Grassroots Organizing: Being an Effective NARFE Advocate.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Grassroots Organizing:Being an Effective NARFE Advocate


Why Grassroots Activism?

Flex our Individual and Collective Muscle


Key Grassroots Goals• Establish Relationships with Elected

Officials and their Staff– Through Grassroots Activism we establish interpersonal relationships

with our elected officials so that when the time comes for them to act, our interests are at the forefront of their decisions because they know who we are and how their decisions will impact us.

• Establish an Advocate Infrastructure– As a leader, when called to act, will your advocate infrastructure be in

place to effectively pressure decision makers?

• Show the Power of Active Retirees– As an individual, there are many ways to be active in politics and all of

them will increase the power and influence of NARFE


Grassroots Advocacy: You as an Individual

• How you can get involved

– Campaigns

– Organizations (NARFE)

– Political Parties


Campaigns• Get involved in a Campaign

– Campaigns are Coalitions of Like-Minded individuals and Groups

– It is a Myth that Campaigning is a young person’s world.

– Retirees are the salvation of campaigns– You are able to give the most valuable resource to a campaign:

Your Time!

– Everyone gives something different to a campaign, help the campaign:

» Phone Calls» Letter Writing» Letters to the Editor» Go Door-to-Door» Donate furniture» Donate food» Visibility: serve as the backdrop to a media event, march in

a parade, attend a debate/candidate forum


Campaigns: All Politics are Local

• All Elected Officials start in your backyard– Before they come to Washington, they have to be elected. It’s too easy

to be a cynic and sit back and do nothing. Never overestimate lobbyists’ clout. When you do that, you underestimate your grassroots power.

• Join a Campaign and get to know the Member of Congress or Future Member of Congress.– Their staffs will likely be a part of the campaign. Offer to help the

Campaign with their policies that affect Seniors – You will be SHOCKED to find out how hungry they are for YOUR perspective.

• Show candidates and elected officials that you deal with important issues and are active and vote! – Make it easy for them to support your interests by building a

relationship – not just with the member, but with their key staffers. Contact with offices personalizes your issue with staff members


Organizations (NARFE)

• Work with Organizations that share NARFE’s Goals:

• Pool Your Activity with the State and Local Chapters of:– Federal-Postal Employee/Retiree Groups– Senior Citizens Organizations– State & Local Government Employee Unions– Police and Firefighters’ Unions– Teachers’ Unions– Some Senior Citizens’ Associations– Military Organizations

• These groups are effected by GPO/WEP or would benefit from Premium Conversion


NARFE is Political and Non-Partisan

NARFE members and political friends are from all political stripes


Political Parties

Are you a …?

– Republican

– Democrat

– Green

– Libertarian

• No Matter Your Political Persuasion or Beliefs, there is a Party out there that needs your help!


Other Campaign/Election Activities• Can you drive/walk/escort people to the


• How many people can you help with filling out their absentee ballot?

• Each state has different rules for absentee voting. It’s worth learning what your state requires and help your peers with the process.

• Wear your campaign gear and let your peers know who you support and why!

• Most important Election Activity? Voting!



• Good way to get involved

• Small Donations Promote Inclusion of All

• Who’s Your NARFE-PAC Coordinator?


Track NARFE Issues in the Media• Stay current and up to date on the issues

through:• Newspapers• Magazines• Radio• Television• Blogs

• Are these information sources accurately describing or explaining the issues?

• If not, write or call them and help set the record straight. Misinformation that passes as the truth makes our efforts all the more difficult.

• Was your letter/comment published? If so, share it with us! We love to hear about member’s success!!!


Grassroots Advocacy: You as a Leader

• KEY GOAL: Create an infrastructure that will increase NARFE’s influence and show non-NARFE members the importance of membership


Cultivation• It is much easier to ask someone

to volunteer if you have already established a relationship with them.

• Identify the active NARFE members, even ones who are inactive on legislative matters and invite them to work on legislative activities from time to time.

• Emphasize that you are not trying to steal them from their work in other areas, simply encourage them to use their expertise and energy for the legislative agenda.

• Explain to them that there are problems that affect NARFE members, including you and the volunteer, and your working together will go to finding a solution.


Creating your Advocate Infrastructure

• Recruit

• Engage

• Prepare

• Remind

• Record

• Follow-up



• Secure their commitment– Verbal is good; in writing (them signing up) is

better.– People who give you a commitment are most

likely to follow through on the request. – Give them specifics as to what they will be

doing. If this is a general request, then give them a range of activities.



• Learn the Strengths and Weaknesses of your volunteers and recruits

• Be aware of people who might be timid or shy about legislative activities and let them know there are a variety of ways they can be involved.

• Not everyone likes to do the same thing.• Appreciate a volunteer’s strengths and

encourage them to be involved in ways that maximize what they enjoy and are good at.



• It is also helpful to engage volunteers in activities throughout the year. This keeps their interest level high and serves as a constant reminder that protecting and defending earned benefits is ongoing.

Activity Spotlight:

Keep volunteers engaged by organizing Chapter visits to the district office of your Representative and Senators. While there, get to know the key staffer on issues important to NARFE, such as GPO/WEP and Premium Conversion. Getting to know the key staff members will help personalize contacts with that office.



• Prepare for activities and create roles for your volunteers. – Lack of preparation or poor delegation of responsibilities will discourage

volunteers and lead to them not returning.

• Some people will not want to make phone calls but are excellent letter writers and vice versa.

• Give that person the responsibility of making sure letters are sent to the proper legislators. It is counter productive and will lead to the volunteer giving up if you put them in charge of phone calls. Maximize STRENGTHS – minimize weaknesses

• Give the volunteer who enjoys talking on the phone the phone tree responsibility and encourage them to commit to being part of the rapid response squad.


Prepare: Calling Tree

• Spotlight:

Use their strengths to organize your calling tree



Calling Tree Deputy:


Calling Tree Deputy:


Calling Tree Deputy:



Prepare: Calling Tree

Calling Tree Deputy:


NARFE Legislative Activist:


NARFE Legislative Activist:


NARFE Legislative Activist:



Prepare: Calling Tree

NARFE Legislative Activist:


NARFE Member:


NARFE Member:


NARFE Member:



Prepare: Calling Tree

NARFE Member:


U.S. Representative:


U.S. Senator:


U.S. Senator:



Calling Tree’s EffectYou called 3 Deputies (3 total)

• Your 3 Deputies each called 3 Legislative Activists (9 total)

• 3 Legislative Activists called 3 NARFE Members (9 total)

• 9 NARFE Members call their US Representative and Senators (27 total calls)

• When you, your Deputies and the Legislative Activists call your US Representative and Senators there are 19 additional calls

• Your 1 phone call meant that Congress heard from 46 NARFE members.

• Their office sounded like this:



• It is always helpful to remind volunteers of upcoming events.

• A simple phone call a day or two in advance is sufficient.



• Keep a record of who does what and when• Gives you a clear picture of who’s willing to do

what and who’s actually doing what’s asked• Allows you to identify potential leaders• There are times where people are unwilling to do

the work but are too afraid to admit it• Unfortunately, their response is usually to let the work go


• Let the Legislative Department know what worked and what did not work

• Share the name of someone who you think deserves recognition for all their hard work


Follow-up and On-Going Responsibilities

• Volunteers work for the enjoyment of being involved in a cause greater than themselves.

• Obviously, they don’t do it for money.

• They give their time and energy to make a difference.



Follow-up and On-Going Responsibilities

• If you can, follow-up with them via phone or letter, telling them what was accomplished and how much you appreciate them.

• They will appreciate feeling appreciated and will be more likely to volunteer in the future knowing they are appreciated.

• Share accomplishment and failures of work. » Did the bill pass/fail?

• Your volunteer team will constantly change.

• It is important to be constantly cultivating new members while encouraging some to take leadership roles.