Guide to private practice in medicine note 3

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Guide to private practice- note 3

Class Trade name Generic name Dose Indication NSAID Rolac ketorolac


3mg=12mg morphine

Antispasmodic Coligon dicycloverine hydrochlorideoralAntispasmodic and anticholinergic agent

10mg-20mg tds

Children 5-10mg tds before feeding

IndicationAny colicky pain

Oral hypoglycemic drug

Getryl (1mg, 2mg, 3mg, 4mg)

Glimepiride 1-2mg dailyMaintainance dose – 1-4mg daily 8mg max

Type 2 DM

Reclide Gliclazide – 80mgDose (40-320mg)

Pionorm -15/30(15mg/30mg)

Pioglitazone Type 2 DM

CI – heart failure, congenital heart disease

Antibacterial Microdox Doxycycline 1st day – 200mg and then100mg/day

Flagyl (200,400,suspention)

Metronidazole Trichomonas, BV – 200mg tdsx 7d or 2g stat

Amoebiasis – 400mg bd x 5d or 2g stat

Children – 7.5mg/kg

Anerobic bacterial infection AmoebiasisDental caries

Vitamin supplements

- Iron Fe

Zifol 12 Feso4 – 150mgZincFolic acidCyanocobolamin

Anaemia deficiency

orofer Elemental iron – Anemia in

100mg+Folic acid

pregnancy, lactation, after PPH

Fetol (150mg capsule)

47mg elemental iron + 500ug folic acid

1 /day Adults only

Ferrovit Ferrous fumarate – 162mgFolic acid – 0.75mgVitamin B12

1 cap 2times/day

Anaemia when need rapid response

- Vitamin E Evion

Interfere with iron absorption

Vitamin E capsule – 400-.600mgOral pearlDrops – 50mg

Nocturnal muscle crampsIntermittent claudicationFibrocystic breast diseaseMale infirtility

- Softvit-E 400mg Jointace

Tablet, gel

Glucosamine + multivitamin

2 tab daily with meals for 2 months

OsteoarthritisMaintainace of healthy joints

Antipyretics Gofen 400 Ibuprofen 400mg 400mg qds Pain, ache with headache, common cold

Antiemetic Ondenstrone 4mg ivFexofenadine

Non sedating H1 antihistamine

60mg bdOr 120mg daily 6-12 years – 60mg daily

Allergy Rhinitis

Type Drug TAB strength Adult dos3e

Paed dose

Antipyretic PCM 500mg tab120 mg in 5ml

2 qds <12 years 15mg/kg x 4

60mg/kg max

32kg 1 tab16kg ½ tab8kg ¼ tab

Syrup 1tsp = ½ tab

  Mefenamic acid 500mg 125 mg in 5ml

500mg tdsOr250mg tds

1 teaspoon



200mg 400mg tds 10mg/kg x 3 30mg/kg max give in 3 divided dose

+ famotidine or omeprazole 20mg bd


Vitamin C / ascorbic acid 100mg 1 tds

  B complex- Tytexin syrup- Tilytopone

syrup- Polybion

weekly EOD, IM vial

- Oral 1 tab daily


1 tab tds

  Folic acid 5mg 1 mane1 bd

  Calcium lactate 100mg 1 tab morning

  FeSO4 1 tab nocte



Analgesics NSAIDs

Dicolofenac sodium tablet


150mg max


  Diclofenac sodium suppository

100mg, 50mg , 25mg, 12.5mg

Cilicoxide 100mg 200mg bd100mg bd

Meloxicam 7.5 mg >18yrs

Tramadol 60mg tab

 Analgesic gel Ketobrufen/ fasten

Methylsalicylate cream

  Theophylline 125mg 250mg tds 1/2 tsp

  Deryphylline 150, 300, 450 50mg in 1 tsp

150mg bd to450mg bd


Cough Salbutamol

Ventolin syrup – 2mg in 5ml


4mg tds2mg tds

100ug/kg max

12yrs – 2mg tds1yr - 1 or 1/2 tsp

  Dexamethasone 5 mg 5mg tds

  Prednisilone 5mg 5mg tds/ 10mg mane

  Corex syrup 1 tsp NOT FOR <3YRS3-10yr – 1 tsp>12yrs – 1tspAdult – 1 ½ tsp

Dialex , piriton syrup - expectorant

Ascodex – dry coughCosome – supressent and expectorant

Cough syrup < 3yrs

Cherry coughbenozil

  Solvin 8mg 1 tsp tds 1/2 tsp tds

  Deriphyllin 300mg bd150mg bd

Antibiotic Amoxycillin 250mg500mg125mg in ml

1 tds 1 tsp1/2 tsp


Sporidex – 250mg in 5ml

500mg 1 tds 1 tsp

  Ciprofloxacine 500mg 250mg

1 tds Over 18 only

  Co amoxyclav 625mg375mg

125mg of amoxicillin + 31.25mg clavulonic acidIn 5ml

1 tds 1 teaspoon1/2 tsp

  Erythromycin +Ppi

500mg250mg125mg in 1 tsp

1 tds 1 tsp

  Roxythromycine 150mg 1 bd

  Furozolidine 100mg

  Metronidazole 200mg 400mg tds

Doxycycline 100mg 100mg bd

x 14days

Antihistamine Piriton 4mg 1 nocte1/2 mane

>1yr 1 tsp morning6month – ½ tsp

  Citrizine 10mg 10mg bd 1 tsp For allergy 1 tab for month

  Loratidine 10mg 10mg bd

  Famotidine 40mg 20mg

20-40mg bd

  Ranitidine 150mg 150mg bd Iv ranitidine 50mg

  Cimetidine 200mg 200mg tds 100mg tds


PPI Omeprazole /Rabeprazole/ Esomeprazole

20mg 20 mf bd

Lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily

Pantoprazole 40 mg twice daily

  Pantoprazole 20mg, 40mg

20-40mg 20-40mg nocte


Antiemetic Domperidone 10mg Tds before meal


  Metochlopromide 10mg 10mg bd/tds

  Phenagon 25mg 1 Daily

Promethazine 10mg 10mg tds


Anti spasmodic

Buscopan 10mg 10mg bd

  Propanthaline 15mg 15mg tds


Constipation Dulcolax 5mg 5mg nocte

  Lactulose 15ml/30ml nocte2 tsp

1 yr – ½ tsp6 yrs – 1 tsp

Sedative Diazepam 5mg 1 nocte

Antacid DigeneGavisconAcifreeGalspicMucane

2 tsp

Anti diarrhoeals

Lomotil 4tab stat2mg 6hrly



<7yrs Pyrental pamoate

10mg/kg statNext dose 10 days later

>7yrs Mebendazole 100mg 1 tab

Rpt in 10days

Adult Mebendazole 500mg stat + citrizine 10mg bd

Oral ulcers Metrogel denta


Ac ne Doxycycline 10mg bdErythromycin lotion

Dandruff + acneMisoral EOD

Dermatology Hydrocortisone 1%, 5%, 10% Face 1% for children


Dry skin Aqous cream

Beclomin – 3 in 1 Nderm – gm

Antibacterial NeomycinTetracyclinesoframycin

Burn Silver sulphadiazene1% povidone idone in face

Sweat rash Lactocalamine lotion

Crack Moov

Scabies 1% permithrin

Head to toe 12 hrs Rpt in 1 week

+ citrizine 10mg

Nasal drops NavisoneBeclamethasone

Eye drops GentamycineCiprofloxacinchloramphenicol

Vertigo Stematil 5mg tds

Zenarasine 1 tab tds

Gyn and obs Mefenamic acid 500mg tdsTranexamic acid 500mg tds

Norethisterone 5mg tds

Persistent bleeding – 5mg tds for 10days

Postpone periods – 5mg tds contine until day want


Diabetes mellitus

Oral drugs in mg doses500- Tds- mefanemic /amoxicillin/cephalexin/erythromycin/cloxacillin/tranasmic acid Bd- ciprofloxacillin/clarithromycin/ D- azithromycin /levofloxacillin /400- Tds brufen Bd norfloxacillin D albendazole300- bd deriphillin250- m-Ca lactate Bd/Tds metformin bd cefuroxim200- n-FeSO4 Tds cimetidine D*1WK Ketoconazole/itraconazole180- D fexophenadine HCL150- D*1WK flucanozole bd ranitidine100- tds vitC/ furosolidone Bd celecoxib/mebendazole50 tds/bd diaclofinac40 D valsartan25 n amitryptalin D losartan M atenolol/HCT20 bd omprazole/famotidine/propanolol tds orciprenaline D nifidipine SR16 tds betahistene dihydrochloride

15 tds probanthalin caution <9y/cinnarazine10 tds domperidone/phenagon/maxalone/buscopan N simvastatin/atovastatin/bamboterol/montelukast D laratadine/citrazine/bambuterol7.5 d meloxicam5 tds turbutalin/prednisolone/stematil/primalute N / N dulcolax D desloratadine/ levocitrazine M folic acid N diazepam4/2 tds salbutamol N /tds piriton2 n diazepam tds,bd loperamide over 4y Tds benzhexol2.5 tds terbutalin bd bromcriptin 2WK1 bd ketotifen 2WK0.5 tds dexamethazoneVit E 200/500mgDEC 2 tab tds*1WK800 5*5 acyclovior600 qts nalidxic acid2tab tds lomotil over 4y buscopan

TopicalDandruff -2% ketoconazole/ selsum shampoo D 1WK,/EOD 1WK- Hair loss- polytar 3m, multivitamin multivita/zincovit/zincopper/frutin, VitE 400mcg/D 2WK ,audace oil after hairlossDuofilm, cornplastMycoral, candid BEczema- 0.5%,1% hydrocortisone Moderate- betamethozone, enderm Severe- fexophenidine HCL 180mg/D Calamine lotion bdTenia – candid B, nystatin, tolnylAchne- bd brevoxyal/isotrexin N- retin A/eudyna Tds 1m/ D 3m doxycyllin 100mg, erythromycin 250mg, tetracycline 250mgAllergy- mild-1 tab tds pirition, dexa, phenagon Moderate- 2tab stat Severe- moderate+ IV hydrocortisoneScabies- permethrin/lindain solution- 3D, sulphar all body

Soframycin, polymycinGentamycin, chloramphinicol. Probeta , dexona Candid V3,V6corexD,bronchodex, ascodex- ascoryl, Actifed- solvin, bisolvinbelcid, acinil, cellucillactulose 2tspnpyllocane, xyloproctemoderm cream-pyrental 250mg, 125mg stat rept 1WKdentogel, dactarin, orripasteappoton, lysine, hungertone. /-children- eatmor, peritol

PCM Tab strength;500mg tab ADULT 2 tab qds ( 1g ) 12-6 1 tab qds <6…>15Kg ½ tab qds 2 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ¼ tab qds 1 tea spoon Remarks Syrup; 120 mg in 5 ml

Max dose; 60 mg/kg/D

Mefenamic acid Tab strength;500mg tab ADULT 2 tab qds 12-6 1 tab qds <6…>15Kg ½ tab qds 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ¼ tab qds ½ tea spoon Remarks Syrup; 125mg in 5 ml

Max dose;

Brufen Tab strength;400mg 200mg ADULT 400mg tds 12-6 200mg tds <6…>15Kg 100mg tds 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg 50mg tds ½ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Vit C Tab strength; 100mg ADULT 1 tab tds 12-6 1 tab tds <6…>15Kg ½ tab tds <6…>15Kg

Remarks Syrup; Max dose;

Diclofenac Tab strength; ADULT 50mg tds 12-6 25mg tds <6…>15Kg 12.5mg tds <6…>15Kg 6.25mg tds Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Theophylline Tab strength;125mg ADULT 125mg -250 tds 12-6 62.5-125mg tds <6…>15Kg 1tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

B Co Tab strength; ADULT 1 tab bd 12-6 1/2tab bd <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Folic acid Tab strength; 5mg ADULT 1 mane, 1 bd 12-6 1 mane <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Ca lactate Tab strength; 100mg ADULT 1 tab mane with bed tea 12-6 ½ tab mane <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg

Remarks Syrup; Max dose;

Fe so4 Tab strength; ADULT 1 tab nocte 12-6 <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Salbutamol Tab strength;4 mg , 2mg ADULT 4mg tds 12-6 2 mg tds <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks After good diet

Syrup; Max dose;

Theophyline Tab strength; ADULT 12-6 <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks Narrow TI

Syrup; Max dose;

Bamboo terol Tab strength; 10 mg ADULT 10mg daily 12-6 5 mg daily <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Deryphylline Tab strength; 150,300,450mg ADULT 150-450 mg bd 12-6 150mg bd <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon bd

Remarks Syrup; Max dose;

Dexamethasone Tab strength; 5mg ADULT 1 tds 12-6 ½ tds <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Prednisolone-asthma Tab strength; 5mg ADULT 1 tds 12-6 ½ tds <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks; If given for >3 days tail off

Syrup; Max dose;

Amoxycilline Tab strength; 250mg 500mg ADULT 500mg tds 12-6 250 mg tds <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks; cheapest one Dexamox

Syrup; 125mg in 1 tea spoon Max dose;

Cephalexine Tab strength; ADULT 500mg tds 12-6 250 mg tds <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Ciprofloxacine Tab strength; ADULT 500mg tds 12-6 <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg

Remarks; over 18 years only

Syrup; Max dose;

Co-amoxyclov Tab strength; 625mg,375mg ADULT 625mg tds 12-6 375mg tds <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks;nova-cla375+amox 250 ok

Syrup; Max dose;

Corex Tab strength;----- ADULT 1 tea spoon 12-6 ½ tea spoon <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Solvin Tab strength; 8 mg ADULT 8mg tds 12-6 4mg tds <6…>15Kg 2mg tds <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Solvin Tab strength;8 mg ADULT 1 tea spoon, 8mg tds 12-6 ½ tea spoon, 4 mg tds <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon, 2mg tds <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Erythromycine Tab strength; ADULT 500mg tds 12-6 250mg tds <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon bd Remarks Syrup; 125mg in 1 tea spoon

Max dose;

Roxythromycine Tab strength; ADULT 150 mg bd 12-6 75 mg bd <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Piriton Tab strength; 4mg ADULT 1 tab bd 12-6 ½ tab bd <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Cetricine Tab strength; 10mg ADULT 10mg mane 12-6 5 mg mane <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks; combine-prit,noct+cetri,mane

Syrup; Max dose;

Loratidine Tab strength; 10mg ADULT 10mg mane 12-6 5 mg mane <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Decon Adult,Pead ADULT 2 drops sos 12-6 1 drop sos <6…>15Kg 2 drops sos pead <6…>15Kg 1 drop sos pead

Remarks Syrup; Max dose;

Nasivion Adult,Pead ADULT 2 drops sos 12-6 1 drop sos <6…>15Kg 2 drops sos pead <6…>15Kg 1 drop sos pead Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Beta -sol Tab strength; ADULT 2 drops sos 12-6 1 drop sos <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Cycotide Tab strength; ADULT 2 puffs sos 12-6 1 puff sos <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Afrine Tab strength; ADULT 2 puffs sos 12-6 1 puff sos <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Fexofenadine Tab strength; 60mg,120,180 ADULT 120mg daily 12-6 60mg daily <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg

Remarks Syrup; Max dose;

Metronidazole Tab strength; 400mg ADULT 400mg tds 12-6 200 mg tds <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks; S/E Syrup;

Max dose;

Diazepam Tab strength; 2mg 5mg ADULT 5mg nocte 12-6 2/2.5 mg nocte <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Neutroplex Tab strength; ADULT 12-6 <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ spoon bd Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Peritol Tab strength; ADULT 12-6 <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ spoon bd Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Eat-more Tab strength; ADULT 12-6 <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ spoon bd

Remarks Syrup; Max dose;

Hunger tone Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon bd 12-6 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon bd Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Livitone Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon bd 12-6 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon bd Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Lycine/bio-Lycine Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon bd 12-6 1 tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon bd Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Belcid Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon bd 12-6 ½ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg Remarks; 2 spoons in 1st week, 1 in next week

Syrup; Max dose;

Mucaine Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon bd 12-6 ½ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon bd

<6…>15Kg Remarks;2 spoons in 1st week, 1 in next week

Syrup; Max dose;

Dygine Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon bd 12-6 ½ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg Remarks; 2 spoons in 1st week, 1 in next week

Syrup; Max dose;

Ulgel Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon bd 12-6 ½ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon bd <6…>15Kg Remarks; 2 spoons in 1st week, 1 in next week

Syrup; Max dose;

Zydacid Tab strength; ADULT 2 tab tds 1st week, 1 tab 12-6 <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Aludox Tab strength; ADULT 2 tab tds 1st week, 1 tab 12-6 <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Omeprazole Tab strength; 20mg ADULT 20mg bd/ nocte 12-6 20 mg daily

<6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Pantaprazole Tab strength; 20mg, 40mg ADULT 20-40-mg daily 12-6 20 daily <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Famtodine Tab strength; 40mg,20mg ADULT 20-40mg bd 12-6 10-20mg bd <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Ranitine Tab strength; 150mg ADULT 150mg bd 12-6 75mg bd <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Cimetidine Tab strength; 200mg ADULT 200mg tds 12-6 100mg tds <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks; impotence Syrup;

Max dose;

Domperidone Tab strength; 10mg ADULT 10mg tds ½ before meals 12-6 5mg

<6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks; Galactorrhoea

Syrup; Max dose;

Furazolidine Tab strength; 100mg ADULT 100mg 12-6 50mg <6…>15Kg 25mg 1tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Buscopan Tab strength; 10mg ADULT Stat 4 tabs, 10mg tds 12-6 5 mg tds <6…>15Kg No <6…>15Kg N0 Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Propanthaline Tab strength; 15mg ADULT 15mg tds 12-6 <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Dulcolax Tab strength; 5 mg ADULT 5 mg nocte 12-6 <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Lactulose Tab strength; ADULT 2 tea spoon 12-6 1 tea spoon

<6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon <6…>15Kg ¼ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Metaclopramide Tab strength; 10mg ADULT 10mg tds 12-6 5mg tds <6…>15Kg 2.5 mg tds <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Cinnarazine Tab strength; 25mg tds ADULT 25 mg tds 12-6 12.5 mg tds <6…>15Kg <6…>15Kg Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;

Phenagon Tab strength; 25mg,10mg ADULT 10-25mg daily 12-6 12.5mg daily <6…>15Kg 1 tea spoon <6…>15Kg ½ tea spoon Remarks Syrup;

Max dose;