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ISSUE 5, 2013

Page 3: Hot Therapy vs. Cold Therapy + Gusto Gala fundraiser info

Page 4: Laughter In The Workplace+ A Look Into the Piezoelectric Gland

Page 5: Liquid Crystals: Part 3 Did you know? Vinegar’s natural holistic uses

Page 6: Hear Your Healing : Part 2 + Did you know? Vinegar (continued)

Page 7: Mom’s Kitchen: Gluten Free Chocolate Mousse + “Seek out the truth” by Florence Dwelling


Letter from the editor,We are so excited to announce that Gusto Magazine will be holding a fundraising Gala at Homegrown Hamilton (27 king William St) on May 1st, 2013.

The Gusto Gala is celebration to raise awareness and funding - to help Gusto Magazine stay FREE for our readers and to grow in size and availability throughout Hamilton. We just want everyone to read it!

As you may know already, Gusto is a an independent magazine aimed to give a voice and create unity in Hamilton’s Spiritual, Environmental, holistic and wellness communities.

There will be a silent auction (with over 20 prizes to be won) + 2 Raffles, live music, vegan cuisine by Culinary Nutritionist Julia McIntosh + presentations + Massage by donation on site provided by Inturelaxation and much more!

Please help us keep Gusto growing and glowing!

The following businesses wills be offering gift certificates and other auction items:

Bodynsol HealingSynchro-NicitiesElemental ArtsCe LoveMeadowlands ChiropracticThe Harmonious SoulJen Fleming RMTWeird StuffAdaptations StudioInturelaxationEat Local - Environment HamiltonHomegrown Hamilton

+ Many more to come!

Come by and show your support!Wednesday May 1st, 20136PM - 9PMAdmission: $5 (includes raffle ticket) + welcome package

Editor,Amy Bonin


GUSTO is a free alternative publication aimed to create unity amongst Hamilton’s holistic, “green”, organic and spiritual commu-nity.

OUR PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLEEducate, Inspire and Grow. We intend that GUSTO will provide readers with stories, interviews and information concerning holistic health,wellness and environmental awareness shared by industry leaders in our Hamilton community.

We are looking for article submissions, interviewees and businesses that wish to advertise with us , or wishing to carry our magazine. Please contact us at forsubmission guidelines or advertising information.

Page 3: Hot Therapy vs. Cold Therapy + Gusto Gala fundraiser event info

Page 4: Laughter In The Workplace + A Look Into the Piezoelectric GlandPage 5: Liquid Crystals: Part 3 + Did you know? Vinegar’s natural holistic uses

Page 6: Hear Your Healing : Part 2 + Did you know? Vinegar (continued)Page 7: Mom’s Kitchen: Gluten Free Chocolate Mousse + “Seek out the truth” by Florence Dwelling

Adaptations Studio

Hot baths, hot pads, hot water bottles, heated blankets, the list goes on for heat therapy. It’s relaxing; it’s soothing, makes us feel sleepy and gives us that overall warm fuzzy feeling. Ice bags and cold packs, on the other hand, give a lot of people anxiety - and with good reason – some of us are so stressed and exhausted by our lives we feel like we can’t get warm. The idea of a cold pack actually makes some people feel afraid; like we may never get warm again. And because of this fear, we put heat pads on everything, even injuries. But a heat pad is far from a catch all solution, and in many instances can increase the problem! Below are the do’s and don’t of hot and cold therapies so you can use them properly to treat aches and pains at home.

Hot Therapy Do…

• Take a hot bath at the end of a long day of physical activity or inactivity. The heat from the tub will relax your muscles and bring blood to the

surface layers of skin, thus cleansing it as it moves through the lymphatic structures under the skin.

• Put a moist heat, like a hot towel, on an achy and stiff arthritic joint. The heat will help loosen the tissues and increase the circulation through them. This followed up by a gentle massage can improve mobility by a lot.

Hot Therapy Don’t…

• DON’T put heat on a new injury of any kind – even a muscle strain. All new injuries are inflamed and placing a heating pad on the inflamed part with increase the inflammation and nerve conductivity creating more pain. In addition, this will slow down the healing process making your injury take longer to recover.

• DON’T put heat on an arthritic flare up! As the above line states, inflammation and heating pads are not friends and the heat will make the flare up worse. Basically when it comes to heat therapy, if you are inflamed NO HEAT.

So now, if our bodies have to deal with those chronically on a daily

Cold Therapy Do…

•Got inflammation? A fresh injury? Then a cold pack really will be your best friend. The cold will reduce the inflammation and the pain and will help speed the recovery process. Try it out for yourself some time and you will see that it’s true.

•Use a cold pack during an arthritic flare up - when the joints are all red and swollen. Again, this will reduce the inflammation and the pain.

•Use a cold towel when you have a head ache – place it on the base of the skull and feel relief. Light sensitive? Drape the towel over your head to block the light and gain relief from the cold. •Keep a water bottle or bean bag in the freezer at all times to use for nasty foot pain like plantar fascitis. Just rest your foot on the cold bag or roll it out on the bottle.

When inflammation occurs remember RICE: Rest Ice Compress Elevate. And inflammation occurs every time your body is hurt. So no more heating pads on your boo-boos, ok?

Hot therapy vs. cold therapyJen Fleming, RMT


Want to see you business in Gusto Magazine? Drop us a line : or check out:

Laughter Yoga has many health benefits.

It aids in developing a positive mental attitude, hope and optimism and increases communication skills to help in team building.

Motivation and communication

Whether you are the first person a client sees when entering your company, or the main communicator, you will convey to others, just how healthy & joyful you are. When others see your joy, they will gravitate towards you…..this is definitely a bonus if you are in Sales, imagine the earning potential.

Laughter Yoga incorporates breathing techniques, light stretch, child like play and lots of giggles. There is no right or wrong way to begin. And you definitely do not need a sense of humour, just the willingness to participate in a program which you will derive happiness, health & peace. Oh, and the socialization aspect of it is a definite plus.Find out more about Laughter Yoga from Linda, and hopefully you will be the first one to initiate this into your workplace…..have you considered a “Lunch n’ Learn” session?

Linda Kraan-Benson is a certified Laughter Yoga Leader and has been teaching workshops for over 7 seven years in the Greater Hamilton area. Hypnosis Through Past Life & Angel Healing

Linda Kraan-Benson, Master Hypnotist C.Ht. (NGH), Cert. Wellness Educator, Reflexologist, Reiki Master & Laughter Yoga Leader 905-515-3206

In this high pressure, high tension modern world, stress levels are higher than ever before. Many people are facing an enormous amount of stress and burnout in the workplace. Even highly talented and skilled people cannot perform well if they are emotionally imbalanced and stressed. There are many methods being used to reduce stress but Laughter Yoga is the most cost effective, less time consuming and is a single exercise routine which reduces physical, mental and emotional stress simultaneously and promotes harmonized balance and over all well being.

Peak Performance

At any given time, physical, mental and emotional performance relies on mood levels, Laughter Yoga has the power to change the mood state within minutes by releasing Neuro-peptides, from the brain cells, which are called endorphins. Did you know that our brain needs about 25% more oxygen than any other organ? With Laughter Yoga we can increase the brains oxygen levels, and gain amazing results, which bring about increased levels of energy, joy & serenity.

Team Building

“People who laugh together, work together” and a company that promotes Laughter as Medicine, and provides wellness classes for their employees, gains so much in increased productivity and lowers the level of employee sick days….that has to be a bonus for themselves and a heightened benefit for all.

John Cleese, a renowned British comedian, once said during his visit to Mumbai that Laughter is a great connector of people. It breaks all hierarchies and is a force for democracy. And John certainly knows a thing or two about laughter


By: Linda Kraan-Benson A Look Into the Piezoelectric Gland

The pineal gland is anatomically located near the center of our brain and is responsible for communicating with our body regarding time, sleep, wake, sexual maturity and aging. It is our internal clock and navigational positioning system. The pineal gland is also known as the ‘third eye’.

Although the pineal gland is anatomically part of our brain it is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system. It has abundant blood flow, second to the kidney, both of which are common sites for calcification.

Calcification of the pineal gland is thought to be part of our aging process. Some believe that we have created this calcification from the intake of toxins such as fluoride and its derivatives. Physiologically calcification of the pineal gland can initiate the deterioration of our health by causing a disruption in our melatonin production thereby affecting our sleep-wake cycle. This consequently affects our mood, sex-drive, metabolism and so on.

Metaphysically the vision of our ‘third eye’ and the ability to connect with our higher self is affected. We can lose our sense of direction in life, our passion for the human experience and our connection to Source energy.

Many enlightened beings are blessed with clean pineal glands and therefore are strongly connected to Source. These intuitive souls have been sharing ways to de-calcify the pineal gland as well as how to adapt with our temporary evolutionary process and overcome this obstacle regardless of the cause.

We are electromagnetic beings equipped with a piezoelectric antennae.

Medical science has discovered that the ‘brain sand’ on our pineal gland contains the same minerals that are found in quartz crystal. Quartz crystal

is known to be one of the most piezoelectric minerals on earth and has been used in many technological devices such as; sonar, radios, clocks, microphones, cameras and diagnostic equipment.

Piezoelectric crystals are effective because they are capable of receiving and amplifying ‘information’ created by vibration. These crystals that form on the pineal gland are also piezoelectric and provide us with an internal antennae that is capable of receiving ‘information’ from vibrations within the body as well as external sources physically, energetically and spiritually. In other words these crystals can be activated to connect us to everything and everyone.

To live a longer and healthier life it is recommended to de-calcify the pineal gland by decreasing or eliminating the use of toxic products. Choose foods, water, herbs and supplements that alkalize the body. Shift old belief systems and practice ways to de-stress the body, mind and spirit.

In the meantime you can choose to follow the advice of the proverb “if life hands you lemons, make lemonade” and activate the crystals on your pineal gland, connect with your telepathic abilities and communicate with your higher Self. See everything with new perspective. Be certain about your life and decisions. Sleep soundly and wake feeling well rested. Guide your Self with confidence on your journey.

With a clean and activated pineal gland and an open third eye you will in joy your human experience and overcome all obstacles by seeing them from a higher perspective. Obstacles, such as the calcification of the pineal gland,can be viewed as an opportunity for spiritual learning and evolutionary growth.

Kathy Corbett-King ~ BodynSol Healing & ImPowerment Coaching

382 West 5th

By: Kathy Corbett - King

Laughter Yoga in the Workplace

Did you know? Vinegar’s natural holistic uses - Part 1

Liquid Crystal Love – Part 3If you have been following my articles you may be asking yourself “if tap water has fluoride and bottled water has contaminates from plastics, what about Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water?”

I will start by saying that anything you can do to avoid poisons such as fluoride and chlorine is a good start. However, jug style filters that you can buy at your local department store to filter tap water are not suffice. Do not waste your money.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

It’s a process used for filtering water in which pressure is applied to force the water through a semipermeable membrane that refuses to allow the passage of certain contaminants. It can extract inorganic minerals, heavy metals, lead, copper, fluoride and a series of other contaminants. Other advantages include no electricity use and it’s ideal for use in electrical devices. Unfortunately, it takes 4-6 gallons of water to make one gallon of purified water. Systems and membrane replacement can be costly and water quality diminishes as the membrane ages. Although certain bacteria cannot pass through the membrane, it can grow in the holding tank.

What does Distilled mean?

Distillation is a process where by water is boiled into steam and the steam is then collected for drinking water. Water distillation effectively removes bacteria, microorganisms, fluoride, pesticides, heavy metals and minerals. Other advantages include no colour, no odor and no taste to the water. Disadvantages include electricity use, number of hours to make water, lack of taste and storage issues.

Reverse Osmosis has been called “dead water” because the water has been manipulated to the point where is has lost its natural structure.

Both RO and Distilled have no minerals or organic life. RO fails to transform negative memory left in the water from toxins and therefore surrenders all of its crystalline structure. Distilled water is considered sterile and for that reason, the water will look for any organic material it comes in contact with to stabilize itself. NEVER store distilled water in plastic. There is much controversy about whether or not distilled water leaches minerals from our bodies. Some scientists say that it can but others say that once the water comes in contact with the contents of our stomach it is immediately neutralized. Other sources say that distilled water creates aggressive H2O that has an almost completely destroyed geometric structure.

If I drink RO or Distilled what can I do to put “life” back into my water?

Some suggestions are: adding a pinch of Himalayan sea salt, using various crystals, reiki blessing, prayer, moon charging, music (soft, angelic, classical or highly positive), vortexing, writing positive words on your water bottle and thanking your water. Always store your water in glass bottles. For more information about how vibrations, words and music change the structure of your water see the Masaru Emoto studies.

Keep in mind even though you are charging these waters they will never become genuine living water like Spring water!!!

Vanessa Pazzi The Water

By: Vanessa Pazzi


Vinegar has been a useful medicine for thousands of years, crossing continents and cultures, assisting doctors and helping ailing populations. While current medicine focuses almost exclusively on complex chemical and drug treatments, vinegar is still being studied for its potential uses in both complementary and orthodox medicine. As a home remedy, it is reputed to soothe almost anything from joint paint and sore throats to eczema and fatigue and is also beneficial to weight loss.

It must be stressed that prior to self-diagnosis, it is essential to contact your medical professional to discuss your health problem(s).

Sore Throats There are three ways of treating sore throats – gargling, swallowing and wrapping. If you do all three, the sore throat stands no chance:

• To gargle, mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and gargle for ten seconds, three to four times a day. • To swallow, mix four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and four teaspoons of honey in a glass of warm water. Drink every four hours. • For wrapping, first steep a cloth in a mixture of 200 ml/7 fl oz/1 cup of warm water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Squeeze it out and place on the throat, keeping it in place by wrapping another scarf or cloth around it. Wear this while sleeping and the vinegar will draw the toxins out of your system.

Arthritis This is a condition that blights sufferers with painful and stiff joints but the use of apple cider vinegar has consistently been shown to alleviate the pain. Medical stores abound of patients, whose fingers have become deformed by arthritis, finding themselves with pain-free digits thanks to the use of vinegar. The process is simple. Start with one teaspoon of vinegar a day in a large glass of water. At your own pace, increase this to twice a day and then drink the vinegar with every meal. Over time, increase the vinegar intake to a dessertspoon (two teaspoons) with each glass. Improvement will occur though how great it is depends on the severity of the condition.

Last issue, we discussed the principles behind Vibrational Sound Medicine and its’ intricate relationship to the body’s in-built system of resonance frequency. By introducing a variety of pure tonal sounds we can in essence “tune” the body back into its natural state of being, just as we would tune a guitar by playing it alongside the harmonic scale.

Each of the seven main energy centres within the body, (known as chakras in the east, and over here in the wild west, modern science call them nerve bundles) has a specific frequency resonance that each vibrates to when they are in a balanced state. Interestingly, each chakra or nerve bundle resonates to the same frequency in correspondence with the notes of the Harmonic Scale.

Literally, you could say we all are Music; beating to the tune of our own drum. Take a look at this chart and see how the anatomy of the body meets each chakra and the musical note associated with it.

If the body is in a state of imbalance a variety of issues may surface. One could even say we are manifesting these blockages with our thoughts, but we can certainly use music to re-tune ourselves. It is a simple as listening to our body talk.

How do you feel when you listen to different genres of music?

Why is it that fast tempo progressive metal rock, and its’ subgenres like “Screamo” have such an ill-sided effect on our temperament?

Not to generalize, but at concerts where this type of music is forefront, crowds tend to form mosh pits, creating what is also called controlled violence circle pits, usually found at the foot of the stage.

Participants in mosh pits, claim to utilize this particularly violent outlet to show their “love” or appreciation of the music. Meanwhile, if we were to be graced with another Bob Marley or John Lennon concert, their audiences were always found in a peaceful state, often communing with other concert goers over their mutual love for the artists’ performing.

If you find that you feel off, take time to listen to how your body responds to the music you most often choose to listen to. Remember that pure tonal sounds that resonate with the harmonic scale are healing to the body and stimulate the energy centers listed in the charts, resetting them into their natural state, ultimately putting you at ease. An easy way to pinpoint music that balances the body’s energy centers is to look at the lyrics. Not to play up the puns, but most often, the lyrics will denote and echo the energetic impact of the tonal frequencies contained within any piece of music.

Therefore, you can quite literally re-tune your body with some of your favourite songs. Go through your music library, check out the keys in which your favourite music was composed, pay close attention to the lyrics and build yourself a dandy lil’ playlist of ditties that will have your body rocking to the tune of perfect pitch in body, mind and spirit! It’s that easy! For more on vibrational sound medicine, visit to learn more or to experience a sound therapy session.

Hear Your Healing: part 2By: Amber Colbear

Did you know?

IndigestionDiscomfort caused by certain foods does not help your body’s process of eliminating waste and absorbing protein, minerals and vitamins.If you suffer from indigestion, in a small ceramic teapot, mix two teaspoons of vinegar and half a teaspoon of green tea and fill with boiling water.

Allow the liquid to steep for five minutes them drink as required.

Alternatively you can use peppermint tea instead – peppermint greatly assists digestion and is well known for its benefits for upset stomachs.(as posted on

The Green Smoothie Bar presents: The Total Balanced Health & Wellness Week, April 15th-21st. Featuring Hamilton’s alternative health leaders teaching a variety of workshops like Yoga At Home, Vibrational Sound Healing & Meditation, Removing Toxins from your Body & Home, Reiki, Reflexology, Aromatherapy Bio Oils, Colour Therapy and more. Plus, the week begins with a 7 Day Community Cleanse with RHN Tanya Fraser. Each workshop is $10 and includes an Arctic Orange Cleanse Smoothie or register for the whole week for only $55.

Visit for more details!


Vinegar’s natural holistic uses - Part 1 (continued)

MOM’S KITCHEN Seek out the truthThe Piper, the Prophet the Gypsy, the Muse.The Writer, the Singer,the Sage, the Recluse.All being oneholding truth rightThe Seers, the Seekersthe Workers of light.The Shaman, the Wizard,Indigo blue.Holding the love.Bearing the proof.As one we stand.As one we shall be.Take my handsee what we see.

My truth is all I see and it makes me question every truth I know.”-Florence Dwelling

Written by: Terry Atkinson “Florence Dwelling”

Gluten Free Chocolate Mousse ¾ cup semi sweet chocolate chips, melted 1 (12.3 ounce) package extra firm tofu ¼ cup water

Whipping Cream and Grated chocolate optional . but really good! Place chocolate chips and tofu in a food processor or blender, and process for 2 minutes until smooth. Place egg whites and salt in a medium bowl and beat with a mixer at high speed until stiff peaks form. Combine sugar and ¼ cup water in a small saucepan; bring to a boil. Cook without stirring until candy thermometer registers 238 degrees. Pour the hot sugar syrup in a thin stream over egg white mixture , beating at high speed. Gently stir one fourth of meringue into the tofu mixture, gently fold in remaining meringue.

Spoon ½ cup mousse into each of cup or bowl. Cover and chill at least 4 hours. Garnish with whipped topping and chocolate. Berries can be added also.



3 large egg whites ½ cup sugar¼ tsp. Salt

HAMILTON HAPPENINGS Hamilton Happenings continue on the back cover!

WORKShOPSReiki For RufusLearn Reiki for you and your dog!The Harmonious Soul & Purple Paw CompanySunday May 5th9 am to 5 pmAnimal Reiki and Reiki Level 1 CertificateBring your dog with you!Call Vanessa

Psychic Healer WorkshopPre-requisite: Reiki levels I & IIThis is a certificate course created and designed by T.K. Atkinson to enhance your psychic skills for use as a Reiki level II practitioner.This is not a level III Master Class.Course Manual provided.Cost: $150.00 @ Synchro-nicities ~ 219 Ottawa St N, Deposit of $50.00 required to secure your is limited

The Harmonious Soul ~ Amethyst Bio-Mat SessionsApril 6th to April 13th by Appt.Vanessa

Aura Photo Day! @ BodynSolApril 7 @ BodynSol ~ 382 West 5th ~ HamiltonAn aura photo is a photograph of the electric magnetic field around your body often called the aura.You receive a photo, computer printout explanation, and personal interpretation.Limited appointments available.Photo appointments are 20 minutes and the photos are $40 each reading by Eveline.Vanessa

HAMILTON HAPPENINGS Events (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6)BodynSol Anniversary Open House!!Sunday April 7th 12-3PMJoin us for our one year celebration.Vendors, Raffle, Food, Beverages and more.BodynSol ~ 382 West 5th ~ HamiltonWe will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to Neighbour to Neighbour. Bring an item and receive a free raffle Tea Cup readings with AmyAmy, from ‘The Art of Tea and Tasseomancy’ will be providing Her delicious natural teas, and then reading tea cups.Please book ahead to reserve your spot with your $30.00 fee.Spaces fill quicklySynchro-nicities ~ 219 Ottawa St N,