€¦  · Web viewGrace Pulford Created Date: 10/12/2016...

Post on 22-May-2018

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Curves was a tool we learned where we could alter the tone and colour on an image if the original was too light or dark to begin with. All I needed to do was grab the grid line and adjust it until the image is of the colour I’m happy with.

Curve channels were used as part of the curve tools where we could grab more than one part of the line to create multiple effects to the tone and colour of the image. This effect would be useful for

when it came to changing the tone of the scenery in my storybook such as from sunshine to stormy seaside weather without too much hassle.

The blur and history brush was an effect we used to put an image out of focus and then brush the parts we wanted back in focus.

We used the burn and dodge tools to highlight and alter the intensity of colour/tone in a certain part of the image. This would be particularly useful for if certain parts of an image is the wrong tone in relation to the rest in any way.

Creating layers was a tool that gave me ideas for my children’s storybook- especially when I added a ‘lighten’ effect to it. We made use of the layers bar to the right in order to alter the positioning of layers and the effect added to it from above. This would a great feature in my children’s storybook with effects regarding the sea and skies.

On this image we used the healing brush like we did with the bluebells: blurred the entire image and brushed certain elements of it back with the healing brush. This kind of example is what’s actually used in industry for magazine covers to cover up imperfections and blemishes.

The liquefy tool allowed us to completely alter the appearance of an image by brushing it on a section and dragging it around to create an entirely new appearance of the original.

The layer mask was also another one similar to the history brushes since we put the liquefied layer under the bluebells and could brush over certain areas we wanted to appear and switch between the images if required. I found that this tool would be great for effectively producing more detailed forms of layering in my storybook (characters behind small objects) and making it look of a more advanced standard.