Gynie process journal report compilation

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Better Cities of the Future


Chia Keh Chian | 0322062

FNBE JAN 2015 | Taylor’s University

Chia Keh Chian | 0322062 | Ms Dee | FNBE JAN 2015 | Taylor’s University1

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Content:1. A City

2. Investigation on Better City Guidelines and

3. Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient and old

4. Investigation & Data Collection: The present city/cities

5. Investigation & Data Collection: The future city/cities

6. Information about the city location and

7. All about The New “X” City / Or the new name

8. All about The Pamphlet

9. References list

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

A CITY [sit-ee] 

Definition : highest forms of social organization an inhabited place of greater size and population. Large, important, permanent human settlement

Examples : London Tokyo Rome

Origin :Middle English citie large or small town, from Anglo-French cité, from Medieval Latin civitat-, civitas, from Latin, citizenship, state, city of Rome, from civis citizen. First Known Use: 13th century

Components : road systems transportation building laws markets business center sports events food distribution educational systems sanitation utilities land usage housing area public space

3 critical aspects of cities : Economy Environment community

Sustainable City

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• efficient transportation systems that encourage use of public roads, minimizing energy consumption for transportation

• well-developed infrastructure that include water supply systems, sewage treatment, waste recycling, health care facilities, education, and energy supplies, maintaining high qualities of life

• maximized alternative energy sources, including solar and wind power, reducing dependencies on fossil fuels

• mixes of land uses that put workplaces near homes, minimizing commuting and higher densities

• heterogeneous mixes of housing types, from affordable to luxury, meeting the needs of community members

• high qualities of life through the development of civic amenities, such as green spaces and cultural centres.

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high qualities of life through the development of civic amenities

heterogeneous mixes of

housing types

mixes of land uses

maximized alternative

energy sources



Effective transportation


Sustainable City

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Comparison between more sustainable & less sustainable cities

More Sustainable Less SustainableCompact forms of residential Development.

Low-density, spread-out residential development.

Mixed land use; homes, jobs and shopping in close proximity/TD.

Segregation of land uses: homes, jobs and shopping separated into uniform tracts or concentrations.

Employment based primarily on education and skills.

Employment based primarily on environment polluting or non-renewable resource based industry.

Movement on foot and by bicycle and transit. Heavy dependence on private cars.

Wind and solar energy. Thermal and nuclear energy.

Tertiary treatment of sewage; use of natural means of sewage treatment.

Discharge of sewage into water bodies or water-courses untreated or with low level of treatment.

Protection and use of natural hydrologic systems.

Hard surfaces preventing infiltration; channeling natural water-courses.

Natural open space; protection of wetlands, woodlands, stream valleys, habitat, etc.; use of manure, compost, integrated pest management, etc.

Destruction of natural landscape; "manicured" parkland with exotic species; heavy use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides.

Reduction of waste; recovery, re-use and recycling of waste materials.

Landfills, incinerators.

Investigation on

Better City Guidelines and Issues

An attractive city includes :

Variety and order – Bulidings should be uniform in appearance and layout – to a


Visible life – “There are streets that are dead and streets that are alive. And in general, we

crave the live ones.”

Compactness – “All the most beautiful compact cities have squares… The ideal square must

offer a sense of containment not claustrophobia.”

Orientation and mystery – “By definition, cities are HUGE. But the cities that a lot of people

love also have lots of little backstreets and small lanes where you can feel cozy and get a bit


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Scale – “Modern cities are all about BIG things. Joseph Campbell once wrote, ‘If you want to

see what a society really believes in, look at what the biggest buildings on the horizon are

dedicated too…’ The ideal height for any city block is 5 stories high – no more… Of course,

occasionally there can be a huge building, but lets keep that for something really special –

something all of humanity can love.”

A sense of the local – “Buildings shouldn’t look all the same because their cultural and

geographic qualities are different.”

A good city to walk in and to stay in for a while includes:

room to walk with dignity, integrity and without overcrowding

comfortable climatic conditions – sun and shade depending on the season and protection

from the wind

pleasant facades at street level to stroll alongside and observe

good conditions for people with disabilities and people with prams

clear structure in the pedestrian system – it should be easy to find your way around

a pedestrian system that connects important destinations

ability to promenade through the city

good walking rhythm with few interruptions

few and short waiting times at intersections

many well-placed benches

widespread secondary seating – such as steps and edges of planter boxes

well-situated cafes and outdoor restaurants

beautiful and effective lighting.

A good city for social and cultural exchanges includes:

space for cultural activities and communication

space for street theatre, clowns and jesters, music and small-scale commercial activities

democratic public spaces for all.

A good city for talking, watching and experiencing includes:

low level of noise and few disturbances

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

intimate public spaces

fine views and good details

interesting facades, window displays and exhibits

a lively, diverse and safe city to move around in

a wide variety of uses both day and night

residences to ensure a 24 hour city

educational institutions to ensure life and vitality

open in the evenings with lit window displays

safe places and streets day and night.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Investigation & Data Collection:

Ancient and old cities

Derinkuyu ('Deep Well'): Melagobia, Malakopi.

The largest of the Cappadocia underground complexes is multi-storey (18 storeys, 85m deep), with fresh flowing water, ventilation shafts and individually separated living quarters or 'apartments', shops, communal rooms, wells, tombs, arsenals and escape routes.It has the potential to house up to 20,000 people. The complex was air conditioned throughout, with 52 air shafts discovered so far, one of which is 55m deep.. some wells were not connected with the surface, presumably in order to protect the dwellers from poisoning during raids.

Underground City Features

Deepest of the discovered underground cities with eight floors – reaching depths of 280

feet (85m)

Excavation is incomplete but archaeologists estimate Derinkuyu could contain up to 18

subterranean levels.

Miles of tunnels are blackened from centuries of burning torches. They were strategically

carved narrow to force would-be invaders to crawl single-file.

Chia Keh Chian | 0322062 | Ms Dee | FNBE JAN 2015 | Taylor’s University8

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Eventually the tunnels reach hundreds of caves large enough to shelter tens of thousands

of people.

churches, food stores, livestock stalls, wine cellars, and schools, temporary graveyards, an

ironic twist, bodies were stored underground until it was safe to return them the surface.

Over one hundred unique entrances to Derinkuyu are hidden behind bushes, walls, and

courtyards of surface dwellings. Access points were blocked by large circular stone doors,

up to 5 feet (1.5m) in diameter and weighing up to 1,100 lbs (500 kilos).

The stone doors protected the underground city from surface threats, and were installed so

each level could be sealed individually. The tunneling architects included thousands of

ventilation shafts varying in size up to 100 feet deep (30m).

circular stones would seal access to the passageways (courtesy thingshappendownhere)

An underground river filled wells while a rudimentary irrigation system transported drinking water.

Derinkuyu was more than just residences, storage, and tunnels. When residents fled underground,

business continued as usual. Commercial spaces included communal meeting areas, dining rooms,

grocers, religious places for worship – even shopping.

Arsenals stored weapon caches while hidden escape routes offered residents a last-chance for a



Chia Keh Chian | 0322062 | Ms Dee | FNBE JAN 2015 | Taylor’s University9

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Unique to Derinkuyu

On the second floor a barrel-vaulted ceiling tops a spacious room believed to have been a religious

school. Rooms to the left provided individual studies.

A staircase between the third and fourth levels takes visitors to a cruciform church measuring

approximately 65 x 30 ft (20m x 9m) in size.

A large 180-ft

(55m) shaft (pictured above) was likely used as the primary well – both for residents underground

and on the surface. To prevent any surface aggressor attempt to poison drinking water, control of

the water supply originated from the lower floors and moved upward, with lower floors able to cut-

off supply to upper levels.

On the third level a 3 mile-long (5 km) tunnel connected Derinkuyu to nearby underground

city Kaymakli – although it is no longer functioning as parts of this tunnel have collapsed.

Chia Keh Chian | 0322062 | Ms Dee | FNBE JAN 2015 | Taylor’s University10

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Investigation & Data Collection:

The present city/cities

Tokyo City, Japan.

Greater Tokyo is the world's most populous metropolitan area and is the center of Japanese culture, finance, and government. A bustling cosmopolitan city, Tokyo is also a major transportation hub and a world economic and industrial center. The city boasts a large number of world-class institutions of higher education, the highest concentration of universities in Japan. Tokyo was known as Edo until 1868, when the Japanese imperial family was moved there from Kyoto. Metropolitan Tokyo is generally defined as the four prefectures of Tokyo, Saitaima, Kanagawa, and Chiba, while the city of Tokyo proper usually refers to the 23 wards in Tokyo prefecture itself. The metropolitan area includes the major cities of Yokohama (the second largest city in Japan), Kawasaki, and Chiba, as well as rural mountain regions west of the city, the Izu Islands outside Tokyo Bay, and the Bonin Islands to the southeast in the Pacific Ocean.

City ProperPopulation: 11,781,000Area: 2,820 sq km (1,090 sq mi)Ethnic composition: 98% Japanese; Others<1% (Korean; Chinese; Southeast Asian; British; American; Brazilian; Peruvian)

Metropolitan AreaPopulation: 28,025,000Description: comprised of the four prefectures of the Kanto region: Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and ChibaWorld population rank 1: 1Percentage of national population 2: 22.2%

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Average yearly growth rate: 0.8%

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

Investigation & Data Collection:

The future city/citiesThe Earthscraper, designed by BNKR Arquitectura, is the Skyscraper’s antagonist in the historic urban landscape of Mexico City where the latter is condemned and the preservation of the built environment is the paramount ambition. It preserves the iconic presence of the city square and the existing hierarchy of the buildings that surround it. More images and architects’ description after the break.

aerial view

The Historic Center of Mexico City is composed of different layers of cities superimposed on top of

each other. When the Aztecs first came into the Valley of Mexico they built their pyramids on the lake

they found there. When a new and bigger pyramid was conceived and the Aztec Empire grew in size

and power, they did not search for a new site, they just built on it and around the existing one. In this

manner, the pyramids are composed of different layers of historical periods.

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main section

When the Spanish arrived in America and ultimately conquered the Aztecs, they erected their

Christian temples atop their pyramids. Eventually their whole colonial city was built on top of the Aztec

one. In the 20th century, many colonial buildings were demolished and modern structures raised on

the existing historic foundations. So in a way, Mexico City is like a massive layered cake: a modern

metropolis built on the foundations of a colonial city that was erected on top of the ancient pyramids

that were constructed on the lake.

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empty plaza

The main square of Mexico City, known as the “Zocalo”, is 57,600 m2 (240m x 240m), making it one

of the largest in the world. It is bordered by the Cathedral, the National Palace and the City

Government buildings. A flagpole stands at its center with an enormous Mexican flag ceremoniously

raised and lowered each day. This proved as the ideal site for the Earthscraper: an inverted

skyscraper that digs down through the layers of cities to uncover our roots.

communal space

The design is an inverted pyramid with a central void to allow all habitable spaces to enjoy natural

lighting and ventilation. To conserve the numerous activities that take place on the city square year

round (concerts, political manifestations, open-air exhibitions, cultural gatherings, military parades.),

Chia Keh Chian | 0322062 | Ms Dee | FNBE JAN 2015 | Taylor’s University15

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Process Journal Report Compilation | Pamphlet & Model Representation

the massive hole will be covered with a glass floor that allows the life of the Earthscraper to blend with

everything happening on top.

Architect: BNKR Arquitectura

Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Partners: Esteban Suárez (Founding Partner), Sebastián Suárez

Project Leader: Arief Budiman

Project Team: Arief Budiman, Diego Eumir, Guillermo Bastian, Adrian Aguilar

Collaborators: Jorge Arteaga, Zaida Montañana, Santiago Becerra

Area: 775,000 m2

Status: Competition

Photography: Sebastian Suárez

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Information about the

C ity location and site

1. site (what are the characteristic, condition and what will be the consideration to build at this area? And some inspirational images or research – do you have a site for your city.. do u have a drawing plan?)

Underground city :

Characteristics :

Conditions :

Consideration :

Inspiration : Mexico

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All about The New Vin- City

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All about The Pamphletpamphlet

A pamphlet is an unbound booklet (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of a

single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourths (called

a leaflet), or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in half and saddle stapled at the crease

to make a simple book. Its purposes are:

business communications.

To educate, inform, persuade, or entertain your intended audience.

To mobilize people to support your cause.

To advertise a meeting or specific event.

To popularize your slogans and messages.

What makes a good pamphlet/ brochure?

1. Appropriate formatright medium for the message and type of product

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2. White space

well-balanced white space - aesthetics and readability.

3. Quality printing

- physical product that people will hold in their hands.

- Letterpress: the inked (or not inked) parts are pressed into the paper, thus creating a nice look and feel.

- Die Cut: irregular shapes created by cutting in the paper

- Varnish: a varnish layer that adds a glossy effectAppropriate format - easy to hand out / creative / artistic

4. Wise choice of colors

colors - first thing that people will see on brochure designs

5. Typographic details

using ligatures, using thin spaces where appropriate, avoiding dumb quotes, avoiding widows and orphans.

6. Choose the right paper

Some of the high-end paper providers are:

Gmund Conqueror. Neenah paper

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Inspirational pamphlet design :

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Sustainable and Better City:

Underground City (Plan 1):

Remote Skylight:

Cave City (Plan 2- FINAL):

Ventilation Shaft

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Brochure :

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