems may be given higher priority over routine bookish projects.

32. The schedule of events proposed is for an investigative project as a model. Guides may alter

the prescribed schedule to suit the kind of innovative projects sited in point No.31 above.

33. Industry personnel may be involved in conceiving, executing and evaluating projects. This

gives credibility to the institute and acceptance of learners for absorption into the company.


1. Carry out the project work through the V and VI semesters. Preparation must be done during

the V semester and based on this, field work should be done during the mid semester vacation

and reporting of analysis and inferences should be done in the VI semester.

2. You have the ability and the level of maturity needed to conceive an innovative and meaningful

project accomplishing which gives you recognition by the industry and empowers you with the

power of knowledge.

3. Understand your strength and weakness and make an effort to find the strength and weakness

of other peers in the team.

4. Complement each other‟s strength rather than compete with peers within the team. This will

enable you to complete a comprehensive and innovative project relevant to the industrial needs

rather than doing a routine copy of what others have done.

5. Seek guidance from the teacher and update him/her about the progress.

6. Be confident about your ability and that of other members of your group. Take extra efforts to

collect information, share with your peers and synthesise your knowledge.

7. Question everything including the ideas of your teacher. Accept the ideas and instructions

which are internally consistent (logical).

8. Involve actively in group activities and contribute towards the tasks.

9. Do not depend too much on the teacher as a source of information, search on your own and

build your knowledge structure. Search for authentic sources like journal articles, books and

authentic sites rather than blogs and tweets.

10. Though brief, record your thoughts and activities including searches immediately.

11. Prepare a schedule for your work on a spread sheet and encourage your peers to do the same.

12. Show your schedule and that of others to the teacher and get his feedback.

13. Keep reviewing the schedule every fortnight and take corrective steps if needed. For doing this

keep the general guideline schedule given in the curriculum as a backdrop.

14. Tools used for data collection like instruments, testing machines, questions to be asked and

software may be tried out and standardised by the twelfth week of the project. Seek the

teacher‟s help who is experienced in doing this.

15. Collect data dispassionately or objectively (without applying your personal prejudice).

Complete this task before the VI semester begins.

16. While entering data into the spread sheet ask your peer member to verify. This will ensure

accuracy of data entry.

17. Use appropriate mathematics/statistics for calculations. Seek help from external sources (other

than your teacher) if required.

18. The results of your analysis need to be graphically represented and documented. You may also

add photographs and video clips to increase the validity.

19. This task needs to be completed within 8 weeks after commencement of VI semester.

20. Interpret the data (after analysis) and arrive at meaningful inferences on your own in

discussion with your peers. Get it ratified by your teacher. Suggestions from the teacher may

be discussed among your peers and incorporated if they are internally consistent.

21. The project report may be word processed (videos, photographs attached in soft copy) and

submitted in triplicate two weeks before the end of VI semester.

22. Involve passionately in the team work, make constructive contributions and come out with an

industry friendly project which will equip you in your professional development.

Department of Technical Education, Karnataka DIPLOMA IN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING


(Final end examination will be in Sixth Semester)


Contact Hrs/Week: 3 Hrs .in V semester Contact Hrs: 48 Hrs + 48Hrs

3Hrs .in VI semester

As far as possible students should be given application oriented project problems with a view to:

1. Develop an understanding regarding the size and scale of operations and nature of field work in

which students are going to play their role after completing the course of study in Automobile


2. Develop an understanding of subject based knowledge given in the classroom in the context of

its application at work places.

3. Provide first hand experience to develop confidence amongst the students to enable them to use

and apply acquired technical knowledge and skills to solve practical problems of the world of


4. Develop special skills and abilities like interpersonal skills, communication skills, attitudes and


5. Practical exposure to an industrial activity

For the fulfillment of above competencies, polytechnics may establish close linkage with

8-10 relevant organizations for providing such an experience. It is necessary that each organization is

visited well in advance by respective teachers and activities to be performed by students are well

defined. The chosen activities should be such which are of curricular interest to students and of

professional value to industrial/field organizations.

Each Project batch must have Maximum of SIX students.

Effort should be made to identify actual field problems to be given as project work to the

students. Project selected should not be too complex which is beyond the comprehension level of the

students. The placement of the students for such a practical cum project work should match with the

competency profile and interest of students.

Students may be assessed both by industry and polytechnic faculty.

The suggested performance criteria are given below:

a) Punctuality and regularity (Log book - mandatory and to be produced during IA verification)

b) Initiative in learning/Demonstration and fabrication of model

c) Level/proficiency of practical skills acquired

d) Originality

e) Scope for patentability

f) Sense of responsibility

g) Self expression/Communication skills

h) Interpersonal skills.

g) Report writing skills

h) Viva voce

Some of suggested projects are given below: These are only guidelines, teacher may take any project

related to Automobile/Mechanical and allied area depending upon the availability of projects.

Preference should be given to practical oriented projects.

1) Industrial Visit and Report

Students are required to undergo an industrial visit in V semester. After completion of their visit each

student should submit a hand written report independently in view of his own observation in industry

to their respective project guides..

The comprehensive report should focus on study of plant/ product /process/ along with intensive

in-depth study of the topics such as processes, methods, tooling, plant layout and equipment,

highlighting aspects of quality, productivity of the system.

The comprehensive report should be submitted to their respective guides for sessional marks

evaluation in Vsemister itself..

2) Project work

According to the local needs, the following projects are suggested:

Automobile related area

Cut sections models of different Automobile components

Working demonstration models of various Automobile systems.

Reconditioning of Automobile components

Application of Electronics in Automobile field

Fabrication of Automobile batteries

Repainting of vehicles

Modification on existing vehicles.

Design and fabrication of Test rigs

Performance study of IC engines for different fuels

Design and fabrication of battery operated, Hybrid vehicle

Working model of Power steering

Regenerative braking system

Steering controlled headlight

Engine/motor vibration checker

Seat belt automatic locking system

Hydraulic braking

Electro magnetic shock absorber

Digital auto speed limiter

Design and Fabrication of various types of lab equipments useful to polytechnic

Repair and overhauling of various machine tools and lab equipments available at


The Project Report should consist of following items.

1. Introduction

2. Review of Literature

3. Study Area

4. Methodology/Design/fabrication/Tests

5. Result and Discussion

6. Conclusion and scope for future study

7. References.


1. Project reports should be typed neatly in Times New Roman letters with font size 14 for titles and 12

for text on only one side of the paper with 1.5 line spacing on a A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm). The

margins should be: Left - 1.5", Right - 1", Top and Bottom - 0.75".

2. The total number of reports (Soft bound) to be prepared are

One copy to the department /library

One copy to the concerned guide(s)

One copy to the candidate.

3. Before taking the final printout, the approval of the concerned guide(s) is mandatory and suggested

corrections, if any, must be incorporated.

4. Every copy of the project report must contain

Inner title page (White)

Outer title page with a plastic cover

Candidate declaration and Certificate in the format enclosed both from the institution and the

organization where the project is carried out.

An abstract (synopsis) not exceeding 100 words, indicating salient features of the work.

6. The organization of the project report should be as follows

1. Inner title page

2. Abstract or Synopsis

3. Acknowledgments

4. Table of Contents

5. List of table & figures (optional)

Usually numbered in


Chapters (to be numbered in Arabic) containing Introduction-, which usually specifies the

scope of work and its importance and relation to previous work and the present developments, Main

body of the report divided appropriately into chapters, sections and subsections.

The chapters, sections and subsections may be numbered in the decimal form for e.g. Chapter

2, sections as 2.1, 2.2 etc., and subsections as 2.2.3, 2.5.1 etc.

The chapter must be left or right justified (font size 16). Followed by the title of chapter

centered (font size 18), section/subsection numbers along with their headings must be left justified with

section number and its heading in font size 16 and subsection and its heading in font size 14. The body

or the text of the report should have font size 12.

The figures and tables must be numbered chapter wise

The last chapter should contain the summary of the work carried, contributions if any, their

utility along with the scope for further work.

Reference or Bibliography: The references should be numbered serially in the order of their

occurrence in the text and their numbers should be indicated within square brackets for e.g. [3]. The

section on references should list them in serial order in the following format.

1. For textbooks – Dr.Paramar S, Welding process and technology, Khanna publishers, New

Delhi, 2 Edition, 2003.

2. For papers – Y.Javadi and I.sattari, Welding distortion in pipes, Journal of pressure vessels

and piping, Vol 85, Aug 2008, pp 337-343

Only SI units are to be used in the report. Important equations must be numbered in decimal form for

e.g. V = IZ .......... (3.2)

All equation numbers should be right justified.

Separator sheets, used if any, between chapters, should be of thin paper

PROJECT EVALUATION ( At the end of 6th


1. Project concept 10 marks

2. Project Report 20 marks

3. Fabrication of the model/Data collection/repair and Overhauling work 30 marks

4 Demonstration/calculation/result 20 marks

5. Project Viva-voice 20 marks

TOTAL 100 mark

I A Marks:

Scheme of Evaluation

1 Log record 05

2 Synopsis 10

3 Presentation 10

Total 25

The candidate declaration and certificate sample copy are enclosed here for incorporation in

final project report



I, ------------------------------------------ a student of Diploma in ------------------------------ Department

bearing Reg No---------------------------------------of ---------------------------------------------- hereby

declare that I own full responsibility for the information, results and conclusions provided in this

project work titled “----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “submitted

to State Board of Technical Examinations, Government of Karnataka for the award of Diploma in


To the best of my knowledge, this project work has not been submitted in part or full elsewhere in any

other institution/organization for the award of any certificate/diploma/degree. I have completely taken

care in acknowledging the contribution of others in this academic work. I further declare that in case of

any violation of intellectual property rights and particulars declared, found at any stage, I, as the

candidate will be solely responsible for the same.


Place: Signature of candidate

Name: --------------------

Reg No-------------------



Address with pin code

Department of ……………………………………………………..


Certified that this project report entitled --------------------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”which is being submitted by

Mr./Ms. ………………………….……………….., Reg. No…..……………, a bonafide student of

…………………………………….in partial fulfillment for the award of Diploma in -----------------

Engineering during the year ……………………... is record of students own work carried out under

my/our guidance. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for internal Assessment have

been incorporated in the Report and one copy of it being deposited in the polytechnic library.

The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project

work prescribed for the said diploma.

It is further understood that by this certificate the undersigned do not endorse or approve any

statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn there in but approve the project only for the

purpose for which it is submitted.


Name and signature




Head of Department

Dept. of ----------------


1. The project work is proposed to be carried out during the V and VI semesters so that learners

prepare during the V semester, do some field work based on the preparation during the mid

semester vacation and report the analysis and inferences during the VI semester.

2. The learners would reach a level of maturity by the time they reach V semester and so a

meaningful project lasting for a year can be executed by them.

3. To execute the project with involvement needs constant guidance and monitoring of the

progress of the learners by the guide.

4. This does not mean teacher has to advice learners.

5. Be confident about the ability of the learner and “intellectually provoke” them with challenging

questions. These questions should prompt the learners to search information and update

themselves (to be carried out during the first two weeks).

6. Do not feed information to learners. Instead crate a „cognitive dissonance‟ (a challenging

question or situation that the learner is not able to find an immediate answer but feels the need

to search for information to find a solution).

7. Defer judgement on learners and give them identified sources if required like a journal article,

book or a web site.

8. Even if the learners report their inability to solve do NOT give or prescribe a solution.

9. Be patient and give time for the learner to construct his knowledge.

10. Give corrective feedback to the learner by challenging his solutions so that his logic is

questioned and it develops further.

11. This leads to the first activity viz., literature survey and conceiving a project.

12. During this phase meet the project team in a group and create a healthy competition among the

learners to search different sources and synthesise their findings in the group.

13. Aim for bringing out a workable innovative project conceived within the first eight weeks as

given in the schedule attached.

14. During these two phases and the third phase the teacher should assess the strengths and

weakness of the members of the group and allocate differential work to team members on the

remaining tasks to be carried out during the next thirty weeks.

15. This is to ensure active participation of all the members of the team.

16. By the end of the twelfth week finalise the project and a schedule of further activities for each

member indicating the time frame in which his activities are to be executed may be made

ready. A soft copy of this schedule may be collected from each learner by the guide to follow


17. This schedule prepared by each learner need to be documented for checking further progress of

the project.

18. The next few phases of the project may require active guidance of the guide especially

regarding the sources of collecting data, if a sample data is to be collected the number of units

has to be decided, collating the data/fabricating, tryout/analysis and finally coming out with

meaningful conclusions or models or application.

19. Data like models, designs, technical specifications, source code, protocols and original records

need be collected from one authentic source as there will not be any variation. The teacher may

guide the learners to authentic source.

20. Data having limited variability like product/service quality, processes and standards,

procedures need to be collected from a sample as there is a variation. The number of units

from whom (source) the data is to be collected is called sample. The sample needs to be

representative of the expected variation. The decision on the size of the sample and the number

of units need guidance from the teacher. For example, data regarding the quality of a

product/service need be collected from 3 to 5 personnel at different levels of a service provider

or dealers of a product. The numbers given are suggestive but a guide based on his experience

has to make valid suggestions.

21. Data having a wide range of variation like customer satisfaction where the customers are

members of the public need a larger number of units to accommodate the diversity. A tool like

questionnaire with predetermined questions need to be prepared, tried out on a small sample

and finalise the questions. Data may be collected from at least 30 units. This number is

suggested to apply statistical analysis for meaningful conclusions. Guides may decide on the

sample size depending on the accessibility of data.

22. The intention of the above three points viz., 19, 20 and 21 is to ensure objectivity in data

collection i.e., to reduce the subjectivity of the human mind.

23. All the above activities need to be completed before three to four weeks before the end of V

semester (refer the spread sheet related to scheduling).

24. The learners may be instructed to collect data objectively with identified sample during the next

4 to six weeks which includes the mid semester holidays. This would enable the learners to

visit the field and collect data without the constraint of reporting to institution and attending

classes on a regular basis.

25. The collected data need to be organised and entered to spread sheets or similar formats for

analysis. Qualitative data may be converted to quantitative using a rating scale or similar data

organisation procedures.

26. The result of most analysis on spreadsheet could be obtained in tables or graphs as per the


27. Activities mentioned in points 24, 25 and 26 may be carried out by learners during 4 to 8 weeks

after commencement of VI semester.

28. Interpretation of the analysed tables and graphs to arrive at meaningful inference. The guide at

this stage may defer his ideas on interpretation allowing the learners to do this. In case the

learners err in the process they may be given corrective feedback.

29. A report of the whole process of doing the project may be written, word processed and

submitted in triplicate.

30. Guides may contact industries and try to solve their problems so that the learners get a field

experience and they get ready for the industry.

31. Innovations and innovative practices may be encouraged among the learners to be pursued as a

project. Developing prototypes, (in simulation or real) trying out feasibility of new ideas,

changing existing systems by adding modules, combining, assembling new modules and

developing new systems may be given higher priority over routine bookish projects.

32. The schedule of events proposed is for an investigative project as a model. Guides may alter

the prescribed schedule to suit the kind of innovative projects sited in point No.31 above.

33. Industry personnel may be involved in conceiving, executing and evaluating projects. This

gives credibility to the institute and acceptance of learners for absorption into the company.


1. Carry out the project work through the V and VI semesters. Preparation must be done during

the V semester and based on this, field work should be done during the mid semester vacation

and reporting of analysis and inferences should be done in the VI semester.

2. You have the ability and the level of maturity needed to conceive an innovative and meaningful

project accomplishing which gives you recognition by the industry and empowers you with the

power of knowledge.

3. Understand your strength and weakness and make an effort to find the strength and weakness

of other peers in the team.

4. Complement each other‟s strength rather than compete with peers within the team. This will

enable you to complete a comprehensive and innovative project relevant to the industrial needs

rather than doing a routine copy of what others have done.

5. Seek guidance from the teacher and update him/her about the progress.

6. Be confident about your ability and that of other members of your group. Take extra efforts to

collect information, share with your peers and synthesise your knowledge.

7. Question everything including the ideas of your teacher. Accept the ideas and instructions

which are internally consistent (logical).

8. Involve actively in group activities and contribute towards the tasks.

9. Do not depend too much on the teacher as a source of information, search on your own and

build your knowledge structure. Search for authentic sources like journal articles, books and

authentic sites rather than blogs and tweets.

10. Though brief, record your thoughts and activities including searches immediately.

11. Prepare a schedule for your work on a spread sheet and encourage your peers to do the same.

12. Show your schedule and that of others to the teacher and get his feedback.

13. Keep reviewing the schedule every fortnight and take corrective steps if needed. For doing this

keep the general guideline schedule given in the curriculum as a backdrop.

14. Tools used for data collection like instruments, testing machines, questions to be asked and

software may be tried out and standardised by the twelfth week of the project. Seek the

teacher‟s help who is experienced in doing this.

15. Collect data dispassionately or objectively (without applying your personal prejudice).

Complete this task before the VI semester begins.

16. While entering data into the spread sheet ask your peer member to verify. This will ensure

accuracy of data entry.

17. Use appropriate mathematics/statistics for calculations. Seek help from external sources (other

than your teacher) if required.

18. The results of your analysis need to be graphically represented and documented. You may also

add photographs and video clips to increase the validity.

19. This task needs to be completed within 8 weeks after commencement of VI semester.

20. Interpret the data (after analysis) and arrive at meaningful inferences on your own in

discussion with your peers. Get it ratified by your teacher. Suggestions from the teacher may

be discussed among your peers and incorporated if they are internally consistent.

21. The project report may be word processed (videos, photographs attached in soft copy) and

submitted in triplicate two weeks before the end of VI semester.

22. Involve passionately in the team work, make constructive contributions and come out with an

industry friendly project which will equip you in your professional development.



Subject Code : A

Hours Per Week : 04

Hours Per Semester : 64


SL.No Major Topics Hours


Weightage of


1 Fleet management 06 10

2 Motor vehicle act 12 30

3 Stores 04 08

4 Service stations 06 22

5 Vehicle maintenance 05 14

8 Specifications 03 06

6 Estimation and costing 10 25

7 Depreciation 06 10

9 Repair estimation 08 20

10 Tests & Revisions 04 -

Total 64 145


1. Understand about fleet management.

2. Know the Motor vehicle act.

3. Understand the functioning of stores.

4 .Understand and Know about Service station & its records.

5. Understand different types of Maintenance.

6. Understand Estimation and Costing.

7. Understand methods of Depreciation & causes of Depreciation.

8. Understand Specifications.


1.0 Fleet management

Introduction – structure of fleet organization – fleet organization structure at depot level –

administrative setup of state transport undertaking – EPKM, CPKM – route – vehicle schedule

– trip – dead mileage

2.0 Motor vehicle Act

Introduction – necessity of registration – registration procedure – transfer of ownership – fitness

certificate – permit & is types – driving license & conductor license – international driving

license – conductor license – traffic signs – road markings – vehicle insurance – scrapping of


3.0 Stores

Introduction – purpose of store keeping – duties of store keeper – methods of storing – bin card

and indent – advantages of good store keeping.

4.0 Service Station

Types – factors to start new service station – service station layout – service station records.

5.0 Vehicle maintenance

Necessity and types of vehicle maintenance – preventive, operative, periodic and break down


6.0 Estimation and costing

Definition of estimation & costing – aims of estimating – qualities of an estimator – procedure

of estimating – sources of error in estimation – constituents of estimation – objectives of costing

– difference between estimation & costing – elements and components of costing.

7.0 Depreciation

Definition of depreciation and obsolescence – causes of depreciation – methods of calculating

depreciation – problems on each method.

8.0 Specifications

Definition of specifications – general specification – technical specification

9.0 Repair estimation

Procedure of preparing repair estimation of automobile components


1.0 Fleet management

1.1 Introduction to fleet management.

1.2 State the General structure of fleet organization.

1.3 Explain the Organization structure at depot level.

1.4 Explain the Administrative setup of state transport undertaking.

1.5 Explain the terms EPKM, CPKM.

1.6 Define route.

1.7 Define Vehicle schedule.

1.8 Define trip.

1.9 Define Dead mileage.

2.0 Motor vehicle Act

2.1 Explain the Necessity of motor vehicle Act.

2.2 Explain the Necessity of registration of vehicle.

2.3 Explain the Registration procedure.

2.4 Explain the Procedure of transfer of ownership.

2.5 State the Procedure of renewal of fitness certificate.

2.6 State the need of Permit and its type (goods & passenger vehicle).

2.7 State the Necessity of driving license, conductor license.

2.8 Explain the Procedure for obtaining learner license.

2.9 Explain the Procedure for obtaining permanent license.

2.10 Explain the procedure of Renewal of driving license.

2.11 Explain the Procedure for obtaining international driving license.

2.12 Explain the Procedure for obtaining public service license.

2.13 Explain the Procedure for obtaining vehicle badge.

2.14 Explain the Procedure for obtaining conductor license.

2.15 Explain the Traffic signs - mandatory, cautions, informatory

2.16 State the Types of road markings – single broken, single solid, double solid, single

Solid plus broken.

2.17 Explain Insurance - necessity - types of insurance policy

2.18 Explain third party and comprehensive insurance.

2.19 List the Factors considering for scrapping of vehicle.

3.0 Stores

3.1 Introduction to stores.

3.2 State the Purpose of store keeping.

3.3 State the Duties of store keeper.

3.4 State the Methods of storing.

3.5 Explain the terms Bin card , indent, invoice, ledgers & quotations.

3.6 State the Advantages of good store keeping.

4.0 Service Station

4.1 List Types of service station

4.2 State the Factors to be considered to start new service station.

4.3 Draw the layout of service station.

4.4 List different types of service station records.

4.5 Explain Job cards, ledgers, feed back forms available in the service station.

5.0 Vehicle maintenance

5.1 State the necessities of vehicle maintenance.

5.2 Mention different types of vehicle maintenance.

5.3 Explain preventive, periodic, operative and break down maintenance.

6.0 Estimation and costing

6.1 Define estimation and costing.

6.2 State the types of estimation.

6.3 Mention the qualities of an estimator.

6.4 Explain the procedure of estimation.

6.5 Mention sources of errors in estimation.

6.6 State the constituents of estimation.

6.7 List the objectives of costing.

6.8 List difference between estimation and costing.

6.9 Mention elements of costing.

6.10 Explain the components of the costing.

6.11 Solve simple problems on costing.

7.0 Depreciation

7.1 Define depreciation.

7.2 Explain the causes of depreciation.

7.3 Explain obsolescence.

7.4 State the methods of calculating depreciation.

7.5 Solve simple problems on depreciation using straight line method, diminishing balance

method, Sinking fund method, Man hour method, Sum of year’s digit method.


8.0 Specifications

8.1 Define specifications.

8.2 Explain general specification.

8.3 Explain technical specification.

9.0 Repair estimation

9.1 Define repair estimation.

9.2 State the procedure of preparing of repair estimation of followings.

9.2.1 Decarbonising of engine.

9.2.2 Major overhauling of engine.

9.2.3 Clutch system.

9.2.4 Gear box system.

9.2.5 Differential system.

9.2.6 Fuel injection pump.

9.2.7 Starter.

9.2.8 Alternator.

9.2.9 Cooling system.

9.2.10 Lubrication system.


1. Vehicle transport management - S.L. BHANDARKAR

Dhanpat rai & co. (pvt.) Ltd. Delhi

2. Automobile engineering - G.B.S. Narang

3. Automobile engineering - C.P. Nakara

4. Estimation & costing - T.R. Banga & S.C. Sharma

5. Industrial Management - Banga & Sharma


NOTE: 1. Q.NO 1 Is Compulsory.

2. Answer Any Two Full Questions From Each Remaining Sections, A, B & C

1. a. List the factors to be considered before scrapping of vehicle. 05

b. List the difference between depreciation and obsolescence 05


2. a. define the following terms

1 trip

2. Dead mileage . 05

b. Explain organization structure of state transport undertaking with block diagram. 10

3. a. What is the necessity of registration of vehicles? 05

b. Mention the types of permits . 05

c. Explain procedure to obtain the learner’s driving license. 05

4. a. Explain comprehensive insurance 05

b. What are the advantages of good store keeping? 05

c. Mention different methods of storing. 05


5. a. Explain the factors to be considered to start new service station. 10

b. Explain job card . 05

6. a. Draw the layout of service station and label different sections 08

b. Explain break down maintenance 07

7. a. What are the advantages of periodic maintenance? 07

b. Define specification. 03

c. What are the differences between general & technical specification? 05


8. a. What are the aims of estimation? 05

b. Mention the sources of errors in estimation. 05

c. Explain the elements of costing. 05

9. a. Explain the causes of depreciation . 05

b. Write detailed procedure of estimating . 10

10. a. Prepare a repair estimation of engine overhauling. 10

b. Prepare a repair estimation of starting motor. 05