Grib mulighederne med seneste IT trends- få Microsoft overblikket og nyhederne

Post on 13-Dec-2014

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Den markante digitale udvikling og nye mega trends skaber spændende muligheder for dig som IT ansvarlig. Grib muligheder inden for Produktivitet, Cloud, Big Data, Enterprise Social og Forretningsapplikationer, så du sikrer at IT understøtter forretningen og løbende er på forkant med udviklingen. Kom og hør hvordan Microsoft med sin samlede pallette af løsninger mener, at kunne hjælpe dig med at løfte din virksomhed ind i fremtiden. Der er altid nye muligheder med de nyeste løsninger. Teknologi Direktør Ole Kjeldsen vil i samarbejde med Microsofts løsningsansvarlige sætte scenen for Microsoft Next. Få et indblik i løsningernes sammenhæng og se demonstrationer af de nyeste elementer.


Timing: 2-3 minutes

Purpose: Acknowledge the new challenges businesses face today, and tie them back to what the CEO cares about.

Key Points:

• Inspired by changes in the technology landscape, today’s business leaders are reimagining each facet of the

enterprise. In survey after survey, CEOs identify the same basic set of issues driving change and challenging

businesses today.

• Customers have more information and new ways to connect than ever before. It’s estimated that by 2016, 1 billion

global consumers will have access to a smartphone or tablet, making mobile devices a crucial medium for

interacting with customers. With 2.4 billion users connected to the Internet, one third of the worldwide population is a

click away from your business, product, or service. (World Internet Users Statistics Usage, June 2012) How can the

enterprise keep up with their rising expectations and enhance the experiences they have with your company?

• Competition is changing the global landscape. Today’s technology is providing the platform that enables any

company—small and large, from anywhere in the world—to develop experiences and outcomes that customers

want. Anticipating and reacting to challenges in the market and the regulatory climate in real time is becoming the

new norm.

• Talent acquisition and retention is paramount. New modes of work are changing the workplace and many

organizations are investing in technology to attract, motivate, and empower the leaders of today and tomorrow. By

2015, the world's mobile worker population will reach 1.3 billion, representing 37.2 percent of the total workforce,

according to an updated forecast from IT analytics firm IDC. (IDC, “Worldwide Mobile Worker Population 2011-2015

Forecast,” January 2012) Enabling your people to work where they want—in the office, on the go, and at home—

and making it easy for them to collaborate with colleagues, partners, and even customers around the world is key to


• Product and service innovation is coming from anyone and from everywhere. Technology plays an increasingly

strategic role in helping companies to foster a culture of innovation and stay nimble enough to keep ahead of the


• The bottom line is more important than ever. Today’s enterprises are expected to do more with less, managing to

reduced budgets and limiting exposure to risk, while continuing to deliver shareholder value


• Because every global enterprise today addresses these issues with technology, we know your technology choices

are strategic. Key technologies driving change in the enterprise are mobile communications, social networking, big

data analytics, and, underlying them all, cloud computing solutions. These technologies are revolutionizing how

enterprises engage consumers, compete in a global economy, attract and retain talent, deliver innovative products

and services, and manage expenses. Technology can not only help you accomplish specific goals and achieve

specific results, but it can also enhance the fundamental agility and insight of your organization by empowering your

people to recognize and act as quickly as today’s fast-changing world requires.



Mit navn er Ole Kjeldsen og som Teknologidirektør er det bl.a. mit job at tage tænkehatten på, sætte strøm til og forsøge at formulere hvordan Teknologi, Microsoft Platformen og vore partneres løsninger kan være med til positivt at forandre vores privat og arbejdsliv. I vil i løbet af de næste 5kvartér se en blanding af lidt slides, krydret med passende video’er her og der og ikke mindst vil I se en række demonstrationer af nogle typiske scenarier som mange oplever i løbet af en dag – scenarier hvor teknologi netop gør en positiv forskel hvis man helhjertet adopterer den og udnytter dens potentiale …

Alt det baserer sig naturligvis på nogle markedstrends og her vil jeg lægge ud …..



Script:To elementer er tydeligt når vi ser I det helt store perspektiv …

- Frekvens af forandringer stiger- Time to scale falder

• It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million users. In less than nine months, Facebook reached 100 million users.

And in the space of just a few short years, social networking services have significantly changed people’s

expectations on how we interact with each other and with businesses, particularly for the millennial generation.

• Within just two months of its launch, Kinect for the Xbox 360 changed the face of gaming and became the

world’s fastest-selling consumer electronics device ever.

• Today, we are living in an age where technology adoption is quicker than ever. In some ways, the significant

amount of technology change occurring today is similar to the industrial revolution, which had a profound

effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions of the times.

• It marked a major turning point in history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way by the

rapid changes to agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology.

• As Nobel Prize winner Robert E. Lucas, Jr. commented on the industrial revolution, "For the first time in

history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth ...

Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before".

• In the two centuries following 1800, the world's average per capita income increased over tenfold, while the

world's population increased over six fold. (Source: Angus Maddison, The World Economy: Historical


• The twentieth century ushered in the digital age, where technology enabled even greater efficiencies and

new possibilities, particularly for industry and government.

• Early mainframe computing eased bulk data processing, such as for statistics and census data, and made the

back office more efficient with line-of-business and transactional applications.

• Supercomputers helped solve engineering problems and contributed to scientific breakthroughs.

• The introduction of the personal computer (PC) started the age of personal digital empowerment. Today,

technology continues to be one of most influential drivers of social, economic and cultural changes.• Consumer choice has never been greater, thanks to decreasing barriers to entry in many markets and the


efficiencies enabled by the Internet and decreasing barriers to entry in many markets, such as access to

technology that was once very expensive and only accessible to large corporations.

• While the globalization of markets is providing new opportunities for many businesses, customer audiences are

becoming increasingly segmented and communications channels more fragmented. People are losing trust in

advertising while putting more trust in the opinions of their peers, which is driving brand loyalty down and

making it increasingly difficult for businesses to maintain their established customer bases.

• The increased transparency that technology brings can be both empowering or threatening, depending on

where you stand.

• And yet we see unprecedented opportunity. As computing technology becomes ever more immersive, it is

making it easier for people to develop more personal and connected experiences with their friends and

colleagues—as well as businesses.

Transition: In today’s discussion, we will share many ideas on how Microsoft can help you stay at the forefront of your

industry and take advantage of key technologies to drive your business forward.

Additional Information:

• Lucas, Robert E., Jr. (2002). Lectures on Economic Growth. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 109–10.

• Maddison, Angus (2003). The World Economy: Historical Statistics. Paris: Development Centre, OECD. pp. 256–62,

Tables 8a and 8c.


Key Points:Der er ganske enkelt for stort et skel mellem vores private og vores professionelle brug af teknologiVi har stadig masser af arbejdspladser som den til højre, og selvom den søde dame ser Ganske glad ud, så viser undersøgelser (ikkeDK) at op mod 71% af arbejdsstyrken er uengageredei deres arbejde – bl.a. pga. Gammel teknologi.

Situationen er ikke helt så slem I DK og vi er berømte for at tage ny teknologi til os – men stadig langt overvejende I privatlivet hvorvi omgiver os med touchenheder, apps, online kommunikation, online services I stor stil.

På job er samarbejde ofte henvist til at foregå gennem teknologier som sepererer os – email, filshares o.lign.

Alt sammen udemærkede teknologier, men slet ikke noget som kan følge med de muligheder som de nyere teknologier giver os. Consumerization er over os.


Everyone is feeling the impact of this – it impacts your work and policies as CIOs and it is impacting how we develop our products and services.

CIOs used to spend a lot of time processing data.And then were looked to for providing oversight into IT environments. CIOs initially tasked with designing and implementing – now CIOs are expected to use IT to enable businessexcellence.The end result of this transformation, is that the CIO is a who also is in charge of the IT resources. That is why I say the Role of the CIO is Expanding……it is increasingly about the Business.The future value of the CIO is Strategic Business Leadership.

OG DET betyder der skal kigges efter trends som kan være med til at optimere business value af IT.



Det betyder også at der er YDERLIGERE pres på at IT kan levere udvikling hurtigt …. Samtidigt naturligvis med at driften forudsættesfortsat ufortrødent

I kender helt sikker alle til denne model og arbejder I nogen grad hen imod den ønskelige fordeling hvor så mget som muligt afjeres budget er mørkeblåt og orange


MGX FY14 11/1/2013 10:11 AM


I Kbh referere tilbage til Jennifers deck som har introduceret disse

These driving forces provide a significant opportunity to business—and enterprise IT—through four related,

emerging megatrends that industry analyst IDC believes will drive 80 percent of IT spending by 2020.

Trends som hjælper os med at levere den nødvendige forretningsudvikling, men naturligvis også udfordrer vores dagligdag og netop vores evne til omstilling, adoption og værdiskabelse.

Lad os starte med at tale om nogle af de centrale tendenser vi ser. Vi er midt i en transformation - og dette har en stor indvirkning på vores strategi samt vores kunders it-investeringer.

I ved selvfølgelig godt hvad der foregår i branchen. Men Microsoft har brugt denne ramme i temmelig lang tid. Ikke kun i forhold til vores kunder, men også som Nordstjernen for vores produkter og markedsføring.

Vi ser en ny generation af applikationer:Nye apps brug skal være cloud-skalerbare.De skal være tilgængelige 24/7.Og de skal være deployerbare on-lokation, i skyen og i hybride miljøer.

Brugerne af disse programmer har adgang til dem med et stigende antal forskellige enheder , som en del af en tendens kendt som consumerization af it. De forventer at være produktive fra disse enheder, uanset hvor de er, når de vil.

Dette har udløst en data eksplosion med datamængder der forventes at vokse med tocifrede procentsatser.

Og endelig, er computing under forandring : Cloud computing modeller har erstattet den traditionelle måde at binde specifikke applikationer til specifikke servere med begrebet samlede ressourcer, der gør det muligt at installere applikationer som elastiske tjenester.

Sammen med disse ændringer i kundernes efterspørgsel, er der kommet nyskabelser i computerteknologi , der hjælper til at


muliggøre og understøtte disse scenarier. Compute fortsætter med at blive mere og mere kraftfuld med multi-core chips og mængden af hukommelse stiger mens omkostningerne falder. På storage-siden, ser vi nye teknologier som SSD mens omkostninger bringes ned, hvilket giver en enorm mulighed for i datacentret at udnytte standard hardware og samtidig give en kapacitet og hastighed der ikke var mulig for blot få år siden. Og endelig netværket der forbinder storage og compute hurtigere end nogensinde før. Alt dette bringer mængder af innovation

Men nøglen til denne co-evolution af storage, compute og netværk er virkelig den software, der bringer værdien af denne teknologi til vores kunder. Og det er grundlaget for vores vision.

• For today’s CIOs and technology leaders, the cloud presents an opportunity to rethink the role of IT in the business and become a more strategic player. Because of its power to fundamentally change how businesses operate and compete, the cloud is a game changer for the business—and for you as a leader(s).

• What do you know about the cloud? What have you heard the cloud can do? • How do you see the cloud changing the game for your business? What do you want to do with the cloud?• What are your expectations of Microsoft when it comes to the cloud?

Additional Information:• Andrea Courey. “Cloud computing: The new game changer.” The Gazette. November 28, 2011.


• Mobile—Huge growth in the range of mobile devices is enabling people more than ever to change the way that they work and play.


• Social—Social apps have surged in popularity and provide compelling new ways to connect and share with customers and colleagues.


• Cloud—The cloud is really an enabling force for these other trends, providing the ubiquitous connectivity and computing power that make them possible. It has already revolutionized how people use technology in their personal lives, and it will have the same influence on how people use technology in their professional lives.

• .


10x hvert 5. år

85% fra nye datatyper• Big data—The explosive growth in devices and apps means lots of data trails! The exponential growth in data is leading

businesses to explore the need to get better insights from that data.- EU forudsigelser om 40 milliarder digitale enheder I 2020- 90% af alle enheder vil have indbygget adgang til Cloud Services by end of 2013


Timing: 1 minute

[Presenter Guidance: Consider adding recent announcements on Microsoft investments across mobility, social, cloud

and Big Data into talk track.]

Key Point:

• Microsoft is embracing these trends in the offerings we are bringing to market.


• At Microsoft we’re directly experiencing these megatrends and we’ve evolved our business strategies to embrace


• Our recent investments in devices such as Windows Phone and Surface leverage the mobility trend.

• Skype and Yammer are huge new investments in social and Office 15 brings social to the fore across the entire


• We’ve made the bold commitment to design for the cloud first and our new cloud OS [WinServer 2012, Azure,

SysCenter] is a result of this. We’ve also built some of the largest and most efficient datacenters in the world. • Our approach to big data business analytics with SQL2012 uses Hadoop - an open source platform for crunching huge

amounts of a data across a vast set of servers.

Script:• Each of these technology megatrends will play a significant role in the enterprise of today and tomorrow.

• They are putting your IT organization in an unprecedented position to contribute strategically to your business, using technology to support and drive business priorities.

• They are also changing the status quo. Transforming your business by taking advantage of the new opportunities that these megatrends present can help you stay competitive in an expanding world of smaller, more nimble competitors.

• Today’s most successful businesses are harnessing these trends.• Consider the Amazon Kindle—Amazon now sells more Kindle books than printed books, and part of the reason for the

success of the model is that it uses mobile networks to deliver e-books to customers virtually anywhere, instantly.


• Businesses like Best Buy are reaching out to customers through social networks, providing a new standard of service by identifying issues proactively in public arenas and then resolving those issues transparently through the channels that their customers prefer to use.

• When we talk with our enterprise customers about how they see technology influencing their industry, a few

key themes emerge.

• Finding and addressing inefficiencies and eliminating unnecessary costs. This has been the focus of

most businesses over the past few years. Within IT, the cost discussion often focuses on the fact that too much

of the IT budget is anchored in simply supporting and maintaining existing systems—up to 80 percent for some

companies. How can the cloud―public, private or hybrid―help you change this balance? And how well can

you dig into your business and operational data to identify opportunities for more efficient processes?

• Fostering a culture of innovation. Creating an environment that encourages the piloting of new technologies

can lead to competitive advantage. Without a doubt, the rise of the cloud is enabling new ways of doing

business that were cost prohibitive just a couple of years ago. And advances in mobile and social technologies

are enabling people to connect and share in new ways. And yet, technology is not enough.

• Stimulating an ongoing and enriching long-term relationship with customers. Both online and offline, your

customer interactions have never been more crucial to building brand loyalty.

• Your opportunity is to re-evaluate your business models and find opportunities to transform your business.

With four megatrends converging at the same time, we believe it’s critical to make these trends central to your

business strategy. Addressing them individually or not addressing them at all risks putting you at a disadvantage with

your competitors.

Transition: Let’s look at how one of our customers is rethinking the retail shopping experience.

Additional Information:

• Amazon Kindle:


• Best Buy Twelpforce:

• “Gartner Executive Programs' Worldwide Survey of More Than 2,300 CIOs Shows Flat IT Budgets in 2012, but IT

Organizations Must Deliver on Multiple Priorities.” Gartner, Inc. January 18, 2012.

• Frank Gens. "IDC Predictions 2012: Competing for 2020.” IDC. Doc #231720. December 2011.

• Hadoop -


Key Points:

• We’ve reimagined our enterprise in light of these technology-driven business challenges. In keeping with our mission to help people

realize their full potential, we are using the advances in technology to transform ourselves into a devices and services company. This

shift is changing how we look at customers, how we drive revenue, how we compete in the marketplace, and what products we


• Microsoft has evolved beyond our original mission of a “PC on every desk and in every home” to one focused on helping people and

businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. Today, the technology that empowers us is mobile, social, and flexible—

always connected and available anywhere. We remain committed to providing everyone with the tools they need to be more effective,

more creative, and more connected with the people and information that matters most to them. In today’s world, the way to do that is

through the mobile devices and seamless computing services that span our busy lives at home, at work, at play, and on the go.

• Devices—Because enterprises are looking to engage their customers where they spend most of their time—online, on their phone—

and because they want to ensure their employees have the choice of tools to do their jobs effectively, we have focused on providing a

diverse choice of devices that offer the experiences people want, from phones and tablets to ultrabooks and all-in-ones, to large,

interactive displays. Our vision is one of a seamless—and diverse—ecosystem in which applications can be created once and run

across a range of devices—from PC to Xbox to phone—with a similar experience optimized for each device. To this end, we’ve

continued to invest in Windows and Windows Phone to accommodate the new landscape of devices and a connected computing


• Services—Services bring these devices to life. As a services company, we are reimagining how we deliver value as we embrace a

more open and connected environment where rapid innovation and evolution is the norm. With cloud computing as the basis for

services, we can realize our vision for providing a consistent platform, whether it’s run in our data center or a customer’s or partner’s.

This continuity is the foundation for a consistent user experience on any device. In addition to supporting our own devices, we are

also increasingly making our services compatible with other devices our customers use, such as Android and iPhone.

NOTE: I kbh skal denne med og der refereres tilbage til Jennifer

In the New Era, we are clearly moving our primary focus beyond being a software company.We are delivering devices and services that people love and businesses need.We will be fulfilling the promise of a continuous cloud service for every person, every device, and every business!


NOTE: I kbh slettes denne og der refereres blot tilbage til Jennifer

Purpose: Mitigate negative headlines by demonstrating how our devices and services investments are key to helping customers

reimagine and transform their businesses.

Presenter guidance: Use select data points on the slide to emphasize the impact Microsoft is having. Add local or more recent stats as


Key points:

• We’ve been investing in our transformation to a devices and services company for years. Our investments reflect areas where we

believe we can create the biggest impact for our customers. Our investments are enabling you to:

• Dissolve the walls between business and consumer through mobile and social experiences. Our communication and

collaboration tools are helping people connect in new ways, from anywhere and using the mobile devices and social media they are

familiar with.

• Windows 8 is now certified on more than 2,400 devices, providing people with a true choice in modern devices.

• Microsoft Office is used by one in seven people on the planet, making it easy to share ideas and collaborate with people

outside your business.

• Skype now accounts for one third of the word’s phone traffic, making it easier for people to connect with family, friends,

employees, partners, and customers.

• Yammer now boasts 7+ million users, bringing enterprise social to 85 percent of the Fortune 500.

• Xbox 360 has been the best-selling console in the US for the past 28+ months (as of June, 2013), selling 76 million units

since its launch eight years ago. Looking ahead, we hope the Xbox One will inspire a reimagining of the living room.

• Use insights to innovate. Whether it’s Internet search data, internal company data, consumer data, or the world’s data, we’re

helping our customers find new ways to use information to compete, innovate, and grow.

• Microsoft Dynamics CRM is now used by more than 3 million people, including those at Chobani, PGA Tour, State of

Illinois, and Weight Watchers International.

• Microsoft SQL Server is now the highest rated platform for critical data needs in the cloud.

• Bing powered 3.5 billion searches in May 2013, representing more than one in four (26.7 percent) searches today.

• Spark the imagination with technology. We have the flexible cloud platform and solutions you need to drive transformation.

• The Microsoft Partner Network is the single largest technology partner program in the world with 640,000+ partners. Our

partners are a key reason for Microsoft’s success in the enterprise—they offer the deep business and industry experience

required to build, deliver and support mission critical solutions that truly enable a reimagining of what’s possible with



• Kinect has sold 24 million sensors worldwide, bringing natural user interface to the mainstream and engendering a new

world of possibilities for how people interact with technology.

• Xbox Live is building a fast-growing audience for advertisers and features content from leading media companies, including


• Windows Azure is adding 1,000 customers a day to its 250,000 customer base, including more than half of the Fortune


• Windows Server is run on nearly three out of four VMs today (74 percent)


• Windows 8:

• Office:

• Skype:

• Xbox 360:

• Kinect:

• Yammer:

• Microsoft Dynamics CRM:

• SQL Server: Microsoft, FY13 Database Awareness & Perceptions Study, February 2013

• Bing:

• Xbox Live: and


• Windows Azure:

• Windows Server: ESG, “Microsoft Virtualization and Cloud Survey Results,” June 2012 // more information also available at

• Microsoft Partner Network:

• Microsoft by the numbers is a great source for additional recent stats:



Delivering a consistent customer experience… anywhere, on any device, with global scale and impact

TIMING: 1 minute

PURPOSE: Differentiate Microsoft and share how we bring marketing execution together—across devices, a broad range of consumer

services, and our enterprise-grade integrated marketing and customer relationship management platform.


Our goal or intent is to provide the experiences and devices that your people love and expect; while delivering enterprise-grade solutions for your company. This is where Microsoft (and Windows) can deliver unique value, and we believe Microsoft is in the best position to deliver the depth of experience and expertise understanding the unique needs of both consumers and enterprise organizations. Our goal is to deliver technologies that meet consumer and enterprise needs offering the best possible experiences on Windows for everyone. This has been our long term strategic approach which is bolstered with Windows 8.1.

• Microsoft is unique—we not only deliver business-class devices and services, but also a broad range of consumer services and extensive advertising capabilities. No other company can offer you the customer reach along with enterprise-grade solutions that help you bring marketing execution together to drive global scale and impact.

• 2012 represented a major change for Microsoft and our customers. For the first time, all of our products have come together, look the same, work in the same ways, and deliver new value when used together.

• This cohesiveness offers a unique opportunity for you to deliver a consistent customer experience, regardless of what device someone uses or where they are.

• Microsoft and our partners offer a diverse range of devices from phones to tablets to ultraportables to desktops to large, multi-touch interactive displays to digital signage. We’ve had 8+ years of experience building and supporting the world’s most popular gaming platform (Xbox 360) and recently announced the upcoming Xbox One. And in 2012, we brought the Surface, our first business-class tablet/ultraportable, to market.

• From the time Microsoft was founded in 1975, we’ve always been a services company. Today, we offer a rich collection of business solutions for marketers that help you integrate your marketing delivery and operate efficiently. Through Bing, MSN, Skype, our media partnerships and Microsoft Advertising, we’re able to help you reach more than 80 percent of today’s connected consumers. And we offer the comprehensive and enterprise-grade platform that enables you to build and deliver global apps and services that empower your people and engage your customers—with the security, privacy and control you expect.

• “Being a devices and services company impacts how we run the company, how we develop new experiences, and how we take products to market for both consumers and businesses.” (Steve Ballmer)



No matter the deviceNo matter the situation Windows is powering the devices consumers love and businesses need.The Windows brand serves billions around the world.Windows 8 has the potential to be on 350M PCs that will ship this year – or 60M tablets. New Windows 8 Phones – Nokia Lumia 820 and 920.Beyond the typical devices, Windows is embedded in the gas station kiosks you visit, powers Ford computer systems in all makes/models of their cars, and powers millions of grocery store check-out registers and health-care machines.


Delta video med Surface 2 – 2:06min





NOTE: I Kbh er dette den måske eneste slide og der henvises til JenniferPresenter notes: This slide portrays the key messages of the all-up Cloud OS vision/strategy. The notes below are from an executive “elevator pitch” updated in June 2013 that you can use as a foundation for creating your own personalized Cloud OS elevator pitch.

Key points:• Cloud OS is the strategy and vision for how we think about the management and the delivery of the total product portfolio we deliver for IT.

When you think about Cloud OS, the term OS really comes from the strength that we had in PCs. The OS actually managed the device drivers on the PC and then provided an application platform to light up great apps like Office and other third-party apps. As we move forward in the world, the OS really extends beyond just the PC into all forms of devices and the Cloud OS becomes the backbone for that. So, in order to deliver on Cloud OS, we’re helping IT deliver on four key things.

• There is so much complexity in how datacenters run today. IT is largely managing it as infrastructure and trying to consolidate servers and do virtualization to save money. Really what we need to do is transform the datacenter by bringing in automation. Actually helping customers think about not just managing servers, but managing the pooled resource of compute, networking and storage sitting in that datacenter as a shared delivery service for the business.

• Through the power of our .NET environment, our vision is to allow customers to code once and deploy to any device. We need

modern capabilities that allow you to stand up apps quickly, fast failure, repeatable iterations vis-à-vis hybrid IT and cloud services,

bringing in new types of form factors and new technologies like BI and social into the app itself. • The Cloud OS is about helping IT bring together structured relational data inside the enterprise with unstructured non-relational data from the

Web. Big Data from the Web, small data in terms of ERP and CRM and other apps inside the firewalls really means all data for us – and being able to bring these different data sets together to unlock insights for end users. We deliver the plumbing through SQL and our great capabilities and how we’re bringing new capabilities into SQL to connect that plumbing. But we also deliver it in partnership with the Microsoft Office Division and Excel and SharePoint, where we will democratize the frontend of BI, allowing people to uniquely combine data sets and get insights they’ve never been able to get before – doing so in a way that is easy. One of the biggest issues in data today is actually end-user training and adoption. Excel and SharePoint simply disintermediate that cost entirely.

• Our cloud vision also includes enabling you to support all the different devices that are coming into the environment today and helping IT manage the needs of the end users in their environments with the governance and support around policies for devices, data and users as those devices come into the enterprise. Being able to do that in a consistent platform through one pane of glass is a very powerful value proposition and what we provide with Intune.

• What makes us truly unique is that we will deliver this across a consistent platform, across development, management, identity, virtualization, the data platform itself. Our ambition with Cloud OS is to allow a customer in their private cloud on-premises to flex their environment out to a partner cloud or to Azure public cloud. So that this notion of the Cloud OS delivers consistency and the ability to manage the apps’ environment and the infrastructure of commercial IT in a way that they’re not just managing in their four walls, but they’re able to take advantage of other types of clouds in a seamless way. This capability will give IT agility that they’ve never had before.

Key Points:• Microsoft defines the cloud in three ways:

• Private cloud—You or a partner controls your own separate infrastructure using cloud-enabled products (on-premises or hosted by a third party).

• Public cloud—We manage the platform for you in our data centers.• Hybrid cloud—You have a mix of the two.

• Microsoft’s private cloud is not the same as another vendor’s approach.• Microsoft is betting on businesses’ need for hybrid cloud solutions to allow them to compete now and in the future.

Script:• To make sure we’re all talking about the same thing, let me define what Microsoft means by “cloud.” • For Microsoft, our overarching vision is to provide a continuous cloud service for every person and every business. It harkens back to Bill Gates’

vision of “A PC on every desktop and in every home.” That grounds you in how broadly we’re thinking about the importance of the cloud. • To do this, we’re taking all of the years of experience we have at running applications at Internet scale, which started with MSN in 1995 all the

way to Bing and Hotmail today, and we’re combining that with our expertise in on-premises software. • We're pouring all of this into the concept of providing a consistent cloud experience for whatever cloud you choose.

• Whether you choose private cloud, where you or a partner controls your own separate infrastructure using cloud-enabled products (on-premises or hosted by a third party).

AS NEEDED:• A question we sometimes hear is, “What distinguishes cloud computing from a ‘highly virtualized’ environment?” Here are the key

differentiators—the powerful attributes that make cloud computing unique:• Pooled resources—In a private cloud, your core resources—compute, storage, and network—are transformed into a pool.

This enables dynamic provisioning of applications and services. • Self-service—Once resources are pooled, you can deliver applications and resources as services. Your customers can

request, configure, and manage IT services as required through an interactive portal that allows for automated provisioning.

• Elastic—Because resources are pooled, they can quickly be expanded or contracted through automation or workflow. This means your environment and resources can scale up or down almost instantly to meet business requirements.

• Usage based—With resources as services, usage can be metered so that you and your customers pay for only for the resources that actually get consumed.

• Private cloud adds additional control and customization.

• …public cloud, where we or a service provider manage the platform for you in our data centers.

• We’re investing heavily in a consistent experience. It's not just having a deep and broad set of services and platform capabilities across public and private. It's the ability to bridge the two. No matter the location of your applications or data – on-premises or off-premises, hosted or not, legacy or modern, this consistent and comprehensive set of capabilities has commonalities to make it all work together. Plus it is the best bet for heterogeneous environments as well – working across platforms, tools, and hypervisors – to help provide a more unified IT approach that leverages your existing investments.

• This entire comprehensive cloud picture is where we believe businesses will achieve the biggest advantage with the cloud and what we’ll be discussing today.

Mens denne forvandling i gang, er den traditionelle tilgang til IT ikke længere tilstrækkelige. Kunderne har brug for en anderledes tilgang i denne nye æra af IT. Microsofts Cloud OS visionen er at give kunderne en ensartet platform for infrastruktur, apps og data – der spænder fra kundernes datacentre over hosting udbydere og Microsoft public cloud - Azure.

Vi har brug for en samlet strategi og en ensartet platform, som:

Forvandler Datacentret: ... på mange måder bevæger enheden for compute sig fra enkelt server til datacenter-niveau. Kunderne har brug for en infrastruktur, der giver et spring i agility, elasticitet og skalabilitet på tværs af en række fælles ressourcer med mere automatisering og selvbetjening.

Kunderne er også fokuseret på Moderne Apps: Nutidens apps skal kunne interagere med andre apps bygget på forskellige platforme og sprog, og de er nødt til at fungere uanset om brugeren er on-location eller ej og skal leveres kunne installeres på forskellige enheder.

Med eksplosionen af data, skal kunderne have en platform, der giver indsigt i data. For bedre at kunne konkurrere, har kunderne brug for at undersøge voksende datamængder, især med ustrukturerede data, eller "Big data”. De har brug for at finde svar på nye spørgsmål og undersøge nye datakilder, som de kan kombinere med eksisterende data for ny indsigt.

Og endelig med spredning og omfanget af nye enheder, skal virksomhederne understøtte det vi kalder People-Centric IT. Nutidens brugere forventer at være produktive, uanset hvor de er, uafhængigt af den enhed de vælger. IT afdelingen har behov for nemt at kunne administrere disse enheder og for sikkert at kunne levere apps og data til disse enheder.

Hos Microsoft, har vi lært dette ved at levere globale tjenester fra vores datacentre. Vi ved hvad der kræves af IT. Vores erfaringer med disse tendenser og teknologiske innovationer har vi bygget ind i vores kerne-produkter så vi kan levere den moderne platform, som vi kalder Cloud OS. Vores erfaringer fra drift af massive online-tjenester er kernen i Cloud OS og hjertet af vores produkter. Vi konstruere disse produkter fra "cloud up ", hvilket betyder at I kan nyde fordel af hvad vi har lært.

Og det handler ikke kun om den software vi leverer til jeres it-miljøer. Det handler grundlæggende om konsistens. Kun Microsoft giver en ensartet platform på tværs af kundernes datacentre, Windows Azure datacentre som drives af Microsoft, og hostede IT -miljøer der drives af hostere. Dette er


virkelig en unik og differentieret strategi for vores virksomhed .


We have FOUR offerings across THREE types of Clouds – and our strategy is to let customers choose which Cloud is right for them.

1. Public Cloud – We manage the platform for you.

2. Private Cloud – Windows Server 2012 – the Cloud OS! The world’s first server “built from the Cloud up”!

3. Hybrid Cloud – mix of the two.

And we offer productivity services, database platform, business applications, and infrastructure solutions across all of them.

Key points:

• Microsoft is uniquely positioned to deliver value against all these dimensions and has a track record of success. We’ve started to deliver on this vision with our

latest suite of cloud and on-premise products – but are on a multi-release journey to completely realize all of the potential capabilities emerging as we fully

articulate the Cloud OS vision.

• Microsoft has surveyed the technology landscape and come up with a pointed response that is influencing and driving how we develop our product portfolio and

is calling that vision the Cloud OS.

• Our viewpoint is that there are four big themes that span customers which we’ve extracted into conversations: transforming the datacenter, enabling modern

business applications, getting insights on any data and empowering people-centric IT and have used them as organizing pillars.

• Transforms the datacenter

• Historically, datacenters grew organically with servers and applications being added as needed, leading to sprawl and management difficulties – leading

to increased costs in trying to manage the environment.

• IT has started to get a handle on that by managing built-up complexity with server consolidation and virtualization – both for improvements in overall

manageability, but also to use computing resources better.

• The transformation of the datacenter is continuing: moving from reactively consolidating servers to a future in which IT thinks about how to manage

applications and datacenters proactively – regardless of the environment they are running in: customer-owned, service provider and public cloud based

– as a set of computing, networking and storage capabilities that applications can move between as required.

• Enables modern business applications

• A revolution is taking place, impacting the speed at which business applications need to be built, and the jaw dropping capabilities they need to deliver.

Ignoring these trends isn’t an option and yet you have no time hit the reset button.

• Connected, location aware devices have been embraced by consumers and businesses alike, the ability to capture real-time business intelligence across

massive amounts of data is no longer an ivory tower capability, and enormous compute and storage capabilities are available on-demand through the


• As a senior decision maker leading enterprise application strategy, you need to deliver these revolutionary benefits in an evolutionary way.

• With modern business applications you can rapidly deliver insightful applications at scale to accelerate business growth.

• Unlocks insights from any data

• There are many more data sources available now than ever before: from traditional structured datasets stored in OLTP systems using SQL Server

Database to streaming data stored in flat files, such as web logs or other streaming data sources.

• The increase in the variety and velocity of data has become one of the central ideas behind “Big Data“ – where you’re dealing with huge data sets in the

petabytes, exabytes and zettabytes in the future.

• With the large volumes of data, the challenge and opportunity is to weed through the information available and uncover real business insights.

• Our strategy is to provide a consistent data platform that enables you to combine all types of data - structured and unstructured data, relational and

non-relational data - in new ways so that you can mine the information together for new insights.

• We also believe in the power of self-service BI: democratizing access to data so everyone can create, view and share powerful insights without requiring

IT every time.

• End users should be able to use their knowledge of the business to analyze data and ask new questions using the tools they already know - Excel,

PowerPivot. By asking the question with the tools they use every day and access to the data, they can get answers and uncover new insights. By getting

the answers, they can ask new questions and find and combine other data sets to ask new questions, leading to additional insights.

• Empowers people-centric IT

• IT is being consumerized: users are bringing “unsupported devices” to work on a more frequent basis – from smartphones where people expect to have

access to both their personal and corporate mail to tablets and other smaller-form factor devices that users expect to use to get access to company

assets, including intranets, dashboards and other behind-the-firewall resources.

• Users expect to be able to use whichever device they want and IT needs to help them, while preserving corporate governance and management of sensitive data – and having a strict blanket policy that only company supplied devices are supported is no longer feasible.

HVORFOR CLOUD?- Find den rigtige kombo for dig:Key Points:


• With the Microsoft cloud, you can use the right IT for your business. • Since the Microsoft platform includes private cloud, public cloud, and traditional environments that all work together, you can use the right

balance of the three for your business.

Script:• With the Microsoft platform, you can strike the right balance for your business with private and public cloud platform and infrastructure services

designed to work together with the traditional on-premises infrastructure that you already know and trust. • With a hybrid environment built on Windows Azure, Windows Server, and System Center, you can:

• Get maximum control of more critical and sensitive data and applications by building a private cloud.•


• Get maximum agility and scalability for less critical and sensitive data and applications with the public cloud.Herbalife:

• Get the best of both worlds by enabling on-premises applications that are required to stay on-premises—for security, legal, technical, or procedural reasons—to interact with applications in the public cloud.

• Support variable workloads by extending your private cloud to the public cloud for times of peak load or “bursting” to take advantage of added computing and storage capacity as required.

• Our productivity platform features a complete set of applications available both in the cloud and as a traditional on-premises deployment. This gives you the freedom to use the cloud where it makes the most sense for your business, such as for a subset of users or for specific applications, without being locked in.

GIV DINE BRUGERE DE BEDSTE OPLEVELSER:Key Points:• With the Microsoft cloud, you can delight your users with technology experiences that let them work the way they want to:

• The Microsoft platform provides a business-class experience regardless of whether users are working with traditional apps or cloud-based services and whether they are working from a PC, on their mobile device, or through a browser.

• With Microsoft cloud-based productivity services, you can deliver the latest capabilities to your users without delays for building the infrastructure or planning and deploying updates.

• The anywhere connectivity of the cloud makes it easier to connect your distributed workforce with enterprise-ready online social tools.

Script:• With the Microsoft cloud, you can delight your users with technology experiences that let them work the way they want to:

• Deliver business-class experiences across the PC, mobile devices, and browser.• With Microsoft productivity tools, you can give users a feature-rich, consistent experience no matter what device they’re using and

where they’re working from. • If you choose to transition from a traditional deployment of Microsoft productivity software—such as for email, team workspaces,

or customer relationship management (CRM) software—to a cloud environment, the familiarity of the Microsoft platform will help save users time, as they won’t have to learn a new interface. For example, the new Office works seamlessly with Outlook and other Microsoft Office tools your people already know—they can create, store, and edit Word, OneNote, Excel, and PowerPoint files using a web browser, and they can work both offline and online. This helps limit downtime and reduce the need for retraining. It also makes it easy for them to share information with people using the traditional versions (whether inside or outside the organization) as they will be using commonly accepted formats.

• Connect users no matter where they are in easier, natural ways online.• The new Office also lets users take advantage of the anywhere connectivity enabled by cloud computing by using enterprise-ready

social computing tools that make it easier for them to share information and interests. Users can post real-time updates on where they are located and what’s on their mind, share ideas through blogs and wikis, and share documents, resources, and links of interest through their own personal sites. This helps bring people together and build communities through an experience similar to the consumer equivalents—including social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, applications like Skype and Windows Live Messenger, and personal blog services such as WordPress and Blogger—without the security risks.

• The new Office helps you stay connected to your business, your data and to each other. Host and participate in more effectiveonline meetings with multiparty HD video conferencing, real-time note taking, and screen sharing. Get answers in real time on your newsfeed that provide notifications and updates based on sites, documents and discussions you are following. Keep team communications in sync with Site Mailboxes that provide access to the latest version of documents and email.

• Provide the latest productivity tools without the maintenance burden.• With the cloud, you can deliver the latest enterprise-ready productivity capabilities to users without the need to plan and deploy

upgrades and manage availability. The public cloud enables you to offload patching, maintenance, and upgrades to Microsoft. You also get enterprise-grade availability you can rely on: Microsoft cloud-based productivity solutions have continuous data backups, robust disaster recovery capabilities, globally redundant data centers, and extensive privacy features, plus an industry-leading, financially backed 99.9 percent uptime guarantee. For users, this means they get the latest capabilities as they become available. And for IT staff—in combination with the easy-to-use, cloud-based management tools, 24×7 IT-level support, and reduced maintenance burden—this means they have more time to spend on more strategic activities.

• Microsoft cloud-based productivity solutions can help you get new groups of users up and running without delay. For example, following a merger or acquisition, with cloud-based services you can quickly get everyone on the same platform, without having to worry about building the physical infrastructure.

• Microsoft cloud-based productivity applications let you provide different levels of service for different types of users using a single, unified platform to minimize complexity. You can provide rich capabilities to information workers while giving more basic capabilities to workers that don’t have their own dedicated workstation.


Customer Example• Who: BCBG Max Azaria• What: As part of an overall transformation of its IT infrastructure, BCBGMAXAZRIAGROUP (BCBG) wanted to update its messaging

and productivity environments, but it needed to replace large capital purchases with a more manageable cost model. • How: Evaluated Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365, BCBG chose Office 365 • Benefits: Built a more productive collaboration environment, lowered its IT management burden, and developed an affordable IT

cost structure. With an updated, advanced messaging and productivity environment, BCBG employees can send and receive email messages faster; have the right tools to produce better documents, spreadsheets, and presentations; and can collaborate more effectively with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other partners.


• Who: Boys and Girls Club• What: As Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada grew, its case management system was unable to adapt to the evolving needs and

unique processes of the movement.• How: Subscribed to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and customized the solution to support service delivery staff with a new

mentor/child “matching engine” and case management protocols built on best practices• Benefits: Improve staff productivity. Benefit from analytics. Build connections to share information. Encourage innovation. •

• Who: Safety-Kleen• What: Gave many more employees access to the CRM solution• How: The company replaced with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and integrated it with other systems in a very fast

implementation• Benefits: Saves more than US$500,000 per year in licensing. With a single, unified tool to work with customers, sales and service

activities are vastly more efficient. Decision makers have a single, reliable source of current information to direct the company. (Received a CRM Magazine Excellence Award)


BRUGE DET DU HAR … bare I skyen:• Key Points:• A Microsoft hybrid cloud enables you to make more from your existing investments:

• Build a private cloud and extend to our public cloud using your existing data center resources.• Simplify management of your hybrid environment with a single, unified toolset that spans your traditional infrastructure, private cloud,

and public cloud environments.• Mitigate risk by extending Active Directory in your existing environment to private, hosted, and public cloud environments, for a

common identity infrastructure.• Maximize IT and developer productivity with a common platform that spans from the client to the cloud.

Script:• I’m sure you are thinking about how the cloud should work with what you already have in your infrastructure. • With a Microsoft hybrid cloud, what you’ve already invested will move forward with you as you evolve to the cloud. Our hybrid cloud enables you

to make more from your existing investments:• Take existing data center resources and skills to build a private cloud and extend to our public cloud.

• Windows Server 2008 R2 includes Microsoft virtualization technology—Microsoft Hyper-V—so most enterprises already have the building blocks in place for their private cloud.

• You should be able to repurpose your existing licenses if you choose to host your private cloud with a partner. • You can connect and integrate your existing on-premises systems with the public cloud without having to move your data or write

custom code, with features such as the Windows Azure Service Bus (which provides secure messaging and relay capabilities) andWindows Azure Connect (which provides network-level connectivity between Windows Azure services and on-premises resources such as database servers and domain controllers).

• Use a single toolset to manage your traditional and cloud environments.• With System Center 2012, we offer full visibility and control through a single toolset across traditional infrastructure and private

and public cloud environments, helping simplify management significantly. • You can use Microsoft management tools to manage your complete server virtualization environment—not just Hyper-V, but also

VMware and Citrix XenServer hypervisors. You can also support guest operating systems in your Microsoft private cloud, including earlier versions of Windows Server, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux, and CentOS.

• Use a common identity infrastructure to mitigate risk.• Through federation, you can extend Active Directory from your existing environment to private, hosted, and public cloud

environments. This lets you uniformly control access to your applications, information, and services while simplifying management and helping enhance security and compliance.

• With a common identity infrastructure, you can enable single sign-on access to applications, information, and services across on-premises and public cloud environments, minimizing the risk of compromised passwords.

• Use a common platform to maximize IT and developer productivity.• Our private cloud technology draws on IT’s existing expertise with the Windows platform, helping maximize IT productivity and

reduce the need for extensive retraining and recertification of personnel.


• Because developers can use their familiar toolsets and development frameworks—including the Microsoft Visual Studio development system and Eclipse—it’s easier for them to transition to building applications for the cloud. They use the same skillsets as they use to build for the client, phone, browser, and server.

• The Microsoft cloud is based on an open and interoperable platform, so developers can use the languages that they already know, such as .NET, Java, PHP, and Ruby.

Additional Information: • Service Bus:• Windows Azure Connect:


Timing: 1 minute

[Presenter Guidance: Consider adding recent announcements on Microsoft investments across mobility, social, cloud

and Big Data into talk track.]

Key Point:

• Microsoft is embracing these trends in the offerings we are bringing to market.


• At Microsoft we’re directly experiencing these megatrends and we’ve evolved our business strategies to embrace


• Our recent investments in devices such as Windows Phone and Surface leverage the mobility trend.

• Skype and Yammer are huge new investments in social and Office 15 brings social to the fore across the entire


• We’ve made the bold commitment to design for the cloud first and our new cloud OS [WinServer 2012, Azure,

SysCenter] is a result of this. We’ve also built some of the largest and most efficient datacenters in the world. • Our approach to big data business analytics with SQL2012 uses Hadoop - an open source platform for crunching huge

amounts of a data across a vast set of servers.

Script:• Each of these technology megatrends will play a significant role in the enterprise of today and tomorrow.

• They are putting your IT organization in an unprecedented position to contribute strategically to your business, using technology to support and drive business priorities.

• They are also changing the status quo. Transforming your business by taking advantage of the new opportunities that these megatrends present can help you stay competitive in an expanding world of smaller, more nimble competitors.

• Today’s most successful businesses are harnessing these trends.• Consider the Amazon Kindle—Amazon now sells more Kindle books than printed books, and part of the reason for the

success of the model is that it uses mobile networks to deliver e-books to customers virtually anywhere, instantly.


• Businesses like Best Buy are reaching out to customers through social networks, providing a new standard of service by identifying issues proactively in public arenas and then resolving those issues transparently through the channels that their customers prefer to use.

• When we talk with our enterprise customers about how they see technology influencing their industry, a few

key themes emerge.

• Finding and addressing inefficiencies and eliminating unnecessary costs. This has been the focus of

most businesses over the past few years. Within IT, the cost discussion often focuses on the fact that too much

of the IT budget is anchored in simply supporting and maintaining existing systems—up to 80 percent for some

companies. How can the cloud―public, private or hybrid―help you change this balance? And how well can

you dig into your business and operational data to identify opportunities for more efficient processes?

• Fostering a culture of innovation. Creating an environment that encourages the piloting of new technologies

can lead to competitive advantage. Without a doubt, the rise of the cloud is enabling new ways of doing

business that were cost prohibitive just a couple of years ago. And advances in mobile and social technologies

are enabling people to connect and share in new ways. And yet, technology is not enough.

• Stimulating an ongoing and enriching long-term relationship with customers. Both online and offline, your

customer interactions have never been more crucial to building brand loyalty.

• Your opportunity is to re-evaluate your business models and find opportunities to transform your business.

With four megatrends converging at the same time, we believe it’s critical to make these trends central to your

business strategy. Addressing them individually or not addressing them at all risks putting you at a disadvantage with

your competitors.

Transition: Let’s look at how one of our customers is rethinking the retail shopping experience.

Additional Information:

• Amazon Kindle:


• Best Buy Twelpforce:

• “Gartner Executive Programs' Worldwide Survey of More Than 2,300 CIOs Shows Flat IT Budgets in 2012, but IT

Organizations Must Deliver on Multiple Priorities.” Gartner, Inc. January 18, 2012.

• Frank Gens. "IDC Predictions 2012: Competing for 2020.” IDC. Doc #231720. December 2011.

• Hadoop -



Script:Igennem en række familiære scenarier i løbet af en typisk dagDet er en lille historie om hvordan IT, devices og services spiller ind i vores hverdag – alt sammen med reference tilbage til de fire hovedtrends vi alle taler omMOBILE, CLOUD, BIG DATA & SOCIAL

Der er undervejs masser af mulighed for at øge produktiviteten, minimere omkostninger og spilOg ikke mindst understøtte ny forretningsmuligheder

Vi når kun et udsnit og har valgt at slå ned på disse punkter i løbet af dagen …… mange af scenarierne og oplevelserne vil i se gentaget i meget mere udførlig form i løbet af dagen i breakout sessionerne ….. Men vi syntes det var vigtigt I ikke blot skulle høre på os her i keynoten, men også se lidt demo

Scenarier:1) Det er morgen

1) tjekker email og dagens aftaler (laver aflysninger etc.) (WP)2) Lytter til podcast mens jeg bader (NFC)3) Læser mine nyheder på min slate – den jeg ikke når at læse, smider jeg i en reading

list app og dem jeg vil dele på FB/Twitter etc. sker direkte fra enheden2) Jeg er på vej til arbejde

1) Deltager i et lync møde i bilen …. 2) Og sætter ellers telefonen i Driving mode når jeg rører NFC tag’et i min bil

3) Jeg kommer ind på job


1) Fortsætter mit Lync kald og inviterer yderligere deltagere2) Nogle af deltagerne er på iOS andre deltager fra browser3) Jeg skal bruge data og kigge dybt ind i co-relationer mellem data - PowerBI

1) Skal til kundemøde1) Forbereder og tager med på slate2) I mødet har jeg brug for input – bruger yammer til at få adgang til viden3) Efter mødet tager vi til frokost – expenser via Dynamics WP4) Expense godkendes via app på W8

2) På vej hjem bestiller jeg Pizza – Dominos1) Pointer omkring drift via cloud/Hybrid løsning – vis video2) ….



ForbrugerSmartphone som omdrejningspunktLytter til morgenradio (NFC radio)Tjekker de første mails, yammer opdateringer og naturligvis dagens kalenderKan se jeg er lige lidt sent på den, udskyder mødet (ikke helt så smart som vist i future videoen, men … )Mens jeg spiser morgenmad læser jeg min børsen og nyheder generelt på min slate og deler i øvrigt en interessant artikel på S/N


MOBIL & APPSJeg har det første conf call allerede i min bilDirekte integreret i kalenderen er LYNC klienten, så jeg får et call back og kan gennemføre mødet håndfrit mens jeg sidder i bilen



CRM onlineYAMMER integration



46% af alle medarbejdere taler om hvordan brugen af S/N øger deres produktivitet RIGTIGT MEGET eller MEGETIkke overraskende 53% af medarbejdere under 24MEN også 41% af medarbejdere over 45!!!!

34% mener deres ledelse undervurderer hvad S/N kunne gøre for deres effektivitet på jobbet


Efter Anders’ møde har han taget kunden ud at bruge penge på firmaets vegne, og skal derfor have registreret sin rejseafregning. Mange af jer kender måske til, at det hober sig op i bunken, det med at få lavet sin rejseafregning eller at kvitteringerne er blevet væk. Det er blevet meget nemmere nu…

Kender du det, at du vælger at bestille et par Pizza’er på vej hjem fra arbejde? Dominos får ca. 1/3 af deres omsætning gennem web’en.

Herhjemme kender vi f.eks. Sticks’n’Sushi der er ganske effektive både med web og apps til bestilling af mad.


• 1 milliard USD gennem online bestilling• Ønskede Enterprise virtualisering

Opfatter hver butik som sit eget datacenterOplevede øget performance ved skiftet til Hyper-V på IO, CPU/Ram

• 5.000 Butikker i USHver med 2 fysiske Hosts og en virtuel maskine der afvikler POS (Kasseapparat)I alt 15.000 maskiner der administreres af 2 personer

• Med System Center er det hurtigt at afgøre om


en fejl vedrører hele systemet eller en enkelt maskine


Timing: 1 minute

[Presenter Guidance: Consider adding recent announcements on Microsoft investments across mobility, social, cloud

and Big Data into talk track.]

Key Point:

• Microsoft is embracing these trends in the offerings we are bringing to market.


• At Microsoft we’re directly experiencing these megatrends and we’ve evolved our business strategies to embrace


• Our recent investments in devices such as Windows Phone and Surface leverage the mobility trend.

• Skype and Yammer are huge new investments in social and Office 15 brings social to the fore across the entire


• We’ve made the bold commitment to design for the cloud first and our new cloud OS [WinServer 2012, Azure,

SysCenter] is a result of this. We’ve also built some of the largest and most efficient datacenters in the world. • Our approach to big data business analytics with SQL2012 uses Hadoop - an open source platform for crunching huge

amounts of a data across a vast set of servers.

Script:• Each of these technology megatrends will play a significant role in the enterprise of today and tomorrow.

• They are putting your IT organization in an unprecedented position to contribute strategically to your business, using technology to support and drive business priorities.

• They are also changing the status quo. Transforming your business by taking advantage of the new opportunities that these megatrends present can help you stay competitive in an expanding world of smaller, more nimble competitors.

• Today’s most successful businesses are harnessing these trends.• Consider the Amazon Kindle—Amazon now sells more Kindle books than printed books, and part of the reason for the

success of the model is that it uses mobile networks to deliver e-books to customers virtually anywhere, instantly.


• Businesses like Best Buy are reaching out to customers through social networks, providing a new standard of service by identifying issues proactively in public arenas and then resolving those issues transparently through the channels that their customers prefer to use.

• When we talk with our enterprise customers about how they see technology influencing their industry, a few

key themes emerge.

• Finding and addressing inefficiencies and eliminating unnecessary costs. This has been the focus of

most businesses over the past few years. Within IT, the cost discussion often focuses on the fact that too much

of the IT budget is anchored in simply supporting and maintaining existing systems—up to 80 percent for some

companies. How can the cloud―public, private or hybrid―help you change this balance? And how well can

you dig into your business and operational data to identify opportunities for more efficient processes?

• Fostering a culture of innovation. Creating an environment that encourages the piloting of new technologies

can lead to competitive advantage. Without a doubt, the rise of the cloud is enabling new ways of doing

business that were cost prohibitive just a couple of years ago. And advances in mobile and social technologies

are enabling people to connect and share in new ways. And yet, technology is not enough.

• Stimulating an ongoing and enriching long-term relationship with customers. Both online and offline, your

customer interactions have never been more crucial to building brand loyalty.

• Your opportunity is to re-evaluate your business models and find opportunities to transform your business.

With four megatrends converging at the same time, we believe it’s critical to make these trends central to your

business strategy. Addressing them individually or not addressing them at all risks putting you at a disadvantage with

your competitors.

Transition: Let’s look at how one of our customers is rethinking the retail shopping experience.

Additional Information:

• Amazon Kindle:


• Best Buy Twelpforce:

• “Gartner Executive Programs' Worldwide Survey of More Than 2,300 CIOs Shows Flat IT Budgets in 2012, but IT

Organizations Must Deliver on Multiple Priorities.” Gartner, Inc. January 18, 2012.

• Frank Gens. "IDC Predictions 2012: Competing for 2020.” IDC. Doc #231720. December 2011.

• Hadoop -


Key points:• We believe that the next wave in enterprise mobile will be about enabling a fluid,

seamless mobile experience for users. Going mobile is no longer about carrying a single mobile device. Going mobile now means the ability for any user to pick up any device in the context of what they are doing, and have instant access to all of their “stuff”—settings, data, and applications that follow the user and flow seamlessly from device to device.

• For many organizations, mobile investments have been about enabling their people to be always on and always available. Untethering your workforce can help you become more agile as an organization, enabling people to collaborate with each other from anywhere and at any time—without the need for or cost of travel—and speeding decision making. It can also help you respond to customers faster, helping to improve your products and services quicker than your competitors and build a more satisfied and loyal customer base.

• Mobile is leading to an inevitable blurring of lines between work and personal information, tasks, and tools, including the rapid rise in popularity of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) initiatives. The implementation of policies, processes, and the latest technology can provide an effective way for organizations to embrace BYOD with the security and privacy assurances enterprises need.


• Looking ahead, today’s connected cloud infrastructure is enabling enterprises to deliver contextually relevant content and applications to employees, partners, and customers, and continue to improve those experiences through greater intelligence around user actions and activities. While building cloud services for a mobile-enabled world is becoming the new norm, it’s also important for mobile strategies to get the most out of investments made in legacy systems.


Key Points: • Microsoft is bringing together the software that end users love with the platform that IT needs, to deliver a combined best-in-

class experience. • Microsoft is in a unique position because we own a fantastic set of assets.

• On the EXTERNAL side – we are building in the hooks you need to engage customers and partners within consumer and business social networks. Today that’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Skype. But these are evolving constantly and we are building in an extensible way that will easily adapt and bridge to what’s next. By bringing Office to the cloud as a service (Office 365), we are empowering users to bridge their business and personal lives.

• On the INTERNAL side – we are bringing together and weaving social capabilities across networking, collaboration, email, unified communications, and business applications.

• We offer enterprise social networking with Yammer, content collaboration and management with SharePoint, Office productivity with Office 365, and communications and presence with Lync --and we are combining these tools to create new experiences that help people get things done.

• We announced new social integration with Microsoft Dynamics, including social analytics and social marketing capabilities. We are bringing together Lync and Skype so that Lync users can seamlessly connect with more than 30 million Skype users. And the near future you’re going to hear about more integrations with Yammer, SharePoint, and email.

• In order to be successful within your business, social must be a part of a connected platform that IT can rely on to manage and secure. Business leaders get value from a connected platform as well – because it means users will have a single identity and presence across individual tools. And leaders can connect social analytics with other business data for powerful insights.

Detailed Script: • Microsoft has an exciting vision for enterprise social: we want to help companies transform their business with enterprise

social. In order for that to happen, two things are necessary: • First, social can't just be a destination—social capabilities must be a natural part of how we work, seamlessly woven into the

tools you use every day to get your work done. Social has to be easy, frictionless, and in context. Microsoft is in a unique position to deliver a seamless experience because we own a fantastic set of assets—social, collaboration, email, and unified communications—and we are combining these tools to create new experiences that help people get things done. Our vision of a connected experience is to have a tool that will allow you to start a conversation in a newsfeed, ping one of the participants


on IM, escalate to voice and video, follow up over email, and circle back to the original conversation with an update. We want to have the context of those conversations follow you across those tools, and have everyone involved be able to participate in the interactions regardless of where they are or what device they have with them. Some of this is already possible today, and we will continue building this “connected experiences” scenario to make it available to everyone. Microsoft has the depth andbreadth of capabilities to realize this vision.

• On the EXTERNAL side – we are building in the hooks you need to engage customers and partners within consumer and business social networks. Today that’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Skype. But these are evolving constantly and we are building in an extensible way that will easily adapt and bridge to what’s next. By bringing Office to the cloud as a service (Office 365), we are empowering users to bridge their business and personal lives.

• On the INTERNAL side – we are bringing together and weaving social capabilities across networking, collaboration, email, unified communications, and business applications.

• We offer enterprise social networking with Yammer, content collaboration and management with SharePoint, Office productivity with Office 365, and communications and presence with Lync --and we are combining these tools to create new experiences that help people get things done.

• We announced new social integration with Microsoft Dynamics, including social analytics and social marketing capabilities. We are bringing together Lync and Skype so that Lync users can seamlessly connect with more than 30 million Skype users. And the near future you’re going to hear about more integrations with Yammer, SharePoint, and email.

• Second, in order to be successful, social must be part of a platform that IT can rely on to manage and secure. The information in a social network is some of the most valuable intellectual property in the company. The platform needs sophisticated security, management, and compliance capabilities that don't get in the way of the users, but do allow IT to sleep better at night. We align to existing enterprise standards and have the manageability, control, and governance capabilities that IT cares about. Business leaders can rest assured that Microsoft solutions will be IT-approved. For business leaders, having a standard cross-company social solution with IT as a partner is a good thing—it will maximize the integration, connectedness, and the value they can extract from their social technology investments. It will ensure users have a unified identity and presence across individual tools. And it will enable leaders to bring together social analytics with other business data for powerful insights.


Timing: 5 minutes

Key Points:• Business intelligence is helpful in maintaining the business, providing a historical

view into typically highly structured data. However, it has some hurdles to adoption, including the need for specialized skills.

• Big data offers a number of advantages, including predictive analytics and greater use of unstructured data.

• Our approach is a holistic approach that brings together business intelligence and big data. It’s about creating a data culture that makes data-based decision making a natural part of the business.

Script:• So, how should you think about business analytics for your company? • The key to making business analytics work is ensuring that the business managers

who are making the day-to-day sales and marketing decisions are able to get close to the data that will help them in the decision-making process. This has been a challenge for businesses for several years. In fact, according to Gartner, since 2008 “the level of [business intelligence] adoption has remained almost static at below 30


percent.” • That leads us to the first step: simplifying business intelligence. There are a lot of

companies trying to do business intelligence today—trying to make use of the data they have on their customers to better serve them, trying to determine return on marketing investment by tracking web traffic data, trying to use patterns in the data to determine where the business isn’t running as efficiently as it could. All of this is business intelligence. And business intelligence as we know it has been focused on getting the most out of databases that have been specifically constructed to support the collection, housing, and cleansing of data. These databases are typically used to house structured data, such as customer information or web traffic data. Companies today use business intelligence to grow their businesses—whether that means ensuring that customer satisfaction remains steady, ensuring that there are no issues in production, or understanding when and how their customers are spending at certain times of the day.

• However, today’s business intelligence tools have some barriers to use:• People can struggle to mine the data in the databases with tools that are often

unwieldy or not familiar to business users and require specialized skills to get insights.

• Typically, business intelligence is about knowing the question you want to answer before you look at the data and working within defined parameters, rather than using the data to explore for insights.

• The tools may rely on the business intelligence user—who often sits within an IT department or an analytical function—to partner with the business requestor to get the best out of the data. These partnerships may not always be smooth and may ultimately mean some potential insights are never realized.

• And then there are those businesses that have a handle on business intelligence and are trying to achieve more. They may not know the question they want to ask, but instead want to discover unforeseen nuggets of insight. Essentially, they are moving into the realm of big data. They want to do things like:• Use analytics to predict customer behavior. • Mine massive datasets to look for patterns that can help streamline business

processes.• Explore Twitter feeds, PDF files, Word documents, and click streams to uncover

insight. According to the Boston Consulting Group, 60 percent of millennials rate products and services online, versus 46 percent of non-millennials, which means that getting insight into unstructured data (such as online comments, in addition to ratings) will be increasingly important as millennials become even stronger purchasers.

• These businesses are looking to tackle the increasing volume, velocity, and variety issues related to big data.

• There is tremendous complexity in managing big data, but tremendous opportunity too. The goal is to build a “data culture”—to quickly create an environment that


brings business users closer to the data and provides the capabilities for them to navigate it and gain insight from it to respond to outside factors and compete more effectively, all as part of their day-to-day work.

• At Microsoft, we think about business intelligence and big data holistically. We refer to it as “business analytics”—an umbrella term for a vision that is about making data and insights a natural part of business and building excitement about adopting a data culture. Ultimately, this will allow you to move first and move fast.

Additional Information:• “Business Intelligence Adoption Trends, 2011.” Gartner, Inc. November 18, 2011.• “Study Highlights Distinctive Buying Behaviors and Attitudes of U.S. Millennials.”

Boston Consulting Group. July 12, 2012.


Presenter guidance: Use this slide to differentiate our approach to cloud services: people-focused, comprehensive and enterprise-grade

Key points:

• Our approach to services embodies three inherent strengths that in combination is something only Microsoft is

positioned to deliver:

• Microsoft services are people-focused

• For years, Microsoft has been delivering experiences that appeal to end-users driving maximum

productivity, regardless of location or device.

• The Microsoft cloud brings our same focus on people to the arena of services – mirroring the

familiarity and ease-of-use from our on-premises products into our Cloud services. This all leads to

higher user adoption and improved productivity with lower training costs.

• More than 50 million active users of Office Web Apps tap in to Office 365 productivity capabilities

– benefiting from anywhere access to familiar Office tools, plus enterprise-grade email,

conferencing, collaboration, enterprise social capabilities, and more IT services. O365 is easy to set

up and use, Work from anywhere and is Worry-free for IT

• 1 billion+ users choose Office, Skype, Yammer & SkyDrive every day to get work done and engage

in communications & collaboration. In fact, 1/3 of WW phone traffic is driven by Skype.

• Our cloud apps are designed to work together to drive personal, group and business productivity.

For example, sign in with your Microsoft account to any of your PCs running Windows 8 and you'll

immediately see your own background, display preferences, and settings. So, with the new Office, your personalized Office goes where you go.

• We have a comprehensive set of high-value services

• We offer an unmatched breadth and depth of capabilities from platform to productivity apps to

business solutions…an integrated portfolio of cloud services across platforms, apps & devices

along with one of world’s largest developer base & partner ecosystems.

• No business service you create today lives on an island – for example, a mobile app can be tied

into your financial and collaboration solutions – and you can take action and connect through

email or IM tools. You need all of these to connect together in an agile way. You need a comprehensive cloud – from platform, to productivity, to business solutions to do this. It doesn’t


make business sense to make a one-off software decision in today’s world.

• For example, over 80,000 organizations use Microsoft Dynamics to achieve better performance by

connecting with customers in new ways, automating business processes, and gaining real-time data

and insights to proactively improve operations. Dynamics CRM runs in Outlook and brings together

Office 365, Yammer and Skype services to help sales, marketing and customer service teams

collaborate to find and win new customers, as well as nurture customer satisfaction and loyalty.

• The Microsoft cloud provides a single sign on capability (with common identity and Active Directory

integration), an integrated management view across cloud and on-premises and a common

development platform across PC, phone, browser, on premises and cloud.

• Microsoft services are enterprise-grade.

• What matters most is working with a company you know that has the experience, reach and

footprint you can trust fully. Leading governments, Financial Services organizations and others rely

on Microsoft because our Cloud services are global, secure, reliable and fault tolerant.

• No other cloud vendor can match Microsoft in our experience on running and building services -

MSN in 1995, to Hotmail, Windows Live, and Bing today, in fact, we were running internet-scale

services before Google was born.

• We pour all our learning from this experience into our services – from platform, to productivity, to

business solutions. Today, 1+ billion customers at 20+ million businesses in 76+ markets worldwide

depend on Microsoft’s cloud.

• Microsoft allows customers to leverage their investments today while adopting cloud at their own

pace. Windows Azure and Windows Server together deliver the best cloud platform for hybrid IT

implementations so you can integrate the Microsoft cloud platform with your existing IT assets and


• Microsoft built our platform with a design-for-first-party-but-think-of-third-party mentality. As a

result, the core of the Windows Azure cloud-computing platform is based on technologies

developed to run Bing, as is the Windows Azure storage service.

• Beyond being battle tested, enterprise-grade includes the highest levels of security, privacy &

reliability, which all requires heavy investments in engineering excellence and state-of-the-art data

centers. Microsoft goes after the most rigorous global and regional security, data protection,

accessibility and environmental standards.

• Our cloud infrastructure and state-of-art data centers comprise one of the largest networks globally

with geo-replicated customer data – and with 30,000+ software engineers involved in cloud-based

activities, our customers get the benefit of that massive technical expertise.

• Today, our cloud services span a wide range of capabilities, including:

• Business solutions through Microsoft Dynamics that bring together the Microsoft cloud platform and

productivity apps with easy-to-use CRM and ERP apps to help organizations grow fast while managing costs.

• Applications and services, such as Office 365 that offers the best and deepest productivity experience and

spans unified communications, email, collaboration and social capabilities.

• A consistent cloud and enterprise platform powered by Windows Azure, an open and flexible cloud

platform that enables you to quickly build, deploy and manage apps across a global network of Microsoft-

managed datacenters. And with Windows Server for on-premises or private clouds, the two provide the

broadest and most-trusted array of data and infrastructure services.