Habitat changes wiki

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Habitat changes

1-Changes by nature


Once upon a time there was a forest where the animals live happily, they have

a safe shelter and they could find their food

But one day a fire has came to burn everything , the animals’ shelters and the trees, but all the animals could run away

so they’ve stayed safe

When the fire ended the animals came back to find their homes burned, as well

as all plants

Animals can’t find their food or shelter and some of them died ,so

they become (Endangered)


A long time when there is little or no rain

1-Losses or destruction of fish and wildlife habitat

2-Lack of food and drinking water for wild animals

3-Increased endangered animals or even extinction

4-Loss of wetlands

Floods Too much rain in a short period of time

Floods kill animals and people

Floods have rushing water that destroys everything in its path

2-Changes by animals

Beavers and dams

The stream

The beaver

It is looking for a shelter (DAM)

First of all they gnaw a tree down then gnaw the branches off and float them down the river into the spot that they will do the dam,the beaver piles logs on the surface of the water than it swims underneath the pile and puts up poles to support the logs and build a roof

Beavers usually build a dam where there is water, so they end up blocking off water in one side of the stream. This means the water backs up and had to go some place else

so this means a lake or pond is formed.

A pond is formed

3-Changes by people

• People may build there homes on the animals


• People may cut the

trees to get their wood

• People may kill animals to get their

fur so animals become


When many of one kind of animal die and only a few are

left that animal is


A plant or animal becomes extinct when there are no more of its kind left

