Guy Alfassi - CSA Conference Highlights

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Highlights of the CSA Conference Orlando, Nov. 2010

 Guy  Alfassi  



•  14:00 Registration, networking and general chaos •  14:20 Highlights of the CSA event in Orlando - Guy Alfassi, General Manager,

Alfa Consulting •  14:40 CCSK - Ariel Litvin, Technology Innovation Leader, PWC •  14:50 The Technology Showcase Wiki - Iftach Amit, VP Business

Development, Security Art •  15:00 Security management to, for, and from the cloud - Oded Tsur, Senior

Solution Strategist, CA •  15:30 Short break •  15:50 OWASP Israel & Introduction to OWASP Top 10- Ofer Maor, CTO -

Hacktics & Chairman - OWASP Israel •  16:20 Practical Enterprise use cases of data protection in the cloud - Guy

Bejerano, Chief Security Officer, LivePerson •  16:50 Virtual Private SaaS - the solution to data privacy and data compliance

issues in SaaS - Dr. David Movshovitz, CTO, Navajo Systems

About CSA Formed in 2008 as a non-profit organization. Objectives: •  Promote a common level of understanding

•  Promote research

•  Awareness

•  Create consensus lists and guidance.

CSA Members

CSA Research

•  Cloud Control Matrix

•  Top threats to Cloud Computing

•  Guidance for Identity and Access Management

•  Application Security Whitepaper

How to get there

Managed through a LinkedIn group:

Cloud Security Alliance

CSA Israel •  An Israeli chapter of the CSA, formalized in June 2010.

•  Our focus:

–  Cloud Security technology innovations –  localization of Cloud Security best practices

–  LinkedIn group:

Join CSA at , And then request to join our chapter.

About the conference

First independent global event for CSA 2 days, 4 tracks , 32 presentations, 4 keynotes Hundreds of participants from all over the world  

About the conference

Keynotes were very insightful and surprisingly not own-company-oriented.

About the conference

•  General impression: Vendors, clients and regulators are highly interested in cloud security.

•  Some might actually try it sometime.


•  Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program

•  Providing a standard approach to Assessing and Authorizing (A&A) cloud computing services and products.

FedRAMP – Applicability to Israel

•  The standard itself does not apply here.

•  The need for such a standard exists.

•  A call to action to government / the private sector : Let’s do our own version / adopt FedRamp !

Quantum Datum

Information Centric Security for Cloud Computing

Rich Mogull, Securossis

Quantum Datum

•  An analogy between quantum mechanics and cloud computing

•  Quantum: The minimum unit of a physical entity.

•  Datum: the singular form of Data. A single piece of information.

Quantum Mechanics

•  Quantum mechanics looks at the particle, and tries to explain its behavior.

•  Wave- Particle duality

•  The uncertainty principle: Heisenberg principle

Why is this relevant? •  The perimeter shrinks to the size of a datum.

•  Datum can be in multiple places at the same time, and have different security levels.

•  A breach for one instance of the datum affects other instances.

•  Leakage can occur even when the probability is low.

What can we do?

•  Use data labeling.

•  Use data encryption according to security needs.

•  Implement DLP and DRM in our architecture.