Growth Hacking - 16 rules of Growth | Luca Barboni - Digital Yuppies

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Rules of Growth16

Luca Barboni – – @luca_barb89Founder & Growth Hacker @ Growth Hound

If you want to catch up...

16 Things you should keep in mind as a marketer.

16 Rules of Growth

1. No one cares about your product

16 Rules of Growth

2. No one cares about you

16 Rules of Growth

3. People hate problems more than they like solutions

16 Rules of Growth

“You know what the single worst marketing decision you can make is? Starting with a product nobody wants or nobody needs.“ - Ryan Holiday

4. Not all press is good press

16 Rules of Growth

5. Activity on the internet is mostly mindless

16 Rules of Growth

6. No one remembers what they read

16 Rules of Growth

6. No one remembers what they read

16 Rules of Growth

7. Everyone remembers how they felt

8. The marketing tactics people complain about are the ones that work

16 Rules of Growth

9. Everyone clicks on ads

16 Rules of Growth

9. Everyone clicks on ads

16 Rules of Growth

10. Nobody thinks they click on ads

11. Everything in this world runs according to a system

16 Rules of Growth

16 Rules of Growth

11. Everything in this world runs according to a system

12. Every system can be beaten

FB Graph APIs

13. People generally follow back

16 Rules of Growth

14. On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog

16 Rules of Growth

15. Good marketers cheat

16 Rules of Growth

15. Good marketers cheat

16 Rules of Growth

16. Great marketers win

Do not re-invent the wheel.

Know your niche.

Test with MVPs.

Do better than everyone else.

Do better than everyone else.

THANK YOU!let's keep in touch:

Luca Barboni
