Half Yearly Report 2020 set1 copy - persecutionrelief.org€¦ · REPORT HATE CRIMES AGAINST...

Post on 01-Aug-2020

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Persecution Relief is an Inter - denominational initiative to provide comprehensive support, ( Prayerfully, Financially, Politically, Judicially ) to the

OUR MISSION To provide comprehensive support to the persecuted church in India by linking it to the free church of the world.

OUR GOAL To ensure freedom to worship Jesus Christ in India.

OUR MOTTO Serving Persecuted - Loving Persecutors

Persecuted Church

in India.

Founder’s Note

Martyrs For Jesus Christ Since January 2015


Execu�ve Summary

Scope, Methodology And Coverage

State Abbrevia�ons

Persecu�on Incidents ( January - June 2020)

Comparison Of Half Yearly Count Of Chris�an Persecu�on Incidents

Types Of Persecu�on

Comparison Of Top Ten Hos�le States Of Chris�an Persecu�on In India (2016 -2020)

Categorisa�on Of Na�onal & Interna�onal Media Reports

Hate Crimes Recorded By Persecu�on Relief and Media in the First Half Of 2020.

Persecu�on Relief Has Recorded And Served 2067 Cases Of Chris�an Persecu�on Since January 2016 To June 2020

Cri�cal Incidents Affec�ng Minori�es

US Department Of State 2019 Report On Interna�onal Religious Freedom : India

USCIRF 2020 Annual Report ( India Chapter )

Key Media Responses To The USCIRF & US Dept. Of State’s Annual Report On India

Par�al List Of Persecu�on Relief Stories (January - June2020)TA




























Persecution IncidentsSince 2016 -2020

has recorded and served PERSECUTION RELIEF


od divinely breathed Persecu�on Relief to life in 2016. With every passing year, the number of

incidents of Chris�an persecu�on has only increased. Since then, up un�l June 2020, we have reported 2067 cases of hate crimes against Chris�ans in India. The pandemic and the na�on-wide lockdown forced one and all into their homes. The world’s largest democracy came to a grueling and sudden halt.

The idea of prac�cing the Chris�an faith within the comfort, protec�on and convenience of our homes was widely welcomed. No more church a�acks, no more threats and harassments, no more false accusa�ons of forced conversions! Many thought that Chris�an Persecu�on would also get a much-needed break. Well, that’s what should have been the case. However, you will have a different point of view by the �me you finish reading this report. Unlike the previous half yearly reports that we have released before, this one is startlingly different.

6 Chris�ans were murdered and 61 cases of hos�lity towards Chris�an women and children were chronicled including 5 cases of rape. 37 Chris�an families were boyco�ed and excommunicated, losing everything from house to inheritance. The level of viciousness has gone beyond comprehension and this is just the �p of the ice berg.

How did all of this happen amidst the

worlds largest and longest lockdown in recent �mes? Wasn’t every ci�zen supposed to be following Government protocol? Did authori�es try to stop them? Who should be held responsible for the barbaric a�tude of the religious extremists in India?

The first half of 2020, especially the months of April, May and June was one of the saddest �mes for the Persecuted Church in India. 8 children were orphaned a�er their widowed mothers were gangraped and killed. A 27-year-old’s throat was slit leaving his young wife and two daughters to now face a challenging future without a husband and father. A passionate 14-year-old Chris�an boy was kidnapped and mercilessly killed for his faith leaving behind a grieving father who singlehandedly raised him up himself.

I some�mes am at a loss of words to describe the grief that overwhelms me while I serve the Persecuted Church India along with the Persecu�on Relief Family. Even though these incidents break my heart, God’s eternal word proves His sovereignty. As Job rightly says in the book of Job 34:17,18- The mighty God is the one who brings about jus�ce, and you are condemning him. Indeed, God is the one who condemns unfair rulers.

The Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day(ICMD) has been wonderfully observed over the past four years by thousands of Chris�ans, Churches, educa�onal ins�tu�ons, organiza�ons etc. It is an ini�a�ve by Persecu�on Relief and is observed annually on the

22nd of July- the day on which a young Indian girl was brutally raped and killed back in 2015, because she and her family refused to forsake Jesus Christ. She is fondly recognized as ‘Bharat Ki Be�’ or ‘India’s daughter’ by Persecu�on Relief since the very first Indian Chris�an Martyrdom day.

For the first �me in world history, the 4th Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day (ICMD) was commemorated online this year by Persecu�on Relief in partnership with over 35 leading Chris�an organiza�ons worldwide. More than 50,000 churches were a part of this occasion. The mee�ng which was simultaneously held on online pla�orms like Zoom and Facebook Live seen hundreds of spectators with over 470 par�cipants join in on Zoom alone.

People from all across the globe joined the historic online gathering to pray and support the widows and families of Chris�an Martyrs in India.

Jaini Devo Tando, the widow of late Pastor Munshi Devo Tando who was shot dead by Maoist on the 10th of July 2020, led the brigade of heroes. Talking about the cold-blooded murder she said, “His body is taken, but his spirit is with Jesus Christ!”

“I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back”, were the resounding words that were spoken by Sonama� Purthy, the widow of late Pastor Chamu Purthy who was martyred and shot dead in front of her eyes in 2015.

Joining the band of heroes were Hulda Topno-wife of Martyr Abraham Topno, Alisha Masih-son of Martyr Sultan Masih and Rukhdai Samrat- wife of Martyr Sahadev

Samrat. Each of the Martyrs families had a dis�nct tes�mony that highlighted their heroic decisions of con�nuing to serve the very same communi�es amongst whom their loved ones were martyred.

Before even a ques�on was asked about the assassins of their dear ones, the widows gracefully let their spectators know that they had long forgiven their persecutors, bringing back to mind the amazing way in which Chris�an missionary Glady Staines forgave the very ones who burned her husband, Graham Staines and two li�le sons alive.

The simple and powerful accounts of the Martyr’s families roused the hearts of their audience and moved many to tears causing one and all to ponder on the huge sacrifices they have made and the challenges they daily encounter with smiles on their faces.

In all this, a sight not to miss were the joyful faces of the Martyr’s widows and their families. There was no sadness in them. Jaini, Sonama�, Susana and Hulda are all bravely pastoring the churches that their husbands le� behind. “Till my last breath, I will serve Jesus Christ” said Hulda Topno.

Wow! I stand in awe of these heroes as their lives con�nue to boost my God-given magnificent obsession to love and serve the Persecuted Church in India un�l I breathe my last.

With a salute, standing ova�on and a heart full of gra�tude to each one of these heroes,

Shibu ThomasFounder, Persecu�on Relieffounder@persecu�onrelief.org

od divinely breathed Persecu�on Relief to life in 2016. With every passing year, the number of

incidents of Chris�an persecu�on has only increased. Since then, up un�l June 2020, we have reported 2067 cases of hate crimes against Chris�ans in India. The pandemic and the na�on-wide lockdown forced one and all into their homes. The world’s largest democracy came to a grueling and sudden halt.

The idea of prac�cing the Chris�an faith within the comfort, protec�on and convenience of our homes was widely welcomed. No more church a�acks, no more threats and harassments, no more false accusa�ons of forced conversions! Many thought that Chris�an Persecu�on would also get a much-needed break. Well, that’s what should have been the case. However, you will have a different point of view by the �me you finish reading this report. Unlike the previous half yearly reports that we have released before, this one is startlingly different.

6 Chris�ans were murdered and 61 cases of hos�lity towards Chris�an women and children were chronicled including 5 cases of rape. 37 Chris�an families were boyco�ed and excommunicated, losing everything from house to inheritance. The level of viciousness has gone beyond comprehension and this is just the �p of the ice berg.

How did all of this happen amidst the

worlds largest and longest lockdown in recent �mes? Wasn’t every ci�zen supposed to be following Government protocol? Did authori�es try to stop them? Who should be held responsible for the barbaric a�tude of the religious extremists in India?

The first half of 2020, especially the months of April, May and June was one of the saddest �mes for the Persecuted Church in India. 8 children were orphaned a�er their widowed mothers were gangraped and killed. A 27-year-old’s throat was slit leaving his young wife and two daughters to now face a challenging future without a husband and father. A passionate 14-year-old Chris�an boy was kidnapped and mercilessly killed for his faith leaving behind a grieving father who singlehandedly raised him up himself.

I some�mes am at a loss of words to describe the grief that overwhelms me while I serve the Persecuted Church India along with the Persecu�on Relief Family. Even though these incidents break my heart, God’s eternal word proves His sovereignty. As Job rightly says in the book of Job 34:17,18- The mighty God is the one who brings about jus�ce, and you are condemning him. Indeed, God is the one who condemns unfair rulers.

The Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day(ICMD) has been wonderfully observed over the past four years by thousands of Chris�ans, Churches, educa�onal ins�tu�ons, organiza�ons etc. It is an ini�a�ve by Persecu�on Relief and is observed annually on the



22nd of July- the day on which a young Indian girl was brutally raped and killed back in 2015, because she and her family refused to forsake Jesus Christ. She is fondly recognized as ‘Bharat Ki Be�’ or ‘India’s daughter’ by Persecu�on Relief since the very first Indian Chris�an Martyrdom day.

For the first �me in world history, the 4th Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day (ICMD) was commemorated online this year by Persecu�on Relief in partnership with over 35 leading Chris�an organiza�ons worldwide. More than 50,000 churches were a part of this occasion. The mee�ng which was simultaneously held on online pla�orms like Zoom and Facebook Live seen hundreds of spectators with over 470 par�cipants join in on Zoom alone.

People from all across the globe joined the historic online gathering to pray and support the widows and families of Chris�an Martyrs in India.

Jaini Devo Tando, the widow of late Pastor Munshi Devo Tando who was shot dead by Maoist on the 10th of July 2020, led the brigade of heroes. Talking about the cold-blooded murder she said, “His body is taken, but his spirit is with Jesus Christ!”

“I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back”, were the resounding words that were spoken by Sonama� Purthy, the widow of late Pastor Chamu Purthy who was martyred and shot dead in front of her eyes in 2015.

Joining the band of heroes were Hulda Topno-wife of Martyr Abraham Topno, Alisha Masih-son of Martyr Sultan Masih and Rukhdai Samrat- wife of Martyr Sahadev

Samrat. Each of the Martyrs families had a dis�nct tes�mony that highlighted their heroic decisions of con�nuing to serve the very same communi�es amongst whom their loved ones were martyred.

Before even a ques�on was asked about the assassins of their dear ones, the widows gracefully let their spectators know that they had long forgiven their persecutors, bringing back to mind the amazing way in which Chris�an missionary Glady Staines forgave the very ones who burned her husband, Graham Staines and two li�le sons alive.

The simple and powerful accounts of the Martyr’s families roused the hearts of their audience and moved many to tears causing one and all to ponder on the huge sacrifices they have made and the challenges they daily encounter with smiles on their faces.

In all this, a sight not to miss were the joyful faces of the Martyr’s widows and their families. There was no sadness in them. Jaini, Sonama�, Susana and Hulda are all bravely pastoring the churches that their husbands le� behind. “Till my last breath, I will serve Jesus Christ” said Hulda Topno.

Wow! I stand in awe of these heroes as their lives con�nue to boost my God-given magnificent obsession to love and serve the Persecuted Church in India un�l I breathe my last.

With a salute, standing ova�on and a heart full of gra�tude to each one of these heroes,

Shibu ThomasFounder, Persecu�on Relieffounder@persecu�onrelief.org

od divinely breathed Persecu�on Relief to life in 2016. With every passing year, the number of

incidents of Chris�an persecu�on has only increased. Since then, up un�l June 2020, we have reported 2067 cases of hate crimes against Chris�ans in India. The pandemic and the na�on-wide lockdown forced one and all into their homes. The world’s largest democracy came to a grueling and sudden halt.

The idea of prac�cing the Chris�an faith within the comfort, protec�on and convenience of our homes was widely welcomed. No more church a�acks, no more threats and harassments, no more false accusa�ons of forced conversions! Many thought that Chris�an Persecu�on would also get a much-needed break. Well, that’s what should have been the case. However, you will have a different point of view by the �me you finish reading this report. Unlike the previous half yearly reports that we have released before, this one is startlingly different.

6 Chris�ans were murdered and 61 cases of hos�lity towards Chris�an women and children were chronicled including 5 cases of rape. 37 Chris�an families were boyco�ed and excommunicated, losing everything from house to inheritance. The level of viciousness has gone beyond comprehension and this is just the �p of the ice berg.

How did all of this happen amidst the

worlds largest and longest lockdown in recent �mes? Wasn’t every ci�zen supposed to be following Government protocol? Did authori�es try to stop them? Who should be held responsible for the barbaric a�tude of the religious extremists in India?

The first half of 2020, especially the months of April, May and June was one of the saddest �mes for the Persecuted Church in India. 8 children were orphaned a�er their widowed mothers were gangraped and killed. A 27-year-old’s throat was slit leaving his young wife and two daughters to now face a challenging future without a husband and father. A passionate 14-year-old Chris�an boy was kidnapped and mercilessly killed for his faith leaving behind a grieving father who singlehandedly raised him up himself.

I some�mes am at a loss of words to describe the grief that overwhelms me while I serve the Persecuted Church India along with the Persecu�on Relief Family. Even though these incidents break my heart, God’s eternal word proves His sovereignty. As Job rightly says in the book of Job 34:17,18- The mighty God is the one who brings about jus�ce, and you are condemning him. Indeed, God is the one who condemns unfair rulers.

The Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day(ICMD) has been wonderfully observed over the past four years by thousands of Chris�ans, Churches, educa�onal ins�tu�ons, organiza�ons etc. It is an ini�a�ve by Persecu�on Relief and is observed annually on the

22nd of July- the day on which a young Indian girl was brutally raped and killed back in 2015, because she and her family refused to forsake Jesus Christ. She is fondly recognized as ‘Bharat Ki Be�’ or ‘India’s daughter’ by Persecu�on Relief since the very first Indian Chris�an Martyrdom day.

For the first �me in world history, the 4th Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day (ICMD) was commemorated online this year by Persecu�on Relief in partnership with over 35 leading Chris�an organiza�ons worldwide. More than 50,000 churches were a part of this occasion. The mee�ng which was simultaneously held on online pla�orms like Zoom and Facebook Live seen hundreds of spectators with over 470 par�cipants join in on Zoom alone.

People from all across the globe joined the historic online gathering to pray and support the widows and families of Chris�an Martyrs in India.

Jaini Devo Tando, the widow of late Pastor Munshi Devo Tando who was shot dead by Maoist on the 10th of July 2020, led the brigade of heroes. Talking about the cold-blooded murder she said, “His body is taken, but his spirit is with Jesus Christ!”

“I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back”, were the resounding words that were spoken by Sonama� Purthy, the widow of late Pastor Chamu Purthy who was martyred and shot dead in front of her eyes in 2015.

Joining the band of heroes were Hulda Topno-wife of Martyr Abraham Topno, Alisha Masih-son of Martyr Sultan Masih and Rukhdai Samrat- wife of Martyr Sahadev

Samrat. Each of the Martyrs families had a dis�nct tes�mony that highlighted their heroic decisions of con�nuing to serve the very same communi�es amongst whom their loved ones were martyred.

Before even a ques�on was asked about the assassins of their dear ones, the widows gracefully let their spectators know that they had long forgiven their persecutors, bringing back to mind the amazing way in which Chris�an missionary Glady Staines forgave the very ones who burned her husband, Graham Staines and two li�le sons alive.

The simple and powerful accounts of the Martyr’s families roused the hearts of their audience and moved many to tears causing one and all to ponder on the huge sacrifices they have made and the challenges they daily encounter with smiles on their faces.

In all this, a sight not to miss were the joyful faces of the Martyr’s widows and their families. There was no sadness in them. Jaini, Sonama�, Susana and Hulda are all bravely pastoring the churches that their husbands le� behind. “Till my last breath, I will serve Jesus Christ” said Hulda Topno.

Wow! I stand in awe of these heroes as their lives con�nue to boost my God-given magnificent obsession to love and serve the Persecuted Church in India un�l I breathe my last.

With a salute, standing ova�on and a heart full of gra�tude to each one of these heroes,

Shibu ThomasFounder, Persecu�on Relieffounder@persecu�onrelief.org

od divinely breathed Persecu�on Relief to life in 2016. With every passing year, the number of

incidents of Chris�an persecu�on has only increased. Since then, up un�l June 2020, we have reported 2067 cases of hate crimes against Chris�ans in India. The pandemic and the na�on-wide lockdown forced one and all into their homes. The world’s largest democracy came to a grueling and sudden halt.

The idea of prac�cing the Chris�an faith within the comfort, protec�on and convenience of our homes was widely welcomed. No more church a�acks, no more threats and harassments, no more false accusa�ons of forced conversions! Many thought that Chris�an Persecu�on would also get a much-needed break. Well, that’s what should have been the case. However, you will have a different point of view by the �me you finish reading this report. Unlike the previous half yearly reports that we have released before, this one is startlingly different.

6 Chris�ans were murdered and 61 cases of hos�lity towards Chris�an women and children were chronicled including 5 cases of rape. 37 Chris�an families were boyco�ed and excommunicated, losing everything from house to inheritance. The level of viciousness has gone beyond comprehension and this is just the �p of the ice berg.

How did all of this happen amidst the

worlds largest and longest lockdown in recent �mes? Wasn’t every ci�zen supposed to be following Government protocol? Did authori�es try to stop them? Who should be held responsible for the barbaric a�tude of the religious extremists in India?

The first half of 2020, especially the months of April, May and June was one of the saddest �mes for the Persecuted Church in India. 8 children were orphaned a�er their widowed mothers were gangraped and killed. A 27-year-old’s throat was slit leaving his young wife and two daughters to now face a challenging future without a husband and father. A passionate 14-year-old Chris�an boy was kidnapped and mercilessly killed for his faith leaving behind a grieving father who singlehandedly raised him up himself.

I some�mes am at a loss of words to describe the grief that overwhelms me while I serve the Persecuted Church India along with the Persecu�on Relief Family. Even though these incidents break my heart, God’s eternal word proves His sovereignty. As Job rightly says in the book of Job 34:17,18- The mighty God is the one who brings about jus�ce, and you are condemning him. Indeed, God is the one who condemns unfair rulers.

The Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day(ICMD) has been wonderfully observed over the past four years by thousands of Chris�ans, Churches, educa�onal ins�tu�ons, organiza�ons etc. It is an ini�a�ve by Persecu�on Relief and is observed annually on the

22nd of July- the day on which a young Indian girl was brutally raped and killed back in 2015, because she and her family refused to forsake Jesus Christ. She is fondly recognized as ‘Bharat Ki Be�’ or ‘India’s daughter’ by Persecu�on Relief since the very first Indian Chris�an Martyrdom day.

For the first �me in world history, the 4th Indian Chris�an Martyrdom Day (ICMD) was commemorated online this year by Persecu�on Relief in partnership with over 35 leading Chris�an organiza�ons worldwide. More than 50,000 churches were a part of this occasion. The mee�ng which was simultaneously held on online pla�orms like Zoom and Facebook Live seen hundreds of spectators with over 470 par�cipants join in on Zoom alone.

People from all across the globe joined the historic online gathering to pray and support the widows and families of Chris�an Martyrs in India.

Jaini Devo Tando, the widow of late Pastor Munshi Devo Tando who was shot dead by Maoist on the 10th of July 2020, led the brigade of heroes. Talking about the cold-blooded murder she said, “His body is taken, but his spirit is with Jesus Christ!”

“I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back”, were the resounding words that were spoken by Sonama� Purthy, the widow of late Pastor Chamu Purthy who was martyred and shot dead in front of her eyes in 2015.

Joining the band of heroes were Hulda Topno-wife of Martyr Abraham Topno, Alisha Masih-son of Martyr Sultan Masih and Rukhdai Samrat- wife of Martyr Sahadev

Samrat. Each of the Martyrs families had a dis�nct tes�mony that highlighted their heroic decisions of con�nuing to serve the very same communi�es amongst whom their loved ones were martyred.

Before even a ques�on was asked about the assassins of their dear ones, the widows gracefully let their spectators know that they had long forgiven their persecutors, bringing back to mind the amazing way in which Chris�an missionary Glady Staines forgave the very ones who burned her husband, Graham Staines and two li�le sons alive.

The simple and powerful accounts of the Martyr’s families roused the hearts of their audience and moved many to tears causing one and all to ponder on the huge sacrifices they have made and the challenges they daily encounter with smiles on their faces.

In all this, a sight not to miss were the joyful faces of the Martyr’s widows and their families. There was no sadness in them. Jaini, Sonama�, Susana and Hulda are all bravely pastoring the churches that their husbands le� behind. “Till my last breath, I will serve Jesus Christ” said Hulda Topno.

Wow! I stand in awe of these heroes as their lives con�nue to boost my God-given magnificent obsession to love and serve the Persecuted Church in India un�l I breathe my last.

With a salute, standing ova�on and a heart full of gra�tude to each one of these heroes,

Shibu ThomasFounder, Persecu�on Relieffounder@persecu�onrelief.org



























he sheer human tragedy that numbers hide and incidents barely

disclose, make Persecu�on Reports such as this, an expression of solidarity with children, women, and men who face threats, some�mes injury or death; and a duty to convey their brutalisa�on to the jus�ce delivery system in the country and the civil society of the world.

Since 2015, Persecu�on Relief and its Founder Brother Shibu Thomas have �relessly worked to come to the aid of the persecuted Chris�ans in India which is vitally important.

In my years of engagement with the persecuted body of Christ, one thing that has struck me is that the persecuted firstly and repeatedly ask for prayers and solidarity more than anything else. Contrary to popular thinking, they do not place the first emphasis on monetary help, though that is needed, for most persecuted Chris�ans are also poor. Prayers and Solidarity is what they desire most. Someone to be with them in their struggle and to pray for them and to tell their story to the larger body of Christ so that more prayer and solidarity would be generated. I am happy to note that Persecu�on Relief is raising prayers and support for persecuted Chris�ans in India and for that, we owe them our FO







T gra�tude. The issue of persecu�on of Chris�ans in India should also be raised globally since we are a part of the global community and have ra�fied many covenants on human rights and fundamental freedoms. I am glad that Persecu�on Relief is doing so and raising these issues which concern the safety and lives of minority Chris�ans in India.

As a community of Chris�ans in India, it is also crucial that we stand with each other in unity especially during tes�ng �mes. We have experienced unity among Churches in India as a result of persecu�on and we thank God for it. However, more needs to be done remembering that persecu�on may unite us, but it is the love for God and sacrificial love for each other that will keep us together and sustain this unity.

Finally, our sense of security and safety must be centred on God for He alone is our refuge and strength. He has promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us and has asked us to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world.

I wish Brother Shibu Thomas and Persecu�on Relief God’s best.

Rev. Vijayesh LalGeneral Secretary Evangelical Fellowship of India



During 2020, much of our conversa�on revolved around the global pandemic; the calamity that confronted the human race but, I have been no�cing these days an endless topic of discussion among people is, “when will this year go by,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his recent Mann ki Baat broadcast. The religious minori�es couldn’t agree more. In a Hindu-dominated land of 1.3 billion people, racist propaganda has been widely used in an a�empt to demonize religious minori�es leading to lynching, murders, riots and all sorts of diabolical a�acks.

A brow-raising 293 incidents of Chris�an Persecu�on have been chronicled by Persecu�on Relief in the first half of the year 2020 of which 6 cases involved murder. Compared to last year’s number of 208 incidents, this year has seen a disconcer�ng rise of

40.87% in spite of the complete na�onwide lock down which was imposed for almost three months.

A maximum of 63 hate crimes against Chris�ans were reported in the state of U�ar Pradesh alone, it remains the most Hos�le state against Chris�ans in India. Even authori�es are hand in glove with the religious extremists’ groups who liberally a�ack Chris�ans in the state of U�ar Pradesh. In January this year, a pastor and his wife were taken by surprise to see a group of police men at their doorstep. The police men started ques�oning them and penned down personal details of the family, a�er which they informed the Pastor that a complain of forced religious conversion was made against them. When the Pastor inquired about who the complaint was made by, the police men began to warn him to stop all his Chris�an ac�vi�es and

forsake Chris�anity and threatened to put his en�re family behind bars if the pastor refused to obey.

Tamil Nadu comes in second with 28 cases of Chris�an persecu�on. A Church led by a pastor who is completely blind since birth was burned to ashes during the dead of the night in the June 2020. One case in Tamil Nadu received wide media a�en�on of a Chris�an father and son being sodomized and beaten inside the police sta�on, ul�mately leading to their death. They were reportedly held by the police because their closed their store a li�le while a�er curfew. Incidents like these explain the 62 cases of unfair Collusion and discrimina�on of authori�es documented by Persecu�on Relief in the first half of 2020.

In third place is Chha�sgarh with 22 cases recorded. Tribal Hindus persecuted a 40-year-old, widowed, Chris�an mother of four

before her body was found severely mu�lated in the wilderness near her village. The body was ini�ally unrecognizable as it appeared to have been eaten by wild animals when it was found two miles into the wilderness near her na�ve Kumud village on May 29. She was last seen going into the wilderness of Kondagaon District to collect firewood on May 25.

Jharkhand occupies the fourth spot with 21 cases and 1 murder noted and Karnataka is in fi�h place with 20 cases of Chris�an persecu�on in the first half of the year 2020.

Of 28 States and 9 Union Territories, hate crimes against Chris�ans have been chronicled by Persecu�on Relief in 22 States/Union Territories. The states of Jharkhand, Chha�sgarh and Odisha have seen a sudden surge of fierce Chris�an persecu�on, especially over the last 3 months. Killings influenced by religious bigotry were recorded in all three states including the chilling murder of 14-year-old- Samaru Madkami in Odisha which

received fair media coverage.

The first half of 2020 also seen an increasing trend of hos�lity towards women and children with 61 cases documented regarding the same. 5 cases are related to sexual abuse and rape, including that of a 10-year-old minor girl in Haryana. The brutal and heartless gangrapes and killings of 2 Chris�an widows rendered 8 children in all, orphaned.

An interes�ng trend detected by Persecu�on Relief was that an increasing number of poor Dalit Tribal Chris�ans rapidly faced social boyco� and were even excommunicated during the lock down period by religious fana�cs in an a�empt to illegally grab their land and property. 37 cases of Boyco� and Excommunica�on have been chronicled by Persecu�on Relief, leaving many vulnerable Chris�an families homeless, hiding in Jungles or staying in temporary shelters and safe houses.

An unwarranted 130 cases of Harassment, Threats and In�mida�on and 80 incidents of Physical assault were verified between January 2020 to June 2020. In the state of Jharkhand, a few of the migrant workers, who work in the coal fields, came to the premises of a Church and told the Chris�ans there to take down a cross that was erected on the building. The group of fana�cs gathered people around, ins�ga�ng them against the Chris�ans and then caught hold of 2 young Chris�an boys who were serving with the Youth Missionary Movement (YMM) ministry for the past 8 years.

The boys were beaten and forcibly taken to the Police Sta�on and released only later that night.

Chris�ans by and large are a peace-loving community, even during �mes of persecu�on. Instances of retalia�on against the persecutors are unheard of. As the Holy Bible tells us, ‘we bless and love those who persecute us. That is what Christ Jesus urges us to do.

No one must be discouraged and stopped from propaga�ng and prac�cing their faith. Harmony and peace go hand in glove with mutual understanding and respect for another’s faith and belief. This is the kind of peace every na�on craves for. War is lurking at our gates, but we are at war against each other, especially on religious grounds.

The US Commission on Interna�onal Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has designated India as a country of "Par�cular Concern" (CPC) in its annual report of 2020. Though this has brought much disrepute to the country, we have not reached a point of no return. There is hope, as God’s eyes are upon this blessed na�on and the Chris�an minority in India is on their knees, praying for the current situa�on and the Government of India, now more than ever!




During 2020, much of our conversa�on revolved around the global pandemic; the calamity that confronted the human race but, I have been no�cing these days an endless topic of discussion among people is, “when will this year go by,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his recent Mann ki Baat broadcast. The religious minori�es couldn’t agree more. In a Hindu-dominated land of 1.3 billion people, racist propaganda has been widely used in an a�empt to demonize religious minori�es leading to lynching, murders, riots and all sorts of diabolical a�acks.

A brow-raising 293 incidents of Chris�an Persecu�on have been chronicled by Persecu�on Relief in the first half of the year 2020 of which 6 cases involved murder. Compared to last year’s number of 208 incidents, this year has seen a disconcer�ng rise of

40.87% in spite of the complete na�onwide lock down which was imposed for almost three months.

A maximum of 63 hate crimes against Chris�ans were reported in the state of U�ar Pradesh alone, it remains the most Hos�le state against Chris�ans in India. Even authori�es are hand in glove with the religious extremists’ groups who liberally a�ack Chris�ans in the state of U�ar Pradesh. In January this year, a pastor and his wife were taken by surprise to see a group of police men at their doorstep. The police men started ques�oning them and penned down personal details of the family, a�er which they informed the Pastor that a complain of forced religious conversion was made against them. When the Pastor inquired about who the complaint was made by, the police men began to warn him to stop all his Chris�an ac�vi�es and

forsake Chris�anity and threatened to put his en�re family behind bars if the pastor refused to obey.

Tamil Nadu comes in second with 28 cases of Chris�an persecu�on. A Church led by a pastor who is completely blind since birth was burned to ashes during the dead of the night in the June 2020. One case in Tamil Nadu received wide media a�en�on of a Chris�an father and son being sodomized and beaten inside the police sta�on, ul�mately leading to their death. They were reportedly held by the police because their closed their store a li�le while a�er curfew. Incidents like these explain the 62 cases of unfair Collusion and discrimina�on of authori�es documented by Persecu�on Relief in the first half of 2020.

In third place is Chha�sgarh with 22 cases recorded. Tribal Hindus persecuted a 40-year-old, widowed, Chris�an mother of four

before her body was found severely mu�lated in the wilderness near her village. The body was ini�ally unrecognizable as it appeared to have been eaten by wild animals when it was found two miles into the wilderness near her na�ve Kumud village on May 29. She was last seen going into the wilderness of Kondagaon District to collect firewood on May 25.

Jharkhand occupies the fourth spot with 21 cases and 1 murder noted and Karnataka is in fi�h place with 20 cases of Chris�an persecu�on in the first half of the year 2020.

Of 28 States and 9 Union Territories, hate crimes against Chris�ans have been chronicled by Persecu�on Relief in 22 States/Union Territories. The states of Jharkhand, Chha�sgarh and Odisha have seen a sudden surge of fierce Chris�an persecu�on, especially over the last 3 months. Killings influenced by religious bigotry were recorded in all three states including the chilling murder of 14-year-old- Samaru Madkami in Odisha which

received fair media coverage.

The first half of 2020 also seen an increasing trend of hos�lity towards women and children with 61 cases documented regarding the same. 5 cases are related to sexual abuse and rape, including that of a 10-year-old minor girl in Haryana. The brutal and heartless gangrapes and killings of 2 Chris�an widows rendered 8 children in all, orphaned.

An interes�ng trend detected by Persecu�on Relief was that an increasing number of poor Dalit Tribal Chris�ans rapidly faced social boyco� and were even excommunicated during the lock down period by religious fana�cs in an a�empt to illegally grab their land and property. 37 cases of Boyco� and Excommunica�on have been chronicled by Persecu�on Relief, leaving many vulnerable Chris�an families homeless, hiding in Jungles or staying in temporary shelters and safe houses.

An unwarranted 130 cases of Harassment, Threats and In�mida�on and 80 incidents of Physical assault were verified between January 2020 to June 2020. In the state of Jharkhand, a few of the migrant workers, who work in the coal fields, came to the premises of a Church and told the Chris�ans there to take down a cross that was erected on the building. The group of fana�cs gathered people around, ins�ga�ng them against the Chris�ans and then caught hold of 2 young Chris�an boys who were serving with the Youth Missionary Movement (YMM) ministry for the past 8 years.

The boys were beaten and forcibly taken to the Police Sta�on and released only later that night.

Chris�ans by and large are a peace-loving community, even during �mes of persecu�on. Instances of retalia�on against the persecutors are unheard of. As the Holy Bible tells us, ‘we bless and love those who persecute us. That is what Christ Jesus urges us to do.

No one must be discouraged and stopped from propaga�ng and prac�cing their faith. Harmony and peace go hand in glove with mutual understanding and respect for another’s faith and belief. This is the kind of peace every na�on craves for. War is lurking at our gates, but we are at war against each other, especially on religious grounds.

The US Commission on Interna�onal Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has designated India as a country of "Par�cular Concern" (CPC) in its annual report of 2020. Though this has brought much disrepute to the country, we have not reached a point of no return. There is hope, as God’s eyes are upon this blessed na�on and the Chris�an minority in India is on their knees, praying for the current situa�on and the Government of India, now more than ever!





1800-1234-46124x7 Toll Free No Call Persecution Relief

For help when you face persecution


This report encompasses the period of January to June 2020 and highlights the intensifying Chris�an Persecu�on in India.

It has been compiled based on data obtained from various sources including State Coordinators from all 28 States and 9 Union Territories, over 200 District Coordinators, Volunteers and staff of Persecu�on Relief.

Cases of Chris�an persecu�on are also directly reported on our dedicated 24x7 Toll Free Number 1800-1234-461


Persecu�on Relief also has a wide network connec�ng 28 states and 9 Union Territories via WhatsApp Groups created across every State of India.

Persecu�on incidents are also reported on our Facebook/ Twi�er pages which reach millions across the globe.

Once contact is made, interviews are conducted to establish authen�city of the case. Local Coordinators/ Pastors/ Leaders approve of the incident and further evidence of photographs and videos are reviewed and validated etc.

Locally the teams are mobilized to provide the comprehensive support (Prayerfully, Financially, Poli�cally, Judicially) required to rehabilitate the persecuted Chris�an men and women to con�nue serving the Lord.

Overall, data in each State have ‘0’ margin of error and is 100% accurate.

The cases chronicled here are only a frac�on of actual violence perpetuated and reported on the ground.



No. State/ UT Abbrevia�on






S &













1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands AN

2 Andhra Pradesh AP

3 Arunachal Pradesh AR

4 Assam AS

5 Bihar BR

6 Chha�sgarh CG

7 Chandigarh CH

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli DN

9 Daman and Diu DD

10 Delhi DL

11 Goa GA

12 Gujarat GJ

13 Haryana HR

14 Himachal Pradesh HP

15 Jammu and Kashmir JK

16 Jharkhand JH

17 Karnataka KA

18 Kerala KL

19 Ladakh LA

20 Lakshadweep Islands LD

21 Madhya Pradesh MP22 Maharashtra MH

23 Manipur MN

24 Meghalaya ML

25 Mizoram MZ26 Nagaland NL

27 Odisha OD

28 Puducherry PY

29 Punjab PB30 Rajasthan RJ

31 Sikkim SK

32 Tamil Nadu TN33 Telangana TS

34 Tripura TR

35 U�arakhand UK

36 U�ar Pradesh UP37 West Bengal WB



PERSECUTION INCIDENTSRecorded from January to June 2020

State/Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Sum

Sum 61 71 55 30 36 42 293

U�ar Pradesh 11 18 18 5 5 6 63

Tamil Nadu 6 11 3 3 2 3 28

Chha�sgarh 3 2 3 6 2 6 22

Jharkhand 4 2 1 1 5 8 21

Karnataka 8 4 4 1 2 1 20

Bihar 3 6 5 0 2 0 16

Maharashtra 5 4 4 1 1 1 16

Madhya Pradesh 4 2 4 1 4 1 16

Odisha 0 6 2 3 1 3 15

Andhra Pradesh 3 3 3 3 1 1 14

Delhi 3 1 5 1 1 2 13

Haryana 3 3 0 0 0 4 10

Rajasthan 0 5 0 0 0 1 6

Telangana 1 2 0 0 3 0 6

West Bengal 1 1 0 1 2 1 6

Gujarat 2 0 0 0 2 0 4

U�arakhand 1 0 1 1 1 0 4

Kerala 1 0 1 0 1 1 4

Goa 0 1 1 1 0 0 3

Punjab 1 0 0 1 1 0 3

Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 1 0 1 2

Jammu 1 0 0 0 0 0 1













1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands AN

2 Andhra Pradesh AP

3 Arunachal Pradesh AR

4 Assam AS

5 Bihar BR

6 Chha�sgarh CG

7 Chandigarh CH

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli DN

9 Daman and Diu DD

10 Delhi DL

11 Goa GA

12 Gujarat GJ

13 Haryana HR

14 Himachal Pradesh HP

15 Jammu and Kashmir JK

16 Jharkhand JH

17 Karnataka KA

18 Kerala KL

19 Ladakh LA

20 Lakshadweep Islands LD

21 Madhya Pradesh MP22 Maharashtra MH

23 Manipur MN

24 Meghalaya ML

25 Mizoram MZ26 Nagaland NL

27 Odisha OD

28 Puducherry PY

29 Punjab PB30 Rajasthan RJ

31 Sikkim SK

32 Tamil Nadu TN33 Telangana TS

34 Tripura TR

35 U�arakhand UK

36 U�ar Pradesh UP37 West Bengal WB




Anti-Conversion Law

Attack onChristian Institutions

House/belongings of believer

vandalized / destroyed

Boycott & Discrimination

FIR made byPersecutors / False

complaint by fanaticsWomen beaten

/ harassedCollusion &

discrimination of Authorities

Physical Attack Threats, Harassment& Intimidation

Hate Campaign Restriction on Religious Assembly Church Attacks Arrest

Released without charges

FIR filedby Persecuted

Right to practice, preach &

propagate hindered

Children beaten / harassed

Church forced to shut down



19 19


61 62 80 130

51 51 57


21 26 30


12 15 16 17


05 05 06 07

Persecuted byFamily Murder

Attempt to Murder Ghar Wapsi

Church building vandalized/






2020-2016 (JANUARY -JUNE)































































Aside from actual incidents that we record every day, Persecu�on Relief also records stories of atroci�es faced by the Chris�an and minority communi�es in India, that are infrequently reported by the State, Na�onal and Interna�onal Media, related to:

• Chris�an persecu�on

• Government Policies affec�ng Chris�ans / Minori�es etc.

Our Aim is to be the bridge, capturing stories, crea�ng awareness and advoca�ng on issues that concern Chris�ans / Minori�es. We ac�vely publish these stories and invite people to pray for peace and harmony.


Government condemna�on by civil society

Discrimina�on against minori�es

Exposing hypocrisy & double standards

False Allega�ons with evil intent to incite hatred

Fundamentalist strategies, Promo�ng Ideology

Public condemna�on by Government

Pro-Secularism & Freedom of religion

Interna�onal press highligh�ng growing intolerance

An�-Chris�an propaganda

78 66 50

31 28 18

16 15 10




Hate Crimes Recorded By Persecution Relief

and Media in the First Half Of 2020



Hate Crimes Against

Minorities Reported in

the First Half of 2020

Hate Crimes Against

Christians Reported in

the First Half of 2020











2020 293cases(Jan-June)

2019 527cases

2018 477cases 2017 440


2016 330cases



Missionary schools lack Sanskar. Gita, Hanuman Chalisa should be taught in Private Schools.” Union Minister- Giriraj Singh (BJP) - News 18.com

We are 80% you are just 17%” Karnataka MLA Galisomashekhara Reddy warns CAA Protestor. - thequint.com

Move Aside CAA, Now RSS wants ‘secular’ removed from cons�tu�on preamble- nationalheraldindia.com

Gujarat Assembly speaker claims that Brahmins have a different DNA- thewire.in

Goddess Lakshmi on notes may improve condi�on of rupee” Subramanian Swamy- financialexpress.com

Delhi Elec�on: “Mosques on govt. land to be razed if BJP wins” says party MP- deccanchronicle.com

Sanskrit to replace Urdu at U�arakhand sta�ons- timesofindia.com

No right to live in India if you can’t chant Vande Mataram” Union Minister Pratap Sarangi- indiatoday.in

No Development Work for Muslims” Karnataka BJP MLA warns as he vows to create Hindu Rashtra- news18.com

Days before Budget, minister Anurag Thakur chants ‘desh ke gaddaron ko, goli maaro saalon ko’- theprint.in

Narendra Modi is Lord Ram, Amit Shah Lord Hanuman’: Shivraj Singh Chauhan- hindustantimes.com

Gandhi’s freedom struggle was ‘one big drama’ staged with Bri�sh approval: BJP MP Ananth Kumar Hegde- scroll.in

If majority is not vigilant Mughal Raj is not far away” Tejasvi Surya- Indianexpress.com

Go to Pakistan” BJP MP tells Poet Munawar Rana’s Daughter- thequint.com

UP BJP Leader seeks ban on burqa, Links it to Ravana’s sister Surpanakha - Indianexpress.com

Tamil Nadu: Mob Lynches Dalit man for defeca�ng in the open- thewire.in

Yogi Adityanath “Muslims did no favor to India by staying here”- BBC

Na�onalism, ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ being misused to construct militant idea of India” Manmohan Singh- The times of India.

Iran Leader Asks India to “Confront Extremist Hindus” Over Delhi Violence- Ndtv.com

People blessed by Hindu gods won’t get coronavirus” says Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh- Na�onal Herald

BJP Con�nues to Spread Virus of Communal Prejudice" Sonia Gandhi NDTV

Muslim man branded with Om

symbol, denied food by Tihar jail officials - India Today

Was I Wrong?" BJP MLA Suresh Tiwari, from Deoria, UP, says, Boyco� Muslim Vegetable Sellers, Defiant- NDTV

Tamil Nadu Police Jails News Portal Founder for Stories on Lockdown Shortcomings - The Wire

Do not buy from Muslims': BJP leader in India calls for boyco�- Aljazeera

Would Antonia Maino (Sonia Gandhi) have remained silent if Chris�an padres were killed?” Arnab asks on news debate over Palghar mob-lynching of Sadhus- OP India

Aarogya Setu a sophis�cated surveillance system” Rahul Gandhi- NDTV

Man replaces Mahatma Gandhi’s image with Nathuram Godse on Rs 10 currency note -Times Now






Missionary schools lack Sanskar. Gita, Hanuman Chalisa should be taught in Private Schools.” Union Minister- Giriraj Singh (BJP) - News 18.com

We are 80% you are just 17%” Karnataka MLA Galisomashekhara Reddy warns CAA Protestor. - thequint.com

Move Aside CAA, Now RSS wants ‘secular’ removed from cons�tu�on preamble- nationalheraldindia.com

Gujarat Assembly speaker claims that Brahmins have a different DNA- thewire.in

Goddess Lakshmi on notes may improve condi�on of rupee” Subramanian Swamy- financialexpress.com

Delhi Elec�on: “Mosques on govt. land to be razed if BJP wins” says party MP- deccanchronicle.com

Sanskrit to replace Urdu at U�arakhand sta�ons- timesofindia.com

No right to live in India if you can’t chant Vande Mataram” Union Minister Pratap Sarangi- indiatoday.in

No Development Work for Muslims” Karnataka BJP MLA warns as he vows to create Hindu Rashtra- news18.com

Days before Budget, minister Anurag Thakur chants ‘desh ke gaddaron ko, goli maaro saalon ko’- theprint.in

Narendra Modi is Lord Ram, Amit Shah Lord Hanuman’: Shivraj Singh Chauhan- hindustantimes.com

Gandhi’s freedom struggle was ‘one big drama’ staged with Bri�sh approval: BJP MP Ananth Kumar Hegde- scroll.in

If majority is not vigilant Mughal Raj is not far away” Tejasvi Surya- Indianexpress.com

Go to Pakistan” BJP MP tells Poet Munawar Rana’s Daughter- thequint.com

UP BJP Leader seeks ban on burqa, Links it to Ravana’s sister Surpanakha - Indianexpress.com

Tamil Nadu: Mob Lynches Dalit man for defeca�ng in the open- thewire.in

Yogi Adityanath “Muslims did no favor to India by staying here”- BBC

Na�onalism, ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ being misused to construct militant idea of India” Manmohan Singh- The times of India.

Iran Leader Asks India to “Confront Extremist Hindus” Over Delhi Violence- Ndtv.com

People blessed by Hindu gods won’t get coronavirus” says Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh- Na�onal Herald

BJP Con�nues to Spread Virus of Communal Prejudice" Sonia Gandhi NDTV

Muslim man branded with Om

symbol, denied food by Tihar jail officials - India Today

Was I Wrong?" BJP MLA Suresh Tiwari, from Deoria, UP, says, Boyco� Muslim Vegetable Sellers, Defiant- NDTV

Tamil Nadu Police Jails News Portal Founder for Stories on Lockdown Shortcomings - The Wire

Do not buy from Muslims': BJP leader in India calls for boyco�- Aljazeera

Would Antonia Maino (Sonia Gandhi) have remained silent if Chris�an padres were killed?” Arnab asks on news debate over Palghar mob-lynching of Sadhus- OP India

Aarogya Setu a sophis�cated surveillance system” Rahul Gandhi- NDTV

Man replaces Mahatma Gandhi’s image with Nathuram Godse on Rs 10 currency note -Times Now




Contact us on whatsapp

+91-99932 00020 To Receive Our Monthly Prayer Calendar & Partner With Us As We Pray For The Persecuted Church.


On June 10 2020, the Annual Religious Freedom Report was released by the US State Department in Washington. According to the US State Department, “there were reports of religiously mo�vated killings, assaults, riots, discrimina�on, vandalism, and ac�ons restric�ng the right of individuals to prac�ce and speak about their religious beliefs. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) data, 7,484 incidents of communal violence took place between 2008 and 2017 in which more than 1,100 people were killed”.

“There were reports by non-governmental organiza�ons (NGOs) that the government

some�mes failed to act on mob a�acks on religious minori�es, marginalized communi�es, and cri�cs of the government. Some senior officials of the Hindu-majority Bhara�ya Janata Party (BJP) made inflammatory speeches against minority communi�es” the Report stated. Further elabora�ng, “According to some NGOs, authori�es o�en protected perpetrators from prosecu�on.”

The report documents how non-state actors like the mili�as affiliated with Mr. Modi’s BJP government have grown increasingly violent in the past few years, simultaneously enjoying the protec�on of the government as well.

To Know More…..https://www.state.gov/reports/2019-report-on-international-religious-freedom/india/https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-asia-india-52467564




On 29 April 2020, the United States Commission on Interna�onal Religious Freedom (USCIRF), released its Annual Report 2020. Formed as a bipar�san US federal government commission through the Interna�onal Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998, the USCIRF only has an advisory mandate.

In its 2020 report, the commission has recommended to the United States Department of State to classify India as a ‘Country of Par�cular Concern’ (CPC) and impose targeted sanc�ons on Indian agencies and poli�cal leaders “for engaging in and tolera�ng systema�c, ongoing, and

egregious religious freedom viola�ons, as defined by the IRFA”.

The USCIRF follows a two-�er classifica�on system for the countries it audits – CPC (Tier I) and Special Watch List (SWL) Countries (Tier II). A third cluster, En��es of Par�cular Concern (EPC), is reserved for non-state actors.

This year’s report places India in Tier I alongside countries like Myanmar, China, Eritrea, North Korea, Pakistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Tier II is occupied by countries like Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Iraq, Sudan and Nicaragua, among others.

To Know More….


https://www.uscirf.gov/sites/ default/�les/ India_Hindi.pdf

https://www.uscirf.gov/countries-and-issues/south-asia/ countries- particular-concern- india



Why the US Religious Freedom Report Is Bad News for India.

It’s for the first �me since 2004 that USCIRF has recommended that India be designated a CPC, where governments engage in or tolerate “systema�c, ongoing, egregious” viola�ons of religious freedom. India is in dubious company countries on the list this year include Pakistan, China, North Korea, Russia and Saudi Arabia. HUFFINGTON POST

India rejects scathing US religious freedom report as 'biased'. BBC NEWS

India denies visas to U.S. panel on religious freedom, says it has no standing. REUTERS


ANNUAL REPORT ON INDIA."New Levels of Misrepresenta�on": India Snubs US Religious Freedom Panel.


US 'Very Concerned' About Religious Freedom in India: Trump Administra�on Official.


Religious freedoms in India deteriorated last year, U.S. government watchdog says. THE WASHINGTON POST

USCIRF report voices concern over discrimina�on against religious minori�es in India.





6Please Join a Whatsapp group to receive updates on

Chris�an persecu�on in India by sending your Name, District & Church Name to

+91 9993 200 020



Chris�an Widow Gangraped and Murdered, Odisha.Nirmala Uthan Singh, a Chris�an 40-year-old widow and mother of 4 children was brutally gangraped and murdered by a group of fana�cs in a village named Goberku� which features in Kandhamal, a district in the Indian state of Odisha. When her assassin, a Hindu contractor cheated her of Rs 22,000 to construct her home, she complained to the Police and he was imprisoned for 6 months. When he was released, he conspired with a group of goons and planned the a�ack. The murder has le� the 4 children orphaned and in agony.

27-yr-old murdered for his Chris�an Faith, Jharkhand. On account of his Chris�an faith, 27-year-old Kande Mudu was murdered by a group of religious fana�cs who were armed with weapons in a village named Bari which is in Khun�, a district in the Indian state of Jharkhand. The fana�cs broke into his home, a�acked him and slit his throat. He and his family had accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior 4 years ago and had been harassed by local fana�cs ever since. Bindu Mudu, his wife and his two daughters fled the village from fear of being a�acked and their whereabouts are unknown. No arrests have been made thus far.


Chris�an Teen Martyred for Christ! Odisha.Samaru Madkami, a 14-year-old Chris�an boy was hacked to death by religious fana�cs because of his faith in Jesus Christ. This happened in a village named Kenduguda in Malkangiri, a district in the east-Indian state of Odisha. 3 years ago, he and his en�re family gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Since then, the fana�cs had been threatening to kill them and the rest of the Chris�ans in the village. Even a�er the assassins were caught, they s�ll boldly threatened to kill the other Chris�ans in the village.













Incidents of Boycott & Excommunicationin the first half of 2020.37

safe place. At present, Persecu�on Relief is helping them cope with their monthly expenses for basic necessi�es and groceries.

4 Days Without Drinking Water, KarnatakaDrinking water was denied to the family of Manju Nayak and Renuka Bai because they refused to forsake Jesus Christ. They live in the village of Meenahalli Thanda which features in Devangiri, a district in the Indian State of Karnataka. The villagers not only cut their water connec�on but also blocked the approach way to their fields which prevented them and the daily wage laborers from working there.

Relief Provided:

A�er Persecu�on Relief was informed about the incident, we called the Addi�onal Superintendent of Police, Mr. Rajeev M and informed him about the alterca�on. He immediately dispatched a team to the scene to inves�gate. The next day the police intervened and the fana�cs restored the water supply and unblocked the way to the fields.

Pastor forced out of home and village, Odisha. A landlord was pressurized by religious fana�cs to force a Pastor Chandan Jani and his family to leave his property in a village named Karkharpara which is located in Nabrangpur, a district in the Indian state of Odisha. The Church used to also gather at his residence but the landlord has warned him not to have any more Church mee�ngs again. The Pastor has now moved 11kms away from where he used to live. He is currently homeless and is trus�ng God to help him find a suitable place to build a small shelter for his family. But more than being concerned about where he will live, he is more bothered about the Church who is le� behind at the village. He has made a decision to go back once a week to meet with the Church in spite of the warnings.

Relief Provided:

Persecu�on Relief supported Pastor Chandan by covering the expenses of building materials to help him erect a temporary shelter for him and his family.

Hunted with Bows and Arrows, Chha�sgarh.A group of religious fana�cs broke into the home of a Chris�an family who lived in a village named Kokarpal in Chha�sgarh. Bhima Markam and his wife Deve, suffered serious injuries from this a�ack. The group wielded lathis (wooden clubs) and bows and arrows. A total of 10 people including 5 children were brutally a�acked and warned not to return to the village. Petrified and in a state of shock, the women clung to their children for dear life, while the men led them through a nearby jungle, as they ran for their lives under the cover of darkness. With great difficulty and in terrible pain, the Chris�ans headed towards the home of Ramdar Kashyap, the Pastor of their Church. Seeing the extent of their injuries, Raju immediately rushed them to the local government hospital which is 20 kms away. A police complaint was made and the fana�cs were booked under IPC Sec�on 147, 452,323,427,506.

Relief Provided:

The families were relocated to a



80but also cover all our medical expenses.”- Mamta. Pastor Dinesh who is now recupera�ng at home said, “I am very grateful and thankful to Persecu�on Relief for all that they have done for me and my family.”

Mob A�ack:2 Chris�an Youth Beaten, Cross Desecrated, Jharkhand. 2 young Chris�an missionaries were abused and assaulted by a mob and taken to the police sta�on in a village named Belgaris in Dhanbad, a district in the Indian state of Jharkhand. The a�ack happened at the new coal mine colony in Baliapur CD Block. Migrant workers, who do not live in that area, came to the Church premises and told the Chris�ans to take down a cross that was erected on the building. The mob then caught hold of the 2 young missionaries who have been serving with the Youth Missionary Movement for over 8 years, beat them up and took them to the Police Sta�on.

Relief Provided:

Persecu�on Relief contacted the SP City R. Ram Kumar, regarding the incident. He promised that he would do the needful. The young men were kept at the Police Sta�on �ll late that night and then sent to the government hospital for a medical examina�on a�er which they were released.

Pastor Brutally Assaulted and Admi�ed Into ICU, U�ar Pradesh. A brutal a�ack by uniden�fied religious fana�cs confined Pastor Dinesh to the ICU with severe injuries, including 16 s�tches on his head and 7 s�tches on his arm. He was mercilessly a�acked with s�cks and knives on his way back from a prayer mee�ng. On his way home a�er a prayer meet, he stopped by the wayside to relieve himself. Hearing some sounds, he glanced behind only to be hit by a wooden rod on his head. Falling to the road in pain, he saw 4 raging men wielding wooden rods and knives. Before he could comprehend the situa�on, the fana�cs began to mercilessly thrash him. One of the fana�cs swung a wooden rod with force against the back of his head. He was rendered helpless as he watched his assailants flee from the scene. No suspects have been iden�fied by the police �ll date.

Relief Provided:

“I was surprised to receive a call from Persecu�on Relief, they were concerned about our situa�on even though I didn’t know them. God in His faithfulness, provided wonderfully through Persecu�on Relief, and not only helped us recover our property documents,

Pastor and Wife A�acked with S�cks and Swords, Haryana. A Pastor and his wife were beaten up by a mob of over 50 religious’ extremists in a village named Pinjore in the Panchkula district in Haryana, India. Pastor Tomy and his wife were invited by a Chris�an family to pray but not long a�er they arrived, the mob a�acked them and threatened them to leave immediately. Even as the Pastor and wife fled for their lives, the saffron clad mob followed them on motorbikes with s�cks and swords while loudly chan�ng religious slogans. The mob tried to kick them off the bike many �mes, but the Pastor rode through by lanes and narrow roads and gave the raging mob a slip. They reached home safely but in shock a�er the a�ack. The fana�cs also threatened to burn them and their home.

Relief Provided:

Rev. Shiju Philip and Reji George, the state heads of Persecu�on Relief, along with Pastor Philemon- the district coordinator of Persecu�on Relief, also provided the family with immediate support to cover immediate and necessary expenses. “I am thankful to Persecu�on Relief for standing with me and my family during this challenging �me”- Pastor Tomy Joseph.

incidents of Physical Attacksin the firsthalf of 2020.



Incidents of Hate CrimesAgainst Womenin the first half of 2020.61

Currently, the situa�on is much be�er within the village.

Elderly Missionary A�acked With Knives And Sickles, Telangana. A group of missionaries who live in Dindigul which is located in Secunderbad, a district in the Indian state of Telangana, were washing their vehicle outside the Neethi Suryudu ministry mission house when they were a�acked by religious fana�cs who live in the same colony. The fana�cs had knives and sickles in their hands. A senior at the mission house, an elderly lady Daisy Rani was severely injured and bled from her head a�er she tried to stop the a�ack. The fana�cs have been harassing the Chris�ans for almost 4 years. They made a false police complaint against the Chris�ans immediately a�er a�acking them and sec�on 350 of the Indian Penal Code was slapped against the Chris�ans

A�empt To Rape: 10-Year-Old Daughter Of A Chris�an Family. A ten-year-old girl was found lying unconscious at her home by her mother. The minor girl appeared to be in a state of shock and was bleeding from deep human bite marks which were discovered around the area of her mouth. The mother had stepped out of the house for a li�le while to run a few errands while the vic�m’s (name withheld) father who was sick was at a nearby clinic. A 40-year-old man from the community, who was under the influence of alcohol, a�empted to rape the minor in Haryana. The girl belongs to a Chris�an family.

Relief Provided:

A�er Persecu�on Relief was alerted about the incident, we immediately sent financial support to the family who is not very well to do, to cover all medical expenses.

Modesty of a Chris�an Woman Outraged, Jharkhand.A construc�on site of a church building was vandalized by a group of drunk religious fana�cs. They then forcefully broke into the homes of the Chris�ans in the village and beat them up. 3 women were among those who were a�acked. The fana�cs even tore the clothes of one of the women while a�acking her. The Police soon arrived but were biased and asked the Chris�ans to stop all Chris�an ac�vi�es within the village.

Relief Provided:

Prayer is the most powerful weapon the Church of God possesses, especially during �mes of difficul�es and persecu�on. Having an excellent network across the country, Persecu�on Relief was able to urge and encourage the Church of God in India to pray for this case of Persecu�on.




incidents of Vandalism in the first half of 2020.36

their house and used by a family that lived nearby. With the monsoons in full swing, and no roof to protect their home, 2 walls within the house were also damaged. Chintamani Devi told Persecu�on Relief that she had been severely beaten up and harassed many �mes. “They called for a mee�ng with the Village council, and in the presence of the Village head man, local religious fana�cs beat us up because we refused to forsake Jesus Christ.” She said. Chintamani further added that the fana�cs cunningly resorted to a devious route of ins�ga�ng the village council to boyco� and excommunicate them under the pretext of religious intolerance in order to snatch and illicitly acquire their inheritance.

Relief Provided:

A�er this incident was reported, Persecu�on Relief called the police for assistance. The police called both par�es to the police sta�on and brought them to a compromise. The family has now moved back home and Persecu�on Relief has helped them to purchase building materials to fix their home and has also provided them with a ra�on of food and basic necessi�es.

Hindu Hardliners install Idol Inside Church Premises, Haryana.An idol of a deity was forcefully placed by a group of religious extremists inside the premises of a Church centre which belongs to Grace Assembly of God Church, Faridabad, a city in Haryana, a northern state in India. The group claimed that a Hindu temple ini�ally stood on the property and was torn down to erect a Church building. Pastor Ivan men�oned that a storekeeper of a government run ra�on shop got upset with them because they were distribu�ng food to the poor. He took objec�on and stopped them, but even the locals got upset and fought with him saying, “if they are helping us why are u stopping them?” The Pastors of the Grace Assemblies of God Church believe that it is the envious shop keeper who ins�gated this trouble because the locals were not buying ra�on from him as they were ge�ng free ra�on from them.

Relief Provided:

A�er Persecu�on Relief spoke to the ACP Rajeev Kumar, he reasoned with the other party and convinced them to peacefully remove the idol from the place so that no religious sen�ments were hurt.

Church Building Set Ablaze, Tamil Nadu. A Church building was set ablaze by unknown miscreants in the dead of the night in early June 2020. Pastor Ramesh Jebraj who is blind since birth, leads the ‘Church of True Peace’ in Chengalpa�u, a district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, said that the Church Building was burnt to such an extent that the acous�c drum kit, 40 new mats and a ba�ery-operated speaker and microphone set were burnt beyond repair.

Relief Provide:

“This Church was built painstakingly as it is in a remote area. Thank you for reaching out to help me not just with a promise to pray for me but also generously contribu�ng towards replacing our belongings that we lost in the fire.” - Ramesh Jebraj.

Chris�an Home Ruined and Ransacked, Jharkhand.The house of a Chris�an family was found ransacked in Hadgadwa, a village in the district of Latehar, in the Indian state of Jharkhand. Chhatru Munda and Chintamani Devi returned home to their village, only to find their home looted and the asbestos sheets which served as a roof, taken off





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