Gut · 2007. 8. 15. · Gut1997; 40: 811-813 VOLUME40: AUTHORINDEX-MAINHEADINGS KEY:(C)...

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GutJ7ournal of the British Society of Gastroenterology

which is a registered charity

Editor: Michael J G Farthing

Associate Editors: Michael J P Arthur, John Calam, Roger Chapman, Ian Forgacs (reviews, editorials)Michael A Kamm, Thomas T MacDonald

Managing Editor: Andrea Horgan Editorial Assistants: Michelle DimlerJulia Neary

EDITORIAL BOARDD Adams (UK)D Alderson (UK)C Arvanitakis (Greece)G Bianchi Porro (Italy)I Booth (UK)M Buchler (Switzerland)E Butruk (Poland)J Dent (Australia)G Dockray (UK)J Galmiche (France)J Heathcote (Canada)S Hubscher (UK)

P Jansen (The Netherlands)J Jass (New Zealand)G Krejs (Austria)S K Lam (Hong Kong)N Lemoine (UK)M M Levine (USA)O Lundgren (Sweden)P Malfertheiner (Germany)J Neoptolemos (UK)D Rachmilewitz (Israel)D S Rampton (UK)J Rask-Madsen (Denmark)

P Rutgeerts (Belgium)G Sandle (UK)C Scarpignato (Italy)E Schrumpf (Norway)P Shorvon (UK)D Thompson (UK)G Tytgat (The Netherlands)B J R Whittle (UK)T Wright (UK)Shu-Dong Xiao (China)

R G Newcombe(Statistical adviser)

EditorBritish Medical 3ournal

Book reviews, Note

familial breast and colorectal cancer, with a

speculative and unsatisfactory review of therole of radiotherapy in this context, and closeswith a chapter on the molecular therapy andprevention of hepatitis B infection, this beingof more relevance to sporadic than to familialcancers.

In conclusion, this staccato collection ofcontributions on aspects of familial cancer is

of some value, its main strengths being reportsof small genotype/phenotype correlation stud-ies, but there is little emphasis on the clinicalsurveillance and management of patients andtheir relatives, and the book is far from com-

prehensive, of necessity becoming out of date,and frustrating because of the brevity of eachtopic and the lack of continuity.



Penang International Teaching Coursein Gastroenterology

The Penang International Teaching Course inGastroenterology will be held on 23-26 July1997 in Penang, Malaysia. This is a jointmeeting between the Penang MedicalPractitioner's Society, Malaysian Society ofGastroenterology and Hepatology and theBritish Societv of Gastroenterology. TheScientific programme comprises symposia on

acid related disease, malignant oesophageal

obstruction, dyspepsia, biliary obstruction,and colorectal carcinoma. State of the artlectures will be given on broad range of topicsincluding liver failure, minimally invasive

surgery, inflammatorv bowel disease, irritablebowel syndrome, viral hepatitis, endoscopicmanagement of chronic pancreatitis, oeso-

phageal cancer, and management of upper

gastrointestinal disease. The course will alsoinclude a live endoscopy workshop andgastrointestinal assistant and nurses edu-cation program. An international facultyincludes J Dent, N Soehendra, J Wong, ATRAxon, D Campbell, K Huibregtse, JMRhodes, SG Lim, F Konishi, H Dowling, MMcMahon, D Kelleher, J Neuberger, TPovnard, J Lambert, SK Lam, ST Kew, SSamad, and SB Chua.


Gut 1997; 40: 811-813


KEY: (C) = Correspondence; (E) = Editorial; (LA) = Leading Article

Aadland E, 313, 328Abergel A, 575Acalovschi M, 412Adamek HE, 678Adams S, 710Adler G, 531Aeed H, 133Akamatsu T, 782Akkermans LMA, 641, 704Al-Awadi FM, 307Albert E, 623Alda JO, 175Alderson D, 565 (LA)Alexander GA, 695 (C)Andrews JM, 234Andreyev HJN, 555Angermuiller S, 720Anggiansah A, 182Armitage NC, 110Atherton JC, 701 (LA)Aufenanger J, 386Azuma T, 726

Baczako K, 73Baigrie RJ, 381Baird AW, 634Bakewell M, 370Bardhan KD, 31Baron JH, 155 (C), 156 (C)Barthet M, 262Basilisco G, 188Bassendine MF, 277Bauditz J, 470Bauerfeind P, 25Baumann R, 475Beales ILP, 14, 155 (C)Beauchamp N, 798Belai A, 767Bell JI, 572 (LA)Bemelmans M, 560 (C)Benda N, 406Benjamin N, 211BenyedderY, 167Benz C, 678Bernades P, 262BerstadAE, 196Bianchi MB, 102Bianchi PA, 188Bianchi Porro G, 560 (C)Biemond 1, 267, 591Bijl H, 320Bilenker M, 333Bischoff SC, 745Bjamason I, 228, 608Blackman G, 362Blendis L, 151Bloemena E, 113Blomberg B, 431 (C)Blum AL, 36Bobrzyfiski AJ, 463Bodger K, 739Bodmer WE, 654Boissier B, 356Bommelaer G, 575Bonucci A, 215Booker SV, 521Borch K, 536Borsch G, 36Boruchowicz A, 262Bostock K, 110Bouchier IAD, 139BoulantJ, 575Boulos PB, 767Bovee-Oudenhoven IMJ, 497Bower M, 289 (C)Bown SG, 362Brada M, 801Bramble MG, 192Brandtzaeg P, 196Bray MJ, 393Breuer RI, 485Brignola C, 102Britton KE, 790Brotodiharjo A, 492Brough JIL, 204Brown CM, 693Brown NJ, 31Brownlee A, 105BruckR, 133BruhatA, 167Bryan R, 9Buchler MW, 73, 386

Buckley C, 805Buhr HJ, 526Bukhave K, 582Bulow S, 716Burke CM, 687Burmham WR, 9Burnstock G, 767Buskens E, 716Buurman WA, 560 (C)Buxton-Thomas M, 228

CadiotG, 167Calabresi C, 102CalamJ, 14Camby I, 253Campbell A, 234Campieri M, 102Cao Q-X, 683Carballo F, 794Carr-Locke DL, 697 (LA)Catassi C, 215Cetin Y, 745Challacombe DN, 57ChanWC, 161 (LA)Chapman P, 105Chaumette M-T, 356Chmiela M, 20Christ ML, 485Chu M, 536Chua E, 435 (LA)Clausen MR, 400Clyne M, 731Coleman S, 683Collins JK, 512Collins JSA, 697 (LA)Colon C, 695 (C)Compston JE, 695 (C)Cook GC, 428Coppa GV, 215Coste T, 167Csakany I, 412Cuckow PM, 689Cunningham D, 555Czernichow B, 67Czkwianianc E, 20

Daerr W, 761D'Amato M, 575Danguy A, 253Danielsson D, 431 (C)Dapoigny M, 575Davidson G, 370DawoduJB, 431 (C)de Calan L, 262De Decker R, 253De Franchis R, 102de Ruiter P, 716Dejong CHC, 418Delcenserie R, 262Delchier J-C, 356Demeester TR, 804Dent J, 370, 449Desjeux JF, 333Deutz NEP, 418Diamond AG, 277Dickneite G, 531Dickson A, 302Dillon JF, 664Dominguez-Muftoz JE, 459Domschke W, 86Dorandgu A, 350Dotti M, 215Dowling D, 560 (C)Doyle JS, 687Droy-Lefaix MT, 333Drumm B, 731Drummond RS, 211Duckworth C, 253Duclos B, 475Duggan JM, 492Dumitrascu DL, 412Dumont S, 475Duncan CW, 211Duncan HD, 393Dunn BE, 25

Ebert EC, 333Eigler A, 623Ekbom A, 328El-Nujumi A, 302

El-Omar E, 302Elias E, 798Elliott TSJ, 454Emery PW, 393Endo M, 123Endres S, 623Engel G, 720England RE, 272English JSC, 289 (C)Ernst H, 463Esumi H, 660Evans DF, 614Evans JMM, 619

Fabiani E, 215Falch JA, 313Faller G, 463Farbstein M, 754Farrant JM, 695 (C)Farrell RJ, 561 (C)Farthing MJG, 563 (E)Fasano A, 505Fausa 0, 328Ferretti M, 102Filipowicz B, 204Fitzke G, 406Flemal KL, 485Floren I, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)Foitzik Th, 526Folwaczny C, 623Foo AY, 689Forgacs I, 228Forrest EH, 139, 664Foulkes R, 628Franken HCM, 61Fraser R, 370Fredlund H, 431 (C)Fricke H, 623Friedman GD, 297Friess H, 73Fujii T, 660Fukumoto M, 647Fukushima S, 660Fukushima Y, 344

Gabryelewicz A, 86Gale L, 492Galluser M, 67Garden OJ, 128Gardiner KR, 560 (C)Gamer R, 25Garred P, 544Gebel M, 745Gemmell CG, 431 (C)Geoghegan JG, 164 (LA)George EK, 61Gerbes AL, 145Giardiello FM, 521Gilat T, 754Gillen D, 302Gionchetti P, 102Giorgi PL, 215Gleeson FV, 695 (C)GloverJR, 362Gold LI, 73Goldberg PA, 790Golden M, 211Goldsworthy W, 370Gomolka M, 623Gonzalez-Calero G, 49Gorlach E, 720Gosse F, 67Gosselin M, 350GotzJM, 591Gouma DJ, 560 (C)Graudal N, 544Greve JW, 560 (C)Griffin SM, 671Griffioen G, 716Gronroos JM, 95Grool TA, 241Gruber SB, 521

Haapamaki MM, 95Haber HP, 406Hacker UT, 623Haemling J, 470Hahn EG, 463Hahn SA, 120Hallak A, 754

Halliday MI, 560 (C)Halpem Z, 133Halstensen TS, 196Hamilton MI, 105Hamilton SR, 521HamlingJ, 761Hammel P, 356Hanauer SB, 485Hanby A, 654Hardcastle JD, 110Harig JM, 485Harris AW, 155 (C), 156 (C)Harrison DJ, 128Hart A, 554Hasebe T, 660Haslam R, 370Havranek EG, 92Hawkey CJ, 204, 797 (suppl 1

abstract)Hayashi S, 123Haydon GH, 128Hayes PC, 128, 139, 664Heading RC, 541Heathcote J, 440 (LA)Heatley RV, 739Heidt PJ, 497Heinisch A, 80Heinrichs C, 550Hellstrom PM, 376Hengst K, 86Heresbach D, 262Hershkoviz R, 133Heyman M, 333Hilditch TE, 302Hillingso J, 582Hirai M, 726Hirasing RA, 61Hobsley M, 155 (C)Hogason K, 544Holloway RH, 449Holst JJ, 597Holstege A, 80Holzhuter C, 481Homann C, 544HondaT, 123HoqueATMS, 120Hotz HG, 526Houwen RHJ, 61Howaldt S, 761Hull MA, 204Hunt LM, 110Hussaini SH, 695 (C)

Ilyas M, 654Imamura M, 647Imamura T, 647Imbesi V, 560 (C)Inoue H, 123Ireland A, 449, 804Irvine EJ, 775Irving MH, 218Ito S, 726Ito Y, 726

Jackson N, 805Jacob S, 31Jacobs M, 608Jahnsen J, 313Jakobs R, 678Jalan R, 664Jamal A, 689Jamieson GG, 381Janowitz HD, 289 (C)Jarnerot G, 431 (C)Jarvis LM, 128Jebbink RJA, 641Jewell DP, 234, 572 (LA), 695 (C)Johnston BT, 587Jones DEJ, 277Jones PW, 289 (C)Jorgensen JR, 400

Kalia N, 31Kallajoki M, 95Kamm MA, 9, 157 (C), 790Kando F, 123Kapp A, 745Karayiannis P, 294 (LA)Katsuyama T, 782Kedinger M, 475


Volume 40: Author Index - Main Headings

Keele AM, 393Keeling PWN, 561 (C)Kelleher D, 634Keller E, 623Kelly J, 512Kelman A, 302KenetG, 133KenneyJS, 475Kern SE, 120Keshavarzian A, 485Khan I, 307Kiessling R, 153Kingsnorth A, 1 (LA)Kinzig M, 526Kinzler KW, 521Kiss R, 253Klein I, 754Klingler C, 463Knifton A, 204Kohli Y, 726Konturek JW, 86Konturek PCh, 463Konturek SJ, 86, 463Korc M, 73Korn A, 49Kouyoumdjian J-C, 356Kr6mer M, 678Kruis W, 761Krush AJ, 521Kulesza E, 86Kullman E, 536KummerJA, 113Kuriyama M, 726Kusterer K, 720

LabenzJ, 36Laken SJ, 521Lamers CBHW, 267, 591LanasA, 175Lanas Al, 42Lang A, 406Langenberg M, 406Langman MJS, 516Langstrom G, 797 (suppl 1

abstract)Lashner BA, 485Launois B, 350Le Bodic L, 262Le Guludec D, 167Lear JT, 289 (C)Leclercq-Rioux N, 350Lennard-Jones JE, 157 (C)Lenzing T, 49Leodolter A, 459Leon MP, 277Leonard C, 687Lerch MM, 531Leser HG, 80Leusing C, 36Levine MM, 505Levy P, 262Liao FM, 505LiderO, 133Lim SH, 683Liras G, 794Lochs H, 470Lock G, 80Lockwood CM, 105Loeschke K, 623Lombard M, 435 (LA)Lorente S, 42Losowsky MS, 695 (C)Lubin F, 754Lubin R, 356Luce MC, 521Luhrs H, 531Luman W, 541Lygren I, 328Lyrenas E, 449

McColl KEL, 302McCutcheon AD, 561 (C)McDevitt DG, 619Macdonald CE, 157 (C)MacDonald TM, 619MacDonald IT, 559McDougall NI, 587McIntyre A, 223Mackintosh C, 228McKnight GM, 211McMahon AD, 619Macpherson A, 228, 608Madden M, 512Mahida YR, 161 (LA)Mahmoud AEA, 798Mahmud T, 608Mahraoui L, 333Maier M, 678Malfertheiner P, 459Manns MP, 745Mansfield JC, 671Marshall JK, 775Marshall REK, 182

Martin CJ, 710Martin DF, 156 (C), 272Martin ED, 350Martin WR, 678Mary JY, 284MatasZ, 133Mathieu S, 575Mathus-Vliegen L, 716Matsuhashi N, 344Matsuo K, 782Matthewson K, 671Mayberry J, 554Mayberry M, 554MayerJ, 745Mearin ML, 61Mee AS, 289 (C)Meenan J, 241Meier PN, 745Meisner S, 597Mertz-Nielsen A, 582Messmann H, 80Miglioli M, 102MignonM, 167Miki K, 370Millat B, 262Milton JD, 234MisiewiczJJ, 155 (C), 156 (C)Miyaji H, 726Mobley HLT, 25Mokhashi MS, 431 (C)Mollnes TE, 544Molloy RM, 247Moniz C, 228Mora A, 794Moreau J, 262Morgan J, 512Mork H, 481Morris G, 790Mortensen N, 695 (C)Mortensen PB, 400Moum B, 328Mowinckel P, 313Mukai K, 660Mulder WMC, 113MUller A, 481Muller C, 425Muller CD, 475Muro K, 521Murphy A, 634Murray FE, 619Murray L, 302Myers JC, 381Myrhoj T, 716

Nagengast F, 716Nakajima A, 344Nakshabendi IM, 431 (C)Nandurkar S, 710Naya\MJ, 175Nevalainen TJ, 95, 386Newcombe RG, 563 (E)Newton M, 9Ng THK, 710Nicholls RJ, 790Nightingale JMD, 157 (C)Noriega FR, 505Nsi-Emvo E, 67Nurmi H, 95

Oda Y, 660Offerhaus GJA, 521, 591Ohshio G, 647OhtakiY, 726Oka T, 344Okada N, 647O'Keane C, 687Olde Damink SWM, 418Oldenburg A, 720Omari TI, 370Orentreich N, 297OrtegoJ, 175Ortner M, 470Oshowo 0, 155 (C)O'Sullivan GCO, 512Ota H, 782O'Toole P, 435 (LA)Otori K, 660Owen WA, 182Owen WJ, 182

Palmer JM, 277Palmer KR, 541Pals ST, 241Pappas TN, 164 (LA)Parente F, 560 (C)Pariente EA, 262Parks RW, 560 (C)Parsonnet J, 297Pasteels J-L, 253PaumgartnerG, 145Peitz U, 36Pereboom D, 175

Perez-Mateo M, 794Perkins AC, 223Petermann D, 425Petersen GM, 521Piantadosi S, 521Piedbois P, 356Pigott R, 234Playford RJ, 157 (C), 286Plique 0, 333Pohl T, 720Poindron P, 475Poulsom R, 516Pounder RE, 105Poxon V, 454Pnrce AB, 608Prvde A, 541

Radema S, 320Rademaker AW, 485Raedler A, 470, 761Rafi S, 608Ramee M-P, 350Raoul J-L, 350Rask-Madsen J, 582Ratsch IM, 215Raul F, 67Rautelin H, 431 (C)Redhead DN, 664Reed MWR, 31Rees WDW, 693RehfeldJF, 536Reif S, 754Reillv TG, 454Reimund JM, 475Rhodes JM, 431 (C), 807Richards DM, 218Riemann JF, 678Riemer H, 425Riepl RL, 49Riesle E, 73Riethmuller J, 406Rigaud D, 167Rizzello F, 102Roberts Al, 333Robinson M, 485Robinson MHE, 110Robson T, 767Rooney PS, 110Rose F, 161 (LA)Rotman N, 356Rowlands BJ, 560 (C)Rudnicka W, 20Russell RI, 431 (C)

Saeki I, 123Sahmoud T, 284SaidelL, 133Sainz R, 42SaitoN, 123Salmon I, 253Sampson SA, 801Samsom M, 641Sanchez-Pays J, 794Sanders DSA, 454, 695 (C)Sargeant IR, 362Sato F, 726Satsangi J, 572 (LA)SauarJ, 328Sauerbruch T, 459Sauvanet A, 262Scheiman JM, 720Scheper RJ, 113Scheurlen M, 481Schmitter N, 386Schnider P, 425Scholmerich J, 80Schrag H-J, 386Schreiber S, 470, 761Schulz T, 328Schutte M, 120Scott D, 608Scott-Coombes DM, 92Seeger W, 550Seibold F, 481Sellin JH, 485Serrano MT, 42Shanahan F, 512, 557Shaw-Smith CJ, 5 (LA)Sheppard MC, 516Sherwood R, 608ShirinH, 133Sigthorsson G, 608Silcock JG, 192Silk DBA, 393Simmonds P, 128,291 (LA)Singer MV, 49Singh S,516Sinico RA, 102Siriser F, 350Slors JFM, 716Smith LM, 211Smithson JE, 234Smout AJPM, 641

Soergel KH, 485Soeters PB, 418Somasundaram S, 608Sonnenberg A, 247Sorgel F, 526Soussi T, 356SpaansJ, 241Spiller RC, 223Stadil F, 597Stain C, 425Stam R, 704Stave R, 196Stephens P, 683Stephens S, 628Stern M, 406Stray N, 328Stringer MD, 689Stronkhorst A, 320Stukart MJ, 113Sugiyama A, 782Sugiyama K, 660Suwa H, 647Svensson TH, 376Szalav A, 550

Taal BG, 716Tajiri H, 660Takeshita K, 123Talbot IC, 654Tallev NJ, 710Tang C, 267Tani M, 123Tanza S, 481Taylor CT, 634Taylor-Robinson SD, 805Teichberg S, 602Temmesfeld-Wollbrueck B, 550ten Berge IJM, 320Termond DSML, 497Terrault NA, 568 (LA)Teyssen S, 49Tham TCK, 587, 697 (LA)Thio JL, 591Thollander M, 376Thomas DW, 683Thomas HC, 294 (LA)ThomasJ, 731Thompson JN, 92Thomsen AC, 544Thorpe S, 362Tillenburg B, 36Tillner A, 720Tobias JS, 362Toghill PJ, 431 (C)Tomlinson IPM, 654Traboulsi El, 521Traill Z, 695 (C)Tutt ANJ, 801Tytgat GNJ, 241, 320

Uhl W, 73, 386Usadel KH, 720

v Schonfeld J, 614Vallance P, 288Vallance R, 156 (C)VallotT, 167Van der Meer R, 497van Deventer SJH, 241, 320, 443van Isselt H, 641Vanagunas A, 485vanBerge-Henegouwen GP, 641Vandenbroucke JP, 61Varming K, 544Vasen HFA, 716Vatn MH, 328Vautier G, 204Vecchi M, 102Veenendaal RA, 591Velio P, 188Venturi A, 102Verspaget HW, 591Vidican DE, 485Viedma JA, 794Vincent RM, 223Vogelman H, 297Vogelsang H, 425Vogelstein B, 521Vogt W, 80Vollmar AM, 145von Furstenberg A, 80VuagnatA, 167

Wadehra V, 671Wadstrom T, 20Wagner M, 73WagstaffJ, 113Wakefield AJ, 105Walan A, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)Walmsley RS, 105Walt RP, 454


Volume 40: Author Index - Main Headings

Walters JRF, 5 (LA)Wang W, 505Wang Z, 647Wapnir RA, 602Ward P, 628Warren B, 695 (C)Warren BF, 628Watkins PE, 628Watson DI, 381Watson RGP, 587WeaverL, 731Weber P, 481Wedemeyer J, 745Wedi B, 745

Weidenbach H, 531Weinberg D, 485Welboum CRB, 565 (LA)Wettergren A, 597Whawell SA, 92Wheatley AM, 386Wheeler EE, 57Wiegant VM, 704Wide JT, 798Williams CB, 430Williams GT, 691Wimalaratna H, 492Wmgate DL, 614Wingertzahn MA, 602

Wojdemann M, 597Wong F, 151Woodward JM, 695 (C)Wrba F, 425Wrigglesworth JM, 608Wright NA, 516Wright TL, 568 (LA)Wyatt JI, 739

Yamaguchi H, 531Yamazaki Y, 726Yazaki Y, 344Yeaman SJ, 277

Yeaton P, 253Yeomans ND, 797 (suppl 1

abstract)Yong S-L, 320Yoshida S, 660

Zeck-Kapp G, 745Zehnter E, 761Zeiler K, 425Zhang QB, 431 (C)Zhao L, 73Zhao MH, 105Zimgibl H, 80


Gut 1997; 40: 814-823


Absorption, Regional expression of intestinal genes for nutrientabsorption: leading article, 5

Acetic acid, Colonic muscle enhances the production of interleukin-1 B messenger RNA in experimental colitis, 307

Acid refluxRelationship between acid and bile reflux and symptoms in gastro-

oesophageal reflux disease, 182Superoxide anions produced by inflammatorv cells play an

important part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsin inducedoesophagitis in rabbits, 175

Acid secretionEffect of Ns-methyl-histamine on acid secretion in isolated

cultured rabbit parietal cells: implications for Helicobacter pylonassociated gastritis and gastric physiology, 14

Multivariate analysis of pathophysiological factors in reflux oesoph-agitis, 167

Activated complement, Epithelium related deposition of activatedcomplement in Helicobacter pylorl associated gastritis, 196

AdenomaHigh frequency of K-ras mutations in human colorectal hyper-

plastic polyps, 660: conmnentary, 691Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polvps of the large bowel: benign

neoplasms after all?, 691Adenosine, Acute effect of low dose theophvlline on the circulatory

disturbances of cirrhosis, 139Adherence, In vitro evaluation of the role of antibodies against

Helicobacter pjlorn' in inhibiting adherence of the organism togastric cells, 731

Agent orange, "Golf ball liver": agent orange hepatitis, 687Alcoholic beverages, Alcoholic beverages produced by alcoholic

fermentation but not by distillation are powerful stimulants ofgastric acid secretion in humans, 49

Aminosalicylic acid, Renal tubular dysfunction in patients withinflammatory bowel disease treated with aminosalicylate, 761

Ammonia, Effects of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy onhyperammonaemia in patients with liver cirrhosis, 726: corn7-nmentary, 805

Ampulla of Vater carcinoma, Carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater:prognostic factors after curative surgery: a series of 45 cases, 350

Amylase, Familial hyperamylasaemia, 689Antibiotic therapy, Influence of changes in pancreatic tissue morphol-

ogy and capillary blood flow on antibiotic tissue concentrations inthe pancreas during the progression of acute pancreatitis, 526

Antibody, Treatment of ulcerative colitis in the cottontop tamarinusing antibody to tumour necrosis factor alpha, 628

Antigliadin antibodies, Down's svndrome is strongly associatedwith coeliac disease, 492

Antimicrobial peptides, Antimicrobial peptides in the gastro-intestinal tract: leading article, 161

Antineutrophil antibodies, Granulomatous gastritis in Wegener'sdisease: differentiation from Crohn's disease supported by apositive test for antineutrophil antibodies, 550

Antineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies, Antineutrophil cyto-plasm autoantibodies against bactericidal/permeabilitv-increas-ing protein in inflammatorv bowel disease, 105

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, Lack of effect ofantineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associated wvith ulcerativecolitis on superoxide anion production from neutrophils, 102

Antioxidants, Treatment of Helicobacter py,lon infection favourablyaffects gastric mucosal superoxide dismutases, 591

Antithrombin III, Combined treatment with Cl esterase inhibitorand antithrombin III improves survival in severe acute experi-mental pancreatitis, 531

APC gene mutation, APC gene mutations and extraintestinalphenotype of familial adenomatous polyposis, 521

Arg-Gly-Asp acid, Analysis of Arg-Gly-Asp mimetics and solublereceptor of tumour necrosis factor as therapeutic modalities forconcanavalin A induced hepatitis in mice, 133

Atrial natriuretic peptide, Differential gene expression of the threenatriuretic peptides and natriuretic peptide receptor subtypes inhuman liver, 145: commentary, 151

Autoinimune cholangitis, Autoimmune cholangitis: leadinlg article, 440Autoimmunity, T cell responses to tuberculin purified protein

derivative in primary biliarv cirrhosis: evidence for defective Tcell function, 277

Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein, Antineutrophilcytoplasm autoantibodies against bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein in inflammatorv bowel disease, 105

Barrett's oesophagusEvaluation of Helicobacter pylon in reflux oesophagitis and Barrett's

oesophagus, 9Relation between gastric cancer and previous peptic ulcer disease,

247Short segment Barrett's oesophagus: prevalence, diagnosis and

associations, 710: couuniienetary,, 804Basic fibroblast growth factor

Healing with basic fibroblast growth factor is associated withreduced indomethacin induced relapse in a human model ofgastric ulceration, 204: coiinunenitary, 286

Recombinant peptides for gastrointestinal ulceration: still earlydays, 286

Bicarbonate secretionHuman oesophageal bicarbonate secretion: a phenomenon xvaiting

for a role, 693Reappraisal of bicarbonate secretion by the human oesophagus,

582: coo1lo7lenitarn, 693Bile duct stones, Fluoroscopically guided laser lithotripsy versus

extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for retained bile ductstones: a prospective randomised study, 678

Bile reflux, The relationship between acid and bile reflux andsymptoms in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, 182

Biliary strictures, A prospective evaluation of cytology from biliarystrictures, 671

Biliary tree, Fibrinolysis and the biliary tree, 92Blood gavages, Decreased plasma and tissue isoleucine levels after

simulated gastrointestinal bleeding by blood gavages in chronicportacaval shunted rats, 418

Bone density, Reduced bone density in patients with in-flammatory bowel disease, 228

Bone disease, Bone disease after liver transplantation should not beunderestimated: corresponidenice, 695

Bone marrow micrometastases, Micrometastases: marker ofmetastatic potential or evidence of residual disease? 512:conllilenltary, 555

Bone mineral density, Bone mineral density is reduced in patientswith Crohn's disease but not in patients with ulcerative colitis:a population based study, 313

Book reviewsBerci G, Cuschieri A. Bile ducts and bile duct stones, 696Boyer Z, editor. Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease, volumes 1and 2, 3rd edn., 562

Champion NMC, Orr WC, editors. Evolving concepts in gastro-intestinal motility, 809

Derveris CG, editor. Advances in pancreatic disease, molecularbiology, diagnosis and treatment, 157

Farthing MJG, editor. Clinical guidelines in gastroenterology,432

Hancock L. Physician's guide to the Internet, 433Kagnoff MF, Kiyono H, editors. Essentials of mucosal immunology,

432Kumar D, Christensen J, editors. A diagnostic guide to clinical

gastroenterology, 290MacFayden BV, Ponskv JL, editors. Operative laparoscopv and

thoracoscopy, 562Manns MP, guest editor. Bailliere's clinical gastroenterology. Liverand gastrointestinal immunology, 432

Muller HJ, Scott RJ, Weber W, editors. Hereditary cancer, 809Olden KW, editor. Handbook of functional gastrointestinal

disorders. Medical Psvchiatry series/14, 431Pavone P, Passariello R, editors. MR cholangiopancreatography

techniques. Results and clinical indications, 696Yamada T, Alpers DH, Owyang C, Powell DW, Silverstein FE.Textbook of gastroenterology, volumes 1 and 2, 561

Bowel wall thickening, Colonic wall thickness measured byultrasound: striking differences in patients with cystic fibrosisversus healthy controls, 406

Bran, Effect of bran, ispaghula, and inert plastic particles on gastricemptying and small bowel transit in humans: the role of physicalfactors, 223

Branched chain amino acids, Decreased plasma and tissueisoleucine levels after simulated gastrointestinal bleeding byblood gavages in chronic portacaval shunted rats, 418

Breath testA citric acid solution is an optimal test drink in the 'C-urea

breath test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylon infection,459

The Helicobac:erpLlon breath test a surrogate marker for pepticulcer disease in dvspeptic patients, 302


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

Cl esterase inhibitor, Combined treatment with Cl esteraseinhibitor and antithrombin III improves survival in severe acuteexperimental pancreatitis, 531

C3 deficiency, Acquired C3 deficiency in patients with alcoholiccirrhosis predisposes to infection and increased mortality, 544

C reactive protein, Post-ERP pancreatitis as a model for cytokineinduced acute phase response in acute pancreatitis, 80

3C-urea breath testA citric acid solution is an optimal test drink in the "C-urea breath

test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylon infection, 459Comparison of serum, salivary, and rapid whole blood diagnostic

tests for Helicobacterpylori and their validation against endoscopybased tests, 454

4C urea breath test, The Helicobacter pylon breath test: a surrogatemarker for peptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients, 302

CagA, Risk for gastric cancer in people with CagA positive or CagAnegative Helicobacterpylori infection, 297

Calcium, Increasing the intestinal resistance of rats to the invasivepathogen Salmonella enteritidis: additive effects of dietary lactuloseand calcium, 497

Cancer, Micrometastases: marker of metastatic potential or evidenceof residual disease? 512: commentary, 555

Capillary blood flow, Influence of changes in pancreatic tissuemorphology and capillary blood flow on antibiotic tissueconcentrations in the pancreas during the progression of acutepancreatitis, 526

Carcinogenesis, Effect of chronic endogenous hypergastrinaemia onpancreatic growth and carcinogenesis in the hamster, 536

Catalase, Synthesis and activity of Helicobacter pylon urease andcatalase at low pH, 25

CD4 antibody treatment, CD4 antibody treatment in patients withactive Crohn's disease: a phase 1 dose finding study, 320

Cecropins, Antimicrobial peptides in the gastrointestinal tract:leading article, 161

Cefotaxime, Influence of changes in pancreatic tissue morphologyand capillary blood flow on antibiotic tissue concentrations in thepancreas during the progression of acute pancreatitis, 526

Cellular immunity, Activation of cellular immune response in acutepancreatitis, 794

Central peptidergic control, Central peptidergic control of gastricacid secretion: leading article, 164

Cerebral lymphoma, Enteropathy associated T cell lymphomapresenting as an isolated CNS lymphoma three years afterdiagnosis of coeliac disease: T cell receptor polymerase chainreaction studies failed to show the original enteropathy to be aclonal disorder, 801

Cerulein pancreatitis, Pathophysiological role of secretory type Iand II phospholipase A2 in acute pancreatitis: an experimentalstudy in rats, 386

Cholangiocarcinoma, A prospective evaluation of cytology frombiliary strictures, 671

Cholangitis, Autoimmune cholangitis: leading article, 440Cholecystokinin, Cholecystokinin in transient lower oesophageal

sphincter relaxation due to gastric distension in humans, 575Cholecystokinin-B-receptor antagonist, Effect of chronic endo-

genous hypergastrmnaemia on pancreatic growth and carcino-genesis in the hamster, 536

CimetidineHealing with basic fibroblast growth factor is associated withreduced indomethacin induced relapse in a human model ofgastric ulceration, 204: commentary, 286

Recombinant peptides for gastrointestinal ulceration: still earlydays, 286

CirrhosisAcquired C3 deficiency in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis

predisposes to infection and increased mortality, 544Acute effect of low dose theophylline on the circulatory dis-

turbances of cirrhosis, 139Effects of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy on hyperammo-naemia in patients with liver cirrhosis, 726: commentary, 805

Gastric and gall bladder emptying of a mixed meal are notcoordinated in liver cirrhosis - a simultaneous sonographic study,412

Reduction in renal blood flow following acute increase in the portalpressure: evidence for the existence of a hepatorenal reflex inman? 664

Citric acid solution, A citric acid solution is an optimal test drinkin the '3C-urea breath test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylon'infection, 459

Clinical trials, Reporting of clinical trials in Gut: the CONSORTstatement: editorial, 563

CME, CME - certification by the European Board of Gastro-enterology: correspondence, 431

Coagulation system, Combined treatment with Cl esteraseinhibitor and antithrombin III improves survival in severe acuteexperimental pancreatitis, 531

Coccidian protozoan, 'Tropical sprue': some early investigatorsfavoured an infective cause, but was a coccidian protozoaninvolved? 428

Coeliac diseaseAdult coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and smoking:

correspondence, 289Changes in barrier function of a model intestinal epithelium by

intraepithelial lymphocytes require new protein synthesis byepithelial cells, 634

Down's syndrome is strongly associated with coeliac disease, 492Enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma presenting as an isolatedCNS lymphoma three years after diagnosis of coeliac disease: Tcell receptor polymerase chain reaction studies failed to show theoriginal enteropathy to be a clonal disorder, 801

Is the sugar intestinal permeability test a reliable investigation forcoeliac disease screening?, 215

Twenty years of childhood coeliac disease in The Netherlands: arapidly increasing incidence?, 61

ColitisColonic muscle enhances the production of interleukin- 1 Bmessenger RNA in experimental colitis, 307

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated withemergency admission to hospital for colitis due to inflammatorybowel disease, 619

Colitis-associated neoplasia, DPC4 gene mutation in colitisassociated neoplasia, 120

Collagen, Increased expression of transforming growth factor ,Bs afteracute oedematous pancreatitis in rats suggests a role in pancreaticrepair, 73

ColonHigh frequency of K-ras mutations in human colorectal

hyperplastic polyps, 660: commentary, 691Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polyps of the large bowel: benignneoplasms after all? 691

Colon adenoma, Histochemistry of the surface mucous gel layer ofthe human colon, 782: commentary, 807

Colon cancer (carcinoma)Histochemistry of the surface mucous gel layer of the human colon,

782: commentary, 807Signals from lymphocytes in colon cancer, 153T cell receptor-zeta and granzyme B expression in mononuclear cell

infiltrates in normal colon mucosa and colon carcinoma, 113:commentary, 153

Colonic mucin, Altered expression of mucins throughout the colonin ulcerative colitis, 234

Colonic muscle, Colonic muscle enhances the production ofinterleukin-1I messenger RNA in experimental colitis, 307

Colonic polyps, Effects of sulindac on sporadic colorectal adeno-matous polyps, 344: commentary, 430

Colonic stricture, Colonic wall thickness measured by ultrasound:striking differences in patients with cystic fibrosis versus healthycontrols, 406

Colonocyte oxidation, Oxidation of short and medium chain C2-C8fatty acids in Sprague-Dawley rat colonocytes, 400

Colonoscopic allergen provocation, Colonoscopic allergen provo-cation (COLAP): a new diagnostic approach for gastrointestinalfood allergy, 745

Colorectal cancerAllele loss, replication errors and loss of expression of E-cadherin

in colorectal cancers, 654Chemical and immunological testing for faecal occult blood in

screening subjects at risk of familial colorectal cancer, 110Detection and monitoring of serum p53 antibodies in patients with

colorectal cancer, 356DPC4 gene mutation in colitis associated neoplasia, 120Effects of sulindac on sporadic colorectal adenomatous polyps, 344:

commentary, 430In vitro influence of Phaseolus vulgaris, Griffonia simplicifolia,

concanavalin A, wheat germ, and peanut agglutinins on HCT-15, LoVo, and SW837 human colorectal cancer cell growth, 253

Colorectal carcinogenesisHigh frequency of K-ras mutations in human colorectal hyper-

plastic polyps, 660: commentary, 691Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polyps of the large bowel: benign

neoplasms after all? 691Complement, Acquired C3 deficiency in patients with alcoholic

cirrhosis predisposes to infection and increased mortality, 544Concanavalin A, Analysis of Arg-Gly-Asp mimetics and soluble

receptor of tumour necrosis factor as therapeutic modalities forconcanavalin A induced hepatitis in mice, 133

CONSORT statement, Reporting of clinical trials in Gut: theCONSORT statement: editorial, 563

Continuing medical education, CME - certification by theEuropean Board of Gastroenterology: correspondence, 431

Corticosteroids, Rectal corticosteroids versus alternative treatmentsin ulcerative colitis: a meta-analysis, 775


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

Cottontop tamarin, Treatment of ulcerative colitis in the cottontoptamarin using antibody to tumour necrosis factor alpha, 628

Crohn's colitis, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs areassociated with emergency admission to hospital for colitis dueto inflammatory bowel disease, 619

Crohn's diseaseAntineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies against bactericidal!

permeability-increasing protein in inflammatory bowel disease,105

Bone mineral density is reduced in patients with Crohn's diseasebut not in patients with ulcerative colitis: a population basedstudy, 313

CD4 antibody treatment in patients with active Crohn's disease:a phase 1 dose finding study, 320

DPC4 gene mutation in colitis associated neoplasia, 120Granulomatous gastritis in Wegener's disease: differentiation from

Crohn's disease supported by a positive test for antineutrophilantibodies, 550

Inflammatory bowel disease: re-evaluation of the diagnosis in aprospective population based study in south eastern Norway,328

Mesalazine as a maintenance treatment in Crohn's disease: is it thelong awaited solution? 284

Neurochemical coding in the small intestine of patients withCrohn's disease, 767

Pancreatic autoantibodies in Crohn's disease: a family study, 481:commentary, 557

Pre-illness dietary factors in inflammatory bowel disease, 754Treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitor oxpentifylline does

not improve corticosteroid dependent chronic active Crohn'sdisease, 470: commentary, 559

Tumour necrosis factor and Crohn's disease: review, 443:commentary, 559

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors, In vitro effectsof oxpentifylline on inflammatory cytokine release in patientswith inflammatory bowel disease, 475: commentary, 559

Cystic fibrosis, Colonic wall thickness measured by ultrasound:striking differences in patients with cystic fibrosis versus healthycontrols, 406

CytokinesAnalysis of Arg-Gly-Asp mimetics and soluble receptor of tumour

necrosis factor as therapeutic modalities for concanavalin Ainduced hepatitis in mice, 133

Changes in barrier function of a model intestinal epithelium byintraepithelial lymphocytes require new protein synthesis byepithelial cells, 634

Cytokine effects on pepsinogen secretion from human peptic cells,42

In vitro effects of oxpentifylline on inflammatory cytokine releasein patients with inflammatory bowel disease, 475: commentary,559

Lack of association between an interleukin-1 receptor antagonistgene polymorphism and ulcerative colitis, 623

Post-ERP pancreatitis as a model for cytokine induced acute phaseresponse in acute pancreatitis, 80

Role of cytokines and their inhibitors in acute pancreatitis: leadingarticle, 1

T cell responses to tuberculin purified protein derivative in primarybiliary cirrhosis: evidence for defective T cell function, 277

Cytology, A prospective evaluation of cytology from biliary strictures,671

Cytotoxin, Cytotoxin production and neutrophil activation by strainsof Helicobacter pyloni isolated from patients with peptic ulcerationand chronic gastritis: correspondence, 431

Decision analysis, Decision analysis in the management of duodenaladenomatosis in familial adenomatous polyposis, 716

Defensins, Antimicrobial peptides in the gastrointestinal tract: lead-ing article, 161

Dermatitis herpetiformis, Adult coeliac disease, dermatitis herpe-tiformis and smoking: correspondence, 289

Diabetes mellitus, Gastrointestinal motor mechanisms in hyper-glycaemia induced delayed gastric emptying in type I diabetesmellitus, 641

DiagnosisA citric acid solution is an optimal test drink in the '3C-urea breath

test for the diagnosis of Helicobacterpylori infection, 459Comparison of serum, salivary, and rapid whole blood diagnostic

tests for Helicobacter pylori and their validation against endoscopybased tests, 454

Diagnosis assurance, Inflammatory bowel disease: re-evaluation ofthe diagnosis in a prospective population based study in southeastern Norway, 328

Diarrhoea, Effect of shigella enterotoxin 1 (ShET1) on rabbitintestine in vitro and in vivo, 505

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, "Golf ball liver": agent orangehepatitis, 687

Diet, Pre-illness dietary factors in inflammatory bowel disease, 754Dietary nitrate

Chemical synthesis of nitric oxide in the stomach from dietarynitrate in humans, 211: commentary, 288

Dietary nitrate: poison or panacea? 288Diosmectite, Apical effect of diosmectite on damage to the intestinal

barrier induced by basal tumour necrosis factor-a , 339Distal ulcerative colitis, Short chain fatty acid rectal irrigation for

left-sided ulcerative colitis: a randomised, placebo controlledtrial, 485

Down's syndrome, Down's syndrome is strongly associated withcoeliac disease, 492

DPC4 gene mutation, DPC4 gene mutation in colitis associatedneoplasia, 120

Duodenal cancer, Decision analysis in the management of duodenaladenomatosis in familial adenomatous polyposis, 716

Duodenal ulcerHelicobacterpylori and duodenal ulcers, correspondence, 155Helicobacter pylori and ulcer healing: correspondence, 560Mucosal expression and luminal release of epidermal and trans-forming growth factors in patients with duodenal ulcer before andafter eradication of Helicobacterpylori, 463

Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in healing gastricand duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users - the OMNIUMStudy, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)

Relation between gastric cancer and previous peptic ulcer disease,247

Dyspepsia, The Helicobacter pylori breath test: a surrogate marker forpeptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients, 302

Dysphagia, Radiotherapy enhances laser palliation of malignantdysphagia: a randomised study, 362

E-cadherin expression, Allele loss, replication errors and loss ofexpression of E-cadherin in colorectal cancers, 654

Electrolyte homeostasis, Peptide YY and electrolyte homeostasis:correspondence, 157

ELISA serology, Comparison of serum, salivary, and rapid wholeblood diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori and their validationagainst endoscopy based tests, 454

Endocrine tumour, Expression of peptide receptors in humanendocrine tumours of the pancreas, 267

Endoscopic management, Endoscopic management of Mirizzi'ssyndrome, 272

Endoscopic papillectomy, Endoscopic papillectomy: correspond-ence, 561

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographyEndoscopic management of Mirizzi's syndrome, 272Fluoroscopically guided laser lithotripsy versus extracorporeal

shock wave lithotripsy for retained bile duct stones: a prospectiverandomised study, 678

Risk factors for pancreatitis: correspondence, 289Endoscopic sphincterotomy, Endoscopic sphincterotomy in the

young patient: is there cause for concern? leading article, 697Endoscopic therapy

Endoscopic management of Mirizzi's syndrome, 272Endoscopic treatment of early oesophageal or gastric cancer, 123

EndoscopyComparison of serum, salivary, and rapid whole blood diagnostic

tests for Helicobacter pylon and their validation against endoscopybased tests, 454

Video education and evidence in endoscopy, 554Endothelial adhesion, Studies on gastric mucosal microcirculation.

1. The nature of regional variations induced by ethanol injury,31

Enema, Rectal corticosteroids versus alternative treatments in ulcer-ative colitis: a meta-analysis, 775

Enteral, Enteral supplementation with ornithine ketoglutarateimproves the early adaptive response to resection, 67

Enteric nerves, Neurochemical coding in the small intestine ofpatients with Crohn's disease, 767

Enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma, Enteropathy associatedT cell lymphoma presenting as an isolated CNS lymphoma threeyears after diagnosis of coeliac disease: T cell receptor polymerasechain reaction studies failed to show the original enteropathy tobe a clonal disorder, 801

Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, Clinical significance ofserum p53 antigen in patients with pancreatic carcinomas, 647

Epidermal growth factorCytokine effects on pepsinogen secretion from human peptic cells,

42Mucosal expression and luminal release of epidermal and trans-

forming growth factors in patients with duodenal ulcer before andafter eradication of Helicobacter pylori, 463


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

Epithelial cells, Changes in barrier function of a model intestinalepithelium by intraepithelial lymphocytes require new proteinsynthesis by epithelial cells, 634

Epithelial tumours, Micrometastases: marker of metastatic poten-tial or evidence of residual disease? 512: commenta?y, 555

Erosions, Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in heal-ing gastric and duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users - theOMNIUM Study, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)

Erratum, 797Ethanol injury, Studies on gastric mucosal microcirculation. 1. The

nature of regional variations induced by ethanol injury, 31European Board of Gastroenterology, CME - certification by the

European Board of Gastroenterology: correspondence, 431Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, Fluoroscopically guided

laser lithotripsy versus extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy forretained bile duct stones: a prospective randomised study, 678

Extraintestinal lesions, APC gene mutations and extraintestinalphenotype of familial adenomatous polyposis, 521

Factor V Leiden, Prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation inhepatic and portal vein thrombosis, 798

Faecal occult blood tests, Chemical and immunological testing forfaecal occult blood in screening subjects at risk of familialcolorectal cancer, 110

Familial adenomatous polyposisAPC gene mutations and extraintestinal phenotype of familialadenomatous polyposis, 521

Decision analysis in the management of duodenal adenomatosis infamilial adenomatous polyposis, 716

Effects of sulindac on sporadic colorectal adenomatous polyps, 344:commentary, 430

Family study, Pancreatic autoantibodies in Crohn's disease: a familystudy, 481: commenta?y, 557

Fat, Effect of intraduodenal fat on lower oesophageal sphincterfunction and gastro-oesophageal reflux, 449

Fatty acid oxidation, Oxidation of short and medium chain C2-C8fatty acids in Sprague-Dawley rat colonocytes, 400

Feeding, Frequency and risk factors of recurrent pain during refeed-ing in patients with acute pancreatitis: a multivariate multicentreprospective study of 1 16 patients, 262

Fetuin, Role of Helicobacter pylon surface structures in bacterialinteraction with macrophages, 20

Fibrinolysis, Fibrinolysis and the biliary tree, 92Fibrosing colonopathy, Colonic wall thickness measured by ultra-

sound: striking differences in patients with cystic fibrosis versushealthy controls, 406

Food allergy, Colonoscopic allergen provocation (COLAP): a newdiagnostic approach for gastrointestinal food allergy, 745

Free radical, Superoxide anions produced by inflammatory cells playan important part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsin inducedoesophagitis in rabbits, 175

Fundoplication, Outcome of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication inpatients with disordered preoperative peristalsis, 381

Gall bladder emptying, Gastric and gall bladder emptying of amixed meal are not coordinated in liver cirrhosis - a simultaneoussonographic study, 412

Gall bladder stones, Fibrinolysis and the biliary tree, 92Gardner syndrome, APC gene mutations and extraintestinal

phenotype of familial adenomatous polyposis, 521Gastric acid output, Alcoholic beverages produced by alcoholic

fermentation but not by distillation are powerful stimulants ofgastric acid secretion in humans, 49

Gastric acid secretionCentral peptidergic control of gastric acid secretion: leading article, 164Gastric acid secretion: correspondence, 155Inhibitory effect of glucagon-like peptide-l (GLP-1) 7-36 amide on

gastric acid secretion in humans depends on an intact vagalinnervation, 597

Gastric cancerDifferential expression of oestrogen receptor and oestrogen in-

ducible genes in gastric mucosa and cancer, 516Endoscopic treatment of early oesophageal or gastric cancer, 123Relation between gastric cancer and previous peptic ulcer disease,247

Risk for gastric cancer in people with CagA positive or CagAnegative Helicobacter pylon infection, 297

Gastric celis, In vitro evaluation of the role of antibodies againstHelicobacter pyloni in inhibiting adherence of the organism togastric cells, 731

Gastric emptyingEffect of bran, ispaghula, and inert plastic particles on gastric

emptying and small bowel transit in humans: the role of physicalfactors, 223

Gastric and gall bladder emptying of a mixed meal are not coordi-nated in liver cirrhosis - a simultaneous sonographic study, 412

Gastrointestinal motor mechanisms in hyperglycaemia induceddelayed gastric emptying in type I diabetes mellitus, 641

Gastric microcirculation, Studies on gastric mucosal microcirculation.1. The nature of regional variations induced by ethanol injury, 31

Gastric mucosa, Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection favour-ably affects gastric mucosal superoxide dismutases, 591

Gastric ulcerGastric ulcers: correspondence, 289Healing with basic fibroblast growth factor is associated withreduced indomethacin induced relapse in a human model ofgastric ulceration, 204: commentary, 286

Helicobacter pylon and ulcer healing: correspondence, 560Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in healing gastricand duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users - the OMNIUMStudy, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)

Recombinant peptides for gastrointestinal ulceration: still earlydays, 286

Reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced gastricinjury and leucocyte endothelial adhesion by octreotide, 720

Relation between gastric cancer and previous peptic ulcer disease,247

GastrinAlcoholic beverages produced by alcoholic fermentation but not by

distillation are powerful stimulants of gastric acid secretion inhumans, 49

Effect of chronic endogenous hypergastrinaemia on pancreaticgrowth and carcinogenesis in the hamster, 536

Mucosal expression and luminal release of epidermal and trans-forming growth factors in patients with duodenal ulcer before andafter eradication of Helicobacter pylon', 463

Gastrin releasing peptideGastric acid secretion: correspondence, 155Helicobacterpylori and duodenal ulcers, correspondence, 155

GastritisEpithelium related deposition of activated complement in Helico-

bacter pylori associated gastritis, 196Treatment of Helicobacter pylon' infection favourably affects gastric

mucosal superoxide dismutases, 591Gastro-oesophageal reflux

Cholecystokinin in transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxationdue to gastric distension in humans, 575

Double blind cross-over placebo controlled study of omeprazole inthe treatment of patients with reflux symptoms and physiologicallevels of acid reflux - the "sensitive oesophagus", 587

Effect of intraduodenal fat on lower oesophageal sphincter functionand gastro-oesophageal reflux, 449

Evaluation of Helicobacter pylon in reflux oesophagitis and Barrett'soesophagus, 9

Laparoscopic surgery for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: leadingarticle, 565

Multivariate analysis of pathophysiological factors in reflux oeso-phagitis, 167

Relationship between acid and bile reflux and symptoms in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, 182

Short segment Barrett's oesophagus: prevalence, diagnosis andassociations, 710: commenta?y, 804

Gastroenterologists, Ultrasound for gastroenterologists: correspond-ence, 156

Gastrointestinal haemorrhage, Decreased plasma and tissue iso-leucine levels after simulated gastrointestinal bleeding by bloodgavages in chronic portacaval shunted rats, 418

Gene expressionDifferential gene expression of the three natriuretic peptides and

natriuretic peptide receptor subtypes in human liver, 145: com-menta?y, 151

Natriuretic peptides: are these new links in the hepatorenal connec-tions? 151

Regional expression of intestinal genes for nutrient absorption:leading article, S

GeneticsGenetics of inflammatory bowel disease: leading article, 572Lack of association between an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist

gene polymorphism and ulcerative colitis, 623Glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36 amide), The inhibitory effect of

glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) 7-36 amide on gastric acidsecretion in humans depends on an intact vagal innervation, 597

Glyceryl trinitrate, Topical glyceryl trinitrate relaxes the sphincterof Oddi, 541

Golf ball liver, "Golf ball liver": agent orange hepatitis, 687Graft-versus-host disease, Autoimmune cholangitis: leading article,

440Granulomatous gastritis, Granulomatous gastritis in Wegener's

disease: differentiation from Crohn's disease supported by apositive test for antineutrophil antibodies, 550


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

Granzyme BSignals from lymphocytes in colon cancer, 153T cell receptor-zeta and granzyme B expression in mononuclear cell

infiltrates in normal colon mucosa and colon carcinoma, 113:commentary, 153

Growth hormone, The trophic action of growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and insulin on human duodenal mucosa

cultured in vivo, 57Gut homing, Altered expression of oa4,7, a gut homing integrin, by

circulating and mucosal T cells in colonic mucosal inflammation,241

Gut hormone receptor, Expression of peptide receptors in humanendocrine tumours of the pancreas, 267

H2/H3 histamine receptors, Effect of N a-methyl-histamine on

acid secretion in isolated cultured rabbit parietal cells: implica-tions for Helicobacterpylori associated gastritis and gastric physiol-ogy, 14

HCT-15, In vitro influence of Phaseolus vulganrs, Griffonia simplicifolia,concanavalin A, wheat germ, and peanut agglutinins on HCT-15, LoVo, and SW837 human colorectal cancer cell growth, 253

HCV genotypes, Association between chronic hepatitis C infectionand hepatocellular carcinoma in a Scottish population, 128

HelicobacterpyloriA citric acid solution is an optimal test drink in the '3C-urea breath

test for the diagnosis of H. pylon infection, 459Clinical relevance of strain types of H. pylon: leading article, 701Comparison of serum, salivary, and rapid whole blood diagnostic

tests for H. pylon and their validation against endoscopy basedtests, 454

Cytotoxin production and neutrophil activation by strains of H.pylon isolated from patients with peptic ulceration and chronicgastritis: correspondence, 431

Effect of Na-methyl-histamine on acid secretion in isolated cul-tured rabbit parietal cells: implications for H. pylon' associatedgastritis and gastric physiology, 14

Effects of H. pylon eradication therapy on hyperammonaemia inpatients with liver cirrhosis, 726: commentary, 805

Epithelium related deposition of activated complement in H. pylornassociated gastritis, 196

Evaluation ofH. pylori in reflux oesophagitis and Barrett's oesopha-gus, 9

Gastric acid secretion: correspondence, 155Gastric mucosal secretion of interleukin-10: relations to histopathol-

ogy, H. pylon status, and tumour necrosis factor-a secretion, 739H. pylon breath test: a surrogate marker for peptic ulcer disease in

dyspeptic patients, 302H. pylori and duodenal ulcers, correspondence, 155H. pylori and ulcer healing: correspondence, 560In vitro evaluation of the role of antibodies against H. pylon in

inhibiting adherence of the organism to gastric cells, 731Mucosal expression and luminal release of epidermal and trans-

forming growth factors in patients with duodenal ulcer before andafter eradication of H. pylon, 463

Relation between gastric cancer and previous peptic ulcer disease,247

Risk for gastric cancer in people with CagA positive or CagAnegative H. pylori infection, 297

Role of H. pylori surface structures in bacterial interaction withmacrophages, 20

Synthesis and activity of H. pylori urease and catalase at low pH,25

Treatment of H. pylorn infection favourably affects gastric mucosalsuperoxide dismutases, 591

Heparin, Role of Helicobacter pylori surface structures in bacterialinteraction with macrophages, 20

Hepatic encephalopathy, Effects of Helicobacter pylori eradicationtherapy on hyperammonaemia in patients with liver cirrhosis,726: commentary, 805

Hepatic vein, Prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation in hepaticand portal vein thrombosis, 798

HepatitisAnalysis of Arg-Gly-Asp mimetics and soluble receptor of tumour

necrosis factor as therapeutic modalities for concanavalin Ainduced hepatitis in mice, 133

"Golf ball liver": agent orange hepatitis, 687Hepatitis B virus

Association between chronic hepatitis C infection and hepato-cellular carcinoma in a Scottish population, 128

Hepatitis B virus infection and liver transplantation: leading article,568

Hepatitis C virusAssociation between chronic hepatitis C infection and hepato-

cellular carcinoma in a Scottish population, 128Clinical relevance of hepatitis C virus genotypes: leading article, 291

Hepatitis G virus, Hepatitis G virus: identification, prevalence andunanswered questions: leading article, 294

Hepatocellular carcinoma, Association between chronic hepatitisC infection and hepatocellular carcinoma in a Scottish popula-tion, 128

Hepatorenal reflex, Reduction in renal blood flow following acuteincrease in the portal pressure: evidence for the existence of ahepatorenal reflex in man? 664

Hip bone density, Reduced bone density in patients with inflamma-tory bowel disease, 228

Histamine receptors, Effect of Nao-methyl-histamine on acid secre-tion in isolated cultured rabbit parietal cells: implications forHelicobacterpylori associated gastritis and gastric physiology, 14

Histochemistry, Histochemistry of the surface mucous gel layer ofthe human colon, 782: commentary, 807

Home parenteral nutrition, Assessing the quality of life of patientswith intestinal failure on home parenteral nutrition, 218

HT29-19A cell line, Apical effect of diosmectite on damage to theintestinal barrier induced by basal tumour necrosis factor-at,339

Human milk, In vitro evaluation of the role of antibodies againstHelicobacter pylon in inhibiting adherence of the organism togastric cells, 731

5-Hydroxytryptamine, Neurochemical coding in the small intestineof patients with Crohn's disease, 767

Hyperammonaemia, Effects of Helicobacter pylon eradicationtherapy on hyperammonaemia in patients with liver cirrhosis,726: commentary, 805

Hyperamylasaemia, Familial hyperamylasaemia, 689Hypergastrinaemia, Effect of chronic endogenous hypergastrinae-

mia on pancreatic growth and carcinogenesis in the hamster, 536Hyperglycaemia, Gastrointestinal motor mechanisms in hyper-

glycaemia induced delayed gastric emptying in type I diabetesmellitus, 641

Hyperplastic polypsHigh frequency of K-ras mutations in human colorectal hyper-

plastic polyps, 660: commentary, 691Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polyps of the large bowel: benign neo-

plasms after all? 691

Ileal brake, The inhibitory effect of glucagon-like peptide- I (GLP- 1)7-36 amide on gastric acid secretion in humans depends on anintact vagal innervation, 597

Ileoanal pouch, Contribution of gastrointestinal transit and pouchcharacteristics in determining pouch function, 790

Imipenem, Influence of changes in pancreatic tissue morphology andcapillary blood flow on antibiotic tissue concentrations in thepancreas during the progression of acute pancreatitis, 526

Immunofluorescence, Epithelium related deposition of activatedcomplement in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis, 196

Immunohistochemistry, Carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater: prog-nostic factors after curative surgery: a series of 45 cases, 350

In situ hybridisation, Gene expression of group II phospholipaseA2 in intestine in ulcerative colitis, 95

IndomethacinHealing with basic fibroblast growth factor is associated with

reduced indomethacin induced relapse in a human model ofgastric ulceration, 204: commentary, 286

Recombinant peptides for gastrointestinal ulceration: still earlydays, 286

Reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced gastricinjury and leucocyte endothelial adhesion by octreotide, 720

Infection, Acquired C3 deficiency in patients with alcoholic cirrhosispredisposes to infection and increased mortality, 544

Inflammation, Superoxide anions produced by inflammatory cellsplay an important part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsininduced oesophagitis in rabbits, 175

Inflammatory bowel diseaseAltered expression of a437, a gut homing integrin, by circulatingand mucosal T cells in colonic mucosal inflammation, 241

Bone mineral density is reduced in patients with Crohn's diseasebut not in patients with ulcerative colitis: a population basedstudy, 313

CD4 antibody treatment in patients with active Crohn's disease:a phase 1 dose finding study, 320

Colonic muscle enhances the production of interleukin-l mes-senger RNA in experimental colitis, 307

Colonoscopic allergen provocation (COLAP): a new diagnosticapproach for gastrointestinal food allergy, 745

Gene expression of group II phospholipase A2 in intestine inulcerative colitis, 95

Genetics of inflammatory bowel disease: leading article, 572In vitro effects of oxpentifylline on inflammatory cytokine release

in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, 475: commentary,559


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

Lack of association between an interleukin-1 receptor antagonistgene polymorphism and ulcerative colitis, 623

Pre-illness dietary factors in inflammatory bowel disease, 754Reduced bone density in patients with inflammatory bowel disease,228

Renal tubular dysfunction in patients with inflammatory boweldisease treated with aminosalicylate, 761

Insulin, Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the control of exocrineand endocrine pancreatic secretion in humans, 86

Insulin-like growth factor-I, The trophic action of growth hor-mone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and insulin on human duode-nal mucosa cultured in vivo, 57

Integrin, Altered expression of a4,7, a gut homing integrin, bycirculating and mucosal T cells in colonic mucosal inflammation,241

Interleukin 1, Cytokine effects on pepsinogen secretion from humanpeptic cells, 42

Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, Lack of association between aninterleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism and ulcer-ative colitis, 623

Interleukin-1,l, Colonic muscle enhances the production of inter-leukin- 1a messenger RNA in experimental colitis, 307

Interleukin-6, Post-ERP pancreatitis as a model for cytokineinduced acute phase response in acute pancreatitis, 80

Interleukin-8 receptor, Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes havea promiscuous interleukin-8 receptor, 333

Interleukin-10, Gastric mucosal secretion of interleukin-10: re-lations to histopathology, Helicobacter pylon' status, and tumournecrosis factor- secretion, 739

Intestinal adaptation, Enteral supplementation with omithine aketoglutarate improves the early adaptive response to resection,67

Intestinal failure, Assessing the quality of life of patients withintestinal failure on home parenteral nutrition, 218

Intestinal genes, Regional expression of intestinal genes for nutrientabsorption: leading article, S

Intestinal immunity, Treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhib-itor oxpentifylline does not improve corticosteroid dependentchronic active Crohn's disease, 470: commentary, 559

Intestinal metaplasia, Short segment Barrett's oesophagus: preva-lence, diagnosis and associations, 710: commentary, 804

Intestinal non-haem iron absorption, Regulation of intestinalnon-haem iron absorption: leading article, 435

Intestinal permeabilityApical effect of diosmectite on damage to the intestinal barrier

induced by basal tumour necrosis factor-ot , 339Is the sugar intestinal permeability test a reliable investigation for

coeliac disease screening?, 215Intestinal tolerability, Intestinal tolerability of nitroxybutyl-flurbi-

profen in rats, 608Intraduodenal fat, Effect of intraduodenal fat on lower oesophageal

sphincter function and gastro-oesophageal reflux, 449Intraepithelial lymphocytesChanges in barrier function of a model intestinal epithelium by

intraepithelial lymphocytes require new protein synthesis byepithelial cells, 634

Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes have a promiscuous inter-leukin-8 receptor, 333

Intragastric feeding, Enteral supplementation with ornithineketoglutarate improves the early adaptive response to resection,67

Iron absorption, Regulation of intestinal non-haem iron absorption:leading article, 435

Irritable bowel syndrome, Trauma and the gut: interactionsbetween stressful experience and intestinal function: review,704

Isoleucine, Decreased plasma and tissue isoleucine levels aftersimulated gastrointestinal bleeding by blood gavages in chronicportacaval shunted rats, 418

Isoprenaline, Stimulation of 3-adrenoceptors with isoprenalineinhibits small intestinal activity fronts and induces a postpran-dial-like motility pattern in humans, 376

Ispaghula, Effect of bran, ispaghula, and inert plastic particles ongastric emptying and small bowel transit in humans: the role ofphysical factors, 223

Jejunectomy, Enteral supplementation with omithine a ketoglutar-ate improves the early adaptive response to resection, 67

K-rasHigh frequency of K-ras mutations in human colorectal hyper-

plastic polyps, 660: commentary, 691Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polyps of the large bowel: benign neo-

plasms after all? 691

Kallikrein-kinin system, Combined treatment with C1 esteraseinhibitor and antithrombin III improves survival in severe acuteexperimental pancreatitis, 531

L-arginine, L-arginine in low concentration improves rat intestinalwater and sodium absorption from oral rehydration solutions,602

L-NMMA, Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the control of exocrineand endocrine pancreatic secretion in humans, 86

LactuloseIncreasing the intestinal resistance of rats to the invasive pathogen

Salmonella entenitidis: additive effects of dietary lactulose andcalcium, 497

Is the sugar intestinal permeability test a reliable investigation forcoeliac disease screening? 215

Laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery for gastro-oesophagealreflux disease: leading article, 565

Laparoscopy, Outcome of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication inpatients with disordered preoperative peristalsis, 381

Large bowelHigh frequency of K-ras mutations in human colorectal hyper-

plastic polyps, 660: commentary, 691Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polyps of the large bowel: benign neo-

plasms after all? 691Laser, Radiotherapy enhances laser palliation of malignant dyspha-

gia: a randomised study, 362Laser lithotripsy, Fluoroscopically guided laser lithotripsy versus

extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for retained bile ductstones: a prospective randomised study, 678

Lectin, In vitro influence of Phaseolus vulgaris, Griffonia simplici-folia, concanavalin A, wheat germ, and peanut agglutinins on HCT-15, LoVo, and SW837 human colorectal cancer cell growth, 253

Leucocytes, Studies on gastric mucosal microcirculation. 1. Thenature of regional variations induced by ethanol injury, 31

LiverDifferential gene expression of the three natriuretic peptides and

natriuretic peptide receptor subtypes in human liver, 145: comi-mentary, 151

Natriuretic peptides: are these new links in the hepatorenal connec-tions? 151

Liver cirrhosis, Effects of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy onhyperammonaemia in patients with liver cirrhosis, 726: commen-tary, 805

Liver failure, Decreased plasma and tissue isoleucine levels aftersimulated gastrointestinal bleeding by blood gavages in chronicportacaval shunted rats, 418

Liver transplantationBone disease after liver transplantation should not be under-

estimated: correspondence, 695Hepatitis B virus infection and liver transplantation: leading article,

568Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), DPC4 gene mutation in colitis

associated neoplasia, 120LoVo, In vitro influence of Phaseolus vulgaris, Griffonia simplicifolia,

concanavalin A, wheat germ, and peanut agglutinins on HCT-15, LoVo, and SW837 human colorectal cancer cell growth, 253

Lower oesophageal sphincterCharacterisation of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter

in healthy premature infants, 370Cholecystokinin in transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxationdue to gastric distension in humans, 575

Effect of intraduodenal fat on lower oesophageal sphincter functionand gastro-oesophageal reflux, 449

Multivariate analysis of pathophysiological factors in reflux oeso-phagitis, 167 Loxiglumide, Cholecystokinin in transient loweroesophageal sphincter relaxation due to gastric distension inhumans, 575

LymphocyteAltered expression of oA47, a gut homing integrin, by circulating

and mucosal T cells in colonic mucosal inflammation, 241Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes have a promiscuous inter-

leukin-8 receptor, 333Signals from lymphocytes in colon cancer, 153T cell receptor-zeta and granzyme B expression in mononuclear cell

infiltrates in normal colon mucosa and colon carcinoma, 113:commentary, 153

Macromolecular leakage, Studies on gastric mucosal microcircula-tion. 1. The nature of regional variations induced by ethanolinjury, 31

Macrophages, Role of Helicobacter pylon surface structures in bac-terial interaction with macrophages, 20

Magainins, Antimicrobial peptides in the gastrointestinal tract:leading article, 161


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

Mannitol, Is the sugar intestinal permeability test a reliable investiga-tion for coeliac disease screening?, 215

Mass screening, Is the sugar intestinal permeability test a reliableinvestigation for coeliac disease screening? 215

Megacolon, Oesophageal manometry in the evaluation of megacolonwith onset in adult life, 188

Mesalazine, Mesalazine as a maintenance treatment in Crohn'sdisease: is it the long awaited solution? 284

Metastases, Micrometastases: marker of metastatic potential orevidence of residual disease? 512: commentary, 555

MicrocirculationInfluence of changes in pancreatic tissue morphology and capillary

blood flow on antibiotic tissue concentrations in the pancreasduring the progression of acute pancreatitis, 526

Reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced gastricinjury and leucocyte endothelial adhesion by octreotide, 720

Micrometastases, Micrometastases: marker of metastatic potentialor evidence of residual disease? 512: commentary, 555

Migrating motility complex (MMC), Trauma and the gut: inter-actions between stressful experience and intestinal function:review, 704

Mirizzi's syndrome, Endoscopic management of Mirizzi's syn-drome, 272

Misoprostol, Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness inhealing gastric and duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users- the OMNIUM Study, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)

Monoclonal antibodies, Altered expression of mucins throughoutthe colon in ulcerative colitis, 234

Monoclonal antibody treatment, CD4 antibody treatment in patientswith active Crohn's disease: a phase I dose finding study, 320

MortalityAcquired C3 deficiency in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis predis-

poses to infection and increased mortality, 544Soluble TNF receptors as prognostic factors for mortality: cor-

respondence, 560MotilityDaytime and night time motor activity of the small bowel after solid

meals of different caloric value in humans, 614Effect of bran, ispaghula, and inert plastic particles on gastric

emptying and small bowel transit in humans: the role of physicalfactors, 223

Gastrointestinal motor mechanisms in hyperglycaemia induceddelayed gastric emptying in type I diabetes mellitus, 641

Outcome of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in patients withdisordered preoperative peristalsis, 381

Stimulation of,B-adrenoceptors with isoprenaline inhibits smallintestinal activity fronts and induces a postprandial-like motilitypattern in humans, 376

MucinAltered expression of mucins throughout the colon in ulcerative

colitis, 234Histochemistry of the surface mucous gel layer of the human colon,

782: commentary, 807Multivariate analysis, Multivariate analysis of pathophysiological

factors in reflux oesophagitis, 167

Na-methyl-histamine, Effect of Na-methyl-histamine on acidsecretion in isolated cultured rabbit parietal cells: implications forHelicobacterpylori associated gastritis and gastric physiology, 14

Natriuretic peptidesDifferential gene expression of the three natriuretic peptides and

natriuretic peptide receptor subtypes in human liver, 145: com-mentary, 151

Natriuretic peptides: are these new links in the hepatorenal connec-tions? 151

Neopterin, Activation of cellular immune response in acute pan-creatitis, 794

Nephrotoxicity, Renal tubular dysfunction in patients with inflam-matory bowel disease treated with aminosalicylate, 761

The Netherlands, Twenty years of childhood coeliac disease in TheNetherlands: a rapidly increasing incidence? 61

Neurochemical coding, Neurochemical coding in the small intes-tine of patients with Crohn's disease, 767

Neutrophil activation, Cytotoxin production and neutrophil activa-tion by strains of Helicobacter pylon isolated from patients withpeptic ulceration and chronic gastritis: correspondence, 431 Nis-sen, Outcome of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in patientswith disordered preoperative peristalsis, 381

NitrateChemical synthesis of nitric oxide in the stomach from dietary

nitrate in humans, 211: commentary, 288Dietary nitrate: poison or panacea? 288

Nitric oxideChemical synthesis of nitric oxide in the stomach from dietary

nitrate in humans, 211: commentary, 288

Dietary nitrate: poison or panacea? 288L-arginine in low concentration improves rat intestinal water andsodium absorption from oral rehydration solutions, 602

Neurochemical coding in the small intestine of patients withCrohn's disease, 767

Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the control of exocrine andendocrine pancreatic secretion in humans, 86

Nitroxybutyl-flurbiprofen, Intestinal tolerability of nitroxybutyl-flurbiprofen in rats, 608

Non-haem iron absorption, Regulation of intestinal non-haem ironabsorption: leading article, 435

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsEffects of sulindac on sporadic colorectal adenomatous polyps, 344:

commentary, 430Healing with basic fibroblast growth factor is associated with

reduced indomethacin induced relapse in a human model ofgastric ulceration, 204: commentary, 286

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with emer-gency admission to hospital for colitis due to inflammatory boweldisease, 619

Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in healing gastricand duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users - the OMNIUMStudy, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)

Recombinant peptides for gastrointestinal ulceration: still earlydays, 286

Reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced gastricinjury and leucocyte endothelial adhesion by octreotide, 720

Northern blotting, Gene expression of group II phospholipase A2in intestine in ulcerative colitis, 95

Notes, 157, 290, 433, 562, 810Nutrient absorption, Regional expression of intestinal genes for

nutrient absorption: leading article,SNutritional intake, Two phase randomised controlled clinical trial

of postoperative oral dietary supplements in surgical patients,393

Octreotide, Reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory druginduced gastric injury and leucocyte endothelial adhesion byoctreotide, 720

Oesophageal adenoma, Relation between gastric cancer and pre-vious peptic ulcer disease, 247

Oesophageal cancerEndoscopic treatment of early oesophageal or gastric cancer, 123Radiotherapy enhances laser palliation of malignant dysphagia: arandomised study, 362

Oesophageal motilityCharacterisation of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter

in healthy premature infants, 370Oesophageal manometry in the evaluation of megacolon with onset

in adult life, 188Oesophageal sensitivity, Double blind cross-over placebo con-

trolled study of omeprazole in the treatment of patients withreflux symptoms and physiological levels of acid reflux - the"sensitive oesophagus", 587

Oesophagitis, Superoxide anions produced by inflammatory cellsplay an important part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsininduced oesophagitis in rabbits, 175

Oesophagogastric junction, Effect of intraduodenal fat on loweroesophageal sphincter function and gastro-oesophageal reflux,449

OesophagusEffect of intraduodenal fat on lower oesophageal sphincter functionand gastro-oesophageal reflux, 449

Human oesophageal bicarbonate secretion: a phenomenon waitingfor a role, 693

Reappraisal of bicarbonate secretion by the human oesophagus,582: commentary, 693

Oestrogen, Differential expression of oestrogen receptor and oestro-gen inducible genes in gastric mucosa and cancer, 516

OmeprazoleDouble blind cross-over placebo controlled study of omeprazole in

the treatment of patients with reflux symptoms and physiologicallevels of acid reflux - the "sensitive oesophagus", 587

Efficacy of primed infusions with high dose ranitidine and omepra-zole to maintain high intragastric pH in patients with peptic ulcerbleeding: a prospective randomised controlled study, 36

Human oesophageal bicarbonate secretion: a phenomenon waitingfor a role, 693

Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in healing gastricand duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users - the OMNIUMStudy, 797 (suppl 1 abstract)

Reappraisal of bicarbonate secretion by the human oesophagus,582: commentary, 693

Open access gastroscopy, Open access gastroscopy: second surveyof current practice in the United Kingdom, 192


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

Oral dietary supplements, Two phase randomised controlled clin-ical trial of postoperative oral dietary supplements in surgicalpatients, 393

Oral rehydration solutions, L-arginine in low concentrationimproves rat intestinal water and sodium absorption from oralrehydration solutions, 602

Ornithine decarboxylase, Enteral supplementation with omithineketoglutarate improves the early adaptive response to resection,67

Orofacial granulomatosis, Molecular analysis of T cell receptor ,Bvariability in a patient with orofacial granulomatosis, 683

Osteopenia, Bone disease after liver transplantation should not beunderestimated: correspondence, 695

OsteoporosisBone disease after liver transplantation should not be under-

estimated: correspondence, 695Bone mineral density is reduced in patients with Crohn's disease

but not in patients with ulcerative colitis: a population basedstudy, 313

OxpentifyllineIn vitro effects of oxpentifylline on inflammatory cytokine release in

patients with inflammatory bowel disease, 475: commentary, 559Treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitor oxpentifylline does

not improve corticosteroid dependent chronic active Crohn'sdisease, 470: commentary, 559

p53Carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater: prognostic factors after curative

surgery: a series of 45 cases, 350Clinical significance of serum p53 antigen in patients with pan-

creatic carcinomas, 647Detection and monitoring of serum p53 antibodies in patients with

colorectal cancer, 356Palliation, Radiotherapy enhances laser palliation of malignant dys-

phagia: a randomised study, 362Pancreas

Expression of peptide receptors in human endocrine tumours of thepancreas, 267

Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the control of exocrine andendocrine pancreatic secretion in humans, 86

Pancreatic antibodies, Pancreatic autoantibodies in Crohn's dis-ease: a family study, 481: commentary, 557

Pancreatic cancer (carcinoma)Clinical significance of serum p53 antigen in patients with pan-

creatic carcinomas, 647Effect of chronic endogenous hypergastrinaemia on pancreaticgrowth and carcinogenesis in the hamster, 536

Prospective evaluation of cytology from biliary strictures, 671Pancreatic polypeptide, Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the

control of exocrine and endocrine pancreatic secretion inhumans, 86

Pancreatic repair, Increased expression of transforming growthfactor [Ps after acute oedematous pancreatitis in rats suggests arole in pancreatic repair, 73

Pancreaticoduodenectomy, Decision analysis in the managementof duodenal adenomatosis in familial adenomatous polyposis,716

PancreatitisActivation of cellular immune response in acute pancreatitis, 794Combined treatment with Cl esterase inhibitor and antithrombin

III improves survival in severe acute experimental pancreatitis,531

Familial hyperamylasaemia, 689Frequency and risk factors of recurrent pain during refeeding in

patients with acute pancreatitis: a multivariate multicentre pro-spective study of 116 patients, 262

Increased expression of transforming growth factor Ps after acuteoedematous pancreatitis in rats suggests a role in pancreaticrepair, 73

Influence of changes in pancreatic tissue morphology and capillaryblood flow on antibiotic tissue concentrations in the pancreasduring the progression of acute pancreatitis, 526

Pathophysiological role of secretory type I and II phospholipase A2in acute pancreatitis: an experimental study in rats, 386

Post-ERP pancreatitis as a model for cytokine induced acute phaseresponse in acute pancreatitis, 80

Risk factors for pancreatitis: correspondence, 289Role of cytokines and their inhibitors in acute pancreatitis: leading

article, 1Papillectomy, Endoscopic papillectomy: correspondence, 561Parenteral nutrition, Assessing the quality of life of patients with

intestinal failure on home parenteral nutrition, 218Parietal cell, Effect of Na-methyl-histamine on acid secretion in

isolated cultured rabbit parietal cells: implications for Helicobacterpylori associated gastritis and gastric physiology, 14

PentagastrinHelicobacterpylori and duodenal ulcers, correspondence, 155The inhibitory effect of glucagon-like peptide-I (GLP-1) 7-36amide on gastric acid secretion in humans depends on an intactvagal innervation, 597

Pepsin, Superoxide anions produced by inflammatory cells play animportant part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsin inducedoesophagitis in rabbits, 175

PepsinogenCytokine effects on pepsinogen secretion from human peptic cells,42

Risk for gastric cancer in people with CagA positive or CagAnegative Helicobacterpylon infection, 297

Peptic ulcerHelicobacter pylon breath test: a surrogate marker for peptic ulcer

disease in dyspeptic patients, 302Relation between gastric cancer and previous peptic ulcer disease,247

Peptic ulcer bleeding, Efficacy of primed infusions with high doseranitidine and omeprazole to maintain high intragastric pH inpatients with peptic ulcer bleeding: a prospective randomisedcontrolled study, 36

Peptide receptors, Expression of peptide receptors in human endo-crine tumours of the pancreas, 267

Peptide YY, Peptide YY and electrolyte homeostasis: correspondence,157

PeptidesAntimicrobial peptides in the gastrointestinal tract: leading article,

161Neurochemical coding in the small intestine of patients with

Crohn's disease, 767Peptides, central control, Central peptidergic control of gastric acid

secretion: leading article, 164Peristalsis, Outcome of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in

patients with disordered preoperative peristalsis, 381pH

Efficacy of primed infusions with high dose ranitidine and omepra-zole to maintain high intragastric pH in patients with peptic ulcerbleeding: a prospective randomised controlled study, 36

Synthesis and activity of Helicobacter pylon' urease and catalase atlow pH, 25

Phospholipase A2Gene expression of group II phospholipase A2 in intestine in

ulcerative colitis, 95Pathophysiological role of secretory type I and II phospholipase A2

in acute pancreatitis: an experimental study in rats, 386Pigbel-like syndrome, Pigbel-like syndrome in a vegetarian in

Oxford: correspondence, 695Polymerase chain reaction, Whipple's disease: comparison of

histology with diagnosis based on polymerase chain reaction infour consecutive cases, 425

Polymorphonuclear elastase, Activation of cellular immuneresponse in acute pancreatitis, 794

Portal hypertension, Acute effect of low dose theophylline on thecirculatory disturbances of cirrhosis, 139

Portal pressure, Reduction in renal blood flow following acuteincrease in the portal pressure: evidence for the existence of ahepatorenal reflex in man? 664

Portal vein, Prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation in hepaticand portal vein thrombosis, 798

Post-traumatic stress disorder, Trauma and the gut: interactionsbetween stressful experience and intestinal function: review, 704

Postoperative surgical patients, Two phase randomised controlledclinical trial of postoperative oral dietary supplements in surgicalpatients, 393

Postprandial activity, Daytime and night time motor activity of thesmall bowel after solid meals of different caloric value in humans,614

Pouch fimction, Contribution of gastrointestinal transit and pouchcharacteristics in determining pouch function, 790

Preterm neonate, Characterisation of relaxation of the lower oeso-phageal sphincter in healthy premature infants, 370

Primary biliary cirrhosisAutoimmune cholangitis: leading article, 440T cell responses to tuberculin purified protein derivative in primary

biliary cirrhosis: evidence for defective T cell function, 277Primary cerebral lymphoma, Enteropathy associated T cell lym-

phoma presenting as an isolated CNS lymphoma three years afterdiagnosis of coeliac disease: T cell receptor polymerase chainreaction studies failed to show the original enteropathy to be aclonal disorder, 801

Primary sclerosing cholangitis, Autoimmune cholangitis: leadingarticle, 440

Propranolol, Stimulation of ,B-adrenoceptors with isoprenalineinhibits small intestinal activity fronts and induces a postpran-dial-like motility pattern in humans, 376


8'22Iolumne 40: Suibject Index - MainIHeadings

ProstaglandinsHealing with basic fibroblast growth factor is associated with

reduced indomethacin induced relapse in a human model ofgastric ulceration, 204: conmmentary, 286

Recombinant peptides for gastrointestinal ulceration: still earlvdays, 286

Protein synthesis, Changes in barrier function of a model intestinalepithelium by intraepithelial lymphocytes require new proteinsynthesis by epithelial cells, 634

Provocation test, Colonoscopic allergen provocation (COLAP): anew diagnostic approach for gastrointestinal food allergy, 745

Pseudo-obstruction, Oesophageal manometry in the evaluation ofmegacolon with onset in adult life, 188

Putrescine, Enteral supplementation with omithine ca ketoglutarateimproves the early adaptive response to resection, 67

Quality of lifeAssessing the quality of life of patients with intestinal failure onhome parenteral nutrition, 218

Endoscopic treatment of early oesophageal or gastric cancer, 123

Radiotherapy, Radiotherapy enhances laser palliation of malignantdysphagia: a randomised study, 362

RanitidineEfficacy of primed infusions with high dose ranitidine and

omeprazole to maintain high intragastric pH in patients withpeptic ulcer bleeding: a prospective randomised controlled study,36

Human oesophageal bicarbonate secretion: a phenomenon waitingfor a role, 693

Reappraisal of bicarbonate secretion by the human oesophagus,582: commentary, 693

Rapid whole blood test, Comparison of serum, salivary, and rapidwhole blood diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylon and theirvalidation against endoscopy based tests, 454

Rectal preparations, Rectal corticosteroids versus alternative treat-ments in ulcerative colitis: a meta-analysis, 775

Refeeding, Frequency and risk factors of recurrent pain duringrefeeding in patients with acute pancreatitis: a multivariatemulticentre prospective study of 116 patients, 262

Reflux oesophagitisMultivariate analysis of pathophysiological factors in reflux oeso-

phagitis, 167Relationship between acid and bile reflux and symptoms in gastro-

oesophageal reflux disease, 182Superoxide anions produced by inflammatory cells play an impor-

tant part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsin induced oesopha-gitis in rabbits, 175

Renal blood flow, Reduction in renal blood flow following acuteincrease in the portal pressure: evidence for the existence of ahepatorenal reflex in man? 664

Renal circulation, Acute effect of low dose theophylline on thecirculatory disturbances of cirrhosis, 139

Renal tubular dysfunction, Renal tubular dysfunction in patientswith inflammatory bowel disease treated with aminosalicylate,761

Replication errors, Allele loss, replication errors and loss of expres-sion of E-cadherin in colorectal cancers, 654

Residual disease, Micrometastases: marker of metastatic potentialor evidence of residual disease? 512: commnizentary, 555

Respiratory burst, Lack of effect of antineutrophil cytoplasmicantibodies associated with ulcerative colitis on superoxide anionproduction from neutrophils, 102

Retained bile duct stones, Fluoroscopically guided laser lithotripsyversus extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for retained bile ductstones: a prospective randomised study, 678

RGD mimetics, Analysis of Arg-Gly-Asp mimetics and solublereceptor of tumour necrosis factor as therapeutic modalities forconcanavalin A induced hepatitis in mice, 133

Salivary nitrate and nitriteChemical synthesis of nitric oxide in the stomach from dietary

nitrate in humans, 211: commentary, 288Dietary nitrate: poison or panacea? 288

Salivary tests, Comparison of serum, salivary, and rapid wholeblood diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylon and their validationagainst endoscopy based tests, 454

Salmonella enteritidis, Increasing the intestinal resistance of ratsto the invasive pathogen Salmionella enteritidis: additive effects ofdietary lactulose and calcium, 497

Scintigraphy, Gastrointestinal motor mechanisms in hvperglycae-mia induced delayed gastric emptying in type I diabetes mellitus,641

Screening, Chemical and immunological testing for faecal occultblood in screening subjects at risk of familial colorectal cancer,110

Secretin, Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the control of exocrineand endocrine pancreatic secretion in humans, 86

Secretory IgA, In vitro evaluation of the role of antibodies againstHelicobacter pylot in inhibiting adherence of the organism togastric cells, 731

Sex hormones, Differential expression of oestrogen receptor andoestrogen inducible genes in gastric mucosa and cancer, 516

Shigellosis, Effect of shigella enterotoxin 1 (ShET1) on rabbitintestine in vitro and in viv%o, 505

Short chain fatty acidsOxidation of short and medium chain C2-C2 fattv acids inSprague-Dawley rat colonocytes, 400

Short chain fatty acid rectal irrigation for left-sided ulcerativecolitis: a randomised, placebo controlled trial, 485

Short segment Barrett's oesophagus, Short segment Barrett'soesophagus: prevalence, diagnosis and associations, 710: cooIt-mnentarv, 804

Small intestinal mucosa, The trophic action of growth hormone,insulin-like growth factor-I, and insulin on human duodenalmucosa cultured in vivo, 57

Small intestineDaytime and night time motor activity of the small bowel after solid

meals of different caloric value in humans, 614Effect of bran, ispaghula, and inert plastic particles on gastric

emptying and small bowel transit in humans: the role of physicalfactors, 223

Stimulation of j-adrenoceptors with isoprenaline inhibits smallintestinal activity fronts and induces a postprandial-like motilitypattern in humans, 376

SmokingAdult coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and smoking: cor-

responidence, 289Risk for gastric cancer in people with CagA positive or CagA

negative Helicobactet pylon infection, 297Sodium absorption, L-arginine in low concentration improves rat

intestinal water and sodium absorption from oral rehydrationsolutions, 602

Sodium taurocholate pancreatitis, Pathophysiological role ofsecretory type I and II phospholipase A2 in acute pancreatitis:an experimental studv in rats, 386

Somatostatin analogue, Reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflamma-tory drug induced gastric injury and leucocvte endothelial ad-hesion by octreotide, 720

Sphincter of Oddi, Topical glyceryl trinitrate relaxes the sphincterof Oddi, 541

Sporadic colorectal adenomatous polyp, Effects of sulindac onsporadic colorectal adenomatous polyps, 344: commnentanr, 430

Stomach neoplasms, Differential expression of oestrogen receptorand oestrogen inducible genes in gastric mucosa and cancer, 516

Stress, Trauma and the gut: interactions between stressful experienceand intestinal function: review, 704

Sucrase, Enteral supplementation with ornithine cx ketoglutarateimproves the earlv adaptive response to resection, 67

Sulindac, Effects of sulindac on sporadic colorectal adenomatouspolyps, 344: cooninentarv, 430

Sulphasalazine, Renal tubular dysfunction in patients with inflam-matorv bowel disease treated with aminosalicvlate, 761

Superoxide anionLack of effect of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associated

with ulcerative colitis on superoxide anion production fromneutrophils, 102

Superoxide anions produced by inflammatorv cells play an impor-tant part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsin induced oesopha-gitis in rabbits, 175

Superoxide dismutase, Treatment of Helicobacter pyloni infectionfavourably affects gastric mucosal superoxide dismutases, 591

Suppository, Rectal corticosteroids versus alternative treatments inulcerative colitis: a meta-analysis, 775

Surface mucous gel layer, Histochemistrv of the surface mucousgel layer of the human colon, 782: comMentary, 807

Surgery, Carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater: prognostic factors aftercurative surgery: a series of 45 cases, 350

SW837, In vitro influence of Phaseolus viilgan's, Gniffomia simiplicifolia,concanavalin A, wheat germ, and peanut agglutinins on HCT-15, LoVo, and SW837 human colorectal cancer cell growth, 253

Symptom index, Double blind cross-over placebo controlled studyof omeprazole in the treatment of patients with reflux symptomsand physiological levels of acid reflux - the "sensitive oesopha-gus", 587

T cell receptor j, Molecular analysis ofT cell receptor 3 variabilityin a patient with orofacial granulomatosis, 683


Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings

T cell receptor-zetaSignals from lymphocytes in colon cancer, 153T cell receptor-zeta and granzyme B expression in mononuclear cell

infiltrates in normal colon mucosa and colon carcinoma, 113:commentary, 153

T cellsAnalysis of Arg-Gly-Asp mimetics and soluble receptor of tumour

necrosis factor as therapeutic modalities for concanavalin Ainduced hepatitis in mice, 133

T cell responses to tuberculin purified protein derivative in primarybiliary cirrhosis: evidence for defective T cell function, 277

Theophylline, Acute effect of low dose theophylline on the circu-latory disturbances of cirrhosis, 139

Thrombosis, Prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation in hepaticand portal vein thrombosis, 798

TIPS, Reduction in renal blood flow following acute increase in theportal pressure: evidence for the existence of a hepatorenal reflexin man?, 664

Transforming growth factor-et, Mucosal expression and luminalrelease of epidermal and transforming growth factors in patientswith duodenal ulcer before and after eradication of Helicobacterpylori, 463

Transforming growth factor 0, Increased expression of transform-ing growth factor Ps after acute oedematous pancreatitis in ratssuggests a role in pancreatic repair, 73

Transient relaxations, Cholecystokinin in transient lower oeso-phageal sphincter relaxation due to gastric distension in humans,575

Transit time, Contribution of gastrointestinal transit and pouchcharacteristics in determining pouch function, 790

Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt, Reduc-tion in renal blood flow following acute increase in the portalpressure: evidence for the existence of a hepatorenal reflex inman? 664

Trauma, Trauma and the gut: interactions between stressful ex-perience and intestinal function: review, 704

Trophic action, The trophic action of growth hormone, insulin-likegrowth factor-I, and insulin on human duodenal mucosa culturedin vivo, 57

'Tropical sprue', 'Tropical sprue': some early investigators favouredan infective cause, but was a coccidian protozoan involved? 428

Tumour necrosis factorPost-ERP pancreatitis as a model for cytokine induced acute phase

response in acute pancreatitis, 80Tumour necrosis factor and Crohn's disease: review, 443: commen-

tary, 559Tumour necrosis factor-alpha

Apical effect of diosmectite on damage to the intestinal barrierinduced by basal tumour necrosis factor-alpha, 339

Gastric mucosal secretion of interleukin-10: relations to histo-pathology, Helicobacter pylon' status, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha secretion, 739

Treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitor oxpentifylline doesnot improve corticosteroid dependent chronic active Crohn'sdisease, 470: commentary, 559

Tumour necrosis factor-alpha antibody, Treatment of ulcerativecolitis in the cottontop tamarin using antibody to tumour necro-sis factor alpha, 628

Tumour necrosis factor receptors, Soluble TNF receptors asprognostic factors for mortality: correspondence, 560

Tyrosine hydroxylase, Neurochemical coding in the small intestineof patients with Crohn's disease, 767

Tyrosine-kinase, Cytokine effects on pepsinogen secretion fromhuman peptic cells, 42

Ulcer bleeding, Efficacy of primed infusions with high dose raniti-dine and omeprazole to maintain high intragastric pH in patients

with peptic ulcer bleeding: a prospective randomised controlledstudy, 36

Ulcerative colitisAltered expression of mucins throughout the colon in ulcerative

colitis, 234Antineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies against bactericidal/per-

meability-increasing protein in inflammatory bowel disease, 105Bone mineral density is reduced in patients with Crohn's diseasebut not in patients with ulcerative colitis: a population basedstudy, 313

DPC4 gene mutation in colitis associated neoplasia, 120Gene expression of group II phospholipase A2 in intestine in

ulcerative colitis, 95Histochemistry of the surface mucous gel layer of the human colon,

782: commentary, 807Inflammatory bowel disease: re-evaluation of the diagnosis in a

prospective population based study in south eastern Norway,328

Lack of association between an interleukin-1 receptor antagonistgene polymorphism and ulcerative colitis, 623

Lack of effect of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associatedwith ulcerative colitis on superoxide anion production fromneutrophils, 102

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with emer-gency admission to hospital for colitis due to inflammatory boweldisease, 619

Oxidation of short and medium chain C2-C8 fatty acids inSprague-Dawley rat colonocytes, 400

Pre-illness dietary factors in inflammatory bowel disease, 754Rectal corticosteroids versus alternative treatments in ulcerative

colitis: a meta-analysis, 775Short chain fatty acid rectal irrigation for left-sided ulcerative

colitis: a randomised, placebo controlled trial, 485Treatment of ulcerative colitis in the cottontop tamarin using

antibody to tumour necrosis factor alpha, 628Ultrasound, Ultrasound for gastroenterologists: correspondence, 156Urease

Effects of Helicobacterpylori eradication therapy on hyperammonae-mia in patients with liver cirrhosis, 726: commentary, 805

Synthesis and activity of Helicobacter pylon urease and catalase atlow pH, 25

Ussing chambersApical effect of diosmectite on damage to the intestinal barrier

induced by basal tumour necrosis factor-ao, 339Effect of shigella enterotoxin 1 (ShET 1) on rabbit intestine in vitroand in vivo, 505

Vagal innervation, The inhibitory effect of glucagon-like peptide-I(GLP- 1) 7-36 amide on gastric acid secretion in humans dependson an intact vagal innervation, 597

VP gene usage, Molecular analysis of T cell receptor ,B variabilityin a patient with orofacial granulomatosis, 683

Vegetarian, Pigbel-like syndrome in a vegetarian in Oxford: cor-respondence, 695

Vertebral bone density, Reduced bone density in patients withinflammatory bowel disease, 228

Video education, Video education and evidence in endoscopy, 554Vitronectin, Role of Helicobacter pylori surface structures in bacterial

interaction with macrophages, 20

Wegener's granulomatosis, Granulomatous gastritis in Wegener'sdisease: differentiation from Crohn's disease supported by apositive test for antineutrophil antibodies, 550

Whipple's disease, Whipple's disease: comparison of histology withdiagnosis based on polymerase chain reaction in four consecutivecases, 425


Gut 1997; 40: 824-826


Aabakken L, Suppl. l . A83Aase S, Suppl. 1. A46Abraha H, Suppl. l. A13Adams DH, Suppl. . A67Adams WR, Suppl. 1. A73Adenekan RO, Suppl. 1. A72Ahmad F, Suppl. 1. A5Ahmad SM, Suppl. l . A53Ahmed HA, Suppl. l. A14Ahmed R, Suppl. 1. A66Ainley CA, Suppl.l. A12Ainley CC, Suppl. l. A43Ajjan R, Suppl. 1. A23, A28Akslen LA, Suppl. 1. A48Al-Mufti RAM, Suppl. 1. A47AlAtia R, Suppl. l. A33Alderson D, Suppl. l. A37, A41Allan R, Suppl. 1. A77Allan RN, Suppl. 1. A24Allen-Mersh TG, Suppl. 1. A49Allison MC, Suppl. 1. A32, A63Almeida SM, Suppl. 1. A31Alstead EM, Suppl.l. A19, A57,

A77Altomare DF, Suppl. 1. A65Ambrose NS, Suppl. 1. A41Anderson JT, Suppl. . A77Andreyev HJN, Suppl.l. Al9,

A45, A49Angel CA, Suppl. 1. A65Anker P, Suppl. l. A77Anthony A, Suppl. 1. A24, A25,

A71Ardill JES, Suppl. . A3, A46Ardizzone S, Suppl. 1. A26Arends MJ, Suppl. 1. A46Armonis A, Suppl. 1. A30Armstrong P, Suppl. 1. A48Armstrong-James D, Suppl. 1. A50Arnott I, Suppl. l. A23Arrowsmith H, Suppl. 1. A64Asante MA, Suppl.l. A2, A14,

A61Ashton L, Suppl. 1. A6Atherton JC, Suppl. l. Al, A6Atkin WS, Suppl. 1. A57Axon ATR, Suppl. 1. A5, A22,

A61, A68, A69, A70, A83Ayres RCS, Suppl. l. A24Aziz Q, Suppl. l. A42, A53

Bailey TA, Suppl. 1. A76Baker A, Suppl. l. A18Balan KK, Suppl. 1. A20Balaramam N, Suppl. . A63Ball C, Suppl.l. A18Ballam L, Suppl. 1. A2Ballinger A, Suppl. 1. A77Ballinger AB, Suppl. . Al 9Bansi D, Suppl. l. A29Bardhan KD, Suppl. 1. A30Barker H, Suppl. . A37Barr H, Suppl. l. A76Barrett DA, Suppl. 1. A6Bartley B, Suppl. 1. A35Bartolo DCC, Suppl. . A55Barton JR, Suppl. l. A59Barton S, Suppl. 1. A62Barton SGRG, Suppl. . A69Bartram CI, Suppl.l. A53Bartsocas C, Suppl. 1. A43Bassendine MF, Suppl. 1. A16Bates J, Suppl. 1. A40Bateson MC, Suppl.l. A5, A14Baxter JN, Suppl. 1. A36Beales I, Suppl. 1. A69, A70, A80Beales IP, Suppl. 1. A81Begent RH, Suppl. 1. A47Bell DG, Suppl. 1. A33, A40Bell G, Suppl. l. A35Beltinger J, Suppl. . A80Bennett J, Suppl. 1. A20Bennett JR, Suppl. 1. A34Benson M, Suppl. 1. A42, A52Benson MF, Suppl. 1. A41Berg DE, Suppl. 1. A69Besherdas K, Suppl. 1. A42, A58Besser GM, Suppl. 1. A49, A66Besser R, Suppl. l. A19Bettica P, Suppl. 1. A26Bettini L, Suppl. l. A16Betts A, Suppl. 1. A39Beveridge I, Suppl. 1. A59Bevilacqua M, Suppl. 1. A26Bhattacharya S, Suppl. 1. A47Bhatti MA, Suppl. l. A24, A74

Bianchi F, Suppl. l. A15Bianchi Porro G, Suppl. 1. A7,

A26, A32Biddlestone LR, Suppl. 1. A76Biggin CS, Suppl. l. A8Bird N, Suppl. l. A20, A32Bird NC, Suppl. 1. A66Bjarnason I, Suppl.l. Al0, A70,

A71, A73, A75Blair CS, Suppl.i. A16Blaser MJ, Suppl. 1. AlBliss P, Suppl. 1. A80Bliss PW, Suppll. AlBloom SR, Suppl. 1. A79Bode J, Suppl. 1. A46Bodger K, Suppl. 1. A56Bodmer WF, Suppl. 1. A45Bollani S, Suppl. l. A26, A32Bolton R, Suppl. 1. A23, A28Booth L, Suppl. 1. A60Borman RA, Suppl. 1. A26Borriello SP, Suppl. 1. A75Botha A, Suppl. 1. A6, A7Bottrill P, Suppl. 1. A82Bouchier IAD, Suppl. 1. Al 5Boulos P, Suppl. . A6, A7Boulos PB, Suppl. 1. A49Boulton R, Suppl. 1. A72Bovill JG, Suppl. 1. A41Bowling TE, Suppl. 1. A66Bowrey DJ, Suppl. 1. A57Boyle N, Suppl. 1. A37Bramble MG, Suppl. 1. A60Bramley P, Suppl.l. A8, A13Braunholtz D, Suppl. l. A61, A68,

A69Brettle RP, Suppl. l. A16Brian M, Suppl. 1. A66British Acute Pancreatitis Study

Group, Suppl. l. A12Brown RC, Suppl. l. A13Brown S, Suppl.l. Al9, A62Bruce I, Suppl. l. A28Brunsden A, Suppl. 1. A81Buckley P, Suppl. 1. A70Buckner L, Suppl. 1. A8Bunyan DJ, Suppl. 1. A78Burden AC, Suppl. l. AllBurnham WR, Suppl. 1. A60, A62Bums SM, Suppl.l. A16Burroughs AK, Suppl.l. A17, A30Bury RS, Suppl. 1. A22Butler P, Suppl. l. A17Butterfield I, Suppl. 1. A79Buxton-Thomas M, Suppl. 1. Al 3Bygrave S, Suppl. l. A50Byrne D, Suppl. l. A35

Cade A, Suppl. l. A20Cairns A, Suppl. 1. A47Calam J, Suppl. l. Al, A46, A69,

A70, A80, A81Campbell BJ, Suppl. 1. A81Campbell FC, Suppl. 1. A45Campbell S, Suppl.l. A16, A18,

A26Canqado E, Suppl.l. A15Cann PA, Suppl. l. A56, A58Carey PD, Suppl. 1. A57Cariem AK, Suppl. 1. A4Carpani de Kaski MS, Suppl. 1.

A37Carter CR, Suppl. l. A7, A36Carter R, Suppl. 1. A39, A83Castillo FD, Suppl. 1. A41Cawkwell L, Suppl. 1. A47Caygill CPJ, Suppl. 1. A35Chadwick N, Suppl. 1. A28Chalmers DM, Suppl. 1. A5, A22Chan D, Suppl. 1. A60Chapman R, Suppl. 1. A29Charampopoulos A, Suppl. 1. A53Charnley R, Suppl. 1. A29Chen X, Suppl. 1. A77Chesner IM, Suppl. 1. A64Chess-Williams R, Suppl. 1. A66Chetter I, Suppl. 1. A35Chiotakakou-Faliakou E, Suppl. 1.

A23, A51Chlouverakis G, Suppl. 1. A48Chokshi S, Suppl. 1. A30Christie J, Suppl. 1. A29Christopoulou K, Suppl. 1. A30Clark GWB, Suppl. 1. A57Clark SK, Suppl. 1. A48Clarke P, Suppl. 1. A32

Clarke PA, Suppl. 1. A45, A49Clayman C, Suppl. 1. A42, A51Cobden I, Suppl. . A59Cochran K, Suppl. . A3Cochran KM, Suppl. i. A13Cole AT, Suppl.i. A23, A61, A73,

A74Coleman MG, Suppl. 1. A78Collins JSA, Suppl. 1. A60Cominotti A, Suppl. A16Cooper BT, Suppl. . A36Corfield AP, Suppl. 1. A56Cotton PB, Suppl. 1. A83Coull DB, Suppl. 1. A55Coupland K, Suppl. 1. A80Coutts I, Suppl. 1. A33Cover TL, Suppl. AlCox JGC, Suppl. l . A34Cox MA, Suppl. 1. A36Crabtree JE, Suppl. 1. A46, A69,

A70Craig DJ, Suppl. 1. A8Cramp ME, Suppl. 1. A30Crane R, Suppl.i. A10Crawford DHC, Suppl. 1. A 13Critchley M, Suppl. 1. A20Crofton RW, Suppl. i. A13Cross SS, Suppl. 1. A65Cruickshank N, Suppl. 1. A77Cucino C, Suppl. A7Cullen DE, Suppl. 1. A23Cummings JH, Suppl. 1. A27Cunningham D, Suppli. Al9,

A45, A49Curtis H, Suppl.i. A33, A75Cuzick JA, Suppl. 1. A57

Dahill S, Suppl. i. A4Dakkak M, Suppl. 1. A34Dalling R, Suppl. 1. A55D'Amato M, Suppl. 1. A32Danesh BJ, Suppl.i. A18, A26Daniels P, Suppl. 1. A39Darekar B, Suppl. i. A41Davidson BR, Suppl. 1. Al 7Davies A, Suppl. i. Al0Davies ET, Suppl. l. A17Davies JE, Suppl. i. AllDavies M, Suppl. 1. A28Davis T, Suppl. l. A14Dawodu JB, Suppl. 1. A69De Silva HJ, Suppl. 1. A52de Souza NM, Suppl. 1. A50De Tavonatti M, Suppl. 1. Al 6Deady P, Suppl. 1. A20Deakin M, Suppl. 1. A66Deen KI, Suppl. 1. A52DeesJ, Suppl.l. A31, A38Dembinski A, Suppl. 1. A6Dennison A, Suppl. 1. A20Dennison AR, Suppl. 1. AlDew MJ, Suppl. 1. A2Dhillon AP, Suppl. 1. A24, A71Dhiman A, Suppl. 1. A25Di Ciaula A, Suppl. 1. A33Dick R, Suppl. 1. A30Dixon M, Suppl. 1. A47, A70Dixon MF, Suppl. 1. A22Dobbins BM, Suppl. l. A20, A76Docherty E, Suppl. l. Al8Dodds S, Suppl. 1. A66Dolan K, Suppl. 1. A37, A77Dollinger MM, Suppl. 1. A17Domschke W, Suppl. 1. A6, A72,

A74Donaldson PT, Suppl. 1. Al 8Donnelly MT, Suppl. 1. A79Dooley JS, Suppl. l. A17Doran J, Suppl. 1. A29Dove-Edwin I, Suppl. 1. A59Dowell AC, Suppl. 1. A6 1, A68,

A69Dowling RH, Suppl. 1. A49, A66,

A67Drinkwater F, Suppl. 1. A54Drummond H, Suppl. 1. A23Duffy JN, Suppl. 1. A65Duggan AE, Suppl. 1. A58Dunk AA, Suppl. 1. A61Durdey P, Suppl. 1. A56Dzik-Jurasz A, Suppl. 1. A12

Eaden jA, Suppl. l. A22, A57Eastwood MA, Suppl. 1. A46Ebrahim S, Suppl.l. A22, A25

Ebringer A, Suppl. 1. A25Eccersley AJ, Suppl. . A55Edwards J, Suppl. 1. A70, A80Edwards R, Suppl. 1. A57Efstathiou J, Suppl. 1 . A48Ehsanullah RSB, Suppl. l. A41El Hasani S, Suppl.l. A35, A50El-Nujumi A, Suppl. 1. A83El-Omar E, Suppl. 1. A3, A46, A83Elbert J, Suppl. 1. A6Elemenoglou I, Suppl. 1. A48Elia G, Suppl.1. A45Elia M, Suppl.1. Al9Emmanuel AV, Suppl. 1. A52Enck P, Suppl. l. A53Epstein 0, Suppl. l. A42, A51,

A58, A82Erah PO, Suppl. 1. A6Erdtsieck RJ, Suppl. 1. A28Etolhi G, Suppl. 1. A69Evangelou H, Suppl. 1. A83Evanoff H, Suppl. l. A29Evans D, Suppl. l. A34Evans DF, Suppl. l. A31, A35,

A41, A43Everett S, Suppl. 1. A70Everitt S, Suppl. 1. A4Everitt SE, Suppl. 1. A23Evgenikos N, Suppl. 1. A55

Facchinetti D, Suppl. 1. A8Fairclough PD, Suppl. 1. A26,

A49, A57, A75Farthing MJG, Suppl.1. A9, A19,

A26, A27, A57, A76, A77Favret M, Suppl. l. A16Ferguson A, Suppl. 1. A23, A46,

A51, A55Field JK, Suppl. 1. A77Finch AC, Suppl. 1. A81Finlay IG, Suppl. 1. A55Finlayson C, Suppl. 1. A43Fisher NC, Suppl. 1. A67Fitzsimmons D, Suppl.1. A12Flegg PJ, Suppl. l. A16Fleming K, Suppl. 1. A29Floren I, journal 797Floyd D, Suppl. 1. A30Fonseka MMD, Suppl. 1. A52Forbes A, Suppl. 1. A23, A77Foster DR, Suppl. 1. AlFoster JM, Suppl. 1. A3 1, A44Foster R, Suppl. l. A70, A71, A73Fouweather M, Suppl. 1. A32, A63Francis CY, Suppl. 1. A43, A65Fraser A, Suppl. 1. A8French GR, Suppl. 1. A67Friedman T, Suppl. 1. A56Frier M, Suppl. 1. A28Fuchs W, Suppl. 1. A6Fujii T, Suppl. 1. A83Fullarton G, Suppl. 1. A68, A83Fullerton G, Suppl. 1. A35

GakenJ, Suppl.1. A15Galvin A, Suppl. l. A73, A74Gandhi P, Suppl. 1. A49Ganesh S, Suppl. l. A23Garde J, Suppl. 1. A77Gardiner KR, Suppl. 1. A54, A65Garlick NM, Suppl. 1. A73, A74Gathercole DJ, Suppl. 1. A49, A66Gatzen G, Suppl. 1. A50Gazzard BG, Suppl. 1. A44, A67Gearty JC, Suppl. 1. A36Gedling P, Suppl. l. A14Gee JM, Suppl.1. A73Gemmell CG, Suppl. 1. A69George DK, Suppl.1. A13George S, Suppl.l. A12Gharaie S, Suppl. 1. A43Ghatei MA, Suppl. 1. A79Ghosal S, Suppl. 1. A21Ghosh S, Suppl. l. A23, A38, A47Giaffer MH, Suppl. l. Al9Giannikaki E, Suppl. 1. A48Gibbs P, Suppl.l. A18Gilderdale DJ, Suppl. 1. A50Gillam D, Suppl. 1. A6, A7Gillanders I, Suppl. 1. A26Gillen D, Suppl.l. Al, A3, A46,

A83Gilliam A, Suppl. . A70Gilliland R, Suppl. 1. A54, A65Glass RG, Suppl. 1. A66


Volunme 40: Author Index - Supplement

Goddard AF, Suppl. 1. A6Goddard WP, Suppl. 1. A80Goggin P, Suppl.1. A38Going J, Suppl. 1. A7, A36Gokhale J, Suppl. 1. A41Gold D, Suppl.1. A37Gold DM, Suppl.1. A50Golding J, Suppl. 1. A33Gong F, Suppl. 1. A34Goodlad RA, Suppl. 1. A45, A72,

A79Gordon FH, Suppl.1. A17, A21Gosney J, Suppl. 1. A77Gough AC, Suppl. 1. A78Graham A, Suppl.1. A17Green CJ, Suppl.1. A10Green JRB, Suppl. 1. A66Greenaway JR, Suppl. 1. A56, A58Greenslade L, Suppl. 1. A30Griffin S, Suppl.1. A39Griffin SM, Suppl. 1. A8Griffiths AE, Suppl. 1. A3Griffiths L, Suppl.1. A82Grimley CE, Suppl. 1. A2Grundman M, Suppl. 1. A23, A28Grundy A, Suppl. 1. A42Guillou PJ, Suppl. 1. A35, A50

Hadzic N, Suppl.1. A 17Hagger R, Suppl. 1. A42, A43Haigh C, Suppl.i. A12Hainsworth I, Suppl. 1. A62Hall C, Suppl. i. A66Hall W, Suppl.1. A31, A77Hallyburton EM, Suppl.1. Al9, A27Halvorsen JF, Suppl. 1. A48Hamdy S, Suppl.1. A42, A53Hamer-Hodges DW, Suppl. 1. A55Hamilton MI, Suppl. 1. A21Hansen S, Suppl.1. A46Hardcastle JD, Suppl. 1. A21Hardinge E, Suppl.1. A75Hardwick R, Suppl. 1. A37Harris AW, Suppl. 1. A59Harrison DJ, Suppl.1. A17Harrison P, Suppl.1. A15Hart AR, Suppl. 1. A57Hartmans WR, Suppl. 1. A31Haskard DO, Suppl. 1. A74Haslam N, Suppl. 1. A64Hawes RH, Suppl.1. A83Hawkes ND, Suppl.1. Al0, A62Hawkey CJ, Suppl.1. Al, A4, A23,

A58, A61, A73, A74, A79,A80, journal 797

Hawkey GM, Suppl. 1. A4, A61Hawthorne AB, Suppl. 1. A57Haydon GH, Suppl.l. A16Hayes PC, Suppl.1. A15, A16,

A17, A29Healey Z, Suppl. 1. A70, A80Healy JC, Suppl. 1. A48Heatley RV, Suppl. 1. A56Heaton KW, Suppl. 1. A44Heaton N, Suppl.1. Al8Heaton ND, Suppl.1. A 17, A18Hebden JM, Suppl. 1. A28Hendrikse M, Suppl. 1. A22Hepworth CC, Suppl.1. A8, A62Hernandez V, Suppl. 1. A69Hewer A, Suppl. 1. A45Heymen S, Suppl. 1. A65Hickman JA, Suppl. 1. A78, A79Hiew LY, Suppl. 1. A35Higgs NB, Suppl. 1. A79Higham A, Suppl. 1. A79Hill MJ, Suppl.1. A35Hill P, Suppl.1. A33Hillel P, Suppl. 1. A21Hillier K, Suppl. 1. A26Hilton SR, Suppl. 1. A60Hislop WS, Suppl.1. A13Ho J, Suppl.1. A53Hobbs KEF, Suppl. 1. A47Hobsley M, Suppl. 1. A6, A7Hobson A, Suppl.1. A53Hodgson H, Suppl.1. A30Hodgson HJF, Suppl. 1. A24, A74Hodgson SV, Suppl. 1. A45Hoem D, Suppl. 1. A48Holmes G, Suppl. 1. A23Holmes GKT, Suppl. 1. A33Holton J, Suppl. 1. A6, A7Hopwood D, Suppl.I. A5, A31,

A36, A77Houghton LA, Suppl.1. A31, A43,

A44, A52Howard GCW, Suppl. 1. A51Howard L, Suppl. l. A18Howarth GF, Suppl. 1. A21Howie SEM, Suppl. l. A17Huang JKC, Suppl. l. A63Hudson MJ, Suppl. 1. A25Hudson N, Suppl. 1. A4

Hull MA, Suppl.1. A79Hungin APS, Suppl.1. A60Hunt N, Suppl.1. A29Hunter JO, Suppl.1. A19, A22,

A27, A64, A75Hussain F, Suppl.1. A23, A28Hyde J, Suppl.1. A75

Idle N, Suppl.1. A60Idle NL, Suppl.1. A56Ihmaidat H, Suppl. 1. A7, A36Imbesi V, Suppl. 1. A7Imrie CW, Suppl.1. A39, A83Ingoe L, Suppl. 1. A59International MELISSA Study

Group, Suppl.1. A4

Jackson NA, Suppl. 1. A52Jacob M, Suppl. 1. A70, A71James P, Suppl.1. A13Jameson J, Suppl. 1. A20Jamieson CP, Suppl. 1. A21Jankowski J, Suppl. 1. A77Jankowski JAZ, Suppl. 1. A76Jawhari AU, Suppl. 1. A76Jayne D, Suppl.1. A50Jazrawi RP, Suppl.1. A14, A63Jellum E, Suppl. 1. A46Jenkins D, Suppl.l. A21, A79Jenkins HR, Suppl.l. Al0Jenkins P, Suppl. 1. A49, A66Jenkinson MD, Suppl. 1. A81Jewell R, Suppl. 1. A26Jewkes R, Suppl. 1. A44Johnson A, Suppl. 1. A32Johnson AG, Suppl. 1. A66Johnson CD, Suppl.1. Al l, A12Johnson IT, Suppl. 1. A73Johnson PRV, Suppl. 1. A 1IJohnson W, Suppl. 1. A72Johnston BJ, Suppl. 1. A37Johnston DA, Suppl. 1. A36, A77Jonas SK, Suppl. 1. A49Jones I, Suppl. 1. A32Jones RH, Suppl. 1. A58Jordinson M, Suppl. 1. A46, A81Jowett S, Suppl.1. A39

Kadairkamanathan SS, Suppl. 1.A34

Kadirkamanathan SS, Suppl. 1.A35

Kahn MA, Suppl.1. A54Kamm MA, Suppl.1. A51, A52,

A53Kanavaros P, Suppl. 1. A14Kane KF, Suppl.1. A78Karamanolis DG, Suppl. 1. A48Karim QN, Suppl. 1. A6Kasem H, Suppl. 1. A7Kay CL, Suppl.1. A83Keeling N, Suppl.1. A81Keen J, Suppl.1. A59Keighley MRB, Suppl. 1. A40,

A54, A55Keith WN, Suppl. 1. A36Kelly D, Suppl.1. A71Kelly P, Suppl. 1. A9Kelly SM, Suppl. 1. A60Kennedy A, Suppl. 1. A47Kerkar N, Suppl.1. Al 7Kersulyte D, Suppl. 1. A69Khan B, Suppl.1. A35Khan S, Suppl.1. A77Khoo UY, Suppl.1. A75Kiely M, Suppl. 1. A57Kim YS, Suppl.1. A77Kimble J, Suppl. 1. A38King A, Suppl. 1. A67King TS, Suppl. 1. A 19, A64Kingham JGC, Suppl. 1. A62Kite P, Suppl. l. A76Kitsiou E, Suppl. 1. A43Klokouzas A, Suppl. 1. A49Kmiot WA, Suppl. 1. A50Kolios G, Suppl. 1. A24Konturek JW, Suppl. 1. A6Konturek SJ, Suppl. 1. A6Koopman HM, Suppl. 1. A41Koornstra JJ, Suppl. 1. A48Kopiker NP, Suppl. 1. Al 1Kouroumalis E,SupplC 1. A 4Kraal KCJM, Suppl.71. A41Kucharzik T, Suppl. 1. A72, A74Kulhalli V, Suppl. 1. A43Kumar D, Suppl. 1. A42, A43,

A52, A53, A54Kunkel SL, Suppl. 1. A29

Laban S, Suppl.. A32Lai CWY, Suppl. l. A63

Langman MJS, Suppl.1. A27, A78Langstrom G, journal 797Langworthy H, Suppl. 1. A5Lanzini A, Suppl.1. A8, A16Law N, Suppl. 1. A82Law R, Suppl. 1. A20Lawson A, Suppl. 1. A7Lazzari C, Suppl.1. Al6Leahy ACB, Suppl. 1. A42, A5 1,

A58Lean MEJ, Suppl.1. Al8Leathem A, Suppl. 1. A49Lederry C, Suppl.1. A77Lee CA, Suppl.1. A17Lee D, Suppl. 1. A60Lee FD, Suppl.1. A4Leeds HELP Study Group,

Suppl.1. A61, A68, A69Leicester RJ, Suppl. 1. A53Levi S, Suppl.1. A37Levin RJ, Suppl.1. A81Lewis SJ, Suppl. 1. A44Liang Q, Suppl.1. A46Lim AG, Suppl. 1. A60Lindley IJD, Suppl. 1. A69Linehan JD, Suppl. 1. A24Lingam MK, Suppl. 1. A35Lloyd A, Suppl. 1. A33Lockwood CM, Suppl. 1. A72Loft DE, Suppl. 1. A2Logan RFA, Suppl.1. A21, A58,

A65Logan RPH, Suppl.1. A6, A80London NJM, Suppl. l. A 1Long RG, Suppl.1. A61, A80Lorini GP, Suppl.1. A16Louw JA, Suppl. l. A4Lucke W, Suppl. 1. A4Lugering N, Suppl. 1. A72, A74Lui KC, Suppl.1. A45Lukacs NW, Suppl. 1. A29Luo N, Suppl. 1. A9Lyautey J, Suppl. 1. A77Lyburn I, Suppl. 1. A62

Ma Y, Suppl.1. A15McAlindon ME, Suppl. 1. A62McCarthy M, Suppl.1. Al8McCartney SA, Suppl. 1. A26, A27McCloskey P, Suppl. 1. A30McColl KEL, Suppl.1. Al, A3,

A46, A83McConnell N, Suppl. 1. A26McCormick PA, Suppl. 1. A30McCourtney JS, Suppl. 1. A55McCrea PD, Suppl. 1. A76MacDonald J, Suppl. 1. A83MacDonald TM, Suppl. 1. A36Macfarlane B, Suppl. 1. A82MacFie J, Suppl.1. Al1, A67, A70McGregor C, Suppl. 1. A75McKaig B, Suppl. 1. A33MacKay CK, Suppl.1. A7, A36Mackay EH, Suppl.1. A57McKenzie C, Suppl. 1. A57MacKenzie JF, Suppl. 1. A7, A36Mackintosh C, Suppl.1. A13McKnight G, Suppl. 1. A8McLintock T, Suppl. 1. A83McMahon MJ, Suppl. 1. A20, A76McNair A, Suppl.1. A15Maconi G, Suppl. 1. A7Macpherson A, Suppl. 1. A70, A7 1,

A75MacSween RNM, Suppl.i. A13,

A16McWhirter JP, Suppl. 1. A63Maden K, Suppl. 1. A20Magee EAM, Suppl. 1. A27Mahida YR, Suppl. 1. A73, A75Mahmud T, Suppl. 1. A70, A71Maisey M, Suppl. 1. A37Makhdoom Z, Suppl. 1. A23Malek M, Suppl. 1. A5Mallet A, Suppl. 1. A66Mancey-Jones JB, Suppl. 1. A67Mandir N, Suppl.1. A45, Suppl.1.

A79Manifold D, Suppl. 1. A37Mant D, Suppl. 1. A39Manzionna G, Suppl. 1. A32Mapstone N, Suppl. 1. A5Mapstone NP, Suppl. 1. A83Marchbank T, Suppl. 1. A72, A79Marinone MG, Suppl. 1. A8Marks IN, Suppl.1. A4Marshall D, Suppl. 1. A47Marshall WJ, Suppl. i. AI0Martin IG, Suppl. 1. A20, A76Martin RM, Suppl. 1. A60Martins P, Suppl.1. A31Mason HJ, Suppl. 1. A51Mason I, Suppl. 1. A42, A51Mason R, Suppl.1. A37

Mason S, Suppl.1. A61, A68, A69Masson J, Suppl. 1. A8Mathie RT, Suppl.1. A14Matthewson K, Suppl. 1. A39Maughan TS, Suppl. 1. A57Maw A, Suppl.1. A55Maxwell JD, Suppl. l. A14, A25Maxwell P, Suppl.1. Al8May CE, Suppl. 1. A76Mayberry J, Suppl. 1. A56Mayberry JF, Suppl.1. A22, A57,

A82Mayer AD, Suppl. 1. A67Maynard N, Suppl. 1. A37Mearin ML, Suppl.1. A41Meeran K, Suppl. 1. A79Melby K, Suppl.1. A46Mendall M, Suppl. 1. A2Menezes N, Suppl. 1. A39, A83Menzies D, Suppl. 1. A8Meuwissen SGM, Suppl. 1. A48Middleton SJ, Suppl. 1. A22, A27,

A75Mieli-Vergani G, Suppl.1. A15,

A17, A18Milla PJ, Suppl. 1. A42Miller GV, Suppl.l. A20, A41, A76Miller R, Suppl. 1. A27Mills JG, Suppl. 1. A41Mills PR, Suppl.l. A13, A68Mills TN, Suppl. 1. A33, SA40Millson CE, Suppl. 1. Ai 1Misiewicz JJ, Suppl. 1. A59Mistry PK, Suppl.1. A17Mitchell CJ, Suppl.1. A1, A67,

A70Mitchell RMS, Suppl.1. A10, A60Mitchell SA, Suppl. 1. A29Moavyedi P, Suppl.1. A5, A61,

A68Modlin I, Suppl. 1. A2Molteni P, Suppl. 1. A26Moniz C, Suppl.1. A13Montgomery S, Suppl. 1. A25Montgomerv SM, Suppl. 1. A2 1,

A22Moody GA, Suppl. 1. A22Morgan K, Suppl. 1. A27Morgan R, Suppl. 1. A37Morran C, Suppl.1. A4Morris AG, Suppl. 1. A2Morris AJ, Suppl.1. A16Morris D, Suppl. 1. A22Morris J, Suppl. 1. A65Morton D, Suppl. 1. A40, A54Moshakis V, Suppl. 1. A38Moss S, Suppl. l. A50Mosse CA, Suppl. 1. A33, A40Motson RW, Suppl. 1. A8, A81Muiesan P, Suppl. l. Al8Mulcahy HE, Suppl. 1. A57, A77Mumtaz H, Suppl. 1. A6Murchan PM, Suppl. 1. A35, A50Murphy GM, Suppl. 1. A49, A66,

A67Murray FE, Suppl.1. A5, A23Murray IA, Suppl. 1. A80Murray L, Suppl. 1. A2, A46Mutch AF, Suppl. 1. A68Muthusami J, Suppl. 1. A8Mynott T, Suppl. 1. A75

Nagral A, Suppl. l. A 17Naoumov NV, Suppl. 1. A30Naylor S, Suppl. 1. A22Nayyar AK, Suppl. 1. A30Negrini R, Suppl. 1. A8Neild PJ, Suppl. 1. A44, A67Newbould HE, Suppl. 1. A22Newcomb P, Suppl. 1. A37Newton M, Suppl. 1. A62Nicholls RJ, Suppl. 1. A53Noda M, Suppl. 1. A48Nogueras JJ, Suppl. 1. A54Nomura T, Suppl.1. A41Norman AR, Suppl.1. A19, A49Northfield TC, Suppl.1. A2, A14,

A61, A63NorthoverJMA, Suppl. 1. A57Norton B, Suppl.1. A33Norton SA, Suppl. l. A41Novelli MR, Suppl. 1. A45Nugent KP, Suppl. 1. A39Nwokolo CU, Suppl. 1. A2

OatesJ, Suppl.1. A19, A49Obeid OA, Suppl. 1. A21O'Boyle CJ, Suppl. 1. A70O'Donohue J, Suppl.1. A13, A29O'DonohueJW, Suppl.1. A12,

A13, A68Ogreid D, Suppl. 1. A48Ogunbiyi OA, Suppl. 1. A54, A55


Volume 40: Aulithor Ioidex - Siupplemlenit

Oien K, Suppl.1. A13, A83Olliff SP, Suppl.1. A67Oppong K, Suppl. 1. A39Osborne JS, Suppl. l. A59Oshowo A, Suppl. 1. A6, A7Osler W, Suppl. 1. A4Owven RJ, Suppl. 1. A7

Pace F, Suppl. 1. A32Padlev S, Suppli. A67Pagtel HRH, Suppl. A45Palasciano G, Suppl. A33Palmer K-J, Suppl. 1. A78Palmer KR, Suppl. 1. A38Papachrvsostomou M, Suppl. 1.

A4i, A51Papadimitriou A, Suppl. 1. A43Papadopoulou A, Suppl. 1. A43Papakvriakou P, Suppl.1 A14Parente F, Suppl. 1. A7Park HS, Suppl. 1. A45Park R, Suppl.1. A 13Paspatis GA, Suppl. 1. A48Patch D, Suppl. 1 A30Patchett SE, Suppl. A27Patel P, Suppl. 1. A38, A60,

Suppl.1 A2Payne S, Suppl.l. A12Pearson GM, Suppl. 1. A4Pedlev B, Suppl. 1. A47Peek RM, Suppl. 1. AlPelli N, Suppl. l. A15Penman ID, Suppl. 1. A46Pennington CR, Suppl. 1. A63Penny C, Suppl.1. A83Pereira S, Suppl. 1. A15Pereira SP, Suppl. 1. A13, A18,

A29Perkins AC, Suppl. 1. A28Phillips DH, Suppl. 1 A45Phillips RKS, Suppl. 1. A48Phillips S, Suppl. 1. AllPiasecki C, Suppl. 1 A71Picton R, Suppl. 1. A27Pignatelli M, Suppl.l. A46, A48,

A50, A76Pigozzi MG, Suppl. 1. A16Pilling J, Suppl. 1. A73Piotrowicz AJK, Suppl. l A 12,

A43Plavford RJ, Suppl.1. A72, A79Plevris JN, Suppl. l. Al7Podas T, Suppl. 1. A56, A82Poon P, Suppl. l. A67Portincasa P, Suppl. l. A33Portmann B, Suppl.l. A17Poschet JF, Suppl. 1. A75Potten CS, Suppl. 1. A78, A79Pounder R, Suppl. 1. A25, A28Pounder RE, Suppl. 1. A5, A7,

A21, A22, A24, A25, A59,A71, A72

Powell LW, Suppl.l. A13Powell-Tuck J, Suppl. 1. A21Prach AT, Suppl. 1. A36, Suppl 1.

A5Premaratna R, Suppl. l. A52Preston SR, Suppl.1. A41Price AB, Suppl. l. A10Primrose JN, Suppl.l. A39, A41,

A78Prince MI, Suppl. 1. A59Pritchard DM, Suppl. 1. A78, A79Probert C, Suppl. 1. A64Prvce D, Suppl. l. A3Puntis J\X'I, Suppl. I. A20

Quirke P, Suppl. 1. A47

Rabie S, Suppl. l. A66Rafi S, Suppl. l. A70, A71Rahman MZ, Suppl. l A18Raimes SA, Suppl. 1. A8Rampton DS, Suppl. 1. A69Rankin S, Suppl. 1. A37Rashid NM, Suppl. 1. A2Record CO, Suppl. l. A39Redhead DN, Suppl.l. A15Reed PI, Suppl. l. A35, A37Reggiani A, Suppl. 1. A 16Rela M, Suppl.l. A17, A18Rembacken B, Suppl. 1. A47Rembacken BJ, Suppl. 1. A22, A83Reuters RA, Suppl.1. A38Reznek RH, Suppl. 1. A48Rhodes J, Suppl. l. AO0Rhodes JIM, Suppl. l. A81Rhodes M, Suppl. 1. A68

Richards ID, Suppl. 1. A69Richards IDG, Suppl. 1. A6 1, A68Riches A, Suppl. 1. A57Riley S, Suppl. 1. A23, A28, A32Ringler DJ, Suppl. 1. A25Roberts E, Suppl.1. A30Roberts PJ, Suppl 1 A22, A27,

AT1Roberts SA, Suppl. 1. A 7Robertson DAF, Suppl. 1. A24Robins A, Suppl. 1. A73Robins RA, Suppl. 1. A3, A74Robinson GJ, Suppl. 1. A67Robinson MHE, Suppl. 1. A21Robinson R, Suppl. 1 A56Robinson RJ, Suppl 1 A82Robinson TJ, Suppl. l. AO0Rogers J, Suppl. 1. A35Rokke 0. Suppl. 1 A48Rolles K, Suppl. 1 AlTRolton H, Suppl. 1. A26Roseth A, Suppl 1. A70, A71, A73Roseveare C, Suppl. 1. A38Ross PE, Suppl. 1. A31. AT7Ross PJ, Suppl. 1 A45Rothswell JC, Suppl 1 A42Ros AJ, Suppl. 1 A51Rosston C, Suppl. 1 A30Ruban RC, Suppl. 1 A38Russell RI, Suppl. l A4, A13, A69Ryder S, Suppl. 1. Al 3, A29, A62Ryder SD, Suppl 1 A62

Sabin C, Suppl. 1 A30Sabin CA, Suppl. l Al 7Sagabraten SO, Suppl. 1. A48Sams V, Suppl 1. A49Sanchez Ml, Suppl. 1. A31Sanders DSA, Suppl 1. ATTSanderson JD, Suppl. 1. A39Sandhu BK, Suppl. 1. A33Sandle GI, Suppl 1 A79Sangaletti 0, Suppl. 1 A7Sansom H, Suppl 1. A67Santoe MFM,, Suppl. 1 A28Sapelli P, Suppl. 1. A8Sarela Al, Suppl. 1 A 14Sasieni P, Suppl. 1. A45Saunders BP, Suppl 1 A39Savoldi E, Suppl. 1. A8Schmid KW, Suppl.1. A72Schmidt MA, Suppl. 1. A72Scott SM, Suppl 1 A35Segal I, Suppl.1 A9Segxvagwe M, Suppl.1. A61Selden C, Suppl.1. A30Senior B1W, Suppl 1 A5Sercombe J, Suppl. 1. A5Serrano-Ikkos E, Suppl. 1 A51Seswell HF, Suppl.l. A73Shafee Sami A, Suppl. 1. A49Shah KA, Suppl.1. A 10Shaw PN, Suppl.1. A6Shears J, Suppl 1. A82Shepherd H, Suppl. 1 A38Shepherd HA, Suppl. 1. A60Shepherd NA, Suppl. 1. A76Sherwood P, Suppl. 1 A62Shimovama T, Suppl. 1. A70Shorthouse MA, Suppl. 1. A22, A27,

A75Shurev S, Suppl. 1. AI 0Sidebotham RL, Suppl 1. A6Siersema PD, Suppl. 1. A31, A38Sigthorsson G, Suppl. 1. A70, A71,

A73Silk DBA, Suppl. 1. A59Sim R, Suppl. 1. A25Simmonds N, Suppl. 1. A38Simpson KJ, Suppl. 1. A29Singh S, Suppl. 1 A27Sinha A, Suppl. 1.A2Skarstein A, Suppl. 1. A48Slade D, Suppl. 1. Al lSlater E, Suppl. 1. A7Smith A, Suppl. 1. A3Smith CAD, Suppl. 1. A78Smith GD, Suppl.1. A38Smith H, Suppl. 1. A39, A57Smith JA, Suppl. 1. A80Smith MSH, Suppl. 1. A66Smith PM, Suppl.l. A10Smith VV, Suppl. 1. A42Smith WC, Suppl. 1. A8Smythe A, Suppl. 1. A32Somasundaram S, Suppl.1. A70,

A71Somers SS, Suppl. 1. A35Sorbara R, Suppl.l. A16

Sorg C, Suppl. l. A72Sosta S, Suppl. l. A16Sowdi R, Suppl. 1. A70Spies SK, Suppl. 1. A9Spiller RC, Suppl. 1. A28, Suppl 1

A6Srivastava ED, Suppl 1 A32, A63Stack WA, Suppl. A4, A23, A65,

A80Standen G, Suppl. 1. A64Stanley AJ, Suppl. l A15Stanton SL, Suppl. 1. A54Stewart CJR, Suppl. 1. A68Stewart JCM, Suppl. 1. A2 3Stoll R, Suppl 1. A92, AT4Stoner EA, Suppl. 1 Al12, A43Storrie JB, Suppl. 1. A51Strickland N, Suppl. 1. A50Strieter RM4, Suppl. 1. A2QStroun M, Suppl 1. ATTStruthers AJ, Suppl. 1. A83Stuart RC, Suppl. 1 A36, Suppl 1

ATSturrock RD, Suppl. 1. A4Subhani J, Suppl. 1. A22, A25Sue-Ling H.M, Suppl. 1. A83Surn D, Suppl.1. A39Sussman L, Suppl 1. A68Sutton R, Suppl 1. A37, AT7Swain CP, Suppl. 1. A33, A34, A40Swan CHJ, Suppl 1. A66Swsift A, Suppl. 1. A77Swift GL, Suppl 1 Al))Swift S, Suppl. 1 Al lSylvester PA, Suppl. 1. A56

TahaAS, Suppl. l A61. Suppl 1A4

Tait CL, Suppl 1 A58Tait J, Suppl 1. A63Talbot IC, Suppl. 1. A45Tang L, Suppl. 1. A2Tavares I, Suppl.1. A7)0, AT1Taylor CJ, Suppl. 1 A2 1Taylor H, Suppl. 1. A37Taylor HW, Suppl 1. A63Taylor JS\X', Suppl. 1. A62Teahon K, Suppl. 1 AT3Thadani H, Suppl. l Al))Tham TCK, Suppl 1 A6)0Thomas LA, Suppl. 1. A49, A67Thomas MG, Suppl. 1. A56TFhomas R, Suppl. 1. AT7Thompson DG, Suppl 1 A42'

A53Thompson L, Suppi 1 Al))Thompson MIR Suppl 1 A5),

A66Thompson N, Suppl.l A''Thursz MIR, Suppl. 1. A3Tidmarsh C, Suppl. 1. A82Tighe MJ, Suppl. 1. A20, Ao6Timms PM, Suppl 1 A 16, A 1 8Tiswana H, Suppl. 1. A2)5Todi D, Suppl. 1 AllToh SKC, Suppl. 1. AlIl, Al2Tolley K, Suppl. 1. A58Tomlinson IP.M, Suppl. 1. A45Tompkins DS, Suppl 1. A5Tooze JA, Suppl. l. Al5Torre F, Suppl. 1. A30Traces M, Suppl. 1. A64Treharne C, Suppl. 1 A2Trudgill N, Suppl 1 A32Tsai HH, Suppl. 1. AllTsardi M, Suppl 1 A14Tuffnell Q, Suppl. 1. A64Turano A, Suppl. 1. A8Turner IC, Suppl 1. A51, A53Turvill JI, Suppl. 1 A9Tssells RJ, Suppl.1 AlTzampouras N, Suppl 1 A30

Ubhi SS, Suppl. 1. AllUlvik A, Suppl. 1. A48Ungorgil S, Suppl.1 A53

v Kleef JW, Suppl. 1. A41Vaizey CJ, Suppl.1. A53van Blankenstein M, Suppl. 1. A28,

A31, A38van Dam M, Suppl.1. Al8vanBerge-Henegouwen GP,

Suppl.1. A33Vasilakaki T, Suppl. 1. A48Vautier G, Suppl. l. A 13Vazeou A, Suppl. 1. A43Veitch AM, Suppl. 1. AQ

\Vergani D, Suppl . A15, A17Verma A, Suppl.1. A14, A61, A63Verma S, Suppl. l A19Veysey MJ, Suppl. 1. A49, A66,

A67Vtickers D, Suppl 1 Ab5Vilca-.Melendez H, Suppl. 1. Al S\'injamuri S, Suppl 1 A2))\'ollset SE, Suppl 1 A46

Wakefield A, Suppl. 1 A25, A28Wakefield AJ, Suppl 1. A22, A24,

A25, AT, A72Walan A, journal 79T7WYalker EA, Suppl 1 AT8Walker MMN, Suppl 1. A3W'alkerSJ,Suppl. 1 A3T,AT7WValmslev RS, Suppl 1 A24, A25,

A72Walsh CJ, Suppl.1 A81Walsh KM, Suppl. 1. A 16Walters M, Suppl. 1. A20Ward B, Suppl. 1. A57Ward MR, Suppl. 1. A36Ward UM., Suppl 1 A4 1Wardle J, Suppl 1 A5 7

Warhurst G, SuppI. 1. AT9Warner PJ, Suppl. 1. A76Warner TD, Suppl. 1 A26Warren BF, Suppl. 1. A56Wasan HS, Suppl. 1. A45Wass JAH, Suppl. 1. A49, A66Wassif WS, Suppl.l. A 1)Watson A, Suppl 1 A35Watson AJ.M, Suppl 1 ATX8 AT 9Watson JP, Suppl 1 A 3)Watson RGP, Suppl 1 AS)Watters C , Suppl. 1. A56Wayman J, Suppl 1 A8Weldon MJ, Suppl. 1. Al5Welsh M, Suppl. 1. A38Wendon J, Suppl. 1. A29Westaby D, Suppl. 1. A67TWestswick J, Suppl.1 A24Wexner SD, Suppl. 1. A54, A65Wharton RQ, Suppl 1. A49White NI, Suppl. 1. A41White SA, Suppl. 1. A 1IWhitehead MW1, Suppl. 1. A62Whorvell PJ, Suppl 1 A31, A43,

A44, A52, A65Wicks ACB, Suppl 1 A1, A57TWicks C, Suppl. 1. AlIoWight N, Suppl. 1 A75Wilkinson K, Suppl 1 A2 3Williams DW, Suppl. 1. A2Williams EMI, Suppl. 1. A37Williams Ml, Suppl. 1 A5, A7, A59Williams NS, Suppl 1 A55Williams R, Suppl. 1. A 1 2, A 1 3,

A18, A29, A30)Williamson JA, Suppl. 1. A45Williamson RCN, Suppl 1 A14Wilson C, Suppl. 1. Al5Wilson CG, Suppl 1. A28Wilson JW, Suppl. 1 A7 8Windsor ACJ, Suppl. 1. A35, A50Wingate DL, Suppl. 1 A3 1, A41Winn G, Suppl. 1. A5Winnett A, Suppl. 1 A45Winro%v VR, Suppl. 1 A69Winslet MC, Suppl 1. A4 7Winter TA, Suppl. 1 A4Wirz A, Suppl. 1 Al, A3, A83Wojtulew ski J, Suppl. 1. A6 1Woloszko J, Suppl 1 A5 3Wong T, Suppl 1 A 1 5Woods M, Suppl. 1. A26Woolner JT, Suppl 1 A22Worku NI, Suppl 1. A6Wright NA, Suppl. 1 A45, Suppl. 1.

A2Wright S, Suppl 1 A56

Yeomans ND, journal 797Yorkshire GI Tumour Group,

Suppl. 1. A41Yoshioka K, Suppl. 1. A40, A54,

A55Young JWR, Suppl. 1. A83Yu L-G, Suppl. 1. A81

Zappala F, Suppl. 1. Al6Zbar AP, Suppl. 1. A50Zhang OB, Suppl. 1. A69Zhao MH, Suppl. 1. A72Zizi A, Suppl. 1. A48


Gut 1997; 40: 827-838


Accident & Emergency, How are patients presenting to Accident& Emergency with upper gastrointestinal bleeding managed?Suppi. l.A61

Acetic acid, Concentrated (80%) acetic acid ingestion: systemic andgastrointestinal effects, Suppl. l.A31

AchalasiaGastro-oesophageal reflux as a complication of achalasia therapy,

Suppl. 1 .A34Ten-year follow up after forceful balloon dilatation of achalasia,

Suppl. 1 .A34Acid suppressants, An audit of the use of long-term acid suppres-

sants in general practice: potential for large savings,Suppl. l.A60

Acromegaly, In acromegalics with colorectal adenomas or carcino-mas, serum deoxycholic acid is increased, Suppl. 1 .A49

Adenocarcinoma, Altered cadherins and catenins expressed in theBarrett's oesophagus, dysplasia, adenocarcinoma sequence,Suppl. l.A76

Adenomatous polyposis coli, Intestinal trefoil factor regulates theexpression of E-cadherin, catenins and the adenomatous poly-posis coli tumour suppressor protein, Suppl. l.A48

Adenomatous polyposis coli gene, APC in the regulation ofintestinal crypt fission, Suppl. 1 .A45

AfricaNatural history of non-NSAID gastric ulcer disease following H.

pylon eradication: a one year follow-up study in the Africansetting, Suppl. 1 .A4

Small intestinal crypt hyperplasia in African tropical enteropathy,Suppl. 1 .A9

AIDS, Biliary manometry in AIDS related cholangitis: relationship tosymptoms and radiological findings, Suppl. I .A67

Alcohol withdrawal, Effect of abrupt alcohol withdrawal on livertransaminases and markers of liver fibrosis, Suppl. l A18

Alcoholic liver disease, Long-term survival and alcohol relapse afterliver transplantation for alcoholic liver disease, Suppl. l A18

Alginates, Alginates alter oesophageal cell function in an animalmodel, Suppl. 1 .A31

Alosetron, Alosetron slows colonic transit in patients with irritablebowel syndrome, Suppl. 1 .A44

Aminosalicylate levels, Mucosal aminosalicylate levels correlatewith clinical activity in patients with ulcerative colitis,Suppl. 1 .A23

Anal fissure, Do the old firm still stretch? Suppl. 1 .A55Anal sphincter

Accuracy of digital examination, endoanal ultrasound and concen-tric needle electromyography in detecting anal sphincter,Suppl. 1 .A54

Randomized trial of faecal diversion in sphincter repair,Suppl. 1 .A55

Anal sphincter degeneration, Primary internal anal sphincterdegeneration - a newly recognised cause of passive faecal incon-tinence, Suppl. 1.A53

Anal sphincter stretch, Do the old firm still stretch? Suppl. l.A55Ankylosing spondylitis, The immune response to Kiebsiella pneumo-

niae in inflammatory bowel disease and ankylosing spondylitis,Suppl. l.A25

Anorexia, Serum leptin in inflammatory bowel disease: implicationsfor the pathogenesis of anorexia and weight loss, Suppl. l A19

Anoxia, Effect of H. pylon', aspirin and anoxia on antibiotic perme-ability in the rat stomach, Suppl. 1 .A6

Anti-secretory drugs, Audit of the use of anti-secretory drugs,Suppl. 1 .A59

Antibiotic permeability, Effect of H. pylon, aspirin and anoxia onantibiotic permeability in the rat stomach, Suppl. l.A6

Antibiotics, Clostridium dfficile-associated diarrhoea: antibioticusage, delay in detection of cytotoxin and failure of protectionby metronidazole, Suppl. 1 .A75

Antisense therapy, Effective targeting of colorectal cancer Kirstenras point mutations with antisense therapy in vitro, Suppl. l.A45

Aphthous ulceration, Aphthous ulceration in the terminal ileum:what is the significance? Suppl. 1 .A39

ApoptosisDietary calcium supplementation and apoptosis in murine colonic

epithelium, Suppl. 1 .A46Importance of apoptosis in the gastrointestinal toxicity induced by

5-fluorouracil: rescue from toxicity in p53-4- mice, Suppl. 1 .A79Ischaemia-reperfusion injury following syngeneic small bowel

transplantation induces apoptosis, Suppl. l.A1OAppendicectomy, Smoking and appendicectomy in twins discor-

dant for inflammatory bowel disease, Suppl. 1 .A25

Argon plasma coagulation, Colonoscopic argon plasma coagula-tion for benign and malignant rectal tumours, Suppl. 1 .A39

Ascites, Sapheno-peritoneal shunting for diuretic resistant ascites,Suppl. 1 .A29

AspirinEffect of H. pylon, aspirin and anoxia on antibiotic permeability in

the rat stomach, Suppl. 1 .A6Long-term survival, symptoms and drug use after peptic ulcer

haemorrhage, Suppl. 1 .A8Role of Helicobacter pylon in gastric adaptation to repeated aspirin

administration in man, Suppl. 1 .A6Atopy, The impact of breast feeding, atopy and other factors on the

prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux, Suppl. 1.A33ATP sensitive potassium channels, ATP sensitive potassium

channels in human gallbladder smooth muscle, Suppl. 1 .A66Audit, Suppl.1.A57-66

Prospective audit of thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy in the man-agement of intractable upper abdominal pain, Suppl. 1 .A39

Augmentin, Jaundice associated with augmentin: the tip of theiceberg? Suppl. 1.A1 3

Autoimmune liver diseaseDetection of anti conformational CYP2D6 antibodies in patients

with autoimmune liver disease and HCV infection using a novelradioligand assay, Suppl. LA 1 5

New autoantigen in autoimmune liver disease: argininosuccinatelyase, Suppl. 1 .A15

AutoimmunityGraft dysfunction associated with autoimmunity in paediatric liver

transplantation, Suppl. 1.A1 7Lower prevalence of markers of autoimmunity in chronic hepatitisC in north-east of England, Suppl. LA 1 6

Bacterial enzyme activity, Bile acid metabolising intestinal bac-terial enzyme activity: a novel factor in cholesterol gallstonepathogenesis, Suppl. 1 .A67

Bacterial overgrowth, Postoperative septic morbidity is related toseverity of illness at presentation and to preoperative colonisationof the proximal gastrointestinal tract, Suppl. 1 .A70

Bacterial translocation, Obstructive jaundice does not promotebacterial translocation in man, Suppl. l.A67

Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein, Bactericidal/per-meability-increasing protein blocks lipopolysaccharide-inducedprocoagulant activity of endothelial cells, Suppl. l.A72

Balloon dilatationTechnique, and long term outcome of endoscopic balloon dilata-

tion for pyloric stenosis, Suppl. 1 .A40Ten-year follow up after. forceful balloon dilatation of achalasia,

Suppl. 1 .A34Barrett's adenocarcinoma, Allelotype of Barrett's adenocarci-

noma, Suppl. l.A77Barrett's oesophageal tumorigenesis, Cell survival during

Barrett's oesophageal tumorigenesis, Suppl. 1 .A76Barrett's oesophagusAcid and bile reflux in short segment Barrett's oesophagus,

Suppl. l.A36Altered cadherins and catenins expressed in the Barrett's oesopha-

gus, dysplasia, adenocarcinoma sequence, Suppl. 1 .A76Increasing incidence of Barrett's oesophagus: diagnostic zeal or

genuine observation? Suppl. 1 .A36Pattern of early chromosomal alterations in Barrett's oesophagus,

Suppl. 1 .A36Prevalence of specialised columnar epithelium at the cardia of

patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux without obvious Barrett'soesophagus: comparison with normal, Suppl. 1 .A36

The UK National Barrett's Oesophagus Registry, Suppl. 1 .A35Basolateral K+ channels, Nicardipine directly inhibits basolateral

K+ channels involved in Cl secretion in human colon,Suppl.1.A79

Bcl-2, Bcl-2 and waf protein expression in chronic liver disease,Suppl. l.A14

BDF1, Immunohistochemical localisation of p21WAF1/CIP1 in thesmall intestine ofBDF1 and p53-/- (null) mice following gamma-irradiation, Suppl. l.A78

Ben's endoscopy, Ben's endoscopy, Suppl. l.A82Beta3-adrenoceptor agonist, Reversal of and protection against

indomethacin-induced blood stasis and mucosal damage by aP3-agonist in rat villi, Suppl. l.A71

Bile reflux, Acid and bile reflux in short segment Barrett's oesopha-gus, Suppl. 1 .A36


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

Biliary manometry, Biliary manometry in AIDS related cholangitis:relationship to symptoms and radiological findings, Suppl. l A67

Biliary strictures, Brush cytology in the investigation of biliarystrictures: a prospective study, Suppl.l.A68

Birth cohort, Inflammatory bowel disease in a national birth cohort,Suppl.l.A22

Bleeding duodenal ulcer, Improving the long term management ofbleeding duodenal ulcer, Suppl. l.A62

Bone mass, Loss of bone mass in inflammatory bowel diseasepatients on long term steroids. Is there a safe limit? Suppl. l.A28

Bone mineral density, Low bone mineral density is related todisease duration in Crohn's disease and to glucocorticoid treat-ment and male gender in ulcerative colitis, Suppl. l.A26

Bone turnover, The effect of hormone replacement therapy on

serum and urinary markers of bone turnover in primary biliarycirrhosis, Suppl.l.A13

Bovine colostrum, Bovine colostrum is prophylactic against indo-methacin-induced intestinal injury, Suppl. l.A72

Breast feeding, The impact of breast feeding, atopy and other factorson the prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux, Suppl. l.A33

Bromelain, Effect of bromelain on Salmonella typhimurium invasionin cultured human intestinal cells, Suppl. l.A75

Brush cytology, Brush cytology in the investigation of biliary stric-tures: a prospective study, Suppl. l.A68

Caco2 cells, CD10 expression on human neutrophils and colonicepithelial cells (Caco2) after short-term incubation with variouschemokines and growth factors, Suppl. l.A74

CadherinsAltered cadherins and catenins expressed in the Barrett's oesopha-

gus, dysplasia, adenocarcinoma sequence, Suppl. l.A76Classical cadherins as morphoregulators in human colitis: in vivoand in vitro, Suppl. l.A77

Intestinal trefoil factor regulates the expression of E-cadherin,catenins and the adenomatous polyposis coli tumour suppressor

protein, Suppl. l.A48Transforming growth factor-a increases E-cadherin and- 3-catenin

binding to the actin-bundling protein fascin, Suppl. l.A76cag pathogenicity island, Helicobacter pyloni induction of IL-8

synthesis in gastric epithelial cells depends on genes throughoutthe cag pathogenicity island, Suppl. l.A69

CagA statusBacterial CagA status is unrelated to gastric function indexes or to

the type either severity of symptoms in patients with H. pylonr-positive non-ulcer dyspepsia, Suppl. l.A7

CagA status is associated with serum IgA antibodies to 6OkDa heatshock proteins in H. pyloi-associated gastric atrophy,Suppl. l.A69

H. pylori-induced hypergastrinaemia is related to bacterial CagAstatus, Suppl. l.A46

Calcium channels, Soybean lectin stimulates cholecystokininrelease through calcium influx via L-type calcium channels,Suppl. .A81

Calcium supplementation, Dietary calcium supplementation andapoptosis in murine colonic epithelium, Suppl. l.A46

Calprotectin, Faecal calprotectin: a suitable, sensitive, alternative to

111 indium labelled white cells for assessing intestinal inflamma-tion in man, Suppl. l.A73

Campylobacter jejuni, Profound depression of carbachol stim-ulated secretion in colonic epithelial cells during invasion byCampylobacterjejuni, Suppl.1.A80

Carbachol, Profound depression of carbachol stimulated secretionin colonic epithelial cells during invasion by Campylobacterjejuni,Suppl. l.A80

Carcinoembryonic antigen, Multiple blood sampling in-creases the probability of identifying circulating tumour cells,Suppl. l.A49

Carcinogenesis, Mechanisms of carcinogenesis associated withintestinal epithelial regeneration, Suppl. l.A45

Cardia, carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma of the lower oesophagus andcardia are similar both epidemiologically and clinically: a popula-tion based study from 1974 to 1993, Suppl. l A37

CateninsAltered cadherins and catenins expressed in the Barrett's oesopha-

gus, dysplasia, adenocarcinoma sequence, Suppl. l.A76Intestinal trefoil factor regulates the expression of E-cadherin,

catenins and the adenomatous polyposis coli tumour suppressor

protein, Suppl. 1 .A48Transforming growth factor-et increases E-cadherin and ,B-catenin

binding to the actin-bundling protein fascin, Suppl. 1 .A76Catheter related sepsis, A rapid qualitative technique for the in situ

diagnosis of catheter related sepsis, Suppl. 1 .A76Catheter survival, Optimising catheter survival in peripheral par-

enteral nutrition: a randomised control trial, Suppl. 1 .A20CD4+ T cells, CD4+ T cell downregulation in the intestinal mucosa:

evidence for intestinal tolerance to luminal bacterial antigens,Suppl. 1 .A75

CD1O expression, CD1O expression on human neutrophils andcolonic epithelial cells (Caco2) after short-term incubation withvarious chemokines and growth factors, Suppl. 1 .A74

Chagas' disease, Oesophageal motor dysfunction in patients withthe indeterminate form of Chagas' disease, Suppl. l.A3 1

Chemokine mRNA expression, Semi-quantitative analysis ofchemokine mRNA expression in gastric mucosa and its relationto the severity of gastritis, Suppl. 1 .A70

Chemokines, Production of angiogenic and chemoattractant chem-okines during monocyte-hepatoma cell adhesion, Suppl. 1 .A29

Chest pain, Further evidence that sumatriptan induced chest painis oesophageal in origin: effect on oesophageal visceral sensation,Suppl. 1 .A31

ChildrenBen's endoscopy, Suppl. 1 .A82Gastric emptying and gastrointestinal regulatory peptides in chil-

dren with recurrent epigastric pain, Suppl. 1 .A43Influence of siblings on risk of Helicobacter pylori infection,

Suppl. 1 .A68Social implications of childhood Crohn's disease, Suppl. 1 .A22Total intravenous anaesthesia in paediatric gastrointestinal endo-

scopy, Suppl.l.A41Cholangitis, Biliary manometry in AIDS related cholangitis: re-

lationship to symptoms and radiological findings, Suppl. 1 .A67Cholecystokinin, Soybean lectin stimulates cholecystokinin re-

lease through calcium influx via L-type calcium channels,Suppl. 1 .A81

CholeraInhibition of cholera toxin but not E. coli enterotoxin-induced

secretion by substance P antagonist, Suppl. 1 .A9Paroxetine inhibits cholera toxin induced secretion by depleting

neuronal but not enterochromaffin cell 5-HT, Suppl. 1 .A9Cholestasis, Ondansetron in the treatment of the pruritus of chol-

estasis: a randomised controlled trial, Suppl.l1.A12Chromosomal alterations, Pattern of early chromosomal altera-

tions in Barrett's oesophagus, Suppl. 1 .A36Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Histological

phenotyping of enteric smooth muscle disease causing functionalintestinal obstruction in childhood, Suppl. 1 .A42

Chronic liver disease, Bcl-2 and waf protein expression in chronicliver disease, Suppl. 1 .A14

Cimetidine, An audit of the use of long-term acid suppressants ingeneral practice: potential for large savings, Suppl. 1 .A60

Cirrhosis of the liverEffect of TIPSS on renal blood flow in cirrhotic patients,

Suppl. 1 IA 5Nitric oxide release in the splanchnic circulation of cirrhotic rats,

Suppl. 1 .A14Prognostic significance of hepatic venous pressure measurements

in cirrhosis, Suppl. 1 .A30Cl- secretion, Synergism between mediators of Cl- secretion in

native rat colon: comparisons with colonic cell lines and implica-tions for diarrhoea, Suppl. 1 .A81

Clarithromycin, Ranitidine bismuth citrate plus clarithromycin andtetracycline: a seven-day Helicobacter pyloon eradication regimen,Suppl. 1 A5

CLO-testingCLO-testing for H. pylori: are we missing positive results?

Suppl. 1 .A59Does acid suppression affect the results of CLO tests? Suppl. 1 .A59

Clostridium difficile, Clostridium dfficile-associated diarrhoea: anti-biotic usage, delay in detection of cytotoxin and failure ofprotection by metronidazole, Suppl. 1 .A75

Coeliac diseaseAtypical presentation of coeliac disease: a retrospective review of

one institution's experience, Suppl. lA1 OCoeliac disease is associated with non-smoking and cessation of

smoking, Suppl. 1 .A1 1Elevated nitric oxide synthase activity in human duodenal

enterocytes in iron deficiency anaemia and coeliac disease,Suppl. 1 .A80

Presentation and incidence of coeliac disease in South Glamorgan,Suppl. 1 .A10

Colitis, Classical cadherins as morphoregulators in human colitis: invivo and in vitro, Suppl. 1 .A77

Colitis activity index, Further verification of the really useful simplecolitis activity index, Suppl. 1 .A24

ColonInducible NOS is expressed in the normal human colon,

Suppl. l.A27Interstitial cells of Cajal in the human colon: regional density

variations, Suppl. l.A43Investigation of platelet-activating factor-induced secretion inhuman colon, Suppl. 1 .A26


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

Nicardipine directly inhibits basolateral K+ channels involved in Clsecretion in human colon, Suppl. l.A79

Randomized trial of oral sodium phosphate compared with oralsodium picosulphate preparation of the colon for colonoscopy,Suppl. l.A40

Colon cancer cells, Vitamin D analogues are more potent activatorsof vitamin D response elements than the native hormone in coloncancer cells, Suppl. 1 .A78

Colonic cell linesBroad bean and wheat germ lectins increase cell adhesion and

differentiation of colonic cancer cell lines, Suppl. l.A46Keratinocyte growth factor stimulates gut growth but is not a

cytoprotective agent and does not stimulate migration of thehuman colonic carcinoma cell line HT29, Suppl. 1 .A79

Synergism between mediators of Cl- secretion in native rat colon:comparisons with colonic cell lines and implications for diar-rhoea, Suppl. 1.A81

Colonic epithelial cellsCD10 expression on human neutrophils and colonic epithelial cells

(Caco2) after short-term incubation with various chemokinesand growth factors, Suppl. l.A74

Cytotoxic effects of nitric oxide on HT29 colonic epithelial cells,Suppl. l.A75

Human colonic epithelial cells down-regulate IL-8 expression inhuman microvascular endothelial cells: role of TGF-1,Suppl. 1 .A72

Profound depression of carbachol stimulated secretion in colonicepithelial cells during invasion by Campylobacter jejuni,Suppl. l.A80

Colonic epithelium, Dietary calcium supplementation and apopto-sis in murine colonic epithelium, Suppl. l.A46

Colonic lamina propria, Expression of at5 (CD49e) and at6(CD49f) integrins on human colonic lamina propria T cells,Suppl. l.A73

Colonic neoplasms, Proliferative patterns of rectal mucosa as pre-dictors of advanced colonic neoplasms in routinely processedrectal biopsies, Suppl. I .A48

Colonic polyps, Distribution and histology of diminutive colonicpolyps removed by hot biopsy, Suppl. 1 .A47

Colonoscopic argon plasma coagulation, Colonoscopic argonplasma coagulation for benign and malignant rectal tumours,Suppl. l.A39

ColonoscopyCorrelation between colonoscopy and CT-based virtual realityendoscopy in the detection of space-occupying lesions of thecolon, Suppl. 1 .A83

Dilemmas in colonoscopy. What would you do next? Suppl. 1 .A82Forces exerted by the endoscopist on the colonoscope during

colonoscopy, Suppl. l.A40Coloproctology service, 'One stop bottom shop' - a rapid access

coloproctology service, Suppl.1.A53Colorectal adenomas

In acromegalics with colorectal adenomas or carcinomas, serumdeoxycholic acid is increased, Suppl. l.A49

p53 overexpression in polypoid versus "flat" colorectal adenomas,Suppl. 1 .A47

Colorectal cancer (carcinoma)An alternative method for the detection of genomic instability in

colorectal cancers, Suppl. l.A78Colorectal cancer patients presenting with rectal bleeding have

earlier stage tumours and longer pre-diagnosis history,Suppl. l.A50

Detection of K-ras mutations in faecal samples from colorectalcancer patients by SSCP analysis, Suppl. 1 .A48

Effective targeting of colorectal cancer Kirsten ras point mutationswith antisense therapy in vitro, Suppl. l.A45

Four audit cycles of the informational content of histopathologicalreports of resected colorectal carcinomas, Suppl. 1 .A65

How many colorectal cancer patients might benefit from guidelinesto improve the management of rectal bleeding? Suppl. l.A50

Influence of microsomal epoxide hydrolase genetic polymorphismsin colorectal cancer susceptibility, Suppl. 1 .A78

Kirsten ras mutations in 2,667 patients with colorectal cancer:results of the RASCAL (RAS Collaborative) project,Suppl. l.A49

Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: awaiting the answers,Suppl. l.A50

Lectins binding is a predictor of poor survival in patients withcolorectal carcinoma, Suppl. 1 .A49

'One stop bottom shop' - a rapid access coloproctology service,Suppl. 1 .A53

Results of the first 1,000 patients from the pilot study for "once-only" flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancers andpolyps, Suppl. 1 .A57

Colorectal nurse endoscopist, The colorectal nurse endoscopist -

initial results, Suppl. 1 .A38

Colorectal out-patient clinic, The value of a negative flexiblesigmoidoscopy in the surgical colorectal out-patient clinic,Suppl. 1 .A66

Colorectal surgery, Randomized trial of oral sodium phosphatecompared with oral sodium picosulphate for elective colorectalsurgery, Suppl. l.A54

Colorectal symptoms, The frequency and severity of colorectalsymptoms in patients during and after pelvic irradiation,Suppl. 1 A5 1

Colorectal tumours, Determination of the clonality of colorectaltumours: clues to the origin of human cancer, Suppl. 1 .A45

Colostrum, Bovine colostrum is prophylactic against indomethacin-induced intestinal injury, Suppl. 1 .A72

Columnar epithelium, Prevalence of specialised columnar epi-thelium at the cardia of patients with gastro-oesophagealreflux without obvious Barrett's oesophagus: comparison withnormal, Suppl. 1 .A36

Common bile duct, Laparoscopic exploration of the common bileduct, Suppl. 1 .A8 1

Common bile duct exploration, Prospective randomised trial oflaparoscopic common bile duct exploration versus post-operativeERCP, Suppl. 1 .A68

Computerized tomographyComparison of endoanal magnetic resonance imaging and com-

puterized tomography in the preoperative staging of low rectalcancer, Suppl. 1 .A50

Correlation between colonoscopy and CT-based virtual realityendoscopy in the detection of space-occupying lesions of thecolon, Suppl. l.A83

Congenital neurological problems, Under-investigation of folicacid deficiency: a cause of congenital neurological problems andischaemic heart disease, Suppl. 1 .A64

ConstipationBiofeedback provides long term benefit for patients with intractable

slow and normal transit constipation, Suppl. 1 .A5 1Women with idiopathic constipation have marked psychological

morbidity, altered female self perception, and increased somati-zation compared with healthy women and Crohn's disease,Suppl. 1 .A5 1

Corpus mucosa, Regulation of corpus mucosal function inH. pylon infected DU patients versus healthy volunteers,Suppl. 1 .A3

COX-2 inhibitor, Intestinal tolerability of the highly specific COX-2inhibitor nimesulide in the rat, Suppl. 1 .A7 1

Crohn's diseaseCrohn's disease patients in clinical remission show evidence ofongoing mucosal inflammation, Suppl. 1 .A23

Low bone mineral density is related to disease duration in Crohn'sdisease and to glucocorticoid treatment and male gender inulcerative colitis, Suppl. 1 .A26

Mesenteric marginal ulceration in Crohn's disease: correlation withvascular anatomy and critically-perfused sites, Suppl. 1 .A24

Randomised double-blind trial of polymeric versus elemental dietin treatment of active Crohn's disease, Suppl.1.A1 9

Social implications of childhood Crohn's disease, Suppl. 1 .A22Women with idiopathic constipation have marked psychological

morbidity, altered female self perception, and increased somati-zation compared with healthy women and Crohn's disease,Suppl. 1 .A5 1

Cyclin DI, Amplification and overexpression of cyclin Dl in oeso-phageal carcinoma, Suppl. 1 .A37

CyclooxygenaseImmunohistochemical distribution of constitutive cyclooxygenase(COX-1) and inducible cyclooxygenase (COX-2) in benign andmalignant gastric mucosa, Suppl. 1 .A79

Role of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and inhibition andcyclooxygenase in the pathogenesis ofNSAID-enteropathy in therat, Suppl. l.A70

CYP2D6 antibodies, Detection of anti conformational CYP2D6antibodies in patients with autoimmune liver disease and HCVinfection using a novel radioligand assay, Suppl. 1 A1 5

CytokinesCytokine expression and relapse of ulcerative colitis: a prospective

study, Suppl. 1 .A28Differential effect of steroids on nitric oxide production by cytokine

stimulated HT-29 cells, Suppl. 1 .A24Peripheral blood pro-inflammatory cytokine profile in active

inflammatory bowel disease differ between smokers and non-smokers, Suppl. 1 .A24

Cytotoxin, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea: antibiotic usage,delay in detection of cytotoxin and failure of protection bymetronidazole, Suppl. l.A75

Dental plaque, Dental plaque as a reservoir for Helicobacter pylon:does immunochemistry answer the question? Suppl. 1 .A8


Volume 40: Subject Inidex - Supplement

Deoxycholic acidBile acid metabolising intestinal bacterial enzyme activity: a novel

factor in cholesterol gallstone pathogenesis, Suppl. 1 .A67In acromegalics with colorectal adenomas or carcinomas, serum

deoxycholic acid is increased, Suppl. 1 .A49The pathogenesis of octreotide-induced gallbladder stones - pro-

longed large bowel transit increases deoxycholic acid input rateand pool size, Suppl. 1 .A66

Depression, Depression and life events in patients referred withgastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms, Suppl. 1 .A32

Desmoids, MRI appearances of desmoids in familial adenomatouspolyposis, Suppl. 1 .A48

Diabetes, The recto-anal inhibitory reflex: abnormal response indiabetics suggests an intrinsic neuro-enteropathy, Suppl. 1 .A52

DiarrhoeaClostridiunm difficile-associated diarrhoea: antibiotic usage, delay in

detection of cytotoxin and failure of protection by metronidazole,Suppl. 1 .A7 5

Detection of intraluminal serotonin (5-HT) in patients with HIV-related diarrhoea, Suppl. 1 .A9

Synergism between mediators of Cl- secretion in native rat colon:comparisons with colonic cell lines and implications for diar-rhoea, Suppl. 1 .A8 1

Diet, Rapid colonic fermentation is associated with symptoms in IBSand corrected by exclusion diet, Suppl. 1 A19

Digital examination, Accuracy of digital examination, endoanalultrasound and concentric needle electromyography in detectinganal sphincter, Suppl. 1 .A54

Disaccharide, Small bowel juice disaccharide activity in the pre-terminfant, Suppl. 1 .A20

Duodenal ulcer diseaseFactors associated with H. pylon infection and duodenal ulcers in

patients attending endoscopy, Suppl. 1 .A6H. pylon' eradication in duodenal ulcer disease: what determines

cost effectiveness? Suppl. 1 .A58H. pylon eradication therapy compared with ranitidine maintenance

therapy in patients with chronic duodenal ulcer disease: a pro-spective pharmacoeconomic evaluation, Suppl. 1 .A5

Improving the long term management of bleeding duodenal ulcer,Suppl. 1 .A62

Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in healing gastricand duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users theOMNIUM study, journal 797

Regulation of corpus mucosal function in H. pylorn infected DUpatients versus healthy volunteers, Suppl. 1 .A3

Duodenogastro-oesophageal reflux, Simultaneous ambulatoryoesophageal motility and duodenogastro-oesophageal reflux,Suppl. 1 .A32

DyspepsiaBacterial CagA status is unrelated to gastric function indexes or to

the type either severity of symptoms in patients with H. pylor-positive non-ulcer dyspepsia, Suppl. 1 .A7

Differences in diagnostic yield of upper gastrointestinal endoscopyin dyspeptic patients on proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptorantagonists, Suppl. 1 .A60

Dyspepsia and irritable bowel svndrome in the community,Suppl. 1 .A6 1

Gastric arrhythmias in the functional bowel disorders,Suppl. 1 .A42

Is it possible to diagnose dyspepsia accurately in general practice?Suppl. 1 .A60

One year follow-up of a randomised trial of pre endoscopy screen-ing for H. pylor in the management of dyspepsia, Suppl. 1.A2

Primary care dyspepsia management in the Helicobacter pylon era,Suppl. 1 .A58

Ranitidine treatment induces dyspepsia in previously asymptomatichealthy volunteers, Suppl. 1 .A3

Value of the Helisal test in screening dvspeptic patients for H. pyloninfection, Suppl. 1 .A2

Dysphagia, Does prior radio- and/or chemotherapy predispose tocomplications after intubation for malignant oesophago-gastricobstruction, Suppl. 1 .A38

Dysplasia, Altered cadherins and catenins expressed in the Barrett'soesophagus, dysplasia, adenocarcinoma sequence, Suppl. 1 .A76

E-selectin, Effects of nicotine on E-selectin expression in intestinaltissue biopsies in inflammatory bowel disease patients and con-trols, Suppl. 1 .A74

Echoendoscope, Introduction of the 8mm diameter echoendoscopein the staging of oesophageal cancer, Suppl. 1 .A57

Elderly, Use of self expandable stents in the treatment of benignpeptic oesophageal strictures in the elderly, Suppl. 1 IA

Electromyography, Accuracy of digital examination, endoanalultrasound and concentric needle electromyography in detectinganal sphincter, Suppl. 1 .A54

Elemental diet, Randomised double-blind trial of polymeric versuselemental diet in treatment of active Crohn's disease,Suppl. 1 .Al9

Endocytic pathways, Characterisation of endocytic pathways inhuman oesophagus, Suppl. 1 .A77

Endoscopic biopsy, Sensitive quantification of gut epithelial neutralendopeptidase expression using a flow cvtometric double-staining technique and endoscopic biopsy, Suppl. 1 .A73

Endoscopic ligation, A prospective study of Speedband versusSteigmann-Goff in endoscopic ligation of oesophageal varices,Suppl. 1 A1 5

Endoscopic mucosal resection, Tools, technique and pitfalls ofendoscopic mucosal resection, Suppl. 1 .A83

Endoscopy, Suppl.1.A38-41, Suppl.1.A56-57Ben's endoscopy, Suppl. 1 .A82Factors associated with H. pylon infection and duodenal ulcers in

patients attending endoscopy, Suppl. 1 .A6Selection for endoscopy using H. pylon' serology should not be

restricted to under 45's, Suppl.1.A58Endothelin levels, Low tissue endothelin levels in inflammatory

bowel disease, despite enhanced ET-2 gene expression,Suppl. 1 .A26

Enteric dysmotility, The spectrum of enteric dysmotility revealedby prolonged small bowel manometry, Suppl. 1 .A4 1

Enterochromaffin, The proliferative status of enterochromaffin-likecells in the gastric mucosa: the plot thickens, Suppl. 1 .A2

Enterocyte suspensions, Manipulation of extracellular sodium,potassium and amiloride modulates iron uptake by humanenterocyte suspensions in2 vitro, Suppl. 1 .A80

Epigastric pain, Gastric emptying and gastrointestinal regulatorspeptides in children with recurrent epigastric pain, Suppl. 1 .A43

Epithelial cell-lines, Presence of a fMLP-receptor, stimulation ofmucin synthesis and release of IL-8 by fMLP in human mucus-secreting gastrointestinal epithelial cell-lines, Suppl. 1 .A8 1

Epithelial regeneration, Mechanisms of carcinogenesis associatedwith intestinal epithelial regeneration, Suppl. 1 .A45

Epithelium, Dietary calcium supplementation and apoptosis inmurine colonic epithelium, Suppl. 1 .A46

Epoxide hydrolases, The influence of microsomal epoxide hydro-lase genetic polymorphisms in colorectal cancer susceptibility,Suppl. 1 .A78

ERCP, Prospective randomised trial of laparoscopic common bileduct exploration versus post-operative ERCP, Suppl. 1 .A68

Erosions, Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in heal-ing gastric and duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users-theOMNIUM study, journal 797

Escherichia coli, Absence of E. coli, Listenra and Klebsiella puceuimo-Mnae antigens within inflammatorv bowel disease tissues,Suppl. 1 .A25

Essential fatty acid supplementation, Double-blind, placebo con-trolled trial to determine the efficacy of essential fatty acidsupplementation in the treatment of ulcerative colitis,Suppl. 1 .A22

Essential fatty acids, A randomised controlled trial of essential fattyacids in acute ulcerative colitis, Suppl. 1 .A23

ET-2 gene expression, Low tissue endothelin levels in inflammatorvbowel disease, despite enhanced ET-2 gene expression,Suppl. 1 .A26

Exclusion diet, Rapid colonic fermentation is associated with symp-toms in IBS and corrected by exclusion diet, Suppl.1.A19

Faecal incontinenceContinent colonic conduit for faecal incontinence and rectal

evacuatorv disorders, Suppl. 1 .A55GAX collagen injections: a novel treatment of faecal incontinence,

Suppl. 1 .A52Primarv internal anal sphincter degeneration - a newly recognised

cause of passive faecal incontinence, Suppl. 1 .A53Randomized trial of faecal diversion in sphincter repair,

Suppl. 1 .A55Sacral nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence: evaluation of shortterm efficacy and effect on anorectal function, Suppl. 1 .A53

Faecal occult blood, High prevalence of undetected inflammatorybowel disease: data from the Nottingham Faecal Occult Bloodscreening trial, Suppl. 1 .A2 1

Faecal sulphide excretion, The contribution of dietary protein frommeat to faecal sulphide excretion, Suppl. 1 .A27

Familial adenomatous polyposisAPC in the regulation of intestinal crypt fission, Suppl. 1 .A45MRI appearances of desmoids in familial adenomatous polyposis,

Suppl. 1 .A48Fascin, Transforming growth factor-c increases E-cadherin and

,B-catenin binding to the actin-bundling protein fascin,Suppl. 1 .A76


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

Fermentable carbohydrate, Effects of fermentable carbohydrateon plasma PYY levels in human subjects, Suppl. l.A73

Filament cytoskeleton, Organization of the intermediate filamentcytoskeleton in human intestinal M cells, Suppl. 1 .A72

Flexible sigmoidoscopyOpen-access flexible sigmoidoscopy for rectal bleeding,

Suppl. l.A66Results of the first 1,000 patients from the pilot study for "once-

only" flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancers andpolyps, Suppl. l.A57

The value of a negative flexible sigmoidoscopy in the surgicalcolorectal out-patient clinic, Suppl. 1 .A66

Flow cytometryClinical outcome and flow cytometric IgG crossmatch in liver

transplantation, Suppl.lA1 8Sensitive quantification of gut epithelial neutral endopeptidase

expression using a flow cytometric double-staining technique andendoscopic biopsy, Suppl. l.A73

5-Fluorouracil, The importance of apoptosis in the gastrointestinaltoxicity induced by 5-fluorouracil: rescue from toxicity in p53-/-mice, Suppl. 1 .A79

Folic acid deficiency, Under-investigation of folic acid deficiency:a cause of congenital neurological problems and ischaemic heartdisease, Suppl. l.A64

Gallbladder, "Routine" pathological examination of the gallbladderis a futile exercise, Suppl. l.A63

Gallbladder smooth muscle, ATP sensitive potassium channels inhuman gallbladder smooth muscle, Suppl. 1 .A66

Gallbladder stonesBile acid metabolising intestinal bacterial enzyme activity: a novel

factor in cholesterol gallstone pathogenesis, Suppl. 1 .A67The pathogenesis of octreotide-induced gallbladder stones - pro-

longed large bowel transit increases deoxycholic acid input rateand pool size, Suppl. 1 .A66

Gallstones, Pathological gastroesophageal reflux in patients with agallbladder in situ and small gallstones, Suppl. l.A33

Gamma-irradiation, Immunohistochemical localisation ofp21WAFI/CIPI in the small intestine of BDF1 and p53-/- (null)mice following gamma-irradiation, Suppl. 1 .A78

Gastric acid secretionDegree of suppression of gastric acid secretion by omeprazole is

related to H. pylori status, Suppl. lA lThe effects of N methylhistamine on gastric acid secretion inhuman volunteers, Suppl. l.Al

Gastric adenocarcinomaHypergastrinaemia is a strong predictor of distal gastric adenocarci-noma among Helicobacterpylori infected persons, Suppl. l.A46

Virulent Helicobacter pylon' in patients with gastric and oesophagealadenocarcinoma, Suppl. l.A2

Gastric arrhythmias, Gastric arrhythmias in the functional boweldisorders, Suppl. l.A42

Gastric atrophy, CagA status is associated with serum IgA anti-bodies to 6OkDa heat shock proteins in H. pylon-associatedgastric atrophy, Suppl. 1 .A69

Gastric cancer (carcinoma)Adenocarcinoma of the lower oesophagus and cardia are similar

both epidemiologically and clinically: a population based studyfrom 1974 to 1993, Suppl. .A37

H. pylon induced hypochlorhydria is associated with increased riskof gastric cancer, Suppl. 1 .A83

Prospective randomised controlled study of the use of ranitidine inpatients with gastric cancer, Suppl. 1 .A41

Gastric emptyingGastric emptying and gastrointestinal regulatory peptides in chil-

dren with recurrent epigastric pain, Suppl. l.A43Gastric emptying in human immunodeficiency virus infected

individuals: relationship to symptoms, autonomic function andgastrointestinal pathogens, Suppl. l.A44

Gastric flora, Postoperative septic morbidity is related to severity ofillness at presentation and to preoperative colonisation of theproximal gastrointestinal tract, Suppl. l.A70

Gastric leiomyomas, A new minimally invasive surgical techniquefor gastric leiomyomas, Suppl. 1.A8

Gastric mucosaImmunohistochemical distribution of constitutive cyclooxygenase(COX-1) and inducible cyclooxygenase (COX-2) in benign andmalignant gastric mucosa, Suppl. 1 .A79

Proliferative status of enterochromaffin-like cells in the gastricmucosa: the plot thickens, Suppl. 1 .A2

Semi-quantitative analysis of chemokine mRNA expression ingastric mucosa and its relation to the severity of gastritis,Suppl. 1 .A70

Gastric tumours, Prediction of resectability of gastric tumours usingendoscopic ultrasound, Suppl. 1 .A41

Gastric ulcer diseaseOmeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in healing gastricand duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users-theOMNIUM study, journal 797

The natural history of non-NSAID gastric ulcer disease followingH. pylon eradication: a one year follow-up study in the Africansetting, Suppl.1.A4

Ulcer development in long term NSAID users in the presenceor absence of gastric neutrophils. A double-blind placebo-controlled study, Suppl. l.A4

Gastrin, Regulation of corpus mucosal function in H. pylon infectedDU patients versus healthy volunteers, Suppl. l.A3

Gastritis, Semi-quantitative analysis of chemokine mRNA expres-sion in gastric mucosa and its relation to the severity of gastritis,Suppl. l.A70

Gastro-oesophageal refluxDepression and life events in patients referred with gastro-

oesophageal reflux symptoms, Suppl. l.A32Endoscopic gastroplasty for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,

Suppl.1.A34Gastro-oesophageal reflux as a complication of achalasia therapy,

Suppl. l.A34Gastro-oesophageal reflux in patients fed by percutaneous endo-

scopic gastrostomy - scintigraphic detection, Suppl. l.A20Impact of breast feeding, atopy and other factors on the prevalence

of gastro-oesophageal reflux, Suppl. l.A33Is H. pylon protective against gastro-oesophageal reflux disease?

Suppl. l.A33Long term objective follow up after laparoscopic fundoplication in

patients with refractory gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,Suppl. l.A35

Loxiglumide inhibits post-prandial transient lower oesophagealsphincter relaxations in patients with gastro-oesophageal refluxdisease, Suppl. l.A32

Pathological gastroesophageal reflux in patients with a gallbladderin situ and small gallstones, Suppl. l.A33

Prevalence of specialised columnar epithelium at the cardia ofpatients with gastro-oesophageal reflux without obvious Barrett'soesophagus: comparison with normal, Suppl. l.A36

Reflux symptoms in the long term follow up of patients afterHelicobacter pylon eradication, Suppl. 1 .A3

Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Total intravenous anaesthesia inpaediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy, Suppl. l.A41

Gastrointestinal malignancies, Why do patients with weight losshave a worse outcome when undergoing chemotherapy forgastrointestinal malignancies? Suppl. l Al 9

Gastrointestinal regulatory peptides, Gastric emptying andgastrointestinal regulatory peptides in children with recurrentepigastric pain, Suppl. l.A43

GastroscopyEffective use ofvideo education in patients undergoing gastroscopy,

Suppl. l.A56Gastroscopy - a patient's guide, Suppl. l.A82

GAX collagen, GAX collagen injections: a novel treatment fo faecalincontinence, Suppl. l.A52

Gender differences, Gender differences and reproducibility ofwhole gut visceral sensitivity, Suppl. l.A43

Gene mutations, Gene mutations in the plasma of patients withpancreatic cancer, Suppl. l.A77

General practiceAn audit of the use of long-term acid suppressants in general

practice: potential for large savings, Suppl. l.A60H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors in general

practice: prescribing trends in the UK from 1991 to 1996,Suppl. l.A60

Is it possible to diagnose dyspepsia accurately in general practice?Suppl. l.A60

Genormic instability, An alternative method for the detection ofgenomic instability in colorectal cancers, Suppl. l.A78

GLP-1, Effects of fermentable carbohydrate on plasma PYY levelsin human subjects, Suppl. l.A73

Glutathione-S-transferase, Serum glutathione-S-transferase inacute liver allograft rejection, Suppl. l A17

Granulocyte apheresis, Treatment of refractory inflammatorybowel disease with granulocyte apheresis, Suppl. l.A22

Growth failure, Growth failure in inflammatory bowel disease,Suppl. l.A27

Gut visceral sensitivity, Gender differences and reproducibility ofwhole gut visceral sensitivity, Suppl. 1 .A43

H2 receptor antagonistsDifferences in diagnostic yield of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

in dyspeptic patients on proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptorantagonists, Suppl. 1 .A60


Volumiie 40: Subject Index- Supplemiient

H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors in generalpractice: prescribing trends in the UK from 1991 to 1996,Suppl.1 .A60

Haemochromatosis, Liver function tests and liver damage inhaemochromatosis, Suppl.1A1 3

Haemophilia, Outcome of orthotopic liver transplantation inhaemophilia, Suppl.lA1 7

Heat shock protein antibodies, IgG, IgM, IgA heat shock proteinantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis: effect of UDCA therapy,Suppl. 1.A14

Heat shock proteins, CagA status is associated with serum IgAantibodies to 6OkDa heat shock proteins in H. pylon-associatedgastric atrophy, Suppl.1 .A69

HelicobacterpyloriAdult social class as an independent risk factor for H. pylon,

Suppl.1.A69Bacterial CagA status is unrelated to gastric function indexes or to

the type either severity of symptomsin patients with H. pylon-positive non-ulcer dyspepsia, Suppl.1 .A7

CagA status is associated with serum IgA antibodies to 6OkDa heatshock proteins in H. pylon'-associated gastric atrophy,Suppl.1 .A69

CLO-testing for H. pylon: are we missing positive results?Suppl.1.A59

Culturing H. pylon from gastric aspirates: the effect of acidin vivoand in vitro, Suppl.1 .A7

Degree of suppression of gastric acid secretion by omeprazole isrelated to H. pylon status, Suppl.1.A

Dental plaque as a reservoir for H. pylon: does immunochemistryanswer the question? Suppl.1 .A8

Detection of H. pylon from GI secretions using PCR, Suppl.1 .A7Effect of H. pylon, aspirin and anoxia on antibiotic permeability in

the rat stomach, Suppl.1 .A6Factors associated with H. pylon infection and duodenal ulcers in

patients attending endoscopy, Suppl. 1 .A6H. pylon: a test and treat strategy in primary care, Suppl.1 .A58H. pylon eradication in duodenal ulcer disease: what determines

cost effectiveness? Suppl.1 .A58H. pylon eradication therapy compared with ranitidine maintenance

therapy in patients with chronic duodenal ulcer disease: a pro-spective pharmacoeconomic evaluation, Suppl.1 .A5

H. pylon-induced hypergastrinaemia is related to bacterial CagAstatus, Suppl.1 .A46

H. pylon induced hypochlorhydria is associated with increased riskof gastric cancer, Suppl.1 .A83

H. pylon' induction of IL-8 synthesis in gastric epithelial cellsdepends on genes throughout the cag pathogenicity island,Suppl. 1.A69

Hypergastrinaemia is a strong predictor of distal gastric adenocarci-noma among H. pylon infected persons, Suppl. 1 .A46

Influence of siblings on risk of H. pylon infection, Suppl. 1 .A68Is H. pylonr protective against gastro-oesophageal reflux disease?

Suppl. 1 .A33Marked rebound acid hypersecretion following omeprazole therapy

in H. pylon negative subjects, Suppl.1.A3Motilities of ulce- and non-ulcer associated strains of H. pylon,

Suppl. 1 .A6Natural history of non-NSAID gastric ulcer disease following H.

pylon eradication: a one year follow-up study in the Africansetting, Suppl. 1 .A4

New, internationally applicable, polymerase chain reaction-basedtyping of H. pylon vacA, Suppl. 1 .Al

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and H. pylon' as independ-ent risk factors for peptic ulcer bleeding, Suppl. 1 .A4

One year follow-up of a randomised trial of pre endoscopyscreening for H. pylon' in the management of dyspepsia,Suppl. 1 .A2

Optimum 5 day therapy against H. pylon, Suppl. 1 .A5Primary care dyspepsia management in the H. pyloni era,

Suppl. 1.A58Prolonged acid suppression therapy and proximal migration of H.

pylon-, Suppl. 1 .A7Ranitidine bismuth citrate plus clarithromycin and tetracycline: a

seven-day H. pylon eradication regimen, Suppl. 1 A5Reflux symptoms in the long term follow up of patients after H.

pyloni eradication, Suppl. 1 .A3Regulation of corpus mucosal function in H. pylonr infected DU

patients versus healthy volunteers, Suppl. 1 .A3Relationship between mucosal production of reactive oxygen

metabolites and toxinogenicity of H. pylon, Suppl. 1 .A69Resistance of H. pyloni to metronidazole: an imaginary problem?

Suppl. 1 A5Role of H. pylon in gastric adaptation to repeated aspirin admini-

stration in man, Suppl. 1 .A6Selection for endoscopy using H. pyloMn serology should not be

restricted to under 45's, Suppl. 1 .A58

Value of the Helisal test in screening dyspeptic patients for H. pylonrinfection, Suppl.1 .A2

Virulent H. pylon in patients with gastric and oesophageal adeno-carcinoma, Suppl.1 .A2

Helisal test, Value of the Helisal test in screening dvspeptic patientsfor H.pywloninfection, Suppl.1 .A2

Hepatitis, Interpretation of a hepatitic biochemical picture,Suppl.1 .A62

Hepatitis CAvailability and usage of interferon alfa for treating chronic hepatitisC in the UK, Suppl.1 .A63

Beneficial in vitro effects of tucaresol on the immune response tohepatitis C virus, Suppl.1 .A30

Detection of anti conformational CYP2D6 antibodies in patientswith autoimmune liver disease and HCV infection using a novelradioligand assav, Suppl.1 A1 5

Findings on liver biopsy for abnormal liver function tests in the posthepatitis C testing era, Suppl.1 A1 3

Impact of chronic hepatitis C infection on HIV disease andprogression in intravenous drug abusers, Suppl.1 A1 6

Interferon sparing effect of adjuvant tauro-ursodeoxvcholic acid fortreatment of chronic hepatitis C: results on liver histology.Suppl.1 .A16

Lower prevalence of markers of autoimmunity in chronic hepatitisC in north-east of England, Suppl.1.A16

Plasma TIMP-1 levels increase with severitv ofliver disease inchronic hepatitis C, Suppl.1A1 6

Hepatocyte cell lines, Proliferating hepatocyte cell lines conditiontheir extracellular environment whilst developing three dimen-sional configuration in a hollow fibre cartridge, Suppl.1 .A30

Histamine-2 receptor antagonists, Audit of the use of anti-secretorv drugs, Suppl.1 .A59

HIV, Gastric emptying in human immunodeficiencv virus infectedindividuals: relationship to symptoms, autonomic function andgastrointestinal pathogens, Suppl.1 .A44

HIV-related diarrhoea, Detection of intraluminal serotonin (5-HT)in patients with HIV-related diarrhoea, Suppl.1 .A9

Hormone replacement therapy, The effect of hormone replace-ment therapy on serum and urinary markers of bone turnover inprimarv biliary cirrhosis, Suppl. 1.A 1 3

Hot biopsy, Distribution and histology of diminutive colonic polypsremoved by hot biopsy, Suppl.1 .A47

HT-29 cellsCytotoxic effects of nitric oxide on HT29 colonic epithelial cells,

Suppl.1 .A75Differential effect of steroids on nitric oxide production by cytokine

stimulated HT-29 cells, Suppl.1 .A24Hydrogen sulphide, Mechanisms for detoxifying hydrogen sulphide

in the gastrointestinal tract, Suppl.1 .A27Hypergastrinaemia

H. pylonr-induced hvpergastrinaemia is related to bacterial CagAstatus, Suppl. 1 .A46

Hypergastrinaemia is a strong predictor of distal gastric adenocarci-noma among Helicobacterpylon infected persons, Suppl. 1 .A46

Hypochlorhydria, H. pylon' induced hypochlorhydria is associatedwith increased risk of gastric cancer, Suppl. 1 .A83

IgA antibodies, CagA status is associated with serum IgA antibodiesto 6OkDa heat shock proteins in H. pylonr-associated gastricatrophy, Suppl. 1 .A69

Ileoanal pouches, Whole gut lavage inflammatory parameters inrecently constructed ileoanal pouches, Suppl. 1 .A55

Immunochemistry, Dental plaque as a reservoir for Helicobacterpylon': does immunochemistry answer the question? Suppl. 1 .A8

Immunosuppressive therapy, Immunosuppressive therapy forulcerative colitis - a survey of the practice of British gastro-enterologists, Suppl.L.A65

111 Indium white cells, Faecal calprotectin: a suitable, sensitive,alternative to 111 indium labelled wvhite cells for assessingintestinal inflammation in man, Suppl. 1 .A73

Indomethacin-induced blood stasis, Reversal of and protectionagainst indomethacin-induced blood stasis and mucosal damageby a 33-agonist in rat villi, Suppl. 1 .A7 1

Indomethacin-induced histological changes, Slowing of villousblood flow and focal microvascular distortion precede earlyindomethacin-induced histological changes, Suppl. 1 .A7 1

Indomethacin-induced intestinal injury, Bovine colostrum isprophylactic against indomethacin-induced intestinal injury,Suppl. 1LA71

Indomethacin-induced ulceration, Critically-perfused sites in therat jejunum are susceptible to indomethacin-induced ulceration:a role for ischaemia-reperfusion injury, Suppl. 1 .A7 1

Inflammatory bowel disease, Suppl. 1 .A2 1-28Effects of nicotine on E-selectin expression in intestinal tissue

biopsies in inflammatorv bowel disease patients and controls,Suppl. 1 .A74


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

In inflammatory bowel disease IL-8 production and tissue expres-sion is modulated by nicotine and crude tobacco extract,Suppl. l.A74

Serum leptin in inflammatory bowel disease: implications for thepathogenesis of anorexia and weight loss, Suppl. l Al 9

Information, Are we telling patients enough? Suppl. l.A57Insulin independence, Insulin independence following combined

total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation, Suppl. l Al 1Integrins

Expression of a5 (CD49e) and a6 (CD49f) integrins on humancolonic lamina propria T cells, Suppl. l.A73

Expression of integrin a4,7 on circulating lymphocytes in inflam-matory bowel disease, Suppl. l.A25

Interferon, Interferon sparing effect of adjuvant tauro-ursodeoxy-cholic acid for treatment of chronic hepatitis C: results on liverhistology, Suppl. l.A16

Interferon alfa, Availability and usage of interferon alfa for treatingchronic hepatitis C in the UK, Suppl. l.A63

Interleukin-8Helicobacter pylori induction of IL-8 synthesis in gastric epithelial

cells depends on genes throughout the cag pathogenicity island,Suppl. l.A69

Human colonic epithelial cells down-regulate IL-8 expression inhuman microvascular endothelial cells: role of TGF-P,Suppl. l.A72

In inflammatory bowel disease IL-8 production and tissue expres-sion is modulated by nicotine and crude tobacco extract,Suppl. l.A74

Inhibition of isolated rabbit parietal cells by interleukin-8,Suppl. l.A70

Presence of a fMLP-receptor, stimulation of mucin synthesis andrelease of IL-8 by fMLP in human mucus-secreting gastro-intestinal epithelial cell-lines, Suppl. l.A81

Interleukins, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 reveal strong capacity to down-regulate MCP-1 and GM-CSF in activated intestinal epithelialcells, Suppl. l.A74

Interlink, The use of a connection device reduces the cost of cyclicalparenteral nutrition, Suppl. l.A63

Interstitial cells of Cajal, Interstitial cells of Cajal in the humancolon: regional density variations, Suppl. l.A43

Intestinal crypt fission, APC in the regulation of intestinal cryptfission, Suppl. l.A45

Intestinal epithelial cells, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 reveal strongcapacity to down-regulate MCP-1 and GM-CSF in activatedintestinal epithelial cells, Suppl. l.A74

Intestinal inflammation, Faecal calprotectin: a suitable, sensitive,alternative to 111 indium labelled white cells for assessingintestinal inflammation in man, Suppl. l.A73

Intestinal mucosa, CD4+ T cell downregulation in the intestinalmucosa: evidence for intestinal tolerance to luminal bacterialantigens, Suppl. l.A75

Intestinal obstruction, Histological phenotyping of enteric smoothmuscle disease causing functional intestinal obstruction in child-hood, Suppl. .A42

Intestinal trefoil factor, Intestinal trefoil factor regulates the expres-sion of E-cadherin, catenins and the adenomatous polyposis colitumour suppressor protein, Suppl. l.A48

Intraluninal serotonin, Detection of intraluminal serotonin(5-HT) in patients with HIV-related diarrhoea, Suppl. l.A9

Intravenous drug abusers, The impact of chronic hepatitis Cinfection on HIV disease and progression in intravenous drugabusers, Suppl. l.A16

Iodised oilIn vitro assessment of lipiodol targeted radiotherapy for primaryand metastatic liver cancers, Suppl. l.A47

Quantification of uptake and retention of iodised oil (lipiodol) inprimary and secondary hepatic malignancy, Suppl. l.A47

Iron deficiency anaemia, Elevated nitric oxide synthase activity inhuman duodenal enterocytes in iron deficiency anaemia andcoeliac disease, Suppl. l.A80

Iron uptake, Manipulation of extracellular sodium, potassium andamiloride modulates iron uptake by human enterocyte suspen-sions in vitro, Suppl. l.A80

Irritable bowel syndromeAlosetron slows colonic transit in patients with irritable bowel

syndrome, Suppl. l.A44Dosed relaxation in resistant irritable bowel syndrome using gut

directed biofeedback, Suppl. l.A51Dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome in the community,

Suppl. 1 .A61Gastric arrhythmias in the functional bowel disorders, Suppl. 1 .A42High prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in patients attending

urological outpatient departments, Suppl. l.A65Menstrual cycle affects rectal visceral sensitivity in patients with

irritable bowel syndrome but not healthy volunteers,Suppl. 1 .A52

Quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome: does it improve withresolution of symptoms? Suppl. 1 .A64

Rapid colonic fermentation is associated with symptoms in IBS andcorrected by exclusion diet, Suppl. l.A19

Rate of spontaneous swallowing and improvement with exclusiondiet in irritable bowel syndrome, Suppl. 1 .A64

Ischaemia-reperfusion injuryCritically-perfused sites in the rat jejunum are susceptible toindomethacin-induced ulceration: a role for ischaemia-reperfusion injury, Suppl. l.A71

Ischaemia-reperfusion injury following syngeneic small boweltransplantation induces apoptosis, Suppl. .Al 0

Ischaemic heart disease, Under-investigation of folic acid de-ficiency: a cause of congenital neurological problems andischaemic heart disease, Suppl. 1 .A64

Islet autotransplantation, Insulin independence following com-bined total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation,Suppl. IAl I11

Jaundice, Jaundice associated with augmentin: the tip of the iceberg?Suppl. 1 .A13

K-ras mutationsDetection of K-ras mutations in faecal samples from colorectal

cancer patients by SSCP analysis, Suppl. 1.A48Kirsten ras mutations in 2,667 patients with colorectal cancer:

results of the RASCAL (RAS Collaborative) project,Suppl. 1 .A49

Keratinocyte growth factor, Keratinocyte growth factor stimulatesgut growth but is not a cytoprotective agent and does notstimulate migration of the human colonic carcinoma cell lineHT29, Suppl.I.A79

Ki-67, Aberrant expression of p53 and Ki-67 during acute andchronic rejection following orthotopic liver transplantation,Suppl. 1 .A17

Kirsten ras point mutations, Effective targeting of colorectalcancer Kirsten ras point mutations with antisense therapy in vitro,Suppl. 1 .A45

Klebsiella pneumoniaeAbsence of E. coli, Listeria and Klebsiella pneumoniae antigens within

inflammatory bowel disease tissues, Suppl. 1 .A25The immune response to Klebsiella pneumoniae in inflammatory

bowel disease and ankylosing spondylitis, Suppl. 1 .A25

Lansoprazole, Endoscopic stigmata, acid suppression, quality of lifeand death from upper gastrointestinal bleeding, Suppl. 1 .A61

Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery, Another view on laparoscopicanti-reflux surgery, Suppl. 1 .A35

Laparoscopic fundoplication, Long term objective follow up afterlaparoscopic fundoplication in patients with refractory gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, Suppl. 1 .A35

Laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer:awaiting the answers, Suppl. 1 .A50

LaparoscopyLaparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct, Suppl. 1 .A81Prospective randomised trial of laparoscopic common bile duct

exploration versus post-operative ERCP, Suppl. 1 .A68Laser Doppler mucosal flowmetry, Laser Doppler mucosal flow-

metry - the first direct measure of the level of activation ofextrinsic nerves to the gut, Suppl. 1 .A52

LectinsBroad bean and wheat germ lectins increase cell adhesion and

differentiation of colonic cancer cell lines, Suppl. 1 .A46Lectins binding is a predictor of poor survival in patients with

colorectal carcinoma, Suppl. 1 .A49Soybean lectin stimulates cholecystokinin release through calcium

influx via L-type calcium channels, Suppl. 1 .A81Left colon, Limited exposure of left colon to daily dosed oral

formulation in active distal ulcerative colitis: explanation of poorresponse to treatment? Suppl. 1 .A28

Leiomyomas, A new minimally invasive surgical technique forgastric leiomyomas, Suppl. l.A8

Leptin, Serum leptin in inflammatory bowel disease: implications forthe pathogenesis of anorexia and weight loss, Suppl. 1 .A 19

Lexipafant, Lexipafant, a platelet activation factor antagonist, re-duces mortality in a randomised placebo-controlled study inpatients with severe acute pancreatitis, Suppl. 1 .A12

LipiodolIn vitro assessment of lipiodol targeted radiotherapy for primaryand metastatic liver cancers, Suppl. 1 .A47

Quantification of uptake and retention of iodised oil (lipiodol) inprimary and secondary hepatic malignancy, Suppl. 1 .A47


Voluni e 40: Subject Inidex - Suipplemiienit

Lipopolysaccharide, Bactericidal/permeability-increasing proteinblocks lipopolysaccharide-induced procoagulant activity of endo-thelial cells, Suppl. l.A72

Listeria, Absence of E. coli, Listeria and Klebsiella pnenmonziae anti-gens within inflammatory bowel disease tissues, Suppl. l.A25

Liver allograft rejection, Serum glutathione-S-transferase in acuteliver allograft rejection, Suppl.1.A17

Liver biopsy, Findings on liver biopsy for abnormal liver functiontests in the post hepatitis C testing era, Suppl. .Al 3

Liver cancers, In vitro assessment of lipiodol targeted radiotherapyfor primary and metastatic liver cancers, Suppl. l.A47

Liver disease, Suppl. lAI 2-18, Suppl. l.A29-30Liver fibrosis, Effect of abrupt alcohol withdrawal on liver trans-

aminases and markers of liver fibrosis, Suppl. l A 18Liver function testsAre abnormal liver function tests properly investigated in general

practice? Suppl. l.A62Effect of abrupt alcohol withdrawal on liver transaminases and

markers of liver fibrosis, Suppl.1.A18Findings on liver biopsy for abnormal liver function tests in the post

hepatitis C testing era, Suppl. l A1 3Liver function tests and liver damage in haemochromatosis,

Suppl. lAA13Liver malignancy, Quantification of uptake and retention of iodised

oil (lipiodol) in primary and secondary hepatic malignancy,Suppl. l.A47

Liver transplantationAberrant expression of p53 and Ki-67 during acute and chronic

rejection following orthotopic liver transplantation, Suppl. l A17Auxiliary liver transplantation for metabolic diseases, Suppl. l A 18Clinical outcome and flow cytometric IgG crossmatch in liver

transplantation, Suppl. 1 .A 18Graft dysfunction associated with autoimmunitv in paediatric liver

transplantation, Suppl. l .A 17Long-term survival and alcohol relapse after liver transplantation

for alcoholic liver disease, Suppl. l.A18Outcome of orthotopic liver transplantation in haemophilia,

Suppl. l A 17Loop ileostomies, Randomized controlled trial of stapled versus

sutured closure of loop ileostomies, Suppl. l.A54Lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations, Loxiglumide inhibits

post-prandial transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxationsin patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, Suppl. l.A32

Loxiglumide, Loxiglumide inhibits post-prandial transient loweroesophageal sphincter relaxations in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, Suppl. l.A32

Luminal bacterial antigens, CD4+ T cell downregulation in theintestinal mucosa: evidence for intestinal tolerance to luminalbacterial antigens, Suppl. l.A75

Lymphocytes, Expression of integrin cs4f37 on circulating lvmpho-cytes in inflammatorv bowel disease, Suppl. 1 .A25

M cells, Organization of the intermediate filament cvtoskeleton inhuman intestinal M cells, Suppl. l.A72

Magnetic resonance cholangiography, Magnetic resonance chol-angiography in obstructive jaundice, Suppl. l.A67

Magnetic resonance imaging, Comparison of endoanal magneticresonance imaging and computerized tomography in the pre-operative staging of low rectal cancer, Suppl. l.A50

Male gender, Low bone mineral density is related to disease durationin Crohn's disease and to glucocorticoid treatment and malegender in ulcerative colitis, Suppl. l.A26

ManometryBiliary manometry in AIDS related cholangitis: relationship tosymptoms and radiological findings, Suppl. l.A67

Novel method for 24 hour pancolonic ambulatory manometrv,Suppl. 1 .A42

The spectrum of enteric dysmotility revealed by prolonged smallbowel manometry, Suppl. l.A41

Measles RNA, Hybrid capture followed by RT-PCR does not detectmeasles RNA in intestinal tissue, Suppl. l.A28

Meat, The contribution of dietary protein from meat to faecalsulphide excretion, Suppl. l.A27

Meloxicam, Low gastrointestinal toxicity of meloxicam, a selectiveinhibitor of the inducible cyclooxvgenase (COX-2) enzyme,Suppl. l.A4

Menstrual cycle, The menstrual cycle affects rectal visceral sensitiv-ity in patients with irritable bowel svndrome but not healthvvolunteers, Suppl. 1 .A52

Mesenteric marginal ulceration, Mesenteric marginal ulcerationin Crohn's disease: correlation with vascular anatomv andcritically-perfused sites, Suppl. 1 .A24

Metabolic diseases, Auxiliary liver transplantation for metabolicdiseases, Suppl. lA1 8

MetronidazoleClostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea: antibiotic usage, delay in

detection of cytotoxin and failure of protection by metronidazole,Suppl. 1 .A75

Resistance of Helicobactet pylon to metronidazole: an imaginarvproblem? Suppl. 1 .A5

Misoprostol, Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness inhealing gastric and duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID usersthe OMNIUM study, journal 797

Monocyte-hepatoma cell adhesion, Production of angiogenic andchemoattractant chemokines during monocyte-hepatoma celladhesion, Suppl. 1 .A29

Mortality, Mortality in inflammatory bowel disease: the case for anational confidential enquiry, Suppl. 1 .A2 1

Motility, Suppl. 1 .A4 1-44Motilities of ulcer and non-ulcer associated strains of Helicobacter

pylon, Suppl. 1 .A6Mucosal drug levels, Mucosal aminosalicylate levels correlate with

clinical activity in patients with ulcerative colitis, Suppl. 1 .A23Mucosal inflammation, Crohn's disease patients in clinical re-

mission show evidence of ongoing mucosal inflammation,Suppl. 1 .A23

Na methylhistamine, The effects of Ncx methylhistamine on gastricacid secretion in human volunteers, Suppl. 1 IA

Nerve autonomic activity, Laser Doppler mucosal flowmetry - thefirst direct measure of the level of activation of extrinsic nervesto the gut, Suppl. 1 .A52

Neutral endopeptidase, Sensitive quantification of gut epithelialneutral endopeptidase expression using a flow cvtometric double-staining technique and endoscopic biopsy, Suppl. 1 .A7 3

Neutrophils, CD10 expression on human neutrophils and colonicepithelial cells (Caco2) after short-term incubation with variouschemokines and growth factors, Suppl. 1 .A74

Nicardipine, Nicardipine directly inhibits basolateral K+ channelsinvolved in Cl secretion in human colon, Suppl. 1 .A79

NicotineEffects of nicotine on E-selectin expression in intestinal tissue

biopsies in inflammatory bowel disease patients and controls,Suppl. 1 .A74

In inflammatory bowel disease IL-8 production and tissue expres-sion is modulated by nicotine and crude tobacco extract,Suppl. 1 .A74

Nimesulide, Intestinal tolerability of the highly specific COX-2inhibitor nimesulide in the rat, Suppl. 1 .A7 1

Nitric oxideCytotoxic effects of nitric oxide on HT29 colonic epithelial cells,

Suppl. 1 .A75Differential effect of steroids on nitric oxide production by cvtokine

stimulated HT-29 cells, Suppl. 1 .A24Nitric oxide release in the splanchnic circulation of cirrhotic rats,

Suppl. 1 .A14Nitric oxide synthase

Elevated nitric oxide synthase activitv in human duodenalenterocytes in iron deficiency anaemia and coeliac disease,Suppl. 1 .A80

Inducible NOS is expressed in the normal human colon,Suppl. 1 .A27

Non-NSAID gastric ulcer disease, The natural history of non-NSAID gastric ulcer disease following H. pylon eradication: a oneyear follow-up study in the African setting, Suppl. 1 .A4

Non-smokers (non-smoking)Coeliac disease is associated with non-smoking and cessation of

smoking, Suppl. LAAlPeripheral blood pro-inflammatory cvtokine profile in active

inflammatory bowel disease differ between smokers and non-smokers, Suppl. 1 .A24

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsLong-term survival, symptoms and drug use after peptic ulcer

haemorrhage, Suppl. 1 .A8Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Helicobacter

pylon as independent risk factors for peptic ulcer bleeding,Suppl. 1 .A4

Prophylaxis against NSAID related ulcers and their complications- current practice in gastroenterology centres in the UnitedKingdom, Suppl. 1 .A6 1

Role of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and inhibition andcvclooxygenase in the pathogenesis ofNSAID-enteropathy in therat, Suppl. 1 .A70

Ulcer development in long term NSAID users in the presenceor absence of gastric neutrophils. A double-blind placebo-controlled study, Suppl. 1 .A4

Nurse endoscopy (endoscopist)Colorectal nurse endoscopist - initial results, Suppl. 1 .A38


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

Community based open access nurse led flexible sigmoidoscopy forrectal bleeding, Suppl. l.A39

Obstructive jaundiceMagnetic resonance cholangiography in obstructive jaundice,

Suppl. l.A67Obstructive jaundice does not promote bacterial translocation inman, Suppl. l.A67

Octreotide-induced gallbladder stones, The pathogenesis ofoctreotide-induced gallbladder stones - prolonged large boweltransit increases deoxycholic acid input rate and pool size,Suppl. l.A66

Oesophageal adenocarcinomaRising incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma: a 20 year retro-

spective review from a single unit, Suppl. l.A37Virulent Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastric and oesophageal

adenocarcinoma, Suppl. l.A2Oesophageal cancer (carcinoma)Adenocarcinoma of the lower oesophagus and cardia are similar

both epidemiologically and clinically: a population based studyfrom 1974 to 1993, Suppl.l.A37

Amplification and overexpression of cyclin Dl in oesophagealcarcinoma, Suppl. l.A37

Introduction of the 8mm diameter echoendoscope in the stagingof oesophageal cancer, Suppl. l.A57

PET scanning for assessing resectability of oesophageal cancer -

preliminary results, Suppl.1.A37Oesophageal cell function, Alginates alter oesophageal cell function

in an animal model, Suppl. l.A31Oesophageal dilatation, Forces exerted during oesophageal dilata-

tion, Suppl. l.A33Oesophageal motility

Simultaneous ambulatory oesophageal motility and duodeno-gastro-oesophageal reflux, Suppl. l.A32

Sumatriptan at the therapeutic dose alters oesophageal motility,Suppl. l.A44

Oesophageal motor dysfunction, Oesophageal motor dysfunctionin patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease,Suppl.1.A31

Oesophageal stenosis, Quality of life following stent insertion inmalignant oesophageal stenosis: a randomised trial comparingmetal and plastic stents, Suppl. l.A38

Oesophageal varices, A prospective study of Speedband versusSteigmann-Goff in endoscopic ligation of oesophageal varices,Suppl. l A1 5

Oesophago-gastric cancer, The changing pattern of oesophago-gastric cancer, Suppl. l.A8

Oesophago-gastric junction, Prolonged acid suppression therapyand proximal migration of Helicobacterpylori, Suppl. l.A7

Oesophago-gastric obstruction, Does prior radio- and/or chemo-therapy predispose to complications after intubation for malig-nant oesophago-gastric obstruction, Suppl. l.A38

Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, Differences in diagnostic yield ofupper gastrointestinal endoscopy in dyspeptic patients on protonpump inhibitors and H2 receptor antagonists, Suppl. l.A60

Oesophagus, Suppl. l.A30-38Characterisation of endocytic pathways in human oesophagus,

Suppl. l.A77OmeprazoleDegree of suppression of gastric acid secretion by omeprazole is

related to H. pylon status, Suppl. l AlMarked rebound acid hypersecretion following omeprazole therapy

in H. pylon negative subjects, Suppl. l.A3Omeprazole vs misoprostol: different effectiveness in healing gastricand duodenal ulcers vs erosions in NSAID users-theOMNIUM study, journal 797

Ondansetron, Ondansetron in the treatment of the pruritus ofcholestasis: a randomised controlled trial, Suppl. l.A12

Open-access flexible sigmoidoscopy, Open-access flexible sig-moidoscopy for rectal bleeding, Suppl. l.A66

Open access gastroscopy, Open access gastroscopy: the first 10,000cases, Suppl. l.A56

Oral formulation, Limited exposure of left colon to daily dosed oralformulation in active distal ulcerative colitis: explanation of poorresponse to treatment? Suppl. l.A28

Osteoporosis, The effect of hormone replacement therapy on serumand urinary markers of bone turnover in primary biliary cirrhosis,Suppl. 1.A13

Oxidative phosphorylation, Role of uncoupling of oxidative phos-phorylation and inhibition and cyclooxygenase in the patho-genesis of NSAID-enteropathy in the rat, Suppl. 1 .A70

Oxygen metabolites, Relationship between mucosal production ofreactive oxygen metabolites and toxinogenicity of Helicobacterpylori, Suppl. 1.A69

p21WAFI/CIP1, Immunohistochemical localisation of p21WAF1/CIPI in the small intestine of BDF1 and p53-I- (null) micefollowing gamma-irradiation, Suppl. 1 .A78

p53Aberrant expression of p53 and Ki-67 during acute and chronic

rejection following orthotopic liver transplantation, Suppl. .A17p53 overexpression in polypoid versus "flat" colorectal adenomas,

Suppl. 1 .A47p53-/- mice, The importance of apoptosis in the gastrointestinal

toxicity induced by 5-fluorouracil: rescue from toxicity in p53-/-mice, Suppl. 1 .A79

p53-/- (null) mice, Immunohistochemical localisation of p2 lWAFl/CIPI in the small intestine of BDF1 and p53-I- (null) micefollowing gamma-irradiation, Suppl. 1 .A78

Paediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy, Total intravenous anaes-thesia in paediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy, Suppl. 1 .A41

Pancolonic ambulatory manometry, A novel method for 24 hourpancolonic ambulatory manometry, Suppl. 1 .A42

Pancreatectomy, Insulin independence following combined totalpancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation, Suppl. 1 .Al 1

Pancreatic cancerDifferences in perception of quality of life issues between pancreatic

cancer patients and health professionals, Suppl. 1 Al 2Gene mutations in the plasma of patients with pancreatic cancer,

Suppl. 1 .A77Pancreatic surgery, Is pancreatic surgery safe in a small district

general hospital? Suppl. .Al 1Pancreatin, Intestinal transit and release characteristics of pan-

creatin enzyme microspheres, Suppl. 1 .A21Pancreatitis

Audit ofthe management of acute pancreatitis in Wessex, Suppl. .Al 1Lexipafant, a platelet activation factor antagonist, reduces

mortality in a randomised placebo-controlled study in patientswith severe acute pancreatitis, Suppl. 1.A1 2

The parotid glands are not vulnerable to factors responsible forchronic pancreatitis, Suppl.1.A12

Parenteral nutritionIntestinal permeability and absorptive capacity in patients receiving

parenteral nutrition, Suppl. 1.AlOOptimising catheter survival in peripheral parenteral nutrition: arandomised control trial, Suppl. 1 .A20

Randomised double blind prospective study of long chain tri-glyceride (LCT), MCT/LCT and medium chain triglyceride(MCT) during parenteral nutrition, Suppl. 1.A20

The use of a connection device reduces the cost of cyclicalparenteral nutrition, Suppl. 1 .A63

Parietal celisInhibition of isolated rabbit parietal cells by interleukin-8,

Suppl. 1 .A70Novel stimulatory effect of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating

polypeptide on an isolated rabbit parietal cell preparation,Suppl. 1 .A80

Parotid glands, The parotid glands are not vulnerable to factorsresponsible for chronic pancreatitis, Suppl. l.A12

Paroxetine, Paroxetine inhibits cholera toxin induced secretion bydepleting neuronal but not enterochromaffin cell 5-HT,Suppl. 1 .A9

Patients, Are we telling patients enough? Suppl. 1 .A57Pelvic floor dysfunction, Biofeedback in the treatment of pelvic

floor dysfunction, Suppl. 1 .A65Pelvic irradiation, The frequency and severity of colorectal symp-

toms in patients during and after pelvic irradiation, Suppl. 1 .A51Peptic oesophageal strictures, Use of self expandable stents in the

treatment of benign peptic oesophageal strictures in the elderly,Suppl. l.A1

Peptic ulcer bleeding, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs andHelicobacter pylon as independent risk factors for peptic ulcerbleeding, Suppl. l .A4

Peptic ulcer diseaseAn audit of the use of long-term acid suppressants in general

practice: potential for large savings, Suppl.1.A60Prophylaxis against NSAID related ulcers and their complications

- current practice in gastroenterology centres in the UnitedKingdom, Suppl. 1 .A61

Peptic ulcer haemorrhage, Long-term survival, symptoms anddrug use after peptic ulcer haemorrhage, Suppl.1.A8

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomyGastro-oesophageal reflux in patients fed by percutaneous endo-

scopic gastrostomy - scintigraphic detection, Suppl. 1 .A20Is a single dose of prophylactic antibiotics effective in preventingstoma infections following PEG insertion, Suppl. 1 .A64

PET scanning, PET scanning for assessing resectability of oesopha-geal cancer - preliminary results, Suppl. 1 .A37

Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide, Novel stim-ulatory effect of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptideon an isolated rabbit parietal cell preparation, Suppl. 1 .A80


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplemzetit

Platelet-activating factor, Investigation of platelet-activatingfactor-induced secretion in human colon, Suppl. .A26

Platelet activation factor antagonist, Lexipafant, a platelet activa-

tion factor antagonist, reduces mortality in a randomisedplacebo-controlled study in patients with severe acute pan-

creatitis, Suppl. 1.A1 2Polymerase chain reaction

Detection of Helicobacter pylon' from GI secretions using PCR,Suppl. .A7

New, internationally applicable, polymerase chain reaction-basedtyping of Helicobacter pyloni vacA, Suppl. l IA

Polymeric diet, Randomised double-blind trial of polymeric versus

elemental diet in treatment of active Crohn's disease,Suppl. l IA 9

Polyps, Results of the first 1,000 patients from the pilot study for"once-only" flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectalcancers and polyps, Suppl. .A57

Posterior colporrhaphy, A prospective randomised trial of pos-

terior colporrhaphy vs transanal repair of rectocele: an

interim analysis, Suppl. l .A54Postoperative septic morbidity, Postoperative septic morbidity is

related to severity of illness at presentation and to preoperativecolonisation of the proximal gastrointestinal tract, Suppl. l.A70

Pouchitis, The supramucosal defence barrier is not altered in

patients who have had recurrent pouchitis, Suppl. .A56Pre-endoscopy screening, One year follow-up of a randomised trial

of pre endoscopy screening for H. pylon' in the management ofdyspepsia, Suppl. l.A2

Pre-term infant, Small bowel juice disaccharide activity in the pre-

term infant, Suppl. .A20Pregnancy-related liver disease, Maternal and perinatal outcome

in severe pregnancy-related liver disease, Suppl.1.A29Primary biliary cirrhosis

Effect of hormone replacement therapy on serum and urinary

markers of bone turnover in primary biliarv cirrhosis,Suppl. .A 13

IgG, IgM, IgA heat shock protein antibodies in primary biliarycirrhosis: effect ofUDCA therapy, Suppl. 1.A 14

Prescribing habits in primary biliary cirrhosis - a national survey,

Suppl. .A63Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy for primary biliarv cirrhosis: 10 years'

population-based experience, Suppl. 1.A14Primary care, Helicobacter pyloni: a test and treat strategy in primary

care, Suppl.l.A58Primary sclerosing cholangitis, High dose ursodeoxvcholic acid in

primary sclerosing cholangitis: results after two years of a ran-

domised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Suppl. .A29Procoagulant activity, Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein

blocks lipopolysaccharide-induced procoagulant activity of endo-thelial cells, Suppl. .A72

Proton pump inhibitorsAudit of proton pump inhibitor usage in a teaching hospital setting,

Suppl. l.A59Audit of the use of anti-secretory drugs, Suppl. .A59Differences in diagnostic yield of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

in dyspeptic patients on proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptorantagonists, Suppl. .A60

H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors in generalpractice: prescribing trends in the UK from 1991 to 1996,Suppl. l .A60

Pruritus, Ondansetron in the treatment of the pruritus of cholestasis:a randomised controlled trial, Suppl. .A1 2

Pseudomembranous oesophagitis, Pseudomembranous esopha-gitis, Suppl. l.A30

Pudendal nerve stimulation, Does human pudendal nerve stimula-tion display functional asymmetrv in modulating cortico-analpathways? Suppl. .A53

Pyloric stenosis, Technique, and long term outcome of endoscopicballoon dilatation for pyloric stenosis, Suppl. .A40

PYY, Effects of fermentable carbohydrate on plasma PYY levels inhuman subjects, Suppl. 1.A73

Quality of lifeDifferences in perception of quality of life issues between pancreatic

cancer patients and health professionals, Suppl. l A 12Quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome: does it improve with

resolution of symptoms? Suppl. l.A64

Radioligand assay, Detection of anti conformational CYP2D6antibodies in patients with autoimmune liver disease and HCVinfection using a novel radioligand assay, Suppl. 1 A1 5

Radiotransmitting capsules, The use of radiotransmitting capsulesto measure intestinal transit, Suppl. 1 .A44

RanitidineH. pyjlon eradication therapy compared with ranitidine maintenance

therapy in patients with chronic duodenal ulcer disease: a pro-spective pharmacoeconomic evaluation, Suppl. 1 .A5

Prospective randomised controlled study of the use of ranitidine inpatients with gastric cancer, Suppl. 1 .A4 1

Ranitidine bismuth citrate plus clarithromycin and tetracycline: aseven-day H. pylon eradication regimen, Suppl. 1 A5

Ranitidine treatment induces dyspepsia in previously asymptomatichealthy volunteers, Suppl. 1 .A3

Rectal bleedingColorectal cancer patients presenting with rectal bleeding have

earlier stage tumours and longer pre-diagnosis history,Suppl. 1 .A50

Community based open access nurse led flexible sigmoidoscopy forrectal bleeding, Suppl. 1 .A39

How many colorectal cancer patients might benefit from guidelinesto improve the management of rectal bleeding? Suppl. 1 .A50

Open-access flexible sigmoidoscopy for rectal bleeding,Suppl. 1 .A66

Rectal cancer, Comparison of endoanal magnetic resonance imagingand computerized tomography in the preoperative staging of lowrectal cancer, Suppl. 1 .A50

Rectal evacuatory disorders, The continent colonic conduitfor faecal incontinence and rectal evacuatory disorders,Suppl. 1 .A55

Rectal mucosa, Proliferative patterns of rectal mucosa as predictorsof advanced colonic neoplasms in routinely processed rectalbiopsies, Suppl. 1 .A48

Rectal tumours, Colonoscopic argon plasma coagulation for benignand malignant rectal tumours, Suppl. 1 .A39

Rectal visceral sensitivity, The menstrual cycle affects rectal vis-ceral sensitivity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome but nothealthy volunteers, Suppl. 1 .A52

Recto-anal inhibitory reflex, The recto-anal inhibitory reflex:abnormal response in diabetics suggests an intrinsic neuro-enteropathy, Suppl. 1 .A52

Rectocele, A prospective randomised trial of posterior colporrhaphyvs transanal repair of rectocele: an interim analysis, Suppl. 1 .A54

Recurrent epigastric pain, Gastric emptying and gastrointestinalregulatorv peptides in children with recurrent epigastric pain,Suppl. 1 .A43

Reflux esophagitis, Natural history of reflux esophagitis: a 5-yearfollow up study, Suppl. 1 .A32

Renal blood flow, Effect of TIPSS on renal blood flow in cirrhoticpatients, Suppl. 1 A1 5

Renal calcium oxalate calculi, Stone inhibitor/promotor ratio. Arisk factor for renal calcium oxalate calculi formation in inflam-matory bowel disease, Suppl. 1 .A26

Reverse transcriptase-PCR, Multiple blood sampling increases theprobability of identifying circulating tumour cells, Suppl. 1 .A49

Salmonella typhimurium, Effect of bromelain on Salmtioniella tj7phz-miunrium invasion in cultured human intestinal cells, Suppl. 1 .A75

Sapheno-peritoneal shunting, Sapheno-peritoneal shunting fordiuretic resistant ascites, Suppl. 1 .A29

Scintigraphy, Gastro-oesophageal reflux in patients fed by per-cutaneous endoscopic gastrostomv scintigraphic detection,Suppl. 1 .A20

Sepsis, A rapid qualitative technique for the in situ diagnosis ofcatheter related sepsis, Suppl. 1 .A76

Septic morbidity, Postoperative septic morbidity is related toseverity of illness at presentation and to preoperative colonisationof the proximal gastrointestinal tract, Suppl. 1 .A70

Serological screening, Serological screening before endoscopy: thevalue of HP serology, pepsinogen I and serum recognition of cagA, Suppl. L.A56

SerotoninDetection of intraluminal serotonin (5-HT) in patients with HIV-

related diarrhoea, Suppl. 1 .A9Paroxetine inhibits cholera toxin induced secretion by depleting

neuronal but not enterochromaffin cell 5-HT, Suppl. 1 .A9Sigmoidoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy - a patient's guide, Suppl. 1 .A82Simple clinical colitis activity index, Further verification of the

really useful simple colitis activity index, Suppl. 1 .A24Small bowel endoscopy, Therapeutic small bowel endoscopy,

Suppl. 1 .A40Small bowel juice disaccharide activity, Small bowel juice di-

saccharide activity in the pre-term infant, Suppl. 1 .A20Small bowel manometry, The spectrum of enteric dysmotility

revealed by prolonged small bowel manometry, Suppl. 1 .A4 1Small bowel transplantation, Ischaemia-reperfusion injury follow-

ing syngeneic small bowel transplantation induces apoptosis,Suppl. 1 A 0


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

Small intestinal crypt hyperplasia, Small intestinal crypt hyper-plasia in African tropical enteropathy, Suppl. 1 .A9

Small intestinal permeability, Intestinal permeability and absorp-tive capacity in patients receiving parenteral nutrition,Suppl. 1 A10

Smokers (smoking)Coeliac disease is associated with non-smoking and cessation of

smoking, Suppl. 1 A1 1Peripheral blood pro-inflammatory cytokine profile in active

inflammatory bowel disease differ between smokers and non-smokers, Suppl. 1 .A24

Smoking and appendicectomy in twins discordant for inflammatorybowel disease, Suppl. 1 .A25

Sodium phosphateRandomized trial of oral sodium phosphate compared with oralsodium picosulphate for elective colorectal surgery, Suppl. 1 .A54

Randomized trial of oral sodium phosphate compared with oralsodium picosulphate preparation of the colon for colonoscopy,Suppl. 1 .A40

Sodium picosulphateRandomized trial of oral sodium phosphate compared with oralsodium picosulphate for elective colorectal surgery, Suppl. 1 .A54

Randomized trial of oral sodium phosphate compared with oralsodium picosulphate preparation of the colon for colonoscopy,Suppl. 1.A40

South Glamorgan, Presentation and incidence of coeliac disease inSouth Glamorgan, Suppl.1.A1O

Soybean lectin, Soybean lectin stimulates cholecystokinin releasethrough calcium influx via L-type calcium channels,Suppl. 1 .A81

Speedband ligation, A prospective study of Speedband versusSteigmann-Goff in endoscopic ligation of oesophageal varices,Suppl. 1 A1 5

Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, Tachyoddia independent from theduodenal migrating motor complex may be a part of sphincterof Oddi dysfunction, Suppl. 1 .A43

Splanchnic circulation, Nitric oxide release in the splanchniccirculation of cirrhotic rats, Suppl. 1 .A14

Stapled versus sutured closure, Randomized controlled trial ofstapled versus sutured closure of loop ileostomies, Suppl. 1 .A54

Steigmann-Goff ligation, A prospective study of Speedband versusSteigmann-Goff in endoscopic ligation of oesophageal varices,Suppl. 1 .A1 5

StentsQuality of life following stent insertion in malignant oesophageal

stenosis: a randomised trial comparing metal and plastic stents,Suppl. 1 .A38

Use of self expandable stents in the treatment of benign pepticoesophageal strictures in the elderly, Suppl. 1 .A1

Steroids, Loss of bone mass in inflammatory bowel disease patientson long term steroids. Is there a safe limit? Suppl. 1 .A28

Stoma infections, Is a single dose of prophylactic antibiotics effec-tive in preventing stoma infections following PEG insertion,Suppl. 1 .A64

Stone inhibitor/promotor ratio, Stone inhibitor/promotor ratio. Arisk factor for renal calcium oxalate calculi formation in inflam-matory bowel disease, Suppl. 1.A26

Substance P, Inhibition of cholera toxin but not E. coli enterotoxin-induced secretion by substance P antagonist, Suppl. 1 .A9

SumatriptanFurther evidence that sumatriptan induced chest pain is oesoph-

ageal in origin: effect on oesophageal visceral sensation,Suppl. 1 .A3 1

Sumatriptan at the therapeutic dose alters oesophageal motility,Suppl. 1.A44

Supramucosal defence barrier, The supramucosal defence barrieris not altered in patients who have had recurrent pouchitis,Suppl. 1 .A56

SwallowingRate of spontaneous swallowing and improvement with exclusion

diet in irritable bowel syndrome, Suppl. 1 .A64Volitional swallowing modulates cortical swallowing pathways via

brainstem mediated interactions, Suppl. 1 .A42

T cells, Expression of a5 (CD49e) and a6 (CD49f) integrins onhuman colonic lamina propria T cells, Suppl. 1 .A73

Tachyoddia, Tachyoddia independent from the duodenal migratingmotor complex may be a part of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction,Suppl. 1 .A43

Tauro-urosdeoxycholic acid, Interferon sparing effect of adjuvanttauro-ursodeoxycholic acid for treatment of chronic hepatitis C:results on liver histology, Suppl. 1 .A16

Terminal ileum, Aphthous ulceration in the terminal ileum: whatis the significance? Suppl. 1 .A39

Tetracycline, Ranitidine bismuth citrate plus clarithromycin andtetracycline: a seven-day Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen,Suppl. l.A5

Thoracoscopic splanchnicectomyProspective audit of thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy in the man-agement of intractable upper abdominal pain, Suppl. l.A39

Thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy by minimally invasive technique,Suppl. l.A83

Thorascopy, Thorascopic assisted transhiatal oesophagectomy -

new lamps for old? Suppl. l.A35Throat spray, Patients' own perceptions of endoscopy under throat

spray, Suppl. l.A38TIMP-1 levels, Plasma TIMP-1 levels increase with severity of liver

disease in chronic hepatitis C, Suppl. l.A1 6TIPSS, Effect of TIPSS on renal blood flow in cirrhotic patients,

Suppl. l IA 5Tobacco extract, In inflammatory bowel disease IL-8 production

and tissue expression is modulated by nicotine and crude tobaccoextract, Suppl. l.A74

ToxinInhibition of cholera toxin but not E. coli enterotoxin-induced

secretion by substance P antagonist, Suppl. l.A9Paroxetine inhibits cholera toxin induced secretion by depleting

neuronal but not enterochromaffin cell 5-HT, Suppl. l.A9Tranexamic acid, Endoscopic stigmata, acid suppression, quality of

life and death from upper gastrointestinal bleeding, Suppl. l.A61Transanal repair, A prospective randomised trial of posterior col-

porrhaphy vs transanal repair of rectocele: an interim analysis,Suppl. l.A54

Transforming growth factor-a, Transforming growth factor-aincreases E-cadherin and 3-catenin binding to the actin-bundlingprotein fascin, Suppl. l.A76

Transforming growth factor-", Human colonic epithelial cellsdown-regulate IL-8 expression in human microvascular endo-thelial cells: role ofTGF-P, Suppl. l.A72

Transhiatal oesophagectomy, Thorascopic assisted transhiataloesophagectomy - new lamps for old? Suppl. l.A35

Transit, Intestinal transit and release characteristics of pancreatinenzyme microspheres, Suppl. l.A21

Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt, Effect ofTIPSS on renal blood flow in cirrhotic patients, Suppl. l A15

Triglycerides, A randomised double blind prospective study of longchain triglyceride (LCT), MCT/LCT and medium chain tri-glyceride (MCT) during parenteral nutrition, Suppl. l.A20

Tropical enteropathy, Small intestinal crypt hyperplasia in Africantropical enteropathy, Suppl. l.A9

Tucaresol, Beneficial in vitro effects of tucaresol on the immuneresponse to hepatitis C virus, Suppl. l.A30

Ulcerative colitisCytokine expression and relapse of ulcerative colitis: a prospective

study, Suppl. l.A28Double-blind, placebo controlled trial to determine the efficacy of

essential fatty acid supplementation in the treatment of ulcerativecolitis, Suppl. l.A22

Further verification of the really useful simple colitis activity index,Suppl. l.A24

Immunosuppressive therapy for ulcerative colitis - a survey of thepractice of British gastroenterologists, Suppl. l.A65

Limited exposure of left colon to daily dosed oral formulation inactive distal ulcerative colitis: explanation of poor response totreatment? Suppl. l.A28

Low bone mineral density is related to disease duration in Crohn'sdisease and to glucocorticoid treatment and male gender inulcerative colitis, Suppl. l.A26

Macroscopic and histological inactivity in ulcerative colitis sur-veillance: a good prognostic sign? Suppl. l.A23

Mucosal aminosalicylate levels correlate with clinical activity inpatients with ulcerative colitis, Suppl. l.A23

Randomised controlled trial of essential fatty acids in acuteulcerative colitis, Suppl. l.A23

UltrasoundAccuracy of digital examination, endoanal ultrasound and con-

centric needle electromyography in detecting anal sphincter,Suppl. l.A54

Prediction of resectability of gastric tumours using endoscopicultrasound, Suppl. 1 .A41

Upper abdominal pain, Prospective audit of thoracoscopic splanch-nicectomy in the management of intractable upper abdominalpain, Suppl. 1 .A39

Upper gastrointestinal bleedingCompletion of the audit cycle and its positive impact on themanagement of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in a Trust,Suppl. 1 .A62


Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

Endoscopic stigmata, acid suppression, quality of life and deathfrom upper gastrointestinal bleeding, Suppl. 1 .A61

How are patients presenting to Accident & Emergency with uppergastrointestinal bleeding managed? Suppl. 1.A61

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, A randomized trial of a 5-5mmvs 9-5mm diameter videogastroscope in unsedated upper GIendoscopy, Suppl.I.A57

Urological outpatient departments, High prevalence of irritablebowel syndrome in patients attending urological outpatientdepartments, Suppl. 1 .A65

Ursodeoxycholic acidHigh dose ursodeoxycholic acid in primary sclerosing cholangitis:

results after two years of a randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Suppl. 1 .A29

IgG, IgM, IgA heat shock protein antibodies in primary biliarycirrhosis: effect ofUDCA therapy, Suppl. 1 .A14

Prescribing habits in primary biliary cirrhosis - a national survey,Suppl.1 .A63

Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy for primary biliary cirrhosis: 10 years'population-based experience, Suppl. l.A14

Video education, Effective use ofvideo education in patients under-going gastroscopy, Suppl. 1 .A56

Videogastroscope, A randomized trial of a 5-5mm vs 9-5mmdiameter videogastroscope in unsedated upper GI endoscopy,Suppl. 1 .A57

Vi11i, Reversal of and protection against indomethacin-induced bloodstasis and mucosal damage by a ,B3-agonist in rat villi,Suppl. 1 .A71

Villous blood flow, Slowing of villous blood flow and focal micro-vascular distortion precede early indomethacin-induced histo-logical changes, Suppl. 1 .A71

Virtual reality, Correlation between colonoscopy and CT-basedvirtual reality endoscopy in the detection of space-occupyinglesions of the colon, Suppl. 1 .A83

Vitamin B deficiencies, B vitamin deficiencies may be common inthe acute inpatient population, Suppl. 1 .A21

Vitamin D analogues, Vitamin D analogues are more potentactivators of vitamin D response elements than the native hor-mone in colon cancer cells, Suppl. 1 .A78

Volitional swallowing, Volitional swallowing modulates corticalswallowing pathways via brainstem mediated interactions,Suppl. 1 .A42

Waf protein, Bcl-2 and waf protein expression in chronic liverdisease, Suppl. l.A14

Weight lossSerum leptin in inflammatory bowel disease: implications for the

pathogenesis of anorexia and weight loss, Suppl. 1 .A19Why do patients with weight loss have a worse outcome when

undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal malignancies?Suppl. 1 .A19

Wessex, Audit of the management of acute pancreatitis in Wessex,Suppl. 1 .A1 1

Whole gut lavage, Whole gut lavage inflammatory parameters inrecently constructed ileoanal pouches, Suppl. 1 .A55

Whole-gut transit time, The use of radiotransmitting capsules tomeasure intestinal transit, Suppl. 1 .A44


GutJ7ournal of the British Society of Gastroenterology

which is a registered charity

VOLUME 40 * 1997

Editor: Michael J G Farthing

Associate Editors: Michael J P Arthur, John Calam, Roger Chapman, Ian Forgacs (reviews, editorials)Michael A Kamm, Thomas T MacDonald

Managing Editor: Andrea Horgan Editorial Assistants: Michelle DimlerJulia Neary

EDITORIAL BOARDD Adams (UK)D Alderson (UK)C Arvanitakis (Greece)G Bianchi Porro (Italy)I Booth (UK)M Buchler (Switzerland)E Butruk (Poland)J Dent (Australia)G Dockray (UK)J Galmiche (France)J Heathcote (Canada)S Hubscher (UK)

P Jansen (The Netherlands)J Jass (New Zealand)G Krejs (Austria)S K Lam (Hong Kong)N Lemoine (UK)MM Levine (USA)0 Lundgren (Sweden)P Malfertheiner (Germany)J Neoptolemos (UK)D Rachmilewitz (Israel)D S Rampton (UK)J Rask-Madsen (Denmark)

P Rutgeerts (Belgium)G Sandle (UK)C Scarpignato (Italy)E Schrumpf (Norway)P Shorvon (UK)D Thompson (UK)G Tytgat (The Netherlands)B J R Whittle (UK)T Wright (UK)Shu-Dong Xiao (China)

R G Newcombe(Statistical adviser)

EditorBritish Medical _76ural


No 1 JANUARY 1997 Page Leading articles1 Role of cytokines and their inhibitors in acute pancreatitis Andrew Kingsnorth5 Regional expression of intestinal genes for nutrient absorption Charles J Shaw-Smith, Julian R F Walters

Helicobacter pylori9 Evaluation of Helicobacterpylori in reflux oesophagitis and Barrett's oesophagus M Newton, R Bryan,

WR Burnham, MA Kamm14 Effect of N"-methyl-histamine on acid secretion in isolated cultured rabbit parietal cells: implications for

Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and gastric physiology I L P Beales, J Calam20 Role of Helicobacter pylori surface structures in bacterial interaction with macrophages

M Chmiela, E Czkwianianc, T Wadstrom, WRudnicka25 Synthesis and activity of Helicobacter pylori urease and catalase at low pH P Bauerfeind, R Garner, B E Dunn,

H L T Mobley

Stomach31 Studies on gastric mucosal microcirculation. 1. The nature of regional variations induced by ethanol

injury N Kalia, NJ_ Brown, S Jacob, M WR Reed, KD Bardhan36 Efficacy of primed infusions with high dose ranitidine and omeprazole to maintain high intragastric pH in patients

with peptic ulcer bleeding: a prospective randomised controlled study J Labenz, U Peitz, C Leusing, B Tillenburg,A L Blum, G B6rsch

42 Cytokine effects on pepsinogen secretion from human peptic cells M T Serrano, A I Lanas, S Lorente, R Sainz49 Alcoholic beverages produced by alcoholic fermentation but not by distillation are powerful stimulants of gastric

acid secretion in humans S Teyssen, T Lenzing, G Gonzalez-Calero, A Korn, R L Riepl, M V Singer

Small intestine57 The trophic action of growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and insulin on human duodenal mucosa

cultured in vitro E E Wheeler, D N Challacombe61 Twenty years of childhood coeliac disease in The Netherlands: a rapidly increasing incidence? E K George,

M L Mearin, H CM Franken, R HJ Houwen, R A Hirasing, J P Vandenbroucke67 Enteral supplementation with omithine ct ketoglutarate improves the early adaptive response to resection

B Czernichow, E Nsi-Emvo, M Galluser, F Gossi, F Raul

Pancreas73 Increased expression of transforming growth factor ,Bs after acute oedematous pancreatitis in rats suggests a role in

pancreatic repair E Riesle, H Friess, L Zhao, M Wagner, W Uhl, K Baczako, L I Gold, M Korc, M WBichler80 Post-ERP pancreatitis as a model for cytokine induced acute phase response in acute pancreatitis H Messmann,

W Vogt, A Holstege, G Lock, A Heinisch, A von Fiurstenberg, H G Leser, H Zirngibl, J Scholimerich86 Role of endogenous nitric oxide in the control of exocrine and endocrine pancreatic secretion in humans

I W Konturek, K Hengst, E Kulesza, A Gabryelewicz, S _J Konturek, WDomschke

Biliary tract92 Fibrinolysis and the biliary tree D M Scott-Coombes, S A Whawell, E G Havranek, IN Thompson

Inflammatory bowel disease95 Gene expression of group II phospholipase A2 in intestine in ulcerative colitis MM Haapamaki, JM Gronroos,

H Nurmi, KAlanen, M Kallajoki, TJ Nevalainen102 Lack of effect of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associated with ulcerative colitis on superoxide anion

production from neutrophils P Gionchetti, M Vecchi, F Rizzello, M Ferretti, C Calabresi, A Venturi, MB Bianchi,C Brignola, R A Sinico, R De Franchis, M Miglioli, M Campieri

105 Antineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies against bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein in inflammatorybowel disease R S Walmsley, MH Zhao, M I Hamilton, A Brownlee, P Chapman, R E Pounder, A I Wakefield,CM Lockwood

Cancer110 Chemical and immunological testing for faecal occult blood in screening subjects at risk of familial colorectal

cancer L M Hunt, P S Rooney, K Bostock, M HE Robinson, Jt D Hardcastle, N C Armitage113 T cell receptor-c and granzyme B expression in mononuclear cell infiltrates in normal colon mucosa and colon

carcinoma WM C Mulder, E Bloemena, MJ Stukart, J A Kummer, J7 Wagstaff, R J Scheper120 DPC4 gene mutation in colitis associated neoplasia A TM S Hoque, S A Hahn, M Schutte, S E Kern123 Endoscopic treatment of early oesophageal or gastric cancer K Takeshita, M Tani, H Inoue, I Saeki, S Hayashi,

T Honda, F Kando, N Saito, M Endo

Liver128 Association between chronic hepatitis C infection and hepatocellular carcinoma in a Scottish population

G H Haydon, L MJarvis, P Simmonds, D J Hanison, 0 J Garden, P C Hayes133 Analysis ofArg-Gly-Asp mimetics and soluble receptor oftumour necrosis factor as therapeutic modalities for

concanavalin A induced hepatitis in mice R Bruck, H Shimn, R Hershkoviz, 0 Lider, G Kenet, H Aeed, Z Matas,L Zaidel, Z Halpern

139 Acute effect of low dose theophylline on the circulatory disturbances of cirrhosis E H Forrest, I A D Bouchier,P C Hayes

145 Differential gene expression of the three natriuretic peptides and natriuretic peptide receptor subtypes in humanliver A M Volimar, G Paumgartner, A L Gerbes

Commentaries151 Natriuretic peptides: are these new links in the hepatorenal connections? Florence Wong, Laurence Blendis153 Signals from lymphocytes in colon cancer RolfKiessling155 Letters to the editor Book review Note

158 Referees

No 2 FEBRUARY 1997 Leading articles161 Antimicrobial peptides in the gastrointestinal tract Y R Mahida, F Rose, WC Chan164 Central peptidergic control of gastric acid secretion I G Geoghegan, TN Pappas


Oesophagus167 Multivariate analysis of pathophysiological factors in reflux oesophagitis G Cadiot, A Bruhat, D Rigaud, T Coste,

A Vuagnat, Y Benyedder, T Vallot, D Le Guludec, M Mignon175 Superoxide anions produced by inflammatory cells play an important part in the pathogenesis of acid and pepsin

induced oesophagitis in rabbits M J Naya, D Pereboom, J Ortego, J 0 Alda, A Lanas182 The relationship between acid and bile reflux and symptoms in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease

R E K Marshall, A Anggiansah, WA Owen, WJ Owen188 Oesophageal manometry in the evaluation of megacolon with onset in adult life G Basilisco, P Velio, PA Bianchi

Stomach192 Open access gastroscopy: second survey of current practice in the United Kingdom J G Silcock, M G Bramble196 Epithelium related deposition of activated complement in Helicobacterpylori associated gastritis A E Berstad,

P Brandtzaeg, R Stave, T S Halstensen204 Healing with basic fibroblast growth factor is associated with reduced indomethacin induced relapse in a human

model of gastric ulceration MA Hull, A Knifton, B Filipowicz, J7 L Brough, G Vautier, C J Hawkey211 Chemical synthesis of nitric oxide in the stomach from dietary nitrate in humans GM McKnight, L M Smith,

R S Drummond, C W Duncan, M Golden, N Benjamin

Small intestine215 Is the sugar intestinal permeability test a reliable investigation for coeliac disease screening? C Catassi, E Fabiani,

I M Ratsch, A Bonucci, M Dotti, G V Coppa, P L Giorgi218 Assessing the quality of life of patients with intestinal failure on home parenteral nutrition D M Richards,

M H Irving223 Effect of bran, ispaghula, and inert plastic particles on gastric emptying and small bowel transit in humans: the

role of physical factors A McIntyre, RM Vincent, A C Perkins, R C Spiller

Inflammatory bowel disease228 Reduced bone density in patients with inflammatory bowel disease I Bjarnason, A Macpherson, C Mackintosh,

M Buxton-Thomas, I Forgacs, C Moniz234 Altered expression of mucins throughout the colon in ulcerative colitis J E Smithson, A Campbell, J M Andrews,

J D Milton, R Pigott, D PJewell241 Altered expression of a4 17, a gut homing integrin, by circulating and mucosal T cells in colonic mucosal

inflammation J Meenan, _ Spaans, TA Grool, S T Pals, G NJ Tytgat, S_ H van Deventer

Cancer247 Relation between gastric cancer and previous peptic ulcer disease R M Molloy, A Sonnenberg253 In vitro influence of Phaseolus vulgaris, Grnffonia simplicifolia, concanavalin A, wheat germ, and peanut agglutinins

on HCT-15, LoVo, and SW837 human colorectal cancer cell growth R Kiss, I Camby, C Duckworth,R De Decker, I Salmon, J-L Pasteels, A Danguy, P Yeaton

Pancreas262 Frequency and risk factors of recurrent pain during refeeding in patients with acute pancreatitis: a multivariate

multicentre prospective study of 1 16 patients P Levy, D Heresbach, EA Pariente, A Boruchowicz, R Delcenserie,B MiUlat, _t Moreau, L Le Bodic, L de Calan, M Barthet, A Sauvanet, P Bernades

267 Expression of peptide receptors in human endocrine tumours of the pancreas C Tang, I Biemond,C B H WLamers

Biliary tract and liver272 Endoscopic management of Mirizzi's syndrome R E England, D F Martin277 T cell responses to tuberculin purified protein derivative in primary biliary cirrhosis: evidence for defective T cell

function D Ejones, J M Palmer, M P Leon, SJ Yeaman, M F Bassendine, A G Diamond

Occasional viewpoint284 Mesalazine as a maintenance treatment in Crohn's disease: is it the long awaited solution? T Sahmoud, J Y Mary

Commentaries286 Recombinant peptides for gastrointestinal ulceration: still early days R J Playford288 Dietary nitrate: poison or panacea? P Vallance

289 Letters to the editor Book review Note

No 3 MARCH 1997 Leading articles291 Clinical relevance of hepatitis C virus genotypes P Simmonds294 Hepatitis G virus: identification, prevalence and unanswered questions P Karayiannis, H C Thomas

Helicobacter pylori297 Risk for gastric cancer in people with CagA positive or CagA negative Helicobacter pylori infection J Parsonnet,

G D Friedman, N Orentreich, H Vogelman302 The Helicobacterpylori breath test: a surrogate marker for peptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients

KE L McColl, A El-Nujumi, L Murray, E El-Omar, D GiUen, A Dickson, A Kelman, T E Hilditch

Inflammatory bowel disease307 Colonic muscle enhances the production of interleukin-l 1 messenger RNA in experimental colitis I Khan,

FM Al-Awadi313 Bone mineral density is reduced in patients with Crohn's disease but not in patients with ulcerative colitis: a

population based study JJahnsen, A Falch, E Aadland, P Mowinckel320 CD4 antibody treatment in patients with active Crohn's disease: a phase 1 dose finding study A Stronkhorst,

S Radema, S-L Yong, H Bijl, IJM ten Berge, G NJ_ Tytgat, SJ H van Deventer328 Inflammatory bowel disease: re-evaluation of the diagnosis in a prospective population based study in south

eastern Norway B Moum, A Ekbom, M H Vatn, E Aadland, J Sauar, I Lygren, T Schulz, N Stray, O Fausa

Immunology333 Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes have a promiscuous interleukin-8 receptor A I Roberts, M Bilenker,

E C Ebert339 Apical effect of diosmectite on damage to the intestinal barrier induced by basal tumour necrosis factor-a

L Mahraoui, M Heyman, 0 Plique, M T Droy-Lefaix, 7F Desjeux

Neoplasia344 Effects of sulindac on sporadic colorectal adenomatous polyps N Matsuhashi, A Nakajima, Y Fukushima,

Y Yazaki, T Oka


350 Carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater: prognostic factors after curative surgery: a series of 45 cases A Dorandeu,J-L Raoul, F Siriser, N Leclercq-Rioux, M Gosselin, E D Martin, M-P Ramie, B Launois

356 Detection and monitoring of serum p53 antibodies in patients with colorectal cancer P Hammel, B Boissier,M-T Chaumette, P Piedbois, N Rotman, J-C Kouyoumdjian, R Lubin, J-C Delchier, T Soussi

362 Radiotherapy enhances laser palliation of malignant dysphagia: a randomised study I R Sargeant, J S Tobias,G Blackman, S Thorpe, J R Glover, S G Bown

Motility370 Characterisation of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter in healthy premature infants TI Oman,

K Miki, G Davidson, R Fraser, R Haslam, W Goldsworthy, M Bakewell, J Dent376 Stimulation of ,B-adrenoceptors with isoprenaline inhibits small intestinal activity fronts and induces a

postprandial-like motility pattern in humans M Thollander, TH Svensson, PM Hellstrom381 Outcome of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in patients with disordered preoperative peristalsis R J Baigrie,

D I Watson, J C Myers, G G Jamieson

Pancreas386 Pathophysiological role of type I and II phospholipase A2 in acute pancreatitis: an experimental study in rats

W Uhl, H-J Schrag, N Schmitter, TJr Nevalainen, J3 Aufenanger, A M Wheatley, M W BuchlerNutrition

393 Two phase randomised controlled clinical trial of postoperative oral dietary supplements in surgical patientsA M Keele, MJ Bray, P W Emery, H D Duncan, D B A Silk

Colon400 Oxidation of short and medium chain C2-C8 fatty acids in Sprague-Dawley rat colonocytes J R Jorgensen,

M R Clausen, P B Mortensen406 Colonic wall thickness measured by ultrasound: striking differences in patients with cystic fibrosis versus healthy

controls H P Haber, N Benda, G Fitzke, A Lang, M Langenberg, J Riethmiller, M Stern

Liver412 Gastric and gall bladder emptying of a mixed meal are not coordinated in liver cirrhosis - a simultaneous

sonographic study M Acalovschi, D L Dumitra,cu, I Csakany418 Decreased plasma and tissue isoleucine levels after simulated gastrointestinal bleeding by blood gavages in chronic

portacaval shunted rats S WM Olde Damink, C H C Dejong, N E P Deutz, P B Soeters

Case report425 Whipple's disease: comparison of histology with diagnosis based on polymerase chain reaction in four consecutive

cases C Miller, D Petermann, C Stain, H Riemer, H Vogelsang, P Schnider, K Zeiler, F Wrba

Occasional viewpoint428 'Tropical sprue': some early investigators favoured an infective cause, but was a coccidian protozoan involved?

G C Cook

Commentary430 Discouraging colonic polyps C B Williams

431 Letters to the editor Book reviews Notes

No 4 APRIL 1997 Leading articles435 Regulation of intestinal non-haem iron absorption Martin Lombard, Eddy Chua, Paul O'Toole440 Autoimmunecholangitis jenny Heathcote

Review443 Tumour necrosis factor and Crohn's disease S J H van Deventer

Oesophagus449 Effect of intraduodenal fat on lower oesophageal sphincter function and gastro-oesophageal reflux

R H Holloway, E Lyrenas, A Ireland, J Dent

Helicobacter pylori454 Comparison of serum, salivary, and rapid whole blood diagnostic tests for Helicobacterpylori and their validation

against endoscopy based tests T G Reilly, V Poxon, D S A Sanders, T SJ Elliott, R P Walt459 A citric acid solution is an optimal test drink in the '3C-urea breath test for the diagnosis of Helicobacterpylori

infection J E Dominguez-Munioz, A Leodolter, T Sauerbruch, P Malfertheiner463 Mucosal expression and luminal release of epidermal and transforming growth factors in patients with duodenal

ulcer before and after eradication of Helicobacterpylori P Ch Konturek, H Ernst, SJ Konturek, A J Bobrzy?iski,G Faller, C Klingler, E G Hahn

Inflammatory bowel disease470 Treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitor oxpentifylline does not improve corticosteroid dependent chronic

active Crohn's disease J Bauditz, J Haemling,M Ortner, H Lochs, A Raedler, S Schreiber475 In vitro effects of oxpentifylline on inflammatory cytokine release in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

J7M Reimund, S Dumont, C D Muller, JfS Kenney, M Kedinger, R Baumann, P Poindron, B Duclos481 Pancreatic autoantibodies in Crohn's disease: a family study F Seibold, H Mork, S Tanza, A Muller, C Holzhuter,

P Weber, M Scheurlen485 Short chain fatty acid rectal irrigation for left-sided ulcerative colitis: a randomised, placebo controlled trial

R I Breuer, KH Soergel, B A Lashner,M L Christ, S B Hanauer, A Vanagunas, JM Hang, A Keshavarzian,M Robinson, JfH Sellin, D Weinberg, D E Vidican, KL Flemal, A W Rademaker

Coeliac disease492 Down's syndrome is strongly associated with coeliac disease L Gale, H Wimalaratna, A Brotodiharijo,

JM DugganInfection

497 Increasing the intestinal resistance of rats to the invasive pathogen Salmonella enteritidis: additive effects of dietarylactulose and calcium IM3JBovee-Oudenhoven, D SM L Termnont, PJ Heidt, R Van der Meer

505 Effect of shigella enterotoxin 1 (ShETl) on rabbit intestine in vitro and in vivo A Fasano, F R Noriega,FM Liao, W Wang,MM Levine

Cancer512 Micrometastases: marker of metastatic potential or evidence of residual disease? G C O'Sullivan, J K CoUlins,

J Kelly, J Morgan, M Madden, F Shanahan


516 Differential expression of oestrogen receptor and oestrogen inducible genes in gastric mucosa and cancerS Singh, R Poulsom, NA Wright, M C Sheppard, MJ S Langman

521 APC gene mutations and extraintestinal phenotype of familial adenomatous polyposis F M Giardiello,GM Petersen, S Piantadosi, S B Gruber, EI Traboulsi, G J A Offerhaus, K Muro, A Jr Krush, S V Booker, M C Luce,S J7 Laken, K WKinzler, B Vogelstein, SR Hamilton

Pancreas526 Influence of changes in pancreatic tissue morphology and capillary blood blow on antibiotic tissue concentrations

in the pancreas during the progression of acute pancreatitis Th Foitzik, H G Hotz, M Kinzig, F Sorgel, HJ Buhr531 Combined treatment with C1 esterase inhibitor and antithrombin III improves survival in severe acute

experimental pancreatitis H Yamaguchi, H Weidenbach, H Luhrs, MM Lerch, G Dickneite, G Adler536 Effect of chronic endogenous hypergastrinaemia on pancreatic growth and carcinogenesis in the hamster M Chu,

E Kuilman, J F Rehfeld, K Borch541 Topical glyceryl trinitrate relaxes the sphincter of Oddi WLuman, A Pryde, R C Heading, KR Palmer

Liver544 Acquired C3 deficiency in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis predisposes to infection and increased mortality

C Homann, K Varming, K Hogdsen, T E Mollnes, N Graudal, A C Thomsen, P Garred

Case report550 Granulomatous gastritis in Wegener's disease: differentiation from Crohn's disease supported by a positive test for

antineutrophil antibodies B Temmesfeld-Wollbrueck, C Heinrichs, A Szalay, WSeeger

Occasional viewpoint554 Video education and evidence in endoscopy Andrew Hart, Margaret Mayberny, John Mayberry

Commentaries555 Micrometastases: are they clinically significant disease? H3' NAndreyev, D Cunningham557 Antibody 'markers' in Crohn's disease: opportunity or overstatement? Fergus Shanahan559 Oxpentifylline, tumour necrosis factor-a and Crohn's disease Thomas T MacDonald

560 Letters to the editor Book reviews Notes

No 5 MAY 1997 Editorial563 Reporting of clinical trials in Gut: the CONSORT statement M J G Farthing, R G Newcombe

Leading articles565 Laparoscopic surgery for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease D Alderson, C R B Welbourn568 Hepatitis B Virus infection and liver transplantation NA Terrault, T L Wright572 The genetics of inflammatory bowel disease J Satsangi, D P_Jewell, J I Bell

Oesophagus575 Cholecystokinin in transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation due to gastric distension in humans

J Boulant, S Mathieu, M D'Amato, A Abergel, M Dapoigny, G Bommelaer582 Reappraisal of bicarbonate secretion by the human oesophagus A Mertz-Nielsen, J Hillingso, K Bukhave,

J Rask-Madsen587 Double blind cross-over placebo controlled study of omeprazole in the treatment of patients with reflux symptoms

and physiological levels of acid reflux - the "sensitive oesophagus" R G P Watson, T C K Tham, B T_tohnston,N I McDougall

Stomach591 Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection favourably affects gastric mucosal superoxide dismutases JM Gdtz,

J L Thio, H W Verspaget, G JA Offerhaus, I Biemond, C B H WLamers, R A Veenendaal597 The inhibitory effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) 7-36 amide on gastric acid secretion in humans depends

on an intact vagal innervation A Wettergren, M Wojdemann, S Meisner, F Stadil, JJ3t Holst

Small bowel602 L-arginine in low concentration improves rat intestinal water and sodium absorption from oral rehydration

solutions R A Wapnir, MA Wingertzahn, S Teichberg608 Intestinal tolerability of nitroxybutyl-flurbiprofen in rats S Somasundaram, S Rafi, M _tacob, G Sigthorsson,

TMahmud, R Sherwood, A B Price, A Macpherson, D Scott, JtM Wnigglesworth, I Bjarnason614 Daytime and night time motor activity of the small bowel after solid meals of different caloric value in humans

J v Schornfeld, D F Evans, D L WingateInflammatory bowel disease

619 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with emergency admission to hospital for colitis due toinflammatory bowel disease

_MM Evans, A D McMahon, FE Murray, D G McDevitt, TM MacDonald

623 Lack of association between an interleukin-1 recepor antagonist gene polymorphism and ulcerative colitisU T Hacker, M Gomolka, E Keller, A Eigler, C Folwaczny, H Fricke, E Albert, K Loeschke, S Endres

628 Treatment of ulcerative colitis in the cottontop tamarin using antibody to tumour necrosis factor alphaP E Watkins, B F Warren, S Stephens, P Ward, R Foulkes

634 Changes in barrier function of a model intestinal epithelium by intraepithelial lymphocytes require new proteinsynthesis by epithelial cells C T Taylor, A Murphy, D Kelleher, A WBaird

Motility641 Gastrointestinal motoer mechanisms in hyperglycaemia induced delayed gastric emptying in type I diabetes

mellitus M Samsom, L MA Akkermans, R _r A _Jebbink, H van Isselt, G P vanBerge-Henegouwen, A J PM Smout

Cancer647 Clinical significance of serum p53 antigen in patients with pancreatic carcinomas H Suwa, G Ohshio, N Okada,

Z Wang, M Fukumoto, T Imamura, M Imamura654 Allele loss, replication errors and loss of expression of E-cadherin in colorectal cancers M Ilyas, I PM Tomlinson,

A Hanby, I C Talbot, WF Bodmer660 High frequency of K-ras mutations in human colorectal hyperplastic polyps K Otori, Y Oda, K Sugiyama,

T Hasebe, K Mukai, T Fujii, H Tajiri, S Yoshida, S Fukushima, H Esumi

Liver and biliary tract664 Reduction in renal blood flow following acute increase in the portal pressure: evidence for the existence of a

hepatorenal reflex in man? R _ralan, E H Forrest, D N Redhead, J7 F Dillon, P C Hayes671 A prospective evaluation of cytology from biliary strictures J C Mansfield, S M Gnffin, V Wadehra,

K Matthewson


678 Fluoroscopically guided laser lithotripsy versus extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for retained bile duct stones:a prospective randomised study R Jakobs, H E Adamtlek, M Mazer, M Krdmer, C Benz, WR Maruini, Y F Riemiann

Case reports683 Molecular analysis ofT cell receptor variability in a patient with orofacial granulomatosis S H Lim, P Stephens,

Q-X Cao, S Coleman, D W Thomas687 "Golf ball liver": agent orange hepatitis C Leonard, C M Burke, C O'Keane, Y S Doyle689 Familial hyperamylasaemia P M Cuckow, A Y Foo, A Yanmal, M D Stringer

Commentaries691 Metaplastic (hyperplastic) polyps of the large bowel: benign neoplasms after all? G T Williams693 Human oesophageal bicarbonate secretion: a phenomenon waiting for a role C M Brown, WD W Recs

695 Letters to the editor Book reviews

No 6 JUNE 1997 Leading articles697 Endoscopic sphincterotomy in the young patient: is there cause for concern? T C K Thamll, C L Catrr-Locke,

Y S A Collins701 The clinical relevance of strain types of Helicobacter p/lon' C Atherton

Review704 Trauma and the gut: interactions between stressful experience and intestinal function R Stain,

L M A Akkermians, V M Wiegant

Oesophagus710 Short segment Barrett's oesophagus: prevalence, diagnosis and associations S iNandurkar, NJ Talley, CY Martinl,

THK Ng, S Adamiis

Stomach and duodenum716 Decision analysis in the management of duodenal adenomatosis in familial adenomatosis polyposis H FA l/asenl,

S Bulow, T Mvrhoj, L Mathus- Vliegen, G Griffioen, E Buskens, B G Taal, F Nagengast, Y FM Slors, P de Rioter720 Reduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced gastric injury and leucocyte endothelial adhesion by

octreotide YM Scheimian, A Tillner, TPohl, A Oldenburg, SAnlgenrmller, E Gorlach, G Enigel, KH Usadel.K Kuisterer

Helicobacter pylori726 Effects of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy on hvperammonaemia in patients with liver cirrhosis HMillvai,

S Ito, TAzumna, Y Ito, Y Yamiazaki, Y Ohtaki, F Sato, M Hirai, M Kuryamla, Y Kohli731 In vitro evaluation of the role of antibodies against Helicobacter pylon in inhibiting adherence of the organism to

gastnc cells M Clyne, ] Thonmas, L Weaver, B Drumm

Immunology739 Gastric mucosal secretion of interleukin-10: relations to histopathology, Helicobacterpvlori status and tumour

necrosis factor-n secretion K Bodger, YI Wyatt, R VHeatley745 Colonoscopic allergen provocation (COLAP): a new diagnostic approach for gastrointestinal food allergy

S C Bischoff, YI Mayer, ] Wedemeyer, P NMeier, G Zeck-Knapp, B Wedi, A Knapp, Y Cetin, M Gebel, M P Manns

Inflammatory bowel disease754 Pre-illness dietary factors in inflammatory bowel disease S Reif, I Klein, F Lubinl, M Farbsteini, A Hallak, T Gilat761 Renal tubular dysfunction in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with aminosalicvlate S Schreiber,

3rHdmling, E Zehnter, S Howaldt, W Daerr, A Raedler, W Kruis767 Neurochemical coding in the small intestine of patients with Crohn's disease A Belai, P B Boullos, T Robson,

G Burnstock775 Rectal corticosteroids versus alternative treatments in ulcerative colitis: a meta-analysis Y K Marshall, EF] Irile

Colon782 Histochemistry of the surface mucous gel layer of the human colon KMatsuo, H Ota, TAkamiatsu, A Sugilvamla,

T Katsuyama

Motility790 Contribution of gastrointestinal transit and pouch characteristics in determining pouch function PA Goldberg,

M A Kamm, R J Nicholls, G Momrs, KE Britton

Pancreas794 Activation of cellular immune response in acute pancreatitis A Mora, M Perez-Mateo, Y A i'iedma, F Carballo,

J Sanchez-Paya, G Liras797 Erratum

Liver798 Prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation in hepatic and portal vein thrombosis A E A Mahiniouid, E Elias,

N Beauchamp, Y T Wilde

Case report801 Enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma presenting as an isolated CNS lymphoma three vears after diagnosis of

coeliac disease: T cell receptor polymerase chain reaction studies failed to show the original enteropathv to be aclonal disorder A N yTutt, M Brada, SA SampsonCommentaries

804 Short answer in short segment Barrett's oesophagus A Ireland, T R deMeester805 Helicobacter pyloi, ammonia and the brain SD Taylor-Robinson, NJackson, C Bucklev807 Colonic mucus and ulcerative colitis YM Rhodes

809 Book reviews Notes

811 Volume 40: Author Index - Main Headings

814 Volume 40: Subject Index - Main Headings824 Volume 40: Author Index - Supplement827 Volume 40: Subject Index - Supplement

Volume 40: Contents

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