Gumball Math: SMART Board Lesson Plan

Post on 04-Feb-2015

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Assignment 4.1



Gumball MathSMART Notebook Lesson

Lisle BerndsenEDP 279 Assignment 4.1

+Target Learners

Grade Levels Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade

Subject Matter: Mathematics

+Use with SMART Board

Students will move the gumballs around on the SMART Board screen and sort them by color

Students will count the gumballs on the screen

Students will create a graph of the count and color of each gumball

+Use with SMART Board

Students will solve addition and subtraction problems using the gumballs as a visual

Students will see the actual numerical math problem beside the gumball machine on screen

+Use with SMART Board

Teachers can create their own addition or subtraction word problems on the lesson template

Teachers can bring in gumballs (or another item to count) for students observing the SMART Board to follow along

Teachers can create a supplementary worksheet for students to write down the actual math problems

Adaptions to Lesson

+Universal Design

Students with diverse learning styles will learn addition, subtraction, color recognition, sorting, and graphing

Multiple senses are engaged during the learning process with this lesson plan

Visual: looking at the gumball machine on the SMART board and sorting by color to solve a math problem

Logical: seeing the actual math problem completed next to the gumball machine

Aural: listen to the teacher count the gumballs and sort them

Physical: the student using the SMART board will move the gumballs around on the screen; other students will follow along with actual gumballs (or another item to count)

+Universal Design

The information is comprehendible and can be perceived and understood by every student

Each student in the classroom will understand at least one of the ways that the material is represented (visual, logical, aural, physical) Multiple means of

representation of the math problem

Multiple means of action and expression to solve the math problems

+Sources SMART Notebook Lesson:
