Grails Custom Validation

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Custom Validation

What is validation ?

● Business rules that constrain the valid values of a particular property in a

domain class

● For example

- A Person must never have an age that is less than zero

- Rules like these should be expressed clearly, and in only one place

Limitation to built-in validators

It is impossible to foresee every feasibledomain

model and every specific kind of validation

that an application might need

Limitation to built-in validators Cont...

• Forexample, Let'sconsider the case withPassword validator:

− should be minimum of specified length− should not contain any field from personal information(name, email,


of birth, contact no. etc)

− should use mix of alphabets, digits and special characters( a-z A-Z 0-9


− confirm password fieldmust match

Limitation to built-in validators Cont...

• Custom error message depending on the invalid data entered.

− Password must be 8 characters long

− Password should not contain your name

− confirm password do not match

− Weak password, use digits and special characters.

Example 1 (Built-in Validator)

class Employee{

String namestatic constraint ={

name(blank: false)



Using Custom Validator

class Employee{String namestatic constraint ={Name(validator: {//closure with one, two or three parameter//return value determines the validation//null or true to indicate that the value is valid// false to indicate an invalid value})}}

Validator Closure parameter

• A single or no parameter block receives the value

• A two-parameter block receives the value and object reference

• A three-parameter Closure receives the value, object reference and

the errors object

One Parameter Closure

class User {String loginstatic constraints

={ login(validator: {

// it contains new value for login fieldprintln propertyNameif (!it.startsWith('boba')) return ['invalid.bountyhunter']



Two Parameter Closure

class User { String login String password

static constraints ={ password(validator: {newValue, obj ->

println newValue println obj.class.nameprintln['login']if(['login'


))return 'Error: Password contains login name'


Three Parameter Closure

class User { String login String password

static constraints ={

password(validator: {newValue, obj, err

->println newValue

//entered value for password

println //User println['login'] //entered value

for login println err




'Error: Password contains login name'



Validator Closure return value

• Null or true to indicate that the value is valid

• False to indicate an invalid value and use the

default message code

Validator Closure return value Cont...

• A string to indicate the error code to append to the "classname.propertName." string used to resolve the error message. If a field specific message cannot be resolved, the error code itself will be resolved allowing for global error messages

• A list containing a string as above, and then any number of arguments following it, which can be used as formatted message arguments indexed at 3 onwards. See grails-app/i18n/ to see how the default error message codes use the arguments

Custom Error Message

• Error messages can be defined in


file in the following format :

errorcode=error message

• e.g.

custom.error=Error occured, property={0} class= {1}value= {2}arg1={3}

• Now you can return any of these error code whose corresponding

error message wil be rendered on views(<g:hasError....tag)

Custom Error Message Cont...

• In error messages you can use the following arguments that are passed


−{0}for propertyName e.g. Login

− {1}for Domain class name e.g. class Employee

− {2}for value entered for the validation field

− {3}for 1st argument you pass along with errorcode−{4}for 2nd argument you pass with errorcode

And soon

Example with Custom Error

class User { String userId String password String password2static transients =['password2']static constraints ={

password(blank: false, nullable: false, size:5..20, validator:{password, obj ->

def password2['password2']if(password2 ==null) return true /* skip matching password

validation(only important when setting/resetting pass) */

password2 ==password ? true : ['invalid.matchingpasswords']


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