Graduation Rates & Skepticism - James Hickey, PhD

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Texas school officials are questioning the improvement in graduation rates. Are students really prepared for college? For more, visit


jameshickeyphd.netIncreased Graduation Rates & Skepticism

James Hickey, PhD

The Good

❖ Texas, the former home of a large number of underperforming students has seen an improvement.

❖ Texas, the former home of a large number of underperforming students has seen an improvement.The improvement was so great that in 2012, the state ranked at second place in the nation for highest percentage of high school students who earned their diplomas.


❖ The success is still viewed with skeptical eyes. In areas such a preparedness for college and career, the advancement has not been as significant.

❖ The Dallas Independent School District made a statement that too many students are not “functionally literate” and this could hinder their progress in college and beyond.

High School Grads Turned College Drop Outs

❖ Statistics are showing that many high school graduates who attend college may leave before they obtain their degrees.

❖ The problem is that these students are not fully prepared to face the challenges of university life.

Attendance: A Loophole for Diplomas

❖ Parameters were set to cater to students who would have normally passed despite their number of absences.

❖ Provisions were made where students could make up attendance hours and therefore qualify for their diplomas.


❖ Preparation for college is not where it should be and teens are missing out on valuable life lessons.

❖ The future of this state’s success will result in an undeniable session of scrutiny.