Greek and Roman Mythology: Remaining Mythic Themes

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Greek and Roman Mythology: Remaining Mythic Themes. Mr. Upchurch’s Mythology 101 Lectures 10-11. Also known as Classical Mythology. Tricksters. Several Three most famous: 1. Eros (Cupid) -Traditionally portrayed as a childlike god that played - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Greek and Roman Mythology:

Remaining Mythic Themes

Mr. Upchurch’s Mythology 101 Lectures 10-11

Also known as Classical


Tricksters• Several

• Three most famous:1. Eros (Cupid)-Traditionally portrayed as a childlike god that playedtricks on the other gods. Later in mythic traditional,however, he is said to have "grown-up" (so to speak).

2. Dionysus/Bacchus3. Dolus-spirit of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery and guile-apprentice to Prometheus

Good and Evil• Line between the two is difficult

to distinguish– the gods and goddesses could

possess both admiral and detestable qualities and still be

considered divine, – the idealistic heroes could

represent good while still having moments of moral failure

– even the Underworld was not viewed as a place of complete evil

Good and Evil…continued• In general, gods,

goddesses and heroes were considered good–Hence, the human

soul=good•Some monsters/evil

creatures were primarily evil (see Gorgons and


Nature?•Nearly all the myths are

connected to nature in some way–Dominions

–Nymphs & Saytrs–Constellations

–The Locations of the Tales

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them... in Greece

and Rome

•Many exist, but they will be addressed primarily

in the Monster Mash Presentations.

HEROES• Jason and the Argonauts

(video and handout)• Odysseus (video and handout)• Aeneas (hilarious video and

handout)• Hercules (lecture and handout)

• Perseus (lecture)• Theseus (lecture)

Hercules (Heracles)

Birth•Son of Zeus and

Alcmene•Hera tried to kill him by

putting snakes in his cradle

•He survived because of his super human


Birth•He had a twin/half-

brother Iphicles (son of Amphitryon and

Alcmene)•He accompanied Hercules on many

adventures, but was not god-like

Early Life (pre-hero)•He was married to

Megara and had 3 kids•Hera caused him to go insane and kill his family

Journey Begins• Hercules exiled himself because

of shame and guilt• Asked the Oracle of Delphi how

to atone• Was told to go to king

Eurystheus (his cousin)Note: Hercules actually should have

been king of Mycenae, but Hera tricked Zeus into giving Eurystheus the kingdom

Journey Begins…continued

• Eurystheus was suppose to come up with labors (tasks) for Hercules to

accomplish for redemption… but couldn’t think of

anything•Hera, of course, was

willing to help

Labor 1: The Nemean Lion

• The lion had impenetrable skin

•He blocked its cave and killed it with his bare


Labor 2: The Hydra•When King Eurystheus

saw Hercules coming back with the lion… he

hid in a storage jar

Hydra…continued•Debate on the number of heads…agreed that chopping off one made two more grow in its

place•Could kill a mortal with

its smell•Had a giant crab friend


Hydra… finished•When Hercules was

about to die, Iolaos (his nephew) helped him by

burning the heads•Hercules cut…Iolaos

burned•Hercules also crushed the crab with his heel

Labor 3: Cerynitian Hind

•Golden Horned Doe (sacred to Artemis) must

retrieve alive•Hunted for an entire

year•Pinned with arrows between the tendons

without drawing blood (in Arcadia)

Labor 4: Erymanthian Boar

• Giant boar, that he must retrieve alive (once again in

Arcadia)• Meet/accidently killed a centaur, Pholus, on the way

– Pholus dropped one of Hercules’ “hydra venom

tipped arrows” on his foot

Boar…•Hercules effectively immobilized the boar

and carried it Eurystheus on his back…

Labor 5: Augean Stables

• King Augeas had thousands of cattle and their manure had piled up for a very long time

• Hercules had one day to clean it… he diverted two rivers to

do the job for him• Since he asked Augeas for payment, Eurystheus refuse

to count this one

Labor 6: Stymphalian Birds

• Theories: Man-eating, shot people with brass

feathers, or just numerous

•Hercules had to kill them, but could not

approach them due to the swampy environment

Birds…•He used a rattle

(possibly from Athena) to scatter them…then shot them down with poison tipped arrows

Labor 7: Cretan Bull• Fire-breathing beast

bull/ father of the Minotaur

•King Minos wanted it gone

•Hercules wrestled it and either shipped it Athens where Theseus took care

of it, or brought it to Eurystheus

Labor 8: Mares of Diomedes

• Flesh eating horses• Hercules either distracted

them by feeding them Diomedes…or they ate his

sidekick Abderus• Eventually they were released

and eaten, themselves, by wild beasts on Mount Olympus

Labor 9: Hippolyte's Belt

• Hippolyte was the Amazon Queen

• Eurystheus wanted Hippolyte’s belt for his

daughter• Because of their fierce reputation, Hercules took a

band of heroes with him (including Theseus)

Belt…•Hippolyte willing gave the

belt•Hera, however, spread the

rumor that the Greeks were going to steal her…

so they were attacked• The heroes escaped and Theseus stole a princess

Labor 10: Cattle of Geryon

•Geryon=three-bodied, four-winged giant from

modern Spain –Dog= Orthros (two

headed)•He had some nice cattle

that Hercules had to steal

Geryon…•He got there by

borrowing a golden-cup boat from Helios

•Stole the cattle and killed Geryon and his

dog in the process (with a club)

Labor 11: Apples of the Hesperides

•Hesperides were three nymph sisters

(daughters of either Nyx/Night or Atlas)

• They were entrusted with guarding the

golden apples Hera had received from Gaia on

her wedding day

Apples…• The apples were further

protected by Ladon (the hundred-headed dragon)

• After killing Ladon, Hercules asked Atlas to retrieve the

apples for him, in exchange for temporarily holding up the

world• Hercules then tricked Atlas into

taking the world back… and left

Labor 12: Capture of Cerberus

• Cerberus= Watch Dog of the Underworld

– 3 (or 50) heads, a venomous snake for a tail, and a swarm of snakes growing out of his

back• Hercules intimidated Charon

into allowing him into the underworld

Cerberus• With the help of his lion’s skin, he withstood Cerberus’ attacks, squeezed two of his heads into submission, and

stole him from the underworld (later to be returned)

• This was supposedly accomplished by the grace of


Later Life•After these 12 Labors (and 12 years) he was

released from Eurystheus—and his own

shame•He went to Thebes and married Deianira—who

had many children

Death…• Hercules’ wife was abducted

by Nessus, the centaur. • Hercules killed him with a

hydra-poisoned arrow• Before dying, Nessus tricked

Deianira to use his blood as a love potion…in case

Hercules was unfaithful

Still dying…•She soaked his tunic in the blood… and it killed


Afterlife…• Hercules was the only hero to

be granted the status of full-god after death (he even

married the goddess Hebe)• However, since he was ½ human… that half was still

require to roam the underworld with the other

heroes in a zombie-like state

Theseus(as quickly as


Early Life

•Parents= Aegeus (king of Athens) or Posiedon

and Aethra •Raised by his

grandfather and Aethra•Aegeus lived in Athens,

but left behind a task for Theseus to


•Aegeus had left some of his belongings under a rock… a rightful heir

would be able to lift it• Theseus did… probably be ingenuity, because he

was known for “scientific wrestling”…


•Once realizing who his father is he travels to Athens—by land—and

encounters many obstacles

Periphetes•Nick-Named: Corynetes

or "Club-Man”•Attacked Theseus in

Epidaurus• Theseus stole his club

and beat him with it• Theseus then carried


Sinis•Asked travelers to help

him hold down trees•When the trees were

down he’d tie their arms to the trees…fatigue

would cause the victims to be torn in half

• Theseus returned the favor

Sciron• Lived on some cliffs and

would have travelers wash their feet in a tub, then push them off the

cliff… and they’d be eaten by a giant man-

eating turtle• Theseus did the same

for him

Procrustes• Would offer lodgings for travelers… with his one-

size-fits-all bed• He’d make the bed fit by

stretching or chopping• Theseus tricked him into,

again, tasting his own medicine

Arrival in Athens• He didn’t reveal his identity,

but was considered hero for his journey so was invited to

a banquet• Medea, Aegeus (now) wife, was suspicious because she

felt Theseus may over through her son

• Medea tricked King Aegeus into poisoning his son

• He was about to drink the poison wine when his dad recognized his sword and,

thus, his identity• He knocked the cup away• Theseus was now the

recognized heir to Athens

King Minos’ Hunger Games

• Took tributes to sacrifice to the Minotaur in the underground labyrinth (because his son was

killed while under Athenian care)

• Theseus volunteered to go with the other 14


Helpers• On the journey Minos

challenged Theseus’ divine parentage, by asking him

to retrieve a ring he’d thrown into the ocean.

• He retrieved the ring and was given a crown by Thetis or Amphitrite.

Helpers 2• Ariadne, daughter of Minos, feel in love with Theseus and

promised to help him through the labryinth

• She’d learned a secret from Daedalus (who built the

labyrinth) and gave Theseus her magical thread

Labyrinth• Death trap, once in it was impossible to find your way

out• Theseus tied off the magic thread, fought the Minotaur with his bare hands (maybe killing it with it’s own horn)

and return by thread

Minotaur•Baby Minotaur



Abandoned Love• Theseus put holes in Minos’

ship and then eloped with Ariadne

• He left her because…1. he was tricked by a god, or 2. he

was in love with her sister• Abandoned on either Naxos or

Dia… and found/married by Dionysus

Death of Dad• In all the excitement

leading to his return home, Theseus forgot the signal

he’d worked on with his dad to signify his survival. King Aegeus, thinking Theseus

dead, killed himself…Theseus was now king

Stealing Women…• Theseus was apparently a

fan of stealing brides…-Amazon

-Helen of Troy-when she was young… but

he left her until marrying age. Un/fortunately, her

brothers (Castor and Pollux)stole her back

before this…

Frienemy• Theseus once capture a noble

pirate named Peirithous• For some reason they were

instant friend. In fact, Peirithous’ punishment for piracy was

eternal friendship with Theseus• He helped his steal 13 year old Helen, in exchange for Theseus’

returning the favor some day

Returned Favor…• Peirithous decided he

wanted to steal Persephone• So they approached the throne of Hades together…after getting down there by

unknown means• Peirithous demanded her

hand in marriage

Sticking Situation• Hades pretends to oblige

Peirithous, but really tricks both heroes into sitting in the “chairs

of forgetfulness”• Here they were stuck and tormented by serpants, Furies,

Cerberus, and the waters of Tartarus…

• Hercules saved Theseus, but Peirithous was forced to stay

Birth• Oracle warns King Acrisius of

Argos that a son born to his daughter, Danae, will kill him• Though locked in a tower, Zeus has a liking for her, and after a appearing in the form of a “golden shower” Danae

gives birth to Perseus.

• Promptly, King Acrisius places both in a bronze box and

throws them into the ocean… they land on Seriphos

Early Life• They are found by kind

fisherman Dictys, who takes care of them and

raises Pereseus• Dictys’ brother is King

Polydectes… who persues Danae

• Perseus, intimating young hero, causes this to be

from a distance

Bride Price• To get Perseus out of the

way, the king tells everyone that he is to wed

Hippodameia, and demands that everyone

give a “bride price”•When he approaches

Perseus about this, he has nothing to give, but

assures him that if he had anything he’d surely give

it…even the head of Medusa

The Gorgon• Perseus set out to kill Medusa with the aid of

Athena, who hated Medusa for obvious reasons and

wanted her head for her own shield.

•She told him what he’d need for the task and sent him to find the

nymphs that guard the helmet of invisibility

• First, he had to find the Graeae (The Gray Ones)• To Find the Gray Ones, however, he had to talk

to Atlas

Atlas and the Gray Ones• Atlas points him to the Gray Ones’ nearby cave

• They are the sisters of the Gorgons…born with gray hair & one eye and one tooth…which they share (often confused with the Fates)

• They didn’t want to tell him where the nymphs were… so he stole their

eye and tooth

Nymphs and Gear• Finds the nymphs bathing in Styx

GearFrom Nymphs:

Hades’ Helmet of InvisibiltyPouch for Carrying Medusa Severed

HeadFrom Hermes:Winged Sandals

Sickle (for cutting--hand-me-down from Chronos?)

From Athena:Mirrored Sheild

Killing Medusa• He approached her using his mirror-shield so as not to look directly at her (and

be turned to stone)…he also had on the helmet of

invisibility for good measure

• Finding her asleep, he cut off her head and out came


• Stored the head in his bag and flew away

•While over Africa, he spotted a beautiful maiden chained to a rock… so he descended to investigate


daughter of King Cepheus• His wife had claimed to be

more beautiful than the daughters of the Old Man

of the Sea (ancient sea god)

• So their land was attacked…

• An oracle said their only hope was to sacrifice


• Perseus volunteered to help in return for

Andromeda’s hand in marriage… they agreed

• Two version of battle: 1—He flew above the sea monster and, while the

monster was distracted by his shadow…stabbed him to death. 2—He tried to use Medusa’s head, but

the monster had no eyes… so he just strangled it.

Wedding Feast•A banquet was thrown

for their coming wedding. Unfortunately King Cephesus forgot to

tell Perseus that Andromeda had been

promised to his brother Phineus.

•Phineus showed up with his “thugs” and battle


Secret Weapon…•Perseus eventually pulled out Medusa’s head and told all his

allies to close their eyes•Phineus begged for mercy…Perseus made

him into a statue for his fiancée

Homeward• Upon returning home,

Perseus learned that King Polydectes had been

making unwanted advances towards his

mother.• So he approach the kings court to give him Medusa’s head. He asked if the king would like to see his gift.

The king said yes…

Later Life• Perseus left Dictys to rule in

his brother’s place and returned to Argos

• His grandfather tried to flee, but was accidently killed by

Perseus when he was competing in a discus throw• Perseus was later made a

constellation by Athena—together with Andromeda, her parents and the sea monster.