Groundwater balance in pabna, bangladesh

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

A study of groundwater balance in pabna district.

MD. Rubiat islam Ovey, Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering,

The monthly Rainfall and sprocessed and analyzed for the year of 2001 to 2007. The result of the analysis has been represented in different forms.water level is declining with time. This phenomenon occurs due to over exploration of ground water for irrigation. It is also found that the So the infiltration time is also decreasing results insufficient recharge of groundwater reservoir. Finally it is found that on a regional basis the ground water level is being depleted about 2 meter over the period of investigation.

The groundwater is one of the earth’s most important resources. It exists whatever water penetrates beneath chemical and physical properties, geological environment, natural movement, recovery and utilization. The groundwater becomes a useable resource when the formations in the zone of saturation are perennialife, both animal and plants. In order of importaprocesses water took the position after oxygen. Though almost all groundwater can be thought of as a part of hydrologic cycle, busource like Meteoric water, C

Rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. The depth at which soil pore spaces or fractures become completely saturated with water is called the water table. Ground water is recharge from and eventually flows to the surface naturally; natural discharge often occurs at springs and seeps, and can be form oases or wetlands. Groundwoften withdrawn for agricultural, domestic and industrial use by constructing and operating extraction wells. The study of the distribution and movement of groundwater in hydrology also called groundwater hydrology.

The water, which can be useis called ground water. Bangladesh has abundant surface and many water resources but they are very difficult to manage because the water of the rivers are shared with neighboring nations. There a

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

A study of groundwater balance in pabna district.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering,University of Rajshahi


The monthly Rainfall and static water level data of seven stations in Pabna have processed and analyzed for the year of 2001 to 2007. The result of the analysis has been represented in different forms. It is observed that in most of the station the

ng with time. This phenomenon occurs due to over exploration of ground water for irrigation. It is also found that the duration of rainfall is decreasing.So the infiltration time is also decreasing results insufficient recharge of groundwater

inally it is found that on a regional basis the ground water level is being depleted about 2 meter over the period of investigation.


The groundwater is one of the earth’s most important resources. It exists whatever water penetrates beneath the surface. The subsurface water generally includes chemical and physical properties, geological environment, natural movement, recovery and utilization. The groundwater becomes a useable resource when the formations in the zone of saturation are perennial. Water is absolutely essential to all

nd plants. In order of importance with respect to life and geologic processes water took the position after oxygen. Though almost all groundwater can be thought of as a part of hydrologic cycle, but the groundwater may be classified as source like Meteoric water, Connate water and Juvenile water.

ock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. The depth at which soil pore spaces or fractures become completely saturated with water is called the water table. Ground water is recharge from and eventually flows to the surface naturally; natural discharge often occurs at springs and seeps, and can be form oases or wetlands. Groundwoften withdrawn for agricultural, domestic and industrial use by constructing and operating extraction wells. The study of the distribution and movement of groundwater in hydrology also called groundwater hydrology.

The water, which can be used easily for irrigation that stores under the earth surface, is called ground water. Bangladesh has abundant surface and many water resources but they are very difficult to manage because the water of the rivers are shared with neighboring nations. There are rains in large quantity but their distribution is uneven

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A study of groundwater balance in pabna district.

University of Rajshahi

data of seven stations in Pabna have been processed and analyzed for the year of 2001 to 2007. The result of the analysis has

It is observed that in most of the station the Satic ng with time. This phenomenon occurs due to over exploration of

of rainfall is decreasing. So the infiltration time is also decreasing results insufficient recharge of groundwater

inally it is found that on a regional basis the ground water level is being

The groundwater is one of the earth’s most important resources. It exists whatever the surface. The subsurface water generally includes

chemical and physical properties, geological environment, natural movement, recovery and utilization. The groundwater becomes a useable resource when the

l. Water is absolutely essential to all with respect to life and geologic

processes water took the position after oxygen. Though almost all groundwater can be t the groundwater may be classified as to

ock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. The depth at which soil pore spaces or fractures and void in rock become completely saturated with water is called the water table. Ground water is recharge from and eventually flows to the surface naturally; natural discharge often occurs at springs and seeps, and can be form oases or wetlands. Groundwater is also often withdrawn for agricultural, domestic and industrial use by constructing and operating extraction wells. The study of the distribution and movement of

d easily for irrigation that stores under the earth surface, is called ground water. Bangladesh has abundant surface and many water resources but they are very difficult to manage because the water of the rivers are shared with

re rains in large quantity but their distribution is uneven

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

and concentrated mainly in monsoon. Therefore stress on ground water is increasing rapidly.

Ground water potential is now a day considered as one of the important resources to form a significant component in the development program of the country. It is particularly important for development of agriculture in the northern part of the country where the surface water potential is seasonal and limited also.

It is very important to know about the wateirrigation a huge amount of water is necessary. Ground water is the supreme source of natural water supply. Actually this ground water cannot be used, even now a day, to such large extent as cooperated to its avaimanagement of ground water resources require knowledge of extent of storage, the rate of discharge form and recharge to underground reservoirs and the use of economical means of extraction. In addition the development utilization in the future also demands the increased management and maintenance of water lifting pumps as well as water yield of good quality. There are several ponds in the area and some of them are capable of storing large quantity of watmost of these ponds either become dry or contain a little amount of water during the summer season. These ponds play very important role in the local replenishment of ground water. The ground water level of this investigated area varies from plplace.

Water is vital to life and development in all parts of the world. In third world countries where the agriculture sector plays a key role in their common growths, the management of water resources is an item of high priority in their developactivities. Ground water is vital sources of water supply, especially in areas, where dry summer or extended drought causes surfaces water bodies to dry. The major goal in the development of agriculture in Bangladesh is to achieve selfproduction through intensive irrigation with emphasis on quickdevelopment. Bangladesh has abundant surface, ground water resources, fertile soil and suitable climate for yeargroundwater level (G.W.L) because of climate the main changes are due to the human abstraction. Ground water is replenished form precipitation and form surface water, but the rate of abstraction (withdrawal by humans) may exceed the rate of natural recharge, leading to reduction of the source. Some aquifers, especially in arid and semiarid regions, contain pale waters (fossil groundwater) stored from earlier periods of wetter climate: the reduction of the reserves is comparable to “mining”. In alluvial plains, reductions in stream flow reduce the rate of natural recharge to acquire. In Bangladesh it is estimated that local

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

and concentrated mainly in monsoon. Therefore stress on ground water is increasing

Ground water potential is now a day considered as one of the important resources to omponent in the development program of the country. It is

particularly important for development of agriculture in the northern part of the country where the surface water potential is seasonal and limited also.

It is very important to know about the water level during the irrigation because for irrigation a huge amount of water is necessary. Ground water is the supreme source of natural water supply. Actually this ground water cannot be used, even now a day, to such large extent as cooperated to its availability. The proper development and management of ground water resources require knowledge of extent of storage, the rate of discharge form and recharge to underground reservoirs and the use of economical means of extraction. In addition the development utilization in the future also demands the increased management and maintenance of water lifting pumps as well as water yield of good quality. There are several ponds in the area and some of them are capable of storing large quantity of watmost of these ponds either become dry or contain a little amount of water during the summer season. These ponds play very important role in the local replenishment of ground water. The ground water level of this investigated area varies from pl

Water is vital to life and development in all parts of the world. In third world countries where the agriculture sector plays a key role in their common growths, the management of water resources is an item of high priority in their developactivities. Ground water is vital sources of water supply, especially in areas, where dry summer or extended drought causes surfaces water bodies to dry. The major goal in the development of agriculture in Bangladesh is to achieve self-sufficient in production through intensive irrigation with emphasis on quick-yielding ground water development. Bangladesh has abundant surface, ground water resources, fertile soil and suitable climate for year-round cropping. There are natural changes in

ter level (G.W.L) because of climate changes (drought, pluvial episodes) but the main changes are due to the human abstraction. Ground water is replenished form precipitation and form surface water, but the rate of abstraction (withdrawal by

ceed the rate of natural recharge, leading to reduction of the source. Some aquifers, especially in arid and semiarid regions, contain pale waters (fossil groundwater) stored from earlier periods of wetter climate: the reduction of the

le to “mining”. In alluvial plains, reductions in stream flow reduce the rate of natural recharge to acquire. In Bangladesh it is estimated that local

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and concentrated mainly in monsoon. Therefore stress on ground water is increasing

Ground water potential is now a day considered as one of the important resources to omponent in the development program of the country. It is

particularly important for development of agriculture in the northern part of the country where the surface water potential is seasonal and limited also.

r level during the irrigation because for irrigation a huge amount of water is necessary. Ground water is the supreme source of natural water supply. Actually this ground water cannot be used, even now a day, to

lability. The proper development and management of ground water resources require knowledge of extent of storage, the rate of discharge form and recharge to underground reservoirs and the use of economical means of extraction. In addition the development of ground water utilization in the future also demands the increased management and maintenance of water lifting pumps as well as water yield of good quality. There are several ponds in the area and some of them are capable of storing large quantity of water. However most of these ponds either become dry or contain a little amount of water during the summer season. These ponds play very important role in the local replenishment of ground water. The ground water level of this investigated area varies from place to

Water is vital to life and development in all parts of the world. In third world countries where the agriculture sector plays a key role in their common growths, the management of water resources is an item of high priority in their developments activities. Ground water is vital sources of water supply, especially in areas, where dry summer or extended drought causes surfaces water bodies to dry. The major goal in

sufficient in food yielding ground water

development. Bangladesh has abundant surface, ground water resources, fertile soil round cropping. There are natural changes in

drought, pluvial episodes) but the main changes are due to the human abstraction. Ground water is replenished form precipitation and form surface water, but the rate of abstraction (withdrawal by

ceed the rate of natural recharge, leading to reduction of the source. Some aquifers, especially in arid and semiarid regions, contain pale waters (fossil groundwater) stored from earlier periods of wetter climate: the reduction of the

le to “mining”. In alluvial plains, reductions in stream flow reduce the rate of natural recharge to acquire. In Bangladesh it is estimated that local

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

groundwater level has dropped nearly 3m because of upstream dams and diversions of the Ganges.

So, environment in water resources, both surface and underground, would contribute substantially to achieve selfcountry is believed to be over exploited. Unless enough caution is exercised in groundwater withdrawal to meet the additional demands, long, term dewater-bearing formation will causes many hazards.

LOCATION OF THE STUDY AREA The study area, Pabna district, is located in the southcorner of greater Rajshahi division (Fig.2.1).The area comprises nine upazillas, Unions, 1083 Mauzas and 1562 Villagesof the district is between 2489˚25’ east longitude. Pabna District is bordered by the north, Rajbari and Kushtiato the east, Kushtia district and the Padma River to the west.Padma and the Jamuna flowing along the boundaries of the study area are sustaining the environmental balance and socioalmost a plain land of an average elevation of 14m whereas the northwestern part is slightly more elevated with maximum elevation of 22m.The investigated area is located in the shelf region zone of Bangladesh and was formesediments carried by the river Padma and its tributaries in the Pleistocene age. The alluvium is composed of clay and sand of different grains. The overall soil quality is very much suitable for groundwater potential. The topmost forclay and silt, is underlain by fine, medium and coarse sand. The aquifer system in the investigated area may be schematized into an aquifer of variable thickness.


of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

groundwater level has dropped nearly 3m because of upstream dams and diversions of

onment in water resources, both surface and underground, would contribute substantially to achieve self-sufficiency in food. Groundwater in most part of ocountry is believed to be over exploited. Unless enough caution is exercised in

wal to meet the additional demands, long, term debearing formation will causes many hazards.


The study area, Pabna district, is located in the southcorner of greater Rajshahi division (Fig.2.1).The area comprises nine upazillas, Unions, 1083 Mauzas and 1562 Villages covering 2371.50 Sq.Km. of the district is between 24˚03’ to 24˚12’ North latitudes and between 89

Pabna District is bordered by Sirajganj and NatoreKushtia districts to the south, Manikganj and Sirajganj districts

to the east, Kushtia district and the Padma River to the west. The two major rivers, the Padma and the Jamuna flowing along the boundaries of the study area are sustaining the environmental balance and socio-economic development. The entire study area is almost a plain land of an average elevation of 14m whereas the northwestern part is slightly more elevated with maximum elevation of 22m.The investigated area is located in the shelf region zone of Bangladesh and was formed by the deposition of sediments carried by the river Padma and its tributaries in the Pleistocene age. The alluvium is composed of clay and sand of different grains. The overall soil quality is very much suitable for groundwater potential. The topmost formation, composed of clay and silt, is underlain by fine, medium and coarse sand. The aquifer system in the investigated area may be schematized into an aquifer of variable thickness.

Location of Pabna in Bangladesh Map.

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groundwater level has dropped nearly 3m because of upstream dams and diversions of

onment in water resources, both surface and underground, would contribute d. Groundwater in most part of our

country is believed to be over exploited. Unless enough caution is exercised in wal to meet the additional demands, long, term de-watering of

The study area, Pabna district, is located in the south-eastern corner of greater Rajshahi division (Fig.2.1).The area comprises nine upazillas, 73

covering 2371.50 Sq.Km. The Geo position and between 89˚10’ to

Natore districts to and Sirajganj districts

The two major rivers, the Padma and the Jamuna flowing along the boundaries of the study area are sustaining

lopment. The entire study area is almost a plain land of an average elevation of 14m whereas the northwestern part is slightly more elevated with maximum elevation of 22m.The investigated area is

d by the deposition of sediments carried by the river Padma and its tributaries in the Pleistocene age. The alluvium is composed of clay and sand of different grains. The overall soil quality is

mation, composed of clay and silt, is underlain by fine, medium and coarse sand. The aquifer system in the investigated area may be schematized into an aquifer of variable thickness.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi


To study the fluctuation of Static Water Level (SWL) and variation of Rain Fall (R.F) water budget of the year 2001 to 2007, data of 9 upazilas of pabna district of seven yearDevelopment Board (BWDB). The monthly Rainfall of seven years wasfor this study. Each station location collected are also provided in Table 3.1.

Fig-3.1 Location of each station Area in pabna map.


The collected data were processed and analysis to study water level in different years and seasons in made with the annual variation of maximum and minimum water level at the region. Rainfall data is the basis source of wateits fluctuation during consecutive years have been studied with the analysis of maximum and minimum RF of thas been presented in different diagram and tables. Finally the ground water the study area has been prepared for the study area for the period of 2001 to 2007.

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering


study the fluctuation of Static Water Level (SWL) and variation of Rain Fall (R.F) of the year 2001 to 2007, data have been studied. The SWLof pabna district of seven years were collected from Bangladesh Water

Development Board (BWDB). The monthly Rainfall of seven years wasEach station location are shown in Fig-3.1. The details of the data

collected are also provided in Table 3.1.

ocation of each station Area in pabna map.

were processed and analysis to study the fluctuation of ground different years and seasons in each data point. This analysis has been

variation of maximum and minimum water level at the region.

Rainfall data is the basis source of water in any area. Annual variation, its fluctuation during consecutive years have been studied with the analysis of

ximum and minimum RF of the study area. The information of in different diagram and tables. Finally the ground water

been prepared for the study area for the period of 2001 to 2007.

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study the fluctuation of Static Water Level (SWL) and variation of Rain Fall (R.F) have been studied. The SWL and RF data

were collected from Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). The monthly Rainfall of seven years was also collected

The details of the data

ocation of each station Area in pabna map.

the fluctuation of ground each data point. This analysis has been

variation of maximum and minimum water level at the region.

r in any area. Annual variation, annual RF and its fluctuation during consecutive years have been studied with the analysis of

different analysis in different diagram and tables. Finally the ground water budget in

been prepared for the study area for the period of 2001 to 2007.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Table-3.1: Specific location of the data parts


A statistical analysis of Rainfall Dec) in the period of (2001exits between the monthly and annual rain fall data. Linear regression analysis of the data is found to be significant of the 12 month. Smean value of coefficient of variability (PIV) relative variability (RV) and percentage entire annual variability (CV) have been studied. The Rain Fall has to sustain the increasing needs of agriculture irrigation, ththe rain fall distribution is so great that some part suffers heavy droughts, while some parts suffer heavy floods. Thus the international variability of summer monsoon rain fall is a complex phenomenon and is knwell the global features. The rain fall varies from year to year and even within a

Upazilla Bera



Faridpur Bhanghura Chatmohor




of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

Specific location of the data parts.


atistical analysis of Rainfall data of 9 unions in pabna district (Janriod of (2001-2007) have been done. It has been observed that a good

exits between the monthly and annual rain fall data. Linear regression analysis of the data is found to be significant of the 12 month. Some key statistical parameter like the mean value of coefficient of variability (PIV) relative variability (RV) and percentage entire annual variability (CV) have been studied. The Rain Fall has to sustain the increasing needs of agriculture irrigation, the rapid industrialization. The disparity in the rain fall distribution is so great that some part suffers heavy droughts, while some parts suffer heavy floods. Thus the international variability of summer monsoon rain fall is a complex phenomenon and is known to deepen upon regional circulation as well the global features. The rain fall varies from year to year and even within a

Union Mouzajatsakin AminpurDulai Bandanpur

Tantibonda BaraiparaKhetupara BhairabpurR/Ataikula GanghohatiNondonpur Rangamatia

Faridpur ChitholiaBhanghura SarutiaChatmohor Ankutia

Handial D.PatiataDB Gram DilalpurMajpara SarutiaDebbotor


Laxmipur JatrapurNazirpur NazirpurVarara Naldah

Shadullahpur Chartarapur Kocksabari

Shara Paksey

Laxmikunda PakuriaSolimpur VaraimariShapur BabulchoraDasuria Ataisimul

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of 9 unions in pabna district (Jan-. It has been observed that a good

exits between the monthly and annual rain fall data. Linear regression analysis of the ome key statistical parameter like the

mean value of coefficient of variability (PIV) relative variability (RV) and percentage entire annual variability (CV) have been studied. The Rain Fall has to sustain the

e rapid industrialization. The disparity in the rain fall distribution is so great that some part suffers heavy droughts, while some parts suffer heavy floods. Thus the international variability of summer monsoon rain

own to deepen upon regional circulation as well the global features. The rain fall varies from year to year and even within a

Mouza Aminpur

Bandanpur Baraipara

Bhairabpur Ganghohati Rangamatia Chitholia Sarutia Ankutia D.Patiata Dilalpur Sarutia

Koundarppur Ovirampur

Jatrapur Nazirpur Naldah Dublia

Kocksabari Jaudia Bagoil Pakuria

Varaimari Babulchora Ataisimul

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

season over the country. Total rainfall data has been used in these studies to examine large scale fluctuation in rainfall. There yearly anomaly maximum rain fall variance over a particular region. For the statistical analysis of the rain fall data, three measurement of variability of annual rain fall, monthly rainfall the between the recharcalculated. Hence monthly rainfall increases linearly.


The monthly variation of rainfall data study area as shown in Fig-4.1.

Fig-4.1 Monthly

Here, Analysis of Monthly Rainfall Data of 7 years within 2001 to 2007 From Fig-4.1 it is observedRain fall occurs in the year 2003.

Maximum rainfall is 1.206m on 2002 and minimum rainfall is 0m in every year.

The monthly distribution of rainfall follows the usual pattern of monsoon with heavy rains starting in May & ending in September and very little of no rainfall during the rest of the year.

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

season over the country. Total rainfall data has been used in these studies to examine large scale fluctuation in rainfall. There are several studies that have been made on yearly anomaly maximum rain fall variance over a particular region. For the statistical analysis of the rain fall data, three measurement of variability of annual rain fall, monthly rainfall the between the recharge and annual rain fall data have been calculated. Hence monthly rainfall increases linearly.


The monthly variation of rainfall data of the years 2001 to 2007 4.1.

Monthly RF variation of Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur

Here, Analysis of Monthly Rainfall Data of 7 years within 2001 to 2007 it is observed that heavily Rain fall occurs in the year 2002 and low

Rain fall occurs in the year 2003.

Maximum rainfall is 1.206m on 2002 and minimum rainfall is 0m in every year.

The monthly distribution of rainfall follows the usual pattern of monsoon with heavy rains starting in May & ending in September and very little of no rainfall during the

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season over the country. Total rainfall data has been used in these studies to examine are several studies that have been made on

yearly anomaly maximum rain fall variance over a particular region. For the statistical analysis of the rain fall data, three measurement of variability of annual rain fall,

ge and annual rain fall data have been

the years 2001 to 2007 in the

RF variation of Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur

Here, Analysis of Monthly Rainfall Data of 7 years within 2001 to 2007 are presented. that heavily Rain fall occurs in the year 2002 and low

Maximum rainfall is 1.206m on 2002 and minimum rainfall is 0m in every year.

The monthly distribution of rainfall follows the usual pattern of monsoon with heavy rains starting in May & ending in September and very little of no rainfall during the

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi


The variation of annual Rain fall

Fig: 4.2 Annual Rain Fall

Here, Analysis of Rainfall Datafigure it is observed that low annual Rainfall occurs in annual rainfall is in 2002 i.e. 2.657m.

Here, low rainfall is very low in 2007. So, if rain fall high then the waterhigh and low rainfall is then low recharge of ground water.

Fig-4.2: shows the annual RF variationminimum RF recorded in the year 2007 and 2003 and maximum recorded in the year 2002 and 2005.


Static Water Level is the position of the Ground Water in the subThis level varies with season’s exploration of Ground Water declines with the Static Water Level positions. Similarly the water bodies raises the water level. Generally in the post monsoon period it goes to greater depth and pre monsoon times it goes up near to the surface. The fluctuation of this to extreme points in discharge and recharge of ground water. The monthly and annual fluctuation of Static Water Level has been study and presented it different forms. Anomalies of minimum and maximum Water level position 2007 have been estimated and presented.

Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to collection, analysis, interpretation of data. Statistical improve the quality of data with design of experiments

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering


The variation of annual Rain fall data with the years as shown in Fig

Annual Rain Fall variation of Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur

is of Rainfall Data of 7 years within 2001 to 2007 are it is observed that low annual Rainfall occurs in 2007 i.e. 0.4623m and high

2002 i.e. 2.657m.

Here, low rainfall is very low in 2007. So, if rain fall high then the waterthen low recharge of ground water.

4.2: shows the annual RF variation in Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur for seven years. The recorded in the year 2007 and 2003 and maximum recorded in the year


Static Water Level is the position of the Ground Water in the subThis level varies with season’s exploration of Ground Water declines with the Static Water Level positions. Similarly infiltration of water due to the precipitation or from the water bodies raises the water level. Generally in the post monsoon period it goes to greater depth and pre monsoon times it goes up near to the surface. The fluctuation of

a particular location helps to estimate the net annual discharge and recharge of ground water. The monthly and annual fluctuation of Static Water Level has been study and presented it different forms. Anomalies of minimum and maximum Water level position of different position with a reference from 2001 to 2007 have been estimated and presented.

is a mathematical science pertaining to collection, analysis, interpretation of data. Statistical improve the quality of data with design of experiments

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as shown in Fig-4.2.


are displayed. In this . 0.4623m and high

Here, low rainfall is very low in 2007. So, if rain fall high then the water recharge

r seven years. The recorded in the year 2007 and 2003 and maximum recorded in the year


Static Water Level is the position of the Ground Water in the sub-surface. This level varies with season’s exploration of Ground Water declines with the Static

infiltration of water due to the precipitation or from the water bodies raises the water level. Generally in the post monsoon period it goes to greater depth and pre monsoon times it goes up near to the surface. The fluctuation of

a particular location helps to estimate the net annual discharge and recharge of ground water. The monthly and annual fluctuation of Static Water Level has been study and presented it different forms. Anomalies of minimum

of different position with a reference from 2001 to

is a mathematical science pertaining to collection, analysis, interpretation of data. Statistical improve the quality of data with design of experiments and sampling.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Statistics also provides tools for prediction and forecasting using data and statistical model. Statistics is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, including natural and social science. Statistical method can be used summarizecollection of data; this is called descriptive statithe study area have been considered in this analysis considering the depth of the water level in the observation wells the data have been grouped. Tstatistical representation are:

1. Planning the research, including determining information sources, research subject selection, and ethical consideration for the proposed research and method.

2. Design of experiments, concentration of the syof independent and dependent variables.

3. Summarizing a collection of observations.4. Reaching consensus about the observations.5. Documenting / presenting the results of the study.


Water level varies continuously with time depends on the Rain Fall and uses of water in several purpose. The Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur during time period fig-5.1.

Fig-5.1 Monthly water position of Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur.


of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

Statistics also provides tools for prediction and forecasting using data and statistical model. Statistics is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, including natural and social science. Statistical method can be used summarizecollection of data; this is called descriptive statistics. The Static Water Level data of the study area have been considered in this analysis considering the depth of the water level in the observation wells the data have been grouped. The basic steps of a statistical representation are:

Planning the research, including determining information sources, research subject selection, and ethical consideration for the proposed research and

Design of experiments, concentration of the system model and the interaction of independent and dependent variables. Summarizing a collection of observations. Reaching consensus about the observations. Documenting / presenting the results of the study.


Water level varies continuously with time depends on the Rain Fall and uses of water in several purpose. The SWL monthly variation of

during time period from 2001 to 2007 are displayed

nthly water position of Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur.

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Statistics also provides tools for prediction and forecasting using data and statistical model. Statistics is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, including natural and social science. Statistical method can be used summarizes or describes a

cs. The Static Water Level data of the study area have been considered in this analysis considering the depth of the water

he basic steps of a

Planning the research, including determining information sources, research subject selection, and ethical consideration for the proposed research and

stem model and the interaction

Water level varies continuously with time depends on the Rain Fall and monthly variation of

are displayed shown in

nthly water position of Bera,Jatsakin,Aminpur.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

In this Fig-5.1 the Static water level is maximum in the year 2007 i.e. 6.47m and minimum in the year 2001 i.e. .36m. So, July is the semi rainfall period and very low Static Water Level of 1.32m but Octois 3.7m on 2007.

Due to rapid lowering of static water level, several problems may be arised. The natural supply of ground water is usually limited with regard to time and place. In recent years, the use of thexcessive stress upon the ground water resource, the yield capacity is being reduced and the need to conserve them is now generally recognized. It is clear to require for sound development wise use and pr


Groundwater levels change for many reasons. Some changes are due to natural phenomena, and others are caused by man’s activities. Missouri has many different aquifers. Some are relatively shallow unconfined aquifers that are affected by surface activities. Others are much deeper confined aquifers that are well isolated from surface or shallow subsurface influences. Some aquifers consist of competent bedrock units; others are composed of unconsolidated sediments. Some aquifers are heavily used for water supply while others receive very little use. All of these factors can influence how water levels in the aquifers change over time.

(a) Pre-Monsoon period

Fig-5.2.1 Maximum and minimumdifferent years.

It is observed from fig-5.2.1(a) that the SWL goes down in the year 2006 with respect to the others years. It indicates that huge amount of water extract from the ground.observed from fig-5.2.1(b) that the SWL goes up in the year 2001.The SWL is 6.5m on the year 200









L (


of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

he Static water level is maximum in the year 2007 i.e. 6.47m and minimum in the year 2001 i.e. .36m. So, July is the semi rainfall period and very low Static Water Level of 1.32m but October is the dry season at this time maximum SWL

Due to rapid lowering of static water level, several problems may be arised. The natural supply of ground water is usually limited with regard to time and place. In recent years, the use of this limited supply has grown enormously. Due to this excessive stress upon the ground water resource, the yield capacity is being reduced and the need to conserve them is now generally recognized. It is clear to require for sound development wise use and protection of this resource.


Groundwater levels change for many reasons. Some changes are due to natural phenomena, and others are caused by man’s activities. Missouri has many

are relatively shallow unconfined aquifers that are affected by surface activities. Others are much deeper confined aquifers that are well isolated from surface or shallow subsurface influences. Some aquifers consist of competent

composed of unconsolidated sediments. Some aquifers are heavily used for water supply while others receive very little use. All of these factors can influence how water levels in the aquifers change over time.

Monsoon period (b) Post

and minimum SWL variation of Bera, jatsakin, aminpur for

5.2.1(a) that the SWL goes down in the year 2006 with respect to the others years. It indicates that huge amount of water extract from the ground.

5.2.1(b) that the SWL goes up in the year 2001.The m on the year 2006 and Minimum SWL is .36m on the year 2001.

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008











L (


Page | 9

he Static water level is maximum in the year 2007 i.e. 6.47m and minimum in the year 2001 i.e. .36m. So, July is the semi rainfall period and very low

ber is the dry season at this time maximum SWL

Due to rapid lowering of static water level, several problems may be arised. The natural supply of ground water is usually limited with regard to time and place. In

is limited supply has grown enormously. Due to this excessive stress upon the ground water resource, the yield capacity is being reduced and the need to conserve them is now generally recognized. It is clear to require for

Groundwater levels change for many reasons. Some changes are due to natural phenomena, and others are caused by man’s activities. Missouri has many

are relatively shallow unconfined aquifers that are affected by surface activities. Others are much deeper confined aquifers that are well isolated from surface or shallow subsurface influences. Some aquifers consist of competent

composed of unconsolidated sediments. Some aquifers are heavily used for water supply while others receive very little use. All of these factors

(b) Post-monsoon period

of Bera, jatsakin, aminpur for

5.2.1(a) that the SWL goes down in the year 2006 with respect to the others years. It indicates that huge amount of water extract from the ground. It is

5.2.1(b) that the SWL goes up in the year 2001.The Maximum and Minimum SWL is .36m on the year 2001.

2005 2010

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Trend of Variation of Water Table

Pre-monsoon:groundwater resources are often handicapped by nonlevel data which are required for assessing the changes in storage of groundwater in response to rainfall, evaporation, pumpage, surface irrigation, soil conservation, urbanization and a host of other causes. Historic water level data arforecasting future trends of water levels in response to the adoption of modern concepts in groundwater reservoir operation A careful continuous monitoring of water table is very important for any planning related to the groundwater deany particular area. On the basis of monitoring data of both premonsoon for the years from 2001 to 2007, an attempt has been made to determine the change of the depth of water table in each upazilla with reference to the watethe year 2001. The records of consideration. The Fig.5.3.1study area. The figures relate the real condition of groundwater reserves of the area. It is observed from the figure that in prestudy area is declining with reference to the water level of the year 2001. In most of the areas a permanent fall of groundwater level is occurred. In Faridpur it is the maximum of 3.16m.

Fig.5.3.1 Trend of variation of water table with reference to the year locations of the study area in pre

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

of Variation of Water Table

monsoon: Evaluation, development and management of groundwater resources are often handicapped by non-availability level data which are required for assessing the changes in storage of groundwater in response to rainfall, evaporation, pumpage, surface irrigation, soil conservation, urbanization and a host of other causes. Historic water level data are also essential for forecasting future trends of water levels in response to the adoption of modern concepts in groundwater reservoir operation A careful continuous monitoring of water table is very important for any planning related to the groundwater deany particular area. On the basis of monitoring data of both pre-monsoon and postmonsoon for the years from 2001 to 2007, an attempt has been made to determine the change of the depth of water table in each upazilla with reference to the watehe year 2001. The records of April of the observation well were taken

.1 represents the trend of the change of water table in the study area. The figures relate the real condition of groundwater reserves of the area. It is observed from the figure that in pre-monsoon period the static water level of the

with reference to the water level of the year 2001. In most of the areas a permanent fall of groundwater level is occurred. In Faridpur it is the

Trend of variation of water table with reference to the year in pre-monsoon.

Page | 10

Evaluation, development and management of of historic water

level data which are required for assessing the changes in storage of groundwater in response to rainfall, evaporation, pumpage, surface irrigation, soil conservation,

e also essential for forecasting future trends of water levels in response to the adoption of modern concepts in groundwater reservoir operation A careful continuous monitoring of water table is very important for any planning related to the groundwater development of

monsoon and post-monsoon for the years from 2001 to 2007, an attempt has been made to determine the change of the depth of water table in each upazilla with reference to the water table of

April of the observation well were taken into represents the trend of the change of water table in the

study area. The figures relate the real condition of groundwater reserves of the area. It monsoon period the static water level of the

with reference to the water level of the year 2001. In most of the areas a permanent fall of groundwater level is occurred. In Faridpur it is the

Trend of variation of water table with reference to the year 2001 for several

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Post-monsoon: The main source of groundwater recharge is the annual precipitation during the monsoon season and the groundwater level goes up after the post monsoon period. The graphical representation offour upazillas (Fig-5.3.2) are representing the amount of variation of recharge happened in individual years with reference to the year 2001. From the figures it could be said that the water level after post mmost of the cases a gradual declinations are clearly observed. The impact of these phenomena is affecting the groundwater reserve. If it continues in long term, environmental degradation will happen there. Thlevel during the post-monsoon period of 2001been presented in Fig-5.3.2individual years has been taken into account. From the fpost-monsoon season the water levels of Bera, Sujanagar, Shanthia, Bhangura and Faridpur have highly been declined with reference to the year declination is observed in the area of Faridpur of 3.16m. The remaithe sustainable conditions of water level with the reference year 2001. If the trend of declining nature continues, the wells of the area will be affected in getting sufficient groundwater in the time of demand.

Fig.5.3.2 Trend of variation of water table with reference to the year 2001 for different locations of the study area in

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

The main source of groundwater recharge is the annual precipitation during the monsoon season and the groundwater level goes up after the post monsoon period. The graphical representation of water levels in the month of September of the

) are representing the amount of variation of recharge happened in individual years with reference to the year 2001. From the figures it could be said that the water level after post monsoon period is also declining in the area. In most of the cases a gradual declinations are clearly observed. The impact of these phenomena is affecting the groundwater reserve. If it continues in long term, environmental degradation will happen there. The change of the trend of static water

monsoon period of 2001-2007 with respect to the year 205.3.2. The water level information of the September of

individual years has been taken into account. From the figure it is observed that in monsoon season the water levels of Bera, Sujanagar, Shanthia, Bhangura and

Faridpur have highly been declined with reference to the year 2001declination is observed in the area of Faridpur of 3.16m. The remaining upazillas have the sustainable conditions of water level with the reference year 2001. If the trend of declining nature continues, the wells of the area will be affected in getting sufficient groundwater in the time of demand.

Trend of variation of water table with reference to the year 2001 for different in post-monsoon.

Page | 11

The main source of groundwater recharge is the annual precipitation during the monsoon season and the groundwater level goes up after the post monsoon

onth of September of the ) are representing the amount of variation of recharge

happened in individual years with reference to the year 2001. From the figures it could onsoon period is also declining in the area. In

most of the cases a gradual declinations are clearly observed. The impact of these phenomena is affecting the groundwater reserve. If it continues in long term,

e change of the trend of static water 2007 with respect to the year 2001 has

. The water level information of the September of igure it is observed that in

monsoon season the water levels of Bera, Sujanagar, Shanthia, Bhangura and 2001. The maximum

ning upazillas have the sustainable conditions of water level with the reference year 2001. If the trend of declining nature continues, the wells of the area will be affected in getting sufficient

Trend of variation of water table with reference to the year 2001 for different

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Anomaly of SWL and RF

An anomaly is a term describing the incidence when the actual result under a given set of assumptions is different from the expected result.something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or of the year of 2001 is considered as the the standard value or reference value. Fig-6.1 has shown the variation of data in different location in the study area. From the below Fig-6.1 maximum SWL curve indicates the change in maximum ground water level with respect to the year 2001. Similarly the minimum SWL curve indicates the change in minimum SWL with respect to the year 2001. The Rainfall curve indicates the annual change in RF amount in millimeter with respect to the year 2001. The Fluctuation curve indicates the variation between maximum and minimum SWL with respect to the year 2001. In Fig-6.1(a) it is observed that the minimum SWLincreasing the years. This indicated that the the position of minimum SWLhigher than the water level position ofSujanagar, Santhia, Atghoria and Ishwardi which are shown in FigFig-6.1(e) respectively. But in Figfollow that phenomenon. That time the minimum SWLminimum SWL position of 2001.

It is also observed that the fluctuation curve of Bera, Shujanagais increases whereby the fluctuation curve of Chatmohor is decreases years.

It is also found that the Rainfall curve varies slightly in Chatmohor, Ishwardi, Atghoria and faridpur whereby largely varies in Bera and

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

Anomaly of SWL and RF

An anomaly is a term describing the incidence when the actual result under assumptions is different from the expected result.

something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or considered as the the standard value or reference value.

he variation of data in different location in the study area.

6.1 maximum SWL curve indicates the change in maximum ground water level with respect to the year 2001. Similarly the minimum SWL curve indicates the change in minimum SWL with respect to the year 2001. The Rainfall

nual change in RF amount in millimeter with respect to the year 2001. The Fluctuation curve indicates the variation between maximum and minimum SWL with respect to the year 2001.

6.1(a) it is observed that the minimum SWL curve of Bera is decreasinincreasing the years. This indicated that the the position of minimum SWL

than the water level position of 2001. This phenomenon is Santhia, Atghoria and Ishwardi which are shown in Fig-6.1(b),

But in Fig-6.1(c) the minimum SWL in Chatmohor does not . That time the minimum SWL position is lower than the

minimum SWL position of 2001.

It is also observed that the fluctuation curve of Bera, Shujanagar, Santhia and Ishwardi is increases whereby the fluctuation curve of Chatmohor is decreases

It is also found that the Rainfall curve varies slightly in Chatmohor, Ishwardi, Atghoria and faridpur whereby largely varies in Bera and Shujanagar.

Page | 12

An anomaly is a term describing the incidence when the actual result under assumptions is different from the expected result. In other word,

something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. In this case, the is considered as the the standard value or reference value.

he variation of data in different location in the study area.

6.1 maximum SWL curve indicates the change in maximum ground water level with respect to the year 2001. Similarly the minimum SWL curve indicates the change in minimum SWL with respect to the year 2001. The Rainfall

nual change in RF amount in millimeter with respect to the year 2001. The Fluctuation curve indicates the variation between maximum and minimum

of Bera is decreasing with increasing the years. This indicated that the the position of minimum SWL in Bera is

also followed by 6.1(b), Fig-6.1(d),

) the minimum SWL in Chatmohor does not position is lower than the

r, Santhia and Ishwardi is increases whereby the fluctuation curve of Chatmohor is decreases with increasing

It is also found that the Rainfall curve varies slightly in Chatmohor, Ishwardi, Shujanagar.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Fig-6.1 Variation of SWL & RF with respect to the year 2001.

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

Variation of SWL & RF with respect to the year 2001.

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Variation of SWL & RF with respect to the year 2001.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi


Some portion of the the annual precipitation percolates downward and is added to the ground water reservoir. Adding of water in this form to the underground water storage is technically known as ground water recharge. In order to increases the natural supply of ground water, man has to depend on large volume of recharge to be infiltrated downward.of water out of an area of saturated soil.

Recharge to ground water of an area can be estimated by several methods. Here we use the water level fluctuation techniques.

In these techniques the ground water recharge is related to the water level fluctuation, area of the zone and porosity of that arepabna zone area of 35%.

Estimation equation is,


If we the water level fluctuation is in km and ���thentheresultingwater recharge

Recharge and discharge of ground water of Table-7.1 and Table-7.2. Recharge and condition of each individual measurement data are in ��

so some recharge and discharge cannot be obtain indicated by hyphen (-) in the T

discharge of each individual upazilas

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering


Some portion of the the annual precipitation percolates downward and is added to the ground water reservoir. Adding of water in this form to the underground water storage is technically known as ground water recharge. In order to

ly of ground water, man has to depend on large volume of recharge to be infiltrated downward. Hence, Ground water discharge is the movement of water out of an area of saturated soil.

Recharge to ground water of an area can be estimated by several methods. Here we use the water level fluctuation techniques.

In these techniques the ground water recharge is related to the water level fluctuation, area of the zone and porosity of that area. It has been examined that the

/Discharge = water level fluctuation * study

If we the water level fluctuation is in km and water recharge is in���.

Recharge and discharge of ground water of each individual station are shown in the Recharge and Discharge of ground water with balance

each individual Upazilas are also shown in Table���. Some of the data are missing from the collected value

so some recharge and discharge cannot be obtain from the collected data in the Table. Some graphical representation of recharge and

discharge of each individual upazilas for different years are shown in Fig

Page | 14


Some portion of the the annual precipitation percolates downward and is added to the ground water reservoir. Adding of water in this form to the underground water storage is technically known as ground water recharge. In order to

ly of ground water, man has to depend on large volume of Hence, Ground water discharge is the movement

Recharge to ground water of an area can be estimated by several methods. Here we

In these techniques the ground water recharge is related to the water level fluctuation, examined that the porosity of the

study area* porosity.

If we the water level fluctuation is in km and study area is

individual station are shown in the of ground water with balance

also shown in Table-7.2. All the Some of the data are missing from the collected value

from the collected data which are Some graphical representation of recharge and

are shown in Fig-7.1.

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Table-7.1 Recharge and Discharge of ground water of the station Atghoria,Santhia and Ishwardi of different years





Discharge Recharge








Discharge Recharge








Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

nd Discharge of ground water of the station Atghoria,Santhia different years in ���.


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

- -3.27 -2.97 -3.36 -3.25

3.34 2.89 1.76 4.99 2.63

- -5.15 -4.08 -2.96 -4.55

4.69 4.87 2.77 4.87 3.08

- -3.05 -3.37 -3.34 -3.48

2.23 2.77 2.06 5.23 2.57

- -3.33 -3.37 -3.34 -3.48

2.6 2.77 2.06 5.23 2.57

- -5.34 -5.78 -6.56 -2.38

4.91 6.24 5.57 2.55 -

- -5.05 -5.24 -6.9 -2.49

4.2 4.8 5.31 2.45 2.44

- -4.6 -5.4 -6.64 -2.21

3.8 4.5 5.3 2.64 1.9

- -2.62 -3.93 -3.83 -4.81

3.5 2.12 3.73 4.66 3.75

- -2.1 -3.6 -3.7 -3.8

3.02 2.06 3.57 4.41 3.01

- -1.82 -2.30 -2.98 -2.8

2.89 1.71 2.26 3.4 1.37

- -2.46 -2.05 -2.65 -2.33

3.45 1.87 2.06 3.27 0.99

- -1.82 -2.3 -2.98 -2.8

2.89 1.71 2.26 3.47 1.37

- -2.44 -3.54 -5.06 -4.18

3.18 3.00 3.95 4.78 4.18

Page | 15

nd Discharge of ground water of the station Atghoria,Santhia

2006 2007

-2.54 -2.6

1.98 1.16

-3.22 2.67

3.06 4.65

-2.5 2.28

2.15 3.9

-2.5 -2.28

2.15 3.9

- -3.38

- 3.66

-0.68 -3.12

1.54 5.24

-0.7 -0.8

1.4 3.5

-2.58 -4.52

2.84 5.34

-3.5 -4.0

4.07 5.14

-2.38 -2.37

2.51 3.55

-2.88 -3.7

2.75 4.57

-2.38 -2.37

2.51 3.55

-3.99 -4.39

4.20 5.36

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Table-7.2 Recharge and Discharge of ground water of the

P. Sadar,Chatmohor, Faridpur, Bhangura and Shujanagar of different years

In Table-7.1 and Table-7.2 recharge is indicated by positive sign and discharge is indicated by negative sign. amount of recharge and discharge are notare not equal in area. The amount of discharge and recharge is high for large and low for small area.





Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge

Db Gram


Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge



Discharge Recharge

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

Recharge and Discharge of ground water of the station Bera,

P. Sadar,Chatmohor, Faridpur, Bhangura and Shujanagar of different years

7.2 recharge is indicated by positive sign and discharge is indicated by negative sign. From Table-7.1 and Table-7.2 it is observed that the

and discharge are not equal for all station because all the station ot equal in area. The amount of discharge and recharge is high for large and low


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

- -3.48 -3.45 -3.43 -2.78

3.8 2.89 3.53 2.78 2.34

- -6.64 -3.71 -6.64 -5.40

6.41 3.29 7.25 5.51 6.99

- -7.31 -4.03 -6.74 -8.74

5.68 3.74 6.54 5.74 8.40

- -7.34 -4.61 -8.09 -4.53

7.22 3.24 7.24 6.05 7.02

- -6.30 -3.83 -6.54 -4.97

6.02 3.34 6.52 4.50 7.13

- -3.85 -4.32 -7.79 -5.90

4.31 3.70 6.18 6.48 5.95

- - -4.89 -8.16 -7.11

- 4.18 6.38 8.00 8.06

- -3.67 -4.94 -7.94 -8.18

4.10 3.90 6.41 7.03 6.25

- -3.10 -2.68 -3.87 -2.80

3.10 2.89 2.17 3.92 1.96

- -2.09 -1.62 -4.03 -2.95

2.57 2.18 2.00 4.14 2.45

- -3.61 -5.71 -6.26 -4.69

5.46 5.44 5.59 4.51 4.49

- -4.47 -4.36 -5.14 -5.85

4.10 4.50 4.03 5.20 4.33

Page | 16

station Bera,

P. Sadar,Chatmohor, Faridpur, Bhangura and Shujanagar of different years in ���.

7.2 recharge is indicated by positive sign and discharge is 7.2 it is observed that the

equal for all station because all the station ot equal in area. The amount of discharge and recharge is high for large and low

2006 2007

-2.52 -2.82

2.61 2.13

-6.99 -7.37

6.99 7.53

-7.81 -1.63

5.74 5.04

-5.85 -4.61

4.55 6.07

-5.91 -4.64

4.58 6.27

-4.45 -6.24

4.69 2.88

-6.83 -6.84

6.09 7.91

-4.33 -6.00

5.08 4.97

-1.93 -2.38

1.91 3.65

-1.85 -4.62

2.39 4.8

-3.47 -3.51

2.60 4.78

-4.15 -3.30

2.73 5.29

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Table-7. 3: Balance of groundwater of

From the Table-7.3 it is observed that negative and some are Positive. Positive sign indicates that the amount of water recharge is higher than the amountindicates that the amount of water discharge during the measurement period 2001 to 2007.the net balance of 6 years (2002ground water discharge is finally estimated that a permanentwater level is focused.


Parameter 2001


Discharge -

Recharge 3.8

Balance -


Discharge -

Recharge 3.1

Balance -


Discharge -

Recharge 2.57

Balance -


Discharge -

Recharge 4.30

Balance -



Discharge -

Recharge 4.78

Balance -


Discharge -

Recharge 3.21

Balance -

Chatmohor Discharge -

Recharge 4.19

Balance -

P. Sadar

Discharge -

Recharge 6.33

Balance -


Discharge -

Recharge 3.15


of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

groundwater of individual upazilas.

is observed that the ground water balance of some upazilas arenegative and some are Positive. Positive sign indicates that the amount of

than the amount of ground water discharge and negative sign indicates that the amount of ground water recharge is lower than the amount of

discharge during the measurement period 2001 to 2007. It is also observed that (2002-2007) is negative. It also indicates that the amount of

discharge is higher than the amount of ground water a permanent declination of approximately 2 meter of ground


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

-3.48 -3.45 -3.43 -2.78 -2.52 -2.82

2.89 3.53 2.78 2.34 2.61 2.13

-0.59 0.08 -0.65 -0.44 0.09 -0.96

-3.1 -2.68 -3.87 -2.8 -1.93 -2.38

2.89 2.17 3.92 1.96 1.91 3.65

-0.21 -0.51 0.05 -0.84 -0.02 1.27

-2.09 -1.62 -4.03 -2.95 -1.85 -4.62

2.18 2.00 4.14 2.45 2.39 4.8

0.09 0.38 0.11 -0.5 0.54 0.18

-4.99 -5.47 -6.7 -2.32 -.46 -2.25

5.52 5.44 2.56 1.44 0.98 4.45

0.53 -0.03 -4.14 -0.88 0.52 2.2

-4.04 -5.04 -5.7 -5.27 -3.31 -3.40

4.97 4.81 4.86 4.41 2.67 5.04

0.93 -0.23 -0.84 -1.15 1.63 0.93

-3.7 -3.44 -3.25 -3.69 -2.69 -2.45

3.32 2.16 5.08 2.71 2.34 4.15

-0.38 -1.28 1.83 -0.98 -0.36 1.7

-3.74 -4.71 -7.96 -7.06 -5.53 -6.36

3.92 6.32 7.17 6.75 5.28 6.25

0.18 1.61 -0.79 -0.31 -0.25 -0.11

-6.89 -4.04 -7.00 -5.91 -6.64 -4.56

3.4 6.88 5.45 7.38 5.46 6.22

-3.49 2.84 -1.55 1.47 -1.18 1.66

-2.21 -2.96 -3.53 -3.46 -2.95 -3.56

2.07 2.97 3.99 2.44 3.14 4.58

-0.14 .01 0.46 -1.02 0.19 1.02

Page | 17

balance of some upazilas are negative and some are Positive. Positive sign indicates that the amount of ground

discharge and negative sign recharge is lower than the amount of ground

It is also observed that so indicates that the amount of

ground water recharge. It is 2 meter of ground














Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Fig-7.1 Bar diagram of Recharge and Discharge

In Fig-7.1 Blue color indicates the amount ofindicates the amount of ground water discharge for a particular year. IFrom the Fig-7.1 that in some of recharge. These phenomena cannot be obtained in every year. After several the ground water level goes to the balance condition.

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

Recharge and Discharge of ground water for different

7.1 Blue color indicates the amount of ground water recharge and Red color indicates the amount of ground water discharge for a particular year. I

that in some year the amount of discharge is higher than the of recharge. These phenomena cannot be obtained in every year. After several the ground water level goes to the balance condition.

Page | 18

water for different station.

ground water recharge and Red color indicates the amount of ground water discharge for a particular year. It is observed

higher than the amount of recharge. These phenomena cannot be obtained in every year. After several years

Dept. of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

There is no rainfall occur equally aloccurs in rainy season. The soil of the study area is clay formation having intermediate range of permeability to infiltrate. As a result a little amount of rain water is infiltrated into the gr

Ground water level shows a seasonal pattern of fluctuation. The magnitude of fluctuation depends upon the qualities of water recharge and dischcontinuously with the advance of wet and dry season. Analysis the records of ground water level in observation well of Paba have indicated the level rises to its peak in the month of August to September even to October in some place. During intensity of rainfall decreases ground water level starts depleting rapidly. At that time water level remain much higher than of stream level. The ground water table at that time remains only a few below or nearly the ground surface. Staticgroundwater dynamics. Groundwater assessment studies involve correlation of water table fluctuations as recorded in wells with climatic elements dominantly rainfall. Both storage and rainfall are the part of the hydrologic cycle. The recharge of groundwater is influenced by surface water body and rainfall. On the other hand, groundwater discharge occurs due to abstraction used for various purposes. It is observeresult indicates that recharge and discharge are not in equilibrium condition.


[1] Karnath, K, R., 1990, Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management, McGrawCompany Limited, New Delhi, India, P. 32

[2] Mahajan, G., 1989, Evaluation and Development of Groundwater, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, India. P. 15-78.

[3] Groundwater Level Fluctuations in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Journal of Hydrology, Vo344-355, 2004.

[4] “Estimation of Groundwater recharge from Water Level and Precipitation Data.” JournalAcademy of Sciences Vol. 1(2), 87- [5] Gleick PH (1989). Climate change, hydrology, and water resources. Rev. Geophys., 27(3): 329344. [6] Maathuis H, Thorleeifson LH (2000). Potential impact of climate change on prairie ground water supplies: Review of Current Knowledge. Sackatchewan Resear [7] Chen ZS, Osadetz MK (2002). Prediction of average annual groundwater levels from climate ariables: An empirical model. J. Hydrol., 260: 102

of Applied physics and Electronic Engineering

CONCLUSION ually all the month in a year in our country. The major precipitation

season. The soil of the study area is clay formation having intermediate range of a result a little amount of rain water is infiltrated into the gr

Ground water level shows a seasonal pattern of fluctuation. The magnitude of fluctuation depends upon the qualities of water recharge and discharge. The ground water level in study area continuously with the advance of wet and dry season. Analysis the records of ground water level in observation well of Paba have indicated the level rises to its peak in the month of August to September even to October in some place. During October, November and December when the intensity of rainfall decreases ground water level starts depleting rapidly. At that time water level remain much higher than of stream level. The ground water table at that time remains only a few

surface. Static water level data provides a great deal of information about groundwater dynamics. Groundwater assessment studies involve correlation of water table fluctuations as recorded in wells with climatic elements dominantly rainfall. Both storage and rainfall are the part of the hydrologic cycle. The recharge of groundwater is influenced by surface water body and rainfall. On the other hand, groundwater discharge occurs due to abstraction used for various purposes. It is observed that there is a declining nature of groundwater level. This result indicates that recharge and discharge are not in equilibrium condition.

Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management, McGrawmpany Limited, New Delhi, India, P. 32-68.

, Evaluation and Development of Groundwater, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi,

Groundwater Level Fluctuations in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Journal of Hydrology, Vo

“Estimation of Groundwater recharge from Water Level and Precipitation Data.” Journal-93.

Gleick PH (1989). Climate change, hydrology, and water resources. Rev. Geophys., 27(3): 329344.

Maathuis H, Thorleeifson LH (2000). Potential impact of climate change on prairie ground water supplies: Review of Current Knowledge. Sackatchewan Research Council (SRC), Publication No. 11304

Chen ZS, Osadetz MK (2002). Prediction of average annual groundwater levels from climate ariables: An empirical model. J. Hydrol., 260: 102-117.

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The major precipitation season. The soil of the study area is clay formation having intermediate range of

a result a little amount of rain water is infiltrated into the ground.

Ground water level shows a seasonal pattern of fluctuation. The magnitude of fluctuation depends arge. The ground water level in study area rise and falls

continuously with the advance of wet and dry season. Analysis the records of ground water level in observation well of Paba have indicated the level rises to its peak in the month of August to

October, November and December when the intensity of rainfall decreases ground water level starts depleting rapidly. At that time water level remain much higher than of stream level. The ground water table at that time remains only a few

water level data provides a great deal of information about groundwater dynamics. Groundwater assessment studies involve correlation of water table fluctuations as recorded in wells with climatic elements dominantly rainfall. Both groundwater storage and rainfall are the part of the hydrologic cycle. The recharge of groundwater is influenced by surface water body and rainfall. On the other hand, groundwater discharge occurs due to abstraction

d that there is a declining nature of groundwater level. This

Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management, McGraw-Hill Publishing

, Evaluation and Development of Groundwater, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi,

Groundwater Level Fluctuations in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 288(3-4),

“Estimation of Groundwater recharge from Water Level and Precipitation Data.” Journal of Islamic

Gleick PH (1989). Climate change, hydrology, and water resources. Rev. Geophys., 27(3): 329344.

Maathuis H, Thorleeifson LH (2000). Potential impact of climate change on prairie ground water supplies: ch Council (SRC), Publication No. 11304-200.

Chen ZS, Osadetz MK (2002). Prediction of average annual groundwater levels from climate ariables: An