GrizzNation Literature

Post on 18-Mar-2016

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Grizznation Literature magazine Topic: Music



Table of Contents

History of music... 4-5Difference in music... 6-7What music is like... 8World-wide music... 9Music opinions... 10-11Culture music... 12-13Music art... 14-15Poetry... 16-17Credits... 18Group photo... 19


In ancient Greece the muses included the goddess of music, poetry, art, and dance. Someone who makes music is called a musician. Even people from the stone age created music. The first music was probably made by trying to imitate sounds and repeat rhythms that were occurring natu-rally. Human music can echo these phenomena using some patterns, re-pition, and even tonality. Even to this day these types of music still exist. Music also served as entertainment during the Stone Age and it even had practical uses such as luring in animals as they were hunting.


Music is an art that puts sounds together in a way that interests people. Most music consists of either people singing and sounds and instruments such as a piano, guitar, saxophone and many more. The word music comes from the greek word mousike which means art of the muses.


Music these days varies among the age groups. The older age groups listen to music such as country, jazz, and many other types because that is the type of music that they were raised around and what the people they were around listened to so it rubbed off on them and they grew to not only like those types of music but in a sense to love those types of music.



The younger generation listens to a lot of r&b, hip hop, rap, and even alternative rock, and Dubstep because those are the types of music that is popular and the types of music that are popular in the younger generations. Although, not only do these certain age groups listen to only that type of music some people are what I like to call “Mood Listeners”. “Mood Listeners” are people who listen to certain types of music depending on their mood at the time.


Music is a worldwide sensation. All throughout the world there are many different types of music and many different reasons for why the different types of music have been created! Some music has been created for cultural and religious reasons while other types of music were made for dancing purposes and for possible relaxation.

The truly amazing thing about music is that it can be made by anything. For example, you can take two sticks and a trash can and make a really cool beat or you can take a guitar and make a awesome solo! There is honestly no end to music how it’s made and the types of music.


Jorge Mendoza- “Music is very relaxing to me. I listen to music all of the time, and it does not matter what kind I just like to listen to music.”

Victor Perez- “Music is just a way for me to do something. I like to lis-ten to mainly r&b and hip hop.”

Justin Grubb- “I’ll listen to almost any type of music. I listen to music because it coms me.”


To me music is a way to escape the everyday drama and stress. I listen to all different types of music because I listen to different music de-pending on my mood. It would be literally impossible for me to live without music. Music is a type of communication in a way. It relates to many different people and things. For many others alike me music is a lifelong addiction. Music is also a way for me to escape my life and enter into my own little world and forget about all of my worries and problems.


Music is in every culture. Each culture has its on type of music and their own reason for having that type of music. Most of the time music has a lot to do with both culture and religion. There are all different types of mu-sic. Music is something that is not limited to us humans. Music is used for many different things. For example music is used for relaxation, entertain-ment, games, and even for some people it is a life style.

Almost everyone likes more than just one type of music. It would be a very hard task to find out what todays most popular music is because there are so many different types of music and everyone listens to multi-ple types of music. There is no end to music and I believe that there never will be!


Music has been around since the first signs of life. Music is everywhere you go even if it’s not with actual instruments you could use pretty much any-thing. There is an incredible amount of genres of music and everyone pre-fers the ones they like best. There is music the goes from Classic to Pop to R&B and even to Dubstep. Aside from the genres I listed there is so much more! Depending on everyone’s own personality and the things they like, different people have different tastes in music. There are probably some genres of music that not most people have even heard of. Not only does it vary on your personality, it also can vary on how old the person may be. Like I said there are so many genres of music that I may not even be able to name them all, but only the ones I have actually heard of.




AngerAnger is not a feeling.

But a way of blame

To try to point it the other way

People bicker and say the same

But anger fuels the mind ablaze

Although, it takes place on the best of days

Anger appears in the worst of ways

Then disappears in a foggy haze

Forgotten till the next day

By: Anonymous and Anonymous

Thinking Of himWhen I sit in the sun I know that you’re the one

That will always be by my sideRain, snow or shine you will always be mine

The smile you smile for no one elseIs the smile I smile to myself when I think about you

All these things I feel insideAre hard to describe

Just promise you’ll always be mineThrough rain, snow or shine.

By anonymous


True FearWhat is your worst fear

To know your death or to be completely unknowing

For some to know is worse than others While for the rest it is a mind boggling ques-

tionBut for me it’s the truth

By: Anonymous

Thinking Of himWhen I sit in the sun I know that you’re the one

That will always be by my sideRain, snow or shine you will always be mine

The smile you smile for no one elseIs the smile I smile to myself when I think about you

All these things I feel insideAre hard to describe

Just promise you’ll always be mineThrough rain, snow or shine.

By anonymous



Credit to:


(Reading from right to left)“Professor” Xavier Baca... Artist/set upJustin “Grubbnation” Grubb... Artist/set upBriana “BDB” Keck... Writer/PhotographerDon “Smithsonian” Smith Writer/PoetAustin “Beasty” Thao... Editor in cheifNick “Sprout” Stout... PhotographerMaria “Smiles” Lopez... PhotographerAlondra Rios... MusicEmilia Jaimes... PhotographyRigoberto “Shifu” Mendoza... MusicJon “Sr.” Sigsby... MusicYuliana “YOLO” Martinez...

Music:Moonlight Sonata... Beethoven

Special Thanks to:Mrs. Garcia...Mrs. Spencer...
