Grade 02 Social Studies Unit 10 Exemplar Lesson 01 ... 02 Social Studies Unit 10 Exemplar Lesson 01:...

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Grade 2

Social Studies

Unit: 10

Lesson: 01

Suggested Duration: 4 days

Grade 02 Social Studies Unit 10 Exemplar Lesson 01: Choices About MoneyGrade 02 Social Studies Unit 10 Exemplar Lesson 01: Choices About Money

This lesson is one approach to teaching the State Standards associated with this unit. Districts are encouraged to customize this lesson by

supplementing with district-approved resources, materials, and activities to best meet the needs of learners. The duration for this lesson is only a

recommendation, and districts may modify the time frame to meet students’ needs. To better understand how your district may be implementingCSCOPE lessons, please contact your child’s teacher. (For your convenience, please find linked the TEA Commissioner’s List of State Board of

Education Approved Instructional Resources and Midcycle State Adopted Instructional Materials.)

Lesson Synopsis

Students will build upon what they have learned about money in previous grades. Students will learn about the concepts of work, choice, spend, earn,

and save.


The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) listed below are the standards adopted by the State Board of Education, which are required by

Texas law. Any standard that has a strike-through (e.g. sample phrase) indicates that portion of the standard is taught in a previous or subsequent

unit. The TEKS are available on the Texas Education Agency website at

2.9 Economics. The student understands the value of work. The student is expected to:

2.9A Explain how work provides income to purchase goods and services.

2.9B Explain the choices people in the U.S. free enterprise system can make about earning, spending, and saving

money and where to live and work.

Social Studies Skills TEKS

2.19 Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:

2.19A Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences.

2.19B Create written and visual material such as stories, poems, maps, and graphic organizers to express ideas.

2.20 Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills, working independently and with

others, in a variety of settings. The student is expected to:

2.20B Use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, generate

options, predict outcomes, take action to implement a decision, and reflect on the effectiveness of that decision.


Performance Indicators

Grade 02 Social Studies Unit 10 PI 01

Write and illustrate a story about a time you made a choice about spending or saving money. Include information about how you earned the money and how work is part of

the process.

Standard(s): 2.9A , 2.9B , 2.19B , 2.20B


Key Understandings

People make choices about earning, spending, and saving money, and those choices have consequences.

—    How do people earn money?—    How do people decide where to work and live?—    How do people decide whether to spend or save money?

Vocabulary of Instruction










chart paper

index card (1 per student)

Last Updated 05/08/13

Print Date 06/18/2013 Printed By Karen Johnson, MIDLAND ISDpage 1 of 12  

light colored construction paper (1 piece per student)


sticky note (2 per student)


All attachments associated with this lesson are referenced in the body of the lesson. Due to considerations for grading or student assessment,

attachments that are connected with Performance Indicators or serve as answer keys are available in the district site and are not accessible on the

public website.

Handout: Play Money (several)

Teacher Resource: Decision-Making Process (1)

Teacher Resource: Scenarios for Decision-Making (1)


The United States Mint:

Possible optional literature: The Kids' Money Book : Earning Saving Spending Investing Donating by Jamie Kyle McGillian

Advance Preparation

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview available resources and websites according to district guidelines.

5. Prepare materials and handouts as needed.

6. Print several copies of the Handout: Play Money. Cut and separate the play dollar bills.

7. Determine possible jobs around the classroom or school that students could do to earn money. Choose a job or jobs that will not take more than

20 minutes to complete. Possible jobs could include: picking up trash on the playground, organizing the classroom library, cleaning tables and

chairs, changing a bulletin board, cleaning an area of the classroom, helping younger students, etc. Decide how much play money to pay

students for completing the job(s).

8. Create a classroom store with several items for students to buy with their play money. Ask teachers or parents to donate items so that the

teacher is not spending personal money on the store items. Unused toys from kids’ meals, small trinkets from the local variety store, and parentservices may be included in the classroom store. Provide items that are both goods and services. Possible goods could include: stickers, small

toys, pencils, erasers, etc. Possible services could include: lunch with the teacher, homework pass, first in line for lunch or recess, extra time on

an assignment, working with a partner instead of individually, extra 5 minutes on the computer, etc. Assign each item a price. Make some items

very inexpensive and others very expensive so students will have to make choices: spend money on inexpensive items or choose to save their


9. Create an Anchor Chart: Goods and Service for the Explain in Day 1. Draw a T­chart and label one side “Goods” and label the other side“Services”. Provide a definition and 2­3 examples for both “Goods” and “Services”.

10. Prepare to use the chart created in Unit 09 using the Teacher Resource: Decision-Making Process. This chart will be used in Day 3.

11. Use the Teacher Resource: Scenarios for Decision-Making to create charts to display around the room in Day 3. Write each scenario on a

separate piece of chart paper.

12. Look for websites, books, and sections of the social studies textbook that reinforce these concepts.

Background Information

Students need to build the basic concept that earning income is a result of work. They also need to build the concept that spending and saving money are choices.


Teachers are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to meet the needs of learners. These lessons are one

approach to teaching the TEKS/Specificity as well as addressing the Performance Indicators associated with each unit. District personnel may create

original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “MyContent” area.


Instructional Procedures

ENGAGE – Earning Money

Notes for Teacher

NOTE: 1 Day = 50 minutes

Suggested Day 1 - 25 minutes

1. Distribute one dollar in play money (considering calling it a fun name like Class Cash Attachments:

Grade 2

Social Studies

Unit: 10

Lesson: 01

Suggested Duration: 4 days

Last Updated 05/08/13

Print Date 06/18/2013 Printed By Karen Johnson, MIDLAND ISDpage 2 of 12  

or Funny Funds) to every student. Ask: How can a person get money? (Possible

answers could include by working, receiving a gift, borrowing, get it from your

parents, etc.)

2. Tell students that they earned a dollar (play money) by coming to school today.

Explain that they can earn additional (play) money by doing extra work.

3. Assign a job to students or allow students to choose a job from a list. Refer to

Advanced Preparation step #7.

4. Provide students the time to complete their assigned or selected job.

5. Distribute their earnings in play money.

6. Ask: How do people earn money? By working.

7. Display the word income. Explain that money earned by working is called income.

Handout: Play Money (several)


The purpose of this section of the lesson is for

students to understand that people earn income by


TEKS: 2.9A; 2.19A

Instructional Note:

Throughout Suggested Day 1-3, continue to

distribute play money to students for completing

tasks, following directions, etc. Student will use their

play money to make decisions about spending and

saving in Day 2 and 3.

EXPLORE/EXPLAIN – Work Choices Suggested Day 1 (continued) - 25 minutes

1. Explain that citizens in the United States have choices about where to work and live.

2. Ask: How do people earn an income? What are some jobs that you know

about? Responses will vary.

3. Ask: How do people decide where to work and live? Responses will vary.

4. Distribute a piece of light colored construction paper to students.

5. Ask students to think about the following questions:

What kind of job do you want when you grow up?

Where would you like to work?

Where might you live in order to do your work?

6. Instruct students to draw what kind of job they would like to do when they get older.

Also, tell them to include where they might do that work in their drawing.

7. Monitor and assist students as they are working. Ask them to explain their choices.

8. When finished, students share their drawing with a partner or small group. Collect the

drawings and display them in the classroom.


light colored construction paper (1 piece per



The purpose of this section of the lesson is for

students to understand that people choose where

they work and live.

TEKS: 2.9B, 2.19B

Instructional Note:

Continue to distribute play money as students

accomplish certain tasks. They will use this money

to make decisions on whether to save their money

or buy something at the classroom store.

EXPLORE – Spending Money Suggested Day 2 - 15 minutes

1. Review what was learned about earning income in Day 1.

2. Ask: What do people do with the income they earn by working? (Possible

responses could include that they buy things to satisfy needs and want, pay bills,

save, etc.)

3. Distribute two sticky notes to each student.

4. With a partner, students brainstorm two ways income can be spent. Students write or

draw each idea on a separate sticky note.

5. Students switch partners and share their ideas with a new partner.


sticky note (2 per student)


The purpose of this section of the lesson is for

students to explore how income is spent.

TEKS: 2.9A, 2.19A

Instructional Note:

Students will need to keep their sticky notes for use

in the next Explain section.

EXPLAIN – Goods and Services Suggested Day 2 (continued) - 15 minutes

1. Display the Anchor Chart: Goods and Services. Discuss the definitions and examples

of goods and service.

2. Call students up to the Anchor Chart 2-3 at a time. Instruct them to place their sticky

notes from the Explore under goods or services.

3. Read all the sticky notes under and “Goods”. Ask: Are any of these NOT goods?

Remove any that do not fit the definition of “Goods”.

4. Read all the sticky notes under “Services”. Ask: Are any of these NOT services?

Remove any that do not fit the definition of “Services”. If there are not many ideaslisted under “Services”, brainstorm some services as a class such as going to thedentist, paying a tutor, paying for garbage pick-up, etc.


The purpose of this section of the lesson is for

students to understand how people spend their

income on goods and services.

TEKS: 2.9A, 2.19A

Instructional Note:

Be aware that some of the ideas that students

brainstormed may fall under BOTH goods and

services (e.g., eating at a restaurant- the server is

providing a “service” by delivering the food which

Grade 2

Social Studies

Unit: 10

Lesson: 01

Suggested Duration: 4 days

Last Updated 05/08/13

Print Date 06/18/2013 Printed By Karen Johnson, MIDLAND ISDpage 3 of 12  

could be considered a “good”.) In this case, a“Both” column could be added to the Anchor Chartor place it on the line between “Goods” and“Services”.

EXPLORE/EXPLAIN - The Classroom Store Suggested Day 2 (continued) - 20 minutes

1. Introduce the classroom store and display the items available for purchase around

the room. Explain that students will be able to purchase items from the store with the

play money they have earned.

2. Display the vocabulary words spend and save. Ask students to turn to a partner and

discuss the meaning of the words and to describe their experiences with spending

and saving.

3. Allow students to explore the items. Tell them to think about if the items are goods or

services and to think about items they might like to buy with the play money they

have earned.

4. Distribute an index card to each student. On the index card, students write and

complete one of the following prompts:

I want to buy ______________ because ___________.

I want to save my money because _______________.

5. Students share their choice with a partner. Collect the index cards. If the student has

chosen to buy something, collect the correct amount of play money as well and give

them the item they chose.


index card (1 per student)


The purpose of this section of the lesson is for

students to understand that people can choose to

spend or save their income.

TEKS: 2.9A, 2.9B; 2.19A

Instructional Note:

Continue to distribute play money as students

accomplish certain tasks. They will use this money

to make decisions on whether to save their money

or buy something at the classroom store.

In advance of this lesson, ask teachers or parents

to donate items so that the teacher is not spending

personal money on the store items. Unused toys

from kids' meals, small trinkets from the local variety

store, and parent services may be included in the

classroom store. (See Advance Preparation.)

EXPLORE/EXPLAIN - Decisions About Work, Spending, and Saving Suggested Day 3 - 35 minutes

1. Display the chart that explains the decision-making process from Unit 09.

2. Review the steps in the decision-making process. Discuss how they decided to spend

or save their play money in Day 2.

3. Explain that people make decisions everyday regarding earning, spending, and


4. Place the different scenario charts around the room. Divide students into equal small

groups and assign them to start with a chart.

5. Provide the students with the following directions:

Read the scenario.

Discuss the information provided in the scenario.

Consider options and possible outcomes.

Come to a consensus on a decision for the scenario.

Write a response on the chart using the following sentence stem: (name of

person in the scenario) should ________________ because


6. After students are done with the first chart, provide them with the following


Move to the next chart.

Read the scenario.

Read the decision the previous group made.

Discuss both the information in the scenario and the decision made by the

previous group.

Discuss if you agree or disagree.

Add any comments, suggestions, or questions your group has about the scenario

or decision to the chart.

7. Students continue rotating through the charts at the teacher’s signal as time allows.


chart paper



Teacher Resource: Decision-Making Process (1)

Teacher Resource: Scenarios for Decision-

Making (1)


The purpose of this section of the lesson is for

students to understand that U.S. citizens make

choices in earning, spending, and saving.

TEKS: 2.9B; 2.19A, 2.19A; 2.20B

Instructional Note:

As the small groups work together at their charts,

monitor and assist students in the decision-making

process and provide help if discussions are not

being productive.

ELABORATE - Classroom Store Revisited Suggested Day 3 (continued) - 15 minutes

1. Tell students that they will be allowed to visit the classroom store. Purpose:

Grade 2

Social Studies

Unit: 10

Lesson: 01

Suggested Duration: 4 days

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Print Date 06/18/2013 Printed By Karen Johnson, MIDLAND ISDpage 4 of 12  

2. Explain that the classroom store will continue to be open through the remainder of

the unit (through Lesson 03). Instruct students to be thoughtful of their decisions to

spend or save.

3. Students visit the classroom store and determine if they will spend their play money

on available items or save their money.

4. Ask: How do people decide whether to spend or save money? Responses will


The purpose of this section of the lesson is for

students to be purposeful in their decisions to

either spend or save their earnings.

TEKS: 2.9A, 2.9B; 2.19A; 2.20B

Instructional Note:

Continue to distribute play money as students

accomplish certain tasks. Leave the classroom

store open for the remainder of the unit.

EVALUATE Suggested Day 4 - 50 minutes

Grade 02 Social Studies Unit 10 PI 01

Write and illustrate a story about a time you made a choice about spending or saving money. Include

information about how you earned the money and how work is part of the process.

Standard(s): 2.9A , 2.9B , 2.19B , 2.20B


TEKS: 2.9A, 2.9B, 2.19B, 2.20B

Instructional Note:

If students do not have prior experience with earning, spending,

and saving, students can use their experiences with the play

money and the classroom store as the basis for their story.

Grade 2

Social Studies

Unit: 10

Lesson: 01

Suggested Duration: 4 days

Last Updated 05/08/13

Print Date 06/18/2013 Printed By Karen Johnson, MIDLAND ISDpage 5 of 12  

Grade 2 Mathematics

Unit: 10 Lesson: 01

©2012, TESCCC 04/08/13 page 1 of 4

Play Money - $1 Bills

(1963). One dollar bill. (1963). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from

Grade 2 Mathematics

Unit: 10 Lesson: 01

©2012, TESCCC 04/08/13 page 2 of 4

Play Money - $5 Bills

(2006). Five dollar bill. (2006). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from States five-dollar bill

Grade 2 Mathematics

Unit: 10 Lesson: 01

©2012, TESCCC 04/08/13 page 3 of 4

Play Money - $10 Bills

(2006). Ten dollar bill. (2006). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from States ten-dollar bill

Grade 2 Mathematics

Unit: 10 Lesson: 01

©2012, TESCCC 04/08/13 page 4 of 4

Play Money - $20 Bills

(2006). Twenty dollar bill. (2006). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from States twenty-dollar bill

Grade 2 Social Studies Unit: 10 Lesson: 01

©2012, TESCC 11/15/12 page 1 of 1

Decision-Making Process

1. Identify the


needing a


2. Gather


3. Generate

options and



4. Take action to

implement the


5. Evaluate the

effectiveness of

the decision.

Grade 2 Mathematics

Unit: 10 Lesson: 01

©2012, TESCCC 11/15/12 page 1 of 2

Scenarios for Decision-Making

Write each of the following scenarios on separate pieces of chart paper. Scenario #1 Jennifer has been looking for a job. She has two job offers and needs to decide which one to accept. The first job is close to where she lives, and she wouldn’t have to move, but it does not pay as much as the other job offer. The other job offer is in another state. She would have to move, but it pays more money. What should Jennifer do? ________________________________________________________________ Scenario #2 Michael has been saving money for two months to buy a new cell phone. The one he has now works fine, but all his friends are getting new ones, and he would like the new model, too. This month is his mom’s birthday. He would really like to get her a gift. He is trying to decide whether to use some of his money to buy her earrings or save his money and do something nice for her like clean the house or make her dinner. What should Michael do? ________________________________________________________________ Scenario #3 Maria would like to buy a new dress to wear to a wedding next weekend. She has found two dresses. One dress is on sale, but she does not love the color of the dress. The other dress is more expensive, but it is the perfect color and looks great on her. What should Maria do? ________________________________________________________________ Scenario #4 Alex needs to earn more money to pay his bills. He can get a second job to work weekends and stay living where he is or move to another city to take a job that pays more. If he moves, he will not be close to family. What should Alex do? ________________________________________________________________

Grade 2 Mathematics

Unit: 10 Lesson: 01

©2012, TESCCC 11/15/12 page 2 of 2

Scenario #5 Tanya really needs a new bike. The one she has keeps breaking down. So far, she has saved half the money needed for the new bike. This weekend all of her friends are going to the movies. Tanya really wants to go, but would have to spend some of her savings. What should Tanya do? ________________________________________________________________ Scenario #6 Ben is going to buy a ticket to watch his favorite football team. He can buy a more expensive ticket that would put his seat very close to the field or he could buy a less expensive ticket that is far away from the field, but includes a T-shirt with his favorite team’s name on it. What should Ben do?