Group 1 Pro Technology Power Point

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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Assignment 4: Collaborative CEP 810


  • 1. Samuel Sicilia
    Rich Edelen
    Neil Wetherbee
    Point-Counterpoint PresentationGroup 1: Pro-Technology Stance

2. Nine Strategies for Building Better Instruction:
Identifying Similarities and Differences
Summarizing and Note Taking
Reinforcing Effort and ProvidingRecognition
Homework and Practice
Nonlinguistic Representations
Cooperative Learning
Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers
3. Comparing and Contrasting Using Software
4. Identifying Similarities and Differences
Comparison Tasks
Classifying Tasks
Compare Ideas or Objects
Classify or Group Items
Identify how Dissimilar Items are Similar
5. Cons
(Arguments against)
(Arguments for)

  • Technology is Hard to Use

6. Technology Breaks 7. Unreliable Sources 8. Too Much Information 9. Using Technology is a Necessary Skill 10. Software Made for Comparing and Contrasting 11. Just because it can Break doesnt Mean dont use it 12. Learning how to Validate Sources is Important 13. Too Much Information?Identifying Similarities and Differences
14. Increasing Students ability to Distill Information
15. Summarizing and Note Taking
Both[Summarizing and Note Taking] require students to determine what is most important and then state that information succinctly
- Brabec
16. Summarizing and Note Taking
Summarizing Using Video
Discovery Education (United Streaming
Online News Outlets (NBC News, CNN, etc.)
Guided Note Taking
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Work from guided note taking to independent distilling of information
17. Rewarding students
for achieving goals
3. Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
18. UnderstandingtheTeachers Role
Allow students to experience success
Recognize increased, or improved, effort
Express enthusiasm for group ideas
Encourage additional inquiry
Be compassionate
Be sincere
19. Though there are many ways to tell a student he or she has done well, recognition is most effective when it is abstract or symbolic and contingent on students attaining specific performance goals.(p. 1)
- Brabec
20. Enhancing understanding and Skills
4. Homework and Practice
21. Homework and Practice
Deepen Understanding
Strengthen Skills
Importance of Homework Policy
22. Cons
(Arguments against)
(Arguments for)

  • Technology is Hard to Use

23. Not Everyone has Equal Access 24. Students Spend Considerable Amount of Time using Technology at Home 25. Students Lose FilesUsing Technology is a Necessary Skill
Increases teacher / parent contact
Accommodations can be Made
Teaches Constructive Ways to Use Technology
Teaches Responsibility in the Digital Age
Homework and Practice
26. Helping Students Organize Information
5. Nonlinguistic Representation
27. 5. Non-Linguistic Representations
Bridge Map
Circle Map
Brace Map
Flow Map
Bubble Map
28. Using N.L.R. With Technology

  • Use student-friendly websites for students to build their own thinking diagrams (

29. Use a projector to display representations on the white board to fill out as a whole class. 30. N.L.R. can be easily shared and filled out cooperatively via email, school networks, and blogs. 31. Students and teachers can add hyperlinks to specific websites when technology is used to fill out graphic organizers.