Grade 6 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form A · PDF fileGrade 6 Math Self-Assessment &...

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Grade 6 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form A

Contains:• Self-assessment

checklist of goals for each CCSS domain and cluster

• 95 review questions, organized by cluster

• 14 pages plus Answer Section

For a parallel set of review questions, see the Grade 6 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form B.

Other math packets, supplements, and tracking tools are available from Angie Seltzer’s online stores. See for information and links.

• Includes 95 questions• Reviews all CCSS domainsby Angie Seltzer


  Grade 6 Math    Self-Assessment & Review Packet










About the GoalsThis packet contains a list of goals/objectives for each cluster of content in the Common Core State Standards for Grade 6 mathematics. Cluster headings are taken directly from CCSS documents, and each cluster has 3 to 9 goals. The goals are clear and concise, in the style of typical chapter or lesson objectives. These were written by Angie Seltzer, a mathematics curriculum specialist with many years of educational publishing experience.

To view these goals online and see related materials, visit Goals for Grades K-8 are available as checklists, posters, signs, and in Excel Goal Tracker spreadsheets.

For many goals, sets of Multi-Match game cards are available to help students relate models to expressions. These cards can be used by students of all ability levels for review and/or remediation.

About the Review QuestionsFor each goal there are one or more review questions, usually in short-answer format. Multiple choice questions are included when a short-answer question could be ambiguous or confusing. Some questions require a drawing, a graph, or an explanation.

There are also multiple response questions (with checkboxes) because that problem type is included in new multi-state assessments. This packet contains a total of 95 review questions that provide an excellent overview of all CCSS content for Grade 6.

Using Self-AssessmentBeside the goals are item numbers of the related questions. For each goal, students should circle Yes or No to indicate whether they understand the concept.

About the Domain IconsEach domain is represented by a letter-shaped icon that includes elements to denote key content. For example, the “E” icon includes variables and the “S” icon includes a circle graph and a spinner. Domain icons provide a quick way to identify the domain or strand of content on the pages.

Teacher’s Notes


Domain     Pages








   Grade 6 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet

Grade 6 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form A, (Published 04/18/2014, Updated 02/09/2015) Copyright © Seltzer Productions, LLC, 549 Acorn Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45419. Written and illustrated by Angie Seltzer. All Rights Reserved. The original purchaser

has permission to print and copy pages of this document for use in only one classroom. Further distribution of any portion of the printed or electronic document or electronic posting of the file on any storage or retrieval system is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. If you would like to share this file, please

purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re using this product and did not purchase it, then please visit for links to the author’s online stores and then purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Find out about related products at

Highlighted cluster statements © 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.


Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR6-A) Page 11


Do you understand the skills below? Answer the review questions. Then mark YES or NO for each skill.DOMAIN S CLUSTER 1: Develop understanding of statistical variability.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Recognize statistical questions. [6.SP.1] 78 YES – NO2. Describe the center, spread (range), and shape of data

on a dot plot. [6.SP.2]79-80 YES – NO

3. Find the median of a data set. [6.SP.2] 81-82 YES – NO4. Find the mean of a data set. [6.SP.2] 83-84 YES – NO5. Recognize measures of center and variation of data.

[6.SP.3]85 YES – NO

78. Which of these are statistical questions? Mark (✔) the answers.

(a) What was the high temperature in Boston on January 1st of this year? (b) How many students in your class brought a lunch from home today? (c) What is a typical height of a student in sixth grade? (d) Which pets, cats or dogs, are more popular with retired people?

79. The dot plot shows ages of 30 students at a nature center. Complete each sentence about the data using the words cluster, gap, peak, or symmetry.

There is a ____________ from 7 to 9.

There is a ____________ from 10 to 12.

80. What is the range of the ages of students shown by the dot plot in Question 79?


81. What is the median of the ages shown on the dot plot in Question 79?


82. Six students were given a jigsaw puzzle to put together. Each student’s time was recorded and the results are shown.

12 min. 16 min. 11 min. 14 min. 11 min. 20 min.What is the median of the times?


83. What is the mean of the times in Question 82?



Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR6-A) Page 12

84. What is the mean of 50, 43, 36, 57, and 29?


85. Are the mean and median measures of center or measures of variation?


DOMAIN S CLUSTER 2: Summarize and describe distributions.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Find quartiles and interquartile range. [6.SP.5c] 86 YES – NO2. Display and describe data on box plots. [6.SP.4] 87-88 YES – NO3. Display and describe data on histograms. [6.SP.4] 89-92 YES – NO4. Find the mean absolute deviation of a data set.

[6.SP.5c]93 YES – NO

5. Summarize data sets in relation to their context. [6.SP.5] 94-95 YES – NO

86. These 20 ages of children on a school bus are in order from least to greatest. 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 15, 17

a. Write five numbers to summarize the data.

Minimum ________ First Quartile ________ Median _________

Third quartile _______ Maximum _________

b. What is the interquartile range? __________

87. Draw a box plot to represent the data in Question 86.

88. At a school, heights of 100 boys and 100 girls age 14 were measured. These two box plots show the results.

a. Did boys or girls have a greater range in height? ______________b. To the nearest whole inch, what was the median height of the girls? ______________PR


Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR6-A) Page 13

89. The histogram shows the ages of people who attended a movie, grouped as 0-9, 10-19, and so on.

How many people ages 50 or older attended the movie? ____________

90. How many people’s ages are shown in the histogram for Question 89?


91. In what 10-year interval was the median age of people who attended the movie?


92. A snack shop owner kept track of purchases from customers for an hour. The purchase amounts ($) are shown in the box, in order from least to greatest.





Complete the histogram to show the frequency of purchases from 0 to 0.99, $1 up to $1.99, $2 up to $2.99, and so on. The first bar is shown.



• Includes 100 questions• Reviews all CCSS domainsby Angie Seltzer


  Grade 7 Math   Self-Assessment & Review Packet









Grade 7 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form A

Contains:• Self-assessment

checklist of goals for each CCSS domain and cluster

• 100 review questions, organized by cluster

• 11 pages plus Answer Section

For a parallel set of review questions, see the Grade 7 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form B.

Other math packets, supplements, and tracking tools are available from Angie Seltzer’s online stores. See www.mathpaths for information and links.


About the GoalsThis packet contains a list of goals/objectives for each cluster of content in the Common Core State Standards for Grade 7 mathematics. Cluster headings are taken directly from CCSS documents, and each cluster has 2 to 9 goals. The goals are clear and concise, in the style of typical chapter or lesson objectives.These were written by Angie Seltzer, a mathematics curriculum specialist with many years of educational publishing experience.

To view these goals online and see related materials, visit Goals for Grades K-8 are available as checklists, posters, signs, and in Excel Goal Tracker spreadsheets.

For many goals, sets of Multi-Match game cards are available to help students relate models to expressions. These cards can be used by students of all ability levels for review and/or remediation.

About the Review QuestionsFor each goal there are one or more review questions, usually in short-answer format. Multiple choice questions are included when a short-answer question could be ambiguous or confusing. Some questions require a drawing, a graph, or an explanation.

There are also multiple response questions (with checkboxes) because that problem type is included in new multi-state assessments. This packet contains a total of 100 review questions that provide an excellent overview of all CCSS content for Grade 7.

Using Self-AssessmentBeside the goals are item numbers of the related questions. For each goal, students should circle Yes or No to indicate whether they understand the concept.

About the Domain IconsEach domain is represented by a letter-shaped icon that includes elements to denote key content. For example, the “R” icon includes two proportionate semicircles and the “S” icon includes a circle graph and a spinner. Domain icons provide a quick way to identify the domain or strand of content on the pages.


Domain     Pages








   Grade 7 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet

Teacher’s Notes

Self-Assessment & Review Packet Form A, Grade 7 (Published 06/10/2014, Updaed 02/06/2015) Copyright © Seltzer Productions, LLC, 549 Acorn Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45419. Written and illustrated by Angie Seltzer. All Rights Reserved. The original purchaser

has permission to print and copy pages of this document for use in only one classroom. Further distribution of any portion of the printed or electronic document or electronic posting of the file on any storage or retrieval system is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. If you would like to share this file, please

purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re using this product and did not purchase it, then please visit for links to the author’s online stores and then purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Find out about related products at

Highlighted cluster statements © 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.


Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR7-A) Page 4

DOMAIN G CLUSTER 2: Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Recognize relationships between parts of a circle. [7.G.4] 24 YES – NO2. Apply formulas for circumference and area of circles.

[7.G.4]25-27 YES – NO

3. Solve equations to find supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles. [7.G.5]

28-29 YES – NO

4. Solve problems involving area and surface area. [7.G.6] 30-31 YES – NO5. Solve problems involving volume of rectangular prisms.

[7.G.6]32 YES – NO

24. The diameter of a circle is 6 centimeters long. What is the radius?


25. What is the circumference of a circle that has a radius of 1.4 inches? Round the answer to the nearest tenth.


26. What is the area of a circle that has a diameter of 12 feet? Round the answer to the nearest whole number.


27. The area of a circle is 81π square meters and its circumference is nπ meters. What is the value of n?


28. Angle MOP is a right angle. Write and solve an equation with n to find the measure of angle AOP.



29. Expressions for the measures of ∠AOD and ∠BOC are shown. Write and solve an equation to find c. Then find m∠AOD.

Equation: __________________

c = __________________

m∠AOD = ______________

30. The surface area of a cube is 486 square inches. What is the length of each edge of the cube?


31. One leg of a right triangle is 16 centimeters long, and the area of the triangle is 152 square centimeters. What is the length of the second leg of the triangle?


32. The volume of a box is 0.75 cubic feet. The length is 18 inches and the width is 12 inches. What is the height of the box in inches?



Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR7-A) Page 5


Do you understand the skills below? Answer the review questions. Then mark YES or NO for each skill.DOMAIN N CLUSTER 1: Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add and subtract rational numbers.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Relate sums of rational numbers to movements or situations. [7.NS.1ab]

33-35 YES – NO

2. Relate subtraction of rational numbers to adding the opposite. [7.NS.1c]

36-37 YES – NO

3. Find distance between rational numbers on a number line. [7.NS.1c]

38 YES – NO

4. Add and subtract integers. [7.NS.1d] 39-43 YES – NO5. Add and subtract rational numbers. [7.NS.1d] 44-46 YES – NO

33. In football, a gain can be shown as a positive number, while a loss is negative. Write an equation for finding the overall gain when a gain of 8 yards is followed by a loss of 10 yards. Then find the gain or loss.


34. A plane was flying at an altitude of 18,600 feet above the ocean and then descended 4,000 feet. Next it acsended 6,500 feet and leveled off. What was the new altitude?


35. What numbers are 1.4 units from Point C?


36. Adding −34 is the same as subtracting what number?


37. Mark (✔) the choice(s) with the same value as –87 – (–23).

87 – 23 – |87 – 23|

– |87 + 23| 23 – 87

38. What is the distance between the two numbers shown on the number line?


39. What is the sum of −34 and 20?


40. Add: −23 + –45_______________

41. Subtract: −25 – (–5)_______________

42. Subtract: 58 – 99_______________

43. Simplify.5 + (–12) – 14 + 20 – 5 + 15


44. Simplify.35+ − 3







˜̃˜̃˜̃ +



45. What is the value of the expression?−2.9 − 1.2 – (–5)


46. Simplify: – 110

+ –0.01 + –0.001

Write the answer as a decimal._______________


Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR7-A) Page 8

DOMAIN R CLUSTER 2: Solve multi-step percent problems.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Use percent to solve simple interest and tax problems. [7.RP.3]

73-74 YES – NO

2. Use percent to solve markup and markdown problems. [7.RP.3]

75-76 YES – NO

3. Use percent to solve problems about tips, commissions, and fees. [7.RP.3]

77-79 YES – NO

4. Solve problems about percent of increase or decrease. [7.RP.3]

80-82 YES – NO

5. Calculate percent error. [7.RP.3] 83 YES – NO

73. A person buys a shirt for $25.50 plus 8% tax. What is the total price?


74. Suppose you deposit $500 into a savings account. If the account pays 0.5% interest per month, how much money will be in the account after one month? Assume that you do not withdraw any money.


75. The price of a baseball cap is marked down 25% from the original price of $17.20. What is the sale price?


76. A store owner paid $8.20 each for shirts and sold them for $20.50 each. What was the percent markup?


77. Taylor has an online bank account that charges a fee of 2.3% on each deposit. What is the fee for a deposit of $62.50? Round to the nearest cent.


78. Ryan and his family paid $56.00 for a restaurant meal. They want to leave a tip of 15% for their server. How much tip should they leave?


79. A salesperson earns a salary plus commission for high total sales in a week. The commission is 18% on the portion of sales above $6,000. How much commission will the salesperson earn if the total sales amount in a week is $21,000?


80. A store raised the price of a toaster from $25.95 to $31.95. What was the percent increase in price? Round your answer to the nearest percent.


81. At an event, attendance on Monday was 900. Tuesday’s attendance was 20% higher than on Monday, and Wednesday’s attendance was 20% lower than on Tuesday. Find Tuesday’s attendance and Wednesday’s attendance.

Tuesday: ______________

Wednesday: ______________

82. Refer to Question 81. Is Wednesday’s attendance the same as on Monday? Explain why or why not.






83. A student estimated the height of a tree as 47 feet. If the actual height is 53 feet, what is the percent error rounded to the nearest percent? (Hint: Compare the estimated height to the actual height.)



• Includes 70 questions• Reviews all CCSS domainsby Angie Seltzer








  Grade 8 Math   Self-Assessment & Review Packet


Grade 8 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form A

Contains:• Self-assessment

checklist of goals for each CCSS domain and cluster

• 70 review questions, organized by cluster

• 11 pages plus Answer Section

For a parallel set of review questions, see the Grade 8 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form B.

Other math packets, supplements, and tracking tools are available from Angie Seltzer’s online stores. See for information and links.

About the GoalsThis packet contains a list of goals/objectives for each cluster of content in the Common Core State Standards for Grade 8 mathematics. Cluster headings are taken directly from CCSS documents, and each cluster has 3 to 9 goals. The goals are clear and concise, in the style of typical chapter or lesson objectives.These were written by Angie Seltzer, a mathematics curriculum specialist with many years of educational publishing experience.

To view these goals online and see related materials, visit Goals for Grades K-8 are available as checklists, posters, signs, and in Excel Goal Tracker spreadsheets.

For many goals, sets of Multi-Match game cards are available to help students relate models to expressions. These cards can be used by students of all ability levels for review and/or remediation.

About the Review QuestionsFor each goal there are one or more review questions, usually in short-answer format. Multiple choice questions are included when a short-answer question could be ambiguous or confusing. Some questions require a drawing, a graph, or an explanation.

There are also multiple response questions (with checkboxes) because that problem type is included in new multi-state assessments. This packet contains a total of 70 review questions that provide an excellent overview of all CCSS content for Grade 8.

Using Self-AssessmentBeside the goals are item numbers of the related questions. For each goal, students should circle Yes or No to indicate whether they understand the concept.

About the Domain IconsEach domain is represented by a letter-shaped icon that includes elements to denote key content. For example, the “E” icon includes variables and the “S” icon includes a circle graph and a spinner. Domain icons provide a quick way to identify the domain or strand of content on the pages. Note that the Functions domain has been combined with Expressions and Equations.


Domain     Pages







   Grade 8 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet

(Form A)

Teacher’s Notes

Grade 8 Math Self-Assessment & Review Packet, Form A (Published 05/30/2014, Updated 02/06/2015) Copyright © Seltzer Productions, LLC, 549 Acorn Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45419. Written and illustrated by Angie Seltzer. All Rights Reserved. The original purchaser

has permission to print and copy pages of this document for use in only one classroom. Further distribution of any portion of the printed or electronic document or electronic posting of the file on any storage or retrieval system is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. If you would like to share this file, please

purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re using this product and did not purchase it, then please visit for links to the author’s online stores and then purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Find out about related products at

Highlighted cluster statements © 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.

Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR8-A) Page 3

DOMAIN E CLUSTER 3: Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Simplify and solve linear equations by writing equivalent forms. [8.EE.7a]

16 YES – NO

2. Identify or write equations with 0, 1, or infinitely many solutions. [8.EE.7a]

17 YES – NO

3. Simplify and solve linear equations with rational coefficients. [8.EE.7b]

18-20 YES – NO

4. Identify the solution to a system of two linear equations as the intersection point. [8.EE.8a]

21 YES – NO

5. Solve systems of two linear equations algebraically. [8.EE.8b]

22 YES – NO

6. Estimate the solution to two linear equations by graphing. [8.EE.8b]

23 YES – NO

7. Solve problems involving systems of two linear equations. [8.EE.8c]

24 YES – NO

16. Solve the equation 0.7x – 0.3 + 0.5 = 3.______________

17. For what value of k does the system of equations have an infinite number of solutions?

5x = 2y + 610x – 4y = k ______________

18. Solve: 3x4

+ 516



19. Solve: 5(n + 7) = 7(n – 5)______________

20. Solve the equation: – 2(x + 0.5) = 3(–3x + 2)


21. The coordinate grid shows the graphs of y = 2x and y = 9 – x. What values of x and y make both equations true?


22. Solve the system. Write the solution as an ordered pair.

3x +4y =6 and 7x − y =−17


23. Graph the two equations.

y = 34


y = 9 – 34


Use the graphs to estimate the solution to the system.


24. Jan has $30 in her piggy bank, and her brother Brady has $35 in his piggy bank. Suppose Jan adds $1.50 per day, and Brady adds $1 per day. Write and solve a system of equations. In how many days will Jan and Brady have the same amount of money? How much will they have?


Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR8-A) Page 8

DOMAIN G CLUSTER 2: Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Explain a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse. [8.G.6]

47-48 YES – NO

2. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find lengths. [8.G.7] 49-50 YES – NO3. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find distance between

points. [8.G.8]51-52 YES – NO

47. A right triangle has legs of lengths 5 units and 11 units. Four of these triangles can be arranged as a large square around a smaller square with sides equal to 11 – 5. Use this information to find the area of the large square and the length c. Show your work on separate paper.

48. The lengths of three sides of a triangle are 7 meters, 10 meters, and 13 meters. Is the triangle a right triangle? Explain.



49. What is the slant height (s) of the square pyramid? Round to two decimal places.


50. What is the missing side length of this right triangle? Round the answer to two decimal places.


51. Find the distance between the two labeled points on the grid below. Round to two decimal places.


52. Suppose a person starts at a flagpole and walks 200 yards due west and then 300 yards due north. How far is the person from the flagpole? Round to the nearest whole number.


Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ Form A

Copyright © Seltzer Productions LLC Self-Assessment and Review (SAR8-A) Page 10

60. Evaluate – 47 as a decimal to the nearest tenth.


61. Evaluate 132 6

to the nearest hundredth.



Do you understand the skills below? Answer the review questions. Then mark YES or NO for each skill.DOMAIN S CLUSTER 1: Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.

Review Questions

Do you understand?

1. Construct scatter plots. [8.SP.1] 62 YES – NO2. Interpret scatter plots. [8.SP.1] 63-64 YES – NO3. For data that appear to be linear, estimate a line of best

fit. [8.SP.2]65 YES – NO

4. Informally assess the fit of a linear model. [8.SP.2] 66 YES – NO5. Interpret a linear model for real-world data. [8.SP.3] 67 YES – NO6. Compare frequencies and relative frequencies from

two-way tables. [8.SP.4]68-70 YES – NO

62. Plot the ordered pairs on the coordinate grid. Choose and label appropriate scales.

(25, 50), (5, 10), (26, 25), (36, 31), (17, 46), (14, 18), (24, 20)

63. Refer to Question 62. Is the correlation positive or negative? Explain.


64. In Question 62, do any points appear to be outliers? Explain.


65. The graph shows ten ordered pairs and an estimated line of best fit.

Which of the following is the equation of the estimated line of best fit?

A. y = 0.75 + 19xB. y = 19 + 0.75xC. x = 49D. y = 19 – 0.75x