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Guide to Understanding your Doshas

By Salvatore Battaglia



how would you like to feel today?


Guide to Understanding your Doshas- the key to your individual nature

The information contained in this booklet is not intended as medical advice.

If you have a medical issue or illness, please consult a qualified therapist or doctor.

Published by

Perfect Potion

7 Guardhouse Road

Banyo 4014 Australia

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Copyright © 2012 by Salvatore Battaglia


What is ayurveda?Ayurveda means “the science of life”. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system and is considered the world’s oldest recorded healing system. Ayurveda’s goal is to achieve health by working towards balance and harmony. Prevention is emphasised over cure. Ayurveda recognises the importance of physical balance, emotional release, mental health, environmental mindfulness and spiritual progression in the total health picture.

The three doshasHave you ever wondered why some people are hyperactive and fast moving, while others possess tranquil and graceful characteristics?

Why can some people eat a five course meal, while others can barely eat a salad? Why are some people constantly happy, while others carry the weight of the world on their shoulders?

Ayurveda addresses these questions with the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Just as you are born with a unique genetic makeup, you are also born with a unique proportion of doshas. According to Ayurveda if you live in harmony with your own unique doshic blueprint you will enjoy a healthy, vibrant life.

In Ayurvedic philosophy, the five elements earth, water, fire, air and ether combine in pairs to form three dynamic forces called doshas.


Dosha means “that which changes” because doshas are constantly moving in dynamic balance, one with the others. They are primary life forces or biological humours.

The doshas are the biological energies found in the human body and mind. They govern all physical and mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfilment.

The doshas are subtle, they cannot be perceived directly in the body. However their presence is visible through distinct qualities and actions – ranging from biological functions to personality traits.

Each one of us is born with a unique balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha that makes us who we are and determines our strengths and weaknesses.

While one dosha usually dominates in most individuals, a second dosha may also have a strong influence. This is referred to as a dual-doshic constitution.

For example, a Vata-Pitta type will have Vata as the primary constitution but also embody strong Pitta characteristics.

On the other hand, a Pitta-Vata type will identify more with Pitta characteristics, but also have strong Vata qualities. The least common constitutional type is known as “tri-doshic” or Vata-Pitta-Kapha. This refers to an individual who has an equal proportion of all three doshas.


The doshas are dynamic energies that are constantly changing in response to our actions, thoughts, emotions, the food that we eat, the seasons and any other sensory inputs that feed our mind and body.

When we live in accordance with the nature of our doshic blueprint – this means we make lifestyle and dietary decisions that balance our doshas, we have a healthy vibrant life.

Nurturing your unique dosha nature is considered the direct pathway to fulfilment in life. For example, a person who suppresses an underlying creative impulse may create a deep-seated imbalance of their Vata dosha over time.

When we do not live in harmony with our doshic constitution this leads to unhealthy patterns and physical, mental and emotional imbalances. We say that the dosha has been aggravated or stimulated.

You can restore balance to the aggravated dosha by understanding your unique constitutional dosha make-up.

The three doshic states

Balanced all three doshas are present in their natural proportion.

Increased a particular dosha is present in an “excess” or “aggravated” state.

Decreaseda particular dosha is present in a less than normal proportion. Also referred to as “reduced” or “depleted” state.


Getting to know your doshas

The key to Ayurvedic treatment is to know the main imbalances of the doshas and how to treat them. Each one of us has a different constitution. For maintenance of health, every person should understand their constitution.

When examining the doshas, it is important to make a distinction between balanced and an imbalanced state.

If your body is in balance, you are not inclined to stop and think to yourself, “wow my digestion is wonderful today”, instead it is the heartburn you have or the aches and pains in the joints that grab our attention.

It is for this reason that we will primarily focus on the states of imbalance relating to the physical characteristics of the doshas.

Since we are more inclined to take note of both positive and negative mental states, we will discuss the psychological characteristics of the doshas in relation to both balanced and imbalanced states.



The person with predominately Vata in their constitution has a quick mind, lots of enthusiasm and many interests. Vata types are always on the go – mentally and physically. They are likely to change careers several times throughout their lifetime. Vata types will be best suited to a profession that requires communication skills and creativity. They naturally make good teachers, consultants, artists and musicians.

Common signs of Vata imbalance include anxiety and bodily disorders related to dryness – such as dry skin and constipation.

Signs of imbalanced Vata also include restlessness, lacking confidence, being disorganised, tendency to procrastinate, talking too fast and being “spacey” and ungrounded. Because they can be overactive thinkers they may be prone to depression, anxiety, insomnia, attention deficit disorder (ADD), headaches, low energy and obsessive compulsive disorders.

Calming the mind, practicing meditation, doing gentle exercises such as yoga, eating in a peaceful environment, following a regular daily routine, listening to calm music and having regular massages all help to balance Vata.

Use warming and energising essential oils such as basil, black pepper, cinnamon, clove bud, and coriander seed and rosemary. It is important for Vata types to follow their creative and artistic passions.



The balanced Pitta person is blessed with a joyful character, sharp intellect, confidence, charisma and much courage and drive. They are extremely ambitious individuals.

Pitta types are high achievers and very confident. They make wonderful leaders and work well under pressure. They are very organised and great planners. They make great business people, lawyers, doctors, engineers and politicians.

They have a fiery temperament. When the Pitta dosha is out of balance they can have deep seated emotional issues rooted in anger, fear, hatred and jealousy.

They can become arrogant, hot-headed, loud and aggressive, judgmental and overly competitive.

There is a saying in Ayurveda that an imbalanced Pitta individual does not go to hell, they simply create hell wherever they go!

Typically Pitta problems manifest in the body as infections, inflammation, rashes, ulcers, heartburn and fevers. Pitta individuals are blessed with a strong metabolism, but it can be aggravated by hot spicy food.

By learning to meditate, engaging in calming activities, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, observing the seasons, and taking time to rest everyday, Pittas can remain balanced.

Excessive Pitta should be treated with cooling and calming oils such as German and Roman chamomile, lavender, neroli, sandalwood, rhus kus and vetiver.



The balanced Kapha person is blessed with naturally good health and mental peace. Kapha types are warm, loving and gentle people. Kapha types have strong stamina, they are patient, forgiving and they are good listeners. They make wonderful teachers, good parents, healing practitioners, organisers and community leaders.

They are prone to overeating. They are likely to suffer from bodily disorders such as obesity, sinus congestion and anything related to mucous.

Typically they are considered the more mentally and emotionally stable of the three doshas, however they are prone to lethargy, attachment and depression. They can be complacent, they are often not able to say no, they can become possessive and often give up easily.

You can balance Kapha by eating a Kapha-balancing diet, focusing on non-attachment in daily life, engaging in physical activities and changing your daily routine.

Balanced Kapha types are naturally attracted to grounding and balancing essential oils such as cedarwood, sandalwood and vetiver. Excessive Kapha can be treated with warming and spicy oils such as Tulsi basil, black pepper, cinnamon, clove bud, coriander seed, ginger, turmeric and saffron.


How to determine your dosha

To help determine your dosha constitution, complete the following questionnaire.

For each of the statements listed – write down a score for how much it applies to you from 1-5.

0-1 does not apply

2-3 somewhat applies

4-5 strongly applies.

Then add your scores.

It is best to first answer the questions in accordance with general trends throughout your lifetime. This will give you an indication of your underlying birth constitution. Then answer the questions in accordance to how you look, feel and behave now. The second set of answers will reflect the current imbalance in your doshas.

Remember that this questionnaire is a simple guide. To understand the full dynamism of the doshas, please consult a fully qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.


Physical characteristics

1. I am slender and do not gain weight easily.

2. I am taller or shorter than average.

3. Thin describes many of my bodily features – neck, fingers and lips.

4. My energy levels go up and down and often comes in bursts.

5. My appetite is variable.

6. I have a tendency to become bloated, gassy or constipated.

7. My skin frequently feels dry.

8. I tend to have cold hands and feet.

9. I am a light sleeper and often have difficulty falling asleep.

10. I prefer warm, moist weather to cold or dry weather.

Psychological characteristics

1. I am creative and imaginative.

2. I enjoy artistic forms of expression.

3. My mind is active and often restless.

4. I daydream frequently.

5. I have a tendency to feel anxious, nervous and insecure.

6. I learn quickly but forget quickly.

7. I speak quickly and use hand gestures.

8. I am always on the go.

9. My lifestyle and daily routine are irregular.

10. My dreams are colourful and active.



Physical Characteristics1. I have a medium build and gain and

lose weight easily.2. My height is average.3. My physical features are sharp or

pointed – such as my chin, nose and teeth.

4. My energy levels and activity levels are high.

5. My appetite is strong. I can eat large quantities of food.

6. My bowel movements are regular, I occasionally have diarrhoea.

7. I perspire quite easily.8. My skin is oily and has a reddish tone.9. My eyes are penetrating and light in

colour.10. I prefer cooler weather and become

irritable in hot weather.

Psychological Characteristics

1. I am goal oriented and achieve anything to which I put my mind.

2. I have a good sense of humour.

3. I have a strong intellect and enjoy learning new things.

4. I have a natural ability to lead others.

5. I am a perfectionist.

6. I tend to become irritable, impatient and angry.

7. Many people think that I am stubborn.

8. I become irritable if I skip a meal,

9. I enjoy competition.

10. I am critical of myself and others.



Physical Characteristics

1. I gain weight easily and lose weight with great difficulty.

2. I am short and stocky or tall and large.

3. Thick, best describes by bodily features- neck, fingers and lips.

4. I have lots of strength and stamina.

5. My digestion is weak and I often feel heavy after eating.

6. My bowel movements are highly irregular.

7. My skin is smooth and oily and tends to be pale.

8. I sleep deeply and soundly.

9. I catch colds quite frequently.

10. I prefer hot weather over cold or damp weather.

Psychological Characteristics

1. I have a big heart and prefer to focus on the good in the world.

2. I am calm in nature and not easily angered

3. I prefer a slow, relaxed lifestyle.

4. I don’t learn as quickly as others, but my long term memory is excellent.

5. I become sentimental quite easily, I often think of the past.

6. I am methodical in my actions.

7. I am highly protective of myself and my family.

8. I let negative emotions build up rather than addressing them.

9. I usually let others take the lead.

10. I am a natural listener and frequently help others with their problems.



How to balance your doshas with essential oils

Perfect Potion Vata blend

People with a Vata imbalance need nourishing and energising essential oils.

Perfect Potion Vata blend contains sweet orange, lavender and bergamot oil to help cope with stress and reduce anxiety while black pepper, coriander seed, clove bud, Tulsi basil, turmeric and saffron will help to improve energy levels to cope with the stress.

Perfect Potion Pitta blend

People with strong Pitta need cooling and calming essential oils.

Perfect Potion Pitta blend is calming and relaxing. Pitta blend includes essential oils of cardamom, Roman chamomile, frankincense, davana, geranium, lavender, cold pressed lime, jatamansi, sweet orange and ylang ylang.

Perfect Potion Kapha blend

People with a Kapha imbalance need energising and invigorating essential oils.

Perfect Potion Kapha blend contains lemon, coriander seed, ginger, lemongrass and Tulsi basil which are energising and invigorating, while the woody and earthy scents of Atlas cedarwood, patchouli and rhus khus are nurturing and grounding.


Recommended reading and references

Frawley D, The Yoga of Herbs. Lotus Press, USA, (1988).

Frawley D, Ranade S, Ayurveda: Nature’s Medicine. Lotus Press, USA, 2001.

Miller L, Miller B, Ayurveda and Aromatherapy. Lotus Press, USA, 1995.

Warrier G, Gunawant D, The Complete Illustrated Guide to Ayurveda. Element Books Limited, Great Britain, 1997.

Yarema T, Rhoda D, Brannigan CJ., Eat Taste Heal – An Ayurvedic guidebook and cookbook for modern living. Five elements press, USA, 2006.




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