Greenwood Secondary School

Post on 18-Dec-2021

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Greenwood Secondary SchoolADDRESS: 800 Greenwood Avenue, Toronto, ON

M4J 4B7PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0744EMAIL ADDRESS: Greenwood.SS@tdsb.on.caWEBSITE: RANGE: 9 to 12

GreenwoodSecondary SchoolLearn English fromteachers who arequalified English as aSecond Language (ESL)and subject specialists.You have theopportunity to earn highschool credits uponsuccessful completion ofeach course.  Wesupport you throughoutyour study withlanguage labs andaccess to settlementworkers, and othercommunity resources. 

Greenwood SS Mission: Empowering Newcomer Students ToFind Their Voice

Greenwood Secondary School is one of the oldest schools inNorth America designed specifically for new immigrant, highschool aged students. We welcome you to our small, nurturingcommunity. Our English as a second language (ESL) schoolprovides you with a special opportunity to gain English languageskills in a welcoming environment while you earn your high schoolcredits. We provide learning activities to meet your individualneeds. We help you prepare to move to the high school of yourchoice and complete the necessary high school credits to earnyour diploma. We work together to ensure that you develop thenecessary self-confidence, interpersonal skills and knowledge tobe a successful student in Canada.

Guidance ProgramWe want you to succeed and we helpyou every step of the way. After asuccessful stay at our school, you willbe ready to select a mainstream oralternative high school that meetsyour academic needs. Our guidancecounselor will work closely with youand your family to help you make a smooth transition.  If you havequestions, feel free to contact our Guidance Department at (416)393-0744 x 20040.

More Information about Greenwood Secondary School

Continuous IntakeWe welcome students who are new to Canada throughout the year. If you are between the ages of 13 and 21, we may be the school foryou.  We can help you develop the four language skills in Englishessential to thriving in Canada, including listening, speaking,reading and writing.

Language Enrichment Academic Program (LEAP)We offer the Literacy Enrichment Academic Program (LEAP) forstudents with gaps in their education.  Contact the Toronto DistrictSchool Board (TDSB) to enroll in our LEAP program.

FacilitiesWe maintain technical facilities to support you in our programs. Wehave computer labs, a gymnasium, a cafeteria and a life skillsclassroom with kitchen facilities. We are home to a specializedEnglish as a Second Language (ESL) library filled with manyresources that can help you learn English.

SafetyWe operate on a foundation of respect and our code of conductsupports how we are to treat each other.  We truly are amulticultural school where everyone is respected.  We learn fromeach other in a safe and caring environment.  

Additional Features● Guidance Program● LEAP and ESL● Safe and Caring Environment● After School Homework Club

● Continous Intake● Facilities● ESL Library● ESL Qualified Teachers

For a list of all programs that are also offered visit

Student Life - Where You Belong

Field trips and extra-curricular activities are an integral partof our program, providing further opportunities for studentsto gain self-confidence and to achieve cultural orientation.Our program is flexible so that pupils may experiencecontinuous progress. In terms of intramural and after-schoolsports, we offer: badminton, basketball, cross countryrunning, table tennis, skating, soccer and volleyball. Students are also able to join several clubs while atGreenwood: art, dance, cross country, computer, homework,outdoor, peer tutoring, photography and student council.   With over 70 countries represented, we are a trulymulticultural school. We celebrate many cultural holidays,including Eid, Diwali and Christmas. We have assembliescelebrating Latino, African and Asian Heritage Months.

What Sets Us Apart

At Greenwood we provide a small, safe, nurturingenvironment exclusively for English Language Learners atlevels A through D, ESL support in all of our classes, acomprehensive math program including upgrading fromgrade 3 to the 3U level, and a wide variety of coursesspecifically geared for ESL students.  Students getthe opportunity to show leadership in student council andschool events.  We offer a free breakfast program and awide range of extra-curricular activities.  Our teachers andGuidance Counsellor support you with the transition to yourhome school and your next steps.  We provide a wonderfulintroduction the Canadian way of life - and we are easilyaccessible via the TTC subway (Greenwood Station).

Parent and Community Engagement

At Greenwood, students and parents have access to settlementworkers and other community resources. We also bring in severalspecial programs for the students and their families such asIntergenerational Partnerships, Access Alliance, and the NewcomerOrientation Program. 

Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They arecommunity-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety ofopportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices. Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice,access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential. Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financialstability.

Contact Information

SCHOOL NAME: Greenwood Secondary SchoolADDRESS: 800 Greenwood Avenue, Toronto, ON

M4J 4B7TELEPHONE: (416) 393-0744EMAIL: