"Graceful Hacks" - UX, IA and interaction design tips for hack days

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Putting a working hack together in just 24 hours is hard graft, and the emphasis on getting it to work may mean that user experience is not your primary concern. Especially when there is also usually the distraction of beer, pizza and Rock Band. We can't all be born beautiful and graceful, so here are some tips about how to avoid your hack looking like a hack.


Graceful hacksMartin BelamGuardian Hack Day - July 2009

Not everybody can be born naturally graceful

The Yahoo! Design Pattern library is your friend

Peter Morville has a great collection of search designs

Drawing attention to changes...

<div id="my_brilliant_hack">       <blink>             ....        </blink></div>

There are a limited number of article 'slots'

This is the Google Adsense heat map

Think widescreen...

Think small screen...

CSS frameworks might save you time

Labels are important to users

We have a style guide

Smashing Magazine has lots of design resources

The FamFamFam Silk icon set covers everything

Come and ask me...


Graceful hacksmartin.belam@currybet.netTwitter: @currybet