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Windellama News– December 2016 Page 1

Editorial & Layout: Gayle Stanton & Ros Woods

Sec/Treas: Christine Woodcock

Published Monthly Hard Copy Distribution 400 - Website : 6,000 average/month

Windellama, Oallen, Nerriga, Bungonia, Mayfield, Quialigo, Lake Bathurst, Bungendore & Tarago


Progress Association Hall lnc.

Vol. 20 no. 11 – December 2016


Sunday 18th December

9am to 1pm

Discounted new clothing items

Homemade Jams & Preserves

Pre loved toys & tools

Locally produced honey

Lots for the sewing enthusiast

Hand made baby treasures

Gourmet foods

Rawleigh Healthcare

Scented candles

Hand made knitted goods

Fresh vegies & locally grown plants

Food and refreshments

New stallholders welcome

Enquiries Grahame Woodcock


Plenty of parking

Museum open

* BURNING OFF? - Permit now required *

Windellama Hall is your Neighborhood Safer Place

Windellama Country Fair on February 11th

2017 at the Hall

Show Schedule & entry form on pages

18 & 19

The Windellama News Team wishes

to thank our advertisers, sponsors, contributors, delivery

team and our readers and

supporters. We wish you a joyful & merry

Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

We’ll be back in February 2017.

Christmas Eve Service 6.00 pm

at St Bartholomew’s Church

Page 2 Windellama News - December 2016



Annual Subscriptions - please send your details and $30 (cheques payable to ‘Windellama News’) to cover the annual cost of postage.

All cheques please post to:

The Secretary, PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580

* Unpaid subscriptions will be cancelled after one month

If you have any short articles, anecdotes, or something else interesting about yourself, your family, or the community; please write it down and drop it in our letterbox at the Hall. We will edit it and publish it in the Windellama News.



Items left in the box after the deadline will not be collected or included in the News

Articles, adverts, etc may also be sent by email to:

Adverts sent by email will not be inserted unless payment is received by the deadline.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone sending money to the Windellama News would include their name and address and a note saying what it was for and put it in a sealed envelope. This would avoid a lot of confusion and uncertainty .

Our Policy on Receipts

The Windellama News makes out a receipt for all advertising payments made to the paper. We don’t post out receipts to save cost and we assume that the appearance of the advertisement in the paper could normally be taken as proof of payment. If you require a posted receipt please include a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment.

Notice to advertisers, article submitters & readers

The Windellama News is published and authorised by the Windellama Progress Association Inc. Whilst every care has been taken in the production of the News & publishing to the web page on the community website, the editor takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions. All such contributors by forwarding advertising, notices, & articles, agree to indemnify the publisher & warrant that the material is accurate & neither deceptive nor misleading, in breach of copyright, defamatory or in breach of any other laws & regulations.

The responsibility for advertisements complying with the Trade Practices Act lies with the person, company or agency submitting such for publication. Original material appearing in this newsletter is copyright. It may be reproduced in part or in whole for the benefit of the community, provided that the source of the material is fully acknowledged. If you have any queries about using material from the

Windellama News, please contact the editor.

Inside this Issue…..

Community Noticeboard 3

Noticeboard 5

SES Member Profile 7

Field Day 9

In Your Garden & SES 11

School 13

Windellama Fire Brigade 15/17 Country Fair Schedule 18/19

Willow Glen Gardeners & Landcare 21

Nerriga Gardeners 23

Historical Society 25


Historical—Tom Bryant 29

SES Storm Safe 31

Church Information 32

Classified Ads 33/34

Community Information 35

Calendar 36


10 Landcare Meeting

11 Progress Meeting/Christmas Party 5.00 pm

12 School Presentation Night

13 Threatened Species Information Night

24 Christmas Eve Service St. Barts 6.00 pm

25 Christmas Day

26 Boxing Day

January 2017

1 New Years Day

28 Brigade Training and General Meeting


11 Country Fair

Coming Events…

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 3

Community Notice Board

ALL WELCOME RSVP Christine 0434 248 690


Did you know that the Windellama area has one of the highest concentrations of threatened plants in NSW and is also home to a large number of threatened birds and mammals?

If you are interested in what rare and special

plants, birds and animals might be living on

your property come along to this FREE

information evening.

Learn how to identify local native plants,

discover if there are koala’s living on your

property and hear about how you can be part

of helping ensure the survival of threatened

species in the Windellama area.

DATE: Tuesday 13th December

TIME: 5:30pm – 7:30pm (light supper provided)

VENUE: Windellama Community Hall Oallen Ford Rd Windellama.

For more information or to register your interest, please contact Debbie Hunt on 0421 172667 or

Page 4 Windellama News - December 2016


024829 8200

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 5





Southern Cross Tenison Apartments,

19 Upper Sterne Street

10:30 - 11:30am 5

Tuesday Tirrana Public School 8:30 – 10:30am 6


Windellama Public School

1:30 - 3:30pm 7

Thursday Brewers Centre, Marulan

10am – 11am 8

Thursday Marulan Public School TBA 8


Monday Chatsbury Gardens, 52 Chatsbury Street

1:30 – 2:30pm 12

Monday Clinton Villas, Clinton Street 3 - 4pm 12

Tuesday Masonic Village, 10 Long Street 10 - 11am 13

Wednesday Bungonia Hall 10 – 11am 14

Thursday Tallong Public School 1 - 2pm 15

Thursday Tallong General Store 2:30 – 3:30pm 15


Tuesday Tarago Hall 1 - 2:30pm 20


Wollondilly Gardens, 10 Mary Martin Drive 2 - 3pm 21


Legacy Lodge, Lagoon Street

3:30 - 4:30pm 21

Thursday Warrigal Care, 7 St Aubyn Street

10am – 11am 1, 22

Thursday Gill Waminda, 4 Mary Street 2 - 3pm 1, 22

The Big READ bus Locked Bag 22, Goulburn NSW 2580

Mobile Library Ph: 0498 007 743 Library

Ph: 4823 4541



Tarago Waste Management Christmas/New Years Opening Hours

Saturday 24th

December 2016

(Christmas Eve)


8:00AM - 12:00PM

Sunday 25th

December 2016

(Christmas Day)


Monday 26th

December 2016

(Boxing Day)


Tuesday 27th

December 2016


8:00AM - 12:00PM

Wednesday 28th

December 2016


Thursday 29th

December 2016


Friday 30th

December 2016


Saturday 31st

December 2016

(New Years Eve)


8:00AM - 4:00PM

Sunday 1st

January 2017

(New Years Day)


Monday 2nd

January 2017


Tuesday 3rd

January 2017


8:00AM - 12:00PM

Cheerio to Rex Get Well wishes to Rex Hockey after a spell in hospital. We hope you are up and about very soon

Page 6 Windellama News - December 2016

MICK’S MULTI TRADES ABN: 90 178 544 738

Multi Skilled Tradesman Windellama NSW

Lic # MVTC 126573 Mob: 0413 059 587


Proudly supporting the Windellama community is Mick A multi skilled tradesman and diesel mechanic by trade

We renovate bathrooms, tiling and floating floors.

We can also build your shed and help you design and convert your shed into a home, installing your water tanks and fencing.

I have always looked after the locals, and turn a hand to any job. So shoot me an email or phone anytime, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at

our down to earth rates.

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 7

Windellama Small Farms Field Day 2016

Thank you to all the volunteers for making the day a great success

Over $9000 was

made after expenses

Over 1400 people passed thru the gates

Visitors enjoyed rural machinery displays, sheep dog trials, rural supplies, markets and demonstrations

One stallholder emailed “had a great day-market street was very popular”

Live music entertained the

crowd all day

Page 8 Windellama News - December 2016


fees for Hire of Hall and Supper Room


Full Day $220

Half Day $110

Supper Room $66

Kitchen $110 All fees inclusive of GST

Security/Cleaning Fee $100

Refundable on Inspection

To book please contact Helen Rolland 02 4845 9115

Rainfall Stats

15 June to 15 July

Rosewood, Windellama Road, Windellama

61.5 / 5 days

Gar-Den, Oallen Ford Rd, Oallen

50.25 ml / 9 days

Johnno’s Store, Oallen Ford Rd, Bungonia

128 ml / 5 days

Tarkierelea, Fernleigh Close, Windellama

ml / days

The W’s, Readers Road, Quialigo

62.5 ml/ 8 days

Corang Cottage, Braidwood Road Nerriga

56 ml / 8 days

Tarago Village

ml / days

Nerrimunga Creek Rd, Windellama

ml/ days

Willy Weather

ml / days

General Plumbing

Maintenance and roofing Drainage


Renovation Work

TMV & Backflow prevention

ABN 56756688933

Licence 2009704 Jason


Windellama News– December 2016 Page 9

December In Your Garden By Irene Turner

December in your garden

By Irene Turner


Beans, climbing and bush., beetroot, silver beet, cabbages, capsicum, carrots, lettuce, parsley, parsnips, pumpkins, radish, sweet corn, marrow (watermelon and jam melon, rock melon).

Plant Tomato seedling for a late crop.

Cauliflower and broccoli seeds also.


Ageratum, amaranthus, snapdragons, aster, begonia, carnation, celosia, cosmos, dwarf dahlia, dianthus, marigold, nasturtium, petunias, phlox, portulaca, salvia, torenia, verbena and zinnia.

During this month the weather conditions can have a bearing on pests and diseases.

If hot and dry roses and gladioli can be attached by thrip, it sucks the sap from the petals and flowers appear to be distorted and burnt. Spray with Lebaycide or Rose spray. Watch roses if the weather is hot and humid, they can get fungus disease such as black spot or mildew, also spray with Rose spray.

Watch for fruit fly this month, you can put fruit fly traps up which will lure and kill the fruit fly.

If you spray your trees with Rogor or Lebaycide it is recommended to spray apples, pears, peaches, nectarine and quinces every two weeks before ripening.

Give Dahlias a side dressing of complete fertilizer and tie to stakes.

Windellama SES First Aid & CFR

The warm weather is now upon us, so it would seem, this brings storms as the one which struck last Monday night, the 14th. Some people really had a hammering from same. This brings a favourite topic of mine to the fore, that is to make sure that your gutters and down pipes have been cleaned out. The RFS and SES have this message to be brought to your attention. The reason for this is that water will enter your house through the eaves if the gutter is filled with rubbish. Those of you who were observant enough to see a gutter on fire in one of the news grabs, during the recent fires out at Llandilo will see what I am trying to impress upon you. It is your property, so do what you can to save it. We are still trying to get a few more members for our very small band of dedicated people. There were only a small number of calls on the CFR side of things, thank goodness. I would like to, on behalf of our SES/CFR Unit wish our Fire Captain, Rex Hockey, a speedy recovery from his illness. This being our last edition for the year of 2016, Seasons Greetings to you all, followed by a Happy and Healthy New Year from your SES / CFR members. Kevin Muffet Deputy Unit Controller Windellama SES/CFR.

Page 10 Windellama News - December 2016


A mobile service for all your rural living mechanical repairs

Service & repair of : -

Tractors Self propelled machinery Sprayers Quad bikes Air conditioning Ride on mowers And all general farm machinery

Contact Mathew Nicholls

Tel : 02 4844 5857 Mob 0417 998 938 e-mail :

abn 28 228 073 983 a/c licence no: L058811

Buying or selling house or land?

JOHNSON & SENDALL Incorporating Mullens & Stephen J Lamond

SOLICITORS – CONVEYANCERS For advice on all your legal requirements

Morris Owen ~ Alison Howarth ~ Tim McGrath ~ Carl Henwood

p: 02 4821 1588 f: 02 4821 9850 e:

13 Montague Street Goulburn 2580

Athletics Coach

Personal Trainer

Marina Wenban

Ph: 0439 029 313 Accredited Athletics Australia,

AT&FCA, Fitness Australia

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 11

INTENSIVE SWIM SCHOOL Small class sizes at swim school meant great progress for all students. Well done everyone!

THE WINDY CUP Another great Windy Cup was held this year. Thank you to Windellama Progress Association for your financial support of this event as well as sharing the day with us.


Thanks to Grahame Woodcock we had three billy carts to take along to the Billy Cart Challenge at Wakefield Park. It was a great day!

REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY Remembering those men and women who have fought in war to protect Australia is important to us. Our student leaders led a very thoughtful Remembrance Day ceremony.


This month students visited the Life Education Van, where they learned the importance of being Cyberwise and also how to cultivate and maintain friendships.


Presentation night is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the achievements of our students. Everyone is invited to come and share the night with us on Monday 12 December at the hall.

Email: Phone: 4844 5130

Website: Fax: 4844 5265

Page 12 Windellama News - December 2016

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 13

Windellama Garden Club Incorporated News


After our Garden Club meeting on Tuesday November 1 we held our Melbourne cup lunch at Sandy and Johnno’s place.

Sandy’s garden is looking great after all the weeding she has done. The rain has been great but the down side when gardening is that as fast as you remove the weeds the faster the next crop grows. Sandy reckons she has more aches and pains than ever - from trying to remove the weeds but as I said earlier her gardens are looking good.

At this meeting we discussed our next trip to the Japanese Garden at Cowra on Thursday 17th November 2016. We also confirmed that the 2017 Country Fair will be on February 11.

The ladies and Keith out did themselves with all different dishes of food supplied for our Melbourne cup luncheon. Keith up to the luncheon was our club’s tinnie one but he has now lost this mantle to me – so he reckons.

Talking about Keith, he is now known as Poppy Keith the great due to the birth of his great granddaughter Nena Michele – Congratulations Keith for the new title and birth of your granddaughter.

On Saturday 5th November at the Windellama Field Day our Club members displayed examples of flowers that can be grown in the locality from their gardens. All the flowers displayed were named and surprisingly there were quite a few different varieties. The Club Ladies Di, Sharon, Dinah and Tanya that were on site did a great job.

Although the day was windy which was nothing unusual for this year at Windellama and surrounds, the wind didn’t deter the patronage which was great to see. Over all, the Windellama Progress Association should be proud of their members for presenting a great field day – well done.

At our last Garden Club Meeting members voted unanimously to celebrate Christmas at the Paragon Café on the 9th December 2016. Propose to meet there at 11.30am. RSVP to me on 48447061 or Keith on 48445971 required one week before the 9th. Members and garden Club friends most welcome.

Harry Simm Secretary Windellama Garden Club Inc.

From Council Briefs 15/11/16

Rural Waste Card Replacement Fee

The council moved to place on public exhibition

the fee for a replacement of rural waste card that is either lost or stolen as per the following conditions:

a. A fee of $135 is applied to the property owner for a replacement rural waste card

irrespective of the time of year

b. Only one replacement card is available per property

c. The replacement card has holes punched to be equivalent to the time of year the card is requested

If no objections are received the fee will be adopted as part of Councils 2016/17 Fees & Charges.

Page 14 Windellama News - December 2016

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 15


Report all Fires 000 Brigade enquiries 4844 5359 Yass - 6226 3100

& Emergencies UHF 21

RFS website or Brigade website

Captain – Rex Hockey 4844 5147 Snr Deputy – Jim Meehan, 4844 5554



NSW Rural Fire Service SOUTHERN TABLELANDS ZONE has declared the start to the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) as at 1st NOVEMBER 2016.

From October 1, any person wishing to light a fire in GOULBURN MULWAREE, UPPER LACHLAN and YASS VALLEY Local Government areas will require a permit.

During a Total Fire Ban however, no fires of any kind may be lit even if you hold a permit.


Fines can apply if regulations are not carried out

Take Care: Once again we would like to remind you that extreme care must be taken when working outside such as welding or using grinders and in particular when driving in long grass or using a slasher or mower as all these events can easily result in the start of a fire.

Electric fences can cause fires. When the fire danger rating is very high or above it is recommended that electric fences be turned off. This action will reduce fires accidently ignited by these fences. Maintenance can be undertaken to remove vegetation by spraying or brush cutting under the fence lines.

The Brigade is often asked… Lighting a fire – Quick Facts

A quick guide to your responsibilities when lighting a fire or undertaking activities that may result in a fire.

There are significant penalties if you light an illegal fire, or if your fire escapes and causes damage to property or the environment.

It is therefore essential that you are aware of the legal and safety requirements before you conduct a burn or use equipment that is likely to ignite a fire.

When lighting any fire you should ensure that you are wearing appropriate clothing, have a water supply available on site and that you have a cleared area around the perimeter of the fire. You must also use all practical means to prevent or minimise air pollution.

The following guide to what you need to consider before lighting a fire.

(Continued on page 17)


Always have water available for quick use

Page 16 Windellama News - December 2016

The Loaded Dog Hotel

Tarago EST 1848

Hoteliers: Nicole & Mark Ryan 02 4849 4499

1 Wallace Street TARAGO NSW 2580 | 02 4849 4499 |


New Years Eve 2017 Dates

Saturday 18th Feburuary Saturday 18th March

Mark, Nicole, Emily and staff @ the Loaded Dog would like to wish

everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

BINGO is @ The Dog on the first Wednesday of each Month - supporting the Tarago Men’s Shed

The Dog Bistro is now open 7 days for lunch and dinner

Sunday to Wednesday 6pm - 8:00pm Thursday

(Nicole’s Fish n Chips) 6pm - 8.00pm Friday

and Saturday 6pm - 8:30pm

Lunches 7 days 12noon - 2.00pm

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 17

Can I light a camp fire on my property? (for cooking or recreational purposes).


Yes as long as; You are burning dry, seasoned wood; and You have cleared an area of at least 2 metres around the perimeter of the fire. TOTAL FIRE BAN DAYS

No No fire is to be lit in the open on Total Fire Ban days.

Can I light a gas or electric BBQ on my property?




Yes as long as;

It is under the direct control of a responsible adult; and

The ground within 2 metres of the barbecue is cleared of all materials which could burn.

As well as the following additional requirements for gas BBQ’s

It is on a residential property within 20 metres of the house or dwelling; and

You have an immediate and continuous supply of water available.

This information is intended as a guide only, for further information contact NSW Rural Fire Service – 1800 679 737 or Yass 6226 3100.


The RFS produce a wide variety of fact sheets, including fact sheets on bush fire safety, land management, communities at risk, tourism and recreation, home fire safety and farm fire safety


Over the Last Month

The Snr Deputy advised that there were two incidents over the last month. The Brigade would like to wish the Captain Rex Hockey all the best and wish him good recovery from a recent illness.


If you wish to take part in the Windellama Brigade training or be contacted by email regarding the monthly training details visit the Brigades website and send an online contact form or email For information on training dates, times and scenarios check

the Brigade website or contact the Captain Rex Hockey 4844 5147.

General Meeting 28th January - 6pm

Training 28th January - 1pm

General Meeting 25th February- 6pm

Training 25th February - 1pm

Please take care on our roads and see you

at the next training and meeting. All welcome.

(Continued from page 15)

Wishing you all a safe Christmas & Happy New Year

Page 18 Windellama News - December 2016

Flower Show All arrangements must be self supporting. Open Section 1. Arrangement using any colour plus white – own

foliage 2. Arrangement using weathered wood – free

expression 3. Arrangement in a teapot accompanied by a lid 4. Arrangement using Aust., Native flowers &

foliage – free expression 5. Arrange using glass – free expression 6. Arrangement using flowers & fruit – free

expression 7. Float bowl (flowers must be floating) 8. Wine & Roses – free expression 9. Foliage arrangement 10. Miniature garden adults – free expression 11. Miniature Garden – Children Dried and Artificial 1. Dried arrangement 2. Arrangement using silk or artificial flowers – free

expression 3. Item using silk or artificial flowers – free

expression Cut Flowers 1. Branch of any flowering shrub in a vase or


2. One red rose – hybrid tea 3. One pink rose – hybrid tea 4. One yellow rose – hybrid tea 5. One white rose – hybrid tea 6. One rose other than red, pink , yellow or white

– hybrid tea 7. Any rose in full bloom 8. Any rose in three stages 9. One cut of any rose not hybrid tea 10. One cut of miniature rose 11. Any cut flower not mentioned 12. Bowl of roses – any variety Plants growing in containers 1. Foliage plant in container 2. Flowering plant in container 3. Fern plant in container 4. Succulent in container Children’s Open Section – Infants 1. Arrangement in a jar 2. Vegetable and/or fruit figure Primary 1. Arrangement in a jar 2. Vegetable and/or fruit figure Fruit & Vegetable Section 1. 4 Eggs 2. 4 Stalks of Rhubarb 3. 4 Stalks of Silverbeet




COOKING AND PHOTOGRAPHY Note: ENTRIES AND BENCHING FRIDAY 10.2.2017 FROM 2.00PM TO 7.30PM AT WINDELLAMA PROGRESS HALL. Note: ENTRIES AND BENCHING SATURDAY 11.2.2017 MORNING FROM 8.00AM TO 9.00AM AT WINDELLAMA PROGRESS HALL. Entry Forms: Entry forms will be available at the hall on Friday and Saturday morning. The entry fee for each class is 50cents. First prize is $2.00 and Second prize is $1.00. Special prizes have been donated and will be awarded in some sections. The judges’ decisions will be final. Judging: Judging will commence at 10am sharp. The hall will reopen at 12 noon. Note: Exhibitors please note: as no protective wire will be used, exhibitors enter at their own risk. Every care will be taken but no responsibility will be accepted. Removing Entries: All entries must be removed from the hall between 3.00pm and 3.30pm on Saturday. Entry forms must be produced before items can be collected. Perpetual Trophy: A Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the overall winner of all events in the Craft and Flower Show. A point system will operate for this award, whereby the first and second place getters in each section will accrue their points for the day. This trophy has been kindly donated by Mrs Iris Roberts.

DETAILS: 48447061

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 19

CRAFT SHOW Section A – Knitting & Crochet 1. Lady’s or Gents pullover or cardigan 2. Any other article knitted or crocheted (not a rug) 3. Child or baby item 4. Fancy doily 5. Knitted or crocheted rug 6. Homespun or hand woven article Section B – Sewing 1. Any embroidered article 2. Machine sewn article 3. Any hand quilted or patchwork item 4. Ant machine quilted or patchwork item Section C – Craft Open 1. Hand painted or appliqued article 2. Long stitch tapestry 3. Cross stitch tapestry 4. Machine or handmade toy/teddy bear or doll 5. Dressed teddy (clothing only judged) 6. Dressed doll (clothing only judged) 7. Fancy coat hanger 8. Any cushion 9. Any beaded item Section D – Craft Open 1. Folk art (decorative) 2. Folk art (novice) 3. Craft from wood or metal 4. Art painting or drawing – any subject 5. Best greeting card 6. Page of scrapbooking 7. Any craft not mentioned Section E – Children Craft 1. Under 12 & over 8 – Page of scrapbooking 2. Under 12 & over 8 – Painting, drawing or

computer art 3. Under 12 & over 8 – Any other item 4. Under 8 & over 5 – Page of scrapbooking 5. Under 8 & over 5 – Painting, drawing or

computer art 6. Under 8 & over 5 – Any other item 7. Under 5 years – painting or drawing 8. Under 5 years – Any other item

Cooking Section A 1. Fruit cake 2. Boiled fruit cake 3. 6 patty cakes – no icing (no paper cases)

PHOTOGRAPHY Section A 1. Plant Study 2. Relic of the past 3. People study 4. Three prints on one mount (local subject from

the Windellama Fire brigade area) 5. Portrait 6. Landscape 7. Animal 8. Most humorous photo 9. Country life 10. Digital Mischief Section B – Children 16 & Under 1. Any subject Note to photography exhibitors: *Photos to be 10cm x 15cm mounted on stiff card no thicker than 1mm with a max of 2cm border all round (no frames) *Set of prints (class 4) to be all one size *No exhibits will be considered that do not comply with the hanging systems employed *Each entry to have entrants name and class on the back *Any entry that has won 1st prize at a previous

Windellama Country Fair is ineligible for entry

4. 4 Potatoes 5. 4 Tomatoes 6. 4 Carrots 7. Collection of any 4 Stone Fruit 8. Collection of any 4 fruit (not stone)

4. 6 plain scones 5. Apple pie 6. 6 pikelets 7. Chocolate cake – no icing Children’s Cooking Under 5 years 1. Decorated Arrowroot biscuit 8 years & over 1. Decorated Arrowroot biscuit 12 years & over 1. Decorated Arrowroot biscuit

Jams and Pickles All jams and pickles must be in a clean 12.5cm high Screw top jar. (No commercials on lids or jars) Section A 1. Plum jam 2. Two fruits jam 3. Fruit jelly 4. Marmalade jam – any flavour 5. Lemon butter (in a 10cm jar) Section B 1. Green tomato pickles 2. Mustard Pickles 3. Tomato relish 4. Tomato Sauce

Page 20 Windellama News - December 2016



Rural * Domestic * Commercial

PH: 0428 445 259 Email:

NSW LIC. #174303C ACT LIC. #2008568


NSW Lic.No 198855C

NSW Lic.No 498875S

ACT Lic.No 2009576

QLD Lic.No C13290


AUS C.E.C. Design & Install Grid Connect & Stand Alone Solar Systems #A3632173

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 21

Willow Glen Gardeners

On the first of November the Willow Glen Garden Clubbers gathered at Warren and Judy’s place for an afternoon of good food, good conversation and of course gambling!

With The Melbourne cup upon us once more our honorary bookie (aka Judy) set about taking bets and organising prize money while the rest of us chatted while indulging in sparkling wine, a delicious barbeque lunch and an array of deliciously sinful desserts.

Joy took out the annual hat competition for the girls this year with her colourful winning creation of assorted iris’s and hellebores adorned over a

wire flower basket and attached under her chin with a big bow. Doug was the winner for the men with his little umbrella behind the ear even though it was conveniently borrowed from Judy’s garden just in the nick of time! – We expect to see more forward planning from the boys next year!

We did also find time to discuss our gardens, however briefly, and found that while

unfortunately the rain over winter has provided our ever persistent weeds with even more fuel, our gardens are quite lush and generally flourishing.

Warren and Judy’s garden is in full flower at the moment and as we wandered around the grounds chaperoned by “Ozi” the border collie we were treated to a stunning variety of iris’s, poppies, roses and aquilegias. We visited the goats, sheep and alpacas and shared silver beet plants and poppy seeds.

Our Christmas themed December meeting will be held on Tuesday December 6th at David & Pauline’s place on Mt Fairy Rd starting at 3pm this time to take advantage of the cooler evenings. Bring a potted plant/ cutting for our Christmas swap, BYO BBQ meats and a salad & dessert to share.

Hello Everyone

It’s that time of year again. Our Annual General Meeting is coming up, and it’d be great to see the whole Windy Landcare team together again before the year is through.

We will be having our AGM on Saturday the 10th December at 10.30am. To all our

members, please do come along. For anyone interested, please also feel welcome. The AGM is a great way to find out what Landcare has done this year, and to find out about what we are planning for the year ahead.

There will also light snacks and drinks provided, so please do come along

Annual General Meeting

When: Saturday 10th

December 10.30am

Where: Landcare HQ (Windellama Hall Grounds, Cnr Oallen Ford Rd and Windellama Rd

. Thanks again, Jade Kinder

Secretary Windellama Landcare

Page 22 Windellama News - December 2016

The new funding arrangement announced by the Baird

Government has meant our fees are dropping in 2017.

Open 5 days a week

Monday - Friday Children 18 months - 6 years

Standard Rate - $25/day Sibling Discount - $20/same day/sibling Health Care Card Holders - $10/day

Casual and Half days available

Limited vacancies available please contact

Ph. 4849 4427

We follow the curriculum set out by the

Early Years Learning Framework

Preschools NSW - Education for Life

Our staff are Diploma & Cert III qualified

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 23

Nerriga Gardeners

On Thursday 17th Nov we met at Tracey and Todd's Corang River B&B for a look at their garden and a general sticky beak. It was a perfect day and the roses were wonderful. The house sits on the top of a rise and the garden falls away to the front so rendering it friendlier as regards frost but also keeping it fairly dry. Tracey and Todd have cleaned

up to start with a fairly blank canvas and were listening to any of the ideas thrown up by us. Everyone had a different idea of what to do as gardening is such an individual thing but also we were able to say what survives in the local area and what not to bother with. The front or back of the house has stunning views to the Budawang range and we spent some time working out what was what and whose properties we could identify. They have had the run around from Telstra re internet access and have like many of us given up and gone with the Satellite NBN which is making it a bit easier to run a business do schoolwork etc. We really have become quite reliant on the easy communication the internet affords us and it causes a meltdown when it doesn't work.

Our next meeting will be an outing to the Araluen Valley to get peaches on Thursday 8th Dec. This has been brought forward due to the proximity of Christmas. All are welcome and we will meet at 7184, Nerriga Road ( Corang Cottage ) and proceed to Mongarlowe where Sandra has suggested we have morning tea before setting off for the valley. Carpooling to be done at either or both locations. It is suggested we pack ourselves a picnic lunch so we can have it anywhere we

fancy. The Pub in Araluen would also be open for drinks etc. Contact Kay Hamer on for any further info or to cement arrangements. Phone 48459021 and leave message

Voices in the Forest

Well not so as they moved it to the Llewellyn Hall due to an inclement forecast. This was a superb popular concert with music from opera through to musicals and the artists were outgoing and hammed it up a bit with the orchestra and presenter/mc. Sumi-Jo has an amazing voice and it comes in such a petite package and she is not at all the Diva. Sally Anne Russell and Richard Troxell played to the gallery and delighted everyone. This is the second time I have been to a performance featuring Sumi-Jo and I recommend making an effort to go and listen to her as she is a delight. In previous years the concert has been held at the National Arboretum and the setting would have been lovely and as it turned out it would have been fine with no thunderstorms. We are quite lucky to have several venues in the local area that strive to give us a range of musical experiences and the only down side is the drive home afterwards but even this can be avoided if need be.

Page 24 Windellama News - December 2016

Rusty Balls Natural bush soaps

Pet shampoo

Anti-bug balls - natural insect repellent

Blind Baking Balls

Hand made ceramics

Gary & Denise Johnson

4844 5087



321 George St, Marulan

Ph 4841 1404 Fax: 4841 1454 Mobile: 0413 047 105

Look for the house on the hill

For all your garden needs &

acclimatised plants

Potted colour, Seedlings, Bulbs, Fruit trees, Ornamental

trees, Windbreakers,

Shrubs and more

Potting Mixes & quality soils & mulches.


Sales & Service Photo Copiers

Fax Machine

Cash Registers




Ph: 4821 5109


10 Russell Lane, Goulburn

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 25

Hello Everyone,

We had a great day at the Windellama Field Day with lots of visitors and

also new people to our area.

Thank you for positive comments on our Museum

and your very kind donations.

Our next meeting will be our AGM and will be held

on the 3rd December at 10am hope to see you


Windellama History is preserved in our wonderful museum, with lots to

look at and lots to talk about, so come and visit at the next Market Day.

We have a selection of history books by local Authors Tom Bryant & Rex

Hockey, for sale as well as the ever popular “Wild Windellama” by Carina


The museum is open on Market Days - every third Sunday of each month,

from 9am till 1pm and by arrangement.

The Next Meeting (AGM) will be on Saturday 3rd Dec 2016 10am at the


NEW MEMBERS and GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME For any enquiries please contact: Rex Hockey: 48 445147

Marcia Tatam: 48 216421 Julian Woods: 48 44 5270

Craft @ Windellama Hall We meet from the second Tuesday of the month 1—4 pm. For more information please call Irene Turner on 48445 214.

Why not write for the Windellama News? We welcome articles of community interest whatever the topic. Just send it through to the editors at

Include a picture if you can.

Page 26 Windellama News - December 2016


Windellama Public School

Each Thursday

9.30am – 11.30am

BYO snacks - tea & coffee supplied

Qualified art teacher visiting each fortnight

Bring your bubs & toddlers for a fun morning

Music, stories, sand-play, free-play, art, craft.


The Lieder Theatre Company Presents

Old King Cole A fun-filled riotous romp for all ages

By Ken Campbell Directed by Chrisjohn Hancock

Opening Friday 25th November at 7.30pm

Then continuing

Saturdays 26th November, 3rd & 10th December

Wednesdays 30th November & 7th December

Fridays 2nd & 9th December at 7.30pm

2pm matinees on Saturdays 3rd & 10th December TICKETS

or in person at Goulburn Medical Clinic, McKell Place


Windellama News– December 2016 Page 27

The importance of the ‘NOT SO CUTE & CUDDLY’

By Kay Muddiman – Media Officer

All our native animals have their individual part to play in the scheme of things, and all are important. However, because of the appeal of the more well known ‘furred, cute & cuddlies’, it is easy for other creatures such as bats and reptiles to be overlooked, indeed almost forgotten. We should all be aware of the contribution these ‘not so appealing’ creatures make towards keeping our environment balanced and healthy, and give them equal consideration. Some facts you may find interesting: All bats in Australia are native species – none of them are introduced.

There are two kinds of bats: large flying-foxes or fruit-eating bats (often called megabats), and the small insect-eating bats (often called microbats). Microbats eat a lot – up to three-quarters of their own body weight in insects in a night. Bats are natural aerial acrobats! While most bats catch insects in their mouths, they can also catch insects in their wing membrane, flick them into the tail membrane, and then grab them with their mouth, all while in flight. Blue-tongued lizard - the legs are small and can be overlooked, meaning the harmless bluetongue, with its large triangular head, is sometimes mistaken for a dangerous snake and inadvertently

killed. As well as eating vegetation the Blue-tongue eats insects, slugs and snails – making it a valuable addition to a garden! Shingleback lizard - eats mostly vegetable matter, together with some insects, spiders or scorpions. They have a particular liking for flowers and will seasonally gorge themselves on blossoms, particularly yellow ones if given the opportunity. Almost unique in the lizard world, shinglebacks find a compatible mate and then continue to pair up with the same partner every spring for 20 or more years. As Christmas approaches we would like to remind everyone that it can be a downside for our native animals through increased traffic over the festive season, which sadly means increased collisions with our wildlife. If you are travelling during the holidays please watch out for our native creatures, especially around daybreak and dusk, so that both you and the animals stay safe. Should you have the misfortune to collide with an animal, or come across one that is injured or in distress (in the area covered by our branch), please call our rescue number – 4822 3888, our volunteers will be manning the phone (24 hours a day, 7 days a week as they normally do, right across the holiday period) and will be only too happy to assist. If you need help outside our branch area please ring the WIRES main rescue number 1300 094 737. Our Christmas wish is for everyone to have a wonderful Christmas and that we all, humans and animals alike, stay safe to enjoy the coming New Year. Until next time – take care all. Kay

This shingleback definitely liked yellow flowers – he/she was happily chomping on our yellow gazanias!

Page 28 Windellama News - December 2016

Goulburn & Southern Tablelands Newest Winery

Cellar Door Upcoming Open Days

Hours – 11am to 4:00 pm

Sunday: 4 December Sunday: 11 December

Sunday: 18 December ~check website for any changes or

call prior for a drop in visit or purchase anytime ~

25 kms down Windellama Road from Goulburn turn left into Muffets Road

email: web:

Changes to Waste Management Centre Opening Hours

Changes to Waste Management Centre opening hours. From Monday 2 May 2016 Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Waste Centres will operate different hours. Goulburn Waste Management Centre open 7 days per week from 8am to 4pm. Marulan Waste Management Centre to be open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday, plus 8am to 12noon on Friday and Monday. Tarago Waste Management Centre to be open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. All Waste Management Centres will be closed on public holidays and from 12 noon on Christmas Eve.

Marulan and Tarago Waste Management Centres will also be closed from 12noon to 12.30pm on opening days to enable the operator a dedicated lunch break.

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 29

Windellama Historical Society Inc.


Mailman Honoured

A happy social gathering was held in the Windellama Hall by the residents on the Goulburn-Glenoval-Windellama-Oallen mail route to do honour to the mailman, Mr Goodchild, on the completion of his further term of five years as mailman of the district. In making the presentation of a purse of notes, Mr Saunders eulogised Mr Goodchild's endeavours r to please everyone. He further remarked that the large gathering spoke volumes for the esteem in which Mr Goodchild was held by the district. In concluding the remarks of Mr Saunders, Mr Roberts also dealt with other phases of Mr Goodchild's popularity. In accepting the gift Mr Goodchild responded, feelingly thanking all for their generous gift.

(Goulburn Evening Penny Post 23 December 1929, page 2)

SERVICES RECOGNISED High appreciation of

their services to the district was voiced at a. large gathering which assembled to do honour to Mr and Mrs L Goodchild. Mr Goodchild until recently had charge of the Windellama-Oallen Ford mail contract for: about 15 years. Mr and Mrs Goodchild were presented respectively with a tortoise shell shaving outfit and canteen of cutlery, the result of the: collective effort of friends residing along the Goulburn-Oallen mail route. In handing the gifts to Mr and Mrs Goodchild, Mr Saundlers said that the large

gathering spoke for their popularity and showed how appreciative were the residents along the Goulburn-Oallen mail route of Mr Goodthild's sterling service. The speaker declared that this service could not have been 'so efficient had not Mr Goodchild been ably supported by his capable wife. At the conclusion of the presentation the gathering joined in singing “For They are Jolly Good Fellows”. Mr Alchin suitably responded on behalf of Mr Goodchild and thanked the company for the gifts

(Goulburn Evening Penny Post 27 April 1932, page 4)

(Tom Bryant 8 August 2016.)

Lyle Goodchild a1nd his T Ford truck

Lyle with his later mail truck, a Chevrolet.

Page 30 Windellama News - December 2016

At Barbeques Galore you'll discover a whole new world of

outdoor entertaining.

A lot of places are selling outdoor products, like Barbeques. The

difference is WE can show you how to use them!

We've got a huge range of the latest aluminium, wicker and

timber settings to suit both the size and style of your backyard.

4821 1292 or 4821 4889 388 Auburn Street, Goulburn





Windellama News– December 2016 Page 31

Windellama SES – Storm Safe

The State Emergency Service (SES) is the lead response agency for floods,

storms and tsunami across NSW. Under the SES Act of 1989, the SES has a

responsibility to ensure that the community throughout the state are adequately prepared to

reduce the impact of these events.

Windellama summers can throw us some storms and flash flooding, the following may help

you to prepare for such events. Preparation is the key and protection of life is the priority of

the SES in these events. More information can be found on the SES website or via the SES

StormSafe App. For assistance in storms and floods call 132500, for life threatening

emergencies call 000.

Page 32 Windellama News - December 2016

CHURCH INFO Catholic Church Services

Parish Priest: Fr. Dermot McDermott

Assistant: Fr. Assin

Deacon: Chris Van Gessel

Presbytery & Parish Office Phone 4821 1022


Sunday Mass will be at 8am on the 2nd & 4th Sunday at St. Patrick's Marulan.

Mass Times in Goulburn are:

Saturday Vigil Mass:

5pm at St. Peter & St. Paul's Sunday: 7am. at Our Lady of Fatima,

Nth. Goulburn Sunday: 10am. at St. Peter & St. Paul's

St. Joseph’s Church, Tarago

Enquiries: 4821 1022


St Bartholomew’s Windellama

All Services now at St. Barts

11th December

Christmas Eve 24th December

Services now start at 10.30 am

Reverend Peter Bertram

St. Andrews (Anglican) - Tarago

2nd Sunday 9am

St. John’s - Lake Bathurst

4th Sunday 9am



Held at Nerriga Church

2nd Sunday each month at 2pm

(Except Easter & Christmas)

All Welcome

Fees for Hire of Hall or Supper Room

at Windellama Hall

*HALL ALL DAY $200 DAY 4hrs or less $100 EVENING/NIGHT** $200

*Includes Supper Room & Kitchen

** $2 per hour for heating

SUPPER ROOM (Includes Kitchen)


DAY 4hrs or less $40 EVENING/ NIGHT $100

# Use of the premises prior to your booked

function will incur a surcharge of

Supper Room Fee

To Book please ring W. P. A. Secretary, Christine Woodcock on 4844 7275

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 33

Classified Advertisements

GENERAL FOR SALE Simpson 5.5kg top load washing machine in good working order.$100 ono. Grahame 0403499068

High grade quality woollen yarn rugs cream and deep red both matching in great condition small 150 x 239 large rug 250 x 350. $400 ono. Call Elisha 0403542471

Sony Bravia HD 42” TV $100 ono Ph 48445156

Teak entertainment unit, with two glass door display. 6x4 foot. $75.00 ONO.

Double bunks, Metal, with ladder, new innerspring mattresses. $125 ONO Two wooden bed side tables with cane draws.$50 for two. Ph. 4849 4480

1 x King Single bed $200;1 x Single bed $150;1 x Single bed $100;Dressing table/chest of drawers (8) $150; 1 x Glass TV table $150; 1 x Glass coffee table $50 Ph 0411 421 416

Lounges - 1x3, 1x2 + ottoman - yellow fabric, Matching chair in navy blue. All GC. Offers over $500 considered. 4849 4222

Desk - large timber , 2xdraws/storage under. Leather inlay + matching 2drawers file cab. Ergo office chair. All VGC. $400 ONO 4849 4222

Firewood. $150 per load. Ph 4849 4520 for delivery

Firewood. 2 tonne truck load $430, ½ truck load $250. Ph 0401 241 646

2nd hand container for sale. $3000 not/neg. In Goulburn area. Buyer responsible for all transport costs.0435798941


Parrot Cage on stand, good cond. $150 ONO. Ph 0429 006 745

Saddles, good condition, $350 & $200. ONO. Riding helmets $30 and $20. Also other gear: bridles, leather straps, etc. Ph 0434 286311.

Miniature Shetland Gig well balanced, hardly used, some harness, pneumatic tyres, lightweight $730 ono Ph 62301774 or 0417749064


Young Peking/Orpington cross drakes - $12 each (Drakes Only).Ph 48459147, after 6pm

Alpacas - lots of different colours & ages. From $250 each Phone Jacki 0428 298 157

Quarrions (cockatiels) - $8 each Ph 4845 9147 after 6pm

Horse part Arabian, 3 yrs old, regd, 14.2 hh, chestnut mare. $3,000 Ph 0429 461 490

Alpaca Wethers Variety of Colours, ages 12 months – 3 years.Halter Trained Wethered, Needled & Shorn. $400.00 each. Phone 4844 7267. Faye & Keith. Quialigo.

15 milking goats. A mixture of male and female. Friendly and well behaved. Price negotiable depending on number purchased. Ring Julia 42761489.

One six month old pig for sale - approx. cost $150. Please call Julia on 4276 1489


Horse Agistment available at 41 Burrabinga Road Tarago. Please phone 0429 461 490 for enquires


20 inch 7 spoke mag wheels in great condition near new tyres 95% tread on them. Ideal for Commodores. $800 ONO call Richard on 0403542471

2006 Yamaha XT 250. VG condition, never dropped. 26,000 km. Elderly owner. New battery, unregistered. $2100 48445244

1994 Ford Laser Hatch reg till 15 Sept 2017, good condition 105,000 klms, just had log book service $3,500 ph 4844 5407.

Camper Trailer Queen sized bed with large room. Plenty storage room. Comes with zipon canopy/shelter. Easy to erect/store/transport. $3500 ono Ph 62301774 or 0417749064


Free standing drill press single phase power and adjustable speed. Comes with vice $300 ono call Richard 0403542471

Lucerne Hay Prime soft green small bales $15 8 x 3 x 3 bakes of lucerne or beardless wheaten available phone 0428493194

All personal classifieds are FREE & also included in the Tarago Times

We run your advert until you let us know when you have sold it or gained it

Page 34 Windellama News - December 2016

Classified Advertisements cont


Stanbury Electrical 75 amp battery charger - new condition, used twice only for Solar batteries - $1200. Pho 48459147 after 6P.M.

Gallagher Lightning Diverter for electric fence energiser protection. New & unused - $30 Ph: 4844 5843


Advanced Asparagus Crowns ph 4844 7143

Knitting wool for volunteer knitters for charity. Any leftover wool, any ply, gratefully accepted. Ph Denise 4844 5087

Instantaneous LPG Gas Hot Water system 16-20 litres per minute flow rate, working or not. Ph Gary or Sharon on 4844 5980

Galvanized farm gates 2 of 3.6 meters wide Galvanized C purlins 100mm / 150mm or 200mm 3metrs to 6 meters long ph Gary or Sharon 4844 5980

VT Commodore 1997—2000 5 litre V8 any condition running or not ph Michael on 0413146140

Horse agistment for mini mare from November to May to avoid coastal itch. Please call Tanya 4456 5589

SERVICES Belinda's pet minding Why stress your pets out by putting them in Kennels or boarding and saving on having to get them vaccinated to put them in boarding.

I will come to you . Leaving your animals in their own homes. I have Vet Nurse experience of 10yrs .

I have a miniature pony stud and also breed and show guinea pigs. I will feed Horses , Dogs, Cats, Goats, Sheep, Chickens Ducks,. Medicate animals daily if needed .

Servicing Windellama , Bungonia, Quialigo and Goulburn.

Contact Belinda on 48447168 or 0497179799


Spring is here, need your home spring cleaned, decluttering your home or just want to organise things but just don’t have the time. Call Tracey for cleaning services on 48445935 or 0407508060

Our Advertising Charges

Classifieds - Personal FREE (maximum 2 lines) Month Year 11 issues) Small advertisement $ 6.50 $ 65.00 (business card size) Quarter page advertisement $12.00 $120.00 Half page advertisement $25.00 $250.00 Full page advertisement $50.00 $500.00 Double page discount $90.00

Inserts - $40.00 for 400 inserts into hard copies Typesetting of adverts: $50

PAYMENT: Cheques: payable to Windellama News PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580 Direct Deposit or EFT: IMB Ltd; BSB 641.800; A/c 200045794 with Name & advert as detail

* Unpaid adverts will be cancelled after one month

* All advertising copy must be accompanied with payment

All advertising enquiries to

Christine Woodcock

Windellama News– December 2016 Page 35

Windellama Progress Association

Gary Lourigan (President) 4844 5545

Christine Woodcock (Secretary) 4844 7275

Windellama Rural Fire Brigade

Rex Hockey (Captain) 4844 5147

Jim Meehan (President) 4844 5554

Ellen Sylvester (Secretary) 4844 5407

Windellama Field Day Committee

Co-ordinator Grahame Woodcock 4844 7275

Secretary Leanne Lourigan 4844 5545

Windellama News

Christine Woodcock (Secretary) 4844 7275

Lyn Jones (Editor) 4844 5843

Gayle Stanton (Editor) 4844 5156

Windellama Garden Cub Inc.

Harry Simm (Secretary) 4844 7061

Sharon King (Treasurer) 4844 5980

Kevin Muffet (President) 48447143

Windellama Hall Country Markets

Grahame Woodcock 4844 7275

Lloyd Turner 4844 5214

Windellama Historical Society

Rex Hockey (President) 4844 5147

Julian Woods (Secretary) 4844 5270

Windellama Landcare

Kevin Stewart (President) 0439471714

Jade Kinder (Secretary) 0449713585

Windellama CFR

Kevin Muffet 4844 7143

Windellama School P&C

Shelly Andrews (President) 4844 5630

Willow Glen Gardeners

Warren Yates 4844 5350

Wires (wildlife rescue)

Southern Tablelands WIRES 4822 3888

Justice of the Peace

Linda Shannon 0490041167 Geoff Burns 4849 4330

Nerriga PSA

Helen Rolland (President) 4845 9115



PHONE 000 For Mobile users & Landlines

Important Phone Numbers

Rural Fire Brigades

Windellama Rex Hockey 4844 5147

Tarago Warren Seymour 0419 665 393

Taylors Creek Dave Elward 4849 4240

Mt Fairy/Boro Brett Daniel 0429964079

Bungonia Terry Lewis 0408 223 380

Gundary Tony Kent 0437298200

Nerriga John Rolfe 4845 9160

Bushfire Information 1800 NSW RFS

or 1800 679 737 or

WINDELLAMA PH: 4844 5359 or CHANNEL 21/209 Base

AMBULANCE 000 Ambulance Booking 13 12 33 Goulburn Ambo Station 4827 0444

Windellama SES 132 500 Kevin Muffet 4844 7143 Poison Info. Service 13 11 26 Goulburn Base Hospital 4827 3111


Tarago Station - Snr. Constable Gary Handseker 4849 4411 Goulburn 4824 0799


Goulburn Railway Station 4828 5816 Train info & bookings 13 22 32 Country Energy - interruptions 13 20 80 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

Page 36 Windellama News - December 2016

December 2016

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4

5 6 Craft


7 Big READ

bus at School

8 9


Landcare Meeting

11 St Bart’s Service

Progress Meeting & Christmas


12 School

Presentation Night

13 Craft

Afternoon Threatened

Species Information


14 15 16 17 18 Markets

19 20 Craft


21 22 23 24

St Bart’s Christmas

Eve Service 6.00 pm


Christmas Day

26 Boxing Day

27 28 29 30 31