Group Fitness Instructor Certification

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Group Fitness Instructor Certification Text


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Metabolic Effect Inc. Company Philosophy, Context, Goals

What is the Metabolic Effect? The Metabolic Effect is the after burn created by directed and intense exercise. In exercise science, this effect is known as EPOC or Oxygen Debt, and exercise done in a specific way can perpetuate this response for hours and days after the workout. Globally the metabolic effect refers to the body’s correct hormonal response to its optimal environment. Every time a person eats, exercises, sleeps, thinks, or engages in any other activity, hormones (signaling molecules) are released. These molecules relay to the internal body how it should respond to the outside world. What is Metabolic Effect Inc.? Metabolic Effect Inc. is a lifestyle and fitness company that uses the latest understanding of strength and conditioning, endocrinology, natural medicine, and lifestyle/behavior modification to allow its clients to find optimal health and fitness. Since everyone is unique and one person’s healthy environment may not be optimal for another, Metabolic Effect Inc. constructs programs that center on the individual. Hence the company acronym ME where the programs are “all about me”, meaning the client. What is the company philosophy? The company subscribes to the belief that exercise is medicine. Food is medicine. Healthy lifestyle is medicine. It is not the genetics of an individual that determine health outcomes, but rather the chosen environmental impact on the genes. Since people choose the environment in which they live, what they eat, how they exercise, and whether or not they get quality sleep; teaching responsible healthcare means helping people reconnect with, understand, and practice the healthy habits that work for them.


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What is the context in which the programs are constructed? Our genetics are roughly equivalent to our hunter gather ancestors who enjoyed robust health and physical fitness. It is the environment of the modern day that has changed. Our bodies are designed with a physiology that is in alignment with the realities of our ancient lifestyle. Choosing habits that mimic the environmental habits of our ancestors, will work with the body and allow improved fitness, function, and form (body shape). The principles of this way of life are:

1) Consistent movement with frequent bouts of high intensity activity during the week

2) Cross-training, where many types of activity are favored over one type 3) A diet that is rich in vegetables, fruit and protein 4) A lifestyle where sleep and rest are balanced with work and exertion.

The mission statement of Metabolic Effect is: To improve the health and well being of our clients through education, motivation, and facilitation of the lifestyle habits required to attain and maintain optimal health, fitness and body composition.


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Metabolic Effect Workout Structure

There are 4 distinct parts of the Metabolic Effect class: 1- 5 minute introduction (Intro/warm-up)

a. focuses on elevating heart rate b. warming the body c. uses calisthenics d. uses dynamic exercises

2- 3, five minute middle segments (Body, 15 min) a. EACH of the THREE 5-minute middle segments

looks like this: i. Hybrid movement 1 ii. Hybrid movement 2 iii. Hybrid movement 3 iv. Hybrid movement 1 v. Hybrid movement 2 vi. Hybrid movement 3 vii. Hybrid movement 1 (with failure techniques) viii. Hybrid movement 2 (with failure techniques) ix. Hybrid movement 3 (with failure techniques) x. SPRINT

3- 2-5 minute of intervals (Intervals) a. Focus on calisthenics, plyometrics, sprint drills, or

fast rep exercises. b. Goal is to spike/burn-out clients and let them rest

multiple times 4- 5 minute recovery/cool down (Cool down)

a. Start with dynamic moves to slow heart rate b. Use static stretches


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Sample Workout (Six 5 min segments= 30 min)

Segment 1 Introduction and Warm-up (5 min.): - Intro to rest-based workout - 4 D’s

o Defaults o Dumbbells o Dizzy/nauseas o Demonstrations (squat/lunge)

Segments 2 - 4 Body (15 min.):

Note: Each of these three segments is made up of 3 hybrid movements done back to back without rest for 3 rounds. AT THE END OF THE 3 ROUNDS, ONE SINGLE SPRINT IS DONE (designed to elevate heart rate)

Segment 2:

1. Squat/press (10-60sec) 2. Lunge/curl/press (10-60 sec) 3. Push-up/row (10-60 sec) Repeat three times Sprint: Squat jumps (10-60sec)

Segment 3:

1. V-sit/Press (10-60sec) 2. Turkish Get-ups (10-60sec) 3. Push-up/side raise (10-60sec) Repeat three times Sprint: New Jacks (10-60sec)

Segment 4:

1. Row/ext (10-60sec) 2. Row/ext/curl (10-60sec) 3. Row/ext/curl/press (10-60sec) Repeat three times

Sprint: Running Rows (10-60sec)

(Continued next page)


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Segment 5 Intervals (2 to 5 min.): Up-downs (high knees to pushups) 20s on 10s off Repeat 4 rounds (2 minutes total) Rest 20 seconds Squat jumps 1 minute Rest 20 seconds Mountain climbers 10s\Reverse mountain climbers 10 sec Repeat 3 rounds (1minute) Rest…………move into cool down Segment 6 Cool down (5 min.): Dynamic stretches (keep moving until HR decreases) Static stretches (whole body) Safety issues (nausea/vomiting/headache) ME nutrition


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The Science of Metabolic Effect PowerPoint lecture The Metabolic Effect concept goes beyond exercise into nutrition and lifestyle factors since they all affect hormones. However, since this document is geared towards personal trainers and group exercise instructors the discussion here will be limited to exercise science. For ease of use and expediency, an outline format will be used to deliver the content. One more note of mention is that ME was designed as a holistic exercise program geared toward producing optimal results in changing the shape of the body, i.e. weight loss. The science by which it is derived comes from the strength and conditioning literature as well as endocrinology and naturopathic medical models. The research shows this form of exercise may be the best exercise for increasing aerobic and anaerobic performance as well as for weight loss. Certain subsets of the conditioning world may need to stick to a slower, more resistance oriented approach (i.e., bodybuilders and power lifters) I. Hormonal Vs. Caloric Exercise

Calories: Most people think in terms of calories and how many are used when exercising. This approach has limitations and does not explain lifestyle and metabolic differences among people. The natural tendency of the body is to regulate its fuel sources stringently. Since our physiology is hardwired to a feast or famine reality, a simple caloric approach to exercise or diet will simply result in the slowing of metabolism. In addition, it is the type of calorie burned, whether sugar or fat, which is most important Hormones: Hormones are chemical messengers in the body. When we talk about hormones what we mean are all signaling molecules in the body (cytokines, eicosanoids, neurotransmitters, etc.) They are basically like computer software, giving the body instructions about what to do in response to the outside world. Reproductive hormones are only one example of messaging molecules, but the instructions delivered by other hormones go beyond concerns of reproduction. Hormones are responsible for regulating the body’s fuel intake and determine things like hunger, fullness, mood, cravings, energy, and motivation. They are also responsible for regulating the body’s fuel usage and whether or not fat is used for fuel and/or sugar is used for fuel. It is far more useful to control the bodies regulating molecules so that we work with the body’s physiology rather than against it


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a. Caloric Exercise i. Based on first law of thermodynamics (energy is neither

created nor destroyed) ii. Relies strictly on willpower iii. Works against physiology iv. Does not explain lifestyle factors v. Does not explain differences in metabolism

b. Hormonal Exercise i. Determines calories burned (sugar vs. fat) ii. Determines calories eaten (willpower) iii. Explains lifestyle effects iv. Explains differences in metabolism

II. Scientific Context

Our physiology is built the same as our hunter gatherer ancestors. Therefore, it is instructive to understand the movement patterns that gave them such robust physical health and fitness. A historic human moved all day. Both male and female alike walked, lifted, hauled, gathered, and worked all day. This was built into their lifestyle. In addition, to lower intensity exercise, they also engaged in vigorous exercise at near max capacity whenever they were hunting, being hunted, or defending themselves. This was also built into their physiology. The high intensity nature of their activity was brief but intense a. Historic Hormonal Exercise

i. Stimulus (catching food, avoiding being food, defending self) ii. Release of stress hormones [cortisol, catecholamines

(adrenaline and noradrenaline)] 1. Release of massive amounts of sugar to fuel intense

activity iii. Build up of metabolic byproducts (ammonia and lactic acid)

1. lactic acid increases and is correlated with the release of growth hormones

iv. Human growth hormone and testosterone released 1. body gets bigger faster stronger

v. Increase chance of surviving next stimulus

This is the threshold effect of exercise. Survival for historic man depended on becoming bigger faster and stronger. The stimulus or stress of the environment forced them to adapt. The body works in a way that dictates that a threshold of intensity must be breached and then the body will respond. The above scenario works like this:


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Stress leads to release of stress hormones. Stress hormones cause release of sugar as a fuel source. Sugar allows for intense activity and can be burned when oxygen becomes limited (as opposed to fat which needs oxygen to burn). As sugar is burned without oxygen, metabolic byproducts build up. One of these byproducts, Lactic acid, will rise and may be the signal that determines the release of growth promoting hormones like HGH, and testosterone. These growth hormones than work with the stress hormones to create a fat burning, muscle building effect on the body. This leads to adaptation of bigger muscles, less body fat, enhanced fitness and adapted function. This scenario can be duplicated in the modern day through the concept of progressive overload.

b. Historic Natural Progressive Overload

i. Progressive overload is necessary for growth (muscle, speed, power, etc.)

ii. Progressive overload primes our physiology iii. Progressive overload teaches us to be fat burners not sugar

burners iv. Progressive overload includes weight, distance, time, and

volume. c. Density of the Historic Workout

i. Refers to fitting a large volume of work into a short period of time

ii. Historic bouts of high intensity exercise were dense and repeated.

III. Fuel usage during exercise

Our body is like a car engine that can burn two fuels; fat or sugar. Fat is analogous to regular unleaded gasoline; it will get you further but performance is compromised. Sugar is like high octane; it gives you a ton of performance but not much mileage.

a. Fuel Mechanics (Relatives vs. Absolutes)

i. High intensity exercise burns more fat/calories/sugar overall

ii. Low intensity exercise burns more relative fat compared to sugar

iii. Low intensity exercise is not as effective at weight loss as high intensity and requires more time.

iv. Example: Two people exercise for 30minutes. One person exercises at a low intensity and burns 100 calories with 70% of these calories coming from fat and 30% coming from sugar. That means person 1 burned 70 calories of fat and 30 calories of


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sugar. Person 2 exercises at a higher intensity and burns 200 calories from the increased energy expenditure. Due to the decreased ability to provide the body with oxygen 50% of the calories burned by person 2 are from fat and 50% are from sugar leading to a grand total of 100 calories of fat burned and 100 calories of sugar burned. Who burned the most fat? Person 2. This demonstrates that high intensity exercise burns more fat and more total calories than its low intensity counterpart. Intelligent exercise is high intensity for this reason.

b. Fuel burned during exercise is NOT the fuel burned at rest

i. The fuel you burn during exercise is the fuel you replenish after exercise

ii. Exercise that burns more relative fat will cause sugar to be burned after exercise. (low intensity exercise)

1. Sugar is used to replenish fat stores iii. Exercise that burns more relative sugar during exercise will

cause more fat to be burned after exercise (high intensity exercise)

1. Glycerol from fat is used to replenish glycogen stores

c. High intensity exercise i. Burns more overall fat/sugar/calories than its low intensity

counterpart ii. Uses intramuscular triglycerides (IMT) as fuel during

exercise, which must be replaced when exercise is over iii. Takes advantage of EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen


IV. EPOC (the scientific name for the Metabolic Effect) A more telling name for this effect is oxygen debt. Have you ever walked up a large flight of stairs? What happens when you reach the top? You breathe much harder after reaching the top then you do while you are actually walking….don’t you? This is a micro-example of oxygen debt created by exercise. It is as if your body says, “Hey, I could not get all the oxygen I needed to do that activity; I better take some time and recover my losses. Guess what happens when you create this effect during exercise? The same thing. After doing correct exercise, your heart and lungs have to work a little harder all day to repair and replace the oxygen and other materials used during activity. Since increased oxygen consumption means increased energy usage in the form of fat, you burn fat at an accelerated rate all day.


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a. EPOC is more a function of intensity than duration b. EPOC is directly proportional to the rise in lactic acid during

exercise c. EPOC can last up to 48 hours d. EPOC is directly proportional to the rise in catecholamine during

intense exercise e. EPOC involves IMT (intramuscular fat) recycling f. EPOC involves glycogen and glucose re-synthesis g. EPOC involves the repair process from broken down tissues h. EPOC effect is blunted by sugar (glucose) and alcohol (acetate) i. EPOC is the Metabolic Effect

V. EPOC is increased by

a. Mechanical failure b. Metabolic failure c. Supersets and compound sets d. Multi-joint exercises e. Hybrid exercises f. Increased volume of work g. Short rest periods h. Increased workout density i. Intervals of high-intensity j. Breaching the Anaerobic Threshold

i. 85% - 95% Max heart rate ii. PER (perceived exertion rate)- not able to speak

VI. The references

a. Metabolism.1994 July;43:814-818 i. Group 1 did 20 weeks steady state aerobics ii. Group 2 did 15 weeks HIIT iii. Group 2- 48% fewer calories (120.4 vs. 57.9) iv. Group2- 9 fold reduction in fat compared to Group 1 v. 3-hydroxyacyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (HADH) enzyme

activity, a marker of fat burning, was significantly elevated in Group 2 but not group 1

b. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2000 Mar;10(1):71-81. i. 7 young women age 22-35 ii. Heavy resistance exercise involving supersets, compound

exercises, mechanical failure, and short rest periods iii. EPOC elevated @ 16 hours (fat burning increased 60% and

Metabolism 4% higher)


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c. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;86(5):411-7. i. Whole Body resistance training workout ii. Lasted 31 min iii. 4 circuits of: Bench Press, Power Cleans, and Squats iv. Supersets, compound movements, failure v. EPOC elevated for 48 Hours!!

d. Decreased Effect of Low Intensity Exercise on Weight Loss i. Miller, Et. Al. (1997). A meta analysis of the past 25 years of weight loss

research using diet, exercise or diet plus exercise intervention. International Journal of Obesity, 21:941-947.

ii. Utter, Et. Al. (1998). Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardio-respiratory fitness in obese women. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 8:213-222.

iii. Wilmore, Et. Al. (1999). Alterations in body weight and composition consequent to 20 wk of endurance training: the HERITAGE Family Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70:346-352.

iv. Jacks, Et. Al. (2002). Effect of exercise at three exercise intensities on salivary cortisol. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 16, 286-289

e. Increased Effect of High Intensity Exercise on Weight Loss i. King, Et. Al. (2001). A comparison of high intensity vs. low intensity

exercise on body composition in overweight women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33, A2421

ii. Pritzlaff, Et. Al. (2000). Catecholamine release, growth hormone secretion, and energy expenditure during exercise vs. recovery in men. Journal of Applied Physiology, 89, 937-946

iii. Melanson, Et. Al. (2002). Effect of exercise intensity on 24-h energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation. Journal of Applied Physiology, 92, 1045-1052

iv. Jacks, Et. Al. (2002). Effect of exercise at three exercise intensities on salivary cortisol. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 16, 286-289

v. Phelain, Et. Al. (1997). Postexercise energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in young women resulting from exercise bouts of different intensity. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 16, 140-146

f. Combinations Workouts are best i. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Jan & September 2008.


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Motivation in the Metabolic Effect Workout The #1 Goal of every Metabolic Effect Instructor is:


GROUP FITNESS WORLD When you teach ME, you should be thinking about everything in the context of motivation:

- Is my count motivating? - Is my body language motivating? - Is my voice motivating? - Is my music motivating? - Etc, etc…

In this workout, MOTIVATION trumps everything else.

The Metabolic Effect is designed to be the most motivating class in the group exercise world. Motivation is the primary goal of every ME group exercise instructor. Motivation is non-negotiable and is a prerequisite to

certification with ME. There is nothing more important to this workout than motivation. When in doubt, MOTIVATE, MOTIVATE, MOTIVATE.

Motivation Since Metabolic Effect is a Group Personal Training class, it is important to remember that it is a class for the participants and not for you, as an instructor, to get your workout too. All ME instructors demonstrate movements briefly and spend the rest of the time focusing on participants: motivate, cue form, cue failure, encourage and keep a safe environment.


The following are very important points to remember regarding motivation: Attitude about class, Volume of voice, Tone of voice, Counting, Body language, Eye contact, dress, energy, choice of words, use of music/choice of music, Authenticity.


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Attitude about class:

• It is important to command the room when teaching ME. This means not chatting with certain participants or talking about your day or making jokes. Unfortunately, though those things may put you at ease as a trainer, they are distracting and take away from what we, as trainers, are trying to get across: fail safely.

• Do not try to make the participants like you. They will like you better if you give them a great workout and make them feel good about themselves by encouraging their performance whether it is failing or pushing their limits. Keep chatter to before or after class.

• Once class begins, be confident and own that class. Volume of Voice

• USE A MIC • Always speak slowly, clearly and loudly. The people in the back of the

room should be able to hear you without straining. • This is closely tied to confidence since instructors tend to trail off or talk

softer when they are unsure of themselves or what they are doing. Eye Contact

• Create that “personal training feel” by making the participants know that you are with them at all times. This is especially important when they get to failure or you can tell they are pushing their limits.

• During the warm-up eye contact inspires confidence and lets participants know the safety issues are serious.

• Avoid looking down at the floor or at yourself in the mirror or past people Body Language

• Avoid crossed arms, no sitting on floor. A good alternative is hands on knees leaning forward (carrying dumbbells is a good way to keep your arms “occupied”)

• Demonstrate warm-up and workout exercises long enough for all to see and DEMONSTRATE WITH ENERGY

• Walk around the room, carry the dumbbells and demonstrate form again and again if people aren’t getting it.

• Avoid sitting on the floor (even if they are doing push-ups or crunches—you need to be up and moving). Avoid crossing your arms and looking bored (carry the dumbbells to avoid this). Do not carry a cup of water or water bottle, etc. Do not lean against the wall, etc…

• If you look tired and bored, they will have a hard time getting motivated to push.

• Do not demonstrate movements in a slow fashion do it with intensity. • As the instructor, your movements must be the biggest, sharpest

and most energetic in the room!!!


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Verbal Cues/Choice of words • Along with speaking clearly and loudly, be aware of the words you choose.

Think positive reinforcement. Though negative reinforcement works for some, the people who this does not work for will simply give up. See sample motivational phrases.

• Be sure to congratulate failure and encourage resting as “success.” (“that’s the way to rest”, “push hard then rest hard”, “that’s the way to use your defaults”, “that’s the way to drop those weights if you need to”, etc)


• Appropriate dress includes fitness clothing so that participants can see exactly what movement is being demonstrated. No jeans, sandals, etc.

• Wear closed-toed shoes and attire suited to a fitness professional Energy

• A huge part of motivation, it is important to appear fit and energetic. You must have a motivating energetic presence in the room

• The most important place to pick up your energy is on the third round of the hybrid segments during the burns.

Choice & Use of Music

• ME music is always a hard techno beat, minimal singing and minimal quiet spots (watch for them in most techno songs). It should be motivating and not distracting—you want to use the music to motivate the class in a way that they don’t know they are being motivated by it. They are just going harder for some reason.

• Volume should be loud enough to motivate but not drowning out the instructor’s voice. You may choose to increase the volume toward the end of class and during sprint intervals to generate even greater energy and intensity.


• It is tricky to fake motivation, so don’t! You want to create energy in the class by cuing form constantly, congratulating failure and encouraging the people who you can see are about to give up. However, constant talk doesn’t mean filling air space with “forced” words.

• Practice using a range of motivational cues and if you feel like you want to talk, but don’t know what to say, cue form, cue form and cue more form, then back to failure, then back to form, then back to a favorite motivational phrase, etc, etc, etc…


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Counting • Serves to increase intensity • Always count DOWN, NOT UP • You must count down the last 10 seconds, period. • Do not count slow or to the beat of the music • Do not rush your count • Do not be silent • Do not count down and say “1” – Cue the next movement around count 2-

3 to avoid a pause in the flow • The count on each exercise except intervals in like this

o 10s cue movement and cue form o 10s personal training “That’s the way statements” o 10s count down.

ME DRILL Each person chooses 1 movement. Demo it for your group. Loudly, clearly

and slowly call out the movement, show the movement with enthusiasm and be confident! Count down with hard, strong, even-paced numbers

from 20 and do not say “1” Hybrid Exercises used in the Metabolic Effect Workout: Can also see at: Hybrid Movements: Squat Hybrids

• squat/press • squat/chest press • squat/curl • squat/curl/press • squat/curl/triceps ext • squat/upright row • squat/side raise • squat/front raise • squat/front raise/chest press • squat/row • squat/row/extension • squat/row/ext/curl • squat/row/ext/curl/press • squat/curl/ext • squat/lunge • squat/punches • Spiderman squats


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Lunge Hybrids • Lunge/curl • Lunge/chest press • Lunge/shoulder press • Lunge/row • Lunge/row/ext • Lunge/side raise • Lunge/front raise • Lunge/curl/press

Chest Hybrids

• Pushup/row • Pushup/row/triceps extension • Pushup/front raise • Pushup/side raise

Back Hybrids

• Row/ext • Row/ext/curl • Row curl • Row/ext/curl/press • Row/ext/curl/press/eccentric front raise • Row/fly

Core Hybrids

• V-Sits (any variations) • Chest press/crunch • Renegade rows • Fly/crunch • Russian twist • Turkish get-ups • DB fly/leg raise • Chest press/leg raise • Crunch/punch

Sprints Movements (used in the sprint and interval segments only)

• Punching (stationary, squatting, or moving) • High knees • Mountain climbers • Reverse mountain climbers • Renegade rows • Fast abs (crunches, Russian twists, etc.) • Walking pushups • Running rows • Spiderman’s • Up downs


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• Squat jumps • Switch jumps • New jacks • Squat thrusts • Bodybuilders

The goal of the sprint is to tax the cardiovascular system or focuses on muscular endurance.

THE ME WORKOUT IS LIMITED TO THESE MOVEMENTS In the beginning you should only use exercises in bold. After you are comfortable with the motivation and flow you can refer to HERE ARE SOME EXERCISES WE NEVER DO:





The ME Warm Up – Always 5 minutes, non-negotiable Think of this as analogous to the pre-flight routine on an airplane. It is always the same. Each trainer will have their own style, but the following points are required to have a successful introduction and warm-up. During the introduction the trainer will should establish control and confidence in the class. This is easily accomplished by speaking slowly, clearly and loudly in an authentic voice. It is also essential to make eye contact with the participants to convey confidence.

• Welcome to Metabolic Effect. (My name is ______.) • This is A REST BASED WORKOUT. • That means we actually want you to rest. • If you do this workout correctly, you will be resting about as much as

you are working. • Your goal in this workout is to PUSH AS HARD AS YOU


• Let’s get started


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To make this simple ask these questions in your head and answer them out loud: 1. What is this= A REST-BESED Workout 2. What does that mean= That means we actually want you to rest 3. How do I know if I am doing it right? If you do this workout correctly,

you will be resting about as much as you are working. 4. Whats my goal? Your goal in this workout is to PUSH HARD and



• The goal of the warm-up should be to prepare the body for activity.

No static stretches are to be done in this segment. It is a mix of calisthenics, slow exercise reps (i.e., push-up or squat), and dynamic stretches (i.e., lunges, side lunges, straight leg raise)

• During the warm-up, the trainer lays down the rules of the workout and reinforces the concepts while leading the class through a series of movements.

o Explain the 4 D’s of Safety. (See below) o Explain that you are trying to get them to rest and in fact, that is the

whole purpose of the class o Tell the class to get water when they need it o Tell the class that there are no scheduled rest breaks

The 4 D’s of safety Defaults We use Default exercises in this workout. When you rest, you can default to a walk or jog. Never stop moving. I will give you default exercises, but If you need one, raise your hand. Dizziness or Nausea is possible in this workout especially if you are a beginner. This is not my goal. Reaching rest and recovering completely is the best way to avoid this. Dumbbells In this workout we use dumbbells. Make sure your dumbbells are safe for you and those around you Demonstration of Lunge and Squat Form - These are both demonstrated by instructor during every warm-up.


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Use of Defaults • These are exercises that are deferred to when:

o Exercise is beyond someone’s ability or fitness level o Participant does not like exercise or feels awkward o Participant reaches point where they need rest or lose form.

• Walking, jogging are always universal defaults • Often defaults are chosen as regressions to more difficult exercises

o Example is a squat in place of a squat jump or knee push-ups instead of a full push-up

• Picking Defaults o A default should be picked based on the weakest or least fit

individual in the room. From there the exercise can be progressed or regressed based on the participants. In other words, if everyone is fit except one unfit/uncoordinated person, the trainer may want to use a default in addition to the chosen exercise

o Examples: Default for a squat jump is a squat Default for a lunge is a squat Default for a push-up is either knee push-ups or on the back

chest press Being able to regress or progress an exercise is key to

conducting an effective workout Exercises and Timing

• Try to keep each warm-up exercise to between 10-30 seconds. • Do these movements ONLY in the warm-up:

o Cardio Moves Jog in place (Talk about DEFAULTS) Jumping Jacks

o Dynamic Moves

Side to side lunge (Talk about DIZZINESS/NAUSEA) Spinal Twist (Talk about DUMBBELLS) Squat (DEMO) Lunge (DEMO) Straight-leg kick Push-up


Each person practices the intro for their group: - Rest-based Workout

- How you do the workout - 4 D’s of safety



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The Body of the Workout (3 middle segments, 15 min): This portion of the workout (the “body” of the workout) is completely based off the trainer’s own style, creativity, and natural energetic tendencies

o No workout a trainer does is ever the same although it follows a structured format = STRUCTURED FLEXIBILITY. That way the trainer and the participants never get bored and always have a fresh experience

o Use the sample workout provided in this text as a template for your workout

The goal of each movement should be to address ME’s “B’s and H’s”:

1) Breathless 2) Burning 3) Heavy 4) Heat

The Body of the workout is the bulk of the workout (3 x 5 min segments) Use the following format:

• Choose 3 Hybrid movements per segment • Cycle these 3 Hybrid movements 3 times each, adding mandatory “burn

outs” on each movement on the 3rd round only (see example below) • Each exercise lasts about 30 seconds • Choose ONE sprint interval exercise and cue it ONE TIME for about 30

seconds at the very end of each 5-min segment Example Segment:

Squat Press (30s) Lunge, Curl & Press (30s) Push-up Row (30s) Squat Press (30s) Lunge, Curl & Press (30s) Push-up Row (30s) Squat Press (30s) – mandatory burn-outs Lunge, Curl & Press (30s) – mandatory burn-outs Push-up Row (30s) – mandatory burn-outs 30s Mountain Climbers

• Chosen burn-outs are based off the original exercise, for example, burn out a Squat/Press by pulsing the squat or burn out a Push-up/Row by pulsing the push-up at the bottom.


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Examples of Burn-out Techniques – designed to bring participants to “failure” • Tempo Changes

o Fast o Slow

• Range Variations o ½ reps o ¼ reps o Pulses

• Paused Reps o Stopping the motion and holding briefly. This is another way to

break up the monotony of the workout and bring someone to full failure

o This is a useful regression for those who can not yet do a pushup (i.e., holding in place in a push up position)

How to cue & count each movement Each movement is done for about 30 seconds Use the following acronym to do it correctly: D = Demonstrate the movement + E = Explain the movement/give form cues You will be doing the above 2 things simultaneously and should take about 10s M = Motivate/reinforce the RBT concept, takes about 10s O = Orient/count down the last 10 seconds, takes about 10s (do not say “1”) Total time = 30 seconds Throughout the cuing of each movement, use the phrase “THAT’S THE WAY…” throughout to reaffirm that they are doing the workout correctly and resting like they should be. Examples: That’s the way to rest That’s the way to take your rest That’s the way to drop those weights, pick them back up when you’re ready That’s the way to grab water That’s the way to listen to your body That’s the way to push it out That’s the way to take your breather That’s the way to rest That’s the way to rest That’s the way to rest


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ME DRILL Each person writes out the body of an ME workout in the space provided.

Workout Worksheet

Segment 2

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

Burnouts used= _________________

Sprint: _________________________

Segment 3

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

Burnouts used= _________________

Sprint: _________________________

Segment 4

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

Burnouts used= _________________

Sprint: _________________________


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Putting it all together Each person cues up one movement:

- Show Movement - Cue Form - Motivate - Count

TRAINER TIP: A great way to get people to push and get the concept of the workout is to give two opposing messages at the same time: “Push as hard as you can…………make sure you rest when you need to!” “Keep pushing, you’re almost there………………….make sure you listen to your body!” TRAINER TIP: Your constant banter about the way this workout works is the only way they will learn this new style of training. You have to talk, instruct, watch, generate the intensity, and keep things safe. Body Flow Stay confident no matter what. You miss a count, so what? Just start where you think you are. If you don’t know where you are in the workout, no big deal, just make it up. Here are some techniques to help:

• Back pocket exercise o Pushups or bicycles are best because they cant see you o Use as much as you like because they make the workout harder

• Timing Segments o Don’t worry so much if one of the 5-minute segments is too long or

too short. That’s fine so long as you end at exactly thirty minutes, even if you started late.

o Always end when the workout is supposed to end. You can make up for any lost time with increased volume. If you know what you are doing you should be able to give someone an extremely hard workout in five to ten minutes

• There should be no “down-time” in an ME class. The participants should be aware after the introduction that they are not to wait for the trainer to “give” them rest. The class keeps moving whether they are resting or not. Don’t let this trip you up, just continue cuing and counting throughout,


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participants will come back in when they are ready; this is exactly what we want

• As you are counting down, begin cuing the next movement when you get to “3” or “2” so that the participants know what is coming next.

• Do not train to the beat like you do in aerobics. There is no such thing as a 32-count beat in ME. Lots of participants are drawn to ME because there is no choreography or beat to stay on…everyone is going at their own pace. If people are going at your pace you are doing something wrong

• NEVER DO THE WORKOUT WITH THEM Interval Segment – Last 1-5 minutes of the workout Timing of this segment depends on how much time is left in the workout Use Sprint Intervals See the sprints in the exercises section for movements that can be used here. The idea is to spike the exertion to a point where the person must rest, rest and do it again The goal is to get participants breathless and burning during these intense cardio intervals Format: After the 3rd 5-min Hybrid Segment: 1) GIVE THE ONLY STRUCTURED REST OF THE WORKOUT 2) Announce how many minutes are left in the workout (1 to 5) 3) Introduce the Interval Segment: “We are getting ready to go into our interval segment. I will be giving you rest throughout this segment.” 4) Demonstrate and explain the first sprint movement (i.e. First movement in squat jumps, looks like this…” 5) “Starting in 10 seconds…10…9…8…7…6...etc.” Choose 3 Sprint Exercises: Cue up each movement for about 30 seconds Give a structured rest, only enough time to demonstrate the next movement Continue to encourage rest during the intervals as well—just because we give structured rest here doesn’t mean participants can’t take rest throughout


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Cool Down – Always 5 minutes, non-negotiable

• Be careful about dropping head down too soon. • Give instruction about nausea and dizziness. (Nausea keep moving

SLOWLY, dizziness same but stay low (side to side lunge is best) • The cool down starts dynamic and moves to a static stretching/slow

moving cool down

• Here are the exercises you MUST do: o 2 Dynamic Stretches:

Side to side lunge Arms over head, side to side stretch Alternating leg hamstring stretch

o 5 Static Stretches: Wide leg hamstring stretch (Center, Right, Left) Hands behind back chest stretch Neck Stretch (Side and Lift) Lunge Hip flexor Stretch Quad stretch

Dynamic Movements – Held for ~10 seconds each after cuing Static Stretches – Held for ~5 seconds each after cuing Lastly, be sure to say:

o “Any stretch you want to hold for longer, feel free to do that now, or any stretch that you know you need that we aren’t doing, feel free to do that now.”

o Talk about the science and nutrition: o Tell them that if they did this workout correctly they will be burning

fat and calories at an accelerated rate for the rest of the day and into tomorrow.

o Simple sugars and alcohol will blunt this effect so to maximize the metabolic effect, they want to stay away from these food

o Fill up on water, lean proteins, good carbs like veggies, etc


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Metabolic Effect’s Bold-Faced Words to Know

1. Supersets 2 exercises done back to back without rest for different muscle groups

1. Compound sets 2 exercises done back to back without rest for the same muscle groups

2. Mechanical failure Failure to overcome resistance due to the force of gravity

3. Metabolic failure Failure of muscles due to build up of metabolic byproducts leading to fatigue and/or burning

4. Isolation exercises Exercising one, usually small, muscle group in isolation. (i.e. triceps kickback for triceps)

5. Multi-joint exercises Use 2 or more joints and focus on large muscle groups

6. Hybrid exercises Using multiple movement patterns to target multiple joints and multiple muscle groups

7. Workout density A workout that condenses a large volume of work into a short time period

8. Interval training Short all out burst of activity followed by rest

9. Short rest periods Decreasing the amount of time taken between sets or bouts of cardio within one session

10. Regression An exercise less difficult or less intense than the one it replaces

11. Progression An exercise more intense or more difficult than the one it replaces

12. Burns Techniques used to bring a person to failure & MUST be used in the 3rd round of hybrids

13. Plyometrics o Movements that involve jumping, throwing, or pushing/pressing the

body or an object away from the ground against the force of gravity o YOU MUST ALWAYS GIVE A DEFAULT FOR PLYOMETRICS o Caution should be used here…a person who is extremely overweight

or severely out of shape should always be given a default. Plyometrics will be too risky for these participants and will result in excessive compression forces

14.Regressions and Progressions o These are technique to make an exercise easier (regressing an

exercise) or more difficult (progressing an exercise)


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o Regressions and progressions should try to duplicate the movement they are derived from as much as possible, for example a regression from a squat jump is a squat

o The ultimate regression for any exercise is a walk or a jog and are the universal defaults for all ME movements

15. Intervals o Short bouts of exercise followed by rest o The key point in reaching the metabolic effect is to get clients to push

then rest The most important thing a ME group exercise instructor can do

is get their participants to buy into this concept A good guide to how long someone should rest is until they can

talk again; usually between 10s and 1 minute. 16.Sprints

o Simply any technique that deliberately attempts to get a client to rest Use all of the above techniques to get your participants to failure. Create a workout where certain exercises are paired together for a reason. Think about what muscle groups you are trying to work and get burning on your participants. TRAINER TIP: Always ask yourself “What muscles am I working and why am I working them together?” Also “Am I hitting the B’s and the H’s?” TRAINER TIP: Remember, you are in charge, so don’t let a participant throw you. If someone is performing an exercise and they look like they could injure themselves, take care of the group first and then address the participant specifically. You can ultimately change the movement for everyone if safety is an issue TRAINER TIP: Create a base workout for yourself to which you can always go back, and then add on and get creative from there TRAINER TIP: If the trainer does nothing else, she/he must manage the flow in a way that an exercise is always on the tip of their tongue. Participants should never be waiting or wondering what is coming next.


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Personal Training in the ME Workout Cueing Rest

• Let clients know in the introduction that rest is a good thing. o You can even say “failure in this workout is what we are trying to

achieve”. When someone rests, don’t miss the opportunity to tell them that is “exactly where you want to be”.


o The metabolic effect is enhanced through mechanical and metabolic failure the only way participants get the point is through teaching them

• For those participants who do not want to push and are unwilling or unable to get to failure, there are several techniques to use:

o When you see them quit early or avoid the burn, give positive feedback and tell them, “That is great, that’s the way to get to push and then rest.”

o This may sound backwards, but we have found this one of the most important means to push people harder.

• No matter what, always make people feel good about themselves and like they can do it and they did do it.

o Make it an enjoyable experience for them and before you know it, they will push themselves more than you thought possible

IMPORTANT: Use the 3rd round of each hybrid segment to get people to rest. Every instructor uses mandatory burn-out techniques in the 3rd round and the

instructor keeps going with them until SEVERAL PEOPLE REST/FAIL. This is where personal training fits in. Try to avoid using cardiovascular exercises like

squat jumps, but instead use fast push-ups, pulsing squats, pulsing lunges, ½ reps, slow reps, any type of fast reps, etc…go for the muscular burn here, NOT

cardiovascular breathlessness. Positive Reinforcement

• Always stay positive no matter what. • Your energy becomes the energy of the class. A low energy trainer

creates a low energy workout. A negative trainer creates negative participants and more importantly participants who do not want to come back

• Using “That’s the way…” phrases encourages and motivates in a positive way


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Safety Concerns: Nausea - People should slowly move. Stopping movement may make it worse. Tell them to keep moving slowly and if they need to move to the locker room Dizziness - Get low to the ground (i.e., kneeling) but keep legs moving to help blood return from legs. If needed client can raise legs above head slightly Headache - Take deep breaths, keep moving, drink water or Gatorade, orange juice TRAINER TIP: The object is not to get people sick. We want to avoid that at all costs. If someone gets sick, that most likely will result in him/her not coming back. Mention the possibility of it at the beginning (it is part of the 4 Ds). Give good directions and constantly cue rest and listening to the body. Cue constantly about resting, listening to body, etc. Ease into the cool-down.

As long as people know what to expect, they feel like you are in control and feel like you are attentive, they are less likely to have a negative effect and will return despite any discomfort. Give as much information as possible and make them know “you are there” with them, feeling what they are feeling. Form:

o The exercises are different therefore you should reinforce slow controlled reps at all times

o The times people should rest is when the weight is too much to lift or they lose their form.

o When You demonstrate, you should move slow and controlled and don’t rush and neither will they.

Joint Issues: o The best way to deal with these is just alter the range of motion of an

exercise. For example, bad knees that hurt with a lunge, default to a standing high knee march or decrease the range of motion of the lunge.

o A squat is the safest exercise to do for bad knees o Plyometrics are out for bad knees, give grounded defaults o Bad Ankles

Use a default that includes standing in place (punches) Use a default that involves little ankle movement (squat) Use exercises on the ground such as knee push-ups

o Shoulders – default to lots of legs o Wrists – mostly legs and pulling motions o Hips – no plyometrics


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First Aid Kit o Know where the kit is o Have a plan of action if something happens

Send someone to call 911 Send someone to get First Aid kit Remember, you are the one who knows CPR, you stay!

Miscellaneous Safety Issues

o Always ask people as they are coming into the workout if they have any health issues

o Keep people moving during the cool-down and be sure to stretch as many muscle groups as possible to avoid sprains and strains

o Advise participants to eat no closer than 30 minutes before class and make sure it is a light meal


• How do you pick a weight? o Dumbbells should be a weight that allows 10 reps of a side raise to

be done with the last one being almost impossible. o Ideally participants choose a single heavy weight and rest when

they can no longer use it • Are there any issues with nutrition?

o It is a good idea at the end of the workout to tell people what they have done: “You guys are going to be burning fat at an accelerated rate after this workout. To make the effect last, avoid sugar and alcohol and focus on protein, water and fiber.”

• What are the most important aspects of the workout for a trainer? o Motivation o Flow o Personal training o Format o Safety