"Growing Brands in Japan - DECODED" - ACCJ Presentation 2014-11-13

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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In this presentation I try to unravel one of the marketing industry’s most enduring mysteries: why Japanese ad agencies have succeeded in holding on to such a dominant position in the Japanese market, despite all the efforts of the major global agency networks. I believe the answer lies in a fundamental difference between Japanese and western audiences and the models the agencies use to approach them. The account planning model first emerged from JWT London in the 1960’s and from there became the default paradigm for planning brand communications in the marketing empires that emanated from the UK, US and Europe. It is not designed to remove creativity from advertising, rather to impose structure and authority on an otherwise potentially chaotic and subjective process, and hence give these advertising agencies a process around which to scale up in a way that combines both business rationality and creativity. By defining the creative task through a rational process, and then letting the best creative ideas compete with each other to be executed, the client can feel confident that the idea finally chosen is going to be the right one for her brand, right here, right now. It also gives the creative teams the freedom of a tight brief, as opposed a long rope with which to hang themselves. Rationality & creativity combined The model goes something like this (with the role that takes the lead in each step shown in brackets): Unearth relevant target insight (account planner, possibly working with researchers) Clarify the unique thing about the brand or product that needs to be communicated (account planner) Come up with a concept that ties these two together (account planner) Based on the concept, create multiple communication ideas, pick the best one (creative team) Execute the chosen idea in a contemporary style (creative team & production) It works because the worst that can happen is that the ad says the right thing but fails to get noticed much. When it goes really well, communications get made that jump off the medium and strike the viewers’ consciousness with a thwack and everyone involves gets to go to Cannes to pick up the awards. Based around this model, western advertising agencies have colonised every developed economy and are well placed in developing ones too. Every one except that is for Japan, where they have captured a small sliver of a huge market and if anything are getting weaker at this point. So what happened in Japan? I have heard numerous explanations for this state of affairs, the most common being that local competition is so historically strong and immovable with local media monopolies, particularly DENTSU, that there is not shifting them; the challenge of hiring top talent as a foreign company in Japan (even though foreign companies in other industries manage it); nepotistic relationships between domestic brands and agencies…. There is some truth to all of these, but the argument that the ... (se


Growing  Brands  in  Japan  -­‐  DECODEDACCJ  Event    ::    Nov  2014

How  did  I  get  here?


My  Japan  Timeline Physics,  Oxford  University  WPP  Marke9ng  Fellowship  -­‐  Ogilvy&Mather  London  -­‐  OgilvyOne  Tokyo  -­‐  Ogilvy  AcGvaGon  Tokyo  Alien-­‐Eye,  Inc  +  Growth  Hacking  Japan  +  GHJ  University    + 500startups  mentorship  Profero  TYO  Lowe  Profero

2001  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2012  2012  2012  2013  2014LoweProfero


• Japan’s most successful viral campaign ever

• World’s biggest brand hero character

• Marketing technology licensed globally by Apple

• First twitter-based promotion in Japan

• First iPhone app-based promotion in Japan

• First YouTube channel with in-video navigation

• First care app for epilepsy sufferers in Japan





Websites Apps


Funnel  optimisation



Video CMS

High  context  messages  translate  into  a  culture  that  will  cater  to  a  group  that  has  similar  experiences  

and  expecta;ons,  from  which  inferences  are  drawn.    !

In  a  higher-­‐context  culture,  many  things  are  le@  unsaid,  leAng  the  culture  explain.  Words  and  word  choice  become  very  important  in  higher-­‐context  

communica;on,  since  a  few  words  can  communicate  a  complex  message  very  effec;vely  to  

an  in-­‐group    !

While  in  a  low-­‐context  culture,  the  communicator  needs  to  be  much  more  explicit  and  the  value  of  a  

single  word  is  less  important  !

1976  book,  Hall,  “Beyond  Culture”

High  Context    Cultures

• TV

• Print


• PR


• Display (content match)

• YouTube

• Facebook

• Twitter


• Instagram

• (Social) Retargeting

• Native ads

Media  evolution




Early  SNS

Micro-­‐blogging Omni-­‐channel Internet-­‐of-­‐things  1.0

Smart  Phones  +  Apps Social  graph Chat  apps

Digital  epochs:  

Western  Agency’s:  Account  Planning  Model

Stephen King

Stanley Pollitt

Brand  truth  x  Target  insight  =  Communica;on  concept

Adver;sing  crea;ve

What  is  a  “communication  concept”  ?

What  was  the  communication  concept?

What  happened  in  Japan?Japan  Market  2013:  ¥5.9  trillion  /  $52bn

ContentsDENTSU  ::  Monopoly

• Boss  TV  commercial  from  c.  2003  

• Spaghetti  Western  set  

• Features  HAMASAKI  Ayumi  

• AKEBONO  (Sumo  wrestler)  

• Kono  Sisters  (famous  escorts?)  

• Mifune  lookalike    

• “Boss  -­‐  always  by  your  side”  



What do they have in common?!



Exceptions  that  prove  the  rule?

ContentsLOTO  7  ::  Hanashi-­‐ga-­‐kawaru

• Corporate vs Product brands!• R&D / new product cycles!• Trade / channel influence!• TV culture of escapism!• Audience is wired differently!

What  is  a  brand?  !

Is  it  the  same  in  Japan?


“An extremely important part of the JWT approach was insistence that, since all advtg set out to achieve responses, and since only responses were measured, all communications objectives should be set not in terms of input or 'propositions' but in terms of desired response: specifically from the senses, the reason and the emotions.  !!This gave (gives) creative people total freedom to devise the stimuli most likely to elicit those responses.”

Jeremy Bullmore

Design  for  a  desired  response

Account  Planning  Model  Adapted  for  Digital

Brand  truth    x    

Target  insight    x    

Context  opportunity  =  

User  experience  concept  

Crea;ve  &  technical  development

The  social  graph  epoch:    British  Council  Study  Abroad

Thank  you!  Any  questions?JamesHollow.com @jameshollow


• Hybrid  culture  keeps  team  sharp  

• >  Creates  low  context  culture!  


• >Umbrella-­‐shaped  talent  

• Fit  to  local  context    

• >  contribute  to  Japan  society