Grace Notes | 2013 December

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Grace Episcopal Church, Siloam Springs monthly newsletter.


Grace notes November 2013

Heifer International, Uganda


Stan McKinnon Rector

Lora Walsh Curate, Director of Christian Formation

& Youth Ministries

OFFICE Bay GreenHill

Office Administrator Hope Johnstone

Communications Administrator Anne Jones

Financial Administrator

CHILDREN Ben Bergstrom

9am Children’s Chapel Coordinator Meredith Bergstrom, Godly Play Director

Angie Chaney Kitchen and Nursery Coordinator

Travis Chaney 11am Children’s Chapel Coordinator

MUSIC Liesl Dromi

Assistant Choirmaster Dr. Jan Wubbena

Director of Music & Organist Terri Wubbena

Children’s Choir School Director


Episcopal Church Women Episcopal Peace Fellowship

Meals on Wheels Prayer Chain

VESTRY Shereen West, Sr. Warden (2013)

Ben Rhoads, Jr. Warden (2013) Meredith Bergstrom (2014)

Curtis Smith (2014) Grace Davis (2015)

Rob Lambert (2015) Mike Moss, Treasurer

Hope Johnstone, Clerk

COMMITTEES Building & Grounds Christian Formation

Community Life Finance

Outreach Worship

WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUN Holy Eucharist, 9:00 AM Christian Formation (all ages), 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, 11:15 AM Evening Prayer, 5:00 PM WED Holy Eucharist & Healing, 12:10 pm MON Morning Prayer, 7:15 AM

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

ADVENT AND EMPTY SPACES My son Zadok just turned a year

old—hooray!—and I recently took

him to the doctor for his one-year

check-up. As usual during these

routine visits, a physician's assistant

started off by asking a series of

questions about Zadok's

development. This visit began with

questions such as, "Does he say

'mama' and 'dada'?", "Does he point

at objects?", and "Does he turn

pages in a book?" I could answer

most of these questions with an immediate "yes" or a slightly worried "no."

One question surprised me, though: "Does he fill empty spaces?" I wasn’t

sure. Filling empty spaces wasn't really a milestone that I'd been watching for. I had

to stop and think for a moment. I realized that he does, in fact, like to fill empty

spaces. For example, he repeatedly puts blocks into his toy box, and he loves

crawling in and out of the cupboard. I just hadn't recognized this behavior as


Then I thought, "What about me? Do I fill empty spaces?" It turns out that it wasn't

only Zadok's eagerness to fill empty spaces that I hadn't really noticed before. I, too,

have an almost compulsive habit of filling the empty spaces in my own

life. Openings in my schedule, shelves in my closet, long drives without my car radio

(which is broken): All of these empty spaces quickly fill up with appointments,

objects, and noise.

This Advent, I'm trying to resist the impulse to fill the empty spaces that appear in my

life. It will be no easy feat during the busiest season of the year! Yet Advent is the

church's season for creating space—waiting expectantly, opening our hearts, and

preparing room for the Lord to dwell with us. I think of it this way: If I leave more

spaces empty, then Zadok will have a lot more room to play in by filling these spaces

up! It sure is handy having a baby around to help me reflect on God's entrance into

the world as an infant.

In the spirit of not filling every empty space, I'll wrap up these thoughts quickly. May

you all have a blessed Advent, with time and space for God to send you the gifts of

peace and joy.

Curate’s Corner

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC STAFF As I write this on the day before Thanksgiving, the advent of Advent is upon us! Having just

observed the Last Sunday after Pentecost, Advent is almost here. My favorite calendar

configuration for December is when it begins on a Sunday, so that December 1 is also Advent 1.

It’s neat and tidy: the month begins on the same day as the new church year. And so it is in 2013.

Advent is perhaps my favorite season of the church year. It’s about expectation, the deliciousness

of hope and expectancy.

One of the most notable achievements of The Hymnal 1982 selection committee was the vast

expansion of the Advent section in comparison with its predecessor, The Hymnal 1940. It begins

with No. 53 and ends with No. 76 – a total of 24 Advent hymns, enough for six hymns on each of

the four Sundays. Add to that many hymns scattered elsewhere in the hymnal that have Advent

themes. This year we are singing 13 of those 24, and seven from other sections of the hymnal.

Many Advent hymns have especially vivid, rich imagery. Here are a few examples from the total of

20 hymns we’ll be singing in Advent 2013:

No. 53 (Advent 1, communion), “…came in likeness lowly,” and No. 54 (Advent 4, sequence),

“…that the Lord chose such a birth.” I am reminded of the Nicene Creed: “…and was made man”

– God lowering himself and becoming man. Humbling, if not humiliating – and to what end?

No. 55 (Advent 2, communion), “…[glory’s light] pierces all our gloom,” No. 60 (Advent 4,

communion), “…your people’s everlasting light,” and No. 61 (Advent 1, recessional), “…[Zion’s]

star is risen, her light grows bright.” Light is perhaps the most visually stimulating of all the

images representing our Lord.

No. 56 (Advent 4, processional), by a wide margin the most beloved Advent hymn, , is particularly

rich in its metaphors, many of which are drawn from the Old Testament: Wisdom from on high,

Branch of Jesse, Key of David, Dayspring from on high, Desire of nations, all to ransom Israel-in-

captivity, which mourns in lonely exile.

No. 58 (Advent 1, processional), “Lo! he comes with clouds descending” and “Thou shalt reign,

and thou alone.” Looking ahead to Christ’s second coming, his enthronement in majesty is a

key image in Advent.

No. 67 (Advent 2, processional), “Make ye straight what long was crooked, make the rougher

places plain,” and No. 70 (Advent 2, sequence hymn), “…warning us of right and wrong, turning

us from sin and sadness.” Repentance is a secondary theme of this season of preparation; could

there be a stronger image of making right what we have done that is wrong than Isaiah’s

metaphor? Remember the former approach from the south into Gentry on Arkansas 59? What

long was crooked (and dangerous) is now straight. Also, how do we use the expression,

“smoothing off the rough edges?”

No. 640 (Advent 3, communion), “Watchman, tell us of the night,” and No. 62 (Advent 1,

recessional), “…the shout of rampart-guards…” borrow from the parable of the five wise and five

foolish virgins awaiting the arrival of the Bridegroom and use the imagery of a medieval walled

city with watchmen on duty throughout the night.

May this season of Advent be deeply meaningful to you!

Jan Wubbena


Starting December 1st

We will experiment with a new Service Schedule in December.

Please note that the late service will now begin at 11:15 a.m., and

Godly Play will now run from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. at Grace House. This

will allow for choir members to attend Christian Formation and EYC,

as well as facilitate a 30 minute coffee time before the late service

begins. Additionally, there will also be an Advent Evening Prayer

service at 5:00 p.m. each Sunday in Advent (December 1st – 22


childcare will be provided.

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist – with Children’s Chapel

10:00 a.m. Christian Formation

At Grace House

o Godly Play from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

(parents - please drop off and pick up at Grace House!)

o EYC & EYC, Jr. from 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

In the Parish Hall

o Christian Formation for Adults 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

o Choir will leave at 10:45 a.m. to prepare for worship

10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship

11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist – with Children’s Chapel

5:00 p.m. Advent Evening Prayers – Evensong Service on

December 1st. Childcare provided.

* Coffee will be available after both the early and late services.

**Nursery care is available for all events; please sign in by the

Nursery room before leaving your children on the playground.


December 1st at 5:00 p.m.

Grace will hold a special Evensong music concert on December 1st

at 5:00 p.m. to celebrate in gratitude for the past, present, and hope

for the future. All are welcome to attend this special musical event,

childcare will be provided.

Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m., December 1-22

Advent Evening Prayer begins Sunday, December 1st with our

Evensong service at 5:00 p.m. An Evening Prayer Service will follow

each Sunday at 5:00 p.m. through Dec. 22nd

. Evening Prayers are a

great way to prepare for the Nativity of Jesus as well as steady our

hearts and minds in the face of the holiday bustle. Childcare will be


Help us give Christmas to a family in need, Dec. 1st

For the Christmas Season, we have adopted a family in need

through the Genesis House. The family we were given is a working

family, struggling to make ends meet while providing for eight

children. There will be a sign-up sheet, with tags of needed items

on the Outreach Table in the Parish Hall on Dec. 1st

. If you would

like to help, all purchased gifts will be collected by Sunday,

December 15th

. Please contact Victoria Bossler, or the office for

more information. Thank you for reaching out to those in need in

our community!





Choir Camp and Worship Schedule

12/7: The Grace Children’s Choir School (GCCS) will have Choir

Camp on Saturday, December 7th

from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Grace

Church. Choristers will rehearse and prepare for leading worship

on Sunday, December 8th


12/8: GCCS will lead worship on Sunday, December 8th

at the

9:00 a.m. service. Choristers please arrive by 8:15 a.m. to warm-

up and prepare.

12/17: GCCS will conclude the semester with a concert on

Tuesday, December 17th

at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to attend

and enjoy the music that the children have worked on

throughout the semester. A light reception will follow.

Choristers, please arrive at 6:15 p.m. to warm-up.

Reception, December 8th

at 10:00 a.m.

Everyone is invited to hear the story of St.

Nicholas on Sunday, December 8th

, during

Christian Formation at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish

Hall. We will hear about the life of St. Nicholas,

as told through Godly Play by Travis Chaney.

St. Nicholas himself has also been known to

make an annual visit to the children at Grace!

There will be a St. Nicholas Day reception and coffee as well.

EYC will still meet at Grace House.



Christmas Eve Services, 5:00 p.m. & 10:00 p.m.

Holy Eucharist will be held at 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on

Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24th

. All are welcome to

celebrate the Nativity of our Lord. Childcare will be provided

during the 5:00 p.m. service for ages 0-6 years old.

Christmas Day, Holy Eucharist & Healing, 12:10 p.m.

Please join us on Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th


12:10 p.m. for a Holy Eucharist Service celebrating the Nativity

of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Holiday Office Hours

The office will be closed Tuesday, December 24th


Thursday, December 26th

for the Christmas holidays, as well as

Tuesday, December 31st through Thursday, January 2

nd in

observance of the New Year. Thank you!

Dedicate a Poinsettia for the Holidays

Christmas poinsettias are available for the

Christmas season. If you would like to dedicate

a poinsettia, please put your name on the Altar

Flower calendar in the Parish Hall, the

suggested donation is $30.


Give a unique gift that helps others…

The Outreach Committee would like to encourage you to

consider making some of your Christmas gift purchases through

organizations that benefit others.

Donations through organizations listed below give back to help

those in need. Here are just a few organizations that will use

your funds well in the service of others:

Episcopal Relief and Development: Gifts for Life

Click this link for the online catalog, or see the printed catalog

in the Parish Hall (similar to World Vision - purchase animals

for families in developing nations to enable them to earn a

living to support themselves or contribute to sanitation,

education or healthcare initiatives).

World Vision - Gift Catalog

Click the above link to view their catalog, (similar to Episcopal

Relief and Development – you may purchase animals or

farming supplies, sponsor a child, or contribute to sanitation,

education or healthcare initiatives. World Vision is currently

making a big push to address famine in Somalia.)

SERVV - Fair Trade Gifts

Click above to visit SERVV online, or see the printed catalog on

the Outreach Table, (they carry a wide range of fair trade

handcrafts, fabrics, and foodstuffs that make lovely gifts).

Heifer International

Select a meaningful gift to give a loved one and help children

and families around the world receive training and animal gifts

that help them become self-reliant.





Wednesday Service on New Year’s Day

There will be a Wednesday Eucharist service on Wednesday,

January 1st at 12:10 p.m.

January 6th

at 6:00 p.m.

Please join us for our annual Epiphany Pageant and Chili Supper

on Monday, January 6th at 6:00 p.m. All children are

welcome to take part in the Pageant. There will be a rehearsal

for all interested children on Sunday, January 5th

4:00 p.m.

followed by pizza. Chili will be served after the pageant on

January 6th

. If you would like to sign up to bring chili or

cornbread, please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in

the Parish Hall, or contact Meredith Bergstrom

at Thank you!

2013 Tax Year

If you are looking for an additional tax deduction for 2013, any

portion of your 2014 pledge can be prepaid by December 30th

and be reported as 2013 giving. Please make a note in the

memo line of your check stating that the funds are for your

2014 pledge. Thank you!

2014 Stewardship Campaign

We have received 31 pledges so far in our 2014 stewardship

drive for a total of $127,000. In 2013 we had 68 pledges for a

total of $310,000. As we come into the holidays please

remember to turn in your pledge so that we can make

appropriate plans for the church’s budget in 2014. Pledge cards

are available from the office or on Sundays at the back of the

nave. Thank you for your generous support of our ministry

together at Grace.

Save the Date: February 2014

Winterstar, the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas’

annual winter retreat for Jr. and Sr. High

students, will take place on two different

weekends at Camp Mitchell: Senior high

Winterstar will be Feb. 24–26; junior high

Winterstar, March 2–4. Both weekends will

begin on Friday evening, with registration at 8

p.m., and end Sunday morning, with a closing

service at 10:30 a.m. For more information or

to register, visit the Winterstar website.

Feb. 7th


Jr. High Winterstar

Feb. 28th

-March 2nd

Sr. High WInterstar

Click here to visit a link from the previous Winterstar

camp with photos so you can see what to expect.



Additional details will be available closer to each date

Jan. 06, 2014 Epiphany Pageant & Chili Supper

Apr. 19-20, 2014 Champagne Breakfast & Easter Sunday

July 2014 Summer Potluck & BBQ

Aug. 14, 2014

Rally Day Potluck


Isaiah 2:1-5

Romans 13:11-14

Matthew 24:36-44

Psalm 122


Isaiah 35:1-10 James 5:7-10

Matthew 11:2-11 Psalm 146:4-9


Isaiah 11:1-10

Romans 15:4-13

Matthew 3:1-12

Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19


Isaiah 7:10-16 Romans 1:1-7

Matthew 1:18-25 Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18


Isaiah 61:10-62:3

Galatians 3:23-25;4:4-7 John 1:1-18

Psalm 147 or 147:13-21